IceWarp Server For Windows (Windows 7/2008/Vista/2003/XP) & Linux Copyright (c) 1999-2012 IceWarp Ltd. All rights reserved. Release Notes ------------- [ Legend ] [ + New feature ] [ * Improved feature ] [ - Fixed bug ] [-] 2012-07-31: [SV-1221] IceWarp Server - When attendee changes time of one instance of recurrent event, that occurrence no more disappears in organizer's calendar, fixed with MSSQL [-] 2012-07-31: TVersitParser - property hash table invalidated when Data.Items relocation can occur [-] 2012-07-30: [SV-1258] Fix recurrence client update via EAS [-] 2012-07-25: [SV-1243] IceWarp Server - Do not delete .key file, only rename it [-] 2012-07-25: [SV-1221] IceWarp Server - When attendee changes time of one instance of recurrent event, that occurrence no more disappears in organizer's calendar [*] 2012-07-25: [SV-1149] API - new account property U_GROUPSLIST [-] 2012-07-25: [SV-1238] IMAP Service - evaluation of ACL for shared/public spam folder fixed [-] 2012-07-24: [IWS-809] Fix correction of very distant future absolute reminders [-] 2012-07-24: [SV-1240] ReminderDueBy is not sent to EAS client when server adds or updates recurrent event with exception [-] 2012-07-24: [SV-1232] Backup - antispam and accounts database backup log stored in backup directory [*] 2012-07-23: [SV-1203] IceWarp PHP Extension - icewarp_sanitize_db_sql - "Order By" sanitization supports COLLATE and CONVERT statements [-] 2012-07-20: [SV-1233] Linux - installer supports Ubuntu 10.04 again [-] 2012-07-20: [SV-1218] Config - database migration - directory cache DSN changed to new one after migration [-] 2012-07-19: [WC-873] IceWarp WebClient - Fix webmail under linux & mysql [-] 2012-07-19: [SV-1219] Linux - cut thread ID in DoLog API function to fit in 2^31 [-] 2012-07-13: PoolSemaphore - manipulating shared variables only in critical sections, TODO for future discussion added [-] 2012-07-12: API - U_IM_ROSTER_CONTENTS - value is not trimmed [-] 2012-07-12: [SV-842] IceWarp Server - Delete expired smartattached files and expired recovery [*] 2012-07-12: [WC-856] HTTP Server - PHP - new server variable $_SERVER["SERVER_TIMEOUT"] [*] 2012-07-12: SIP Gateway - Support for remote "qop/cnonce" authorization added [-] 2012-07-11: [SV-1203] Groupware Service, SMTP Service - SQL - contents of "Order By" parameter sanitized [*] 2012-07-11: [SV-1203] IceWarp PHP Extension - icewarp_sanitize_db_sql - third parameter added, if set to true, first parameter is considered to be "Order By" parameter [*] 2012-07-11: SMTP Service - AS Live - better handling of situation when headers can not be changed after AS live processing [-] 2012-07-10: TTS - processing simplified [-] 2012-07-10: Control - TTS thread termination fixed [-] 2012-07-09: [SV-1096] GW - users with empty email addresses not synced to GAL [*] 2012-07-09: [SV-1058] Directory Cache - Separate Logs [-] 2012-07-09: [SV-1133] IceWarp Server - DB default driver change [-] 2012-07-09: [SV-1043] IMAP - processing of folded single spaces in header field fixed [-] 2012-07-09: [SV-1021] IceWarp Server - Added important missing index on the Aliases table [-] 2012-07-09: [SV-1002][SV-1183] Set EvnDescFormat or ItmDescFormat in all cases when item add or update on server side [-] 2012-07-09: [SV-1063] Directory cache - algorithm determining default values for sleep count improved [-] 2012-07-09: [SV-1181] Config - "delete mails older than" option added back [-] 2012-07-09: [SV-1126] String Class - ReplaceInvalidUTF8 - U+FFFE replaced [-] 2012-06-29: TextToSpeech - fixed when calling via ManageConfig [-] 2012-06-29: TextToSpeech - control service runs processing thread, others send commands via pipe [-] 2012-06-29: TextToSpeech - control service runs processing thread, others send commands via pipe [*] 2012-06-29: Groupware - OpenFolder - @@GAL@@ more robust - multiple calls returns the same virtual folder [-] 2012-06-28: System - possible handle leak with login.dat fixed [-] 2012-06-27: GroupWare - SubstituteUser() refreshes also OwnerParams and session TZ information [-] 2012-06-27: [SV-1155] Linux - wizard - obtain trial license - retry options working correctly [-] 2012-06-27: [SV-1096] Linux - setup - activation of already obtained license possible [-] 2012-06-27: [SV-793] Linux - icewarpd - warning about timeout printed through IceWarpD API [-] 2012-06-27: [SV-793] Linux - icewarpd - elapsed timeout of service start logged to eicewarpd.log [-] 2012-06-26: [SV-1074] Linux - install/uninstall - log info displayed at the beginning of run [*] 2012-06-26: [SV-1074] Linux - install - logs copied to installation directory/logs/setup after successfull installation [-] 2012-06-25: [SV-1131] vCardToLDIF - browsing URL's fixed (array bounds) [*] 2012-06-25: [SV-1156] Linux - setup - correct platform check done without lsb_release [-] 2012-06-25: [SV-1073] Linux - setup - if upgrade is available, user is asked if just to upgrade [-] 2012-06-22: [SV-1121] AD - ObjectGUID converted to base64 as soon as possible [-] 2012-06-22: [SV-1150] Linux - uninstaller - platform dependent check for service management tool [*] 2012-06-22: [SV-1038] Linux - setup - check 64bit pam module version for compatibility with 32bit pam module on RHEL6 [-] 2012-06-22: [SV-1038] Linux - libraries needed only for DEB6 64 bit not present on other platforms [*] 2012-06-22: [SV-720] Linux - setup - update-rc.d is used on Debian, chkconfig on RedHat [*] 2012-06-22: Linux - setup - more descriptive messages [-] 2012-06-22: [SV-720] Linux - setup - service management fixed [+] 2012-06-22: [SV-1038] Linux - setup - check of dependencies and their installation implemented (only for RedHat now) [-] 2012-06-22: [SV-1038] Linux - setup - dependencies check redesigned [*] 2012-06-22: [SV-1042] Linux - install - wrong distribution is detected even if lsb_release is not installed [*] 2012-06-22: [SV-1038] Linux - install - libraries missing on amd64 DEB6 added to DEB6 package [*] 2012-06-22: [SV-1038] Linux - install - libraries missing on amd64 DEB6 added to DEB6 package [-] 2012-06-22: [SV-1038] Linux - setup - dependency check - 32bit libraries recognized, objdump presence check [*] 2012-06-22: [SV-1042] Linux - setup - check, if setup is executed on correct platform [+] 2012-06-21: [SV-793] Linux - icewarpd error log directed to eicewarpd.log [-] 2012-06-21: [SV-1110] Config - proper check of alias duplicity [-] 2012-06-20: [SV-1144] System - Small issue in performance logging fixed [-] 2012-06-20: [SV-969] Config - Templates - fixed checking of default templates [-] 2012-06-20: [SV-1145] System - MoveFile - MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH used only where it is needed [-] 2012-06-20: [SV-1139] IMAP service - new API variable c_system_services_imap_fullsyncinterval, file sync is not done immediately after restart [-] 2012-06-20: [SV-1139] IMAP service - c_system_services_imap_forcefullsync is obsolete now [+] 2012-06-19: [WC-819] Groupware - Shorter WebDAV links for MS Office [*] 2012-06-19: [WC-818] HTTP Server - 503 response is returned after timeout for waiting on FCGI thread pool [-] 2012-06-19: [SV-1140] DirectoryCache - _ and % properly escaped in LIKE queries [-] 2012-06-18: [SV-1082] Config - Services - Details - Maximum outgoing connections for IMAP properly mapped [-] 2012-06-18: [SV-1124] API - emailaddress() function returns true email even when domain alias was used for authentication [+] 2012-06-18: SMS Server - ;entity encoding support added for remote HTTP gateways [-] 2012-06-18: SMTP Service - Handle leak fixed in CheckBWFile [-] 2012-06-16: HTTP Service - FCGI_THREADPOOLTIMEOUT behavior fixed [*] 2012-06-15: Directory cache - wave is resumed after restart [-] 2012-06-15: [SV-1127] IceWarp Server - Optimized time consuming MySQL queries [-] 2012-06-14: [SV-1127] IceWarp Server - Optimized time consuming MySQL queries [-] 2012-06-14: Linux - setup - changed wording of some messages [-] 2012-06-14: [SV-1127] IceWarp Server - Optimized time consuming MySQL queries [*] 2012-06-14: DB Class - improved logging [*] 2012-06-14: System - Ad synchronization - improved logging [-] 2012-06-13: [WC-330] Linux - default settings file created correctly on first run [-] 2012-06-12: [SV-1108] AD sync - vCard - synchronization of first modified user fixed [-] 2012-06-12: [SV-1101] AD sync - vCard - physicalDeliveryOfficeName synchronized to office location [-] 2012-06-11: [SV-1109] IceWarp Server - Fixed password policy checking in tool.exe while creating new account [*] 2012-06-08: [SV-1105] AD sync - logging - connection test is logged instead of sync, when only testing connection [-] 2012-06-07: [SV-831] Directory Cache - Delete of account data refreshes the cache [-] 2012-06-07: [SV-930] AD sync - When filter error is reported, no further action is taken and wrong filter is reported to error log [-] 2012-06-06: [SV-1101] AD sync - vCard - home phone synchronized [-] 2012-06-06: [SV-1101] AD sync - vCard - work fax number synchronized [-] 2012-06-06: [SV-1101] AD sync - vCard - multiline street converted to one line in GUI [-] 2012-06-06: [SV-1101] AD sync - vCard - Note synchronized from info LDAP item [-] 2012-06-06: [SV-1101] AD sync - vCard - Group description synchronized, when group account is created [-] 2012-06-06: [SV-1101] AD sync - vCard - User description synchronized [-] 2012-06-06: [SV-1101] AD sync - vCard - Web synchronized [*] 2012-06-06: Sockets Class - Better logging when main server thread is going to stop [-] 2012-06-05: [SV-1099] GW - Fixed interpretation of pseudo-type %%text%% in calendar.xml [-] 2012-06-04: [SV-1104] AD sync - when user account is deleted, it is also removed from adsyncres.dat file - card resync then works. [-] 2012-06-04: [SV-930] AD sync - exceptions catched when working with failed LDAP result [-] 2012-06-04: [SV-971] Linux - Kaspersky - deadlock prevented when stopping server soon after start (before KAV initialization finishes) [-] 2012-06-01: [WC-613] IM - When UIN is empty, only domain is set as sender (fixes monitor gateway response) [-] 2012-05-31: [SV-1045] Linux - install - country code check changed to work also on Debian [-] 2012-05-31: System Class - Text To Speech - proper termination routine, proper path used for initialization [-] 2012-05-31: vCardToXML - working with already freed object prevented - PowerHRG fix [-] 2012-05-31: [SV-1045] C_ObtainTrialLicense - mandatory items in input string checked [+] 2012-05-31: [SV-1045] New API variable for obtaining trial license (needed for Linux) [-] 2012-05-30: [SV-1045] GWClientUnit internals moved to BeepClientUnit, which is localization independent [+] 2012-05-30: [SV-1045] Linux - wizard is able to register trial license [*] 2012-05-30: [SV-1045] Linux - install - trial license registration is offered in the end of fresh installation [*] 2012-05-30: [SV-1045] Linux - wizard - obtain trial license handler [+] 2012-05-30: [SV-1045] Linux - wizard - list of countries for trial registration [*] 2012-05-30: DB migration - ODBC uses forward only cursors [*] 2012-05-30: DB migration - Preparation for batch processing [-] 2012-05-29: PHP Extension - icewarp_getlock creates the log files in IceWarp temp directory [-] 2012-05-29: [SV-1088] Groupware service - Problem with far future dates in reminders [-] 2012-05-29: [SV-1075] Directory Cache - possible DB deadlock fixed (more transactions used) [-] 2012-05-29: [SV-1032] Directory Cache - queries with no effect not performed [-] 2012-05-28: [SV-842] Groupware Service - "Expiration" of recovery items - fixed uninitialized variable [-] 2012-05-25: [WC-650] IceWarp WebClient - Fixed synchronization of tags when deleting or renaming them [-] 2012-05-24: [SV-1072] System - authentication vs. account cache - fixed situation with more accounts with the same username within one domain [*] 2012-05-23: Directory cache - handles situations with user mailbox path containing several backslashes [*] 2012-05-23: [SV-1064] Config - support for migration of Directory cache database [-] 2012-05-23: [SV-978] Config - migration of metadata table improved [-] 2012-05-22: [SV-1057] SMTP Service - MDA - improved file searching mechanism [*] 2012-05-21: [SV-1033] SMTP Service - SpamAssassin - If spamassassin is written into the performance log, summary of 7 most time demanding rules is added to the log, also some time demanding parts outside the rules (like parsing the email) are logged [*] 2012-05-21: [SV-1033] SMTP Service - Content Filters - If ContentFilters are written into the performance log, summary of 7 most time demanding rules is added to the log [-] 2012-05-18: [SV-842] Groupware service - fixed deletion of expired events/attachments [*] 2012-05-17: [SV-1033] SMTP Service - SpamAssassin - If spamassassin is written into the performance log, summary of 10 most time demanding rules is added to the log [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-1041] Config - "Password can not contain Username and Alias" string replaced [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-1039] Linux - wizard - password policy - username or alias contained in password option also checked [*] 2012-05-17: [SV-957] Linux - wizard - password input can be retried when password violates the policy [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-1039] Linux - wizard - real password policy settings are displayed when adding user fails [*] 2012-05-17: [SV-1036] Linux - setup - display error messages in case of problem in wizard [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-1034] Linux - setup - hostname warning message fixed [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-458] SMTP Service - AutoClean Rules - works for spam folder [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-249] System - 64bit version uses 32bit registry places (\Software\Wow6432Node) [+] 2012-05-17: [SV-1029][IWS-760] Keep attendee Type and Status properties for update from EAS devices which does not support them. [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-1015] IceWarp Server - Fixed login to GW after server restart [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-989] IceWarp Server - Fixed national characters in Quarantine subjects [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-954] Remote console - directory cache paths - archive path read from remote system [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-1008] IM Service - when group in roster.dat is "expanded" to list all users, and no IM group name is specified in roster.dat, name of the group is used as name of the IM group [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-968] RCP Service - fixed filtering of accounts via remote console [*] 2012-05-17: [SV-699] API - new account property u_aliaslist - read only - returns all emails of the user (domain aliases taken into account) [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-173] IceWarp Server - ActiveSync and SyncML now expire [*] 2012-05-17: [SV-1008] API - new account property U_IM_ROSTER_CONTENTS [*] 2012-05-17: [SV-1008] IM Service - group or domain found in users roster.dat are "expanded" to list all users (the same way as shared domain rosters) [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-173] IceWarp Server - ActiveSync and SyncML now expire [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-995] Groupware - ImportHolidays - works with file names in uppercase [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-897] New all day events handling including all day exceptions for Outlook Sync [*] 2012-05-17: API - New system property C_System_FileName_Ends_With_ServerId - in LB scenario can be used for changing of the way how server generates filenames [+] 2012-05-17: [IWS-762] Update vNote Summary property only if vNote is added to GW first time or vNote is not updated from Outlook [-] 2012-05-17: [IWS-763] Callback phone, ISDN and telex numbers connected to EAS [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-980] Test of missing * in any block argument added to avoid segmentation fault [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-924] SMTP - Fixed quoting of addresses like "Last, First" [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-959] System - 64bit - support for Kerberos [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-958] LDAP - 64-bit - proper alignment [*] 2012-05-17: [SV-958] LDAP - Better support for windows LDAP library - unicode calls used [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-958] LDAP - berlib is not loaded at all when windows dlls are used [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-978] DB migration - metadata of SA and accounts migrated [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-937] GroupWare - ACL inheritance fixed [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-911] Domain rename issue fixed [-] 2012-05-17: TVersitParser.AddItem - Missing pointer dereference added [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-915] IceWarp Server - Some cities were returned with invalid characters, fixed [*] 2012-05-17: [SV-881] GroupWare - Folder Synchronization is processed in a superuser context instead of the currently logged on user context [*] 2012-05-17: SMTP server - System Variables - %%Forward_domain_recipients Host;domain1;domain2%% added [-] 2012-05-17: [WC-220] - SMTP Service - Notification about password expiration contains link to a page where password can be changed [*] 2012-05-17: API - IceWarpServer.GroupWare class - new method APIObjectCallPersistent [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-797] System - IMAP Migration - typo fixed [*] 2012-05-17: [SV-798] - IM service - roster.dat loaded and saved in binary mode [-] 2012-05-17: [SV-743] Notifier - Installer creation fixed [-] 2012-05-16: [SV-710] Linux - upgrade script - fixed passing previous version, causes upgrading from version 0 10.4.1 (2012-05-16) [-] 2012-05-16: [SV-710] Linux - upgrade script - fixed passing previous version, causes upgrading from version 0 [-] 2012-05-15: [SV-1020] Setup - update of users policies does not cause deadlock in MSSQL [-] 2012-05-10: [SV-998] POP3 Service - Remote accounts - fixed problem with non-RFC Date header [*] 2012-05-10: API - New system property C_System_FileName_Ends_With_ServerId - in LB scenario can be used for changing of the way how server generates filenames [-] 2012-05-04: [SV-986] System - Account cache - fixed work with account aliases and usernames stored using uppercase [-] 2012-05-04: [SV-922] API - Use localized api variables like C_GW_Resources if present in calendar-custom.xml [-] 2012-05-03: [SV-669] API - better description of small files cache variables [-] 2012-05-03: [SV-982] Installer - Empty webmail settings copied after processing setupfirst.dat [-] 2012-05-03: [SV-979] Directory Cache - fixed encoding for directories containing national characters or apostrophes [-] 2012-05-03: [SV-926] SMTP Service - SpamAssassin - SPF - multiple spaces allowed in SPF record [*] 2012-05-01: [SV-942] Linux - support for signal exceptions in shared libraries [-] 2012-05-01: [SV-974] Config - Names of access rights localizable again [-] 2012-05-01: [SV-953] Setup - Upgrade Tasks - c_accounts_global_accounts_accountcache correctly updated [-] 2012-04-25: [SV-951] Linux - ReminderCallback type declaration fixed [*] 2012-04-25: [SV-919] ADSync - C_System_ADSyncDisableVCardSync API variable added - disables syncing of user details from AD 10.4.0 (2012-04-23) [-] 2012-04-23: Directory Cache - wave mode - negative values never inserted [-] 2012-04-23: Directory Cache - quoted printable converted to lowercase [-] 2012-04-23: Directory Cache - GetFolderInfo from Cache - proper handling of folder . [-] 2012-04-20: [SV-935] Linux - uninstall - php-fpm killed [-] 2012-04-17: [SV-928] Config - ADsync filter example fixed [-] 2012-04-16: [SV-917] Linux - setup - changing permissions of files with backslash in name fixed [-] 2012-04-16: [SV-905] Linux - setup - php's executed by version >= 10.3.5 killed [+] 2012-04-13: GroupWare - GetAttachmentPath() - Params support added for TICKET&rights=nnn [-] 2012-04-12: [-] 2012-04-11: [SV-888] Directory Cache - Quoted printable encoding applied also if directory name contains = or ? [-] 2012-04-11: [SV-888] Directory Cache - Error about inserting duplicate items logged only when SQL logging is set to "log connection maintenance" [-] 2012-04-11: [SV-888] Directory Cache - Items in write cache sorted before flushing into database [-] 2012-04-10: [SV-817] IceWarp Server - Fixed "Download All" in smartattach templates (Download All: ...) [*] 2012-04-10: Desktop Client v4.0.14413 [*] 2012-04-06: FTP Sync - Solved some destination FTP sync issues, Console updated [-] 2012-04-06: [SV-887] IM - voluntary features sent after authentication [+] 2012-04-06: default EAS folder provision changed to default folders only with preselected Public and Shared [*] 2012-04-05: GroupWare - new X-SERVER-SCHEDULED property added [-] 2012-04-05: [SV-877] Setup - Installation does not start if Administration console is running [-] 2012-04-05: [SV-876] directory Cache - RSS - delivery correctly updates directory cache [-] 2012-04-05: [WC-627] Directory Cache - "Black Hole" directories properly handled by live updates, ~webmail\~upload\ automatically considered as "Black Hole" directory and not hence not counted [-] 2012-04-05: [WC-627] Directory Cache - Write cache flushed, before doing any database operation with directories [-] 2012-04-04: [SV-679] IceWarp Server - Fixed password generator according to password policy, amend [-] 2012-04-04: [SV-858] Setup - If old Kaspersky directory can not be deleted, kavehost is forced to quit, if still no success, user is informed about failure [-] 2012-04-04: [SV-850] IMAP Service - flags.dat not created in directories where it should not be [-] 2012-04-04: [SV-851] Directory Cache - write cache is flushed each minute even if there is no activity [-] 2012-04-04: [SV-844] Directory Cache - initial load from disk - case insensitivity fixed [-] 2012-04-03: [SV-847] SMTP - Passport protected files properly detected [+] 2012-04-03: [SV-834] GroupWare - Old tickets compatibility added [-] 2012-04-03: [SV-734] Linux - tool - error message added, when user is deleted, env var not set or user cannot be switched [-] 2012-04-03: [SV-827] Linux - uninstall - running processes with lower pid number also killed [-] 2012-04-03: [SV-832] GroupWare - Support for SmartAttach with Folder Synchronization fixed [-] 2012-04-03: [SV-832] GroupWare - Support for SmartAttach with Folder Synchronization fixed [-] 2012-04-02: [SV-828] API - COM - ProcessUpgrades interface fixed [-] 2012-04-02: [SV-827] Linux - setup - running processes with lower pid number also killed [*] 2012-04-02: [SV-826] GroupWare - Tickets - filename truncated to fit in 255 char URL length [*] 2012-04-02: GroupWare - GetReminderList() support for use_tzid=1 fixed [*] 2012-04-02: [SV-819], XML-RPC example of multicall in readme.txt [-] 2012-04-02: [SV-824] GroupWare - Ticket rights - special case of record owner check fixed [*] 2012-04-02: GroupWare - New completely simplified ticket format, OpenTicket (new param "info") xml support added [-] 2012-04-02: [SV-818] DirectoryCache - c_accounts_global_accounts_disable_account_change_journal respected when clearing journal [*] 2012-03-31: Desktop client 4.0.14304 [-] 2012-03-31: [SV-812] GroupWare - GetTZID() handles non existent TZIDs [-] 2012-03-30: [SV-796] Directory Cache - Paths containing .. are properly expanded, non existing path once appeared in schedule are not repeatedly processed [-] 2012-03-30: [SV-808] System - GetUserGroups vs. Account Cache fixed [-] 2012-03-30: SMTPClass - AddMessageHeaderFooter() fixed for base64 parts, message remains raw [*] 2012-03-30: [SV-803] SMS Module - proper UTF8 text handling [+] 2012-03-30: [SV-800] SMS Gateway - support for unicode URL encoding added - just specify ;unicode without any additional encoding [-] 2012-03-30: [SV-794] IceWarp Server - Fixed bypass file of 'Reject if SMTP AUTH is different from sender' [-] 2012-03-30: [SV-792] Linux - setup wizard - password confirmation added [*] 2012-03-30: [WC-583] API - movefilewithupdate and similar functions converts forward slashes to back slashes on windows [-] 2012-03-30: [WC-559] Directory Cache - updating of size in ~im history files fixed [-] 2012-03-29: [WA-4] API - New read only properties U_QuarantineEditable,U_ASEditable,U_SIPEditable,U_AVEditable,U_IMEditable,U_GWEditable,U_SyncMLEditable,U_FTPEditable,U_SMSEditable,U_ActiveSyncEditable,U_WebDAVEditable,U_ArchiveEditable [-] 2012-03-29: [SV-791] IMAP Service - XLIST "" % vs. folder subscription fixed [-] 2012-03-29: [SV-784] Fix problem with ConvertVersit function (from vCal to EAS Invitation) [-] 2012-03-29: [SV-773] SMTP Service - Anti-Spam - SpamAssassin - URl extraction and processing fixed [*] 2012-03-28: Desktop Client v4.0.14249 [-] 2012-03-28: [SV-772] Directory Cache - Schedule works for global refresh and account refresh [-] 2012-03-28: [SV-769] API - c_smartattach_urlshortenerfortickets disabled [-] 2012-03-28: [SV-768] System Class - Fixed version comparison procedure [-] 2012-03-27: [SV-763] IceWarp Server - Added variables allowing/disallowing Quarantine for non-user accounts [+] 2012-03-27: GroupWare - GAL - Automatic Distribution Lists for first level groups support added [*] 2012-03-27: Desktop Client v4.0.14195 [-] 2012-03-27: [SV-765] System Class - version comparison works correctly with RC10 and higher [*] 2012-03-27: License Plugin - License Server is contacted also for "versionmismatch" status [*] 2012-03-27: License Plugin - Default Client Sell Mode is "expiration" [-] 2012-03-27: [SV-668] GroupWare - Folder Synchronization - GetDiskTotal() UTF8 compliant [-] 2012-03-27: [SV-667] Directory Cache - Oracle vs. Empty strings treated as NULLs finally fixed [*] 2012-03-27: API - Variables describing SmallFilesCache renamed (C_System_Services_IMAP_SmallFilesCache_Size -> C_System_Services_SmallFilesCache_Size, ...) [*] 2012-03-27: System - Small files cache used in every service when enabled (disabled by default) [*] 2012-03-27: System - relay.dat stored in Small Files Cache [*] 2012-03-27: System - smtp bypass files stored in Small Files Cache [*] 2012-03-27: System - subdomains.dat stored in Small Files Cache [*] 2012-03-27: System - rbl.dat stored in Small Files Cache [-] 2012-03-27: [SV-506] IM - deadlock prevented [-] 2012-03-26: [SV-755] Config - Fixed "Send Now" in the retry queue [-] 2012-03-26: [SV-758] System - If error code of last error is 0, it is not translated into textual representation which is confusing (telling that the operation completed successfully) [-] 2012-03-26: [SV-376] Config - Content filters - and,or converted to upper case and not localizable [-] 2012-03-26: [SV-754] Directory Cache - Scheduled directories - folder is not processed if its parent is also scheduled [-] 2012-03-26: [SV-752] Directory Cache - non existent directories never added into directory cache, orphans ignored in LIST/XLIST [-] 2012-03-26: [SV-654] GroupWare - Subscribed folder matching problem fixed [*] 2012-03-26: FTP Server - STOR permissions consider full item path [*] 2012-03-26: GroupWare - IntervalEvents() - calculated recurrence occurrences always consider TZ definition [*] 2012-03-26: GroupWare - GetEventInfo() TZExpDate - occurrence shift added for proper TZ shift handling [-] 2012-03-26: [WC-544] GroupWare - Interval function considers occurrence Server TZ vs. Event TZ shifts and adjusts the values [-] 2012-03-26: [WC-547] GroupWare - TZExpDate - processed first before the default (field values updated last) [-] 2012-03-23: [SV-641] IceWarp Server - Fixed IMAP escaping (more secure) [+] 2012-03-23: Config - Auto Clean Rules - Run Now support added [-] 2012-03-23: [SV-741] Content Filters - Auto-Clean rules - IMAP is properly notified about file delete [-] 2012-03-23: [SV-742] Directory Cache - Non-Ansi paths stored using quoted printable encoding [-] 2012-03-22: [WC-524] Antispam - Fixed custom filters in Quarantine list [-] 2012-03-22: [SV-739] API - ManageConfig (system/certificates/server certificates, system/certificates/ca certificates) - responses fixed [-] 2012-03-22: [SV-744] Sync Class - DirectoryLock is threadsafe [-] 2012-03-22: [SV-743] Builder - non needed files not included [-] 2012-03-22: [SV-743] Notifier - Installer creation fixed [-] 2012-03-22: [SV-736] Console - more space for RelayCheck [*] 2012-03-21: API, System - New system property C_System_Logging_General_EnableStackTrace - improves logging of exceptions [*] 2012-03-21: [SV-734] Linux - tool is not executed, if icewarp user doesn't exist [*] 2012-03-21: [SV-728] GroupWare - Ticket folders stripped where possible [-] 2012-03-21: [SV-725] Linux - PHP extension - utf8 parameter ignored the same way as in other functions [-] 2012-03-21: [SV-725] Linux - PHP extension - utf8 parameter ignored the same way as in other functions [-] 2012-03-21: [SV-479] SMTP Service - Auto-responder - Auto-submitted: auto-replied [-] 2012-03-21: [SV-719] IceWarp Server - 'API console...' called from context menu of user doesn't freeze GUI [*] 2012-03-21: [SV-725] IceWarp PHP Extension - new functions icewarp_file_passthru($fname,$utf8 = false);icewarp_file_get_size($fname,$utf8 = false); [*] 2012-03-21: [SV-725] IceWarp PHP Extension - UTF8 support for file functions - icewarp_file_put_contents($fname,$data,$utf8 = false); icewarp_file_get_contents($fname,$utf8 = false); icewarp_file_exists($fname,$utf8 = false); [*] 2012-03-21: [SV-730] Config - DB init not done automatically [-] 2012-03-20: [SV-716] Setup - Better formulation when running upgrade tasks [-] 2012-03-20: [SV-724] IceWarp PHP Extension - icewarp_parse_to header - mime encoding decoded after recipient list is split [-] 2012-03-20: [SV-722] Config - Even more space for MaxMailListSize checkbox label [-] 2012-03-20: [SV-722] Config - More space for MaxMailListSize checkbox label [-] 2012-03-20: [SV-727] Linux - tool - allowed to run also as non-root process user [-] 2012-03-20: [SV-723] Linux - setup - error during installing service doesn't terminate setup process [*] 2012-03-20: [SV-654] IMAP - CheckACLAuth() - If email of group specified without "[]" it is automatically added [-] 2012-03-20: [SV-637] Setup - components selection - core files enabled back again, allows install console alone (but it is broken now as before) [-] 2012-03-19: [SV-705] Remote config - fixed loading license, if it is in default place [-] 2012-03-19: [SV-641] IceWarp Server - Fixed IMAP escaping (escaping " and \) [-] 2012-03-19: [SV-717] Directory Cache - AccountJournalCache - duplicity in change_time allowed [*] 2012-03-19: GroupWare - new ticket URL scheme used .../webdav/ticket//, needs updated webdav server [-] 2012-03-19: [SV-704] Correct dismiss relative reminder when sync event from Outlook to server [-] 2012-03-19: [SV-637] Setup - components selection - core files grayed out, always selected [*] 2012-03-19: [SV-711] Installer - Support for silent uninstall (/SILENT) /DELETEDATA can be specified to delete all user data [-] 2012-03-19: [SV-713] Directory Cache - All tables dropped when requested [*] 2012-03-19: [IWS-457] IceWarp Outlook Sync - Ended support of licenses in the 'version' mode [*] 2012-03-19: IMAP Service - Optimizations of SELECT and STATUS command for huge number of messages in mailbox [*] 2012-03-19: [SV-654] GroupWare - AddFolderRight() - If email of group specified without "[]" it is automatically added [-] 2012-03-19: [SV-712] Config - more space [-] 2012-03-16: [SV-630] Config, API - Better check of validity of public folder name - slash or backslash at the end not allowed - fixed [-] 2012-03-16: [SV-709] IMAP Service - fixed listing of shared folders previously corrupted due to optimization [-] 2012-03-16: DB Class - the new termination routine is called only if detected in the dll, fixes problem with upgrade [-] 2012-03-16: [SV-468] IceWarp Server - Fixed kavehost crash during installation in all versions of Windows [*] 2012-03-16: API - New property C_Accounts_Global_Accounts_Disable_Account_Change_Journal - allows to disable journal of account changes [-] 2012-03-16: Setup - Executable path and Display name of services is set even during upgrade - fixes problems with upgrade forced into another directory [-] 2012-03-16: [SV-705] Remote config - license displayed properly even if the file location is given in path.dat [*] 2012-03-16: [SV-698] Linux - check hostname resolvability done before trying to run ctasd [*] 2012-03-16: IMAP Service - Optimization of logging [+] 2012-03-15: Config - Permissions/ACL dialog - new folder class icons (each folder has its data class icon - contact, event, note, mail, file etc.) [-] 2012-03-15: [SV-557] IceWarp PHP Extension - DB connection is explicitly closed during php terminationg procedures - not after each request [-] 2012-03-15: [SV-684] IMAP Service - list ~@@SUGGESTEDCONTACTS returns the same information as WebClient does [*] 2012-03-15: [SV-698] Linux - check hostname resolvability done before trying to run ctasd [*] 2012-03-15: [SV-698] Linux - check hostname resolvability done before trying to run ctasd [*] 2012-03-15: [SV-698] Linux - setup - check, if hostname is resolvable [-] 2012-03-15: [SV-701] Linux - setup - skipmaildir option removed - needles now [-] 2012-03-15: [SV-701] Linux - setup - permissions not changed in mail directory during upgrade [*] 2012-03-15: GroupWare - _TZExpDate support for all day and floating added [-] 2012-03-15: [SV-701] Linux - setup - permissions are changed before the upgrade [-] 2012-03-15: [SV-689] Linux - PHP extension - passing objects as parameters and returning them fixed [*] 2012-03-15: IMAP Service - Optimization of XLIST [*] 2012-03-14: IMAP service - Small Files Cache used also for caching timestamp of domain.cfg [-] 2012-03-14: [SV-694] IceWarp Server - Fixed B&W list items which were not displayed [*] 2012-03-14: SIP - Local class critical sections instead of global shared ones [-] 2012-03-14: MIME Class - Access violation fixed [*] 2012-03-14: [SV-697] Mail Archive - Do not archive RSS option added in Config, API updated [*] 2012-03-14: [WA-51] API - new property L_ListFile_Contents - used for direct setting/getting of contents of members files [-] 2012-03-14: Config - Message Queues - Retry - displaying fixed [*] 2012-03-14: [SV-695] System - Account Cache Optimization - usernames are also cached - used for faster authentication [-] 2012-03-14: [SW-656] Restrict maximum ReminderDueBy (LastAcknowledge) to 1.1.4501 [-] 2012-03-14: Config - Freezing after editing of ACL fixed [+] 2012-03-14: [EAS-41] Strip ~ for EAS notes as tasks when 1st time add to GW [*] 2012-03-14: [EAS-41] Support for notes as events or tasks conversion [*] 2012-03-14: [EAS-39] Notes as events with today / distant future date possibility [-] 2012-03-13: [SV-691] GroupWare - Rights owner bypass vs. groupid matching fixed [-] 2012-03-13: GroupWare - OpenFolder() AutoSubscribe - possible problems with nested shared accounts and public folders fixed [-] 2012-03-13: [SV-641] IceWarp Server - Fixed IMAP escaping [*] 2012-03-13: IMAP service - Small Files Cache used also for caching group members files [*] 2012-03-13: [WC-505] API - new properties G_ListFile_Contents,M_ListFile_Contents,S_OrganizersFileContents - used for direct setting/getting of contents of members files [-] 2012-03-13: [SV-313] Config - Filtering according to License restriction fixed [-] 2012-03-13: [SV-630] Config, API - Better check of validity of public folder name - slash or backslash at the end not allowed [-] 2012-03-13: [IWS-668] Outlook Sync - Removed Purchase... button from license plugin [-] 2012-03-13: [SV-690] Linux - LogAnalyzer - correct date list processing [-] 2012-03-13: [SV-687] Remote config - log analyzer default database path value depends on target system install path [-] 2012-03-13: [SV-687] Remote config - log analyzer default database path value depends on target system install path [-] 2012-03-13: [SV-686] Linux - LogAnalyzer - fixed [*] 2012-03-12: [SV-682] System - Account cache - default value of C_Accounts_Global_Accounts_AccountCache increased [*] 2012-03-12: [SV-682] System - Account cache - SimpleAccountCache implemented - caches only recently accessed accounts - needed for extremely big domains, where all accounts can not be cached [*] 2012-03-12: [SV-682] System - Account cache - Full cache enabled only for services, other instances (api.dll, icewarpphp.dll) uses only SimpleAcountCache [-] 2012-03-12: [SV-679] IceWarp Server - Fixed password generator according to password policy [-] 2012-03-12: [SV-675] Directory Cache - Correct database indexes [*] 2012-03-12: SMTP Service - Deletion of old messages from spam folder is done only during SMTP midnight tasks [*] 2012-03-12: IMAP service - Small Files Cache used also for caching rssmapping.txt [*] 2012-03-12: IMAP service - Small Files Cache used also for detection of existence of inbox and spam folder after login [+] 2012-03-12: [WC-474] WCS service - support for multiple servers added [*] 2012-03-11: IMAP Service - XLIST - looking for archive folder optimized [*] 2012-03-11: IMAP service - Small Files Cache used also for caching sharingimapusers.dat,sharingimapfolders.dat [*] 2012-03-11: IMAP service - Small Files Cache used also for caching foldermapping.xml [*] 2012-03-11: IMAP service - Small Files Cache used also for caching acl.dat [*] 2012-03-10: IMAP service - Small Files Cache used also for detection of wrapper.dat and existence of mail directories [*] 2012-03-10: IMAP service - Small Files Cache used also for detection of existence of flagsext.dat [*] 2012-03-10: IMAP service - Small Files Cache used also for detection of existence of imapindex.dat,flags.dat,imapexpunged.dat [*] 2012-03-10: [SV-674] System - Account cache - Changes in settings of a specific user does not invalidate account cache for the whole domain [*] 2012-03-10: [SV-674] System - Account cache - Changes in settings of a specific domain does not invalidate account cache for the whole domain [-] 2012-03-10: [SV-675] Directory Cache - correct database indexes added [-] 2012-03-09: [SV-671] Config - safe formatting of password policy description [-] 2012-03-09: [SV-127] Linux - uninstall - full uninstallation mode fixed [-] 2012-03-09: [IWS-708] IceWarp Outlook Sync - Made "open license dialog" the topmost window [*] 2012-03-09: [SV-669] IMAP Service - new cache for storing small files introduced, disabled by default, see C_System_Services_IMAP_SmallFilesCache_Size, C_System_Services_IMAP_SmallFilesCache_MaxFileSize, C_System_Services_IMAP_SmallFilesCache_DelayWrite [*] 2012-03-08: [SV-131] Config - remote - when storing new configuration, config file on target machine is checked for changes made by other configuration tool [*] 2012-03-08: [SV-666] GroupWare - calendar.xml *GRP_ID returned in all list functions, solves folder name postprocessing GW [*] 2012-03-08: GroupWare - FormatOtherSelect() better handling of % parameters, fixes some duplicate field issues [*] 2012-03-08: GroupWare - Ticket system - shorter ticket id, new urlencode safe base64 [-] 2012-03-08: [SV-640] IceWarp Server - Fixed removal of dead email addresses in mailing list [+] 2012-03-08: [SV-127] Linux - uninstall script [-] 2012-03-08: [SV-630] Config, API - Better check of validity of public folder name [*] 2012-03-08: SV-622 GroupWare - AddFolder, RenameFolder updated [-] 2012-03-08: [SV-667] Directory Cache - Oracle vs. Empty strings treated as NULLs fixed [*] 2012-03-07: IMAP Service - STORE command do not save data to disk if nothing changed [+] 2012-03-07: GroupWare - File Directory Mapping / File Sychronization - Recursive folders (subdirectories) support added, you can easily map a Files folder to a physical drive, Network drive, Dropbox folder or even WebFolders. Recursive folder synchronization works for all types of folders. Config - Permissions - Files Directory Mapping - new Checkbox for recursive control, item and folder sync (folder operations supported: add, rename, and delete) [-] 2012-03-07: [SV-313] Config - Filtering according to License restriction fixed [-] 2012-03-07: [SV-453] Directory Cache - Memory cache is not invalidated when not needed, fixed evaluation of ~spam flags [-] 2012-03-07: [SV-662] IMAP Service - UIDValidity changed if imapindex.dat is missing [*] 2012-03-07: [SV-637] IMAP Service - Folder subscription - all subfolders of subscribed folder are listed [-] 2012-03-07: IceWarp PHP Extension - icewarp_openssl_pkcs7_read - stability issues fixed [-] 2012-03-07: [SV-204] Linux - Debian - init script - proper dependencies [-] 2012-03-07: [SV-659] IceWarp PHP Extension - parse_to_header - result converted to UTF8 [-] 2012-03-07: IceWarp PHP Extension - parse_to_header - stability issues fixed [*] 2012-03-07: [SV-82] Linux - jpeg image resize implemented [-] 2012-03-06: [SV-649] Config - Access Rights dialog fixed [-] 2012-03-06: [SV-658] Linux - PHP extension - 64bit object id supported [*] 2012-03-06: [SV-660] API - Account Object - New property "U_GROUPS" - read only - evaluates list of all groups where user is member of [+] 2012-03-06: [EAS-39] Distant future day support (Config only) [*] 2012-03-06: [SV-647] LDAP - when slapd start fails, error message is logged [*] 2012-03-05: [SV-651] GroupWare ACL notifications skip the folder owner from list [+] 2012-03-05: Added Modus migrator [-] 2012-03-05: [WC-360] Linux - order of TSystemTime fields fixed [*] 2012-03-05: [SV-635] Config - Web - Access - Not possible to check both "Admin" and "Domain Admin" checkboxes [-] 2012-03-05: [WC-462] Groupware Service - ConvertEvnColors - color mapping updated [-] 2012-03-05: IceWarp PHP Extension - icewarp_parse_to_header - fixed mismatch in unicode string literals [-] 2012-03-05: [SV-447] Linux - setup - ldap upgrade from 10.3.5 conf file name fixed [-] 2012-03-05: [SV-645] Fixed compilation on Linux [*] 2012-03-05: IMAP Service - XLIST - Optimization - intermediate listing results are stored in Hash table (ordering of output is changed) [*] 2012-03-05: IMAP Service - XLIST - Optimization - output filtering for XLIST "" * skipped [*] 2012-03-05: IMAP Service - XLIST - Optimization - output backslash conversion optimized [*] 2012-03-05: System - Performance logging - Optimization of "ThreadLock" and "ThreadUnlock" performance evaluation [*] 2012-03-04: IceWarp PHP Extension - new function icewarp_get_microticks - returns value in microseconds using high performance system timer, windows only [+] 2012-03-04: FTP Synchronization - new Directory path detection variable added (can only be used with File Check), ie. Directory: $:\path\ File Check:, in such case the server will search all drives and try to match the file check regex expression [*] 2012-03-03: IMAP Service - Optimization - XLIST without wildcards does not need to go through the whole directory structure [*] 2012-03-03: Directory Cache - existence of wrapper.dat added to the cache, (new column "flags") [-] 2012-03-02: [SV-634] IceWarp Server - Made 'public-folders' localizable, fixed [-] 2012-03-01: [SV-634] IceWarp Server - Made 'public-folders' localizable [+] 2012-03-01: GroupWare - Subscribed folder displays also all available subfolders [-] 2012-03-01: [SV-313] Config - If new license is loaded, all restrictions are applied immediately [-] 2012-03-01: [SV-468] IceWarp Server - Fixed kavehost crash during installation in WinXP [*] 2012-03-01: [IWS-693] IMAP service - Groupware integration - OSync newer then "10.4.0 (2012-03-01)" friendly name returned in base64encoded also for ~@@SUGGESTEDCONTACTS and ~@@SUBSCRIBEDCONTACTS [*] 2012-03-01: [IWS-693] IMAP service - Groupware integration - OSync newer then "10.4.0 (2012-03-01)" more detailed response to GETACL command changed - friendly name returned base64encoded [*] 2012-03-01: ACL "INBOX" "" lrs "" lrw [-] 2012-02-29: [SV-632] IMAP Service, POP3 Service - Remote Accounts - FileTime of downloaded email respects timezone [-] 2012-02-29: [IWS-693] IMAP service - Groupware integration - OSync newer then "10.4.0 (2012-03-01)" gets more detailed response to GETACL command [-] 2012-02-29: [SV-464] Purpleserv - jabber - stripping jabber resource done in separated buffer [-] 2012-02-29: [SV-578] IceWarp Server - Improved telnet detection [-] 2012-02-29: [SV-636] Linux - wizard - password policy details printed, when user creation fails because of it [*] 2012-02-29: GroupWare - Checking item owner checks also item's group vs. session's main group (deals with problems of old items having no owner) [-] 2012-02-28: Control Service - Task & Events - Reload of configuration does nor re-initialize Task & Events if settings of Task & Events was not changed [-] 2012-02-28: [EAS-32] Set Not started state for new tasks [-] 2012-02-28: [SV-313] Config - If new license is loaded, restrictions for list of services are applied immediately [*] 2012-02-28: [SV-622] GroupWare - AddFolder, RenameFolder - Check for reserved filenames added [-] 2012-02-28: [SV-632] IMAP Service, POP3 Service - Remote Accounts - FileTime of downloaded email is preserved even through anti-spam and other processing [-] 2012-02-28: [WC-450] Groupware - ConvertEvnColors - dealing with NULLs fixed for sqlite [-] 2012-02-28: [SV-623] Icewarp Server - Fixed DirectoryCache tables in Oracle environment [*] 2012-02-28: [SV-630] Config,API - Public folder with invalid characters in name can not be saved [-] 2012-02-27: [SV-604] IMAP Service - XLIST - If current user was recently renamed, XLIST repairs acl entries of all subscribed accounts [-] 2012-02-27: [SV-606] GW - backslash is gw folder delimiter, regardless of platform [-] 2012-02-27: [SV-622] IMAP Service - Rename check reserved windows names and prevents action [-] 2012-02-27: [SV-495] Config - Logs - Selection of log type respects the option "automatically refresh current view" - fix [-] 2012-02-27: [SV-313] Config - User Settings - Voip tab is not displayed if server license does not allow it [-] 2012-02-27: [SV-621] Web Server - Access restrictions fixed [-] 2012-02-27: [SV-626] Directory Cache - Linux problem with lower case vs. upper case fixed [-] 2012-02-27: [SV-330] IceWarp Server - Language corrections [*] 2012-02-27: [SV-537] Setup - Stop services - better logging when windows failure action for the service can not be disabled [-] 2012-02-27: [SV-598] IceWarp Server - Made more space for some text labels, added some string for localization [*] 2012-02-27: [SV-625] Groupware server, Interface plugin - if direct connection to the license server can not be made, it is retried using groupware service as a proxy [-] 2012-02-27: [SV-620] SMTP - Archive - Mailing list and group mails are archived only once [-] 2012-02-24: [SV-598] IceWarp Server - Made more space for some text labels [-] 2012-02-24: [SV-617] Linux - setup - upgrade procedures are run without force flag [*] 2012-02-23: WC-386 - strings changed [-] 2012-02-23: [SV-604] IMAP Server, System - journal of renamed accounts is remembered for 30 days, journal used for detection of renamed subscribed accounts [-] 2012-02-23: [SV-464] PurpleServ - internally add default resource to username (called /PurpleServ) when not specified and prpl-jabber protocol is used [-] 2012-02-23: [SV-612] DirectoryCache - "Create Tables" properly initializes the "DirectoryCacheRoots" table [-] 2012-02-23: [SV-613] Config - Resource indentification in domain.dat 'O', example updated [-] 2012-02-23: [IWS-679] IMAP Service - LIST -@SUGGESTEDCONTACTS returns also "anyone" [-] 2012-02-22: [SV-614] Linux - child process terminating - missing Sleep added [*] 2012-02-22: [SV-605] Linux - AntiSpam Live config file update procedure [-] 2012-02-22: [SV-553] Linux - setup - killing running services fixed [+] 2012-02-22: [EAS-34] Send relative reminders to EAS device and set relative reminders received from EAS device ONLY for tasks in private folders. [*] 2012-02-22: [SV-593] Group functions also work with Resources - IsGroupMember() and others work properly now, fixes appearance of resources with group right [*] 2012-02-22: [SV-610] Notification service in LB mode notifies all services instead of only the master [*] 2012-02-22: [SV-605] Linux - AntiSpam Live updated to version 5.0 [*] 2012-02-22: [SV-604] Subscribed shared accounts are renamed automatically in GroupWare [*] 2012-02-22: [SV-609] Linux - setup - server is restarted after upgrade [*] 2012-02-21: [SV-488] Linux - PHP-FPM logs rotated, when log rotation is enabled. Log files placed into separated logs subdirectory called php-fpm. [-] 2012-02-21: [SV-596] IceWarp Server - Language corrections [-] 2012-02-21: [SV-591] IceWarp Server - Fixed rules in mailing list (Edit message header) [*] 2012-02-21: [SV-603] Linux - icewarpd script reports KILLED, when service doesn't respond on SIGTERM in time [*] 2012-02-21: [SV-593] Resources synchronize members/users the same way as groups (only [resource] account is synchronized, other permissions always remain) [-] 2012-02-21: check WC DB fixed (SV-262) [*] 2012-02-20: API - new variable C_System_Logging_General_ExperimentalFastLogging [*] 2012-02-20: [SV-595] IceWarp PHP Extension - new function icewarp_parse_to_header [-] 2012-02-20: [SV-445] Turtle - msn file transfer is rejected automatically [-] 2012-02-20: new task added with Not started state (EAS-32) [-] 2012-02-20: keep PercentComplete property for incomplete task when it is synced from device (EAS-32) [-] 2012-02-20: ReleaseTags returns always true [-] 2012-02-20: [SV-575] IMAP Service - Groupware Integration - XLIST returns "l NO XLIST Internal error", if GW not accessible [*] 2012-02-17: GroupWare - Tags change deferred procedure support added [-] 2012-02-17: [SV-444] IM - Purple module - Buddy names encoded properly in file sending procedures [-] 2012-02-17: [SV-580] IMAP - Made keyword search case insensitive [*] 2012-02-17: [SV-444] Purple - file transfer reject by buddy processed [*] 2012-02-17: [SV-444] Purple - file transfer reject by buddy processed [+] 2012-02-17: [SV-91] - GroupWare VFREEBUSY support for X-SERVER-UID added if asked via ;FBUID, Resources conflict checked only relevant conflicts (not any) - reason contains only one conflicting time now, ProcessvCalendar() - new URI param &returnuid=1 added [-] 2012-02-17: [SV-543] IceWarp Server - Write a message into error log if C_System_Debug_DisableStartServerServices is set and a corresponding service is trying to start [-] 2012-02-16: [IWS-485] IceWarp Outlook Sync - Changed texts in the license plugin [-] 2012-02-16: [SV-139] Purpleserv - compiled fixes for windows [-] 2012-02-16: fix GetTagId with ReloadTags in all cases to avoid creating tag duplicities (IWS-254) [-] 2012-02-16: [SV-139] Purple module - file transfer - hash length data type fixed [-] 2012-02-16: [SV-139] Purple module - file transfer - sender's JID used instead of proxy's one in hash calculation and response [-] 2012-02-16: [SV-139] Turtle - temporary file closed and unlinked properly, prevents purpleserv segfault [-] 2012-02-16: [SV-139] Turtle - file transfer - temporary file generated in IM temp directory with full path [+] 2012-02-16: [SV-587] GroupWare Resources - new API variable to disable Resources calendar subfolders C_GW_ResourcesDisableCalendarFolders [*] 2012-02-15: [SV-584] Config - SIP Dial Plan invalidated when altered User VoIP settings so it will be reloaded next time [*] 2012-02-15: /freebusy/ - default to 365 days [*] 2012-02-14: GroupWare - CreateTicket() rights security applied, anonymous access not so strict - group rights applied [*] 2012-02-14: [SV-579] Default voicemail XML updated [-] 2012-02-14: added namespace to WebPage tag (for EAS and OS) [-] 2012-02-14: [SV-574] Linux - fixed gw xml-rpc API - too many parameters was used [-] 2012-02-13: vCard URL redesigned (SV-497) [-] 2012-02-13: vCard URL redesigned: NOT TESTED!!! (SV-497) [-] 2012-02-13: [SV-276] IceWarp Server - Warn on restore of old backup (storing version into the *.zip files) [-] 2012-02-13: [SV-572] Linux - setup - word "nor" replaced with "or" in password policy description message [-] 2012-02-13: [SV-392] Console - Made some comboboxes and labels bigger so that various translations fit in that space [*] 2012-02-13: FTP Sync - Config - Sync Now supports selected group of items [+] 2012-02-13: FTP Sync - Config - Groups support added, Relative path in File Check option added [-] 2012-02-10: [SV-547] Linux - setup - fixed creating admin with wizard [*] 2012-02-10: [SV-568] Config - User - VoIP tab - multiple user aliases support added [-] 2012-02-10: [SV-566] IMAP Service - XLIST,LIST - Optimization - ACL is analyzed before directory cache is asked for contents of shared or public folder - if user has surely no rights, directory cache is not asked at all [-] 2012-02-10: [SV-565] IMAP - FETCH - BODYSTRUCTURE - Content-Disposition - escaping applied [-] 2012-02-10: EAS Ping command request detection for switch off performance log (SV-524) [*] 2012-02-10: [SV-572] Linux - setup - password policy requirements description added [-] 2012-02-10: [SV-569] Config - File Edit Dialog - SaveAs - file name fixed [*] 2012-02-10: [SV-571] Linux - setup - evaluation notice added [-] 2012-02-10: [SV-129] Linux - php - API initialization E_LICENSE error ignored [*] 2012-02-09: GroupWare - Greatly enhanced TZID and VTIMEZONE search, hash classes used, use_tzid=1 returns proper detected global TZID [-] 2012-02-09: [SV-557] IceWarp PHP Extension - DB connection is explicitly closed during php terminationg procedures [-] 2012-02-09: [SV-553] Linux - setup - running services detection on Debian fixed [-] 2012-02-09: fix correct translation of phones from vCard to EAS and vice versa (SV-527, SV-559) [+] 2012-02-09: merge phones from EAS to original vCard support (SV-559) [-] 2012-02-09: System - Changes in configuration are not saved if config path did not exist during load of configuration - fixed for multiple reloads of configuration [-] 2012-02-09: [SV-556] Directory Cache - Create/Drop table works with the passed arguments [*] 2012-02-09: [SV-567] API - C_System_Logging_General_LogTimeFormat - new option - 3 - forces logging to log also milliseconds [-] 2012-02-09: [WC-342] IMAP Service - GETACL - Anyone with empty rights filtered out from rights list - virtual inherited right is considered to be empty right [-] 2012-02-09: [SV-554] Config - one typo and one better formulation [-] 2012-02-09: [SV-564] Directory Cache - Rename Of Folder invalidates memory cache [-] 2012-02-09: IMAP Service - XLIST - no additional checking of directory existence [*] 2012-02-08: [SV-551] GroupWare - Email appointment text representation updated, missing parts omitted, new template system in calendar.xml [*] 2012-02-08: [SV-553] Linux - setup - running services detection implemented [-] 2012-02-08: [SV-549] Config - LDAP synchronization - when primary domain is bypassed, users from other domains are synced to LDAP [*] 2012-02-08: [SV-454] Linux - setup - When --skipmaildir is in effect, message is written into install log [-] 2012-02-08: [SV-545] IMAP Service - STORE - Keywords not converted to lowercase [-] 2012-02-08: [SV-547] Linux - setup - password characters not shown when entered [-] 2012-02-08: [SV-500] Config - Services - Anti-Spam - "Start" correctly saves Anti-Spam settings [+] 2012-02-08: [SV-547] Linux - setup - fast option for skipping new installation wizard added [+] 2012-02-08: [SV-547] Linux - new installation wizard in install script [*] 2012-02-07: [SV-542] DirectoryCache - WaveMode updates flagsext.dat [*] 2012-02-07: [SV-544] Setup - user is requested to change connection string, if ODBC driver with the default syntax is used [+] 2012-02-07: SIP Server - Call Timer - INVITE requests resent when no response received, 100 Trying ignores ProcessResponse() call [-] 2012-02-07: [SV-227] Linux - Wizard - server log directory used, when log directory doesn't exist, it is created [-] 2012-02-07: [SV-205] Linux - PHP - mail command working, fixed [-] 2012-02-07: [SV-546] Linux - purple and php-fpm logs created in server's log directory [*] 2012-02-07: SIP - Better trunk registration and timeout handling, de-registration in place [*] 2012-02-07: [SV-530] Installer - support for command line switches /fast and /silent [-] 2012-02-07: [SV-447] Linux - OpenLDAP startup script missing include fixed [*] 2012-02-07: GroupWare - calendar.xml and TZ list - new ignore list added, TZ listing close to Windows TZ list now [+] 2012-02-06: [SV-523] New tzurl filter tool, nice and clean tz.ics [+] 2012-02-06: [SV-523] New tzurl filter tool, nice and clean tz.ics [+] 2012-02-06: GroupWare - Resource invitation declination reason added - X-SERVER-DECLINEREASON property, new calendar.xml reason codes, &fulldecline=1 ProcessvCalendar declination flag [-] 2012-02-06: [IWS-484] IceWarp Interface Plugin - space increased [-] 2012-02-06: [SV-499] Directory Cache - System-wide mutex is initialized before its first use and not immediately after start [-] 2012-02-06: [SV-499] Linux - TProcessMutex is now recursive [-] 2012-02-06: [SV-434] Config - System - Logging - Added DNS logs [-] 2012-02-06: [SV-389] System - System Monitor - Disk Space Monitor - example clarified [*] 2012-02-06: System - Upgrade Tasks - ThreadID is logged everywhere [-] 2012-02-06: [SV-302] IceWarp Server - Fixed wrong icons in templates [-] 2012-02-03: [SV-194] IceWarp Server - Forbidden to create an alias with the same name as other domain [-] 2012-02-03: [SV-395] IceWarp Server - Fixed spam score in intrusion prevention [-] 2012-02-03: [SV-31] Control service - old Mail queue logs also deleted [-] 2012-02-03: [SV-495] Config - Logs - Selection of log type respects the option "automatically refresh current view" [-] 2012-02-03: [SV-478] System - Password Policy - Password policy enforced only for accounts with standard authentication [-] 2012-02-03: [SV-448] Config - Domain Information - Proper label for SRV autodiscover [*] 2012-02-03: Config - VoIP - SIP Trunk - Up/Down buttons added to change the order of trunks processing [-] 2012-02-03: [SV-304] IceWarp Server - Fixed flickering of tabs when new template is added [*] 2012-02-03: [WC-134] GroupWare - Account to Contact Sync - Name properly parsed for all name attributes [-] 2012-02-03: [SV-327] SMTP Service - Content filters - If one action contains "set flags" and "copy to folder" , The flags are used also for the copy action [-] 2012-02-03: [SV-234] SMTP Service - SpamAssassin - required_hits always obtained from server settings , value in cf file ignored [*] 2012-02-03: [SV-247] API - C# example added [-] 2012-02-03: [SV-536] POP3 Service - Session locking (c_system_pop3_locking) fixed [-] 2012-02-03: [SV-462] Config - Domain Clusters - All reasons of failed add/edit/delete is are logged into error log [-] 2012-02-03: [IWS-484] Interface Plugin - Position of several buttons fixed [-] 2012-02-03: [IWS-510] Interface Plugin - Typo fixed [-] 2012-02-03: [SV-431] Config - Search vs. "global settings / advanced / max records to show in domains & accounts" fixed for file system storage [-] 2012-02-02: [SV-284] SMTP Service - Server Title is reloaded with each update of configuration [-] 2012-02-02: [SV-304] IceWarp Server - forbidden to select more than one template by default [*] 2012-02-02: [SV-295] SMTP Service - Anti-Spam - BlackList - Possible to set one of possible actions (spam,delete, reject), [*] 2012-02-02: [SV-295] API, new variable C_AS_BlacklistAction [*] 2012-02-02: [SV-434] Config - Logs - Added DNS logs [*] 2012-02-02: [SV-401] Config - VOIP - IVR Test - support for action "silence" added [-] 2012-02-02: [SV-501] IceWarp Server - Possibility to create "routing for sender" with the same name as "routing for recipient" [*] 2012-02-02: [SV-401] Config - VOIP - IVR - new action "silence" added [*] 2012-02-02: [WC-360] GroupWare - TimeZone matching fixed - Recurrence cleared if Daylight omitted [-] 2012-02-02: [SV-170] Anti-Spam - GreyListing - Adaptive Mode - Already authorized session became pendig if another message is classified as spam [*] 2012-02-02: [SV-297] VOIP Services - java services called with parameters allowing to use API [-] 2012-02-02: Config, Web Service - webserver.dat is not saved if it could not be properly loaded because of disk problem [*] 2012-02-02: GroupwareService - API - Logging - GetGroupAccessRights function logs its output also in human readable form (IMAP style) [-] 2012-02-02: [SV-517] VOIP Service - Start of java VOIP services checks if java did not exited during one second after start. Stdout and Stderr not logged any more, The 1 second waiting is synchronous now [-] 2012-02-02: VOIP Service - java services are not restarted twice if VOIP is stopped and started again [*] 2012-02-01: [SV-232] Linux - services starting and stopping timeouts configurable in script [-] 2012-02-01: [SV-477] Linux - weather - old files with uppercase letters ignored [-] 2012-02-01: [SV-529] Config - API console - All services are told to refresh configuration immediately after saving changes done through API console [*] 2012-02-01: [SV-28] System - AD Authentication - Password checking on remote server is logged [-] 2012-02-01: [SV-276] IceWarp Server - Warn on restore of old backup (Fixed build problems) [-] 2012-02-01: [SV-409] IceWarp Server - Notifier Installer asks for administrator permissions when installing and doesn't end with and error [*] 2012-02-01: [SV-528] Linux - user is notified about stopping icewarpd in all cases [*] 2012-02-01: [WC-360] GroupWare - TimeZone matching - Daylight with the same To value as Standard considered as without Daylight [-] 2012-02-01: [SV-276] IceWarp Server - Warn on restore of old backup [*] 2012-02-01: [SV-517] VOIP Service - Start of java VOIP services checks if java did not exited immediately after start. In such case it logs stdout and stderr of the java process. [-] 2012-02-01: [SV-525] Directory Cache - Problem with collation fixed - LIKE is used instead of <= and > in all databases which can utilize indexes in LIKE conditions [*] 2012-01-31: [SV-346] GroupWare - FREEBUSY lookup - Floating time is shifted according to user's TZ settings and not local server's TZ [*] 2012-01-31: [SV-522] Config - SIP Devices properly saved [*] 2012-01-31: [SV-518] GroupWare - Virtual folders do not return Admin right, Private events do not clear EvnFolder, fixes Virtual folder private events display [-] 2012-01-31: [WC-342] IMAP Service - GETACL - Anyone with empty rights filtered out from rights list [*] 2012-01-31: [#SV-346] GroupWare - Floating events allowed again [-] 2012-01-31: [SV-381] SMTP Service - Anti-Spam - AS Live is bypassed for e-mails greater than C_AS_Live_IgnoreFilesLarger KB (default value 25 MB) [-] 2012-01-31: Linux - IceWarpD - Child registry is removed when exiting [*] 2012-01-31: Linux - IceWarpD API can be called even if icewarpd daemon is not running [-] 2012-01-31: [SV-132] Linux - Kaspersky - kavehost started from Scanner_Initialize using icewarpd request, Scanner_Init called from main process thread [-] 2012-01-31: [SV-132] Linux - Kavehost control code moved from kavi.dll to Kaspersky unit, IceWarpD API extended [-] 2012-01-31: [SV-132] Linux - icewarpd API starts kasperskyupdater, must run with root privileges [-] 2012-01-31: [SV-132] Linux - Scanner_ReloadDB function removed [-] 2012-01-31: Linux - When stopping all services, stop also icewarpd daemon [*] 2012-01-31: Linux - parameter --command sends IceWarpD API command to daemon [-] 2012-01-31: [SV-381] SMTP Service - Anti-Spam - AS Live is bypassed for e-mails greater than C_AS_Live_IgnoreFilesLarger KB (default value 25 MB) [-] 2012-01-31: [SV-132] Linux - Kaspersky - can be read by nonprivileged process [-] 2012-01-31: [SV-132] Linux - IWS_INSTALL_DIR envvar used instead of hardcoded path [*] 2012-01-31: [SV-132] Linux - Kaspersky - Scanner SDK updated to version 129 [-] 2012-01-30: [SV-516] System - License - Non-User accounts can be created even if number of created users reached the maximum [-] 2012-01-30: [SV-258] Config - Group cannot be a member of itself [*] 2012-01-30: DB Class - "Maintenance" Logging improved - It can be detect if "Select" returned some lines [-] 2012-01-30: [SV-389] System - System Monitor - Disk Space Monitor - All paths are checked each time, paths specified in diskspace.dat are checked even if "alert if disk space drops below" is set to 0 [-] 2012-01-30: [SV-446] SMTP Service - If not-nexisting local account is specified as domain administrator, then messages to default admin aliases (e.g. postmaster) are not accepted [-] 2012-01-30: [SV-305] Config - Templates - "Card" tab not displayed in templates [-] 2012-01-30: [SV-167] AD Synchronization - If AD domain is different from IceWarp domain, and email transition is configured, it is performed also on group members [-] 2012-01-30: [SV-513] Groupware Service - SQL Formatter - improved resistance to form of SQL template [*] 2012-01-30: GroupWare - GetItemInfo()/GetItemList()/GetItemDetailList() - true folder ItmFolder/EvnFolder patched in all API functions [-] 2012-01-30: [SV-27] IMAP Service - FETCH - Header Parsing - BackSlash escaped with BackSlash is not filtered out [*] 2012-01-30: GroupWare - GetShareAccountList() API - new Bit6 attribute added - returns anyone user [-] 2012-01-28: [SV-387] SMTP Service - Anti-Spam Live Scoring - Proper value displayed [-] 2012-01-27: [SV-483] Config - When domain is deleted it also deletes relevant lines from subdomains.dat [-] 2012-01-27: [SV-435] Config - Database Migration - Not possible to click "start" when migration is already running [-] 2012-01-27: [SV-328 SMTP Service - AutoArchive not applied to local relay ( Web Client -"Bounce back messages for failed recipients") [-] 2012-01-27: [SV-368] LDAP - Fixed extended logging [*] 2012-01-27: [SV-252] IM service - Shared DOmain Roster - Only accounts with access mode for IM are inserted here [-] 2012-01-27: [SV-479] SMTP Service - Auto-responder - Auto-submitted: auto-generated, Precedence: bulk headers [-] 2012-01-27: [SV-509] Groupware Service - calendar.xml - FOLDERTAGLIST,TAGDETAILLIS SQL fixed [-] 2012-01-27: [SV-112] SMTP Service - "Copy Outgoing" option not applied to local relay ( Web Client -"Bounce back messages for failed recipients") [*] 2012-01-27: PHP IMAP extension - fetch_fast, fetch_overview - optimization - no unnecessary calls for fetching sequence number [-] 2012-01-27: [SV-507] LDAP server - FCanLDAP race condition prevented [-] 2012-01-26: [SV-506] Instant messaging - DeadLock fixed [-] 2012-01-26: [WC-284] Groupware - ConvertEvnColors - fixes for firebird, msaccess, interbase [-] 2012-01-26: [SV-244] Web Service - Fixed duplicated HTTP headers [*] 2012-01-26: [SV-242] Installer - Release Notes - releasenotes_voicemail.txt renamed to releasenotes_voipservices.txt - fix in installer [-] 2012-01-26: strip Attendees and Exceptions from Tasks in server EAS output, but keep them if device is updating them (EAS-31) [-] 2012-01-26: change behavior for handling EAS tasks (with 2 states only) device update: keep previous server state if incomplete task is updating (EAS-32) [-] 2012-01-26: [SV-487] Kaspersky - old files in temp folder cleaned, C_Kaspersky_TempDeleteOlder API variable [-] 2012-01-26: [SV-489] Old empty directories in webmail temp deleted [-] 2012-01-26: [SV-337] SMTP - Fixed problem with not fully deleted domain [*] 2012-01-25: PHP IMAP Extension - function "get_status" can obtain SA_HIGHESTMODSEQ [*] 2012-01-25: IMAP Service - GETMETADATA - new selector /public/vendor/icewarp/folderinfo/changedsince/ implemented. should be replaced by modification sequence number. Result is in URL-like notation, i.e.: "vanished=1%3A3%2C61%2C70%2C81&changed=4%3A60%2C62%3A69%2C71%3A80%2C82%3A121&" [*] 2012-01-25: IMAP Service - STATUS - new selector "HIGHESTMODSEQ" - returns actual modification sequence number of the mail folder [+] 2012-01-25: [SV-447] Linux - OpenLDAP server integrated [*] 2012-01-25: [SV-381] SMTP Service - Anti-Spam - "Maximum message size to process with Anti-Spam" does not influence Anti-Spam Live [*] 2012-01-25: Config - Public Folders - Config does not try to create Groupware public folders for non existing groups [*] 2012-01-25: [SV-354] Resources - Invitations to resources have all alarms (reminders) removed [-] 2012-01-25: [SV-50] SMTP Service - Account Rules - "Is Spam" condition does not consider global spam status but it considers spam status for current recipient [+] 2012-01-25: [SV-10] API - U_Archive, D_Archive added [*] 2012-01-25: [SV-346] Resources - Floating time invitations not accepted [*] 2012-01-25: [SV-345] Resources - Free invitations are not accepted [-] 2012-01-25: [SV-352] WebMail - Added default settings.xml which prevents problems with data restoring - installer fixed [-] 2012-01-24: IMAP Service - "Too many bad commands" response is returned after the last "BAD command" response [-] 2012-01-24: IMAP Service - "BAD Command Unknown" is returned as untagged response [-] 2012-01-24: [SV-171] Setup - warning about non installed pdf reader localized [-] 2012-01-24: [SV-183] SMTP Service - routing - support for %%current_recipient%% [-] 2012-01-24: [SV-491] SMTP Service - Client Session - Outgoing IP specified in bind.dat is respected even if Domain IP Binding is enabled and sender is not local or it's domain has no IP assigned, Assigned outgoing IP logged [*] 2012-01-24: [SV-242] Installer - Release Notes - releasenotes_voicemail.txt renamed to releasenotes_voipservices.txt [*] 2012-01-24: [SV-352] WebMail - Added default settings.xml which prevents problems with data restoring [-] 2012-01-24: [SV-433] Config - Policies - Password Policy - Changing "Number of non alpha-numeric characters" enables the "apply" button [*] 2012-01-24: [SV-352] WebMail - Added default settings.xml which prevents problems with data restoring [*] 2012-01-24: [TL-2] Config - Status bar is a TEdit component so text can be copied and scrolled easily [-] 2012-01-24: problem with non existing index fixed (SV-497) [+] 2012-01-24: new vcard URL mapping to Location: 1 URL = Work, more URLs: 1st = Home, 2nd = Work, 3rd = Other [+] 2012-01-24: GroupWare API - DeleteItem - supports delete all operation, docs updated [-] 2012-01-24: [SV-500] Config - Stop/Start Service - If no changes were made before clicking stop/start, configuration is reloaded automatically before result of stop/start action modifies configuration [-] 2012-01-24: [SV-98] SMTP routing doesn't strip long hostname string anymore [-] 2012-01-24: [SV-499] Linux - DirectoryCache IPC implemented [-] 2012-01-23: fixed problem with deleting URL if count of URLs is greater then count of addresses (SV-497) [+] 2012-01-23: prepared for correct handling URL type [-] 2012-01-23: [SV-132] Linux - kavehost - starting started and stopping stopped service is not an error [*] 2012-01-23: System - AD Synchronization - When AD synchronization is not performed, because previous synchronization is still running, it is logged [-] 2012-01-23: [SV-132] kasperskyupdater - used also on Linux [-] 2012-01-23: IMAP Service - Logging - remote disconnection does not log "BAD Command unknown" [*] 2012-01-23: [SV-108] GroupWare - LDIF import supports multiple contacts [*] 2012-01-23: SMTP Service - Client Session - "Too many hops is" is logged [*] 2012-01-23: System - Directory Cache - System wide mutexes for SELECT,UPDATE,INSERT used when sqlite engine is used. [-] 2012-01-23: [SV-98] SMTP routing doesn't strip long hostname string anymore [*] 2012-01-23: System - AD Synchronization - When AD synchronization is stopped because the server operates in the slave mode, it is logged [-] 2012-01-23: Config - VOIP - IVR - TextToSpeech - Workaround for bug in MS default voices [-] 2012-01-20: HTTP Class - DownloadURLFile returns correctly string output even if redirect performed [*] 2012-01-20: GroupWare - EvnFolder value fixed in special cases [-] 2012-01-20: [WC-291] Directory Cache - ~im folder reflected in Directory Cache [-] 2012-01-20: [SV-463] HTTP Service, API - Directory Listing improved, new API variable C_WebService_Default_HostName [*] 2012-01-20: SV-76 Setup - IM services names with server hostname in fresh installation [-] 2012-01-19: accept timezone with empty name [-] 2012-01-19: change settings of time format in versit set date functionality: set UTC type only when Z char is found in date-time string and no timezone is set [-] 2012-01-19: SMTP Service - mechanism notifying IMAP service about new e-mails - termination fixed [*] 2012-01-19: [SV-493] System - Directory Cache - Optimization of size updates [-] 2012-01-19: [SV-492] API - Fixed the IMMessage.IsOnline() function [-] 2012-01-19: [SV-458] SMTP Service - Auto-Clean rules - "Message resides in folder" fixed [-] 2012-01-19: [SV-392] Console - Made some comboboxes and labels bigger so that various translations fit in that space [-] 2012-01-19: System - Directory Cache - Fixed initialization of external directories [*] 2012-01-18: [SV-454] Linux - setup - skipmaildir option added [-] 2012-01-18: [SV-451] SMTP Service - Anti-Spam Live - Update overwrites ctasd.conf so that its structure matches requirements for current version, but preserves the data from ctasd.conf [*] 2012-01-17: [SV-473] SMS Account - password input disabled if system account used [*] 2012-01-17: [WC-300] Config - Access Rights - "Everyone" renamed to "Everyone/Anonymous" [-] 2012-01-17: [SV-465] Config - IVR - Offline Text To Speech - Default output path, "Test" button added [-] 2012-01-17: [SV-465] Config - IVR - Test - Support for relative paths and for paths containing / [*] 2012-01-17: [SV-465] Config - IVR - Offline Text To Speech - External application is required to output .wav [-] 2012-01-16: [SV-419] Detecting loops in groups [-] 2012-01-16: [SV-466] SMTP Service - Backup Domain - If verification is performed and multiple targets are entered, recipient is changed to contain the found target, i.e. to: <> [-] 2012-01-16: [SV-274] Config - Account statistics - Messages amount changed to Files amount [*] 2012-01-16: [SV-206] Linux - wrapper script added [*] 2012-01-16: [SV-206] Linux - wrapper script added [-] 2012-01-16: [SV-462] Config - Domain Clusters - Input not stripped on 255 characters [-] 2012-01-16: [SV-463] HTTP Server - Directory Content Listing fixed [-] 2012-01-16: [SV-382] Linux - spam reports script working directory set properly [-] 2012-01-16: [SV-392] Console - Made some comboboxes and labels bigger so that various translations fit in that space [-] 2012-01-16: [SV-458] SMTP Service - Auto-clean rules - Anti - loop mechanism [-] 2012-01-16: [SV-458] SMTP Service - NewDay procedure - correct iterating through domains [-] 2012-01-16: Config - Directory Cache - "Run Now" fixed [*] 2012-01-16: [SV-461] API - New write only variable C_System_Adv_Process_New_Day introduced - when set, all services will be told to do their midnight task immediately [*] 2012-01-16: Groupware service - API - Logging - Session id is logged with each relevant log line [*] 2012-01-16: Groupware service - API - If function returns "0" or "" , LastError is automatically logged [-] 2012-01-13: [SV-392] Console - Made some comboboxes and labels bigger so that various translations fit in that space [-] 2012-01-13: [SV-293] IMAP - Detecting loop while doing Server Migration [*] 2012-01-13: SV-132 Linux - Kaspersky - reloaddb implemented [*] 2012-01-13: SV-132 Linux - Kaspersky - kavehost is registered as icewarpd child [-] 2012-01-13: fix merge of relative reminders [-] 2012-01-13: send relative reminders to EAS device only for private folders (EAS-25,SV-220) [-] 2012-01-13: set relative reminders received from EAS device only for private folders (EAS-25,SV-220) [*] 2012-01-13: System - Directory Cache - mechanism for workaround the 'database locked' problem in SQLite [*] 2012-01-13: [#PDU-941403] Config - GroupWare ACL inherited support for blank right list support added [*] 2012-01-13: [#PDU-941403] Config - GroupWare ACL inherited support for blank right list support added [-] 2012-01-12: [SV-263] spam admin - quarantine queue is not returned correctly by api (Improved) [-] 2012-01-12: [SV-455] Setup - Compatibility section added to manifest [*] 2012-01-12: [SV-453] System - Directory Cache - Memory cache introduced - directory listings are remembered for one minute or until cache is invalidated [+] 2012-01-12: Linux - IceWarpD API created - support for registering child's PIDs by the icewarpd service [*] 2012-01-12: System - Directory Cache - non-successful wave is rescheduled, db transactions used [*] 2012-01-12: [SV-451] SMTP Service - Anti-Spam - AS Live - new engine 5.00.0020 used [+] 2012-01-11: [SV-225] Remember Activation Key in icewarpinterfaceplugin.dll [-] 2012-01-11: System - Directory Cache - Default Schedule set to each friday , 23:50 [*] 2012-01-11: [SV-442] System - Directory Cache - immediate update of the cache from file system is performed only once at a time [-] 2012-01-11: [SV-440] Config - Directory Cache - "Create Tables" properly informs about result [-] 2012-01-10: Fixed bulk settings of SmartDiscover items (Using the "Set New Hostname For All..." button) [*] 2012-01-10: [SV-436] IMAP Service - Groupware Integration - GETMETADATA,SETMETADATA supports new selector /public/vendor/icewarp/serverinfo/tagcolors [-] 2012-01-10: GroupWare - TimeZone interval adjustment fixed in non-owner folders [-] 2012-01-10: [SV-432] IM - file transfer - transfer initiation is send with full JID of target [-] 2012-01-10: [SV-166] Fixed replying to emails received in IM if the recipient contains national characters [*] 2012-01-10: Linux - sqlite 3.7.9 [*] 2012-01-10: GroupWare - MySQL DeleteTag optimized (query planner bug workaround) [*] 2012-01-10: [WC-284] Groupware service - new function ConvertEvnColors implemented [+] 2012-01-10: SQLite 3.7.9 used [+] 2012-01-10: GroupWare - After Tag is renamed all items linking to that Tag are updated automatically (EditCounter and Modified fields) [-] 2012-01-10: Autodiscover: remove IMAP section for POP3 accounts and remove POP3 section for IMAP and IMAP&POP3 accounts (SV-222) [-] 2012-01-09: [SV-174] Do not allow to stop Web Service via Remote Console [-] 2012-01-09: [SV-314] Archive is set by default in domain policies tab [-] 2012-01-09: GroupWare - Tag management - Tag caching fixed, folder session ignored and group session used [-] 2012-01-09: fix bracket problem in condition [-] 2012-01-09: [SV-426] System - Directory Cache - Move Directory, Copy Directory, Delete Directory correctly reflected in Directory Cache [-] 2012-01-09: [SV-429] IMAP Service - Directory Cache - Fixed Memory Leak in XLIST [-] 2012-01-08: System - Directory Cache - DB operations are performed directly inside process instead of db.dll [-] 2012-01-06: [SV-282] Implicitly allow localhost connections in "Login IP Restriction" [-] 2012-01-06: [SV-263] Check spam admin permission [-] 2012-01-06: System - Directory Cache - DB interface uses ShortStrings instead of AnsiStrings, DBUpdate performed in independent thread [+] 2012-01-06: [SV-263] Added new ManageConfig function ('antispam/quarantine') which retrieves all spams that should be visible to the spam admin (it supports also groups and whole domains) [-] 2012-01-06: [SV-425] Linux - PHP - installpath load is checked on each request [-] 2012-01-05: [SV-281] Installer - Advanced Mode - Directory Cache DB is also set to use the entered database [-] 2012-01-05: [SV-236] Api - Fixed property U_PasswordExpired (fixed RPC) [*] 2012-01-05: SMTP Service - Ant-Spam - SpamAssassin - empty rules files are deleted [-] 2012-01-05: [SV-416] SMTP Service - Management of outgoing queue optimized [-] 2012-01-05: [SV-236] Api - Fixed property U_PasswordExpired (fixed) [-] 2012-01-05: [SV-283] System - Directory Cache - Minor fixes [*] 2012-01-05: [SV-260] System - New Directory Cache, size.dat and subdirs.dat are not used anymore, instead db storage is used [*] 2012-01-05: [#SV-47] SMS Server - SMS log shows the status of disabled or unknown gateway [-] 2012-01-05: [IWS-418] Interface Plugin - Rules - Proper button disabled in "Where sender/recipient is local/remote" [+] 2012-01-04: GroupWare - TZ list - New USA timezone labels: Eastern Time (USA), Central Time (USA), Pacific Time (USA) [-] 2012-01-04: [SV-364] Groupware Service - GetVCalendar,AddVCalendar works with "Files Directory Mapping" [-] 2012-01-04: [SV-412] System - Upgrade Tasks - Access Mode - "Advanced" access mode converted as NOT XOR [-] 2012-01-04: [SV-236] Api - Fixed property U_PasswordExpired [-] 2012-01-04: GroupWare - EvnColor no longer supported, use Tags instead [-] 2012-01-04: GroupWare - EvnColor no longer supported, use Tags instead [-] 2012-01-04: [#SV-359] GroupWare - Duplicate interval events fixed [-] 2012-01-04: [SV-414] IMAP Service - when shared account is unsubscribed, all subscribed subdirectories are unsubscribed, even if they were subscribed manually [-] 2012-01-04: [SV-374] IMAP Service - imap files directly created on filesystem can now contain dot - fixed [+] 2012-01-03: Config - SMS Gateway - new O2 CZ Gateway template added [-] 2012-01-03: IMAP Service - Expunge - fixed assignment of sequence numbers [-] 2012-01-03: [SV-413] Config - remote - encrypted password tag converted properly between AnsiString and WideString [-] 2012-01-03: [SV-193] SMTP Service - Backup/Distributed domain - Delivery and verification via domain aliases uses target domain, this can be disabled using API variable C_System_Services_SMTP_Rewrite_Backup_Recipients [-] 2012-01-02: [SV-410] GroupWare - SetExceptions - wrong timezone indirection removed - pointer have to be passed, not pointer to pointer [+] 2012-01-02: SMS Server - Fatal http responses (4xx, 5xx) handled differently [*] 2012-01-02: [SV-397] SMTP Service - Anti-Spam is not performed for external recipients of distributed domains, this can be disabled using API variable C_AS_BypassDistributedDomain [*] 2012-01-02: [SV-162] Linux - FPC 2.4.4 used for compilation, possibility of 64bit build introduced [+] 2012-01-02: Config - ActiveSync dialog - New Logs button added which takes you to the currently selected device logs [+] 2011-12-30: GroupWare - OpenFolder() - new @@PUBLIC@@ special folder support added, virtual folders optimization - GetFolderList() called only once [-] 2011-12-28: System - Access violation during termination fixed [*] 2011-12-28: Config - Voip - IVR - offline text to speech - if text to speech application is not given, default windows text to speech engine is used [+] 2011-12-27: GroupWare - vCard/vCalendar/vNote - support for HTML Description / Note (X-ALT-DESC/X-ALT-NOTE) added [+] 2011-12-23: GroupWare - Contact/Event DescFormat field added, calendar.xml and upgrade procedures updated [*] 2011-12-22: [SV-162] RegEx - 64bit Linux compatibility [-] 2011-12-22: [UKU-360-21590] SMTP Service - Anti-Spam - Quarantine - Invalid UTF8 removed after subject is stripped [-] 2011-12-22: [SV-396] Remote console - time difference between client and server doesn't cause running time negative (or down counting) anymore [-] 2011-12-22: System - Improvements in performance logging - waiting for threadpool is logged, Execution of fastcgi/cgi/isapi/antivirus/antispam/contentfilter is logged [*] 2011-12-21: System - Improvement of performance logging 'waiting for threadlock' [-] 2011-12-21: [SV-394] Linux - install - needn't be present, error output of check for icewarp service redirected to /dev/null [-] 2011-12-21: [SV-394] Tool and Setup - password policy check checks also PassPolicyEnabled variable [-] 2011-12-21: SMTP Service - outgoing queue and incoming queue have independent locks, Searching of outgoing files improved - FIFO order ensured [+] 2011-12-21: [#SV-184] GroupWare - vCard SORT-STRING integration [+] 2011-12-21: [#SV-184] VersitClass - vCard SORT-STRING support added [-] 2011-12-21: Config - Rules dialog - Memory violation after click on hyperlink fixed [*] 2011-12-21: [SV-189] Config - Services List - Groupware sessions are also counted as GW connections [-] 2011-12-20: [SV-116] Linux - install - running PHP detection fixed [-] 2011-12-20: [IWS-418] Interface Plugin - several dialogs fixed [-] 2011-12-20: [SV-99] Config - Help IDS fixed [*] 2011-12-20: [SV-385] Config - File Manager - File operations update flagsext.dat [*] 2011-12-19: API - ManageConfig - new selector 'voip/texttospeech', understands command 'convert' with parameters: sentence - text to convert, filename - path to the resulting wav file, Uses default voice defined in Windows Speech API [*] 2011-12-19: API - AccountObject - new read only properties: U_SIP_ONLINE - true if user is logged to local VOIP service, U_SIP_AVAILABLE - true if user is logged into local VOIP service and is not calling now [-] 2011-12-19: [SV-257] System - AD Synchronization - group as a member of another group is synchronized to IceWarp server [*] 2011-12-19: [SV-373] LDAP synchronization - System to LDAP - Rename of DN does not cause deletion and re-creation of the account in LDAP [*] 2011-12-16: [#SV-335] GroupWare - less sensitive input for use_tzid added [*] 2011-12-16: Config - VOIP - IVR - Export to graph - support for %self%, arrows pointing to node with ID equal to 0 are not displayed [*] 2011-12-16: [SV-384] SMTP Service - retry queue processing improved - retry directory contains subdirectories named with the time when the messages should be sent (in UTC) [-] 2011-12-15: [SV-116] Linux - install - colors turned off again [-] 2011-12-15: (EAS-22) Devices with 'validate' as device id are hidden [*] 2011-12-14: [#SV-379] Setup - labels updated [*] 2011-12-14: [SV-384] SMTP Service - outgoing queue and incoming queue have independent locks, Searching of outgoing files improved [-] 2011-12-14: Linux - Unlimited threadpool defaults to 15 php threads [*] 2011-12-14: [SV-375] Linux - wizard - reason of account create problem reported [+] 2011-12-14: Config - New splash screen added [*] 2011-12-14: [SV-374] IMAP Service - imap files directly created on filesystem can now contain dot [*] 2011-12-14: Config - VOIP - IVR - Possible to export IVR definition into GraphViz .gv file [+] 2011-12-13: [#SV-371] Config - IVR visual enhancements [-] 2011-12-13: [SV-299] System - Account Cache, Distributed Account Cache - expiration fixed [*] 2011-12-13: [SV-116] Linux - install - check for running PHP's performed when upgrading [*] 2011-12-13: [SV-350] Config - VOIP - warning about missing java is displayed when needed. [-] 2011-12-13: [SV-339] Config - new cDeleteWarnUserData localization string added, used when an user account is set to be deleted [*] 2011-12-13: [SV-186] System - X64 builds have version string containing "x64" [*] 2011-12-12: [SV-361] Interface Plugin - automatic re-activation is done also when there are less then 7 days left before expiration - fix [-] 2011-12-12: [SV-366] Kaspersky - Update of virus database is not performed during initialization of the engine [-] 2011-12-12: [WA-12] Web Admin - tooltip fixed [-] 2011-12-12: Setup - Default fonts changed from MS Sans Serif to Microsoft Sans Serif [*] 2011-12-12: [SV-180] HTTP Service - content type for image/png added to the default configuration [-] 2011-12-09: [SV-207] SMTP Service - Content Filters - "Recipient contains" condition fixed [*] 2011-12-09: GroupWare - Virtual folders support for Default and Resource folders added [*] 2011-12-09: GroupWare - ACL notification updated [*] 2011-12-09: GroupWare - GetEventList - true folder revealed, support for Resources added [*] 2011-12-09: [SV-330] System - Pasword Policy -'Check password against Username and Alias' changed to 'Password can't contain Username and Alias' [-] 2011-12-09: [SV-358] Linux - usage of lockfile replaced by noclobber [-] 2011-12-09: [SV-208] API - If attempt to change password in AD fails, the save operation fails [-] 2011-12-09: SMTP Service - mechanism notifying IMAP service about new e-mails fixed [*] 2011-12-09: [SV-356] Setup and config - all password policy rules shown when password policy is violated [*] 2011-12-09: GroupWare - Unsubscribe folder/account - proper notification to related sessions [*] 2011-12-09: [SV-264] SMTP Service - Content Filters - new action "Skip Archive" added [-] 2011-12-09: [SV-319] SMTP Service - Distributed/backup domain RCPTTO verification - anti-loop mechanism fixed to work also with directly specified IP addresses, anti-loop mechanism improved to cover more then two distributed domains [-] 2011-12-09: [SV-365] IMAP - X-MOVE - references to files not moved because of an error are not deleted from the source directory [-] 2011-12-08: [SV-364] IMAP - Groupware integration - Behavior of files folder with directory mapping fixed [-] 2011-12-08: [SV-342] IMAP - Folder path length checked properly also for gw folders [*] 2011-12-08: [IWS-425] Interface Plugin - Possibility to open directly the "forwarder" tab [*] 2011-12-08: [SV-356] Config - password policy violations reported in detail [-] 2011-12-08: [SV-356] Setup - password policy violation reported in detail [*] 2011-12-08: [SV-361] Interface Plugin - automatic re-activation is done also when there are less then 7 days left before expiration [-] 2011-12-08: [SV-208] System - Account Class - If attempt to change password in AD fails, the password is neither changed locally, logs written to Maintenance log and AD Sync log [-] 2011-12-08: [SV-246] IMAP - Check for unquoted characters in created/renamed folder names added [-] 2011-12-08: [SV-246] IMAP - Renaming folders to names with ?<>\:*| or " denied [*] 2011-12-08: Config - SIP - IVR - possibility to enter application for off-line text to speech conversion, e.g.: d:\merak\TSSpeech.exe /Mp3 /Hidden "%s" "%s" , first %s is replaced by text file containing text to convert, second %s contains path to output file [-] 2011-12-07: [SV-342] IMAP - Folder path length limited to allow storing needed files in the deepest subfolder [-] 2011-12-07: Interface Plugin - Client License Path - intelligent handling [*] 2011-12-07: SIP - IVR - possibility to test IVR directly in Administration Console - initial design [*] 2011-12-07: GroupWare - Unknown TZID conversion to known TZID performed for use_tzid interval queries [*] 2011-12-07: GroupWare - SQL EventException indices updated [-] 2011-12-07: [SV-246] IMAP - Creating folders with ?<>\:*| or " in the name denied [-] 2011-12-07: (SV-357) Fixed double UTF-8 conversion in API SyncPush function [+] 2011-12-07: [#WC-78] GroupWare - New open folder @PERSONAL@ support added, docs updated [*] 2011-12-07: [SV-353] SMTP - Anti-Spam - Mails from vendors IP whitelisted [*] 2011-12-07: [SV-331] System - Default password policy is more strict [*] 2011-12-06: WA-32 - added functionality to download shared folder [+] 2011-12-06: [#SV-288] GroupWare - Files Directory Mapping updated - Recovery Folder not used when object deleted in GroupWare, folder synchronization forced in a cached foldersession if directory timestamp changes [*] 2011-12-06: [SV-170] SMTP Service - Greylisting - It is possible to enable "adaptive mode" (C_AS_SpamGLAdaptive) [+] 2011-12-06: [#SV-297] tool - new "log" command added, lets you log a system message, eg. "tool log 0 12 SYSTEM MyMsg" will generate an error log [-] 2011-12-06: [SV-325] AV - initialization flag cleared when AV engine is finalized. This causes problems with later reinitialization. [*] 2011-12-06: [SV-340] PHP extension - Exception is thrown when api calling function fails. No error or warning is logged anymore. [*] 2011-12-06: [SV-170] SMTP Service - SpamAssassin - Support for HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_04, RCVD_HELO_IP_MISMATCH, MSGID_OUTLOOK_INVALID,BASE64_LENGTH_78_79,UNRESOLVED_TEMPLATE,RATWARE_EFROM,__MIME_BASE64,SORTED_RECIPS [*] 2011-12-06: [SV-170] Config,SMTP Service - Anti-Spam -"Score HTML messages containing embedded images" removed, similar operation performed by SpamAssassin [*] 2011-12-06: [#SV-190] GroupWare - New ItmSortString field introduced, db upgrade and xml updated [+] 2011-12-06: [#WC-233] GroupWare - EvnFolder contains the correct folder if specified in OtherSelect parameter - currently implemented only for GetIntervalEvents() function [*] 2011-12-05: [SV-310] Linux - job object emulation on Linux - processes childs can be registered and then killed by icewarpd. Also childs pidfiles are serviced. [-] 2011-12-05: [SV-251] PHP extension - possible uninitialized error code fixed [*] 2011-12-02: [SV-310] Linux - job object emulation on Linux - processes childs can be registered and then killed by icewarpd. Also childs pidfiles are serviced. [*] 2011-11-30: [SV-170] IMAP Service - Copy/Move from Inbox to Spam indexes e-mail to Blacklist, Copy/Move from Spam to Inbox indexes e-mail to WhiteList, can be disabled using C_System_Services_IMAP_CopyBWFunction [-] 2011-11-30: [SV-309] SMTP Service - Temporary SMTP error returned if storage disk is full [-] 2011-11-30: [SV-245] SV-245 System - Authentication - Login with email address is possible even if not enable - works also for filesystem storage [-] 2011-11-29: [SV-320] SMTP Service - Routing - Routing behavior together with global "Use Relay Server" fixed [*] 2011-11-29: [SV-271] IWMS - OSync restriction applied, HELP response improved [-] 2011-11-29: [SV-285] Directory cache - working with several internal files respects directorycache [-] 2011-11-29: [SV-283] Directory Cache - File Manager - Move,Delete, DeleteFolder fixed [-] 2011-11-28: [SV-306] MySqlClass - support for 64bit integers [-] 2011-11-28: remove multiple relative reminders (IWS-553) [-] 2011-11-28: [SV-306] MySqlClass - support for MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL - fixes "select SUM(col) from table" [-] 2011-11-25: [SV-312] IMAP Service - FailOver for deleted imapindex.dat and not deleted imapexpunged.dat [*] 2011-11-25: MIME Class - DecodeMIMELine - Removes invalid UTF8 parts [-] 2011-11-25: [SV-292] Linux - webserver.dat synchronized with windows version of this file [*] 2011-11-24: [SV-251] Configurable timeouts of API calling icewarpphp extension functions implemented [-] 2011-11-23: [SV-196] - Setup, Config - fixed manifest (runasadmin enabled) [-] 2011-11-22: [SV-155] Config - Resources -Rename fixed [-] 2011-11-22: [SV-268] System - Directory Cache - Fixes [-] 2011-11-22: WebClient DB Test button (SV-262) [-] 2011-11-22: [SV-260] System - Directory Cache - Several fixes [-] 2011-11-21: WebClient DB Test button (GUI only) [*] 2011-11-21: [SV-245] IMAP Service - Admin account can impersonate arbitraty account - IMAP SASL PLAIN AUTH (rfc4616) [-] 2011-11-21: EAS folder provision extension for Archive,Public and Shared folders sync on/off support [*] 2011-11-21: [SV-245] System - Authentication - Login with email address is possible even if not enable [*] 2011-11-21: [SV-245] API - new methods APIObject.GetDomainsProperties , DomainObject.GetAccountsProperties - feasible for getting properties for multiple domains/accounts in one call [-] 2011-11-21: GroupWare - OpenTicket() - function checks if folder and group match the current item id - Fixed for contacts folders [-] 2011-11-21: [SV-259] DirectoryCache - Proper escaping for SQL queries used [+] 2011-11-18: [#WC-208] GroupWare - DEFAULT and ALL folders detect folder change and reopen automatically. This ensures the after adding a new folder it will still be part of a previous foldersessionid. Analogically applies to default folders [*] 2011-11-18: Config - Proxy service removed from service listing [*] 2011-11-18: Proxy - upgrade - proxy disabled and authentication forced [-] 2011-11-17: [SV-248] PHP extension - MaintenanceIdentity is cleared when PHP request finishes [*] 2011-11-16: [SV-245] API - GetProperties method can work with list of attributes delimited with ; [*] 2011-11-16: [SV-245] - Support for system.multicall implemented [*] 2011-11-16: [SV-240] Config - SMS gateway settings - [Default] label added for default gateway [*] 2011-11-16: [SV-139] Linux - included twitter purple plugin (together with and [*] 2011-11-16: GroupWare - ACL change sends folder notification to subscribed folders too [-] 2011-11-16: [SV-139] Linux - msn-pecan plugin compiled again [-] 2011-11-16: Fixed pidgin_request_action when action_count == 0 [*] 2011-11-15: [#WC-201] GroupWare - OpenGroup() subscribed folders with no rights will not be opened [-] 2011-11-15: [SV-142] Linux - purple logs working also on Linux [+] 2011-11-15: API - new U_SMS_SendLimit read only variable added [*] 2011-11-15: [SV-242] Installer - Releasenotes for webdav and voicemail distributed [*] 2011-11-15: GroupWare - OpenTicket() - function checks if folder and group match the current item id [-] 2011-11-15: [SV-123] SMTP Service - Executable account - URL - No retry after timeout, timeout logged [-] 2011-11-14: [#SV-243] Config - IVR - delete action fixed [*] 2011-11-14: [SV-216] API - new read only property D_BaseMailboxPath [*] 2011-11-11: Config - IVR dialog - Apply button added [*] 2011-11-11: GroupWare - TZ handling _tzid and use_tzid=1 vastly simplified and updated [*] 2011-11-10: SMTP Service - Mailing list - Resume of sending aborted with restart [*] 2011-11-09: GroupWare - GetEventInfo() - _tzexpdate support added [-] 2011-11-09: [SV-65] SMTP Service - Backup Domain, Distributed Domain - verification - EHLO [+] 2011-11-08: GroupWare - New API use_tzid behavior implemented, API docs updated [+] 2011-11-08: GroupWare - New Owner TZID parameter support added, session parameters handling, automatic localtime shift when enabled in the API for WebClient added, DB upgrade, former TZID handling removed [*] 2011-11-08: API - New user account - AV policy ON by default [-] 2011-11-07: FTPSync - Schedule - proper termination flag set [*] 2011-11-07: System - Authentication - "login by email" with only alias works for primary domains even if more domains exists [-] 2011-11-07: set relative reminder triggers as negative values (IWS-544) [*] 2011-11-07: GroupWare - API - OpenFolder() new AutoSubscribe param added [-] 2011-11-04: fix negative values in relative reminder trigger (IWS-544) [-] 2011-11-04: [SV-226] Linux - Fixed upgrade procedure - moved from temporary directory [*] 2011-11-04: Setup - Default Backup contains enabled SQLite database [-] 2011-11-04: System Class - GetSysPath - Unicode mismatch fixed [-] 2011-11-04: Setup - Kaspersky - old binary files cleaned [*] 2011-11-03: GroupWare - API documentation extended with examples and more protocol details [*] 2011-11-03: [#WC-170] GroupWare - iMIP - DeleteEvent() fixed when in Recovery Items mode [-] 2011-11-03: [IWS-499] IMAP Service - Outlook Sync Integration - Fixed link for downloads of updates [*] 2011-11-03: System - AntiVirus - Updates of Kaspersky are done through 32bit standalone application kasperskyupdater.exe [-] 2011-11-02: GroupWare RPC fixed [*] 2011-11-02: [#SV-218] GroupWare - GetAllIntervalEvents() API function - new tzid attribute support added, SetFieldValue() added, Item TZ cache, docs updated [*] 2011-11-02: [#SV-218] GroupWare - GetAllIntervalEvents() API function - new tzid attribute support added, SetFieldValue() added [*] 2011-11-02: License - Interface Plugin Container - possibility to simply reactivate from command line [*] 2011-11-01: SMTP Service - Improved Mail Queue Logging [*] 2011-11-01: Setup - Registry compatibility for x86/x64 (PHP runs in x86) [*] 2011-11-01: PIceWarpPHP extension - loads PHP OpenSSL (ensures x64 vs x86 mixing) [*] 2011-11-01: Config - HintBalloon onclick sets last remembered state automatically [*] 2011-10-31: [#SV-210] User - VoIP settings reflect changes in VoIP service instantly [*] 2011-10-27: [SV-132] Linux - Kaspersky run as service, doesn't crash when run as nonroot [*] 2011-10-27: [#WC-122] GroupWare - Recurrence EvnClass=O skipped [-] 2011-10-26: [#SV-195] VersitClass - DURATION handling negated and fixed [-] 2011-10-26: [#SV-195] VersitClass - DURATION handling negated and fixed [-] 2011-10-25: [SV-109] Setup - Correct SQL update for MSSQl and MySQL - fix [-] 2011-10-25: [#SV-199] SmartAttach fix [-] 2011-10-25: [SV-198] SMTP - Maximum nr. of messages per day limit applies correctly even with multi-recipient messages [-] 2011-10-25: [SV-109] Setup - Upgrade Tasks - Correct SQL update for MSSQl and MySQL [*] 2011-10-25: RCP - int64 ready - some commands changed to support int64 services [*] 2011-10-24: [#WC-122] GroupWare - New approach to exception occurrences used, exceptions are returned as part of non recurrent intervals, updated calendar.xml and simplified GetIntervalEvents() internal function [-] 2011-10-24: Notes as Events or Tasks implemented (Delphi part - Config GUI, Control) [-] 2011-10-24: DB upgrade implemented [-] 2011-10-24: Instant Messaging - typo in registration-required stanza fixed [+] 2011-10-24: [#SV-176] Config - FTP Sync - New Logs button added [-] 2011-10-21: [SV-181] Config - ContentFiletrs - can be edited in XE builds [*] 2011-10-21: WC-147 - In utilities, if you change related OS (links on the top right), it's opened in the same window [-] 2011-10-20: SMTP Service - SPF - proper handling for mechanism without domain-spec , e.g.: a/20 [*] 2011-10-20: [IWS-499] IMAP Service - Connector integration - URL for update of OutlookSync added [-] 2011-10-19: [SV-134] Remote API - all API variables loaded from remote server [-] 2011-10-19: MIG-7, body in task migrated [+] 2011-10-19: SmartAttach - New X-IceWarp-SmartAttach header added, contains all information about attachments [+] 2011-10-18: [SV-143] Linux - GetVersion function - get exe file version from it's resources [*] 2011-10-18: GroupWare - Unsubscribed account updates GetFolderUpdate() counter [-] 2011-10-17: [SV-165] Web Service - fixed mechanism for internal rewrite [-] 2011-10-17: OPTIONAL immediate compare problem fix (WC-135) [-] 2011-10-17: OPTIONAL compare behavior changed for Boolean and strings (WC-136) [*] 2011-10-17: [SV-141] IM - purple updated to 2.10.0 in Windows version [*] 2011-10-17: [SV-141] Linux - purple updated to version 2.10.0 [-] 2011-10-17: [SV-77] IM - gw list change notifications, all users of monitor service unregistered when service is renamed [*] 2011-10-15: [#WC-125] GroupWare - DeleteFolder/Unsubscribe allowed with "~" even if not used as Shared Folder prefix [+] 2011-10-14: Config - FTP Sync - Columns for Source Path and Destination Type added [*] 2011-10-13: [#SV-149] - Post domain processing (public group and roster setting creation) is applied only to the primary domain (the first domain created) [*] 2011-10-13: [IWS-499] IMAP Service - OutlookSync - X-ICEWARP-SERVER returns version of OutlookSync located in "install" directory - format changed [*] 2011-10-13: [#SV-145] Config - SMS Service templates - Routo added [*] 2011-10-13: [IWS-499] IMAP Service - OutlookSync - X-ICEWARP-SERVER returns version of OutlookSync located in "install" directory [-] 2011-10-12: IM - fixing possible deadlock [*] 2011-10-12: GroupWare - Unsigned Unix time handling used, fixes CalDAV IOP bugs [+] 2011-10-12: Config - SMS Gateway - Device edit changed to memo, new Template listbox added, bigger memo for easier orientation [*] 2011-10-12: VersitClass - Attribute value escaping support added - CalDAV IOP bugs [*] 2011-10-12: VersitClass - Attribute VALUE <> TEXT - property not escaped - CalDAV IOP bugs [*] 2011-10-12: [#SV-137] GroupWare - item deleted to trash folder removes its cached reminder [-] 2011-10-11: Linux - install - trailing slashes from paths loaded from API stripped to prevent double slashes in file paths [*] 2011-10-10: [SV-116] Linux - PHP-FPM set as php pool manager, upgrade to 10.4 enables this feature in php.ini [+] 2011-10-10: [SV-117] Linux - IPv6 support [+] 2011-10-07: use name from EAS Email1Address (EAS-8) [+] 2011-10-07: use name from EAS Email1Address (EAS-8) [-] 2011-10-07: strip name from EAS Email1Address (EAS-8) [*] 2011-10-07: Database Class - newest SQLite library built from source code, x86 and x64 versions [-] 2011-10-06: Linux - fmOpenReadWrite doesn't open file in append mode [*] 2011-10-05: [IWS-464] - Connector Plugin - Rules editing - User is notified if rules are not active - typo and better look [*] 2011-10-05: Config - Domain Clusters - Exception caught and logged [*] 2011-10-05: SMTP - Mailing List Digest updated (Support for empty templates and other changes) [-] 2011-10-04: Control service - API - threadlock fixed [-] 2011-10-04: System - Upgrade Tasks - Services are not told to release db during upgrade [-] 2011-10-04: [TEF-839290] FTP service - fixed response for EPSV [*] 2011-10-03: Linux - PHP FastCGI pool managed by php-fpm [*] 2011-10-03: Web Service - EAS - uses FastCGI by default [-] 2011-10-03: [IWS-457] - Connector Plugin - License dialog - proper behavior for licenses of expiration type = "version" [*] 2011-10-03: OpenSSL - libssl32.dll renamed to ssleay32.dll (fixes problem with PATH library collisions) [*] 2011-10-02: Config - Connection Manager - Edit vs. Enter vs. Double click fixed [-] 2011-09-30: [IWS-464] - Connector Plugin - Rules editing - User is notified if rules are not active [-] 2011-09-29: [SV-102] IMAP service - FETCH - BODYSTRUCTURE - better handling of non RFC e-mails [-] 2011-09-27: Outlook connector: check if dismiss for absolute reminder [+] 2011-09-27: [#LNX-835167] GroupWare - Notifications and Reminders - TZ information is present in all notifications where applicable [-] 2011-09-27: [#UFD-530972] MimeUnit - URI parsing - empty item handled properly [*] 2011-09-27: [#IWS-444] GroupWare - Notifications/Reminders - Tasks with not date display empty time value [*] 2011-09-26: IM - msn pecan plugin added as default service for msn [-] 2011-09-26: [IWS-418] - Connector Plugin - Rules editing - access violation fixed [-] 2011-09-23: Linux - purple plugins directory properly set by full path [*] 2011-09-23: connector icon changed [-] 2011-09-23: [SV-65] SMTP Service - Backup Domain - Verification does not change the recipient to contain the target host [-] 2011-09-23: [#ZQP-865692] Config - Web node doesn't load antivirus settings anymore [-] 2011-09-22: [IWS-418] - Connector Plugin - Rules editing does not display buttons for email selection [-] 2011-09-22: [SV-80] Linux - added capability to send signals when run as unprivileged user to notify icewarpd [-] 2011-09-22: [SV-80] Linux - ResetFileUTF8 opens file in read only mode - this allows unprivileged users to successfully open read only files [*] 2011-09-22: API - SmartDiscover URL always returns URL, if internally blank hostname is used and URL is generated [-] 2011-09-22: [SV-88] Groupware Service - GetFolderList - checking for existence of multiple default folders added [*] 2011-09-21: Connector Plugin - Added possibility for silent license activation [-] 2011-09-21: [IWS-418] - Connector Plugin - Rules editing does not display buttons for account and folder selection [*] 2011-09-21: DB Class - improved detection of failed ODBC connection [-] 2011-09-21: [SV-65] SMTP Service - Backup Domain - Default verification type means no verification at all [-] 2011-09-21: [SV-85] Linux - AccountUnit - GW AddGroup result check rewritten to work properly also in FPC [-] 2011-09-20: [SV-84] System - Old logs of AD synchronizations are deleted according to settings [-] 2011-09-20: added Cal namespace for invalid task exceptions [-] 2011-09-20: Outlook connector: clear vAlarms if Reminder is not set [+] 2011-09-20: Outlook connector: merge vAlarms if ReminderDueBy is not set [-] 2011-09-20: add Cal: namespace to Task for invalid task exceptions [+] 2011-09-20: GroupWare - GAL items are not owned by actual users anymore (GAL user owns the records - set by default in the API) - this means users cannot edit their GAL records (they must use My Details or Config Card), records in shared or public folders owned by users can be deleted even though they have no delete rights (Modify and Delete allowed for records that you own in shared/public folders) [*] 2011-09-20: Config - All service messages notify if request was received or not (Sync Now, Check Now and other similar buttons) [*] 2011-09-20: Config - Keyboard can be used to connect to a host (Enter on the list support), default focus comes to the list [-] 2011-09-19: Outlook connector: new behavior for ReminderDueBy complete for both ways [-] 2011-09-19: Outlook connector: new behavior for ReminderDueBy complete for both ways [-] 2011-09-19: Outlook connector: new behavior for ReminderDueBy complete for both ways [-] 2011-09-19: Outlook connector: new behavior for ReminderDueBy complete for both ways [-] 2011-09-19: Outlook connector: new behavior for ReminderDueBy (from server to client only) [-] 2011-09-19: Outlook connector: new behavior for ReminderDueBy (from server to client only) [-] 2011-09-19: implicit Provision for folders sync: Default folders only [*] 2011-09-19: [SV-79] Linux - PHP - and extensions added to distribution package to be available for customer's scripts like on Windows [-] 2011-09-16: [IWS-135] IMAP Service - Connector - SETACl for root folder correctly propagated also to Groupware [+] 2011-09-16: Outlook connector: no update last acknowledge if it is not send from Outlook (feature for Shared and public folders reminder sync) [+] 2011-09-16: Outlook connector: no update last acknowledge if it is not send from Outlook (feature for Shared and public folders reminder sync) [+] 2011-09-16: GroupWare - SetMyvCard() sets also user's IM vCard, used as the only account vcard set up tool (Console Card sets both groupware and IM vcard automatically now and so for the WebClient) [+] 2011-09-16: VersitClass - Support for conversion from vCard to XEP vcard-temp format added [-] 2011-09-16: [#WC-61] GroupWare invitations - iTIP support for more than 255 chars in Subject, From and To [+] 2011-09-16: SIP - New SIP request loop detection mechanism implemented, based on repeating Record-Route [*] 2011-09-16: SIP - Better Response/Request detection and request verification, ignores malformed requests [-] 2011-09-15: [IWS-373] Connector - InterfacePluginContainer - eror dialog is not opened in background [-] 2011-09-14: Outlook connector: brutal fix shift recurrence until (EAS/OC and event/task) [-] 2011-09-14: [SV-65] SMTP service - Backup Domain verification working again [-] 2011-09-14: [IWS-373] Connector - InterfacePluginContainer - Load offline license file dialog is not opened in background [+] 2011-09-14: Outlook Connector: Tasks properties PercentComplete and Status connected to EAS protocol [-] 2011-09-14: Connector - InterfacePluginContainer - zero guid not appended to the client identification [+] 2011-09-14: GroupWare - Photo optimization implemented if image too large, new API variable for maximum photo size, vCard output and GroupWare Photo input patched [-] 2011-09-13: [SV-59] IMAP - Linux - converting slashes in IMAP folders fixed to work also on Linux [+] 2011-09-13: SMS, FTP Service - System account settings on the Global and Domain level support created, natural inheritance applied, Config updated to reflect the Inherited status and new Inherit button. Services run from User to Domain to Global (if no user settings are found, domain will be checked and if not domain system will be used) [*] 2011-09-13: GroupWare - Table indices added and updated, faster calendar interval lookups and others [-] 2011-09-13: Linux - fixed restarting of single service [*] 2011-09-12: Linux - Orphaned service childs terminated when service terminates, child registration mechanism implemented [-] 2011-09-12: Account Cache - Proper Account ID supplied while iterating accounts (caused problems with Access Mode upgrade) [-] 2011-09-09: Setup - Better approach for installing release notes [+] 2011-09-09: [SV-10] Archive - Changed to new domain/user policies, former all users/selected removed (upgrade preserves groups and sets archive policy for user and domain on), new API variables, Config updated (user and domain policies) [+] 2011-09-09: API - Domain - D_Support variables added, Access Mode variables removed [-] 2011-09-09: Fixed parsing of Date header without day name (solves also FPU issue on Linux) [*] 2011-09-08: connector strings renamed to sync [*] 2011-09-08: Config - Domain cache created (caches settings and IP) [*] 2011-09-08: Config - Domain/User policies - proper status updated for domain->user policies (items enabled/disabled accordingly) [*] 2011-09-07: Config - Services tabs - Domain policies - policy not set if item disabled [+] 2011-09-07: System/Services - Upgrade procedures to preserve original compatibility added, performed during the upgrade and might take long depending on the former Access Mode value and the domain/account attributes for each module (db data updated) [*] 2011-09-06: Interface Plugin - added possibility to directly specify location of localization [*] 2011-09-06: GroupWare Service - Upgrade Tasks - Improved deletion of incorrect groups [-] 2011-09-06: IM - Purple - Alias rename notification processed [*] 2011-09-06: IM - Extended logs shows JID of xml-stanza sender/recipient [-] 2011-09-06: IM - Purple - Alias rename notification processed [+] 2011-09-06: Config - Logs history support added [+] 2011-09-06: System/Services - Non user account Services Access removed (tab removed from Config, internally all policies are enabled since licensing does not apply to non-user accounts), should you need to disable AV/AS for non user accounts use Rules for that [-] 2011-09-06: IMAP Service - Connector - Several Rights stripped for virtual folders [-] 2011-09-06: IMAP Service - Connector - XLIST - proper rights for virtual folders [+] 2011-09-06: System / Services - Old Access Mode mechanism removed, replaced with new simple Domain -> User services access (domain controls users, if domain not checked users will not work, if user not checked user will not work) [-] 2011-09-05: [#AHD-362688] System - Accounts Database - GetLocalAccount - respects patterns used inside aliases even if accounts are stored in the database - fixed [-] 2011-09-05: [#KZU-797866] Config - Account statistics - Column header changed from Messages to Files, because it show all account's files statistics [*] 2011-09-03: [SV-48] System - AntiSpam - default bypass file for greylisting installed [-] 2011-09-02: Groupware service - Calendar.xml - Proper case for SQL "Delete EventRecurrence " [-] 2011-09-02: IM - ID in IQ stanzas is required, so it's generated if missing, fixes a lot problems with purple [-] 2011-09-02: Outlook Connector: LastAcknowledge connected [*] 2011-09-01: [SV-46] GroupWare - Resource Scheduling - All day event conflict detection handling fixed [*] 2011-09-01: SMS Service - SMS log "Invalid gateway id %s" added for SMSHTTP() and SMSIncoming() API functions [+] 2011-09-01: [SV-42] SMS Service - Support for SSL/TLS client certificates added, new CLIENTCERT tag added to smsgateway.dat file [+] 2011-09-01: HTTPClass - Support for SSL/TLS client certificates added [*] 2011-09-01: GroupWare - Deleted calendar services (weather events) are not put to trash/recovery ite,s [*] 2011-09-01: GroupWare - SQLite optimization for recurrent events query [*] 2011-09-01: SMS Service - HTTP gateway result logging - adds HTTP response code and returned data to logs [-] 2011-08-31: [#ISC-258070] WCS client reports xmpp version 0.9, because doesn't conform to 1.0 specification (sasl not implemented) [-] 2011-08-31: SMTP service - external filters - custom response message fixed [+] 2011-08-31: Config - Domain Information - IPs section added, lists all system IPs set in several areas (SOCKS, VoIP, FTP service, Bind etc.) [*] 2011-08-31: outlook-sync.msi [-] 2011-08-30: 602 Migrator - problems with UTF8 vs. Unicode fixed [-] 2011-08-30: API - Groupware - Functioncall - result properly returned as widestring [*] 2011-08-30: [#PFT-758029] GroupWare - Invitation replies are reflected instantly to organizer's calendar if on the same server [*] 2011-08-29: IMAP Service - Connector - FETCH - IWFULLDOWNLOAD - it is possible to do full analysis only for e-mails newer than specified date [*] 2011-08-29: IMAP Service - Connector - X-ICEWARP-SERVER - tries to login to GW, if login fails, "C0000002 NO X-ICEWARP-SERVER Could not login to GW" is returned [-] 2011-08-29: [#AHD-362688] System - Accounts Database - GetLocalAccount - respects patterns used inside aliases even if accounts cache is used [-] 2011-08-29: [#AHD-362688] System - Accounts Database - GetLocalAccount - respects patterns used inside aliases even if accounts are stored in the database [-] 2011-08-29: [#LBZ-191835] Remote console - IMAP subfolders ACL - Slashes in path appropriate for remote system, not the local one [-] 2011-08-26: AD Synchronization, API - new variable C_Accounts_Global_LDAP_UseNTLMAuth works also in synchronization phase [+] 2011-08-26: Config - VoIP - IVR - Brand new IVR interface - Multiple actions and order, auto loading and saving [-] 2011-08-26: [#XBB-748708] SMTP - fixed translating of backup domain aliases defined as subdomains (using Aliases tab in config) [*] 2011-08-26: AD Synchronization, API - new variable C_Accounts_Global_LDAP_UseNTLMAuth - forces using NTLM authentication against AD server. Requires C_Accounts_Global_LDAP_UseWindowsDLL to be enabled [*] 2011-08-26: Config - VoIP - IVR - Execute application / script feature added, allows script execution, parameter parsing and returning new tag [-] 2011-08-25: [SV-39] FTP service - resume for files > 2GB fixed [*] 2011-08-25: IM - id attribute preserved and supported [*] 2011-08-25: Setup - releasenotes for weblient, webadmin and activesync are included [+] 2011-08-25: SIP - RTP NAT Traversal - Unlimited number of simultaneous calls supported (only CPU and Bandwidth limits apply), RTP NAT rewritten, the number of calls supported is specified by the RTP NAT start port and RTP NAT end port. Typically 256 ports are recommended as maximum which gives you 128 simultaneous calls [-] 2011-08-25: Control Service - AD synchronization - 'mgrpRFC822MailMember' is detected as list of members [+] 2011-08-24: [SV-22] Config - Domain options - IM Roster button added, allows specification of additional groups and domains for IM roster [-] 2011-08-23: Control Service - AD synchronization - 'mailgroup' is detected as group [-] 2011-08-23: [SV-33] Config - rename folders - subdirs.dat is cleared when IMAP folders are renamed [+] 2011-08-23: Config - API Console - Common account properties disabled for non user accounts, additional [A] account flag added [+] 2011-08-23: [SV-14] API - Account - U_GW_Reminders, U_GW_DailyAgenda - new variables added, lets you easily set reminders and dailyagenda flags for any account via the API and the API console, for instance you can enable daily agenda for public group accounts [*] 2011-08-23: [#SET-994522] GroupWare - Recurrence pattern matching - First..Last day week in month rewritten, supports all possible scenarios [*] 2011-08-22: [IWS-276] IMAP Service - Connector - If GW folder inherited empty rights, GETACL returns the same as for mail folder e.g.:* ACL "Tasks" "anyone" 8 [*] 2011-08-22: [#OKB-852470] GroupWare - AddAttachment() maximum filename constraint added, if larger a new filename is generated [*] 2011-08-22: [#NDY-163101] script.php executed after install/upgrade also in Linux version [-] 2011-08-22: [#QRE-210735] Added comment to C_Webmail_TempDeleteOlder API variable [*] 2011-08-22: API readme updated [*] 2011-08-22: GroupWare - API GetFolderRightList() new Flags parameter added, GWRF_InheritedRecord inserts a dummy inherited record if list inherited [*] 2011-08-19: [SV-36] AD synchronization - new XML option GROUPSUPPORTREMOTEMEMBERS added (if set to 1, groups will be filled with all members received from server, not only with members from the same domain as group) [-] 2011-08-19: [#EIA-785593] Config - Domain options - Verification field disabled for backup domain [-] 2011-08-19: SMTP Service - System variables %%forward_local_recipients %% supports catch-all accounts [-] 2011-08-19: IMAP Service - XLIST - Connector - only spam folder in root has the \spam flag [-] 2011-08-19: [#CVT-160639] Config - Access mode mailing list selection - Mailing list is enclosed to square brackets [*] 2011-08-19: SMS Service - Sender/Reply pair matching - Name vs. Domain problem fixed [*] 2011-08-19: GroupWare - Reminders - DB index for RmnTime added [*] 2011-08-18: IMAP Service - Connector - FETCH - new modifier IWFULLDOWNLOAD [-] 2011-08-17: lastAcknowledge first shot [*] 2011-08-17: SMS Service - If ID URI parameter specified a disabled or incorrect gateway an error is returned, Config - SMS services are not sortable and have the Up/Down buttons [-] 2011-08-17: IMAP Service - Connector - X-MOVE - move operation is not permitted if target and source folders are equal [*] 2011-08-16: Config - SQL - Analyze SQL Logs - new SQL log analyzer which shows duration of queries, pending queries and EXPLAIN of all SELECT statements found in the SQL log [*] 2011-08-16: GroupWare - GetTagList vs. Virtual Folders - SQL optimized for INDICES to be used [*] 2011-08-16: GroupWare - Recurrence - support for occurrences before last occurrence added [*] 2011-08-15: GroupWare - Logging - Authenticate password masked [-] 2011-08-15: public calendar link fixed [-] 2011-08-15: GroupWare - Vastly improved Tag SQL, could cause DB overload for virtual folders [-] 2011-08-15: IMAP Service - Connector - X-MOVE support added, COPY optimized [-] 2011-08-11: IMAP Service - connector - subscribe/unsubscribe requests GW session reload [-] 2011-08-11: IMAP/POP - access to flagsext.dat optimized again [-] 2011-08-11: IMAP Service - Connector - XLIST - proper owner and type for root of shared folder [-] 2011-08-11: IMAP Service - Connector - SUBSCRIBE - folder is not unsubscribed first [-] 2011-08-10: XMPP gateway - fixed problem with gateway name case sensitivity mismatch [*] 2011-08-09: PHP Extension - new functions icewarp_perflog_begin, icewarp_perflog_end [-] 2011-08-05: sync 1st URL as WebPage [-] 2011-08-05: correct handling other location identification in vCard object [-] 2011-08-05: Outlook Connector: correct handling distribution list categories [-] 2011-08-05: Outlook Connector: contact free busy URL added [-] 2011-08-05: IMAP/POP - Migration - access to flagsext.dat optimized [-] 2011-08-04: AntiVirus - External filters - correct handling of enabled/disabled state [+] 2011-08-04: Config - VoIP - IVR - Additional IVR actions added - DeleteFile, CopyFile (support for recorded voicemail management) [*] 2011-08-04: GroupWare - Revision Control - API variable controls the full revision mechanism (not only auto revision) [-] 2011-08-02: [#CBF-733547] SMS gw - message is not stuck in sms queue when (even inactive) outgoing content filter is created, which doesn't set To: header to specific gw [+] 2011-08-02: GroupWare - Version and revision control, Document Lock/Unlock support, API updated [-] 2011-08-02: [#XKN-551119] Config - Rules - Copy to folder - Account folder check fixed in remote connection mode [-] 2011-08-01: [#DRX-223755] AntiSpam - Error reported to log when connection to update server fails [-] 2011-08-01: [#DRX-223755] Antivirus - Kaspersky - Error reported to log when connection to update server fails [-] 2011-08-01: GroupWare - AddGroup() with blank GroupID problem fixed [-] 2011-07-29: Groupware service - upgrade tasks - SQL command fixed [+] 2011-07-29: GroupWare - DB - Transaction deadlock detection added, retry counter and sleep mechanism added [*] 2011-07-29: DBClass - Support for ErrNo() added and deadlock detection [*] 2011-07-29: SIP - RTP NAT vs. SDP a= attribute (sendrecv, sendonly, recvonly, inactive) proper support, RTP NAT terminated by expiration if sendrecv only [*] 2011-07-29: SIP - RTP NAT - ClientID properly formatted so if Re-INVITE comes from the other side RTP NAT still works [-] 2011-07-28: [IWS-226] IMAP Service - Connector - emails containing ms-tnef are treated as imip emails [*] 2011-07-28: Config - User VoIP handling updated [*] 2011-07-27: Web service - better logging of FastCGI threadpool statistics [*] 2011-07-27: VoIP - Service logging updated, default Voicemail email updated [-] 2011-07-27: [#HHG-514181] Config - ContentCopyMoveToFolderDialog font changed to show accented chars [-] 2011-07-27: [#QAV-157277] Config - Remote domain descriptions not loaded when not needed [*] 2011-07-26: [#OTO-250767] GroupWare - Weather forecast - support for path characters in holidayids [*] 2011-07-26: [#QAV-157277] Config - Domain descriptions shown even in remote console mode [*] 2011-07-26: [SV-12] Config - FileManager - RCP File transfer progress bar support added [*] 2011-07-26: IM XMPP gateway - other XMPP server can be specified using syntax user%domain@server as username [-] 2011-07-26: IMAP - Connector - Encrypted e-mails are treated the same way as signed e-mails [*] 2011-07-26: [SV-11] Config - Search account/domain (Ctrl+F) - support for description field, searches in domain name or desc and in user alias, name and desc [*] 2011-07-25: Config - strings for webadmin localization added - WA_limit_exceeded [*] 2011-07-25: SMTP service - improved queue logging [-] 2011-07-25: [#HHG-514181] Config - Content filters - Copy to folder - Folders with accented chars in name handled properly [*] 2011-07-22: SMS Server - User authentication sets Sender parameter if not already set and system user [*] 2011-07-21: GroupWare - Versit better character escaping [*] 2011-07-21: SIP - VoIP java logging support added - new parameter passed to java app [+] 2011-07-20: GroupWare - Resource scheduling - final and complete, support for creating appointments directly under Resources\Resource folder added [*] 2011-07-20: [#PDU-941403] Config - ACL dialog updated [*] 2011-07-19: [#DZW-293961] StartServer function logs an error if app cannot be started, involves CT, LDAP, Purple, VoIP Services [*] 2011-07-19: SmartAttach - embedded mode - FileSize supported properly [+] 2011-07-19: GroupWare - Resource MyvCard complete support, preserves Name and Category and dual syncing ready [-] 2011-07-19: [#LGJ-706689] Config - Anti-spam - UTF8 in blacklist and whitelist keywords fixed [*] 2011-07-19: GroupWare - SetMyvCard() order of sync vs. thread updated [*] 2011-07-19: [#QXB-529502] GroupWare - Reminder vs. reminder emails updated, the session reminderemail set [*] 2011-07-18: Config - VoIP - Extensions renamed to Extensions / Queues [-] 2011-07-18: [#OAS-493132] Setup - Wizard - Admin username and password are checked for password policy right after clicking the next button [-] 2011-07-18: [#HGU-269060] Config - Windows users import - server name input box hidden [*] 2011-07-15: System - Logging - SysLogCall - better identification of active process [+] 2011-07-15: project maintenance - full automatic generation of releasenotes [*] 2011-07-15: SMTP service - improved queue logging [*] 2011-07-15: Config - VoIP - Dial Plan used instead of Queues [+] 2011-07-15: Config - Resources - Card tab and Image support added, allows additional resources information to be specified [-] 2011-07-14: Outlook Connector vCal attachments fix [+] 2011-07-14: project maintenance - preparations for automatic compose of releasenotes [+] 2011-07-14: GroupWare - API enhancements, Resources - Default calendar folder returned for all available resources under the Resources folder, resources account creates a customized Calendar folder (uses description and/or email address) [*] 2011-07-14: Config - Remote console - api.dll distributed and registered if API console is used [*] 2011-07-14: DB - In case of exception the original SQL is logged too [+] 2011-07-14: GroupWare - Resources - first phase of enhancements - Car resource, Users tab, Permissions [*] 2011-07-13: POP3 Service - access to flagsext.dat optimized [*] 2011-07-13: API - C_SmartAttach_Key new variable added [*] 2011-07-13 GroupWare - DeleteGroup/DeleteOwner - notifies ACL change [-] 2011-07-13 Linux - Avast - Fixed updating, avast dir added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH [*] 2011-07-13 Config - Public folders - Ability to specify user account removed (auto generated) [*] 2011-07-13 Archive - RSS feeds put to archive [*] 2011-07-13 IMAP - Connector - XLIST returns owners of public and shared folders [*] 2011-07-13 ActiveSync - ActiveSync autodiscover must be https:// for Android to work properly [*] 2011-07-12 SIP - Extensions tab - active numbers (number linking back to Email or Members is active and ready to receive and forward call to destination) [*] 2011-07-12 GroupWare - Action thread queue works in 10sec batches [-] 2011-07-11 IMAP Server - Memory leak fixed [*] 2011-07-11 DNS Class - logging improved [*] 2011-07-11 Config - Message queues - Retry queue added to popup [-] 2011-07-11 [#ZNL-450283] Added API variable C_AV_General_Proxy_URL for setting possible proxy for AV updates downloading [*] 2011-07-11 System - DomainCache - works if domain.cfg is missing [*] 2011-07-08 AD synchronization - new XML option USERNAMEFROMSPECIALFIELD added (if not empty, username of icewarp account will be imported from given field e.g.: uid) [*] 2011-07-08 [#OHC-151041] SMTP - RFC822 filter - EOF chars are replaced with space [-] 2011-07-08 [#RTD-520764] Anti-Spam - DB sanitization applied [-] 2011-07-08 [#OHC-151041] SMTP - RFC822 filter - Message is not truncated when EOF char (0x1A) is contained in the message [+] 2011-07-08 Config - License dialog - Status - new hint added [*] 2011-07-07 API - ManageConfig - new selector "api/call_persistent" [-] 2011-07-07 GroupWare - MoveItem() API function - works properly for virtual folders [*] 2011-07-07 GroupWare - Table field prefixes - new approach, calendar.xml updated [*] 2011-07-07 GroupWare - AddFolder() fails if Type not set when adding new folder [-] 2011-07-07 IMAP Service - Connector - XLIST - better handling of GW folders with improper folder type [*] 2011-07-07 GroupWare - VersitClass - faster and optimized Versit class, hashed properties and hashed MD5 property values, tested with contacts and distribution lists consisting of 30.000 email and x attribute properties [-] 2011-07-07 [#LJK-901195] Control - FastCGI scripting services (like PHP) stopped when control service is stopped [*] 2011-07-07 GroupWare - GAL synchronization processed in the groupware queue thread (serialized task queue), solves account Save() delays and multiple possible instances of one group synchronization [*] 2011-07-04 Config - License warning for Save only once [*] 2011-07-04 Config - VoIP tabs renamed [*] 2011-07-01 API - ManageConfig - new selectors "activesync/getdevicelistxml", "activesync/processcomman" [*] 2011-07-01 Config - strings for webadmin localization added [*] 2011-06-30 Connector - InterfacePluginContainer - Better modality, iteraction with calling process [*] 2011-06-30 Watchdog - monitoring services on specified IP addresses, new API variable C_System_Tools_WatchDog_Check_IPList added [*] 2011-06-29 System - Logs parsing - SIP logs - messages with Content-Length are parsed as one message with body, fixes missing body when filtered [*] 2011-06-29 GroupWare - GetIntervalEvents API functions, new Interval attribute params support added, new max= attribute implemented [+] 2011-06-29 Config - ACL Dialog completely rewritten, new Permissions drop down and Access Control listbox, ACL renamed to Permissions [-] 2011-06-29 License - lFlags parameter handling fixed in function ADDXMLLicense [-] 2011-06-29 IMAP Service - Connector - XLIST - if there is GW folder with the same name as existing IMAP folder, GW folder is returned in XLIST [*] 2011-06-28 InterfacePluginContainer - optional debug added [-] 2011-06-28 License Class - Better strings for non expirable licenses [+] 2011-06-28 API - ManageConfig - new selectors "smtp/srsdecode", "smtp/srsupdate" [*] 2011-06-28 GroupWare - ACL - GetFolderRightList() - anyone NO rights record not returned not to confuse users [*] 2011-06-28 GroupWare - new Time functions added and applied [*] 2011-06-28 FTP Sync - Ignore list used also for folders, storage tweak added, parsing of old source type updated [-] 2011-06-22 Groupware DB update commands fixed [-] 2011-06-22 IMAP Service - Connector - InterfacePlugin - License class - checking of productname is case insensitive [-] 2011-06-21 [#HGU-269060] Config - Import accounts from Windows - type IMAP/POP3, SpamReports default, Rules enabled (like standard new user) [-] 2011-06-21 GroupWare - EAS merge - fixed pointer initialization, causing bug in ActiveSync [*] Project Builder - Connector - version strings from IceWarpServer propagated [-] 2011-06-20 [#OAS-493132] Setup - Initial wizard error detection and input retry implemented [-] 2011-06-20 IMAP Service - Connector - InterfacePlugin - Server Options window increased [+] 2011-06-17 FTP Sync - Two-Way synchronization completed, Config - sync dialog user friendly [*] 2011-06-17 IMAP Service - Connector - InterfacePlugin - Possibility to open IceWarp Rules on specific page [*] 2011-06-17 LDAP Sync - precised debug log messages [-] 2011-06-17 GroupWare - GetShareAccountList() header vs. sort problem fixed [*] 2011-06-16 FTP Sync - Two-Way sync preparations [*] 2011-06-16 [#OAS-493132] Config - Password policies - Check password against username and alias active by default [+] 2011-06-16 FTP Sync - Sync Type added, Config updated, File Check for source added [*] 2011-06-16 FTP - LIST returns UTC time, MDTM uses UTC time, MLST and MLSD already worked in UTC [+] 2011-06-16 FTP Sync - Full FTP mirroring support added, FTP Destination (FTP upload) working, Config updated [*] 2011-06-16 GroupWare - CONFIDENTIAL vs. PRIVATE Calendar items updated, CONFIDENTIAL has higher restriction than PRIVATE, in PRIVATE you will see a blank event (previously these 2 were swapped) [+] 2011-06-15 FTP Sync - New FTP synchronization engine, class based, FTP and Directory support for destination storage, hash based [*] 2011-06-15 LDAP sync - also personal data is imported from LDAP directory [*] 2011-06-15 GW API - SetMyvCard - added parameter for disabling automatic GAL update [*] 2011-06-15 More active directory LDAP records processed by LDIFTovCard function [*] 2011-06-15 LDAP - functions for parsing dn items added [*] 2011-06-15 SMTP Service - MilterFilters - Bypass file for external filters is respected in Milter filters - it is evaluated only once after connection is made [*] 2011-06-15 [#QWW-356208] GroupWare - Tasks - new EvnCompleted field linked to COMPLETED (if blank Evn_Modified used), db upgrade ready, auto completion of tasks removed [+] 2011-06-14 SkypeKit added [-] 2011-06-14 LicenseClass -Better handling of ClientSellMode [*] 2011-06-14 GroupWare - Holidays - EvnLocation - type=weather, type=public used instead of EvnType [-] 2011-06-10 IMAP Service - Connector - InterfacePlugin - If forms are forced to foreground, all forms are in foreground [+] 2011-06-09 GroupWare - ExportData/ExportGroup API function - support for DB connection parameter added, allows export of db backup, Config - Restore from DB [-] 2011-06-09 Config - Users - Personal - Address switching drop down doesn't mix home and work addresses, when home address doesn't exist [-] 2011-06-09 Config - Users - Personal - Fixed address encoding [*] 2011-06-09 IMAP Service - Connector - InterfacePlugin - "Server rules" form is not the main application form any more [-] 2011-06-08 IMAP Service - Connector - InterfacePlugin - TNTForms properly removes itself from AltBugFix queue [*] 2011-06-08 IMAP Service - Connector - InterfacePlugin - foreground window forced also for "server rules" dialog [*] 2011-06-08 IMAP Service - Connector - InterfacePlugin - improved mechanism forcing foreground window, better login, plugindone called when unloading [-] 2011-06-08 [#AGO-321416] SmartAttach - two files with the same name can be attached. Fixed failed file deletion in case of attaching failure. [+] 2011-06-08 Auto Clean rules implemented [-] 2011-06-08 [#FYY-458420] Config - Connect toolbar button hint localization fixed, label depends on the connection status [-] 2011-06-07 Upgrade tasks - Groupware upgrade query fixed [+] 2011-06-07 IMAP Service - Connector - InterfacePlugin - if gui is set to modal mode, window is forced to foreground, PluginDone destroys all forms, anti-freeze mechanism implemented [-] 2011-06-07 [#XGS-803987] Config - Status - Sessions - webclient log is shown, when webclient session is double clicked [-] 2011-06-07 [#HNK-691582] Config - Remote account - Domain POP - Do not proccess Received: header enabled by default [-] 2011-06-07 [#DXE-388738] Tool - tool must be run with administrator privileges, otherwise it terminates with an error [+] 2011-06-07 Config - Auto Clean rules implementation, Accounts - Delete/Forward older option removed (obsolete, use Auto Clean rules instead) [-] 2011-06-06 [#NKU-975037] Config - More space for label of MarkCharsetSpam checkbox [*] 2011-06-06 [#HAG-260359] More detailed account deletion question with more space in dialog for localizations [*] 2011-06-02 [#QLI-888446] Config - Author of account deletion logged into Maintenance log [*] 2011-06-02 API - DomainObject - new method GetTotalAccounts [-] 2011-06-02 Config - Spam score correctly taken from settings [-] 2011-06-02 IMAP Service - Connector - proper parsing of EAS=64 [-] 2011-06-02 IMAP Service - Connector - XMOVE not supported for GW items yet [-] 2011-06-02 IMAP Service - Connector - Resource folder is marked as virtual [-] 2011-06-02 GroupWare - vCard - ADDR TYPE parsing fixed [-] 2011-06-02 IMAP Service - Connector - XLIST - GW virtual folders are properly marked as \virtual and no folderid is returned [*] 2011-06-02 SMTP Service - Logging - Active Local port is logged inside the "connected" entry, e.g. [22DC] 12:03:19 Connected, local IP= [*] 2011-06-02 SMTP - new variables %%local_port%% , %%port%% added, local [-] 2011-06-01 [#EQJ-734710] Setup - C_Install_URL is set to proper hostname path (localhost) also in quick installation mode [-] 2011-06-01 [#EQJ-734710] Setup - C_Install_URL is set to URL based on hostname enetered in setup wizard [+] 2011-06-01 SIP - Default extensions created for the first installation, default voip services enabled and automatically register [+] 2011-05-31 SIP - SIP registration allowed for "localhost.localhost" domain for Extensions [-] 2011-05-31 [#PEZ-625310] Config - Template edit dialog enlarged to fit Users/Personal and Users/Options tabs. [+] 2011-05-31 Config - SIP - Rule - Strip number from target - new option added, relates to Ends with/Starts with conditions [*] 2011-05-31 GroupWare - Weather - New Google weather icons support [+] 2011-05-31 GroupWare - Tags - TagColor support added, GetTagList returns new TagColor, AddTag() has a new Params parameter to supply TagColor [-] 2011-05-31 [#FYY-458420] Config - Connect toolbar button hint localization actualized properly [-] 2011-05-30 [#NVV-828979] Groupware - ACL change notification - Content charset header added to notification email [-] 2011-05-30 [#XGS-803987] IP is not applied in web log filter, when selecting particular session from sessions list [*] 2011-05-30 AD synchronization - 2 new XML options added - DISPLAYNAMEFROMADGIVENNAME (if enabled, account name will be imported from 'givenname' and 'sn'), ALLDATADELETION (if enabled, also e-mails will be deleted for accounts deleted from AD) [-] 2011-05-30 MIME Class - GetBodyString better respects size limits [*] 2011-05-29 Builder - new connector added into install folder [-] 2011-05-29 Localization - Connector - support for localization of new connector - proper path [-] 2011-05-27 [#JSM-405278] D_IPAddress can be modified via API properly [-] 2011-05-27 IMAP Service - Connector - APPEND properly locks the target mailbox so that no other session can read it before append is completed [+] 2011-05-27 Config - SIP - RegEx checkbox changed to Number dropdown with a set of options (Equals, Matches, Starts with, Ends with, Contains), services and settings updated accordingly [-] 2011-05-27 GroupWare - MoveItem() - proper destination folder rights applied [+] 2011-05-27 New Domain - Public Folders available by default [+] 2011-05-27 New Domain - Shared domain roster ON by default [+] 2011-05-26 Localization - Connector - support for localization of new connector [*] 2011-05-26 Config - DB Dialog - DB Syntax - "Default" item removed, new DB syntax mapping and order created [*] 2011-05-26 GroupWare - Upgrade to 10.3 - duplicate group maintenance added (old groups removed) [-] 2011-05-26 [YIH-281821] SMTP Service - Routing vs. deliver via relay server fixed [-] 2011-05-26 API - IMMessage class - set_body supports UTF [-] 2011-05-25 [#OIS-130987] SMTP - ETRN - incorrect domain or password error responses added [-] 2011-05-25 [#VSN-346273] Config - Domain rename - domain group member is also renamed [-] 2011-05-24 IMAP Service - Connector - CREATE command properly modifies .wrapper folders [-] 2011-05-24 [#EEV-632219] API TAccountObject->FindInitQuery returns True for domains without accounts [*] 2011-05-24 RSS - MIME From: header contains "noreply@localhost" sender for compatibility reasons [-] 2011-05-24 [#CUZ-438400] Empty log filter item doesn't stop other filter items evaluation [-] 2011-05-24 [IWS-29] IMAP Service - Connector - XLIST refreshes defaults folders info [-] 2011-05-24 [#EEV-632219] Domain is filled in TUserInfo when browsing cached domain accounts [-] 2011-05-23 Linux - [YPP-178650] seems that RSS doesn't work at all [*] 2011-05-23 Config - VoIP - Devices renamed to Extensions, Users renamed to Queues [*] 2011-05-23 [#SYT-153656] SMTP - DNSBL - Support for variables in the custom DNSBL comment added [-] 2011-05-23 [#BIH-609776] stWebThreadPoolUsage published in strings.dat.html [-] 2011-05-23 Config - Account statistics - List - Domains - Message count and amount calculation fixed [-] 2011-05-23 [#SYT-153656] DNSClass - TXT decoding updated, parts disabled [-] 2011-05-20 [#OHL-139609] Directory cache - external dirs - possible CR char stripped from paths to allow CRLF line endings [-] 2011-05-19 [#WIL-275985] Group set to deliver mails into group's mailbox doesn't deliver mails to members when it's in other group or mailing list [-] 2011-05-19 [#SXA-714715] Antivirus version information in console is updated automatically [*] 2011-05-19 [#GTL-592496] FTP - Support for $$ variables in the site's homedir path fixed [-] 2011-05-19 SMTP - %%secure_connection%% works also for direct SSL [-] 2011-05-18 [#MHT-705149] Mailbox limit warning not generated also for new users created from templates [*] 2011-05-18 System - AccoutnCache - Final handling, multiple cache loading preserved, account cache enabled by default (upgrade) [*] 2011-05-17 Web Service - default rewrite for skins updated [*] 2011-05-17 SIP - Android - Gingerbread native SIP registration support added, Contact: header must contain the "expires=" attribute in order to prevent the registration loop on Android, response Max-Forwards removed, registration response To: tag= support added [*] 2011-05-17 System - AccountCache - Final tweaks [*] 2011-05-17 SMTP Service - MilterFilters - New hook "auth" - support for custom authentication [*] 2011-05-16 [#GTL-592496] FTP - $$sitedir$$ new variable for system settings Home Dir (uses the virtual host path), blank Home Dir defaults to $$homedir$$ for system settings home dir, solves all possible problems with fresh installations and the default access mode to all accounts [*] 2011-05-14 IMAP Service - Connector - SETUID,MATCHUID not used when adding data to GW [*] 2011-05-13 IMAP Service - Connector - APPEND - support for raw versit type (IWVERSIT=VERSIT) [-] 2011-05-13 IMAP Service - Connector - XLIST - folder type for file folder returned correctly [*] 2011-05-13 IMAP Service - Server migration - bulk migration - finish of migration is logged [-] 2011-05-13 SLLUnit - SSL dll's are searched in IceWarp installation directory prior to system directories [*] 2011-05-13 [#PYP-286536] GroupWare - ImportGroup returns an error if no data imported (duplicates already exist), new error E_DUPLICATE added [-] 2011-05-13 [#IRF-701910] Accounts - DB convert to FS fixed [-] 2011-05-12 IMAP Service - Connector - APPEND - type of appended data correctly propagated to groupware [*] 2011-05-12 GroupWare - Tags - TagCache unique for each group, supports tags for public and shared folders properly [-] 2011-05-12 Setup - Copy - Fixed list of copied files (libssl, libeay) [*] 2011-05-12 System - AccountCache - TouchFile() fixed with Unique param [*] 2011-05-12 IMAP Service - Connector - APPEND - possibly to specify Groupware ID of message which should be replaced [*] 2011-05-12 Mime Class - Linux compilation fixed [*] 2011-05-11 IMAP Service - Connector - APPEND - possible to specify type of appended data, possibly to specify UID of message which should be replaced [*] 2011-05-11 [#WJJ-769458] Access denied maintenance logs reports also affected service [-] 2011-05-10 [#XBF-671367] Group public folder ACL editable after save of new group [*] 2011-05-10 System - AccountCache - CacheHandle instances, cache loaded instantly when changed (without waiting), multithreaded domain instancing locked [*] 2011-05-10 [#MOX-451873] cTooManyRBL string is more explanatory [*] 2011-05-10 [#LLD-143163] Mail Archive - Unknown Users behavior updated [-] 2011-05-10 [#MHT-705149] Create new user doesn't generate mailbox limit warning, when domain user mailbox size limit is set [-] 2011-05-10 System backup - Database backup logged [+] 2011-05-09 [#AEA-696276] Config - Domain Information - IP lookup support added [-] 2011-05-09 [#STW-410233] Removing dead mailing list addresses functionality fixed [-] 2011-05-09 [#ZAL-553354] cTooManyRBL string fixed to be proper English [-] 2011-05-09 [#QHV-341992] System monitor - low free disk space message altered [*] 2011-05-06 System - AccountCache - TouchFile unique param added, new criticalsection added, new non-blocking cache loading [-] 2011-05-06 [#FMI-979390] Status - Spam Queues - Tarpit not loaded when accessed from Mail - Security - Tarpit - Blocked IP's button [-] 2011-05-06 [#BZK-390627] Status - Message queue - fixed outgoing queue shows incoming messages [+] 2011-05-06 API - new variable C_Mail_SMTP_Accept_Invalid_Recipients - allows to redirect syntactically incorrect recipients to catch all account [-] 2011-05-06 Groupware Service - calendar.xml - SQL queries updated to work with MSSQL merge replication [*] 2011-05-06 System - Settings - space for future expansion added [+] 2011-05-06 IMAP Service - Connector - InterfacePlugin -gui can be set to modal mode: 1 [-] 2011-05-05 HTTPClass - Chunking updated [-] 2011-05-05 [#ISW-578437] - VoIP - RTP proxy filtered on load [-] 2011-05-05 [#QYH-392307] - Post migration operations performed in the destination db [+] 2011-05-05 System - Storage - File System and Cache mechanism completely rewritten, new cache system ensuring high load and performance, Config updated (Cache storage removed - used by default and can be turned off in the API), email authentication optimized [-] 2011-05-05 Groupware Service - calendar.xml - SQL queries updated because of Oracle - fixed [-] 2011-05-05 Groupware - delete occurences SQL - works in Oracle - fixed - for another databases [*] 2011-05-05 Web Service - default value for FastCGIThreadPool defined not only in default XML [-] 2011-05-05 IMAP Service - APPEND - possible access violation fixed [*] 2011-05-05 IMAP Service - Connector - APPEND command can specify IWVERSIT modifier specifying that raw groupware data are being appended [+] 2011-05-04 SMTP Service - possibility to bypass bounceback - smtpbouncebackbypass.dat [-] 2011-05-04 SMTP Service - content filters - size for bounceback messages fixed [-] 2011-05-04 Groupware Service - calendar.xml - SQL queries updated because of Oracle [*] 2011-05-04 IMAP Service - Connector - RENAME - accepts third parameter - the folder ID. If folder id does not match, rename is not performed [*] 2011-05-04 SMTP server - System Variables - %%Forward_local_recipients Host%% added [-] 2011-05-03 [#AYK-158789] SIP - Anonymous access bypass support fixed [*] 2011-05-03 SIP - Gateways/Trunks vs. unregistered calls problem solved, dual authentication solved by a temporary LocationService registration via INVITE (first authentication takes place on the SIP server itself, second on the SIP trunk) [*] 2011-05-03 GroupWare - New FreeBusy ;WHERE updated [*] 2011-05-03 SIP - Incoming gateway call vs. Dial plan problem fixed, if incoming rules are blank the To: header is used for the dial plan and non-local domain is processed by the dial plan now [*] 2011-05-03 API - C_LicenseStatus - New variable to get instant license status [-] 2011-04-29 [#LSV-520109] GroupWare - Oracle Phone DB upgrade fixed [*] 2011-04-29 Config - Domain Information - AutoDiscover SRV record check support added [*] 2011-04-29 System - Updated TList class to sorted where possible [-] 2011-04-29 System Class - possible deadlock fixed [*] 2011-04-29 Database Class - Full list of domains is loaded before starting the domain reload process [*] 2011-04-28 GWAPITool - Loop function added, allows GroupWare stress testing [+] 2011-04-28 SMS - New API variable for SMS subject prefix, all received SMS messages will have a new "SMS: " prefix which can be changed or completely removed in the API [+] 2011-04-28 IM - New API variable for IM subject prefix, all received IM messages as email will have a new "IM: " prefix which can be changed or completely removed in the API (Incoming Rules and Email module) [+] 2011-04-28 IMAP Service - Connector - IWVERSIT returns EAS xml [*] 2011-04-28 SMTP - new variable %%secure_connection%% added [*] 2011-04-28 [#TBT-853118] Config - Release notes back [+] 2011-04-27 GroupWare - VFREEBUSY - support for all FBTYPE (FREE, BUSY, BUSY-UNAVAILABLE, BUSY-TENTATIVE), FREE skipped by default due to Outlook incompatibility unless specified otherwise in the new Format_ param (FBFREE), docs updated, new ;WHERE= Format attribute added [-] 2011-04-27 Groupware - delete occurences SQL - works in Oracle [*] 2011-04-27 Setup - Uninstall - Asks whether to delete all data and configuration additionally [+] 2011-04-21 SMS - Sender-Reply mechanism - support for To: name and From: added, real name of the SMS receiver will be used as From for his replies [*] 2011-04-21 SMTP - Undeliverable warning units changed (hours to minutes, days to hours), retry interval automatically extended to cover undeliverable warning [*] 2011-04-20 SMTP - limits are checked again if MDA is being processed [*] 2011-04-20 SMTP - Undeliverable warning fixed - calculated from altered retry intervals, "original message sent at" fixed [*] 2011-04-20 SMS - Number sanitization used for messages sent to GSM gateway [+] 2011-04-20 IMAP - New API variable to disable IMAP IDLE added [*] 2011-04-20 Setup - /skipinstall new parameter and support added [+] 2011-04-19 IMAP Service - Connector - APPEND commend returns also IWFILEID of the added item [*] 2011-04-19 Config, Setup - PDF view - it is checked if there is any PDF reader and if not a warning dialog is displayed [*] 2011-04-19 [#CSJ-222728] GroupWare - vCardToGroupware() - Email, IM and Phone set only for Home location [*] 2011-04-19 GroupWare - ParseFullName() new function added, applies to getmyvcard() and addvcard() functions automatically [*] 2011-04-19 GroupWare - VFREEBUSY - support for X-LABEL attribute added when in authorized environment, contains label for freebusy items, groupped ACL used (default calendar folder vs. root folder ACL) [-] 2011-04-19 IMAP Service - Groupware integration - delete operations fixed [+] 2011-04-19 Control Service - better logging of "Tasks and Events" [*] 2011-04-15 SIP - Authentication failure does not suffer from enforced sleep [*] 2011-04-15 Libs - Pointer preparation for 64bits [*] 2011-04-15 [#YLR-455948] GroupWare - Holidays - support for multiday holidays added, support for multiple holidays in one day - merge is applied [-] 2011-04-15 [#HVY-169694] All Services - Login policy - entering correct password does not increase the blocked time [+] 2011-04-15 Config - User - Personal Card support completed, stores and reads user's groupware vcard data which will be then used in GAL [-] 2011-04-14 SMTP Service - relay.dat is closed in each situation [-] 2011-04-14 AntiVirus - Kaspersky - [*] 2011-04-13 GroupWare - vCard - SEX vs. X-WAB-GENDER property handling updated [+] 2011-04-13 Config - User - Photo - Photo optimization and jpeg conversion added, first user Personal tab introduction and groupware myvcard editing [-] 2011-04-13 [#WTH-807087] Config - Tree node label update fixed - EditNode properly set for saved items [*] 2011-04-13 [#XTJ-182216] Config - Delete account dialog simplified, All removed, '...' added if multiple items selected [*] 2011-04-13 GroupWare - Notifications for public groups not sent updated [+] 2011-04-13 XML RPC - virtual method "Destroy" [+] 2011-04-13 Config - User - Photo support added, GroupWare integration, Set/Clear + popup menu [+] 2011-04-13 IMAP Service - Connector - New FETCH modifier SIGNEDINFO [+] 2011-04-12 GroupWare - GAL - MyvCard properly synchronized to GAL, priority of account name, GAL contact and MyvCard contact applied [+] 2011-04-12 Setup - Installation on win2k not possible any more [+] 2011-04-12 GroupWare - API - SetMyvCard, GetMyvCard new functions added, documentation updated [+] 2011-04-12 GroupWare - GAL - a new API variable to control GAL behavior for user/contact editing, you can disable if users can edit their own GAL items [-] 2011-04-11 [#HQJ-660016] SmartAttach - Single attachment vs. smartattach zip template removal added [+] 2011-04-11 Config - Accounts - Export - Export phone # to CSV support added [+] 2011-04-11 Config - SIP - Dial Plan - Export to CSV support added [*] 2011-04-11 Config - SIP Services - echo/voicemail position fixed [*] 2011-04-11 Config - Live Assistant - OK button removed [-] 2011-04-10 SMTP - EHLO response with blank line fixed [*] 2011-04-08 Config - SIP - Audio play/record browse/save buttons added [-] 2011-04-07 API - ProxyUsers - Put to external file (no string length limit), upgrade in place [+] 2011-04-07 IMAP Service - Connector - CREATE-SPECIAL-USE extension supports GW types [*] 2011-04-07 Setup - Metadata table vs. version - path to GW database taken from old GW settings if needed [+] 2011-04-07 GroupWare - API - ";MATCHUID" param can be also used for GetItemObject() functions, in such case the ItemID should contain an UID which will be matched and returned, ;SETUID automatically set internally if ;MATCHUID found [*] 2011-04-06 SIP - Better SIP trunk registration handling [*] 2011-04-06 Config - Services - SmartDiscover - Server / Hostname label used [*] 2011-04-06 GroupWare - Zip ticket general support created [+] 2011-04-05 SmartAttach - URL shortener used for ticket URL, new API variable to control this behaviour [+] 2011-04-05 IMAP Service - Connector - X-MOVE command preserves filename, so that client can detect move operation performed on the server [+] 2011-04-05 IMAP Service - Connector - new FETCH modifier IWVERSIT allows to grab directly vcard/vcalendar [+] 2011-04-05 SMTP - New API variable C_Mail_SMTP_Other_Extensions added [*] 2011-04-05 URLShortener class created [+] 2011-04-05 [#IMI-745592] SIP - Trunk - Replace Contact header - new option added, Config updated [-] 2011-04-05 [#MOG-502739] GroupWare - MoveItem() - Folder escaping support added [*] 2011-04-05 SmartAttach - Download All finished, example templates updated [+] 2011-04-04 GroupWare - SmartAttach with Zip support added, Download all link, new template condition when to apply download all/zip link, ticket support for zipped files, tested, template [*] 2011-04-01 Setup - Tutorial displayed only for new installation, Whats New checkbox visible [+] 2011-04-01 SIP - Support for compressed headers added ('v: ', 'f: ', 't: ', 'k: ', 'l: ', 'c: ' etc.) [*] 2011-03-31 SMS - SMSClass - support for returned data up to 256kb [+] 2011-03-31 Setup - What's New PDF installed, new checkbox at the end of installation to display, Config - What's New PDF, News menu items [*] 2011-03-31 [#FYX-965089] SMS - Windows - COM opened via '\\.\' path prefix if not present [*] 2011-03-31 API - GetAccountIndexByAlias accessible from PHP API [*] 2011-03-30 Config - HTMLHelp library - detects help file change and reloads the library [*] 2011-03-30 WebService - directory content listing - special port support added [*] 2011-03-29 FTP - Sync - File directory sync - Time shift (Daylight saving detection added) [-] 2011-03-29 Upgrade - Proxy settings updated [-] 2011-03-28 Config - Delete Account - Deletes all associated data again [*] 2011-03-28 TimeClass - ZoneTime information considers not only destination date but also time and handles time before and after time shift [-] 2011-03-28 Setup - Metadata table is checked directly from installer - fixed detection of upgrade install [-] 2011-03-25 Setup - Initial installation does not perform import of holidays inside upgrade tasks [-] 2011-03-25 Setup - Missing columns added to initial GW SQlite database, importholidays=1 added into metadata table [-] 2011-03-25 API - CreateTables,DropTables actions re-initialize DB setings [*] 2011-03-25 [#ABW-32145] Config - Better formulation [-] 2011-03-25 Setup - Automatic table creation fixed [*] 2011-03-25 Setup - Metadata table is checked directly from installer [*] 2011-03-25 GroupWare - Holiday class - EvnLocation URI encoded value uses new URLEncodeUnicode() function [*] 2011-03-25 MIMEClass - New URLEncodeUnicode() function added which returns %uNNNN unicode characters, URLDecode() supports unicode character decoding to utf-8 [*] 2011-03-25 Config - Live Assistant - window size updated, TWebBrowser class - IE8 compatibility mode used [-] 2011-03-25 [#NEM-661511] Config - Services - Display names of all services can be localized [-] 2011-03-25 [#DAJ-847313] Config - Trial warning message does not display "0 days" [-] 2011-03-25 FTPSync - utf8 file management updated [-] 2011-03-25 IMAP Service - Connector - CONDSTORE - HIGHESTMODSEQ properly initialised during first access to old mailbox [*] 2011-03-25 IMAP Service - Connector - FETCH - modifier IWFILEID extended to return Groupware ID for GW folders [*] 2011-03-25 IMAP Service - Connector - FETCH - new modifier IMIPINFO -> 0 - if the mail is not IMIP, 1 - if it is IMIP, 2 - if the server is reluctant to obtain this info (e.g. from optimization purposes). Fetching IMIPINFO is relatively costly operation, but it is cached on the server after first evaluation [*] 2011-03-25 IMAP Service - Connector - XLIST - new tag \Virtual - (\Noselect tag does not imply virtual folder in all cases) [*] 2011-03-24 GroupWare - Holidays - UTF8 support for holidays and weather, based utf8 file system used [-] 2011-03-24 XMLClass - Option for UTF8 file based operations added [-] 2011-03-24 [#VKZ-567830] Config - Anti-Virus - "Update Now" button disabled if updates are disabled [-] 2011-03-24 System - Anti-Virus - Virus flags cleared before processing [*] 2011-03-24 [#SNL-103548] System - Anti-Virus - Kaspersky service stoppend only if ALL our services have been stopped before [*] 2011-03-24 [#XQV-663228] Config - Reserved directory names avoided for Group members file [*] 2011-03-24 WeatherClass - HTTP Content-Type charset XML decoding support added, proper UTF8 for weather [*] 2011-03-24 [#HAS-127561] Typos in english [*] 2011-03-24 Config - LiveAssistant enabled only if license header contains 1 [*] 2011-03-24 IMAP Service - Connector - XLIST - no folderid for \Noselect folders is returned, no duplicate folders are returned, better management of folderid for shared GW folders, archive folders are denoted by \Archive, info about children of GW folders not returned [*] 2011-03-24 IMAP Service - Connector - Other preparation for QRESYNC and CONDSTORE - management of expunged messages implemented [-] 2011-03-23 AntiVirus - Maximum file size interpreted as kB on all places [*] 2011-03-23 [#ESO-323169] API - New variable C_Mail_SMTP_Other_FullMailboxPermanentError [*] 2011-03-23 [#QKW-770084] HTTPClientClass - Chunking fixed [*] 2011-03-23 [#XOG-188601] Config - Space for Localization decreased [*] 2011-03-23 IMAP Service - Full file Synchronization is not done in first access in a day, but after 25 hours from last sync [*] 2011-03-23 XML Localization - new resource for webmail about page [*] 2011-03-23 IMAP Service - Connector - Preparation for QRESYNC and CONDSTORE [*] 2011-03-22 [#NRY-947397] Config - SIP rule label updated [*] 2011-03-22 [#RZL-735786] Config - Spam Settings - temp files deleted [*] 2011-03-22 Setup - Trial license handling updated [*] 2011-03-22 [#WMD-623552] Licensing - Used seats calculated only based on real user accounts [*] 2011-03-22 [#WMD-623552] Config - Domain Information cached only for 5 seconds [*] 2011-03-22 XML Localization - License file for Notifier is included even if not translated [*] 2011-03-22 IMAP Service - Connector - XLIST - /vendor/icewarp/folderinfo/folderid metadata are returned in XLIST response, prefixed with \FolderID_, e.g.: (* XLIST (\FolderID_201103220738480001 \event.default) "/" "Udalosti") [*] 2011-03-22 IMAP Service - Connector - XLIST - new folder types for GW folders \event.default \contact.default \note.default \journal.default \task.default \event \contact \note \journal \task [*] 2011-03-22 IMAP Service - Connector - new METADATA /vendor/icewarp/folderinfo/folderid - unique identifier for each folder [*] 2011-03-22 IMAP Service - Connector - X-ICEWARP-SERVER command supports 2 parameters - client and version, extended functionality enabled if client is "iwconnector" [*] 2011-03-22 [#GTO-779192] Config - SIP trunk - Dialog cannot be saved if Domain is blank, gateway renamed to trunk 10.3.0 (2011-03-21) [*] 2011-03-21 [#ECL-153819] SMTP Service - Confusing info of "could not connect to DNS" fixed [*] 2011-03-21 [#NBW-318946] SMTP Service - loop prevention mechanism added for Content Filters- "Copy to email address" and Rules - "Forward to email address" actions [*] 2011-03-21 Setup - "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable" is installed after language selection, indeterminate progress dialog is displayed [*] 2011-03-21 IMAP Service - Error logging - UID violation error about already deleted folders not reported [*] 2011-03-20 IceWarpPlugin - PassFormClass removed, new LogOnDlg class used, Unicode support [*] 2011-03-20 SIP - Experimental Basic authentication support added (for SIPp testing only, needs to be enabled via the API), first SIPp tests [+] 2011-03-20 HTTP - HTTPClientClass - Support for GUI app proxy authentication [*] 2011-03-18 [#QFK-963943] Config - places for localization increased [*] 2011-03-18 Config - sharedimap.dat is not created if configuration was not loaded [*] 2011-03-18 Setup - Additional Activate License screen added, some screens automatically skipped, user credentials set from activated license [*] 2011-03-18 [#FGX-531590] Config - Panel with service statistics is displayed by default [*] 2011-03-18 API - C_System_MySQLDefaultCharset - description improved [*] 2011-03-18 [#FGX-531590] Config - "Restart All Modules" action performs the same operation as "Restart Active Modules" did. "Restart Active Modules" action removed. "Restart All Modules Button Added". "Stop/Restart Module" inside popup menu more intelligent [*] 2011-03-18 [#TEW-272388] Installation Builder - MLA help file taken from documentation repository [*] 2011-03-18 Config - Enabling extended logging for Antivirus enables special kaspersky logging (creates kave.ini and updsdk.xml ) [-] 2011-03-17 Setup - Version info in metadata of default databases updated [-] 2011-03-17 [#XQV-663228] System - windows reserved directory names not used for archive paths [-] 2011-03-17 [#PNI-494675] Config - Distributed domain - aliases are checked for duplicity on all members of the distributed domain - better dialog [-] 2011-03-17 [#LVW-335228] System Service alerts - no warning about traffic increase are generated if original traffic was low [-] 2011-03-17 [#KXY-431180] Config - "Quick Start..." renamed to "Quick Start PDF..." [-] 2011-03-17 [#KXY-431180] Setup - Administration Console installed each time [-] 2011-03-17 Config - doc/lang/ selected language vs. localized manual problem solved [-] 2011-03-17 [#AMJ-966927] - System Class - version working with windows firewall included in distribution [*] 2011-03-17 SMTP Service - Upgrade Tasks - Logging improved [*] 2011-03-17 Groupware Service - Upgrade Tasks - ImportHolidays is called inside startup work if version changes, not called from 'upgradetasks' method [*] 2011-03-16 Config - LiveAssistant can be disabled if URL value equals "-" [*] 2011-03-16 [#BHH-253189] Config - Content Filters - SmartAttach dialog improved [+] 2011-03-16 Config / System - Protocol Policy moved to the API, upgrade functions implemented, Config - System/Advanced/SASL section added with all authentication options (PLAIN, LOGIN, DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, NTLM and GSSAPI) [*] 2011-03-16 [#BUC-402059] Config - Restore Settings operation - more informative error message [-] 2011-03-16 [#NAO-817125] IMAP Service - BODYSTRUCTURE for message deleted in another session is syntactically correct [-] 2011-03-16 [#WFT-693259] - tool.exe - typo in help fixed [-] 2011-03-16 SMTP Service - Header/Footer vs. empty parameters fixed [*] 2011-03-16 XML Localization - bug in initial conversion fixed [*] 2011-03-15 GroupWare - Deleted Items - DeleteFolder() moves all items to Deleted Items folder automatically [-] 2011-03-15 [#KAF-177132] Config - Web - Scripting - detection of ISAPI module works well also for linux .so files [-] 2011-03-15 SMTP Service - notification of IMAP service about new e-mails optimized [-] 2011-03-15 [#LBJ-790103] IMAP Service - problems with SETMETADATA vs. rss feeds fixed [-] 2011-03-15 [#OFY-187943] Config - Check for configuration changes are done periodically, so that the user can be notified before performing any changes [-] 2011-03-15 [#ADP-508893] Config - Applying of the template preserves "NEW" status [-] 2011-03-15 [#WWV-391505] IMAP Service - GETACL on root folder does not return "inherited" flag [-] 2011-03-15 [#GTI-844914] SMTP Service - MDA for internal message - generated internal messages have the "LocalIP" flag enabled [-] 2011-03-15 SMTP Service - MDA processing thread is started only from smtp service [-] 2011-03-15 [#HAW-372031] Config - Templates listbox - proper UTF8 conversion used [*] 2011-03-14 [#IBG-448454] Config - Status - String number to int conversion fixed, StrToInt64 used [-] 2011-03-14 GroupWare - Trash folder - DL table check fix3ed [-] 2011-03-14 String Class - Append String to file - file handle released in each situation [-] 2011-03-14 [#WHP-207526] Mailer - Auto responder not applied to mails with header Auto-Submitted: with value other than "no" [-] 2011-03-14 [#WAP-416570] Config - typo fixed [-] 2011-03-14 [#LHS-760599] Remote Config - Proper Reference Key displayed [-] 2011-03-14 [#MWN-678847] IMAP - XLIST -\Sent \Drafts \Trash \RSS \Spam flags not returned for shared and public folder [-] 2011-03-14 [#AVG-626843] Config - Can not delete group account with public folder if GW service is not running [-] 2011-03-14 [#DXS-927419] Config - action "delete email" message from user's mailbox - IMAP is correctly notified (record added into flagsext.dat) [-] 2011-03-14 [#EQG-171777] PHP IMAP Extension - Support for PLAIN and CRAMM-MD5 enabled on windows [*] 2011-03-14 System - Upgrade tasks - Versions of Antispam, Accounts and Logs database uses specific labels [*] 2011-03-14 PHP IMAP Extension - setmetadata,getmetadata - fixed [*] 2011-03-14 [#ZTT-903951] Config - Database Migration - Remote file convention applied [*] 2011-03-14 [#VQR-161139] RCP - Message Queue command properly handled [*] 2011-03-11 SMTP - SmartAttach - Default template updated [*] 2011-03-11 GroupWare - Deleted Items - Original full folder path used [-] 2011-03-11 [#DQH-759905] IMAP Server - Proper behavior of LIST/XLIST with respect to Public/Shared folders [-] 2011-03-11 [#AFA-391759] Config - Localization strings for webadmin - typo fixed [*] 2011-03-11 Server migration - Aliases discovering - Only messages in inbox are taken into account, Only aliases with more than 5% occurrence are taken into account, Conflicting aliases are removed, but migration of the user is finished [*] 2011-03-11 [#UCL-978700] IceWarpPlugin - Support for remote folder selection (Rules action - Copy/Move to folder) [+] 2011-03-11 [#WMZ-447041] GroupWare - IMIP - text/plain part contains textural representation of the invitation, calendar.xml updated [+] 2011-03-11 Config - WebClient - Allow SSO login only, new option added [-] 2011-03-10 [#SNL-103548] AntiVirus - StartupType Bound with smtp, Kaspersky service set to manual startup during instalation, Kaspersky service stopped if Kaspersky disabled [-] 2011-03-10 [#NOR-848449] PHP Extension - Better error logged into PHP error log if API could not be initialized [-] 2011-03-10 [#VTH-682846] Possible vulnerability of StartTLS fixed [*] 2011-03-10 GroupWare - GAL - Support for remote GAL external domains (non local domains) added, handling of remote GAL email addresses added, DL handling updated, any object can be created manually and will be preserved now [+] 2011-03-10 GSSAPI - Support of GSSAPI for XMPP added, mechanism "xmpp", tested with Pidgin on Windows [*] 2011-03-10 [#ECZ-974753)] API, AD synchronization - New global properties C_System_ADSyncIgnoreSearchError, C_System_ADSyncMaxDeleteThreshold [*] 2011-03-10 [#QNO-895866] IMAP Service - sharedimap.dat is saved even if empty - prevents problems with Backup/Restore of configuration [*] 2011-03-10 Config - Kerberos terminology updated (Web Service - Access, Accounts - Domain - Directory Service) [*] 2011-03-09 [#VRB-829304] System - incorrect content of strings.dat caught, error logged [*] 2011-03-09 GSSAPI/SSO/Kerberos - SSOAuthenticateUser() new param Mech added, API updated, ServiceName should not contain Mechanism prefix - compatibility preserved, Mechanism properly set for Kerberos authentication, keytab files under ./config/_keytabs, name syntax: "HTTP#domain.local@DOMAIN.LOCAL", final tests with IMAP, SMTP and POP with Thunderbird, GSSAPI mechanisms supported "HTTP", "imap", "pop", "smtp" - case sensitive! [*] 2011-03-09 GSSAPI/SSO/Kerberos - SSOAuthenticateUser() new output param ProtNegotiate added - usable for IMAP GSSAPI Authentication [*] 2011-03-09 [#WRN-849280] System - DeleteDomain() iterates through all accounts and deletes all their data via DeleteAccount() [+] 2011-03-09 API - New SMS variable - U_SMSContent, D_SMSContent [*] 2011-03-09 [#KJT-517157] Config - Can not edit/delete resource account if GW service is not running [*] 2011-03-09 [#DQH-759905] IMAP Server - Proper behavior of LIST/XLIST with respect to virtual prefix of Public/Shared folders [*] 2011-03-09 Localizer - possibility to include specific COnfig interface adjustments ( section) [+] 2011-03-09 GSSAPI - SASL authentication support added, tested with Thunderbird [*] 2011-03-09 API - new Acount property U_Login added - Read only string which should be used for logging into API, respects c_accounts_policies_login_loginsettings [+] 2011-03-09 FTPSync - Destination drive checked if ready first, no Windows error message is displayed if drive not available, File Check option added (syntax: =[]) - can be used to check if destination is the correct device with a file that exists and optionally contains some text that matches regex [*] 2011-03-09 Linux - [ICB-104097] FR: remove wizzard from installer add the default admin account instead. [*] 2011-03-09 GroupWare - DB upgrade - mysql fields updated [*] 2011-03-08 Localizer - Advanced Search/Replace/ Filtering [*] 2011-03-08 [#WCY-149816] IMAP,SMTP - Archive - If archive folder for new month is created,it is automatically subscribed for those IMAP users who already subscribed parent folder [*] 2011-03-08 [#INF-856316] SMTP - Dedupe messages - support for recipient SMTP extension "sms:number" [*] 2011-03-08 [#HGY-779330] Config - Accounts - Domain - Directory Service - Filter - dropdown with defaults added [*] 2011-03-08 [#BAA-630986] System - Move account accross domains - AS db - SndDomain field updated properly [-] 2011-03-08 [#OSE-642015] GroupWare - Public Folders - LDAP synchronization fixed, Public folder flag was not set properly [-] 2011-03-08 Localizer - GUI elements containing whitespaces only are not exported for localization [-] 2011-03-08 Localizer - "Next Key" behavior fixed, Diff not applied on big entries [*] 2011-03-08 GroupWare - Weather service finished, holiday title updated, WebClient integration [*] 2011-03-08 [#SVE-622124] Config - Trusted IPs - IPs can be commented [-] 2011-03-07 [#QPU-297857] IMAP - Groupware integration - File items - proper UTF8 encoding of attachment names [*] 2011-03-07 System - Global Settings defaults [*] 2011-03-07 Groupware - GetItemInfo() - new API function added [-] 2011-03-07 [#MSZ-552459] Remote Config - sqlite library distributed [-] 2011-03-07 Config - user renaming - user is renamed not only in groups but also in mailing lists [*] 2011-03-07 IMAP Service - logging improved [*] 2011-03-07 Groupware service - Upgrade Tasks - better logging [*] 2011-03-07 [#YUN-496281] System - Group/Mailing List accounts - new option "Do not deliver to members with quota exceeded" (M_CheckMailbox) [*] 2011-03-07 RSS IMAP - RSS email file name is derived from LGUID, repeating GUIDs do not create duplicates [-] 2011-03-07 [#KUB-361148] - Config - Bind IP addresses not limited to 127 characters, limited to 1024 characters [*] 2011-03-07 GroupWare - Weather service - name formatting added, EvnLocation for holidays service fixed [-] 2011-03-04 [#VQH-336043] SMTP Service - Autoresponder's "respond only if to me" option fixed [-] 2011-03-04 [#EPO-324636] Config - Modifying DB connection settings, creating tables and converting data does not perform automatic save of configuration [+] 2011-03-04 GroupWare - GetVTimeZoneTZID() - API function updated, allows blank parameter for local timezone, in such case a local standardized TZID will be returned [+] 2011-03-04 [#ZDR-894088] Config - Domain Information - DKIM and SPF support added, DKIM must be enabled on the domain and for SPF only antivirus needs to be running [*] 2011-03-04 Config - kerberos logs can be enabled and viewed using Console [-] 2011-03-04 Kerberos - Default configuration included [-] 2011-03-04 Linux - [ESY-401582] Kaspersky antivirus [*] 2011-03-03 [#ORN-481705] StringClass - CSVEscape() fixed [*] 2011-03-03 [#TIZ-816287] Config - ACL dialog and GroupWare section displays an error if GroupWare API returns an error [*] 2011-03-03 [#ABG-275291] GroupWare - Reminders option controls currently loaded and prepared reminders, on/off setting considered not only after midnight [*] 2011-03-03 [#YVC-465999] System - Config\blackholedirs.dat - paths can be inside doublequotes [*] 2011-03-03 Minger Service - Possibility to specify SSL port - used for TCP server - needed for GAL synchronization [+] 2011-03-02 GroupWare - Trash folder mode on by default, Config - added new option to control the keep deleted items for N days [-] 2011-03-02 License - Module structure alignment fixed [-] 2011-03-02 System - Account licenses processing - updating of trial state - works correctly even if license file corrupted [-] 2011-03-01 [#ZRV-457962] Config, Remote Config - Add/Edit of Mailing List/Group directly from User settings consolidated [-] 2011-03-01 [#XRA-993483] Config - Content filters and Global rules - action "Copy to folder" - fixed detection of target type [*] 2011-03-01 API - if ValidateUser function fails, reason can be find in maintenance log [*] 2011-03-01 [#PNI-494675] Config - Distributed domain - aliases are checked for duplicity on all members of the distributed domain [-] 2011-03-01 Groupware, PipeClass - Whole long string read from pipe, if needed, read operation is repeated [-] 2011-03-01 [#PFW-585238] GroupWare - iCalendar class - RECURRENCE-ID handling updated [+] 2011-03-01 GroupWare - Trash folder - Deleted timestamp added and returned in the Union list, new calendar.xml and db updates, new API variable expiration of trashed items, new cron which deletes expired trashed items, trash folder ignored for public freebusy folders [*] 2011-03-01 [#JDI-457028] - Config - when account is blocked due the login policy, expired or has exceeded the quota, it is visible at the first glance [*] 2011-03-01 [#DSL-150186] - SMTP,IMAP services U_InboxCountLimit is respected, number of files in inbox and its subdirs is not allowed to get over this value [*] 2011-02-28 [#DSL-150186] - API - New account property U_InboxCountLimit [*] 2011-02-28 [#XRA-993483] - Config - Content filters and Global rules - action "Copy to folder" allows copying to absolute path and also to relative path of a given account [-] 2011-02-28 DBClass - Magic Quotes backslash escaping vs. LIKE ESCAPE problem solved, order changed, tested [*] 2011-02-25 HTTP Service - CheckSpecialPath() - Extra path levels support added [*] 2011-02-25 SMTP Service - Logging - Active Local IP is logged inside the "connected" entry, e.g. [22DC] 12:03:19 Connected, local IP= [+] 2011-02-25 SMTP Service - new supported service header in _outgoing directory,LocalIP, e.g.:LocalIP: [+] 2011-02-25 SMTP Service - Filters - MerakFilterProc2 - Local IP passes as a parameter with id 12 [+] 2011-02-25 SMTP Service - new server variable %%Local_IP%%, can be used e.g. in Content filters or in Milter filters [-] 2011-02-25 [#ZNZ-538613] IMAP Service - APPEND to recently closed mailbox fixed [+] 2011-02-25 Config - VoIP - Services - Default and custom audio fields for Echo and Voicemail services [*] 2011-02-24 GroupWare - OpenGroup - GroupID parameter can be blank, in such case primary GroupID will be used without any shared, public and resources folders [*] 2011-02-24 GroupWare - GAL - ItemOwner fixed - account properly created, DL group ownerid preserved [*] 2011-02-24 SMTP Service - UpgradeTasks - Accounts, Anti-Spam and Logs database are upgraded after SMTP is started, new Metadata table added [*] 2011-02-24 GroupWare - DBClass - Support for LIKE ESCAPE, {ESCAPE '\'} deals with different db types (SQLite, MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL), all major db systems are supported [+] 2011-02-24 [#YVC-465999] System - Config\blackholedirs.dat can contain list of directories which are not counted to size and count statistics [*] 2011-02-23 IceWarpPlugin - License expiration updated, new tag added [+] 2011-02-23 GroupWare - GAL - Remote GAL support added, synchronizes Domain Shared GAL over Minger (extended Minger GAL retrieval), add remote group to local group file "[]", remote-gal.vcf cache file used [+] 2011-02-23 [#SZV-973849)] SMTP server - System Variables - %%Forward_recipients Host%% added [*] 2011-02-23 License check - Real user accounts calculated only, other account types ignored, Config - Accounts count changed to Users count (Domain Information, Status - Volume) [+] 2011-02-23 Config - Left tree node - Popup menu added - defaults to Accounts menu [+] 2011-02-22 GroupWare - API - GetvCards() new function added, GetItemObject - supports blank ItemID and returns all items from that folder [*] 2011-02-22 [#PVQ-500377] IMAP PHP Extension - fetch_fast - support for fileid flags [+] 2011-02-22 Config - Accounts menu - Create New - Public Folder support added [+] 2011-02-22 Config - Accounts menu as 2nd menu in order, new Create New toolbar item with popup menu, Domain added to Create New menu [*] 2011-02-22 Installer - Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is not required if "Pure console" is installed [*] 2011-02-22 [#FIC-243611] Config - Content filters - Bypass button reverted [*] 2011-02-22 Minger Service - High level method for obtaining remote GAL [*] 2011-02-22 Config - Accounts tree node - Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V support added [*] 2011-02-22 GroupWare - Weather service - weather icon standardized, weather icons supplied [-] 2011-02-22 [#RDK-804739] IMAP Service - improperly logged exception fixed [*] 2011-02-21 Minger Service - Extended authentication added - required only for GAL export, otherwise still backward compatible [*] 2011-02-21 Minger Service - Symetric cipher used for transfer of exported GAL [*] 2011-02-21 Config - Cut/Paste - support for multiselect added [+] 2011-02-21 GroupWare - Public folder GAL - Name change detection added, supports both name changed in accounts database and name change done by editing the contact's name, special handling philosophy, last name change wins (no matter if it was changed in Contacts or Accounts database) [-] 2011-02-21 System - AD synchronization - aliases added manually are not removed if not present on AD [-] 2011-02-21 System - AD synchronization - GivenName and FamilyName are used if available [*] 2011-02-21 [#WNB-349020] RSS To Email - type=html attribute support added [*] 2011-02-21 GroupWare - Public folder GAL - Local contacts manually added by users will not be deleted, updated [*] 2011-02-21 PHP 5.3.5 - compatibility of /freebusy/ /calendar/ fixed [+] 2011-02-21 Minger Service - Added possibility to query for GAL contents [*] 2011-02-21 IceWarpPlugin - License expiration label added, when expired new information added [*] 2011-02-21 [#KPF-479362] - SmartAttach - Additional ignore content-types added (pkcs) [*] 2011-02-18 API - SSOAuthenticateUser - returns also user's password [*] 2011-02-17 IMAP Service - logging improved [*] 2011-02-17 Control - Update AntiVirus/AntiSpam - Message for updated suppressed if update not enabled [*] 2011-02-17 [#AFA-391759] Config - New localization strings for web admin [*] 2011-02-17 GroupWare - CalendarService - refcounter and holidayhandle mechanism added, pointer properly released, weather cron added, CheckOwnerHolidays() new method added, Weather API switched to other engine [-] 2011-02-17 [#DBU-206516] IM Service - History - "Before Now" behavior fixed [*] 2011-02-17 Config - License dialog - Server Diagnostics button added, offline request for unknown error too, clientsellmode parsed properly, LicenseClass updated [-] 2011-02-17 [#NNG-909737] IMAP Service - proper behavior of APPEND to new folder [*] 2011-02-16 Config, Web Service - Domain Settings - SSO support finished [+] 2011-02-16 GroupWare - Weather forecast support added, integrates with Holidays, new CS param for holiday functions, new Search param for weather location lookup, XML to iCal, draft version [+] 2011-02-16 WeatherClass - New class for weather forecast (TWCi - [*] 2011-02-15 GroupWare - @@TRASH@@ - Daily reports and reminders ignored for trash folder, expired events ignored for trash folder [*] 2011-02-15 Config - Web Service - Access - dialog redesigned to be absolutely clear [-] 2011-02-15 [#BTM-347514] SIP - Gateway From rewrite fixed if Username blank [-] 2011-02-15 Web Service - SSO return token propagated also in ISAPI [+] 2011-02-14 Config, Web Service - Access - possibility to use SSO for access definition [*] 2011-02-14 GroupWare - @@TRASH@@ folder support, SQLite, MySQL, MS SQL tested [*] 2011-02-14 PHP Extension - new low level method icewarp_kerberos_authenticate_user [*] 2011-02-14 API - AccountObject - new method AuthenticateUserSSO [*] 2011-02-14 AntiSpam - CommTouch - IP reputation engine tested [*] 2011-02-14 SmartAttach - %count% variable added, default template changed to display "%index%/%count%: %name%" [*] 2011-02-12 Config - VoIP - Auto Attendant - recordaudio and Up/Down for AA actions added [+] 2011-02-12 GroupWare - @@TRASH@@ folder support, MoveItem to trash, OpenFolder and other Item functions updated, Complete trash folder and undelete support, new API variable to keep deleted items (move to trash) introduced - controls the new behavior [*] 2011-02-11 Config - Domain settings - possibility to enable SSO authentication per domain [*] 2011-02-11 Accounts Class - possibility to authenticate user based on Kerberos token - improved, logging added (C_System_KerberosLogType), api login added, [+] 2011-02-11 AntiSpam - CommTouch - IP Reputation engine implemented [*] 2011-02-11 GroupWare - New item fields OriginalFolder added (will be used for deleted items kept in GroupWare) [*] 2011-02-10 DB Class - U_RemoteAddress increased to 255 bytes [*] 2011-02-10 Accounts Class - possibility to authenticate user based on Kerberos token - draft [-] 2011-02-10 Control Service - If services are stopped due to license problem, info is written into error log [*] 2011-02-10 RPC - Support for PHP 5.3.5 added, tested [+] 2011-02-10 GroupWare - Public folder GAL - Local contacts manually added by users will not be deleted and will be kept as part of GAL, local accounts that are not part of the group and do not exist anymore will be deleted [*] 2011-02-10 Config - Accounts list - Right click does not clear the selected items [*] 2011-02-09 GroupWare - GetGroupAccessRightsList() updated, returns more group details (OWN_ID and Own_Email) and a new optional parameter added [+] 2011-02-09 [#RJX-378243] SMSClass - Better support for GSM0338, $_@ part of 7bit messages, new functions and handling [*] 2011-02-09 Minger Service - Added posibility to query for all members of specific entity [-] 2011-02-08 [#WCB-575616] - IMAP Service - Search - header searching fixed [+] 2011-02-08 Config - Domain Information - Ports section added, lists all server ports that should be configured on the firewall [+] 2011-02-08 Config - VoIP - Auto Attendant service - support for record audio file option [*] 2011-02-08 [#LFB-459236] - SMSClass - SMS center formatting added, CR used as command delimiter instead of CRLF (fixes some compatibility issues) [+] 2011-02-08 Config - Domain Information - DNS - external IP vs. DNS records matching added [+] 2011-02-08 Kerberos Class - New class, possibility to verify kerberos token [+] 2011-02-08 LDAP / AD integration - Password changing support added, changes password on LDAP when changed in server, new API variable to disable this functionality ("PassChangeDisable"), tested [*] 2011-02-07 LDAPClass - fixed for binary values, new LDIF format for binary values "::: base64", support for ActiveDirectory change password in 'unicodePwd', tested [*] 2011-02-07 Config - Domain - Directory Service - Synchronize Now and Test connection enforces Domain save [+] 2011-02-07 LDAPClass - Support for user password changing added [*] 2011-02-07 Groupware - vCard - v3.0 TYPE=WORK,FAX updated, attributes have a new Encoding parameter now [*] 2011-02-07 SystemAPI Class - new method kerb_authenticate_user added [*] 2011-02-04 Linux - added ionCube PHP Encoder [*] 2011-02-04 Linux - updated PHP to version 5.3.5 [*] 2011-02-04 Linux - simplified scripts, is example how to notify icewarpd [*] 2011-02-04 Linux - new icewarpd, starting and stopping services [*] 2011-02-04 [#ZSI-756076] Config - DeleteAccount() / DeleteDomain() automatically deletes all account/domain data without confirmation checkbox, ensures all data is in sync [*] 2011-02-04 Groupware - vCalendar - Attendee handling case insensitive [*] 2011-02-03 Groupware - vCard - v3.0 multiple TYPE attribute value handling updated, TYPE="WORK,FAX", add/get support [*] 2011-02-03 Connector plugin - empty COM interface implemented [*] 2011-02-03 Groupware - vCard - blank TYPE attr value fixed [-] 2011-02-03 PHP - Extensions - mailparse -fixed bug [-] 2011-02-03 Config - Services - "Restart All modules" action does not start kaspersky engine if Anti-virus disabled [*] 2011-02-02 Groupware - vCard - support for X-ASSISTANT and X-CALLBACK TEL TYPE attribute values, additionally, TYPE attribute used for v3.0+ for TEL, IMPP and EMAIL [+] 2011-02-02 Config - Domain - Domain Information - New merged general and dns information for domain [+] 2011-02-01 Config - Domain - Domain Information - DNS info implemented, checks all domain DNS settings and shows a report of properly set and missing DNS records for all enabled services [*] 2011-02-01 IM Service - Purple module - gateway accounts can be registered only by one server account [*] 2011-02-01 Task / Event Shedule - ExecuteApp() proper directory supplied [-] 2011-01-31 Service Class - attempt to kill the process is made even if ControlService operation failed, - fixed improper stopping signal [-] 2011-01-31 Installer - "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package ATL Security Update" installed [-] 2011-01-28 API - IceWarpServer.IMMessage class - new method 'GetPresence' [*] 2011-01-28 Setup - Webclient User guide installed [*] 2011-01-28 [#BTD-837502] GroupWare - DeleteAttribute (DeleteBinaryData) - problem with attribute data deletion fixed [*] 2011-01-28 Base64 Class - better work with "on the fly" file encoding [-] 2011-01-28 Config - behavior when Groupware DB is not accessible fixed [-] 2011-01-27 Config - example of domain.dat configuration fixed [*] 2011-01-27 Config - Server Diagnostics - License Server Connectivity test added [*] 2011-01-27 Config - License Dialog - Subscription license type displayed, Subscription renewal string updated [*] 2011-01-27 [#QTD-759785] SMS HTTP gateway - new variable %sender_phonealias% can be used in URL of gateway [*] 2011-01-26 GroupWare - ACL Notification - X-IceWarp header contains the "right" attribute [+] 2011-01-26 PHP 5.3.5 used [-] 2011-01-26 [#OJX-996501] SMTP Service - Bounceback mails for special no-reply recipient deleted from temp directory [*] 2011-01-26 GroupWare - Daily reports and notifications - Unlimited title and description string length used [-] 2011-01-25 Service Class - attempt to kill the process is made even if ControlService operation failed, failure of ControlService operation not logged any more [-] 2011-01-25 Purple Server - Support for special commands prefixed with /, case-insensitive processing of usernames [-] 2011-01-25 SIP - ProcessTarget() - Support for non call dialogs fixed (SUBSCRIBE, MESSAGE etc.) [-] 2011-01-25 Groupware Service - AddVCalendar, GetVcalendar - support for ATTACH item [-] 2011-01-24 [#HKN-492814] - Config - Account statistics - hidden pulldown menu fixed [+] 2011-01-24 HTTP Service - new server variable $_SERVER["SERVER_SYNCPUSH_SUPPORT", if enabled, X-SyncPush-Delay: header can be specified in php output, telling http server to wait for syncpush before returning data [*] 2011-01-24 RSS To Email - <content:encoded> support added, works with IceWarp Blog [-] 2011-01-24 Purple Server - passwords not logged [-] 2011-01-24 Purple Module - account physically deleted from purple server if gateway removed from client [+] 2011-01-20 Config - SIP - Dial plan rule - RegEx templates implemented, when regex enabled number dropdown contains regex templates [+] 2011-01-20 Config - SIP - RTP NAT simplified [-] 2011-01-20 [#ZKK-447437] Config - Spam Queues - B&W lists - entries containing ";" properly listed [*] 2011-01-20 API - new function IceWarpServer.ApiObject->QuarantineListExt - results are urlencoded and "&" is used as a delimiter [*] 2011-01-20 IM Service - Purple - support for twitter [*] 2011-01-19 SMS Service - Modem initialization - Ctrl+Z sent only if no response for AT command [-] 2011-01-18 System - Upgrade Tasks - "active" indicator for web proxy preserved, set to false by default [*] 2011-01-18 [#REG-701876] Config - Password policy - disabling "Minimal password length" does not disable another constraints [*] 2011-01-18 System - Default expiration for distributed accounts cache increased [-] 2011-01-18 [#HZM-783703] Config - Content filter localization issue fixed [*] 2011-01-17 [#GAT-729176] Config - description of password policy improved [*] 2011-01-17 [#GOP-672076] Config - places for localization [-] 2011-01-17 [#USW-512122] IMAP - GW integration - Subject and attachment name of items in Files folders fixed [*] 2011-01-17 AntiVirus - Kaspersky internal service is restarted if "Restart all modules" action is performed, or if "Restart Module" on the AntiVirus Node is performed [*] 2011-01-17 [#BCI-761236] System - Defaults of pop logs and user statistics [*] 2011-01-17 [#UFO-953918] Connector - documentation included in the installer [-] 2011-01-17 Groupware service - xml import - unsupported DB columns are properly ignored [-] 2011-01-17 System - wave mode - unnecessary stats reading removed [-] 2011-01-14 IMAP Sevice - APPEND does not break the directory cache [-] 2011-01-14 IMAP Service - multimailbox search fixed [*] 2011-01-14 Config - VOIP - sipgateways.dat - "safe" saving mechanism used [*] 2011-01-14 System Class,XMLClass - SaveTofile - new parameter "safe" - data are first saved to temp file and then moved [*] 2011-01-14 Config - Web/Other tab removed [*] 2011-01-14 Setup - default mode for ActiveSync is ISAPI [*] 2011-01-14 SMTP Service - notification for IMAP about new messages - new lock type used, generic SaveStringToFile used [*] 2011-01-14 System - performance logging of thread locking improved [*] 2011-01-14 System - wave mode tweak [-] 2011-01-13 Service Class - improved test if service is really stopped [*] 2011-01-13 System - wave mode tweak, optimization of writes - savestringtofile used [*] 2011-01-13 Anti-virus - if service mode of Kaspersky is used, all services initializes AV engine, so that the kaspersky service kavehost.exe still has some clients connected [*] 2011-01-13 Anti-virus - Kaspersky - Service mode used by default (on windows only so far), can be reverted to original by setting C_AV_Kaspersky_Inproc to true [*] 2011-01-12 API - new option C_Accounts_Global_Accounts_DirectoryCacheWaveSafeCount, sophisticated choice of default value [-] 2011-01-12 PHP extension - new function icewarp_add_message_header_footer - conversion of slahes fixed [*] 2011-01-11 API - new option C_Accounts_Global_Accounts_DirectoryCacheWaveSleep [*] 2011-01-11 IMAP Service, API - new option C_System_Services_IMAP_ForceFullsync [*] 2011-01-11 [#GZJ-777095] Install - description updated [*] 2011-01-11 PHP extension - new function icewarp_add_message_header_footer [*] 2011-01-11 System - Performance logging - MoveFile, SaveStringToFile supports performance logging for level 6 and above [*] 2011-01-11 [#YAU-686847] Config - Progress indication for DB conversion, storage conversion and Configuration backup [*] 2011-01-10 [#YAU-686847] Config - File - Backup - preparation for progress indication [*] 2011-01-10 IMAP Service - Performance logging improved [*] 2011-01-10 [#YAU-686847] Config - storage - conversion - progress bar added [*] 2011-01-10 GroupWare - GetShareAccountList() - calendarservices user not returned [*] 2011-01-10 [#YAU-686847] Config - Database Migration - Progress Bar - Part 2 (support for groupware) [-] 2011-01-07 Groupware - default sqlite database contains proper value of version in metadata [*] 2011-01-07 Anti-virus - Kaspersky scanner service added and registered [-] 2011-01-07 [#GVF-389570] SMTP service - SmartAttach - size of attachments with UTF names fixed [-] 2011-01-06 [#XQV-663228] System - windows reserved directory names not used in mail storage paths [-] 2011-01-06 SMTP Service - placing message into outgoing queue improved, target file is not opened twice [*] 2011-01-05 GroupWare - Transaction GetLastError() new result support added [-] 2011-01-05 [#PUP-352450] smartattach.dat - comments are ignored during processing [-] 2011-01-05 [#JPP-639228] SMTP Service - Rules - string condition fixed [*] 2011-01-05 GroupWare - Resource - Manager has Read Write Modify Delete rights [-] 2011-01-05 [#YER-143940] IMAP Service - Groupware integration - subscribed resource account behavior fixed [-] 2011-01-04 IMAP Service - load balancing - locking problems fixed [*] 2011-01-04 IMAP Service - saving of imapindex.dat - automatic retry [-] 2011-01-04 HTTP Service - proper support for HTTP header Connection:close [+] 2011-01-04 Archive - Support for groups added [+] 2011-01-03 SMS Service - SMSIncoming() API function - new 'pass' and 'binary' URI variables added: ?number=&data=&id=&binary=0&pass= (id - required gatewayid, data - message data, number - required phone number, binary - optional message is binary, pass - required gateway delivery password / pin), Config SMS gateway updated - PIN and From available for HTTP gateways too, new /sms/deliver.html script added for incoming SMS [+] 2010-01-03 SMTP Service - C_System_Adv_Protocols_SMTPClientTimeout API variable added, defaults to C_System_Adv_Protocols_SessionTimeOut [*] 2010-12-31 Setup - Uninstall - improves deletion of files and directories [*] 2010-12-31 SMS - HTTP gateways are not reinitialized when remote server failure occurs [*] 2010-12-29 GroupWare - Folder tags fixed, lists only folder tags now [+] 2010-12-29 Config - Live assistant support added [-] 2010-12-29 Linux - [QIS-611239] directory install [*] 2010-12-28 Setup - Plain installation defaults to basic inteface [+] 2010-12-28 Config - Live Assistant and Advanced Inteface hint notification added (only in trial mode and until you change interface or click the assistant icon) [+] 2010-12-27 API - PHP class for IDP and Tools added [-] 2010-12-22 [#YAU-686847] Config - Database Migration - Progress Bar - Part 1 [-] 2010-12-22 [#TCL-519821] IM Service - Purple module - If new contact is added without specifying group, protocol name (e.g. icq or yahoo) is used as a group name - works in all scenarios [*] 2010-12-22 Remote Config - Log Analyzer - "Import Now" supports date selection [-] 2010-12-22 Config - Anti-Virus - max message size units fixed [-] 2010-12-22 Linux - [URO-103488] backup doesn't work if archive is larger than 2GB [*] 2010-12-21 [#AVG-626843] Config - better information about GW errors [*] 2010-12-21 GroupWare - Authentication - primary email always used [-] 2010-12-21 [#TUJ-657879] SMTP, POP3 - Push notification - works with domain alias [-] 2010-12-21 [#WEL-750058] Config - Splash screen disappears when login dialog displayed [-] 2010-12-21 SMS Service - Remote HTTP - msgid support added, PDU parsing fixed [+] 2010-12-21 [#ISX-719628] GroupWare - Internet Calendar (/calendar/) returns all available objects (old and new) and not only interval from the near future [-] 2010-12-20 [#ZJJ-274130] Groupware Service - SQL queries which lists folder and item tags compatible with MSSQL [-] 2010-12-20 [#VRO-362197] IMAP service - Groupware integration - groupware subfolder of root public folder can be created [-] 2010-12-20 [#WOM-133320] IMAP Service - ACL - inheritance flag properly returned in each situation [*] 2010-12-17 All Services - Performance Logging - Time spent in threadlock - improved [*] 2010-12-17 DB Class - C_System_SQLLogType - possibility to log DB connections maintenance [-] 2010-12-17 DB Class - Backup connection proccessing - important fixes [-] 2010-12-17 Groupware Service - Metadata table is updated after "create table" operation [-] 2010-12-17 [#SBN-266704] File Class - ResetFile vs. share mode fixed - behavior compatible with standard Reset function [*] 2010-12-16 Web Service - FastCGI - detailed info about fastcgi slots is written only if extended debugging is enabled [-] 2010-12-16 [#KJT-517157] IMAP Service - special resource public folders not stored in imap at all, if already stored, not re-created in GW [*] 2010-12-16 [#KKG-612503] SMTP Service - AS Live server address changed from localhost to during upgrade [-] 2010-12-16 [#MBR-916160] IMAP service - DELETEACL commands accepts non existing users [*] 2010-12-16 [#HDI-621913] Config - Services - Default height for statistics panel does not depend on screen resolution [-] 2010-12-16 [#UTK-251414] Config - space for localization increased [-] 2010-12-16 [#VPY-869638] SMTP Service - Copy outgoing mail action preserves message attributes (e.g. results of rules) [*] 2010-12-16 Groupware - AttachmentPath vs. blank anonymous OwnerID problem solved [+] 2010-12-16 GroupWare - API - New Item functions added, general functions for work with any object types (no contact / calendar differentiation), new function CopyItem() and MoveItem() - support for multi-object actions [-] 2010-12-15 [#KJJ-924729] IMAP Service - Mailbox meta files are not restored if mailbox was deleted in another session [-] 2010-12-15 SMTP service - Backup domain - Verification is not performed [+] 2010-12-15 Config - SQL Manager - Support for RCP (Remote Connection Protocol) added [-] 2010-12-15 [#TRC-973751] SMTP service - If domain given as a parameter to HELO or EHLO exceeds storage, the most important domain part is stored [-] 2010-12-15 HTTP Service - FastCGI - webserver.dat - new option FCGI_THREADPOOLTIMEOUT - fix [*] 2010-12-15 FastCGI - workers are killed if not needed any more [*] 2010-12-15 Config - SQL Manager - Uses CSV DB classes by default, DBClass - CSV export support added [*] 2010-12-15 StringClass - New CSV methods added, UnescapeCSV(), SetCSVText(), new BaseCSV class [+] 2010-12-15 Config - SQL Manager - Grid popup menu added, GroupWare additional quick SQL added [-] 2010-12-14 [#KJJ-924729] IMAP Service - GroupWare integration - Internal states of selected folder is correctly changed if folder type changed [*] 2010-12-14 All Services - Performance Logging - Time spent in threadlock considered if logging level >=5 [*] 2010-12-14 All Services - Performance Logging - new variable C_System_Log_Performance_Level - logging levels (0-10) 0=basic, 10 = most extended [*] 2010-12-14 [#HVR-464607] FTP - FTP Sync - CWD error is not treated as fatal where possible, ABOR issued if downloading a file where RETR fails [*] 2010-12-14 GroupWare - AddFolder() - When shared folder prefix and folder does not exist and folder type is blank function will fail (subscription request only fails) [*] 2010-12-13 [#UQB-533743] PHP Extension - icewarp_utf8_bad_replace - possibility to strip non printable ascii characters added, EFBFBF is not considered to be valid UTF8 [*] 2010-12-13 Config - doc/<lang>/manual.chm support - Lang loaded as per current set language [*] 2010-12-13 Antivirus - [*] 2010-12-13 [#RHJ-859909] Control Service - summary logging improved [*] 2010-12-13 SMTP Service - Performance logging improved [-] 2010-12-13 IMAP Service - Possible deadlock fixed [-] 2010-12-13 IMAP Service - Folder locking issues fixed [+] 2010-12-13 Groupware - SEND_ITIP - Meeting request email Subject 2 versions - New and Update [+] 2010-12-13 Setup - Demo accounts removed, Wizard mandatory, Add Ons mandatory (to much choice) [*] 2010-12-12 Setup - WebAdmin and WebClient shorts with Run as admin attribute [*] 2010-12-10 [#RHJ-859909] IM service, Groupware service - summary logging added [-] 2010-12-10 API - C_Accounts_Global_LDAP_UseWindowsDLL correctly returned [*] 2010-12-10 [#RHJ-859909] FTP service - summary logging added [*] 2010-12-10 IMAP - CREATE,DELETE,RENAME vs. subscribtion of shared folder [*] 2010-12-10 Config - Account Selection Dialog - Uses Global Settings - Max console display settings [*] 2010-12-10 Groupware - AddFolder with Shared prefix - If shared folder and create is used instead of subscribe a post-subscribe mechanism is applied eventually [*] 2010-12-10 [NDK-218079] Groupware - Resources - ACL set for organizers does not expand group members and leaves members unexpanded [+] 2010-12-10 [NDK-218079] Groupware - Resources - Temporarily unavailable vs. Organizer/Manager violation results in DECLINED request sent to the resource account, Resources allowed only for full groupware license [*] 2010-12-10 Groupware - Service startup - Optimized startup thread, new GroupwareAPIEnabled variable to control GW API, API disabled until startup thread finishes [*] 2010-12-10 Groupware - ContactPhone table update sql different for each db type (mysql, sqlite, mssql, msaccess, oracle and firebird), fixes update problems [*] 2010-12-09 [#QET-165139] Localization updated [*] 2010-12-09 [#JMX-505578] Notifier - mailto param fixed [-] 2010-12-09 [#YVF-227557] Config - User - SMS Settings - Gateway list supplied properly and gateways loaded accordingly [+] 2010-12-09 AntiVirus - Support for SOCKS scanning added [*] 2010-12-09 [#XRA-487715] Config - Status - WebClient sessions - sessions without any activity in last 15 minutes are displayed under "history" option [+] 2010-12-09 Config - AntiVirus - Proxy and SOCKS put to Anti-Virus node (removed from Proxy), added SOCKS labels [*] 2010-12-08 IMAP Service - improved debug logging of work with imapindex.dat [*] 2010-12-08 SMTP - Antispam Live - new engine [+] 2010-12-08 AntiVirus - Groupware - Support added [+] 2010-12-08 AntiVirus - FTP - Support added [+] 2010-12-08 [#ZCN-612824] IPv6 - multiple libraries loaded if one fails, fixes some address issues with IPv6 [+] 2010-12-08 AntiVirus - IMAP APPEND - Support added [*] 2010-12-08 AntiVirus - File scanning mechanism updated, general scan function [-] 2010-12-08 IM Service - server to server communication vs. distributed domains - all instances of distributed domain generates the same dialback key [+] 2010-12-08 Config - AntiVirus - Tabs redesigned, support for Mail, GroupWare and FTP added [-] 2010-12-08 IM Service - server to server communication vs. distributed domains - presence fixed [+] 2010-12-08 Config - VoIP - Services - XPath auto create added (creates the whole voicemail xml settings file), Transfer and Goto dropdown fields [+] 2010-12-08 XMLClass - XPath with auto create feature added [*] 2010-12-07 [#SQG-218467] - System - Login policy - detailed service name is logged, remote IP address is logged [+] 2010-12-07 Config - VoIP - Auto attendant routing GUI support added [*] 2010-12-07 [#AVG-626843] Config, API - Group account can not be saved if name of public folder conflicts, informative message displayed [*] 2010-12-07 [#YOR-506044] Delivery reports - Upgrade forces default On [*] 2010-12-07 Groupware - GetGlobalGroupList() - Support for Where condition added [*] 2010-12-07 Groupware - AddFolder with Shared prefix - Checks if folder really exists and subscribes it, if it does not exist it tries to create it with the user rights if allowed, RenameFolder and DeleteFolder proper notification to other sessions processed [*] 2010-12-07 [#EGK-509633] Config - Unicode folder selection dialog used [*] 2010-12-07 Services Class - Better way of killing service by force, all failure reasons logged [*] 2010-12-06 Groupware - Calendar default folder name used instead of Events, complies with calendaring terminology [+] 2010-12-06 IMAP Service - possibility to subscribe only a specific folder from a shared account [*] 2010-12-05 SMS Service - If no incoming rule defined all messages are sent to the primary domain admin [+] 2010-12-04 Groupware - ContactPhone table converted to ContactLocation, API for ContactPhone preserved (special hacks to emulate old tables), Groupware Versit updated, upgrade functions to restructure new table, import old phones into not tables, calendar.xml and default groupware db updated [*] 2010-12-03 Config - DB Dialog - DB history updated [+] 2010-12-03 [#BGO-709686] API - new variable C_AS_CommTouchInfoScore added [+] 2010-12-03 AD Synchronization - detailed logging implemented (all levels of debug supported) [+] 2010-12-03 Groupware - ConvertVersit() - FILTER support added - eg. 'XML;FILTER=ATTACH' [-] 2010-12-03 PHP Extension - fetch_overview - support for fileid flags - only for Icewarp IMAP server [+] 2010-12-03 Config - Localization - new read only value wa_servicelogs, compatible with items with ServiceLogs combo box - contains corresponding logging IDs [+] 2010-12-03 Config - Logging of AD synchronization possible [-] 2010-12-03 Config - SMS - SaveData() could in special scenario lose gateway list [-] 2010-12-03 AD Synchronization - No sync is performed if no data from remote AD server can be obtained [-] 2010-12-03 SSL Class - ssl dlls are searched in IceWarp install dir first - fix [-] 2010-12-02 Linux - [INX-483540] installation problem [*] 2010-12-02 SMSClass - SMSC parser updated [-] 2010-12-02 API - AVScanFile - extended result improved (see readme.txt) - fix [+] 2010-12-02 PHP IceWarp extension - icewarp_get_message_path implemented [+] 2010-12-02 IMAP Service - Support for FETCH IWFILEID and METADATA [+] 2010-12-02 PHP IMAP extension - fetch_overview - support for fileid flags [+] 2010-12-02 HTTP Service - FastCGI - webserver.dat - new option FCGI_THREADPOOLTIMEOUT, (default value = 0 = no pool timeout) [+] 2010-12-02 Voicemail - Auto attendant added, Config - VoIP - Auto Attendant core [*] 2010-12-02 API - Debug variable for disabling StartServer() services added [+] 2010-12-02 [#NDK-218079] Groupware - AddFolderRight() API - ACL notification sent for any non public folder (even if edited by superuser), resource account management receives ACL notification so users are aware of their roles [*] 2010-12-02 iSchedule - capabilities response updated (each GET request and additional attributes) [*] 2010-12-01 [#EGK-509633] Config - Input dialog - Unicode folder selection dialog used [*] 2010-12-01 HTTPClass - Location: redirect vs. different server or SSL change detected and handled properly [*] 2010-12-01 Groupware - iSchedule tested with [*] 2010-12-01 Config - Obsolete and unused methods removed [*] 2010-12-01 [#NDK-218079] DB - Resource property linked to db properly [*] 2010-12-01 Groupware - Resources ACL synchronization - ACL is updated and diff performed - allows user notification if required [*] 2010-12-01 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar() - SEND_ITIP - VFREEBUSY requests support iSchedule now, WebDAV/CalDAV iTIP supports iSchedule too because of this [*] 2010-11-30 SSL Class - ssl dlls are searched in IceWarp install dir first [*] 2010-11-30 API - AVScanFile - extended result improved (see readme.txt) [-] 2010-11-30 [#AHT-227838] SMTP Service - Full mailbox error is temporary error now (according to rfc) [*] 2010-11-30 Server Tool - General HTTPClass used so full HTTP/1.1 with redirects, chunking and etc. is supported, IMAP and HTTP Save path option introduced (saves all received data to files) [+] 2010-11-30 SMTP Service - System Variables - %%RFC822_Date Num%% introduced [+] 2010-11-30 Groupware - iSchedule support for GetServerVFreeBusy() API function - if domain is not local or distributed domain for non local user an iSchedule request is performed (, docs updated, SRV dns records required "" to locate the ischedule server [+] 2010-11-30 iSchedule - iSchedule client class developed, DKIM support added [*] 2010-11-29 [#NWS-731749] Groupware - COUNTER ACCEPT and DECLINECOUNTER - EvnFlags preserved [*] 2010-11-29 [#LCX-189588] Delivery Reports - Support for multiple Queue records with the same messageid added [-] 2010-11-29 [#NER-322045] Config - Help IDs - finished [-] 2010-11-29 [#NER-322045] Config - Help IDs - third part - till num. 14 [+] 2010-11-29 [#REG-701876] Config - Password policy - Number of uppercase alpha characets support added, support for password validation and password generation [+] 2010-11-29 iSchedule - server implementation, complete support without DKIM verification [*] 2010-11-29 Groupware - Anonymous login and support for OpenGroup(*) added [-] 2010-11-29 [#NER-322045] Config - Help IDs - second part [*] 2010-11-29 [#ZGW-656755] SMTP Service - Local Delivery Error - also recipients are logged [*] 2010-11-27 API - Groupware Disconnect method updated, GWTester updated [*] 2010-11-26 [#TWC-250623] SMTP Service - Client Session - switch to SMTP after 5xx error to ESMPT SIZE command is not performed if response begins with "552 Message size exceeds" [+] 2010-11-26 [#YEM-756167] Config - SmartDiscover - Set All button support added, Connection - General - Hostname removed [-] 2010-11-26 [#SIE-911267] POP3 Service - 64-bit integer used for size of the mailbox [-] 2010-11-26 [#ZMV-113254] Service Watchdog - HTTP protocol check - 200,300,400 responses are evaluated as ok responses [*] 2010-11-26 [#TXQ-765149] Upgrade - Upgrading procedures are logged into maintenance log [*] 2010-11-26 Upgrade - Kaspersky forced for default antivirus [*] 2010-11-26 openssl-0.9.8p [*] 2010-11-26 [#KHC-345273] Config - Groupware - Files directory mapping - utf8 vs. unicode problem fixed [*] 2010-11-26 WebClient - Sessions - support for permanent sessions added [*] 2010-11-26 [#CMU-411765] Config - Sessions - Duration - column sort support added, more than 24 hour sessions support added [*] 2010-11-26 [#FWI-745544] API - Simplified autodiscover variables [*] 2010-11-25 [#ORN-481705] StringClass - EscapeCSV() - new method implemented, function used in Config - SQL Manager for CSV Export [-] 2010-11-25 SSL Class - EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA is not loaded from dll [-] 2010-11-25 System - Changes in configuration are not saved if config path did not exist during load of configuration - fixed for API [*] 2010-11-25 Setup - Phone, ZIP and Address required fields [-] 2010-11-25 SSL Class - RSA_free used - memory leak fixed [*] 2010-11-25 Anti-virus - scanning timeout counts also time spent by waiting for a thread pool [*] 2010-11-25 Sync Class - Thread pools - waiting timeout can be specified [*] 2010-11-25 [#NXM-155242] API - comments updated [-] 2010-11-25 Purple Server - missing dll added [*] 2010-11-25 Groupware - Folders management - Subscribed folders always return FdrDefault=0 (special SQL handling so only one default folder is returned as in Public/Shared groups) [-] 2010-11-25 SSL Class - EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA vs. EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA fixed [-] 2010-11-25 All services - subdomains.dat is correctly closed each time [*] 2010-11-25 [#CHU-558206] MIMEClass - Attribute continuation (attr*) - RFC2231 support added [*] 2010-11-25 GroupWare Service - UpgradeTasks - If service restart is scheduled, Holidays are imported after restart [*] 2010-11-25 Upgrade - Checks if settings already upgraded previously (Undeliverable after and warning, Intrusion prevention msg size, SMS rules) [-] 2010-11-25 System - Upgrade Tasks - Upgrade from version "0" does not perform all upgrades [*] 2010-11-25 GroupWare Service - Holidays are imported by each call to UpgradeTasks [+] 2010-11-24 [#RDR-400828] SMTP Service - new system variables %%auth_email%% and %%auth_username%% added [-] 2010-11-24 [#TPF-972730] Config - Logs - Invalid UTF8 characters replaced by # [-] 2010-11-24 [#WJB-446724] Groupware - Resources iMIP handling fixed [*] 2010-11-24 System - Base64Decode() vs. StrReplace() updated, spaces and control chars are not removed before processing base64 decode, internally handled already [*] 2010-11-24 Groupware - Folders management for subscribed group folders added [-] 2010-11-24 [#LDS-814066] Config - anti-spam - Bayesian - Apply button is active after modifying stop words [*] 2010-11-24 602 Migrator - timeout for communication with license processor increased [-] 2010-11-24 602 Migrator - can be compiled again [+] 2010-11-24 API - ManageConfig() - new subfunction PassPolicy() added, parameters: mailbox, alias, password [*] 2010-11-23 [#SIT-872684] Setup - setupscripts.dat works again, absolute paths used, path to php.ini fixed [*] 2010-11-23 Config - Services - Popup menu - Start modules renamed to Restart modules [*] 2010-11-23 MIMEClass - GetBodyPart() - utf8 fix applied to the whole block returned only if text/* [*] 2010-11-23 GWTool - XML tab added [+] 2010-11-23 Groupware - Support for folder subscription added, API updated - AddFolder(groupsessid, '~user\folder') subscribes only one folder, account subscription still possible, db restructured, default db and upgrade updated [*] 2010-11-23 Groupware Service - Upgrade procedures are performed at start of service [*] 2010-11-22 Config - Default font of every form changed to "Microsoft Sans Serif" [-] 2010-11-22 [#DUT-330633] Config - Templates - Remote Accounts - schedule is preserved [-] 2010-11-22 IceWarp PHP Extension - icewarp_openssl_generate_RSA - ssl libraries are searched in proper directory [*] 2010-11-22 Purple Server - Dlls from pidgin 2.7.6 used, icq and aim accounts 'Use clientLogin' workaround - reverted [+] 2010-11-22 Config - API console - Support for export, import added, unicode support, continuation lines, multiselection possible [-] 2010-11-22 MIMEClass - GetBodyPart() - temporary variable initialized [+] 2010-11-21 Config - API console - Support for Comment field added (parses apiconst library for all comments), filter supports dotted api variable search, filters supports comments search [*] 2010-11-19 Groupware - GrpShareMode support removed (old version residual) [*] 2010-11-19 Config - Web service - Script tab management fixed [+] 2010-11-19 Groupware - ACL notification contains a link to subscribe the shared account folder, additional X-IceWarp-Server-Request header added for better application handling, requires the new /webmail/request/ handler [*] 2010-11-19 MIMEClass - GetBodyPart() - utf8 fix applied to the whole block returned (not each line - possible problem with quoted printable and utf8 line padding) [*] 2010-11-18 Config - Subdomains - support for IDN added, other functions IDN support, InputForm - GetInputStr() - support for utf8 parameter added [*] 2010-11-18 System - IDN/Punycode library fixed [*] 2010-11-18 API - Logging utf8 fixed [+] 2010-11-18 Config - Status - Logs - Support for multiple filters separated with ";" semi-colon added, multiple lines searched for filters too, IP input removed - use Filter instead [*] 2010-11-17 Services - Logging - all services Disconnect logs contain the IP address (SYSTEM no longer used for these) [+] 2010-11-16 System - Changes in configuration are not saved if config path did not exist during load of configuration [+] 2010-11-16 License Class - client license - communication with license server is done in separate thread [+] 2010-11-16 IceWarp PHP Extension - icewarp_openssl_generate_RSA - also PEM private key is returned [+] 2010-11-16 Config - Status - Logs - New Filter and log parsing mechanism added, filtering implemented, support for SIP, SIP Calls and IM Archive added, all log types supported, time conditions and filters working [*] 2010-11-16 SIP - Log format updated, time value as the first token [*] 2010-11-16 Localization - several string renamed to avoid conflicts [*] 2010-11-16 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar() API function, support for new additional parameter "&VersitParams" added which controls the AddvCalendar() Param [+] 2010-11-16 IceWarp PHP Extension - new function icewarp_openssl_generate_RSA added [*] 2010-11-15 DNS Class, Minger Class - better logging of failures [*] 2010-11-15 Anti-spam - ctasd-4.02.0008-windows-win32 used [*] 2010-11-15 SIP - Internal call management - TCP, TLS transports support added [-] 2010-11-15 [#LNE-723124] System - Login to domain alias possible - all scenarios fixed [+] 2010-11-15 Groupware - AddvCard/AddvCalendar - support for ;CIDFILE attribute added, allows adding attachments from MIME file via "cid:", CIDFILE can contain non platform path delimiters which will be converted to path delimiters [*] 2010-11-13 Groupware - GetTZIDList - Offset list - Location and TZ grouping used instead of pure TZ grouping, <TZOFFSET>Label;TZID</TZOFFSET> support added for calendar.xml (allows label localization and management, if Label blank TZID line will be removed), cache optimization, TZID matching added [+] 2010-11-13 Groupware - API - New GetVTIMEZONETZID() function added, docs updated [*] 2010-11-12 Control Service - Directory Cache - wave mode - timestamp of last wave stored separately [*] 2010-11-13 VersitClass - VTimeZone handling updated, solves VTimeZone problems properly [*] 2010-11-12 Installation - upgrade tasks - html/webmail/server/upgrade.php is called each time [-] 2010-11-11 API - FunctionCallBase64 - UTF8 problem fixed [-] 2010-11-11 IMAP Service imapindex.dat is not used for storing filetime [-] 2010-11-11 IM Service - History - problems with timezones fixed, items properly ordered [*] 2010-11-11 XMLClass - Better handling of comments [*] 2010-11-11 [#CTR-664334] SMTP Service - 'compact database' action is logged into AS log [-] 2010-11-11 ODBCClass - EODBC constructor problem fixed [+] 2010-11-11 Groupware - API Tool - Support for profiles (*.run auto extensions), registry settings [-] 2010-11-10 Logging class - AD synchronization is logged into maintenance log [*] 2010-11-10 RCP - Requires client version and disconnects if not sufficient version or blank [*] 2010-11-10 Groupware - VersitClass - PadString() with UTF8 support used [*] 2010-11-10 String Class - PadString() - support for UTF8 strings added, new parameter [*] 2010-11-10 SMTP, POP3 services - DBServiceConnection functionality improved - Configuration is reloaded when paths and DB are accessible again [+] 2010-11-10 New groupware API tool created, supports variables, file contents and others [*] 2010-11-10 String Class - GetUTF8SplitIndex implemented [-] 2010-11-10 Groupware - LogoutUser() hash object problem fixed [*] 2010-11-09 All Services - Configuration is not reloaded if ConfigPath is not accessible [*] 2010-11-09 Voicemail and Echo - 8000 Hz used for all audio, recommended frequency for all samples [*] 2010-11-09 SMTP Service - better error logging [-] 2010-11-09 Logging Class - Syslog - ThreadId is sent in hex [*] 2010-11-09 API - Antispam - 2 new variables added [*] 2010-11-09 System - ResetFileUTF8() function used for all file structures, all binary structures updated [-] 2010-11-08 Config - localization strings for WebAdmin updated [*] 2010-11-08 IMAP Service - Locking/unlocking of directory is logged [-] 2010-11-08 IMAP Service - Saving of imapindex.dat and imapflags.dat is done through temporary file [-] 2010-11-08 File Class - SaveStringToFile checks bytes written, does not cause exception [*] 2010-11-08 HTTPClass - chunking - small issue fixed [*] 2010-11-08 System - ResetFileUTF8() function updated to support FileMode parameter for both ansi and utf8 filenames, updated all previous FileMode vs. ResetFileUTF8() calls, openreadwrite attribute handling updated, openread attribute handling updated [*] 2010-11-08 License notification - New email suffix with labels added [*] 2010-11-07 SIP - RTPDump - recursive handling fixed [*] 2010-11-06 SIP - Lame library path initialized properly [+] 2010-11-05 WAVEClass - new class implemented, cross platform library, RTPTools class uses this new WAVEClass, works on linux too, no Windows API required now [-] 2010-11-05 [#NER-322045] Config - Help IDs - first part [+] 2010-11-05 RTPClass - SOX support for GSM converison, SIP save calls to mp3 working properly now for PCMU, PCMA and GSM 06.10 [*] 2010-11-05 RTPClass - support for new RTPDump conversion flags, API new variable, updated [*] 2010-11-05 Setup - sox tool added,, installer and builder updated [-] 2010-11-05 API - Domains are not saved if not initialized [-] 2010-11-05 API - automatic conversion of old spam.dat does not delete all domains [*] 2010-11-05 System - logging of save of configuration improved again [*] 2010-11-05 XML Localizer - setup - english xml is not explicitly distributed [*] 2010-11-04 RTPClass - Better payload handling, multiple codecs, GSM support [*] 2010-11-04 ActiveSync - Time zone handling, if time zone contains no name local time zone will be used [*] 2010-11-04 API - IsRunning() returns the real module status [*] 2010-11-04 [#SSO-573732] SIP - Circular Hunting - If all members used the last one will keep ringing [*] 2010-11-04 API - Better logging of save of configuration [-] 2010-11-04 [#OIS-130987] SMTP Service - ETRN Download - password and domain parameters sent correctly [-] 2010-11-04 [#BZM-526090] IMAP - Groupware integration - GetContactLastModified - cache is cleared in some situations [-] 2010-11-04 [#TWH-253291] API - FindInit returns FALSE if requested domain does not exist [-] 2010-11-04 Config - localization strings for WebAdmin fixed [*] 2010-11-03 RCP - Large settings received by old server problem fixed [*] 2010-11-03 AntiSpam - spam.dat settings moved to the API, auto upgrade added, Config updated [*] 2010-11-03 Proxy - proxy.dat settings moved to the API, auto upgrade added, Config updated [-] 2010-11-03 API - several constants in apiconst.pas fixed [*] 2010-11-03 Groupware - calendar.dat settings moved to the API, auto upgrade added, Config updated [-] 2010-11-02 [#OUW-336065] Config - F1 help IDs fixed [*] 2010-11-02 Config - New localization strings for WebAdmin added [-] 2010-11-02 Localizer - fixed problem with LEFT and WIDTH attributes [*] 2010-11-02 SIP - RTP NAT travesal changed to boolean only, config updated [*] 2010-11-02 System - db.ini discontinued - DBCacheCount put to API, AutoDiscover.dat discontinued and put to API, Config updated and autodiscover script updated [-] 2010-11-02 [#GZS-136946] Config - several GV strings changed to unicode [*] 2010-11-01 SMS Service - New API variable to control local number length added, SMS pairing (sender reply) uses only local number format now [*] 2010-11-01 Component classes - Constructor inherited order calls updated [*] 2010-11-01 Anti-Virus - Kaspersky - Scanner engine is initialized only once [*] 2010-11-01 System classes - Constructor inherited order calls updated, Thread constructor calling changed [+] 2010-11-01 SSLClass - Default hash algoritm sha1 instead of md5 [+] 2010-10-28 SMS - Delivery reports for SMS added, new msgid param for HTTP incoming and gateway supported, /sms/?number=&data=&binary=&udh=&pid=&dcs=&user=&pass=&maxmsgs=&sender=&authenticated=&reply=&id=&msgid= [*] 2010-10-28 IceWarpPlugin - Automatic client license activation if previous license expired [+] 2010-10-27 Config - Left module tree items order updated, Services tab - items order updated, Status - Drop down order updated, Status Logs - new drop down with categories introduced [*] 2010-10-27 System - Class and Constructor vs. Destructor inheritance updated [*] 2010-10-27 Config - Admin Strings - WA_localaccount added [+] 2010-10-27 XMLClass - Support for XML comments added [+] 2010-10-27 Config - SIP Services - Voicemail and Echo GUI added [-] 2010-10-27 IMAP - Groupware integration - each IMAP user has his own imapindex.dat and imapflags.dat for GW folders [-] 2010-10-27 Config - size units dropdowns does not contain kB, if the smallest granularity is MB [*] 2010-10-27 System - License texts can contain "Subject: str" line which will be used as subject, if not exists the first line will be used as subject and also will be part of the body, few strings updated [-] 2010-10-26 Linux - Fixed connecting UDP sockets [*] 2010-10-26 [#SSO-573732] SIP - Circular Hunting - vast improvements, time forwarding allowed and working, all failed members result in a target error [*] 2010-10-26 Setup - WebClient/_external directory is deleted before installation [*] 2010-10-26 Config - Admin Strings - WA_captcha, WA_powered added [*] 2010-10-26 SMS - Sender reply pairing updated - when external SMS received the Number used for From: is the original one created with the pair (not the one received from the modem), this way it works perfectly with mixing +1 prefixes and without them [-] 2010-10-26 Localizer - Connector, Notifier - <?lang language?> tag localizable [*] 2010-10-26 SIP - RTP NAT Proxy - RTP stream timeout terminates only the corresponding media_no index, fixes a problem with established Video RTP but no stream which would terminate also audio eventually, fixed [-] 2010-10-25 Localizer - Languages with low percentage of translated code are excluded again [*] 2010-10-25 IMAP Service - whole response to SELECT command is logged [*] 2010-10-25 [#SQQ-230624] System - new authentication type - temporary AD - switched to standard mode after first login [*] 2010-10-25 IM - Email gateway - emails sent via gateway have automatically prefixed From: Name <"xmpp:alias"@domain> [*] 2010-10-25 IM - IMEmailTransport property automatically detected from IM services list - type=email, removed from GUI, examples and default labels updated [-] 2010-10-25 [#RWV-185395] SMTP - rules for catch-all account are not processed twice [*] 2010-10-25 HTTP Service - FastCGI - error is logged if process can not be added to jobobject [+] 2010-10-25 Localizer - If translated text is longer than 130% of original text, it is graphically displayed [*] 2010-10-25 Voicemail - New audio files added, Config - SIP services updated [*] 2010-10-24 XMPP Server - IM rules - if account offline the rules recipient format is:, for online recipients: [*] 2010-10-23 Lame - lame library included by default, setup and builder updated [+] 2010-10-22 Echo and voicemail services - services included, builder updated, installer updated, Config - SIP - Services tab added, API updated, IM service starts Java voicemail service if enabled or settings changed [+] 2010-10-22 Config - API tool - RPC over remote connection completed, additional login dialog if required [-] 2010-10-22 [#LNE-723124] System - Login to domain alias possible [+] 2010-10-22 WebService - New PHP sessions garbage collector, php.ini disabled, service uses php.ini variables and process sessions itself, new permanent sessions session.gcperm_maxlifetime [*] 2010-10-22 Installation Builder - examples/strings.dat.html is generated automatically [-] 2010-10-21 Setup - WebAdmin and WebClient execution from StartMenu fixed [+] 2010-10-21 Config - API tool - Read only, Display only, Modify/Toogle support, Domain object preparations, Domain and Account support, Reload implemented, Double click support [*] 2010-10-21 Localization tool - interface.xml concept redesigned and improved [+] 2010-10-21 [#BNU-234272] API - new variable C_System_Tools_Monitor_WebThreadPoolThreshold [+] 2010-10-21 [#BNU-234272] Config - System Monitor - possible to monitor waiting times for Web based Threadpools [+] 2010-10-20 Config - API tool implementation, lists all variables and their values and allows modifications, Filter implemented, WriteTest() added, new API variable flags introduced [*] 2010-10-20 [#ZMG-778404] Differentiating tables error message [+] 2010-10-20 Config - Logging - New Debug tab added, contains API logging, SQL logging, Mail flow logging and Performance logging, Logs node - support for new log views [*] 2010-10-20 Voicemail project included in svn [+] 2010-10-20 Setup - UpgradeProcedure() - Windows firewall bypass added for all services and socket tools (ctasd, php, purpleserv, slapd, fastisapi) [+] 2010-10-20 Localizer - Find support added [*] 2010-10-19 SQL Logging - standard way - C_SYSTEM_SQLLOGPATH removed [+] 2010-10-19 [#AMJ-966927] Implemented windows firewall API for automatic bypass [*] 2010-10-19 Performance logging improved [*] 2010-10-19 DNS,DB,Minger class - logging improved [*] 2010-10-19 Config - SIP - Record calls option added, SIP - Record calls path supports time variables, SIP - periodic conversion of RTP Dump data to MP3/WAV implemented - requires proper codecs and lame library [-] 2010-10-19 XML Builder - directory with desktop client is not removed [*] 2010-10-19 Setup - Countries - Other removed [*] 2010-10-19 Groupware - AddvCalendar() - Special tweak for buggy clients and improper implementation of All day events added, 1 day is added if all day and Start equals End [-] 2010-10-19 System - Authentication - Optimization of access to accounts cache [-] 2010-10-18 Connector plugin - Language export - <?lang ?> tag is exported [*] 2010-10-18 License - CreateActivationKey() - support for license server added [*] 2010-10-18 Localization tool - support for export of old-style XMLs [*] 2010-10-18 API,Config - Expire Password Now works if password expiration is set to 0 10.2.0 (2010-10-16) [*] 2010-10-16 Groupware - Interval and other lists support {TAG} syntax and attributes, additional Where formatting updated [-] 2010-10-15 Linux - [UMO-415648] Managing VoIP in 10.1.x [*] 2010-10-15 API - New variable D_MingerPassword [*] 2010-10-15 System - Performance Logging - 'GetTickCount' instead of 'Now' used [*] 2010-10-15 [#TRO-522011] Config - Auto-Configuration of windows search - Folders are added even if they were manually removed before, If Archive is disabled, it is removed from indexing locations [*] 2010-10-15 [#ZMG-778404] Setup - api create tables call's return value tested and evaluated [-] 2010-10-15 [#BZM-526090] Groupware - GetContactLastModified - reflects also edit counters - solves problems with several actions done in one minute [+] 2010-10-15 Config - Services - Start Active Modules - starts/restarts only enabled service modules, All services actions performed in thread not to block the GUI [*] 2010-10-15 Control - ReloadServices vs. Kaspersky problem fixed, AV vs. FAVInit and AVDone() handled [+] 2010-10-15 API - Possibility to set client license attributes via U_ActivationKey_OutConn, U_ActivationKey_Desktop, possible value would example: count=5, can be set via cmd line tool [-] 2010-10-14 Linux - [XFA-962091] upgrade fails [*] 2010-10-14 Config - Services - Module name displayed if running, Services popup - labels updated [*] 2010-10-14 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar() - SEND_ITIP - Attendee reply can use OwnerEmail= attribute [-] 2010-10-14 Semaphore Class - Inside counter works correctly for unlimited pools [*] 2010-10-14 Groupware - Invitations - Blank Subject value for declined counter fixed, double accepted counter message fixed [-] 2010-10-13 Config - Services logging - Debug vs. Summary swap fixed [*] 2010-10-13 [#XZO-273516] Config - Wizard form caption unicode compliant [*] 2010-10-12 VersitClass - FILTER attribute proper handling [-] 2010-10-12 [#VKI-274437] SMTP Service - Delivery reports - Report is created even if message is going to be deleted (e.g. it was quarantined) [-] 2010-10-12 [#TTE-693455] SMTP Service - Quarantine - If database error occurs, message is rejected with temporary error code - fixed [*] 2010-10-12 [NPV-973326] Conditions are evaluated in all headers [*] 2010-10-12 XMPP - Rules action Delete real support [-] 2010-10-11 [#TTE-693455] SMTP Service - Quarantine - If database error occurs, message is rejected with temporary error code [-] 2010-10-11 System Class - ThreadLocks properly initialized, Performance logging for FileLog [-] 2010-10-11 IMAP service - COPYing to uninitialized mailbox fixed, better control of errors during load of index [*] 2010-10-11 IMAP service - X-MOVE - update of size.dat optimized [*] 2010-10-11 IMAP service - Debug logging improved - reduced logging of big FETCHes, added small logging of internal work with imapindex.dat [*] 2010-10-11 Config - License dialog - License groups properly displayed [*] 2010-10-11 Groupware - vCard - REV property used instead of LAST-MODIFIED for Apple Address Book, CLASS:PUBLIC not present if PUBLIC until Apple Address Book fixes its bugs [-] 2010-10-11 IMAP Service - Performance logging - passwords are not shown in logs [-] 2010-10-11 [#CWO-351657] SMTP Service - typo - b/s -> B/s [*] 2010-10-11 XMPP - Rules - X:Event bypassed if rules reject/delete action performed, action delete/reject supported - incoming XMPP messages can be completely replaced with email delivery if needed [+] 2010-10-11 SMS - Sender-Reply collision - Checks if collision of the same account with email gateway and takes more recent pair [+] 2010-10-11 SMS - Sender-Reply collision - Header X-SMS-Collision: 1 added to message so incoming rules can decide what to do with such message [*] 2010-10-08 RSSClass - BOM supported for RSS feeds [*] 2010-10-08 [#SSO-573732] SIP - Circular Hunting - problems fixed, Forward Time supported, ringing users Cancel sent, issues with malformed To: in CANCEL requests fixed [*] 2010-10-08 SIP - Redial vs. CANCEL problem fixed, CANCEL ignored for CallPickup and CallForwarding rule actions [*] 2010-10-08 Control Service - ThreadPools loging again improved - max. waiting time for each of last 5 minutes is displayed [*] 2010-10-07 [#TZL-196932] API - new read only variables D_SMS_SentLastMonth, D_SMS_SentThisMonth, U_SMS_SentLastMonth,U_SMS_SentThisMonth [*] 2010-10-07 Antivirus - Intergace dll - possible to build with debug outputs [-] 2010-10-07 [#BGX-431795] Config - SIP - Dial Plan - New dial plan resets the Owner attribute (all attributes reset), old records need to be deleted and recreated [*] 2010-10-07 Config - SIP - Dial Plan - Call Pickup forces * target [+] 2010-10-07 IceWarpPlugin - Purchase button for client licenses added [*] 2010-10-07 Groupware - Deleted invitation that has already passed (in history) does not send a declination iTIP message [-] 2010-10-07 [#FYY-458420] Config - Typo fixed [*] 2010-10-07 [#QYC-900827] SMTP Service - Bypass - Patterns are respected not only in IP conditions [*] 2010-10-07 [#WFT-693259] Tool - text in tutorial altered [*] 2010-10-07 [#VHS-426648] Setup - installation mode text altered [*] 2010-10-06 Groupware - VersitClass - VersitConvert() - XML conversion supports general VCALENDAR objects and adds X-UNIXTIME attributes to time properties and automatically converts the time from floating and TZ [*] 2010-10-06 [#ETB-926830] System - default values for control logging and system backup - "backup user settings" changed to true [*] 2010-10-06 Groupware - DB - FdrTZ changed to %%text%%, calendar.xml updated, default groupware.db updated [-] 2010-10-06 [#RKR-336845] Config - License - space for refkey increased [+] 2010-10-06 Groupware - API - Tags - Automatic merge of shared/public and global group implemented, displays both shared/public and personal Tag list [*] 2010-10-06 [#DSP-178128] Config - Anti-virus - Engine type is displayed [-] 2010-10-06 Groupware - VersitClass - Base64 padding double SPACE added (one for continuation line and one for base64 multiline block), fixes problems with Apple Address Book [+] 2010-10-06 Config - Services - Categories selection support, logging and Start/Stop on category supported, tested, Ctrl+A supported [-] 2010-10-06 [#VPH-502069] Config - Templates - Template name stored in UTF8 [-] 2010-10-06 [#VRX-174643] SMTP Service - Account Statistics - "Sent" counter counts each recipient, Limits - "Sent out" counters are equivalent to "Sent out" counters in account statistics [-] 2010-10-05 [#MWY-930010] System - Server Migration - If remote server list one folder several times, it is processed only once [-] 2010-10-05 [#LMI-217994] IMAP Service - FETCH Bodystructure - Content-type - properly parsing of escaped quotes [+] 2010-10-05 Console - Services, Licenses - Categories display added in bold, Services - new categories/groupping as in licenses and web site [*] 2010-10-05 [#SGP-149619] - API - MoveFileWithUpdate and similar functions updates IMAP index even if path uses incorrect directory delimiters [+] 2010-10-05 Groupware - API - Tags - support for new Global boolean parameter, can be used to retrieve tags for shared/public folders [+] 2010-10-05 Groupware - API - GetTZIDList() - new param added, multiple formats supported, TZID list, GMT offset list, docs updated [*] 2010-10-05 WebService - new set of Rewrite rules for /well-known/caldav/ /well-known/carddav/ added [*] 2010-10-05 System - Append() vs. Rewrite() possible multi process collision problem fixed, new IOResultKeep() function added [*] 2010-10-04 IM Service - Distributed domain - Roster - subscription of non existing user of distributed domain is cleared [-] 2010-10-04 IM Service - Distributed domain - loop is not created if something should be sent to nen existing user of distributed domain [*] 2010-10-04 WebService - default GZip compression for XML and CSS added [*] 2010-10-04 icewarpphp - 2 new functions added - icewarp_time($date, &$year, &$month, &$day, &$hour, &$min, &$sec), icewarp_mktime([$year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec]) [*] 2010-10-04 Control Service - Detailed Logging of FastCGI sessions [*] 2010-10-04 Groupware - Support to retrieve myrights via GetGroupAccessRights() and GetFolderRightList() - new params added, docs updated [*] 2010-10-04 Setup - Download Clients - shortcut removed, use WebClient now [*] 2010-10-01 [#KHA-218680] SIP - Support for domain tab alias added, GetPrimaryDomain() returns also subdomains [*] 2010-10-01 [#KHA-218680] XMPP - Support for domain tab alias added [*] 2010-10-01 API - New error codes added [*] 2010-10-01 [#GAD-972674] IMAP Service - XLIST command - \Spam flag correctly returned [*] 2010-10-01 Config - Groupware API - If DB error occurs no additional publics are loaded or processed [-] 2010-10-01 Web Service - ISAPI - possible problems fixed [-] 2010-10-01 [#SGP-149619] API, IMAP - MoveFileWithUpdate and similar functions updates IMAP index [*] 2010-10-01 API - ManageConfig - DBPassword support added [*] 2010-10-01 [#BGX-431795] Config - Number, Target and others cannot be changed for Owner based dial plan items [*] 2010-10-01 SIP - User calls problem fixed, incoming calls logged successfully [*] 2010-10-01 API - Proxy service variable added [-] 2010-10-01 [#WQE-692455] Groupware - Root folder access notification fixed [-] 2010-09-30 API - UTF8 fixes in Groupware calls [-] 2010-09-30 API - String representation of boolean results fixed [-] 2010-09-30 [#RQG-296562] Base64 Class - Buffer size decreased to 64K, errors propagated [*] 2010-09-30 DB Class - SQLite and Firebird paths are translated from windows to linux style and vice versa [*] 2010-09-30 XML Builder - removes old server builds [*] 2010-09-30 [#VIB-648895] Services - Main service message handler returns True by default [*] 2010-09-30 [#FJE-899651] Console checks multiple roots for server.xml and fixes it [*] 2010-09-30 [#YQA-383191] Groupware - Recurrences with smart property replication support removed [-] 2010-09-29 XMPP - Service discovery Pidgin issue fixed [-] 2010-09-29 [#EAA-428952] Default minger port fixed in upgrade process [-] 2010-09-29 [#IGT-548008] Config - User/Group item - OK button disabled if number blank [*] 2010-09-29 [#BGX-431795] Config - Rule Type cannot be changed for Owner based dial plan items [-] 2010-09-29 Config - Certificates - CSR - crash fixed [-] 2010-09-29 Minger Service - works also for backup domains, also negative responses are cached [-] 2010-09-29 [#WQE-692455] Groupware - Folder access notification fixed - additional folder type query added [-] 2010-09-29 IMAP Service - Access of folder with empty path fixed [*] 2010-09-29 [#CXG-510991] Console - Services - Start - if module is not running only related module is started [*] 2010-09-29 [#XNB-851109] SMS - ;charset conversion forces iconv "//ignore" [*] 2010-09-27 [#GVK-507454] Config - Proxy service listed in the Services list, Start/Stop support [*] 2010-09-27 [#SEK-316108] Groupware - X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS and X-MICROSOFT-CDO-INTENDEDSTATUS support added, X-OUTLOOK-BUSY-STATUS support removed [-] 2010-09-23 Linux - [EGL-142081] restart does not work [-] 2010-09-23 Linux - [MKD-793885] init script doesn't work [-] 2010-09-23 Linux - [WSG-967202] rc script doesn't manage lockfiles [*] 2010-09-22 Groupware - GetTZIDTime() API function - new TZFormat parameter added, supports different TZSource, TZDest formats (TZID, EAS etc.) [-] 2010-09-21 Linux - [QKH-961132] content of php.user.ini not append to php.ini [-] 2010-09-17 Linux - [OVI-905760] webmail temp files are not deleted [*] 2010-09-17 Localization tool - support for localization of install page [*] 2010-09-16 Console - Services - Stop/Start Module popup menu support added, supports multiselection [-] 2010-09-16 Config - Error message not produced in general code [*] 2010-09-16 [#BHH-253189] COnfig - SmartAttach - Default Files folder is automatically filled, browse button added [*] 2010-09-16 [#KYD-874778] SMTP - Variables - New Variable %%PhoneAlias%% [*] 2010-09-16 [#PWW-670796] SMTP - Routing is respected in local MDA [-] 2010-09-15 [#NBF-806163] IMAP - GW integration - issue with access rights on root folder fixed [*] 2010-09-15 [#RSV-493625] Config - DB dialog - better error message [*] 2010-09-15 [#VDH-910356] Project Maintenance - loganalyzer packed into remote config [*] 2010-09-15 [#XFK-550322] API - New variable C_AS_SpamSettings_<X> , where <X> is variable from spam.dat, e.g.:C_AS_SpamSettings_WordStopList [-] 2010-09-14 HTTP Service - FastCGI Environment variables are respected [-] 2010-09-14 IMAP - Groupware integration - Append UID fixed [-] 2010-09-14 [RSK-606000] System - LDAP synchronization - fixed problems with multiple Filters - bug fixed [*] 2010-09-14 LDAP - List of local users is correctly updated for filesystem account storage [*] 2010-09-14 XMPP - Email to XMPP uses the highest priority presence session if more than one [-] 2010-09-13 [#VJD-968392] Config - Typo fixed [*] 2010-09-13 Control - RCP - Restart service - General service under Control module exception properly handled, Restart Service over RCP works again [*] 2010-09-13 SIP - Rules vs. Gateway and Rules FALSE result handling support added, fixes a problem with bypassing gateway authentication for rule forwarded calls to gateways [*] 2010-09-12 [#AHB-585994] Groupware - Group reminder email change updates all cached reminder emails instantly [*] 2010-09-11 XMPP - SIP presence integration - Initial XMPP login checks already connected SIP sessions, SIP sessions created and destroyed later already working, XMPP vs. SIP integration complete [+] 2010-09-11 Console - Certificates - CSR import complete, during import the certificate chain is sorted as OpenSSL requires subject of root must match a chained issuer always, tested [*] 2010-09-10 Config - Services - Start/Stop All removed, kept only in the right click popup (Start Modules, Stop Modules, Restart Module) [*] 2010-09-10 System - Archive path blank value check - default forced [*] 2010-09-10 API - IsClass() uses hash collection of created object instances, ClassInvokeCall() properly handles Variant and UTF8 strings [-] 2010-09-10 [#BBD-637913] IMAP Service - FETCH - works correctly if MIME headers of message part are missing [-] 2010-09-10 [#NXZ-980737] AccountObject.CanCreateMailbox fixed [*] 2010-09-10 XMPP - SIP presence integration - uses new pending flags, each SIP login/logout forces new presence notification to all subscribers <x xmlns='sip-presence:x:update'> [*] 2010-09-10 XMPP - New session pending flags support added [*] 2010-09-09 Config - Antispam - Reports - Extended logging support added [-] 2010-09-09 [#XPB-593313] - IMAP Groupware Integration - Access rights fixed [*] 2010-09-09 [#OFL-850515] System - New FlushAllLogs() method added which is called in each service upon stopping - iterates all services and their cached logs and flushes them, a whole new different approach [*] 2010-09-09 Console - Restart Service - Support for all services (SMS, ActiveSync etc.) [*] 2010-09-09 Console - Logging - File logging option hidden [+] 2010-09-08 XMPP - SIP presence integration, when SIP authenticates or logs out of the SIP Location Service it matches all XMPP sessions and marks the presence there, the new <presence> will contain an <x xmlns='sip-presence:x:update'> if there is an active SIP session for that users (XMPP distributes the SIP presence automatically based on the XMPP roster subscription settings [*] 2010-09-08 [#KIK-811107] RCP - Stop Control and Restart All handling for Control service added, does not stop and restart itself [-] 2010-09-08 [#OZG-962891] SMTP Service DKIM - fixed UTC time conversion [-] 2010-09-08 [#BFH-488482] Groupware - connections from Connector plug-in are accepted even if user has sharing disabled [*] 2010-09-08 [#GEX-618509] COnfig -Content Filters/Rules - 255 characters limitations removed [*] 2010-09-08 icewarpphp - new icewarp_rfc822_date([unix time]) function added [-] 2010-09-08 [#BFH-488482] Groupware - connections from Connector plug-in are accepted even if problems with GW license occur [+] 2010-09-08 SmartDiscover - support for WebAdmin, Freebusy and Internet Calendar added, Console updated, API new variables added, autodiscover script updated [*] 2010-09-07 Console - Certificates - Default cert double click lets you to set default certificate [-] 2010-09-07 IMAP Server - if imapindex.dat can not be loaded, it is never overwritten [-] 2010-09-07 [RSK-606000] System - LDAP synchronization - fixed problems with multiple Filters [-] 2010-09-07 [#TSE-632144] Groupware - DeleteAttachments - disk cache correctly updated [*] 2010-09-06 SIP - Dial Plan - External Target support for automatic URI insertion if missing [+] 2010-09-06 Console - Certificates - CSR import implemented, click the [CSR] certificate in the queue and import a signed cert by CA, a complete cert will be verified and created [+] 2010-09-06 Console - Certificates - CSR listing support added [+] 2010-09-06 Localization tool - support for automatic merge, diff improved [+] 2010-09-06 Console - Certificates - New certificate creation dialog philosophy implemented, certificates stored under config/_certs/private or config/_certs/csr, new certificates query to set as default, new set default certificate button added, CSR ready (stores CSR history and imports signed certs by CA) [*] 2010-09-06 Console - Services list - support for scrolling and column resize for Logging dropdown object [-] 2010-09-03 SmartAttach - Problem with structure pointers fixed [*] 2010-09-03 Console - Services - Popup menu - Restart Single support added (restarts a single service) [-] 2010-09-03 [#VLK-710958] IMAP - Groupware Integration - IDLE problem fixed [-] 2010-09-03 IMAP Service - RSS - rename and delete of folder fixed [+] 2010-09-03 Console - Services - Show/Hide Statistics button support added [*] 2010-09-02 Localization tool - Remembers previous file, resource and key, proper coloring used [-] 2010-09-02 [#EUL-919836] XML Builder - Localized attributes are not added twice [-] 2010-09-02 [#CVT-816623] Config - Support for Unicode Titles for several Forms [-] 2010-09-02 [#TWH-253291] API - Account Object - FindInit works using Control API Call [-] 2010-09-02 [#HYR-406996] SMTP Service - Domain limits works for delivery through domain alias [-] 2010-09-02 SMTP Service - Rules - Reject code returned if necessary [*] 2010-09-02 SMTP Service - MilterFilters - New callback "AVCHECK" - support for detailed scan results [*] 2010-09-02 MIMEClass - GetURIValueString() - case insensitive approach uses StrPosI() [*] 2010-09-02 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar() - Shared calendar support added for all possible actions [*] 2010-09-02 [#MIZ-821761] - MIME Class - errors during header changes are logged [*] 2010-09-02 [#MIZ-821761] - SMTP Service - AS Live result is logged into Queue log [*] 2010-09-01 XML Builder - xetXML encoding is applied on all values [-] 2010-09-01 [#BEM-993867] Config - Message queue - newest items are returned if limit prevents from returning all items [-] 2010-09-01 [#OPM-996002] SMTP Service - "Forward mail older than" - mailbox limits applied [*] 2010-09-01 Config - Minger logs can be displayed [-] 2010-09-01 Minger Service - Authentication Improved, UDP communication improved [-] 2010-09-01 IMAP Service - METADATA - ShortStrings removed [*] 2010-09-01 [#SYZ-842122] API - new variable C_Mail_Security_Protection_DNSBL_Temporary_Error - default value is false [*] 2010-09-01 Console - Account - VoIP - Proper rule reset before setting values [+] 2010-09-01 SIP - Voicemail and Echo service alpha [-] 2010-08-31 [#PTI-344925] - Config - Mailing List Members - "Anyone" removed from pulldown [-] 2010-08-31 [#RLA-783210)] - MIME class - delimiter of multiple recipients in header fields changed according to RFC from ";" to "," - forced also for ASCII recipients [*] 2010-08-31 [#DRU-301212] Groups - Disabled (Login) typed users are part of group members [-] 2010-08-31 API - Consequent Save() method called does not clear the New flag [-] 2010-08-31 IMAP Service - RSS Feeds - Optimization [*] 2010-08-31 [#BYE-893153] Console - Mailbox view in Message Queue vs. localization fixed [+] 2010-08-31 Groupware - GetTagList(), GetTagDetailList(), GetTagCount() API functions, support for open folder added, if global group session provided global tags are returned, if folder session folder provided folder tags will be returned [*] 2010-08-31 Console - "Service" suffix removed from left tree and used simplified service names in the Services list too [*] 2010-08-30 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar() - COUNTER updated, CheckOwnerEmailCalendar() support for COUNTER on behalf of the folder owner added [+] 2010-08-30 Groupware - GetTagCount() API function added [*] 2010-08-30 Config - Services - Stop/Start All renamed (instead of Daemon), Daemon column renamed to Module [+] 2010-08-30 Groupware - GetTagDetailList() API function added, support for proper Attributes and sorting (ORDER BY) in GROUP BY statements [+] 2010-08-30 Connector - Outlook 2010 support [*] 2010-08-27 [#KYV-850029] Groupware - ProcessvCalendar() - Invitation EvnFlags properly processed, GetEventVersitFlags() new method added [*] 2010-08-27 [#KIK-811107] Services - Start/Stop vs. RCP [+] 2010-08-27 SIP - SIPReferCall - support for http:// protocol with %number% and %owner% variables (instead of using SIP you can call via an external PBX using its own HTTP script) [*] 2010-08-26 Console - AntiSpam - Reports - Log level option added (from former Logging Services) [*] 2010-08-26 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar() - DECLINECOUNTER and COUNTER implementation updated [-] 2010-08-26 [#CKA-173369] Connector plugin - informative error message is shown if plugin can not connect to Groupware server or can not auhenticate [+] 2010-08-26 Console - Start/Stop buttons added for each module (left tree nodes), Active checkboxes removed [-] 2010-08-26 [#KPH-729300] Config - Rename Default Folders Dialog - Support for Unicode title [*] 2010-08-26 [#ZME-824074] SMTP Service - %%Current_Recipient%% used in default Spam Challenge message, behavior improved [*] 2010-08-26 Project Maintenance - Switched on new localization engine, only old xml file accepted so far [*] 2010-08-26 XML Localization Class improved [+] 2010-08-25 Console - Logging editable directly at the Services list, former Logging Services removed, Logging tab updated (Account statistics moved to Status Account statistics, Delivery reports moved to Mail Server - Advanced SMTP, Processing and Performance logs added), Multi select for Services logging added, Logs and Sessions popup added [-] 2010-08-25 API - logging bug fixed [*] 2010-08-25 [#GEX-618509] Content Filters/Rules - 255 characters limitations removed [-] 2010-08-25 [#KAG-936733] SMTP Service - Content Filters - Set Score action behavior fixed [*] 2010-08-25 Config - Localization - Export improved [*] 2010-08-25 LocalizationClass - fixed to work with Config - FrameAccounts [*] 2010-08-25 Groupware - Resources, Virtual folders and others updated [+] 2010-08-25 Internet Calendar - http://server/calendar/ support for private authenticated access: http://server/calendar/, public anonymous access via: http://server/calendar/?email, dual mode for internet calendar (private authenticated (all icalendar objects are returned) and public anonymous (requires anonymous ACL and only public obejcts are returned)) [*] 2010-08-25 [#MOX-451873] Console - DNSBL host list - multiselect disabled [*] 2010-08-25 [#OFL-850515] System - Stopped service log messages flushes logs [*] 2010-08-25 [#LFC-988650] Console - SQL Mananger - Export - CSV filter used [*] 2010-08-25 [#NCA-873284] Console - Extended admin value in the registry for authenticated console access [-] 2010-08-25 [UXE-739627] Groupware - GAL DL population fixed - X-MEMBER and X-KIND used for vcard 2.1 [*] 2010-08-25 Console - SNMP service listed and removed from Advanced tab, Groupware Notification tab removed (kept only in the Services list) [*] 2010-08-25 API - ServiceStatistics - support for new services (SNMP) [*] 2010-08-24 API - ServiceStatistics - support for new services (SMS, AntiVirus, AntiSpam, SyncPush, WebDAV, ActiveSync, SyncML) [*] 2010-08-24 Groupware - OpenFolder @@ALL@@, @@DEFAULT@@ delimiter # used instead of / [+] 2010-08-24 Console - New services philosophy introduced, all services are listed and all can be stopped/started (logically disabled), new buttons to start/stop Daemon (starts/stops all services), properties and columns updated [+] 2010-08-24 API - Mail services - Active variables for SMTP, POP, IMAP and Control added [-] 2010-08-24 SMTP Server - Minger Verification - support for temporary errors [*] 2010-08-24 Localization XML Tool - Support for exports, additional files included [*] 2010-08-23 Groupware - Public folder delimiter - Slash "/" support added - internally converted to GWFolderDelimiter [*] 2010-08-23 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - SEND_ITIP proper email address usage, new REFRESH action added, docs updated [-] 2010-08-23 Notifier - terminates after language export [*] 2010-08-23 Localization XML Tool - Improvement [*] 2010-08-23 SIP - Call Transfer - Full dialog support added, new SDPClass added, tested with 3CX [*] 2010-08-19 SIP - Call Agent - proper CSeq used for REFER and BYE [*] 2010-08-18 Groupware - OpenFolder() capability extended, additional special folders support added @@DEFAULT@@/<FdrType>, @@ALL@@/<FdrType> [*] 2010-08-18 SMTP Service - Content Filters - Add Header/Footer can contain directly the header/footer data in form data:URLENCODE(header/footer),e.g. data:Hello%0d%0aWorld [-] 2010-08-18 IMAP Service - COPY - Locking of target folder fixed [-] 2010-08-18 [#VMM-591866] WCS Module - support for bigger POST data [*] 2010-08-17 SIP - NAPTR dns query removed (except for ENUM), only SRV query used [*] 2010-08-17 [#TWU-681096] Config - possibility to use patterns in domain type - Value option [-] 2010-08-17 Config - Typo changes [-] 2010-08-16 [#WFF-208649] Groupware - Notification about changes in non existing folders is not sent [*] 2010-08-13 Plugin - Support for exportlanguage command added, tester exporting lang implemented [*] 2010-08-13 Setup - Wizard - Create domain - D_SharedRoster=1 on by default [*] 2010-08-12 Config - Added bottom panel with buttons for several nodes and sections (instead of having in groupobject - Connection, DB Migration, Load Balancing, System Advanced, Groupware) [*] 2010-08-12 Config - Accounts - Save and Title objects aligned to right [+] 2010-08-12 StringClasses - StrPosI() new optimized function for case insensitive StrPos added, updated major functions to use it [+] 2010-08-11 HTTP Server - Support for Content-Encoding: chunked for HTTP requests added, required for MacOS and iPhone WebFolders functionality [*] 2010-08-11 LocalizationClass - fixed to work in IceWarpPlugin [*] 2010-08-11 VersitClass - StringBuilder used for faster larger structures [*] 2010-08-11 VersitClass - Unallowed control chars not placed in versit values (all 0x00..0x1F except 0X0A,0x0D,0x09) [*] 2010-08-11 XMLClass - StringBuilder used for faster larger XML structures [*] 2010-08-10 SOCKS - Automatic detection of remote IP added (used when requested and value not set) [*] 2010-08-10 SIP - Automatic detection of local IP and remote IP added (used when SIP started and values not set) [*] 2010-08-10 System - GetExternalIP() added, uses regex match and several web site resources, works 100% now [+] 2010-08-09 SIP - New rule condition 'URI is not registered' added, checks if URI is not registered in the location service and if it is the rule is not matched, use for gateway rules exceptions and similar, Config updated [*] 2010-08-09 [#OTG-720390] Setup - Data files properly extracted [*] 2010-08-09 [#HOL-998732] Notifier - Window position updated [-] 2010-08-06 SMTP - New IMAP mailbox delivery fixed for Archive and HandleCopy() calls [+] 2010-08-06 Desktop Client - v2.6.7812 [+] 2010-08-06 ReleaseNotes Builder -start of implementation [*] 2010-08-06 PHP - Build description actualized [*] 2010-08-06 Groupware - DeleteDomain API updated [*] 2010-08-06 Setup - simplified components list to install - separate services removed due to user confusion [*] 2010-08-06 [#IUS-311489] Setup - DB dialog - SQLite not really tested (library not installed yet during setup) [*] 2010-08-05 SMTP Service - MilterFilters - SRSUpdate and SRSDecode functions added [*] 2010-08-05 Control Service - FastCGI - logging improved [+] 2010-08-05 SIP - Call Pickup tested with 3CX Phone, SIP - SIPReplaceHeaderWithAttributes() fixed an issue if "<" ">" is missing [*] 2010-08-05 [#EFT-817424] Config - WebService - Proxy - AntiVirus enabled state updated [*] 2010-08-05 [#JDN-987242] Groupware - calendar.xml - all primary and foreign keys set to varchar(12), verified that _ID cannot be set via the API [*] 2010-08-05 [#NXV-286820] DB Class - Backup connection is closed after 5 minutes or after failure [+] 2010-08-05 SIP - Call Pickup tested with 3CX Phone [*] 2010-08-05 [#EFT-817424] Config - WebService - Proxy - AntiVirus enabled state updated [*] 2010-08-05 [#JDN-987242] Groupware - calendar.xml - all primary and foreign keys set to varchar(12), verified that _ID cannot be set via the API [-] 2010-08-05 IMAP Service - Fixed behavior of e-mails with flags in filename [*] 2010-08-04 [#TJE-961499] Config - DeleteDomain issues groupware DeleteDomain() call [*] 2010-08-04 Groupware - DeleteDomain() API function added [*] 2010-08-04 [#BTW-635594] SMTP Service - SmartAttach default Template improved, example file updated [*] 2010-08-04 XMLClass - Support for AnsiString completely removed, strictly utf8 support now [-] 2010-08-04 [#IUS-311489] Setup - DB dialog SaveDailog working, License tab visible always if visible in the beginning [*] 2010-08-04 [#APA-492145] IM Service - Purple Gateway - Workaround for memory leaks in Purple Library [*] 2010-08-04 XMLClass - EncodeXMLString() - Allowed control characters are only 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0D, other control characters are removed [*] 2010-08-04 Config - Strings for WebAdmin Added [-] 2010-08-04 [#OSL-679234] Config - Right click crashes fixed [*] 2010-08-04 Config - SQL Manager - Row WHERE fields skip values with '0' as they might be also NULL on MySQL if Int type [-] 2010-08-04 [#IUI-787485] Config - Multidelete vs. New User click problem fixed [*] 2010-08-03 Control Service - Internal php execution of spam reports - php.exe is terminated if control service is terminated, php .ini file is forced to be first searched in proper directory [-] 2010-08-03 IMAP Service COPY command - proper response [*] 2010-08-03 License notification - XML services properly disabled if required [*] 2010-08-03 IMAP Service - Optimization of internal access to mailbox items, locking mechanism redesigned, file system use decreased [+] 2010-08-03 SIP - Call Pickup implemented, new Dial Plan type "Call Pickup", Target can contain "*" for any ringing number to be picked up, if blank the Call Pickup caller's group will be matched for the incoming call, Config updated [*] 2010-08-03 SIP - IsSIPAuthenticated() - new function added [*] 2010-08-02 SIP - Server tested with Android SipDroid client and others [*] 2010-08-02 Utility Classes - Error propagation in LoadFileToString, New synchronization Class TXORLock [*] 2010-07-30 Setup, Plugin, Config - Reference id and other select label controls auto SelectAll() on OnEnter() [+] 2010-07-30 Localization Tool - first alpha [*] 2010-07-30 DBMigration - Fix utf8 uses UTF8BadReplaceProc() [+] 2010-07-30 API - Groupware C_GW_EnforceUTF8Versit new API variable added, Groupware automatically fixes all non utf8 characters in versit API functions (addvcard, addvcalendar, processvcalendar) [*] 2010-07-30 System - New low level UTF8BadReplaceProc() added [*] 2010-07-30 IceWarp Plugin - Client Reference contains guid if present [+] 2010-07-29 New Localization Tool [*] 2010-07-29 Groupware - EAS yearly recurrence contains proper Interval (not always 1) [*] 2010-07-28 SIP - Sessions - Value displays: user <contact> for both SIP location service and SIP gateway [*] 2010-07-28 [#IUS-311489] Setup - DB dialog Cancel support [*] 2010-07-28 [#TJG-816779] Groupware - vCard - X-MS-MANAGER, X-MS-SPOUSE, X-MS-ASSISTANT used instead of of previous previous non RFC properties, for vCard. 3.0 X-KIND and X-MEMBER parameters are used and for 4.0 KIND and MEMBER [+] 2010-07-28 SIP - Request loop detection implemented - requests coming from the server itself with destination of the server itself (ports are also checked) will be rejected with 482 Loop Detected, handles all loops caused by improper server or client configuration [*] 2010-07-28 API - AVScanFile - new parameters, extended result (see readme.txt) [*] 2010-07-28 SIP - Gateways - Authorization realm= attribute properly set (when sent as a response to the initiator the realm contains the From: domain and when sent to the gateway it contains the gateway's realm), gateway authorization response contains the original From and To headers - this ensures compatibility with several VoIP clients (Native WindowsMobile VoIP is working 100% with gateways now) [*] 2010-07-28 602 Migrator - Automatically acquires admin privileges [+] 2010-07-27 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - FindAttendee() supports shared calendars and use can accept/declined an invitation on behalf of somebody else, FindAttendee() tries to match local attendees who have set Calendar DELETE rights to the session owner [*] 2010-07-27 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - SEND_ITIP and REPLY uses the real object attendee instead of the session owner, Parameters - support for URI OwnerEmail (should contain the To: for REPLY=ACCEPTED/DECLINED commands) [*] 2010-07-27 Groupware - GetTagList() - Attributes and Where properly handled [*] 2010-07-27 [#IED-120260] API - IceWarpServer.APIObject - new method SetACL added [*] 2010-07-27 [#IED-120260] API - IceWarpServer.APIObject - new method RenameDefaultFolders, can be also called by assignment to new write only property C_System_Adv_Rename_Default_Folders [+] 2010-07-27 Desktop Client - v2.6.7737 [*] 2010-07-26 [#OBB-266843] IMAP Service - GETMETADATA - FolderType - if no folder mapping is set, folders 'sent','trash', 'drafts' are marked as default [+] 2010-07-26 SIP - Gateways - If Gateway URI met but authentication, registration IP address or group is not met new responses are used (403 Forbidden if the user is not in the allowed list or group, 407 Proxy Authentication Required if the user is not registered or IP differs) [*] 2010-07-26 SIP - Sesssions - Gateways displayed in the list [*] 2010-07-26 IMAP Service - Performance Logging - Directory path also logged [*] 2010-07-26 IMAP Service - support for non RFC compliant MIME parameters - set as default option [-] 2010-07-26 [#OBB-266843] Config - Rename of default IMAP folders does not work with WebClient settings only, instead it respects new default folders standards [*] 2010-07-23 Delivery reports - @host:email relay support added [*] 2010-07-23 Groupware - DeferredActions ignored for superuser sessions, GroupwareQueue for SyncGroup disabled (caused problems with SQLite and DB locking) [*] 2010-07-23 [#NHL-231241] Groupware - GAL processing updated, ACL no longer used for GAL generation (only members used), simplified and tested [*] 2010-07-23 Config - timeout specified for retrieving service statistics - Config does not freeze if some of the services freezes [*] 2010-07-23 Pipe Class - If Timeout is specified OVERLAPPEDPIPES are used, otherwise, classical PIPES are used [*] 2010-07-23 PHP IMAP Extension - imap_fetch_overview - support for keyword flags - new field "keywords" - contains list of keywords separated by spaces [*] 2010-07-23 [#ABG-275291] Groupware - Reminders - TransactionUpdateReminder() considers GrpRemindersDisabled (Item Add/Delete), calendar.xml updated [*] 2010-07-23 Groupware - Tags - tags attribute removed (not needed anymore, automatic {TAG} detection performed), GetTagList() support for Attributes parameter added [+] 2010-07-23 [#YDJ-902836] Groupware - Daily GroupwareQueue class - SyncAllGAL() support added [+] 2010-07-23 Groupware - New internal GroupwareQueue() class implemented, performs several tasks (group vs. GAL synchronization and others), linked with SyncGroupUsersContacts() and global Timer function [+] 2010-07-23 IMAP Service - Support for Keywords flags implemented (Read, Write, Search) [*] 2010-07-22 DNS Class - Performance Logging implemented [*] 2010-07-22 SMTP Service - Performance Logging implemented [*] 2010-07-22 IMAP Service - Performance Logging - time spent in network communication is not counted [*] 2010-07-22 SMTP - Filters - Directory changed to directory with dll, before loadlibrary is performed [+] 2010-07-22 SIP - Device CallForwarding implemented, LocationService with Forwarding, settings Load - LocationService automatically gets updated [+] 2010-07-22 SIP - Device CallerID and User CallerID replace implemented [+] 2010-07-22 Groupware - AddvCard/AddvCalendar - New ;EXRESULT attribute support added, API documentation updated, returns an extended result list [*] 2010-07-22 [#KER-710706] Config - Members tab selection triggers AccountSave() method if FNewUser and FEditing [+] 2010-07-22 [#ZMR-174666] Config - ACL - Reset Global Address List Flag - New popup menu item and functionality implemented [-] 2010-07-21 [#XHS-910510] Groupware - vCalendar - RRULE Monthly BYMONTHDAY= used properly [*] 2010-07-21 [#EXU-999076] SMTPClass - DoSendMail() - AnsiString used instead of ShortString, fixes a problem with Groupware large notifications [*] 2010-07-21 [#DRU-301212] Groups - Disabled (Login) typed users are part of group members [*] 2010-07-21 Groupware - Calendar.xml - optimization of delete queries for non mysql [-] 2010-07-20 Groupware, EAS - fix v12.x item's notes format for their sync on Palm OS [-] 2010-07-20 Groupware, EAS - fix OrganizerEmail format for events sync on iPhone with OS 4.0 [*] 2010-07-20 IMAP Service, API - Performance Logging improved [*] 2010-07-20 Groupware service - Calendar.xml - optimization of delete queries for mysql [*] 2010-07-20 SMTP Service - SpamSkipBypassLocalUntrusted default vale changed to false, i.e. no WL is performed for local but untrusted senders [*] 2010-07-20 SMTP Service - Anti-Spam log - If MAIL FROM: value is different from MIME From: header, both values are written into log [*] 2010-07-19 IMAP service - Performance logging improved [*] 2010-07-19 [#SKA-654046] Config - WebClient - hint for mysql connection string improved [-] 2010-07-19 [#MRP-929830] Purple Module - login into gateways is performed even if initial presence is set to invisible [+] 2010-07-19 SIP - Devices login - IP checking added [*] 2010-07-19 [#MKY-372168] Server Migration - If Server EmailLogin is enabled, already migrated users are not validated again on remote server, if wrong password is entered; users from non-existing domain are also not validated - can be disabled via C_System_Tools_Migration_DisableExistenceChecking [+] 2010-07-19 SIP - Devices vs. User - Authentication to device possible and link to user set, no need to have system account defined now [*] 2010-07-19 SMTP Server - Milter Filters - Added hook for "rset" command [-] 2010-07-19 [#CKA-173369] Connector plugin - informative error message is shown if plugin can not connect to Groupware server [-] 2010-07-18 [#XFK-550322] Config - Anti-spam - Blacklist and whitelist are automatically enabled if quarantine is enabled [-] 2010-07-18 [#PMI-884118] Config - Title can be localised - cConfigTitle [-] 2010-07-18 [#ION-915401] Config - Access Mode dialog - List Accounts works correctly for Quarantine [-] 2010-07-18 [#MQA-505446] IM Service - Service configuration - Category listbox can be localized without loss of functionality [-] 2010-07-18 [#JOR-330109] SMTP - sessions containing only local relays are not counted into account statistics [+] 2010-07-17 Config - SIP - Devices tab item management support added, new dialog [+] 2010-07-17 SIP - New Users and Devices tab added, Users derive from former Extensions / Groups tab - additional fields added [*] 2010-07-17 AntiSpam - SA rules updated [*] 2010-07-16 Groupware - FormatOtherSelect() - field duplicate removal updated, ignores CRLF and LF [+] 2010-07-16 [#ZMV-125994] SMTP POP Before SMTP disabled by default [-] 2010-07-16 [#CJM-519583] SMTP - Backup domain processing fixed [*] 2010-07-16 SQL Class - Support for performance logging, standard sql log improved to contain query time [*] 2010-07-16 SIP - Gateway processing updated, PreProcess() method created and called even in an established dialog, established dialog also preserves target gateway parameter (used for PostProcess() of gateway) [*] 2010-07-15 SQL Manager - Data grid editing - support for utf-8/widestring handling [+] 2010-07-15 [#MMR-994554] Mailing List - New Option added - "Date:" massage Header can be updated with actual time for each recipient, before moving the message to outgoing queue [*] 2010-07-15 Config - Domain - Minger verification order updated [*] 2010-07-15 Minger Service - Global minger password removed, GUI and API updated [*] 2010-07-15 Mail Archive - Archive outgoing Sent messages working if C_System_Tools_AutoArchive_UnknownUsers set [*] 2010-07-15 PHP - ISAPI php.dll sets FPU to default value [+] 2010-07-15 Groupware - vCard/vCalendar - Add object with ATTACH URL type and URL is not linked to current object, copy mechanism gets fired if URL belongs to the current user (from any folder: shared, public or the users), tested [+] 2010-07-15 Groupware - Resource Scheduling - Notification to manager feature added, API and GUI updated [*] 2010-07-15 [#DFP-336633] XMPPClass - SendIMFromEmail() - utf8 characters sanitization rmed [*] 2010-07-15 MIMEClass - GetBodyString() - Checks if non ascii chars and converts to utf8 even if there is no charset specified [*] 2010-07-14 Config - Strings for WebAdmin Added [*] 2010-07-14 API - APIObject, DOmainObject, AccountObject, RemoteAccountObject - new function "tokenhandle" allowing to get and set the tokenhandle [+] 2010-07-14 Groupware - Resource Scheduling - New resource creates only default Calendar folder, other defaults are not created [+] 2010-07-14 Groupware - New API function GetItemTags() added [+] 2010-07-14 API - new system property C_System_Log_Performance added - allows to log IMAP,GW and API commands which took more than specified time into separate log [*] 2010-07-14 License System - Successful license revalidation sends email if previously sent a validation warning (LastWarning > NextReactive), new string and localization added [+] 2010-07-13 Groupware - Tags support - Tag searching support added, API documentation updated, tested [*] 2010-07-13 [#ESC-630671] Config, API - loops of domain aliases are detected [+] 2010-07-13 Groupware - Tags support for Export/Import functions and DeleteGroup() added [+] 2010-07-13 Groupware - Tags support, new API functions GetTagList, AddTag, DeleteTag, SetItemTags, integration with vcalendard/vcard functions [+] 2010-07-13 [#IMS-470596] Config - Tasks & Events - it is possible to configure the task so that in LB scenario it is executed on master server only [+] 2010-07-13 Config - C_Accounts_Policies_Login_RevealPasswords manages also Minger and DirectoryService passwords and also DB Connection dialog passwords [*] 2010-07-13 SIP - Gateways - Rewritten From: preserves the Name part of the header [+] 2010-07-13 Groupware - New Tags table support added, upgrade, default db and calendar.xml updated [*] 2010-07-12 [#CLT-329044] - SMTP Service - Distributed Domain - Anti - loop check is performed only for RCPT TO verification [*] 2010-07-12 [#NLA-260668] - IM Service - Respects protocol policy - DIGEST-MD5 authentication can be disabled, PLAIN text authentication in non SSL connections can be disabled [*] 2010-07-12 IMAP Service - Set Default Folder- Notification message sent [*] 2010-07-12 Groupware - SetDefaultFolder- Notification message sent - new notification type "set-default" [*] 2010-07-12 Service Watchdog - C_System_Tools_Watchdog_Check_Protocols - applied also for checking of control service [+] 2010-07-12 VoIP - Domain Sharing support added, tested [-] 2010-07-12 [#QON-397699] Control Service - Thread Pools - Safe against settings change without restart [*] 2010-07-12 SMTP Service - Intrusion prevention - reason is added into SMTP response [+] 2010-07-12 Delivery reports - <status-text> support added, returns the textual representation of error [*] 2010-07-12 System Maintenance logs - Defaults to On [+] 2010-07-10 Delivery Reports - Implemented and tested, new API function GetDeliveryReport() added [*] 2010-07-09 SIP - SIPProcessTarget() - Proper URI used in multiple targets and gateways rules processing [-] 2010-07-09 API - SyncPush - proper UTF8 encoding [-] 2010-07-09 IMAP Service - LIST command - disk access during listing public or shared folders optimized - fixed [-] 2010-07-09 IMAP, Push Notification service uses the real folder owner instead of the controlling used, fixes push of shared/public folder changes [+] 2010-07-09 Config, API - New DeliveryReports option (under logs) added [*] 2010-07-09 Groupware - Group/Folder owneremail cache added, Push Notification service uses the real folder owner instead of the controlling used, fixes push of shared/public folder changes [-] 2010-07-08 Builder - Application can handle large (>2GB) addresses - fixed [*] 2010-07-07 API - IDN functions - proper unicode conversion used [*] 2010-07-07 SIP - URI parameters preserved only if forwarding a SIP request, URI from Location Service replaces all URI parameters [*] 2010-07-07 SIP - Re-INVITE does not kill the Call dialog [+] 2010-07-02 Desktop Client - v2.6.7586 [+] 2010-07-01 Config - Copy... button support for Templates, FTP dialog [+] 2010-07-01 Config - Copy... button support for Web Servuce dialog (All list controls) [+] 2010-06-30 Config - Copy... button support for SIP Gateway Rules, ETRN, ACL Dialog [*] 2010-06-30 Groupware - TZ API, TZ list compared with Thunderbird/Lightning, same source (Olsen) [*] 2010-06-30 TZUtil - Olsen files parser updated, files filtered and patched, run through tziCal and processed via filter to tz.ics, missing timezones added [+] 2010-06-30 Config - Copy... button support for Rules, Content Filters, Tasks (ExtListView - new methods and SenderObject property), Remote Watchdog added, SSL Tunnel, SMTP Routing, Web Service, FTP Service, FTP Sync, IM Gateways, SMS Modem, SMS Account, SIP Dial Plan, SIP Gateways [-] 2010-06-29 [#OKS-204099] FTP - FTP Sync - Auto recovery not so strong [*] 2010-06-29 Kerio Migrator - Support for external contact pictures [*] 2010-06-29 SIP - Gateways - Final tests performed, Config - Extensions renamed to Extensions / Groups [*] 2010-06-28 SIP - Gateways - REGISTER response, multiple Contact: header support (auto added) [*] 2010-06-28 SIP - Gateways - OPTIONS command handling added [*] 2010-06-28 SIP - Gateways - Incoming call - If no target then zero target added [*] 2010-06-27 SIP - SIPProcessTarget(), SIPProcessRules(), complete processing updated, rules always used, recursive calling, should handle 100% of all exceptions and dial plan settings [*] 2010-06-27 XMLClass - BOM support added, removed if exists [*] 2010-06-26 SIP - Gateways - Incoming call with no defined incoming rules forwards to To: header target, in such case you should use a rule to match the URI changed from To: (possibility to use multiple To: numbers from one gateway) [*] 2010-06-26 SIP - SIPFilterAddress() additional parameter added and updated [+] 2010-06-26 SIP - Extensions complete - Targets support extensions groups which gets expanded on the fly, following by user groups expansion, tested and updated [+] 2010-06-25 SIP - SIPURIMatch() - support for list of URIs (for non regex Number conditions), use semi-colon [*] 2010-06-25 Groupware - TZ API - Mixed recurrence and non recurrence standard and daylight timezones handling fixed, Standard timezone used [+] 2010-06-25 Config - VoIP - Gateways and Rules - support for Extension dropdown added (lists extensions and groups where applicable) [+] 2010-06-24 Config - VoIP - Extensions support added, lets you define extensions, intervals and groups for VoIP use [*] 2010-06-24 Minger Service - Cache implemented [*] 2010-06-24 Config - License Dialogs updated [*] 2010-06-24 Groupware - API - AddItemAttribute() - support for AtrID= variable in Params added, allows to edit an existing attribute [-] 2010-06-23 [#PY-154602] - Config - ACL dialog - button description changed [*] 2010-06-23 Minger Service - Client - multiple requests made at once [*] 2010-06-23 SIP - SIP responses updated, body of SIP requests removed, User-Agent: header updated, removed Proxy-Authorization and Authorization headers [-] 2010-06-23 API - Groupware Class - FunctionCallBase64 method added [-] 2010-06-23 Examples - typo in Strings.dat [-] 2010-06-22 [#EAH-638699] API - Update of Services from control service fixed [-] 2010-06-22 [#PWW-670796] SMTP Service - %%To_Email%% replaces , with ; so that it works with other processing [-] 2010-06-22 [#KLJ-115216] - Config - Space for localization [-] 2010-06-22 HTTP Server - Default threadpools are set even if default host has advanced settings [*] 2010-06-22 SIP - Better response RFC compliance [*] 2010-06-21 DNS Class - if etc/hosts does not contain record for localhost, localhost is resolved as [+] 2010-06-21 API - New user read only property U_SharingAvailable [+] 2010-06-21 Minger Service - GUI improved [+] 2010-06-21 IM Service - Initial support for distributed domains [-] 2010-06-18 IMAP Service - List command properly works with % wildcard [*] 2010-06-18 SIP - Gateway - REFERREWRITEDOMAIN new tag support added, if REFER is coming from gateway and the tag is set, the Refer-To URI domain gets replaced with the value [*] 2010-06-18 SMTP - AUTH - Failure - Proper RFC 4954 response supplied [*] 2010-06-18 SIP - Config - Terminology and labels updated [+] 2010-06-17 IMAP Service - Sharing does not work if GW not licensed [*] 2010-06-17 Config - ExtListView class - redraw of list items was disabled during item Edit, fixed this problem in the ListView class [*] 2010-06-17 Config - License checking updated, if Revalidation or Refenrece mismatch the license dialog displayed instantly (each LoadSettings() and SaveSettings() call) [+] 2010-06-16 SIP - Config - new Regex option added for Rules and Gateway rules, updated the Gateway rules dialog for better compatibility, SIP - non regex condition applied for gateways and rules [-] 2010-06-16 SMTP Service - Delivery - Improper deletion of a mail from retry queue fixed [+] 2010-06-16 SIP - Final tests, Gateway calls vs. hunt groups, incoming gateway calls and rules (domain added if missing), additional final changes, Gateway information stored separately for each target [+] 2010-06-16 SIP - Hunt groups vs. Gateways call initial implementation [*] 2010-06-16 SIP - Gateways processing updated - ProcessRequest() and PostProcessRequest() new methods [+] 2010-06-16 Minger Service - Server side, client side, logging [+] 2010-06-15 Minger Service - Initial work [*] 2010-06-15 XMLClass - Mixed tag values and tags, order preserved, special empty tags with values added, tested with RSS feeds [+] 2010-06-15 [#CLI-714429] IMAP RSS - Support for RDF (RSS 1.0) added [-] 2010-06-15 Setup - default cert.pem updated, If possible, generated during installation [*] 2010-06-15 SIP - RTP Proxy updated, RTP NAT Delete processed in FinishCall method [-] 2010-06-15 API - Save Account - automatically changed properties updated in master API Account instance [+] 2010-06-15 Config - SIP Rules - multiple selected items support, OK button disabled if not enough controls set [+] 2010-06-15 SIP - Round Robin (Circular Hunts) implementated, supports pickup timeout, possible to use with group hunts and extensions (following rules) [+] 2010-06-14 SIP - Call Rules - Special numbers removed, possible to achieve via rules and their new types (Simultaneous, Round Robin, Set Call Transfer, Redial), use Set Call Transfer with regex Number: ^(\*11)(.*)(@.*)$ Target: $2 and Number: ^(\*12)(.*)(@.*)$ Target: to clear the state, use some non-existant target for Away mode, Config updated, SIP API for special numbers removed, New rules actions introduced, SIP gateway calls logging fixed [-] 2010-06-14 [#EJG-898367] IMAP service - ACL for Spam folder correctly returned for old style clients [+] 2010-06-14 SIP - User call transfer finished and tested [+] 2010-06-14 SIP - Group hop tests - Targets not removed from Call structure (Temporarily Unavailable code set), Group hop Call contains a list of IgnoreTimeRules (used for skipping time condition once hopped prematurely), SIPSendRequest() updated to use the original Via plus the server's, ACK sent to multiple targets CANCEL response [+] 2010-06-13 SIP - Group hop implemented, first alpha and testing, new internal SIP timer [*] 2010-06-12 Config - VoIP - Controls reordered [*] 2010-06-12 SIP - Multiple targets response handling complete (CANCEL and ACK sent accordingly) [*] 2010-06-11 XMLClass - Multiple <![CDATA[ in XML supported [*] 2010-06-11 IMAP RSS - Polishing [*] 2010-06-11 SIP - Multiple targets - SIPCancel - ;tag and Via properly set, GroupReplaceAddress() implemented, sessions display more information (IP and count of locations), targets that returned an error will not be processed as new targets [*] 2010-06-11 SIP - Group hop - premature hop offset adjusted [-] 2010-06-11 IMAP RSS - Stack Overflow fixed [*] 2010-06-10 SIP - Group hop finalization and processing updates [+] 2010-06-10 System - Authentication variable - AUTHPlainDisable= added to protocol policies, allows you to disable a PLAIN text authentication in all modules in non SSL connections [*] 2010-06-10 IMAP RSS - Rename updated, support for multiple folders for one feed and user [-] 2010-06-09 IMAP Service - LIST command - disk access during listing public or shared folders optimized [*] 2010-06-09 All Services - wave mode and subdirs cache are aplied also to external directories defined in Config\externaldirs.dat [*] 2010-06-09 SIP - Multiple targets vs. targets history and processing updated, old missing targets CANCEL applied [-] 2010-06-09 IMAP - GW Integration - Validity of GW connection is tested each time after some command is not successful [-] 2010-06-09 Config,API - After creating a public folder, IMAP service is told to reload its configuration immediately [*] 2010-06-09 LDAP - New API variable C_Accounts_Global_LDAP_UseWindowsDLL - allows to setup IW server to use windows ldap library instead of openldap library [*] 2010-06-09 [#RWB-376954] Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - Organizer gets updates from attendees - master object updated and notification processed [*] 2010-06-09 SMS - AdjustHeaderLen() - 7bit problem fixed, fixes UDH sender-reply issue [*] 2010-06-09 SIP - Rules vs. Targets - established calls do not process rules and use original URI and Route information for caller and callee [-] 2010-06-09 Purple Gateway - Yahoo "Could not connect" workaround improved [-] 2010-06-08 Setup - Upgrade Tasks - GW DB Maintenance query fixed [-] 2010-06-08 [#TW-351537] API - APICallFunc - proper encoding of strings from UTF8 [-] 2010-06-08 IMAP Server - Support for RSS - Setting empty metadata fixed [*] 2010-06-08 SIP - Late binding for CallsClass implemented, preserves targets after finished calls for 1 minute [-] 2010-06-08 IMAP Server - Support for RSS feeds management - fixed storage of subscribed feeds [*] 2010-06-08 PHP IMAP extension - imap_getmailboxes flags values contains new bit mask: LATT_ISRSS 0x4000 [+] 2010-06-08 Config - User - VoIP tab - Call transfer settings support added, tested [-] 2010-06-08 [#NZA-119722] Setup - Space for localizations increased [*] 2010-06-08 Content Filter - System filter support added (content-system.xml), content filters are merged for SMTP and POP [*] 2010-06-07 License plugin - Support for "version" tag added [+] 2010-06-07 API - SIP - New variable U_SIP_CallTransfer support added, supports Get and Set methods, it allows definition of user's call transfer settings [+] 2010-06-07 SIP - Call Forwarding - new rules mechanism, tests [+] 2010-06-07 Config - SIP Call Forwarding - Additional rules controls added (Group hop related) [+] 2010-06-04 Config - SIP Gateway - Incoming - Number edit control added, allows you to specify a special number to be used with the gateway (if required for the Call Forwarding rules) [+] 2010-06-04 SIP - Gateway - Incoming rules process SIP Forwarding rules, this way it is possible to make any forwarding rules for all local and gateway calls, tested, SIPProcessTarget() support for internal rules added [-] 2010-06-04 [#LEP-991950] Config - AntiSpam - RBL - title of RBL rules is unique [-] 2010-06-04 [#OAH-872965] Config - Help IDs fixed [-] 2010-06-04 [#AAE-715058] Config - Typos fixed [+] 2010-06-04 Config - SIP Forwarding - Rules can be moved Up and Down (new buttons added) [+] 2010-06-04 SIP - Multiple target support - rules redesigned, all rules used and matched, ExpandMembers() considers gateway calls and forwards a call to the gateway, other tests, ReplaceAddress() automatically updates the URI [*] 2010-06-04 [#NTO-530243] SMTP Service - Evaluation of content filters is logged into queue log [+] 2010-06-03 SIP - Multiple target support - expandmembers finished, gateway and registered uses in multisession environment supported [-] 2010-06-03 [#HRH-484717] Config - Rules - Empty lines on end of rules file ignored [+] 2010-06-03 SIP - Multiple target support added for Location service (registered sessions), rules and gateways were already initially supported [-] 2010-06-03 [#RET-144678] Config - Changes of Logging path are reflected in php.ini [-] 2010-06-03 [#CKR-264708] SMTP Service - HELO/EHLO Filter - proper reason in SMTP response [-] 2010-06-03 [#UMA-654657] SMTP Service - Quarantine - Error during deleting of quarantined files is written to the error log [-] 2010-06-03 [#EIC-295356] SMTP Service - LastRecipient field properly cleared [*] 2010-06-03 FTPSync - Directory sync - Destination supports unicode/utf8 filenames properly [+] 2010-06-02 Groupware - GetIntervalEvents() New function added, docs updated [-] 2010-06-02 SMTP Service - Matching content filter is properly returned also in SMTP response [-] 2010-06-02 [#RQA-451923] IMAP GW Integration - Proper detection of invalidated session [+] 2010-06-02 Config - AntiSpam SA DNSBL, Mail Security DNSBL - Warning message displayed if hosts exceed limit of 4 [+] 2010-06-02 Config - AntiSpam Live - New display label - "Engine is applied only if score below" added [*] 2010-06-02 License - Licensed product demo does not reset the creation timestamp [+] 2010-06-02 [#JLY-239414] Groupware - vCard - phone support for X-RADIO, X-TELEX, X-HEARING added, ActiveSync - Contact Radio phone number mapped properly [+] 2010-06-02 Groupware - DeleteFolder() - 3rd Attrib param added, allows you to specify not to delete rights and folder (only items will be deleted), useful for delete all items in a folder for instance, Calendar Services import uses this attribute [-] 2010-06-01 [#VXG-776185] API - DB connection in ActiveX properly terminated [*] 2010-06-01 System - Queue statistics - .tm$ part of the statistics [-] 2010-06-01 SMS Service - MaxMsgs=1 and UDH header with large message problem fixed, correct message data calculated [-] 2010-06-01 Groupware - AddvCalendar() - Ocurrence problem fixed, iMIP containting ocurrences is properly processed [-] 2010-06-01 [#HOG-981436] AntiSpam - SaveSettings() - FormatPlatform() removed fro DBConnection string [*] 2010-05-31 IMAP Server - Support for RSS feeds management using SETMETADATA and GETMETADATA [*] 2010-05-31 SMTP Server - Milter Filters - Support for Policy Engine integration - XML with policy is given directly as a parameter of callback function [*] 2010-05-28 SIP - Strict routing problem fixed for Route requests [-] 2010-05-28 [#CIO-309583] - PHP Extension - undefined parameter from PHP is converted to undefined Variant value [*] 2010-05-28 [#FXF-253222] - IMAP Service - If imapindex.dat or flags.dat file is not accessible, maibox is not opened at all [-] 2010-05-27 [#AOC-327086] - Config - Server Migration - It is not possible to start migration if source host is empty [-] 2010-05-27 [#YNY-924545] - IMAP class - IMAPUTF7Decode behavior in Chinese environment fixed [*] 2010-05-27 SMTP Server - Server Variables - new variable %%InstallPath%% [*] 2010-05-27 SMTP Server - Milter Filters - Support for Policy Engine integration [-] 2010-05-27 Mysql Class - possible access violation using string types fixed [*] 2010-05-26 SMTP Server - Milter Filters - basic functionality [-] 2010-05-25 HTTP Server - default HTTP timeout set to 5 minutes, not 5000 minutes [-] 2010-05-25 Command Class - ReadDirStats - default values fixed [-] 2010-05-25 [#YTB-254002] Content Filter Class - Non global content filter - proper body processing [*] 2010-05-25 Config - Status - Sessions - Amount of transferred data displayed also in Bytes if necessary [-] 2010-05-24 [#EHC-637176] - size.dat preserved during POP->IMAP conversion [-] 2010-05-24 Setup - scripts.dat is properly unpacked - proper temp path used [-] 2010-05-20 IMAP service - subdir cache is created also for subdirectories of the Archive folder [-] 2010-05-20 All Services - Socket is closed in ClientDisconnect Handler if it was not closed before [-] 2010-05-19 Kaspersky Updater - fixed [*] 2010-05-19 IMAP Service - support for non RFC compliant MIME parameters [*] 2010-05-18 Kaspersky [-] 2010-05-18 Web server - PHP in FastCGI mode - default ISAPI restart set to 0 [*] 2010-05-17 SMTP Service - forwarding - special no-reply sender is accepted in RCPT TO command, but recipient is not added into list of recipients [-] 2010-05-17 Connector - duplicity in in file removed [*] 2010-05-14 [#RZR-454721] Setup - warning about non functionality of old webmail [-] 2010-05-13 SMTP Service - Mail Archive - works well even if empty "sent" or "inbox" paths are set [*] 2010-05-13 System - new account type "GateWay Administrator" - properties same as standard account, U_GatewayAdmin API property [*] 2010-05-13 Config - Status - Spam Queues - possible to add directly non existing owner from backup domain [*] 2010-05-13 SMTP Service - Milter Filters - initial interfaces [*] 2010-05-12 Setup - "France, Metropolitan" removed from list of countries [*] 2010-05-12 [#FKT-321167] AD Synchronization - New option AD_USERNAME_PREFERE_SAMACCOUNTNAME - possibility to use 'userprincipalname' instead of 'samaccountname' as AD username [-] 2010-05-12 System Class - Directory Cache - call to EOF avoided [*] 2010-05-11 Linux - DB datasets fixed [*] 2010-05-11 [#FKT-321167] AD Synchronization - possibility to sync AD username into accounts username, possibility to add AD username as secondary alias [-] 2010-05-10 Linux - UTC time from local time fixed, solves IMAP idle [-] 2010-05-10 Setup - Shortcuts "RunAsAdministrator" parameter set only on Win Vista and higher [-] 2010-05-10 Web server - PHP in FastCGI mode - default fastcgi Thread Pooling set [-] 2010-05-10 IMAP service - FETCH ENVELOPE - problem with long invalid email address in header fields fixed [-] 2010-05-09 [#MKS-705554] IMAP service - Proper folder rights for spam folder [-] 2010-05-09 [#BNR-558923] IMAP service - Timestamp of IMAP Flag File is explicitely set after closing the file to avoind problems with different times on network storage [-] 2010-05-07 IMAP Service - Support for public folders as subfolders of another public folders [-] 2010-05-07 [#FTK-236949] Config - space for localization increased [-] 2010-05-07 [#FOD-699924] SMTP Service - added default description for SmartAttached files [-] 2010-05-07 [#KAE-272327] SMTP Class - internal messages have the "IsLocalIP" flag set [-] 2010-05-07 MIME class - delimiter of multiple recipients in header fields changed according to RFC from ";" to "," 10.1.0 (2010-05-05) [-] 2010-05-05 Config - RCP - Export license problem fixed [-] 2010-05-04 Setup - Access violation during shortcut creation fixed [*] 2010-05-04 [#MXE-628021] Config - IM gateways - email gateway added into listbox [-] 2010-05-04 [#KOD-509456] Config - Proper informational message after tables removal [-] 2010-05-03 Linux - [ALS-758974] - connects to [-] 2010-05-03 [#RET-168192] Purple Gateway - Password is not written into logs [-] 2010-05-03 Config - Access violation in /ExportLanguages fixed [*] 2010-05-03 Config - RCP - ActiveSync management - Function handling updated, supports long xml parameters [-] 2010-05-02 [#KCC-262394] - HTTP Service - WEBAPPMAXTHREADS respects enhanced FastCGI settings [+] 2010-05-02 Desktop Client 2.6.7256 [-] 2010-04-30 Linux - [FHN-599127] ssl_error_bad_mac_alert [-] 2010-04-30 Setup - scripts.dat is properly unpacked [*] 2010-04-30 IM - Upgrade - Default IM services added during upgrade [*] 2010-04-30 AntiSpam - CommTouch - server defaults to (localhost not used as it might be an IPv6 address) [*] 2010-04-28 Groupware - Upgrade - GAL index created, calendar.xml updated, default DB updated [*] 2010-04-28 Groupware - OpenFolder() - @@GAL@@ vs. virtual folder problem fixed [*] 2010-04-28 [#MHR-165059] Localization support for TTntBitBtn added [*] 2010-04-28 Groupware - GetEventList/GetContactList - Where condition separation applied for non folder group sessions too [*] 2010-04-28 Config - Bookmarks - Password save issue fixed, QuickID default value updated [-] 2010-04-28 IMAP Service - List filtering works with output folder names only [-] 2010-04-28 IMAP - Groupware integration - IMAP COPY returns error code if there is a failure [*] 2010-04-27 Setup - Uninstall - loads settings and license file so uninstall request contains all required information [+] 2010-04-26 Groupware - New GAL implementation - complete [*] 2010-04-26 Groupware - OpenFolder() checks FolderRead access right [*] 2010-04-26 Groupware - New GAL implementation - preparations, @@GAL@@ folder [*] 2010-04-26 Setup - CopyDirectory(), RestoreData() and SetAllServicesState() thread based functions - WorkerThreadClass introduced [+] 2010-04-23 Desktop Client 2.6.7228 [*] 2010-04-23 Groupware - TZ API - timezones cached and loaded only once, filtered TZIDs and only area/location displayed [*] 2010-04-23 [#MNQ-230055] RCP - Control service SaveConfig() does not overwrite local configuration in memory until service reload is called, SaveConfig() special structure pointer new parameter added [*] 2010-04-23 System - Service maintenance moved to service itself (no longer in the console) [*] 2010-04-22 [#IRE-390259] Log Rotation enhanced - automatically detects missing log files and starts over if required [*] 2010-04-22 [#DNS-129401] System - Account validity updated [*] 2010-04-22 [#FNI-998950] Setup - Demo email message removed, no use of it [*] 2010-04-22 Connector - Installer - 'prompt for which profile to use when starting outlook' selected by default [-] 2010-04-22 License Class - getProductID - windows registry are opened in read-only mode [*] 2010-04-22 IMAP - Groupware integration - List of subscribed contacts can be obtained through LIST command [*] 2010-04-21 Config - Certificates - Create Server Certificate - Details parsed from the license [*] 2010-04-21 [#WWY-157707] StringClass - StrIPosR() - size size problem fixed [*] 2010-04-21 Setup - Owner information - Telephone input added [*] 2010-04-21 [#JRP-975733] Setup - DB dialog and instance of ConfigClass problem fixed [*] 2010-04-21 [#HHK-192310] Lang corrections [+] 2010-04-21 Groupware - API TimeZone functions added, API updated, GetTZIDList(), GetTZIDTime(), GetTZIDVTIMEZONE(), Setup copies tz.ics file [*] 2010-04-21 VersitClass - TimeZoneDifference() - Southern hemisphere handling updated [*] 2010-04-21 VersitClass - VTIMEZONE parsing updated [*] 2010-04-21 VersitClass - RRULE BYMONTHDAY parsing updated [*] 2010-04-21 Config - File Manager - UNC path support added, eg. "CD \\Server\C" will display files on that share [*] 2010-04-21 602 Migrator - Server cleanup also deletes message archive [-] 2010-04-21 IMAP Service - LIST command - proper handling of listing shared spam folder [-] 2010-04-20 IMAP - Groupware integration - change in GW folder invalidates whole cache related to this folder, it is not enough to invalidate the "lastchange" flag, because Groupware server's precision is one second (changes done during one second can not be distinguished) [+] 2010-04-19 Config - Domains & Accounts - Domain - Aliases tab added (former Subdomains dialog) [*] 2010-04-19 Setup - Lang/Country handling updated [*] 2010-04-19 Groupware - SyncGroupUsersContacts() - Optimized retrieval of group member names [*] 2010-04-19 Groupware - SyncGroupUsersContacts() - Transaction used for adding (speeds up adding large number of members) [*] 2010-04-19 API - UpdateConfiguration() thread removed, called directly, all services control their configuration reload automatically, fixes several API issues [*] 2010-04-19 602 Migrator - global API instance available during whole migration process [+] 2010-04-18 Config - Toolbar - File Manager, SQL Manager, DNS Tool added, icons updated [+] 2010-04-18 Config - New command line parameters /bookmark[=<server>], /dnstool, /sqlmanager, /ftpsync[=<itemno>] [*] 2010-04-17 Desktop Client [*] 2010-04-17 602 Migrator - import/export of emails is done in blocks - each block for one year [*] 2010-04-17 602 Migrator - worker threads do not directly access GUI - import continues even if GUI is non responding [*] 2010-04-16 FTP Synchronization - Sync All support added, with just a one click you can sync all items but serialized, otherwise they are parallel [*] 2010-04-16 [#GFG-119635] Groupware - iMIP invitations comply with standalone Microsoft Outlook 2007 (multipart/mixed, multipart/alternative, encoding always 8bit etc.), tested [*] 2010-04-16 [#SXH-338835] Notifier - Connection error indicated by new systray icon [-] 2010-04-16 [#KFV-764053] API - ActivationKey problem fixed [+] 2010-04-16 DBClass - DB connection string - password encrypted using blowfish cipher, tested [*] 2010-04-15 Linux - API and PHP extension dynamic libraries uses IWS_INSTALL_DIR and IWS_PROCESS_USER environment variables [*] 2010-04-15 Linux - API dynamic library does not require installdir as first process command line parameter [*] 2010-04-15 Linux - API and PHP extension dynamic libraries does not sets installed PID and GID [*] 2010-04-15 Linux - Tool and sendmail sets installed PID and GID [+] 2010-04-15 Config - Server bookmarks feature complete [*] 2010-04-15 Web server - PHP in FastCGI mode by default [+] 2010-04-15 PHP - 5.2.13 [*] 2010-04-15 [#FNI-998950] Setup - Email sending moved after the upgrade and script procedures [+] 2010-04-15 Config - Bookmarks - First phase of implementation [+] 2010-04-15 HTTP Server - multiple hostnames for virtual host separated with ';' semi-colon [+] 2010-04-15 Mail Archive - 'Forward archived messages to' implemented forwarding [-] 2010-04-14 IMAP Service - LIST command - proper handling of listing local spam folder [*] 2010-04-14 PHP - xcache 1.3.0-devel used instead of 1.3.0 release version, fixes huge memory leaks with ZendOptimizer [+] 2010-04-14 Mail Archive - New option 'Forward archived messages to' added, API updated, Config updated [+] 2010-04-14 LDAP - Directory Service - Config Objects renamed to Filter, stands for LDAP filter, support for original syntax and new, Eg. (objectClass=user);(objectClass=group) [*] 2010-04-14 Config - Top information visual bar updated [*] 2010-04-13 Linux - Removed non-functional capabalities support [*] 2010-04-13 Linux - Removed --chroot command line parameter [*] 2010-04-13 Linux - New libc binding [*] 2010-04-13 [#RQM-643574 SMTP - Bounce back - exception handling added for bounce back body generation - if incorrectly localized strings.dat an error log is generated [*] 2010-04-13 IM - History - seconds attribute updated for each day and shifted according to the original TZ [-] 2010-04-13 System - IPv6 - LookupIPv6NameAddress() updated and fixed for linux, CNAME handling [-] 2010-04-13 IMAP Service - LIST command - proper handling of listing subfolders of shared folder [*] 2010-04-12 [#SMR-112639] Config - Bypass dialog - Unicode support fixed [*] 2010-04-12 [#RLA-783210] SMTP - SendMsgProc() - Support for proper To: formatting (delimiters "," and ";", recipients conversion), fixes Send Message and Task Schedule Message [*] 2010-04-12 LDAP - Directory Sync - ProcessLDIF() called even if error occurs (if some LDIF returned) [*] 2010-04-10 PHP IMAP Extension - memory leaks in imap_body,imap_fetchbody and imap_fetchheader removed [*] 2010-04-09 SIP - Record-Route response rewrite applied also to transport attribute, mixed TCP, UDP and TLS support [*] 2010-04-09 SIP - ReplaceHeaderWithAttributes() updated, fixes a problem with attributes in <> address [*] 2010-04-09 API - Variant properties - NULL type converted to '' blank string [*] 2010-04-08 Connector - Icewarp specific files are copied immediately after connector core files [*] 2010-04-08 Connector Plugin - Debug logging added [-] 2010-04-07 [#FEY-94939] - Daylight saving for southern hemisphere updated and corrected [+] 2010-04-06 Desktop Client 2.6.7144 [*] 2010-04-06 [#STW-683537] Control - AS Live started and stopped as AS Live enabled/disabled [*] 2010-04-06 Groupware - All SQL conditions separated with spaces, required for Oracle '' To NULL conversion, fixes a problem with Oracle sharing [*] 2010-04-06 [#DBG-334356] SMTP - IsLocalRecipients() incorrect condition fixed [*] 2010-04-06 [#JLX-309970] Groupware - RenameFolder() - destination must not exist, error result added [*] 2010-04-06 [#QBR-175825] Config - Localization problem fixed - Server Diagnostics [*] 2010-04-06 [#ZAP-252385] DBClass - Log errors - Original database error logged too [*] 2010-04-06 RTP Dump - PCMA codec support tested [-] 2010-04-06 Accounts - Domain Alias to itself - stack overflow fixed [+] 2010-04-06 Config - SQL Manager - Support for SQL... button added (some quick links), splitter added [-] 2010-04-06 IMAP - Groupware integration - IDLE on GW folders works again [*] 2010-04-06 IMAP - Groupware integration - List of suggested contacts can be obtained through LIST command [*] 2010-04-04 Groupware - AddvCard/AddvCalendar - ATTACH: base64 vs. missing FMTYPE problem fixed, ATTACH: attachment content preserved if content blank and property listed [*] 2010-04-04 G711 Class - Support for PCMA codec added [*] 2010-04-03 Config - SQL Manager - Grid key shortcuts support [+] 2010-04-02 Config - SQL Manager supports editing [*] 2010-04-02 Antispam - BlackList defaults to ON [*] 2010-04-02 Groupware - ActiveSync vs. Versit - CompanyMainTelephoneNumber, AssistnameTelephoneNumber fixed, GetPhone() updated [*] 2010-04-02 [#ZIM-768165] Setup - SQLite db released properly [*] 2010-04-02 RSSClass - CSS and HTML template updated, memory leaks checked, account management uses RSS User/Domain update functions, Push notification updated, Add() - Instant thread creation and synchronization for new user support, Control RSSSync API [*] 2010-04-01 Sessions - WebClient sessions TZ problem fixed [*] 2010-04-01 XMLClass - support for <![CDATA[ added, <?version encoding="..."> encoding and charset conversion support [+] 2010-04-01 RSSClass - Implementation finished, management, processing, Atoms and RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 support, conversion to mail, Push and notification added, RSS thread, API interval variable, IMAP INTERNALDATE [*] 2010-04-01 IM - IM not initialized if not active [*] 2010-03-31 RSSClass - First phase implementation [*] 2010-03-31 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - REPLY - If attendee is not matched the object is still added locally but no REPLY is sent back to the organizer [+] 2010-03-31 Config - DB Dialog - Connection string history added, remembers up to 32 connections and displays them friendly [+] 2010-03-31 Config - Tools - DNS Tool support added, stand-alone dns tool no longer supported [+] 2010-03-31 Config - Tools - SQL Manager support added, stand-alone sql manager no longer supported, history, last db and current db selection support [+] 2010-03-30 WCS Module - A new mechanism for lost messages implemented (checks if there are any unconfirmed messages or socket waiting messages to be read and caches them for next JID session) [*] 2010-03-30 602 Migrator - Each call to 602 API is logged [*] 2010-03-30 602 Migrator - Slash in imported foldernames is replaced by underscore [-] 2010-03-29 Groupware - Reminder - SetAlarm() a check if relative trigger specified and only then time corrections are applied [-] 2010-03-29 IMAP service - Namespace response RFC compiant - spaces between parts of namespace removed [-] 2010-03-29 IMAP service - Unsubsicribe/delete shared account works when non default shared account prefix is used [+] 2010-03-27 Config - SIP - Added control - Do not use NAT Traversal [+] 2010-03-26 Desktop Client 2.6.7035 [*] 2010-03-26 API - Finalization - Do not ever call WaitFor() in the Finalization of the Main thread [+] 2010-03-26 Config - ActiveSync - Protocol version provision added [*] 2010-03-26 Config, Setup - Incorrect license result handling updated, additional license error flags and new labels [+] 2010-03-25 Config - Localization of <GUI> - support for lang.xml GUI changes added - lang APPLICAITON/MENU/GUI and also APPLICATION/MENU/SECTION/GUI nodes [+] 2010-03-25 Mail Archive - Local unknown users are not archived by default, a new API variable available to enable such archiving [+] 2010-03-25 Groupware - Shared accounts root folder automatically updated to reflect the Shared account prefix (on the fly), full support for nested Public and Shared account folders, Eg. Public/Users/ can be a shared account prefix so all public folders and shared accounts are listed under one root folder, requires a minor fix in IMAP [*] 2010-03-24 Config - Stop service - Thread used with Wait state, ensures a kill if timeout occurs, applies also to systray daemon [*] 2010-03-23 Config - Language - New WebAdmin about html text [*] 2010-03-23 Config - RCP - Linux path support for Instant Messaging Services and Web Service Scripting added [*] 2010-03-22 RCP - Stop self service - Restart service options preserved [*] 2010-03-22 SIP - RTP logging to summary logs [*] 2010-03-22 SIP - Better RTP logging, On hold IP ignored for RTP NAT [*] 2010-03-22 IM - History - Forbidden path characters handled (sms:123456 etc.) [*] 2010-03-19 [#VXA-533007] Initial SmartDiscover SyncMLURL processing updated [*] 2010-03-19 [#FSP-968217] Builder - /html/webmail/calendar added, java js compiler added [*] 2010-03-19 [#OQA-265662] Groupware - clean db, use db upgrade to maintain this db, do not use create DB action as it imports all domains and groups automatically [*] 2010-03-19 [#QXR-226212] Setup - Administration - shortcut created with SLDF_RUNAS_USER to work properly on Win7+ [*] 2010-03-19 [#LIO-995910] Groupware - Versit - vCard - Blank EMAIL, IM and TEL are ignored [*] 2010-03-19 Setup - Default imservices.dat installed (contains general purple, email and service modules) [*] 2010-03-19 System - Default settings - SOCKS server on by default [*] 2010-03-19 Config - RCP - local license vs. no remote license issue solved [*] 2010-03-17 API - New properties: D_HeaderFile, D_HeaderHTMLFile, D_FooterFile,D_FooterHTMLFile,D_HeaderFooterFlag [-] 2010-03-17 602 Migrator - Fixed detection of LNS existence [-] 2010-03-17 602 Migrator - aliases from non local domains are ignored [-] 2010-03-17 602 Migrator - Only needed portion of the message archive is exported [-] 2010-03-17 602 Migrator - LNS - UTF8 in accounts export fixed, account export vs. file permissions fixed, exception about not existing folders suppressed [-] 2010-03-17 Config - Groupware - Rename of default folders - better error login [-] 2010-03-17 Purple server - yahoo gateway - new dll added [*] 2010-03-17 Purple server - icq and aim accounts 'Use clientLogin' workaround [-] 2010-03-16 [#GDE-899096] IMAP - Groupware integration - List of GW folders uses proper delimiter on linux [-] 2010-03-16 Config - Typo fixed [*] 2010-03-16 Purple Server - Dlls from pidgin 2.6.6 used, jabber accounts are set to not require SSL/TLS [*] 2010-03-16 Config - Focus problem fixed, PageControl focus not processed if currently focused control is owned by PageControl [+] 2010-03-16 Config - SIP - Incoming rules - Description control added, updated Call Forwarding [*] 2010-03-16 [#WDN-696107, #641] Groupware - AddGroup() Folder notification fixed, uses real group owner email instead of the session email (superuser problem fixed) [-] 2010-03-16 [#ZGK-644986] All services - Service Binding - Outgoing connections are not bound to [-] 2010-03-16 [#UNI-107020] Groupware - Maintenance SQL fixed [*] 2010-03-15 Disk Testing Utility improved [-] 2010-03-15 Purple server - SSL Certificate Verification dialog is automatically answered with yes [*] 2010-03-15 IMAP PHP extension - fetch_overview returns also values of "$Forwarded" flag [+] 2010-03-15 IM Service - Purple Gateway - support for domain= parameter added [+] 2010-03-15 IM Service - XMPPTimeout API variable added, defaults to 5 mins. [+] 2010-03-15 Config - IM Service - facebook added to dropdown and purple support added, examples updated [+] 2010-03-15 API - Experimental AVScanFile() support added [*] 2010-03-15 FTP Sync - Only one instance allowed, if FTP data transfer failed a new connection will be attempted [+] 2010-03-14 Config - SIP Gateway - Do not register and Contact controls added [+] 2010-03-12 New linux NX Interface and RTL framework [*] 2010-03-12 SIP - SIPIsProtocolURI() new function implemented and used, fixes Gateway redirection to a non standard SIP port, tested with SipToSis (Skype gateway), <CONDITION>^(1)(.*)@(.*)$</CONDITION><REWRITE>$2@</REWRITE>, Make siptosis outgoing rules to call the Skype gateway Contact on the server "*,sip:siptosis@" (must match the Contact: header), both Incoming and Outgoind calls working [-] 2010-03-12 API - PHP Extension v.s. API - List of allocated objects is maintained by low level API class [-] 2010-03-12 Log Analyzer - Launch of MLA importer does not use needless API calls [*] 2010-03-12 Config - Default account display mode set to to Alias [*] 2010-03-11 SIP - Gateway Contact handling updated, Contact can be non local domain (IP for instance), a possible SIP loop preserved [*] 2010-03-11 [#UNI-107020] Groupware - Maintenance SQL fixed for mysql [*] 2010-03-11 SIP - 480 Temporarily Away replaced with 404 Not Found, caused problems with some gateways repeating the same OPTIONS command continuously [*] 2010-03-11 SIP - Summary logging support added, skips all commands and responses containing OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PUBLISH commands [*] 2010-03-10 [#QFC-419848] SIP - REGISTER - support for 407 Proxy Authentication Required added [*] 2010-03-10 [#VSN-346273] Config - Rename of Domain - Public IMAP folders properly renamed [*] 2010-03-10 Config - Expire Password Now button - status updated directly from the password policy objects [-] 2010-03-10 [#WIK-202502] IMAP Service - Folder rename correctly preserves ACL [*] 2010-03-10 License - <activesync_version/> header tag added for each license query [*] 2010-03-09 IMAP Service - GETMETADATA /public/vendor/kolab/folder-type/value.shared returns information based on foldermapping.xml [*] 2010-03-09 Groupware - vCard - Support for multiple types for EMAIL, IM added, conversions updated, PREF attribute support added for EMAIL and IM [-] 2010-03-09 Config - Logs - Long lines are internally cutted to parts equivalent with length of GUI log object [*] 2010-03-09 System - Mailbox type conversion POP vs. IMAP - Message flags in filename preserved [-] 2010-03-08 ODBC Class - Cursor type is properly updated in ODBC structure for unicode connection [*] 2010-03-08 [#MVI-588352] Project Maintenance - WebAdmin - alang.html is generated automatically during build [+] 2010-03-08 Setup - New graphical updates, better description labels, License page skipped if Next button enabled [+] 2010-03-08 Config - Splash and About dialog updated [+] 2010-03-08 Library - PNG library support added [+] 2010-03-07 Config - Splash - Graphic region added [-] 2010-03-05 IMAP Service - DIGEST-MD5 authentication can be properly canceled even in the final stage [-] 2010-03-05 [#MAF-943293] - SMTP Service - "Archive refused messages to account" does not archive quarantined messages [-] 2010-03-05 IMAP Service - CREATE-SPECIAL-USE capability implemented [-] 2010-03-04 SMTP Service - External Filters - Binary result data are not trimmed [-] 2010-03-04 Control Service - AntiSpam reports - logging cache is flushed immediately [*] 2010-03-04 HTTP Service - in case of 500 response, request is written into the log [-] 2010-03-04 IMAP Service - IMAP SEARCH - Proper handling of escape sequences in string constants [-] 2010-03-04 IMAP Service - IMAP SEARCH - SUBTREE specifier works correctly if windows search is disabled [*] 2010-03-04 imap_getmailboxes - new field .acl - bitmask describing Acl : [*] 2010-03-04 imap_getmailboxes - It can be determined if folder is "public" or "shared": ATT_ISPUBLIC 0x1000, LATT_ISSHARED 0x2000 [*] 2010-03-04 IMAP Service - XLIST - returns \Shared if folder is shared , \Public if folder is public [*] 2010-03-04 IMAP Service - XLIST - returns ACl information (\iaclLookup,\iaclRead,\iaclKeep,\iaclWrite,\iaclInsert,\iaclPost,\iaclCreate,\iaclDelete,\iaclExpunge,\iaclDeleteMailbox,\iaclAdminister,\iaclvCreate,\iaclvDelete) [*] 2010-03-04 IMAP Service - XLIST - Default folder types caches in .xml file, webmail settings and metadata are parsed initially [*] 2010-03-02 PHP IMAP Extension - imap_getmailboxes uses xlist if implemented, flags values contains new bit masks: LATT_ISINBOX 0x80,LATT_ISSENT 0x100,LATT_ISDRAFTS 0x200,LATT_ISSPAM 0x400, LATT_ISTRASH 0x800 [-] 2010-03-02 IM service - Purple server - Plaintext authentication dialog is automatically answered with yes [*] 2010-03-01 602 Migrator - description improved, list of known isues added [-] 2010-03-01 IMAP Service - Message info does not allocate more memory than it needs [+] 2010-02-26 Config, Setup - New splash, about and setup images added [*] 2010-02-25 IM - Critical imservices.dat loading problem fixed [+] 2010-02-25 [#WLW-209346] HTTPClass - support for multiple protocol proxy settings of Internet Settings added, HTTPClass support for proxy authentication added [*] 2010-02-25 Tools - Server Traffic Test - Support for IMAP IDLE added, tested [*] 2010-02-24 /install/ - New CSS and design used for Download Clients page [*] 2010-02-24 [#LQO-621700] Setup - default account number for database requirement updated [*] 2010-02-24 [#MVI-588352] Config - WA strings [*] 2010-02-24 [#VAD-246234] Config - Custom toolbar items updated [*] 2010-02-24 IM - New <feature/> with namespace identifying the server [*] 2010-02-24 SmartAttach - iMIP Invitation does not get stripped or process by smartattach, exception for text/calendar content-type added [+] 2010-02-23 HTTPClass - Automatic Internet Settings Proxy Options usage, can be controlled via API C_System_Conn_Proxy, if blank global settings is used, if contains only 1 char no proxy will be used, Internet Settings does not support authentication credentials, if proxy requires them you need to set it in the API manually: "user:pass@server:port" [+] 2010-02-22 Desktop Client - First official version included in Download Clients [*] 2010-02-19 SMTP - Routing - Support for blank Destination added, the only variable that can be used are: %%alias%% and %%domain%% [*] 2010-02-19 602 Migrator - description improved [-] 2010-02-19 [#SYW-730053] - POP3 Service - ACL notification correctly uses UTF8 [*] 2010-02-19 602 Migrator - better logo, possibility to export 602 license if IW server already installed, direct ling for downloading .NET provided [*] 2010-02-19 Groupware - Object accessed via ticket vs. sharing issue solved, ticket URL always acts as full access to the object [+] 2010-02-19 License - <settingsid> support added, a unique identification of server settings (will be used for LB licenses) [-] 2010-02-18 602 Migrator - Ready for localization [-] 2010-02-17 [#RCI-778433] SMTP Service - SRS Check - case insensitive [-] 2010-02-17 [#ETM-830730] Config - Localization of top bar icons is working [-] 2010-02-17 [#UNV-650795] IM Service - Purple gateway - jabber gateway - resource is stripped from buddies names [-] 2010-02-17 [#NEM-661511] Config - Localization files are processed sooner [-] 2010-02-17 [#UNU-262725] Log analyzer - Default values of reporting e-mails removed [-] 2010-02-17 [#EVF-581138] SIP Service - Users in domain clusters are accessible through email from master domain [*] 2010-02-17 License - Better error handling and special updates [-] 2010-02-17 602 Migrator - Folder names are trimmed [-] 2010-02-17 602 Migrator - Export of shared documents is independent, can be disabled and performed later [*] 2010-02-16 WebDAV - Support for URL tickets (previously only attachment tickets were supported) [-] 2010-02-16 [#IJS-544268] IMAP Service - it is not possible to create normal folder beginning with ~. (subscribing of shared accounts still works) [-] 2010-02-16 [#KWY-175487] SMTP Service - Domain Clusters - Archived message is stored on correct place [+] 2010-02-16 Groupware - GetAttachmentPath() - Support for WebDAV URL without attachment URI added, required WebDAV to support tickets for items [*] 2010-02-16 [#VLO-352742] System - SmartAttach updated [*] 2010-02-16 IMAP Service - X-ICEWARP-SERVER command returns version of IceWarp Server [*] 2010-02-16 XMPP - iq:privacy - List returned if asked for, fixes Bria XMPP bug [*] 2010-02-15 [#VLO-352742] System - SmartAttach - Simplified header/footer handling, strict files required [*] 2010-02-15 [#VLO-352742] System - Header/Footer handling - Strict HTML/Text files used (based on index), <br/> added for HTML footer and header, Text not converted to HTML if HTML file missing, Config - Header/Footer - Edit file content button added [+] 2010-02-15 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - VFREEBUSY - Support for "X-CALENDARSERVER-MASK-UID" property added (as in Apple Calendar Server) [+] 2010-02-15 Groupware - GetAttachmentPath() - new parameter "TICKET" added, returns URL with ticket (no authentication required), SmartAttach uses this function now [*] 2010-02-12 Groupware - VersitClass - BYWEEKNO support removed, incorrectly understood by some solutions, BYDAY with index should be used instead [*] 2010-02-12 AntiSpam Reports - Direct PHP interpreter execution, scripts virtual host not used anymore, Config - scripts virtual host removed [*] 2010-02-12 [#ILZ-101794] Groupware - AddAttachment with value - Mailbox quota checked, SmartAttach - Support for LOCK/UNLOCK added (considers mailbox quota) [*] 2010-02-11 Config - User tab - Contains username field again [+] 2010-02-11 SMTP - Routing - greatly extended to support Sender conditions, dialog and examples updated [*] 2010-02-10 IM Service - Purple module - Error message is sent only after 3-th error after login [*] 2010-02-10 602 Migrator - Migration of emails and archive remembers the time of migration. Next time, only newer e-mails are migrated. [*] 2010-02-09 License - Account excess notifications suppressed if module not enabled [-] 2010-02-09 [#AON-378379] AntiSpam - Auto whitelist - multiple recipients vs. already present record problem fixed [*] 2010-02-09 [#ROL-317906] Config - WebClient - Host - IP preset if default value (blank) [*] 2010-02-09 [#ERX-490256] System - Service Monitor - checks not performed first 30 minutes after start of the service [+] 2010-02-09 Groupware - GetvCalendars() - ;ITEMLIST support added, implemented a functionality to retrieve a list of multiple calendar objects in one vcalendar container [*] 2010-02-09 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar() - SEND_ITIP - VFREEBUSY - Interval handling updated for non UTC datetime [*] 2010-02-08 [#ABW-126541] Config - Certificate handling updated, default certificate properly displayed, updated function interface [+] 2010-02-08 [#WWA-520049] Config - Groups - Max msgs per min option added [*] 2010-02-08 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar() - SEND_ITIP - VFREEBUSY - Interval properly converted to UTC if required [+] 2010-02-08 Config - Language list put to statusbar, easily visible, removed from main menu [*] 2010-02-08 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar() - SEND_ITIP - proper handling of CANCEL method [*] 2010-02-05 [QSW-551465] - Config - Embedded browser - [*] 2010-02-05 602 Migrator - Migration can be stopped and resumed [*] 2010-02-05 602 Migrator - Export of E-mails is done in 10 separate threads [-] 2010-02-05 602 Migrator - Group description correctly migrated in UTF8, group alias derived using iconv [*] 2010-02-05 IMAP PHP Extension - rfc822_cat - output is not quoted, if input was already quoted [*] 2010-02-05 Config - Few localization constants for webadmin added [*] 2010-02-04 Config - User - Mail - Apply Content Filters removed, access via the API [-] 2010-02-04 [#ZIT-840710] Access mode - Module usage - support for accounts from list added [*] 2010-02-04 [#VLO-352742] SmartAttach - Templates used even if blank, handling updated [-] 2010-02-04 [#JOO-769965] Config - Templates - Domain template - SaveProc() problem fixed [*] 2010-02-03 [#XOD-251563] FTP - Sync logs - FTP logs and Sync logs updated [-] 2010-02-03 Control service - FastCGI - Linux - new instance of PHP is launched in one thread only [*] 2010-02-03 602 Migrator - Progress indicators are displayed at least 100 ms. [*] 2010-02-03 Setup - New license text [-] 2010-02-03 IMAP - Groupware integration - Mail folder is not unsubscribed when converted into GW folder [+] 2010-02-03 Storage - Number of groupped characters in path prefix, API updated, new option added [-] 2010-02-02 Windows search - CoInitialize is called in each thread [-] 2010-02-02 [#CFJ-824994] Config - Account Settings - button for setting password to expired state works for remote control [-] 2010-02-02 [#JOO-769965] Config - Templates - Domain template - SaveProc() problem fixed [-] 2010-02-02 [#CFJ-824994] Config - Account Settings - button for setting password to expired state works for remote control [-] 2010-02-02 [#OSC-767216] FTP Sync - Sessions visible in GUI [-] 2010-02-02 [#XOD-251563] FTP Sync - MLSD command error logged to FTP sync logs [+] 2010-02-01 XMPP - Filter modules support added, general plugin based on XMPP modules added, allows intercepting of any XMPP packets, rejecting the internal processing and making your own response [+] 2010-02-01 Config - Simplified first tabs of Domain and User accounts, only the required options are present, updated Mail and Options tabs [-] 2010-02-01 602 Migrator - Memory leak in exporting function fixed [-] 2010-02-01 API - Configuration check does not initialize Install path each time. [*] 2010-02-01 Connector - Rules - Move/Copy to folder supported [+] 2010-01-30 Groupware - UserSettings - Support for mail folders list added, Connector updated to display remote folders list in Copy/Move To Folder Rules action [+] 2010-01-29 Groupware - RenameFolder() - support for cross group rename/move added, destination folders also checked for rights [-] 2010-01-29 Axigen Migrator - GW sessions are correctly closed [-] 2010-01-29 Server migration - Migration script is not retried if it fails [-] 2010-01-29 Server migration - Parameters of the migration script are quoted [+] 2010-01-28 [#CFJ-824994] API - account property U_PasswordExpired can be set [+] 2010-01-28 [#CFJ-824994] Config - Account Settings - button for setting password to expired state added [-] 2010-01-28 602 Migrator - neutral 602 logo used, labels changed to read only [*] 2010-01-28 Config - Node structure - full section/profile localization support, tested [-] 2010-01-27 Linux - [JNA-295376] Don't delete merak.conf too early [*] 2010-01-27 API - D_SharedRoster support added [+] 2010-01-27 Setup - MIME filter explicitly set for indexing .imap extension [+] 2010-01-27 Config - Node structure - Multiple menu profiles support, tested [+] 2010-01-27 Config - Node structure - Search support added, KEYWORD implementation, keyword localization, tested [+] 2010-01-27 Config - New menu.xml structure, SECTION and GUI tags, updated engine and localizations, support for dynamic interfaces [+] 2010-01-27 Config - web admin localization string WA_SetAdminRights added [*] 2010-01-27 Config - Status - Sessions, FTP Sync, Domain clusters - sort support added [*] 2010-01-27 API - new system property C_System_Tools_Migration_SSLMode [*] 2010-01-27 IMAP Service - Windows Search - Exception message from COM search component is logged [-] 2010-01-27 [#SZC-687475] All Services - work with users.cfg - Opened file is closed in all scenarios [-] 2010-01-27 [#BLD-220226] Config - List Server - mailing lists can be added [*] 2010-01-26 Groupware - Holidays and calendar services updated [*] 2010-01-26 API - new write only account property G_AddRootAdmin - adds all rights to root folder for specific account [*] 2010-01-26 [#YXG-574666] XMPP - Roster handling is case insensitive [*] 2010-01-26 WCS - XMPP HTTP Binding module updated, better handling of simultaneous same <sid> requests, event notification and others [*] 2010-01-26 602 Migration - Better information about errors during export [-] 2010-01-26 Setup - ExitProcess instead of Halt procedure is used. [*] 2010-01-26 [#COJ-623110] API - Intrusion prevention -new variables C_Mail_Security_Tarpit_Recipient , C_Mail_Security_Tarpit_RelayTarpitCount, C_Mail_Security_Tarpit_LOGINCOunt, C_Mail_Security_Tarpit_EnableIMAPPOP3 added [*] 2010-01-26 [#COJ-623110] SMTP Service - Intrusion Prevention - "intrusion prevention active" response is not sent when "close blocked connections" is not active [*] 2010-01-26 [#COJ-623110] SMTP,POP3,IMAP Service - Intrusion prevention completed [*] 2010-01-26 Config - System listview problem with incorrectly sorted and set list items fixed [*] 2010-01-26 [#COJ-623110] Config - SMTP Service - Intrusion prevention - POP3/IMAP added, display sheet redesigned, background not implemented yet [+] 2010-01-25 Linux - Updated xcache to version 1.3.0 [+] 2010-01-25 Linux - Updated PHP to version 5.2.12 [*] 2010-01-25 Config - Antivirus updated [*] 2010-01-25 Config - Statusbar updated, specific statusbar removed (statistics and account groups), main statusbar used for all displays, special handling [*] 2010-01-25 HTTP Service - Rewrite - HTTPS variable for V support added, values ON / OFF [*] 2010-01-25 tool - Support for no version upgrade parameter added: "tool upgrade", Upgrade - automatically downloads antivirus and antispam updates [*] 2010-01-25 Groupware - AddAttachment() - Params not set will be preserved when editing [+] 2010-01-25 Setup - Upgrade mechanism also supports new installations, IMAP Windows Search fulltext on by default [*] 2010-01-25 Config - Application caption and statusbar updated [*] 2010-01-25 Config - Default toolbar accounts updated [+] 2010-01-25 Clients install - JMF removed, no longer needed for WebMail VoIP [*] 2010-01-25 Groupware - Owner and group creation limited to special functions, import problem fixed which could result in multiple owner records [-] 2010-01-25 IMAP Service - APPEND command respects the time zone entered with the time [+] 2010-01-24 Groupware - AddvCard - Support for multiple VCARD objects in one string, can be used to import multiple contacts using one call, tested [*] 2010-01-22 602 Migration - Better information when license info can not be exported [*] 2010-01-22 [#COJ-623110] IMAP,POP3 Services - Intrusion Prevention - "Block IP address that establishes number of connections in 1 minute" and "Block IP address that exceeds number of failed login attempts" are checked [*] 2010-01-22 [#COJ-623110] SMTP - Intrusion Prevention - "Block IP address that exceeds number of failed login attempts" is not related to login policy any more, all unsuccessfull login attempts are counted [*] 2010-01-22 Groupware - AddAttachment() - AttSkipValue - New parameter added, docs updated [+] 2010-01-22 [#UHT-710851] SMTP - Message Submission control support added - RFC4409, new API bool variable c_mail_smtp_delivery_messagesubmission, by default no message submission checks are performed, when enabled MTA (basic port) rejects AUTH and local senders and MSA requires authentication, additional changes [-] 2010-01-21 [#GNW-929603] SMTP Service - forwarding - special no-reply sender uses domain of the forwarding account if possible [-] 2010-01-21 [#ZEE-580714] Setup - Fields for localization increased [-] 2010-01-21 [#SIU-739037] Config - File Manager - File view - File is not truncated if contains invalid UTF8 sequences [-] 2010-01-21 [#QJW-590235] Groupware - SubstituteUser, CreateUser - check if user already exists is domain-cluster safe [-] 2010-01-21 [#UZB-111707] Config - Fields for localization increased [*] 2010-01-21 Config - Windows Search - label updated [*] 2010-01-21 IMAP Service - Windows Search - COM is initialized during first search request [*] 2010-01-21 All Services - Configuration can be reloaded faster than each 30 seconds, if the request comes from Config , POP3 Service can also reload configuration faster if the request originates from saving a remote account [+] 2010-01-21 [#ILZ-101794] Groupware - Mailbox quota considered while adding or editing attachments, if quota exceeded UNLOCK will return error, GetLastError returns E_TOOBIG (8) and the attachment will not be added (will be deleted) [*] 2010-01-21 Setup - Kaspersky always updated - except avdbinfo.dat [*] 2010-01-21 [#UNI-107020] Setup - Upgrade Tasks - Groupware and SMTP services are started if upgrade tasks are performed [+] 2010-01-21 Mail - Archive - New archive mode added - Deleted messages, advantage of this mode is that it does not keep duplicate of messages, only one copy is always stored [-] 2010-01-21 Setup - systemapi.dll properly installed [*] 2010-01-21 Config - Windows Search - Archive support added [-] 2010-01-21 [#CAK-759198] SMTP - rules - send message action - %%variables%% are processed also in non ascii subject, from, to [*] 2010-01-21 Config - Remote connection disable controls place updated [-] 2010-01-21 System - systemapi.dll built without dependencies on MS VC redistributable [-] 2010-01-21 Antivirus - Kaspersky - helper dll built without dependencies on MS VC redistributable [+] 2010-01-20 Config - possibility to autoconfigure windows search [+] 2010-01-20 System - systemapi.dll introduced - encapsulates API for settings of Windows Search [*] 2010-01-20 [#OIG-488226] POP3 - message deletion is applied between QUIT and response [*] 2010-01-20 [#CNQ-154994] AntiSpam logging disabled if AntiSpam disabled [*] 2010-01-20 [#EJT-232595] IM Service gateway - support for default folder added, Holidays omitted, additional changes [*] 2010-01-20 [#EJT-232595] Domain quota warning contains the original domain name [*] 2010-01-20 [#CYH-215115] Antivirus - Library error logging suppressed if engine directory does not exist [*] 2010-01-20 [#ZVE-477722] Config - Groupware - Delete Data fixed [*] 2010-01-20 SIP - Response - Record-Route rewrite problem fixed [*] 2010-01-20 SIP - Host port set according to transport value [-] 2010-01-20 IMAP - XLIST extension implemented [-] 2010-01-20 IMAP - Groupware integration - problem with searching GW folders fixed [*] 2010-01-20 API - SOCKS_Enabled - Maintenance log problem fixed [*] 2010-01-20 Config - Antivirus - Custom mirror URL removed, Update for AV and AS does not wait for change (updates take too long, typical notification message displayed) [-] 2010-01-19 [#FEY-94939] - Daylight saving correctly calculated for southern hemisphere [+] 2010-01-19 Setup - .imap extension registered as e-mail extension [+] 2010-01-19 SMS Service - Remote HTTP API, new parameter attribute ;charset= added, available attributes: ;unicode ;isunicode ;isascii ;isbinary ;value= ;hex ;len ;b64 ;charset= [+] 2010-01-19 PHP - 5.2.12 [*] 2010-01-19 PHP - icewarpphp - compatible with php 5.3.1 (tests conducted, both VC6 and VC9 supported) [+] 2010-01-19 SMS Service - Support for AT+CPMS added, support for AT Init string in smsgateway.dat added [-] 2010-01-19 SMTP Service - AntiSpam - removed from all rules [*] 2010-01-19 IMAP - Groupware integration - GETQUOTAROOT works also for GW folders [*] 2010-01-19 Groupware - Proper subscribe groups handling [*] 2010-01-19 Groupware - GetFolderInfo() - FdrOwner added [*] 2010-01-19 System - UnixTime conversions shifted to UTC, changed in the whole code [+] 2010-01-18 Groupware - GetRemindersList() API - support for RmnTime query added, event and RmnTime reminder can occur anytime and still will returned, calendar.xml updated [+] 2010-01-18 Config - IMAP SEARCH - Windows Search service option added, reorganized Mail Service and SMTP Server settings, Internet Connection -> Connection and position of nodes, more logical order and places [-] 2010-01-18 IMAP - SEARCH - string literals supported by parser [-] 2010-01-18 IMAP - SEARCH - OR condition parsing fixed [*] 2010-01-15 [#CXR-396711] Groupware - Special auto database fields AnsiString used [+] 2010-01-15 IMAP - SEARCH - "Windows search" API constant changed - allows more search engines in the future - C_System_Services_IMAP_IndexedSearch [*] 2010-01-15 Groupware - Reminder types internally ignored, all reminder actions result in email notification (if not disabled), conversion of ActiveSync or vCalendar alarms result in DISPLAY type [-] 2010-01-15 API - SQLite API dll is searched also in server install dir - fixed [+] 2010-01-15 IMAP - SEARCH - Multimailbox SEARCH Extension implemented (draft-ietf-morg-multimailbox-search) [+] 2010-01-15 IMAP - SEARCH - integration with "Windows search" indexing engine, indexing engine has to be set manually, then C_System_Services_IMAP_UseIndexedSearch variable has to be enabled [*] 2010-01-15 Groupware - calendar.xml folder fields extended to 255 chars [*] 2010-01-15 Antivirus - Kaspersky - default bases blank with cached db info file, requires antivirus update when installed or used [-] 2010-01-14 Linux - [SCG-182514] Problem with GetvCalendar under Linux [*] 2010-01-14 602 Migration - Licensing - accounts_required tag is sent to the license server [*] 2010-01-14 Antivirus - DB Info caching mechanism implemented, makes sure AntiVirus information is loaded instantly without any AV engine loading [-] 2010-01-14 [#ZIT-840710] Config - Access Mode - accounts from list - disabled edit control fixed [+] 2010-01-13 Antivirus - Kaspersky - Scanner_Init, Updater_Init - nLicensingMode=1 [+] 2010-01-13 SMS Service - New SMSIncoming() API function added, the core function for receiving SMS messages can now be called via the API from any application, suitable for receiving messages over HTTP and still utilizing the features of the Sender-Reply and Rules of the SMS server, required URI variables number=&data=&id= (id - gatewayid, data - message data, number - phone number) [*] 2010-01-13 Config - Antivirus loading only if necessary (Kaspersky optimization) [*] 2010-01-13 Config - Services - Memory - PageFileSize displayed as it corresponds to Private Bytes in Process Explorer [+] 2010-01-13 Antivirus - Kaspersky - full support [*] 2010-01-12 Antivirus - Kaspersky - Updater api fix, Scanner_GetVersion implemented [*] 2010-01-12 Antivirus - Kaspersky - Support for returning virus name, additional updates [-] 2010-01-12 [#TWB-712505] API - Initialization vs. Saving - thread safety fixed [*] 2010-01-12 [#GTA-807733] SMTP Service - BATV - more benevolent parsing - support for non RFC forms of BATV [*] 2010-01-12 Antivirus - Kaspersky [*] 2010-01-12 Setup - Kaspersky antivirus engine added [*] 2010-01-12 License - Additional antivirus licence handling added, License Generator updated, Kaspersky [+] 2010-01-11 SMS Service - Instant delivery of incoming messages implemented, improved SMS List logging - logged only serial communication with new messages [*] 2010-01-11 System - DoLog() - Write exception handling added [-] 2010-01-11 API - SQLite API dll is searched also in server install dir [*] 2010-01-11 XMPP - GetSOCKSProxyJID() - Problem with loading modules fixed [+] 2010-01-11 Setup - PHP script support added, setupscript.dat (zip file containing scripts with script.php that is executed after each version installed with the parameter of previous version, use $argv[1] to access that parameter) [*] 2010-01-09 Config - File Manager - folder icon handling updated [*] 2010-01-09 XMPP - API send message - messages processed with Archive and History [*] 2010-01-09 SMTP - xmpp: delivery, additional param support for "from=" implemented, bypasses the XMPP Email transport and lets you specify any sender for IM messages [*] 2010-01-08 SMS - Support for XMPP email node added [-] 2010-01-08 Setup - Upgrade Tasks - U_AvScan changed to integer whenever possible [*] 2010-01-08 Groupware - ProcessGroupReminders() - RMN_ID returned [*] 2010-01-08 License - Reference key structure - MAC address - on windows the list is sorted and NIC MAC is always preferred, on some windows (virtual machines) the first MAC returned changes unpredictably [+] 2010-01-07 XMPP - Rules - recipient support for status added, eg: [+] 2010-01-07 SMS - Support for XMPP email node added [*] 2010-01-07 Groupware - GetIntervalHolidays fixed [*] 2010-01-07 License - AddOnlineLicense - error logging with reason added [*] 2010-01-07 License - Notification trigger mechanism updated [*] 2010-01-07 Config - License - secret license XML display feature added [*] 2010-01-06 Modules - Email/SMS - Sent SMS - XMPP email node is used for From: address (so replies will be sent back to XMPP), requires a final touch on SMS service to support XMPP email node [+] 2010-01-06 XMPP - Support for user rules implemented, the same rules file shared, XMPP rules specified via Recipient "xmpp:" condition, additional Recipient condition for "?online" status added, possible usage (Forward all incoming IM messages to email if user offline/online, the user controls the behavior directly from WebClient, any scenario is possible), Excerpt from rules: "Where Recipient matches xmpp:, and Where Recipient matches ?online, Forward to", certain action limitations (Edit Message cannot be used - use Send Message instead, supported actions Forward To, Send Message, Reject, Delete (for replies use Send Message)) [*] 2010-01-06 ActiveSync - Task status problem fixed [*] 2010-01-05 SIP - Record-Route properly handles transport=TCP, UDP, TLS (previously transport parameter was missing) [-] 2010-01-05 602 Migration - reminders for Tasks without DUE properly migrated [-] 2010-01-05 602 Migration - Archive import problem fixed [-] 2010-01-05 [#LYP-349620] Setup - setupfirstconfig.dat, setupcustomconfig.dat properly unpacked in initial install [*] 2010-01-05 [#GGF-447981] SmartDiscover - Service drop down (Standard, SSL/TLS) choices, only one protocol returned [-] 2010-01-05 [#TWB-712505] API - Initialization vs. Saving - thread safety fixed [+] 2010-01-04 [#GGF-447981] Notifier - Support for IMAP TLS/SSL added, IMAPClientThread support for rsDirect TLS added, tested [+] 2010-01-04 [#GGF-447981] SmartDiscover - Support for SSL ports added, Config - SmartDiscover updated, each service has a drop down with (Default, SSL/TLS, Standard) choices, autodiscover readme updated [*] 2010-01-02 Copyright labels updated [+] 2009-12-30 Initial support for Windows Search indexing feature [*] 2009-12-29 Control - fastisapi - Logging improved [*] 2009-12-29 Groupware - vCalendar class - TRIGGER RELATED special handling updated [*] 2009-12-29 IM - Shared roster - support for single roster items and complete subscription flags, shared roster duplicate roster items handled [*] 2009-12-29 Project Maintenance - Old builds are deleted from building machine [+] 2009-12-28 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar() API function updated, support for COUNTER and DECLINECOUNTER methods added, extended function documentation [*] 2009-12-27 Config - Accounts domain auto select updated [-] 2009-12-27 Localization - Form export library updated, additional class checks added [-] 2009-12-23 Config - Windows Vista+ and Aero Alt bug fixed [*] 2009-12-23 License - Client activation includes <licensedata/> tag with previous license [*] 2009-12-22 API - errors during saving and adding an account are inserted into the maintenance log [+] 2009-12-22 Config - ListView Popup menu support added (SMS, SMS Users, ACL, ACL item dialog and Service item dialog) [+] 2009-12-22 602 Migration - Support for relative paths to message archive [+] 2009-12-22 Service Watchdog - New API variable C_System_Tools_Watchdog_Check_Protocols - if enabled, watchdog also connects to SMTP service and checks if it is responding [-] 2009-12-21 Linux - [KHY-199974] Backup domain loop [+] 2009-12-21 Setup - info.xml New option CUSTOMEREMAILTOSETUPSENDER introduced [-] 2009-12-21 DB Class - Rename of Domain works well in MS ACCESS [-] 2009-12-21 602 Migration - It is possible to click "Next" after wrong password was entered [-] 2009-12-21 602 Migration - Events - Versit preprocessor does not remove characters from line beginning [*] 2009-12-21 Control - Thread Pools - better logging [*] 2009-12-21 Control - WCS and Active sync uses its own unlimited thread pool [*] 2009-12-21 Control - Thread Pools - Possibility to create special thread pools for FastISAPI,ISAPI,FastCGI/CGI and named modules [*] 2009-12-21 Setup - Default emails not sent anymore [*] 2009-12-21 Groupware - Calendar Services updated, info.dat not renamed, previous folders always deleted, upgrade - original holidays files deleted, new Session FLAGS introduced - skipping of notifications and reminders possible, ImportHolidays() uses transactions and works fast [-] 2009-12-20 Control - fastisapi - Socket handles are properly released after worker termination [-] 2009-12-20 Control - fastisapi - Worker is not killed if client side terminates the connection before obtaining the result [*] 2009-12-20 Control - fastisapi - Logging improved [*] 2009-12-20 SOCKS API - new 'connect' method and 'socket' attribute added [*] 2009-12-18 License - License notification interval = 60 minutes [*] 2009-12-18 [#JZA-294162] Config - RBL list updated, rbl.dat updated [*] 2009-12-18 Config - Proper handling of MessageBoxW() and window handle, new function GetActiveWindowHandle() used, fixes problems with sending modal windows behind the main application window [-] 2009-12-18 [#WBZ-998540] IMAP - Groupware integration - COPY of a file item preserves filename [*] 2009-12-18 Config - WebClient - Use SMTP authentication - new option added [*] 2009-12-18 SOCKS API - Client socket problem fixed [*] 2009-12-18 Config - Groupware - Rename of default WebClient folders - Folders named Trash,Sent,Drafts are also renamed even if the mapping is already set to something else [+] 2009-12-18 System - Default settings for Mail Archive turned on, support for relative Archive path added (Server/Archive), IM and Mail archive on by default [*] 2009-12-18 SSL Class - default client SSL method changed to SSLv23 ( method still can be changed by C_System_Adv_Ext_SSLClientMethod) [+] 2009-12-17 GroupWare - Public folder changes propagation to all active sessions implemented, based on ACL changes and account creation/deletion, uses session notification, all newly created public groups and resources are reflected immediately in active sessions, additional ACL for shared accounts changes and AddGroup() calls result in deferred action [-] 2009-12-17 602 Migration - Events - "None" label properly migrated, Shared distribution lists properly migrated, Only subfolders of the mail folder are deleted, String constants moved to one central place [-] 2009-12-17 [#QGI-710069] GroupWare - dummy rights for Expunge, Post, Keep seen flag [*] 2009-12-17 Groupware - Correctional mechanism for incorrectly formatted DTSTART, DTEND and DUE propertis implemented [-] 2009-12-17 [#CAK-759198] SMTP - rules - send message action - Content-type of body properly set [-] 2009-12-17 [#OTI-604476] Config - Server migration - manual migration - acount is not migrated if target domain does not exist [-] 2009-12-17 [#LPE-152293] SMTP - MDA queue - some statistics are not counted twice [-] 2009-12-16 [#XQT-782354] Config - Status - Volume - "number of messages" label changed to "number of files" [-] 2009-12-16 602 Migration - License properly URLEncoded [i] 2009-12-16 SSL - "openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -state -debug" to test server's certificate [*] 2009-12-16 602 Migration - "ShowTime as" event property properly migrated, Task due date properly migrated [*] 2009-12-16 Config - License dialog - RCP does not read used seats unless pressed the new button to do so, local GUI processes this in thread and is automatic and non-blocking [-] 2009-12-16 IMAP Service - Special public folder of resource account is not listed [*] 2009-12-16 Config - public folders - public folder for "calendarservice" user is not created, acl is set only for GW [*] 2009-12-16 Groupware - VTODO - support for COMPLETED property added [*] 2009-12-16 Control - License checks vs. slave updated, license validity checked on all servers, revalidation and expiration checked only on the master [-] 2009-12-15 Linux - [BRN-756478] Installation issues on RHEL 5.4 [*] 2009-12-15 Groupware - vcard - support for SEX property added (since vcard 4.0, X-WAB-GENDER still supported for lower versions), support for missing properties and their attributes added (mapped to attributes) [*] 2009-12-15 602 Migration - Proper detection of 10.0 version, reminders migrated, event labels migrated [*] 2009-12-15 DB - Resource properties properly mapped [*] 2009-12-15 Groupware - vcard - automatic IMPP property updated [+] 2009-12-15 Groupware - Deferred Actions mechanism implemented, session notification, subscribed and unsubscribed folders are automatically updated in all sessions of the same owner, tested [*] 2009-12-15 Config - Groupware - Rename of default WebClient folders - if both - source and target dirs exists, content of source is moved to the target and source is deleted [*] 2009-12-15 Config - Groupware - Rename of folders - group with public folder is processed [*] 2009-12-15 Config - Groupware - Rename of default WebClient folders is possible [*] 2009-12-15 License - Setup - Uninstall issues a license deactivation notification [*] 2009-12-14 602 Migration - Name of distribution lists migrated [-] 2009-12-14 602 Migration - Files with unicode filenames properly migrated [-] 2009-12-14 602 Migration - Private flag properly migrated [+] 2009-12-14 Groupware - New API function GetFolderUpdate() added, returns the last folder update ID, if changed the client should refresh the folder list, should be used instead of UserLogggedOn() which becomes obsolete [+] 2009-12-14 Config - Domain - Services - Instant Messaging shared roster - new checkbox added, uses the domain shared roster.dat to automatically include all domain users, tested [*] 2009-12-12 Config - File Manager - Output panel handling updated [*] 2009-12-11 602 Migration - Email Archive migration implemented [*] 2009-12-11 602 Migration - LNS import implemented [*] 2009-12-11 IMAP Service - Special public folder of resource account is not listed [*] 2009-12-11 Config - User Settings - new type of authentication - temporary case insensitive authentication [+] 2009-12-11 Groupware - New calendar services system complete, calendar service automatic cache for each year, list of calendars from groupware, removed old functionality, tests [*] 2009-12-11 Groupware - vcard - automatic IMPP property set if blank and local domain [+] 2009-12-10 Linux - Configuration file icewarp.conf is stored in /etc/icewarp/icewarp.conf [*] 2009-12-10 IMAP - Mailbox flags case sensitivity as in RFC3348 [+] 2009-12-10 Groupware - New calendar services system implementation, ImportHolidays() API function added and implemented (support for old .dat files and multiple container .ics icalendar files), upgrade and createtables updated, replacement for old holidays system, new public folder created with blank ACL, each import results in renaming info.dat to info.dat.bak so it is not imported next time (unless renamed back - UID and duplicity is handled), in order to force the import simply run "tool upgrade <anyversion>", tested [-] 2009-12-10 [#UZB-111707] Config - Fields for localization increased [-] 2009-12-10 [#KWQ-802273] Config - Multi - selection of accounts is canceled if new account is created [*] 2009-12-10 Server migration - Sharing accounts are automatically subscribed, problem with dropping GW database fixed, Private Contacts and Documents migrated into default folders [*] 2009-12-10 Notification account - Max size - Support for 0 (no limit) added [*] 2009-12-09 Config - Administrator resource manifest added [*] 2009-12-09 API - SOCKSCall - support for real SOCKS client added, if Hash session not available yet, SOCKS client is created and connects to local SOCKS server, 'sendfile' and 'receivefile' is supported, Params updated (URI parameters instead of multiple parameters used) - available attributes: filename, filesize, host [-] 2009-12-09 [#ARV-746415] Config - Mailing list - The "save" button is not enabled by each enter of the members tab [*] 2009-12-09 License - GetModuleLicenseInfo() updated, license dialog displays real active used accounts, AllUserProducts set introduced, Active vs. Enabled variable handling, tested [-] 2009-12-09 [#UTI-125721] Setup - country codes are evaluated correctly when DISABLEOTHERCOUNTRIES is enabled in info.xml [-] 2009-12-09 [#KRJ-917198] SMTP Service - "Expires if inactive" account option works also for database account storage [-] 2009-12-09 [#WOM-133320] Config - ACL dialogs - GW subfolders of INBOX are properly handled as GW folders [+] 2009-12-08 Groupware - AddvCalendar supports iCalendar format with multiple VEVENT objects so a complete .ics file can be added easily [+] 2009-12-08 API - C_IM_SocksServerJID new variable added [*] 2009-12-08 Config - User Settings - new type of authentication - temporary authentication against MD5 digest with salt - changed to work with widestrings [*] 2009-12-08 API - Old WebmailAPI removed and not supported anymore [+] 2009-12-08 Groupware - OpenGroup - new API functionality added, it is possible to open someone's account directly (anonymous or any other access), full ACL applies [*] 2009-12-08 Config - User Settings - new type of authentication - temporary authentication against MD5 digest with salt [*] 2009-12-08 Server migration - Password stored temporarily in MD5 [*] 2009-12-07 Server migration - new COM interface implemented [*] 2009-12-07 Server migration - Migrator added to automatical building system [*] 2009-12-07 Server migration - Cleanup of old migration data, fast configuration update, time demanding tasks performed in background thread [*] 2009-12-04 Groupware - AttachmentPath - support for owner group account added, correct path used [*] 2009-12-04 Server migration - Trial license request generated [*] 2009-12-04 Server migration - Big files moved to GroupWare without copying into memory, COM class registered [*] 2009-12-04 License - Client license uses SHGetFolderPath() properly, backward compatibility preserved [+] 2009-12-02 Linux - [VEE-219919] Add restart option to icewarpd [+] 2009-12-02 System - Backup - Groupware attachments backup support added, (global and user attachments are backed up or skipped accordingly), better user settings handling (more mailbox files skipped) [*] 2009-12-02 Web Service - Non-regex redirect - Condition: /test/ matches the URI exactly (no substring anymore), use /test/* if you need substrings, strict redirect * handling [-] 2009-12-02 [#REG-408646] Groupware - Upgrade tasks - Subscribed public folders are deleted - delete issue fixed [+] 2009-12-02 [#JQR-867987] Archive - Support to localize Inbox and Sent via the API added, C_System_Tools_AutoArchive_IMAPArchiveSent and C_System_Tools_AutoArchive_IMAPArchiveInbox [+] 2009-12-01 Config - web admin localization string WA_perpagel added [-] 2009-12-01 Database migration - Correct result of migration of each table shown, indices created also after migration errors [*] 2009-12-01 Server migration - possibility to migrate all users at once, migration mode improved when IW server is not installed [*] 2009-12-01 [#WVB-309035] Backup connection support added [+] 2009-12-01 [#OXZ-237154] RCP - Support for database functions over RCP (remote connection from GUI), check connection, create and drop, convert accounts, migrate database, Config updated to support dual mode [*] 2009-12-01 Notifier - Version part of constant, localization should not contain a version [*] 2009-11-30 [#IBU-283220] Config - Public folder deletion - Does not delete groupware data if account still exists (only makes folder private), deletes groupware data if account no longer exists (virtual account) [*] 2009-11-30 [#IGT-862241] Notifier - Localization of /help screen added [*] 2009-11-30 [#EQS-521777] System - iconv handling with //IGNORE - Subject in Big5/Base64 not displayed correctly [+] 2009-11-27 Server migration - Migration of tasks implemented, Sharing of event folders implemented [+] 2009-11-27 Config - Server migration - executable called after a user is migrated is processed in a separate, serialized thread [-] 2009-11-27 Config - Resource - Typo fixed, Domain admin resource 'O' added [+] 2009-11-26 Config - Server migration - Possibility to specify executable to be called after migrating a user [+] 2009-11-26 Server migration - Command line utility for migrating one user created [-] 2009-11-26 Setup - Expiration check - build date vs. current date fixed [-] 2009-11-26 Setup - Better reporting about license errors [-] 2009-11-26 API - constants for resource account added: S_AVScan, S_AS, S_QA [+] 2009-11-26 LDAP - Sync to LDAP automatically creates missing dc=, %domain_dc% variable support for Base DN (extends domain name to full DN), new default slapd.conf and create scripts use blank base DN new admin name is "cn=admin" [+] 2009-11-26 IMAP - Groupware integration - COPY operation correctly sets UID and item name [+] 2009-11-25 SIP - Gateways - Option to skip RTP NAT traversal added [+] 2009-11-25 SIP - RTP NAT traversal - mechanism to skip unauthorized streams, unknown stream originating from SIP user agent preferred if previous stream from other IP address [-] 2009-11-24 Linux - [UKA-959908] GW data are not upgraded after upgrade from 9.4 to 10.0 [+] 2009-11-24 Server migration - imports of shared contacts and ACL [+] 2009-11-24 SIP - RTP NAT traversal - Port rotation implemented, even ports preferred for RTP, odd ports used if ran out of even and not in RTCP forced mode, if RTCP forced mode then strictly even and odd ports will be required [*] 2009-11-24 Setup - Rewritten functions to System service functions, uses StopAll() [*] 2009-11-24 Services - StopAll() function implemented, multiple threads and wait for all to finish [-] 2009-11-23 Linux - [BHD-384603] Server configuration file is not created when upgrading from 9.4 to 10.0 [*] 2009-11-22 Setup - Command line extensions - MainForm not visible or shown [+] 2009-11-20 PHP - icewarp extension - support for php 5.3.0, new php API libraries, tested icewarpphp and Config wizards [+] 2009-11-20 Server migration - imports of accounts, domains, groups, private events, contacts, documents [+] 2009-11-19 Server migration - possibility to migrate existing accounts without password - new type of authentication - amMigration [-] 2009-11-19 Groupware - AddvCard/vCalendar - Transaction error result handled properly [-] 2009-11-19 [#YEU-850365] Setup - Old registry from 9.x and older are not deleted immediately at the beginning of the installation [-] 2009-11-19 [#OPZ-400717] Setup - If service from IW server prior to 10 is to be killed, it is killed using its pid [*] 2009-11-19 [#NNY-163051] Setup - full reference key including OS is displayed and sent in information mail [*] 2009-11-19 [#EYL-258422] String Class - StripInvalidUTF8End - procedure continues stripping until it founds correct character [*] 2009-11-18 PHP Extension - icewarp_utf8_bad_replace - algorithm recreated according to RFC, it is more strict now [*] 2009-11-18 Config - Renaming GW folders: accounts without access mode are not skipped [*] 2009-11-18 Config - Final icon touch - Left menu new icon used [*] 2009-11-17 System - AdvancedSystray handling updated, support for any icon and 16x16 LoadImage(), specific icon has to be 16x16, main icon can have any size, tested [-] 2009-11-17 setup, Upgrade from version 9, if new registry key already present, items from the old one are copied one by one [-] 2009-11-17 PHP Extension - icewarp_utf8_bad_replace - interface fixed [-] 2009-11-16 Linux - [CZE-915576] Importer not executed [*] 2009-11-16 Setup - new logo [*] 2009-11-16 Config, Notifier - New icons [*] 2009-11-16 PHP Extension - new function icewarp_utf8_bad_replace added [*] 2009-11-16 License - better error logging of license check [-] 2009-11-16 License - IsV10License check is made with the license being examined, not with the global one [*] 2009-11-16 Config - Groupware folder rename - logging of errors [+] 2009-11-16 Config - ActiveSync tabs prepared [-] 2009-11-15 Config - EnhancedListView class - ClearSelection() uses, fixes a special issue [+] 2009-11-15 License - handling = seats_reporting support added, daily reports to license server if seats_reporting handling, productcode retrieved from the license, tested [+] 2009-11-15 FTP - Passive mode local network option added, if remote IP matches the passive mode local network then passive mode IP will not be used (only local IP will be used), this way PASV mode works for both external and local networks [*] 2009-11-15 Groupware - DL vcard does not contain FBURL [-] 2009-11-13 Linux - [DQH-222412] ./ returns garbage chars [*] 2009-11-13 [#XPQ-235544] License System - revalidation warning email contains server id if load balancing enabled [*] 2009-11-13 [#BBE-771356] Config - Send activation key - incorrectly set variable fixed [*] 2009-11-13 [#ECB-856925] Notifier - --stop parameter support added (stops currently running instance, application closes properly now), unistall unregisters notifier and stops before deleting files [*] 2009-11-13 Connector Plugin - Localization memory leak fixed [*] 2009-11-13 Connector Plugin - All forms are not modal, handling updated and tested (Outlook no longer blocks because of windows messages) [-] 2009-11-13 [#DQH-222412] ./ returns garbage chars [-] 2009-11-13 SMTP Server - e-mail being copied to IMAP storage uses temporary file name and is renamed after the copying is done [-] 2009-11-12 Linux - [JPQ-253217] Remote config - Logs - VoIP Calls shows random strings [-] 2009-11-12 Linux - [MCZ-177976] linux - voip - SDP NAT traversal [*] 2009-11-12 IMAP Server - Support for groupware resource account added [*] 2009-11-12 Web Server - New webserver.dat variable SKIPSETTINGSUPDATE added, if true no settings update will be applied, tested [*] 2009-11-12 Web Server - WebDAV rewrite for OPTIONS/REPORT/PROPFIND from / to /webdav/ added, default configuration and update implemented [-] 2009-11-12 IMAP - Groupware integration - detecting of folder changes by another session fixed [-] 2009-11-12 Setup - place for localizations increased [*] 2009-11-12 [#IBA-948844] - Config - If old v9 license present, evaluation mode is forced, v9 license cannot be entered, new isv10license() mechanism used, tested [*] 2009-11-12 [#WVB-309035] - Config - Migration does not allow source to be the same as destination database [*] 2009-11-12 [#VKM-754023] Groupware - VersitConvert() - XML vs. binary base64 versit properties - base64 preserved, tested [*] 2009-11-12 Service Class - better logging of errors [*] 2009-11-12 Config - Bayes icon updated [*] 2009-11-12 Localization engine updated - locale attribute no longer used, language attribute used, functions updated to use language strings instead of numeric locale, notifier and connector plugin updated [-] 2009-11-11 readme updated [-] 2009-11-11 [#FML-114316] Localization Class - "String Files" localization uses separate localization instance [*] 2009-11-11 MLA reorganization fixed in build script [*] 2009-11-11 Config - New status bar object used, problem with OwnerDraw solved [*] 2009-11-11 Groupware - GetFolderInfo() - Public and shared folders do not return Fdr_Default=1 (always returns as 0) [+] 2009-11-11 Groupware - iMIP messages - multiple iMIP subjects located in calendar.xml (REQUEST, CANCEL, ACCEPTED, DECLINED etc.), tested [*] 2009-11-10 Groupware - ActiveSync format - Task preserves absolute time trigger [-] 2009-11-10 Setup - Minor upgrades do not force license activation [-] 2009-11-10 Setup - info.xml url of license server changed from <ONLINELICENSE> to <ONLINELICENSESERVER> to solve collisions with old info.xml [+] 2009-11-10 Resource Scheduling - phase 4 - internal iMIP agent complete, first resource scheduling beta [-] 2009-11-10 [#DYQ-238626] Setup - "Disk Space not available" error fixed - proper disk space check also for the temp folder [-] 2009-11-10 [#IMM-298187] Notifier - unicode nsis used for building notifier installer [-] 2009-11-10 SMTP service - SRS - Domain variable properly initialized [-] 2009-11-09 Remote Config - License file is searched in path relative to installation directory [+] 2009-11-09 Resource Scheduling - phase 3 - Groupware Resources handling, Resources folder returned as a virtual folder of all @@resources@@ folders, API C_GW_Resources variable added (read-only), calendar.xml DEFAULT_RESOURCES folder name added, tested [-] 2009-11-09 License - License Expiration vs. build date check fixed [*] 2009-11-08 Resource Scheduling - phase 2 - Contacts folder - room unavailable and room type toogle support [-] 2009-11-06 Linux - [OAE-115342] DB settigs changed by upgrade [*] 2009-11-06 License - SaveLicense() vs. revalidation updated [*] 2009-11-06 Config - Status - Logs - Limit on displayed log lines increased to 240 000 lines [*] 2009-11-06 Groupware - Upgrade tasks - Groups without any owner are deleted, Subscribed public folders are deleted [-] 2009-11-05 Linux - [FCB-492281] Doesn't display WC session of linux IW [+] 2009-11-05 Resource Scheduling - phase 2 - Groupware public folders, ACL and default Contact resource members (Category contains resource type Room/Equipment) created [+] 2009-11-05 System + Config - New account type Resource added, API, GUI, templates, DB and other updated, Resource scheduling phase 1 [*] 2009-11-05 Groupware - GetShareAccountList() API - additional bit5 support added [-] 2009-11-05 [#MHH-512289] - Connector Plugin - Try-Catch block workarounds Access violation in system call "Languages" on 64-bit systems [-] 2009-11-05 IMAP Service - Possibility to subscribe group account [-] 2009-11-05 API - DeleteAccountID() problem fixed [*] 2009-11-05 POP3Service - Client Session - file time of retrieved file is set according to the Date header [+] 2009-11-05 PHP extension - new function icewarp_repair_message_date - set file time of given file according to the Date header [-] 2009-11-05 SIP - Gateway handling - looking for local user vs. local existing URL option problem fixed [*] 2009-11-04 Linux - Implemented advisory locking on files between PHP and IceWarp Server binaries [-] 2009-11-04 [#FCB-492281] Config - Remote Connection - Service start time in Service statistics is transfered in GMT 0. [+] 2009-11-04 [#VBS-655377] Groupware - vCard - support for KEY property added (certificates) [-] 2009-11-04 Groupware - Group rename - problem fixed [*] 2009-11-04 [#CAE-341192] SMTP Service - SpamSkipBypassLocalUntrusted option is not used for emails comming from local mailing list through MDA for internal [-] 2009-11-04 [#CAE-341192] SMTP Service - "is local IP" attribute is preserved in mailing list when MDA for internal is enabled [+] 2009-11-04 IMAP Service - ACL populated not by each group member but by the group itself, group ACL will be always present (default right READ, can be changed via ACL later) [*] 2009-11-04 IMAP Service - GW communication "." vs "" problem fixed [*] 2009-11-04 Groupware - Folder rights - "." support for root folder added, additional documentation added [-] 2009-11-04 IMAP Service - ACL Notifications - displayed folder name is formated according to the IMAP standards [-] 2009-11-03 IMAP Service - Remote Account - better handling of incorrect response to FETCH command [-] 2009-11-03 IMAP Service - FETCH - Content-type - subtype can not contain " nor space [-] 2009-11-03 Groupware - Folder structure hiearchy and auto inheritance problem fixed [*] 2009-11-03 Config - EnhancedListView class - Add item auto select support added [+] 2009-11-03 Groupware - Group vs. Public folder - Default rights option removed - no longer neeaded, ACL populated not by each group member but by the group itself, group ACL will be always present (default right READ, can be changed via ACL later) [*] 2009-11-03 All Services - Configuration is not reloaded faster than each 30 seconds [-] 2009-11-03 [#RSD-173825] PHP Extension - API Call - Pointers to created instances are stored in hash table and checked before use [*] 2009-11-03 Config - Notification and Static route - Filters section removed - can be achieved via Rules [-] 2009-11-02 API - Logging - One log record limited to 512000 Bytes, processing engine made faster [*] 2009-11-02 [#DEP-450959] - Setup initial trial problem fixed [*] 2009-11-02 Autodiscover - Default schema as in Microsoft Autodiscover, Notifier uses [*] 2009-11-02 Building - Name of the Remote Config archive contains version number [*] 2009-11-02 SMS Gateway - Unicode vs. DCS handling updated [*] 2009-10-30 Connector Plugin - Forms are initialized as far as first call to a displaying function is made [*] 2009-10-30 Connector Plugin - Expiration of evaluation version handled only on Bynari's side. [+] 2009-10-30 Groupware - Final handling of PRIVATE, CONFIDENTIAL and PUBLIC items, PRIVATE - only the owner can see the items, CONFIDENTIAL - non owners can see only the time information [+] 2009-10-29 Groupware - Private events vs. iCalendar, special handling for private events, object contains only time information [+] 2009-10-29 Groupware - Private events are visible with no details, special handling implemented, calendar.xml updated, currently affected API functions GetAllIntervalEvents() 10.0.0 (2009-10-27) [*] 2009-10-27 Drafts [*] 2009-10-27 SMS Service - HTTP Gateway - code clarification [*] 2009-10-26 Linux - [XDO-860947] --check prints message when option --quiet is not used [-] 2009-10-26 [#CVW-699502] Config - SMS Service - 'refresh' has an impact on incoming and outgoing rules [-] 2009-10-26 Typo Icewarp ->IceWarp [*] 2009-10-26 Setup - Initial license handling updated [*] 2009-10-23 Config - New Splash Screen [-] 2009-10-23 Control Service - FastCGI - If worker fastcgi process can not be started, its listening socket is closed immediately [*] 2009-10-23 Control Service - better logging of failed php requests [*] 2009-10-22 Setup - Informational tests improved [*] 2009-10-22 API - logging - duration of particular requests is logged [-] 2009-10-22 License Class - Client Licenses - Licensed product determined correctly, default install date temporarily set to today [*] 2009-10-22 Setup - License Offline Form - Reference Key displayed [*] 2009-10-22 Builder - rename of some documentation files [*] 2009-10-22 Config - Autodiscover - Webdav renamed to WebDAV & SmartAttach [*] 2009-10-22 Setup - Info dialog - Required items are red and bold. [-] 2009-10-22 Config - Login dialog - Proper application termination if cancel pressed [-] 2009-10-22 Config - Groupware - Rename Folders - accounts with no GW access mode skipped [-] 2009-10-21 Config - Login dialog - possibility to localize [-] 2009-10-21 Config - Login dialog - invalid memory access fixed [*] 2009-10-21 Config - Groupware - Notifications - possibility to disable the notifications added [*] 2009-10-21 SMS Service - HTTP Gateway - Resulting HTTP request is logged [*] 2009-10-21 [#TUP-921875] Config - Predefined Clickatell URL fixed;isascii;value=&text=%%condition;isunicode;value=&text=%%condition;isbinary;value=&data=%%data;isascii%%data;hex;isunicode;unicode;value=&unicode=1%%data;hex;isbinary;value=&udh=%%udh;len;hex;isbinary%&concat=%parts% [*] 2009-10-21 SMS Service - HTTP Gateway - URL Format - new dummy variable %condition% - replaced with empty string each time, suitable for conditional expressions: e.g.: %condition;isunicode;value=&unicode=1% [-] 2009-10-21 SMS Service - HTTP Gateway - Unicode conversion is done properly [-] 2009-10-21 SMS Service - HTTP Gateway - URL can be more than 255 characters long [-] 2009-10-20 Connector Plugin - Licenses - Default licensed product is correctly determined [-] 2009-10-20 IM Service - Purple module double UTF8 conversion fixed [*] 2009-10-20 Config - License dialog - New error strings added [-] 2009-10-20 Typos fixed [-] 2009-10-20 Groupware - Versit - VALARM - X-MOZ-LASTACK value causing integer overflow set to maximal possible value (20380118) [-] 2009-10-20 IMAP Service - APPEND - presence of binary zero is evaluated after all data are sent [-] 2009-10-20 PHP - internal files removed from distribution package [-] 2009-10-20 SMTP service - Anti-spam - If spam score causes the refuse action, isspam flag is properly set [-] 2009-10-19 [#EOS-465063] SMTP Service - Rules - Send Message - Subject, From, and To fields are properly encoded [*] 2009-10-19 Config - License - Activation Keys - Email sent to user improved [*] 2009-10-19 License - If license is trial and previouspurchaseID sn null, creation date is set to server installation date [*] 2009-10-19 Config - License - XML license - version in xml is set to "9" for old licenses [*] 2009-10-19 Connector Plugin - Client Identification Key displayed [-] 2009-10-19 Config - License - Unknown error in license dialog - error description is not duplicated [*] 2009-10-19 Config - License - Export License - namespace changed to "icewarp:license" [*] 2009-10-19 Config - Localization constants for webadmin added [-] 2009-10-19 All Projects - Merak changed to IceWarp on several places [-] 2009-10-16 Setup - Upgrade Tasks - Upgrade of IMAP public folders is done within the IMAP service [*] 2009-10-16 Config - Activation keys message and confirmation updated [-] 2009-10-16 IM Service - Purple Gateway - workaround for problem of non responding yahoo servers - dns servers renamed by yahoo renamed also here [-] 2009-10-16 [#IXH-496337] Remote Server Watchdog - URL, Host Reporting - better logging [*] 2009-10-16 Config - Enter license - error handling updated - refmismatch displayed, other fixes [-] 2009-10-16 Groupware - GAL vs. vCard GROUP vs. proper count returned [-] 2009-10-16 Remote Config - webserver.dat is not saved immediately for remote sessions [-] 2009-10-15 Groupware - Attachments problem fixed due to new unknown field handling, special parameters to support unknown fields (attachments are not stored in db) [*] 2009-10-15 Groupware - VTodo - TRIGGER RELATED handling updated, trigger always defaults to RELATED=END, if RELATED=START present it is recalculated to RELATED=END, the same philosophy is applied to events but vice versa (RELATED=END is recalculated to RELATED=START) [-] 2009-10-15 [#IXH-496337] Remote Server Watchdog - URL Monitoring - better logging [*] 2009-10-15 Config - License - new Revalidation status added, Error message displayed, License dialog status updated [-] 2009-10-15 [#TUP-921875] Config - Predefined Clickatell URL fixed [-] 2009-10-15 FTP Service - FTP Synchronization - Synchronization schedule correctly converted into seconds [-] 2009-10-15 [#VCI-838747] Config - Backup - Spam reports database is also backed up [*] 2009-10-15 [#VBS-655377] Groupware - versit - multiple URL support added, vcard URL (if only one then always business) [*] 2009-10-15 [#VBS-655377] Groupware - vcard - telephone mapping updated [-] 2009-10-15 Accounts Class - GetLocalAccount - True domain is correctly returned even if C_Mail_SMTP_Other_SearchInLocalDomains takes action [-] 2009-10-15 Connector Plugin - Dialogs are assigned to the root window of Outlook [+] 2009-10-15 Config - Localization constants for webadmin added [*] 2009-10-15 API - U_NoRespondFor added [*] 2009-10-15 Groupware - API functions are in try/except block [*] 2009-10-15 Authentication - First ActiveSync login sends Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync License Agreement, can be localized in strings.dat [*] 2009-10-15 Control - License revalidation - failsafe mechanism added, the server will be stopped after 1 day of final failure (fixes issues with backup restore and similar issues) [*] 2009-10-15 License - History of purchases must be preserved, check added [*] 2009-10-15 Config - Activation Keys dialog - Short description added [*] 2009-10-15 Config - License dialog - Doubleclick issues Manage License command if Recommended not blank [*] 2009-10-14 Config - Access mode dialog - item order updated [*] 2009-10-14 Setup - Last action screen contains only 2 items - Open Start Menu and Run Wizard [*] 2009-10-14 Config - License exceed issue fixed, License - Account usage proper module license used, License error xmlns updated [-] 2009-10-14 IMAP Service - integrated spam folder cannot be deleted or renamed, correct response to GETACL is sent [*] 2009-10-14 Groupware - Unknown fields are ignored during Add/Update operations, new ftUnknown field type added [*] 2009-10-14 License - purchaseid and previouspurchaseid properly parsed [-] 2009-10-14 [#MJZ-220133] SMTP Service - Mail Archive - emails archived in proper directory if domain alias was used [-] 2009-10-14 [#FHT-432017] Server Migration - Manual Migration - Migration type "both" is also supported [+] 2009-10-14 Config - ACL dialog updated - Only one Add.. and Delete button - support for account selection and manual address input, tested [*] 2009-10-14 Groupware - FreeBusy - Ignores private event flag (all busy events will returned even if private) [*] 2009-10-14 POP3 Server - login is disabled if user mailbox path is unaccessible [*] 2009-10-14 IMAP Service - Group Account - Public Folders - Members synchronization into ACL - no special care for "everyone" [*] 2009-10-13 [#TMS-123574] Groupware - AddFolderRight - [domain] support problem fixed [*] 2009-10-13 Groupware - Public Folders - Members automatically added into ACL have special right set, Root acl items without this right are not deleted if not present in members [-] 2009-10-13 [#JCK-222836] Groupware - Domain Clusters - Event invitations works inside domain clusters [-] 2009-10-13 [#ZMG-519242] Config - Delete of Mailing list or group deletes also the member files [*] 2009-10-13 IMAP Service - Group Account - Public Folders - Members automatically added into ACL have special right set, Root acl items without this right are not deleted if not present in members [-] 2009-10-13 Groupware - Group member to ACL updated - fixed another bug in synchronization [-] 2009-10-13 [#RJS-392083] IMAP Service - IMAP migration/ Remote accounts - problem with fail-safe FETCH fixed [-] 2009-10-13 [#EWD-626763] Setup - Country names properly converted to WideString [*] 2009-10-13 Config - ACl dialog saves the changes immediately also into IMAP [*] 2009-10-13 Control Service - Default HTTP Timeout set to 300 seconds [*] 2009-10-13 Config - Group Accounts - description of group member file fixed [*] 2009-10-13 Groupware - Group member to ACL updated, AddFolderRight() ACL function - Checks and updates right if already present (notification sent only if ACL differs) [-] 2009-10-13 Groupware - Group member to ACL updated - fixed bug in synchronization [*] 2009-10-12 IMAP Service - Group member to ACL updated, only default rights of group account is considered and only new users are added [*] 2009-10-12 Groupware - Group member to ACL updated, only default rights of group account is considered and only new users are added [*] 2009-10-12 Groupware - GrpShareMode completely ignored and not used anymore, group defaults to friends mode [-] 2009-10-12 [#ILO-900794] Config - Groupware - Public Folders - "Share Mode" removed from GUI [-] 2009-10-12 IMAP Service - SEARCH - TEXT param correctly searches headers and body [-] 2009-10-12 Remote Config - Anti-Virus - "Active Update E-mail trigger" - SMTP authentication is used for setting this up [*] 2009-10-12 Groupware - ActiveSync XML objects - DateTime - UTC conversion considers destination TZ offset (not today's TZ offset) [*] 2009-10-10 [#QHM-111524] SIP - Support for # in account phone number, updated handling of domain aliases in SIP - works 100% now [-] 2009-10-09 [#DPM-304209] Config - CA Certificates - List is updated after adding a new certificate [-] 2009-10-09 DB Class - finalization also terminates DB connections, if not called from COM [-] 2009-10-09 API - DB unit is terminated when last API object is unloaded from memory - works only for COM interface [-] 2009-10-09 ODBC Class - freeze on dll unload workarounded [*] 2009-10-09 Authentication - The process reads the license states per the new license excess mechanism [*] 2009-10-09 Config - SMS - Authentication tab updated and renamed to Users [*] 2009-10-09 License - Excess mechanism updated - accounts with no module usage are removed from calculations, only FULL and TRIAL accounts in use are considered [*] 2009-10-09 Config - Access Mode - List accounts always enabled, lists all 3 states FULL, TRIAL, EXPIRED [*] 2009-10-08 Control - License processing done in new thread, License account excess - timestamp saved if FULL and none [*] 2009-10-08 API - DB unit is terminated when last API object is unloaded from memory [-] 2009-10-08 DB Class - Possible deadlock fixed [-] 2009-10-08 Thread pooling class - initialization is performed only once [*] 2009-10-08 PHP Extension - own file manipulation - support for relative paths [*] 2009-10-08 PHP Extension - own file manipulation routines implemented (icewarp_file_put_contents, icewarp_file_get_contents,icewarp_file_exists) [-] 2009-10-08 Groupware - vNote text/plain problem fixed [-] 2009-10-08 Groupware - vNote text/plain problem fixed, OMA/File GetvCalendar updated [-] 2009-10-08 IM Modules - Email Gateway - memory overflow fixed [*] 2009-10-08 [#ECB-856925] Notifier - Uninstall path fixed [*] 2009-10-08 Notifier - Account tab forced if no account details set (right after started), OK button disabled if account details not set [*] 2009-10-08 SIP - Contact Expires forced to resource expiration [*] 2009-10-08 License - New license excess mechanism updated, tests [-] 2009-10-07 Linux - [LPK-682012] Load balanced configuration is supported in upgrade process [*] 2009-10-07 License - New license excess mechanism implemented, account when access mode allowed can be either in FULL or TRIAL mode, TRIAL expires after 14 days and the user cannot use the given service [-] 2009-10-07 [#YHZ-459640] IMAP Service - Sharing - inbox is converted to uppercase even for shared folders [-] 2009-10-07 [#YHZ-459640] Config - Public Folders - IMAP ACL are saved in each situation, "Set ACL" button is visible only when it should be visible, labels updated [*] 2009-10-06 SIP - Support for incoming domain alias call even for registered users only to the master domain [*] 2009-10-06 Groupware - Public folders - Unsubscribe/Delete - Public cannot be removed, Subscribed public proper removal supported [*] 2009-10-06 SIP - Default Expires: forced to 60 seconds [*] 2009-10-06 Control - Daily batch - /temp/webmail/ delete older fired, new API variable C_WebMail_TempDeleteOlder added [*] 2009-10-06 Groupware - Public folders - Allow subscription, redundant folder listing checked via GetGroupFolder() [*] 2009-10-05 [#ZHN-123203] - Config - maximally 30 000 log lines are displayed [*] 2009-10-05 SMTP Service - Logging of AS Live error is more specific [*] 2009-10-05 Setup - License handling fixed [*] 2009-10-05 Groupware - Public folders cannot be subscribed, GetPrimaryGroup() updated [-] 2009-10-05 Setup - AS live binaries are copied to subfolder of install path even in LB scenario [-] 2009-10-05 IMAP Service - SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE improved [*] 2009-10-04 Setup - License handling updated, License validation does not save the license, License is saved during files installation [*] 2009-10-02 Groupware - Multiple primary groups not allowed anymore and will be ignored [*] 2009-10-02 Config - License dialog - displayed status updated [-] 2009-10-02 [#BWA-455206] SMTP Service - Emails are copied to the outgoing queue using High level functions [-] 2009-10-02 [#MPH-133551] Groupware - Access Rights structure is properly initialized [*] 2009-10-02 License - New mechanism for used seats and recommended action implemented, updated old usage, client seats usage, RCP updated [-] 2009-10-02 Groupware - Shared groups with blank Title are unsubscribed automatically [*] 2009-10-01 Linux - Install package name is without round brackets [-] 2009-10-01 Linux - [DZR-895701] update from 9.4.3 to 10.0.0 [*] 2009-10-01 HTTP Service - webserver.dat - if default modules are added to configuration, the configuration file is immediately saved [-] 2009-10-01 Domain Class - Redundant DB Operations after domain deletion removed [-] 2009-10-01 DB Class - Rename of domain in Anti-spam database is performed in one clever query [-] 2009-10-01 IMAP Service - Shared accounts management is performed in IMAP only [-] 2009-10-01 [#MLH-729915] Config - fields for localization increased [*] 2009-10-01 License - Unknown error - error xmlns displayed, new %s formatting used [-] 2009-09-30 Linux - [DNP-969566] config does not show memory usage for services [*] 2009-09-30 IMAP Service - Domain Clusters - GETACL returns items as members of slave domain [*] 2009-09-30 Config - Services - Memory - WorkingSetSize instead of PageFileSize displayed [*] 2009-09-30 Setup - possibility to open "Client Install" page added to the end of the installation [*] 2009-09-30 IMAP Service - Remote Accounts, Server Migration - wrongly returned message from the remote server is skipped [*] 2009-09-30 Groupware Service - multi-line logs produced in extended debug logging [*] 2009-09-30 IMAP Service - multi-line logs produced only in extended debug logging [*] 2009-09-30 Logging Class - Extended debug logging introduced, can be enabled via API [*] 2009-09-25 Setup - Coutries select box handling redesigned - Coutry codes are used instead of Coutry names [*] 2009-09-25 [#NKX-586596] - Groupware - DL in GAL several issues fixed [*] 2009-09-25 Config - Antivirus - Send EICAR Test - fixed issue with remote connection and port in the host [*] 2009-09-25 Groupware - AddFolderRight() - Cluster domain support added, all master domains added as slave domains [i] 2009-09-24 Drafts [*] 2009-09-24 HTTP Service - webserver.dat - reference to wcs.dll is added only on windows [*] 2009-09-24 [#BCG-883715] config - Message queue - Enter pressed in selectable fields invokes "refresh" [-] 2009-09-24 [#HOR-307827] SMS gateway - Dedupe works for incoming messages [*] 2009-09-24 API - U_FullMailboxPath works also for group accounts [*] 2009-09-23 [#SUW-176377] API - TAPIObject - Done method frees the db library only if it is called on last existing ApiObject [*] 2009-09-23 [#UPQ-544110] Notifier - warning message about missing internet connectivity is displayed less frequently [*] 2009-09-23 [#BCG-883715] config - Message queue - ctrl+A performs "select all", Enter pressed in editable fields invokes "refresh" [-] 2009-09-23 [#HOR-307827] SMS gateway - Dedupe works for incoming messages [*] 2009-09-23 Groupware - File OMA XML - support for Description, Categories and Sensitivity added [-] 2009-09-22 [#TLX-462972] Directory Cache - wave mode - is performed only on master server [-] 2009-09-22 [#YXS-208904] WebAdmin - About text modified [-] 2009-09-22 [#YYQ-711545] Config - File Manager - Output Panel - Buttons and labels rearranged [*] 2009-09-23 [#BCG-883715] config - Message queue - ctrl+A performs "select all", Enter pressed in editable fields invokes "refresh" [-] 2009-09-23 [#HOR-307827] SMS gateway - Dedupe works for incoming messages [*] 2009-09-22 [#YYQ-711545] Config - File Manager - Output Panel - Buttons and labels rearranged [*] 2009-09-22 Config - License - Exceed users handling for OutlookConnector and DesktopClient added [*] 2009-09-22 Setup - Activate license - Successful status displayed, license activated immediately in the license function and not the Next page [-] 2009-09-22 Groupware - Shared Accounts - Default global rights read but result is ignored [-] 2009-09-21 IMAP Service - Domain Clusters - ACLs are stored and evaluated using email address from particular slave domain [*] 2009-09-21 [#VJW-226241,#THM-930513] - Setup,API - Upgrade procedures - Webmail update script is called [*] 2009-09-20 Mail Archive - Delete older - Better handling so all empty directories get deleted [*] 2009-09-18 [#LSS-617365] - Config - Domain Settings - directory service cosmetics [-] 2009-09-18 SMTP Service - Admin is notified if traffic delay is applied - support for localization [*] 2009-09-18 Mail Archive - Delete older - If directory contains no file directory will be removed [-] 2009-09-18 [#FWH-458246] Config - Fixed several controls to support Unicode [*] 2009-09-18 [#AYG-603781] Config - If System/Policies/Logging type is set to "Users login with their email addresses" , the same value is set in webmail settings [*] 2009-09-18 Groupware - versit - support for dates lower than 1900 and preserving leap years [-] 2009-09-18 [#BKC-512592] - SMTP Service - "Copy incoming mail", "Copy Outgoing mail" - Possibility to apply CF before the copy operation - Dedupe works [*] 2009-09-18 SMTP Service - Admin is notified if traffic delay is applied [+] 2009-09-17 Linux - Thread Pool variable is equal to PHP forked processes [*] 2009-09-17 Connector - Correct version info added to the installer [*] 2009-09-17 Connector - Default installation path changed from IceWarpConnector to IceWarp Connector [*] 2009-09-17 IMAP Service - ACL changes are reflected into GW list of suggested contacts [*] 2009-09-17 FTP - FTP Sync - support for U-Serv FTP server - MLSD with case insensitive attributes added, support for type=cdir added, tested [*] 2009-09-17 Groupware - IMAP Folder dummy ID - notifications not sent [*] 2009-09-17 IMAP Service - Subscribing user - user allowed subscription even though there is no resource shared, allows the visibility of subscribed shared accounts, deletion of such accounts etc. [*] 2009-09-17 IMAP Service - DELETEACL / SETACL - support for inherit rights action added,set folder right for email = '@' and it will automatically inherit its rights, Delete right - any last right delete will always add anyone user with no rights [*] 2009-09-17 Config - ACL dialog - Inherit support added [*] 2009-09-17 Groupware - DeleteFolderRight / AddFolderRight - support for inherit rights action added,set folder right for email = '@' and it will automatically inherit its rights, Delete right - any last right delete will always add anyone user with no rights [-] 2009-09-17 [#PMJ-162940] SMTP Service - Messages from Spam/Quarantine reports are automatically whitelisted (new bypass reason code U) - If sender defined in reports is empty, this feature is not used [-] 2009-09-17 IMAP Service - Outlook UID error fixed - (problem with FileDate precision workaround) [*] 2009-09-17 Groupware - SubscribeUser() - user allowed subscription even though there is no resource shared, allows the visibility of subscribed shared accounts, deletion of such accounts etc. [*] 2009-09-17 Groupware - versit - support for dates lower than 1900 added (not in fact supported but handling added, conversion to year 19nn) [*] 2009-09-16 Control Service - WebAppMaxThreads is propagated into linux call to fastcgi application [*] 2009-09-16 Groupware - GetFullGroupFolder() title ignored in master group, fixes inherited flag in GUI ACL of public group [+] 2009-09-15 Linux - Added support for zlib in PHP [-] 2009-09-15 Connector - Plugin - several problems with localization fixed, second call to initialization routine is ignored [-] 2009-09-15 Connector - Localization files are included into installation [*] 2009-09-15 Config - WebClient - IM Server support added [*] 2009-09-15 Config - Autorefresh updated - Support for ActiveSync devices added [*] 2009-09-15 HTTP Service - webserver.dat - default modules are added into default host only if the base path of the host remains unchanged [*] 2009-09-15 HTTP Service, API - specific session timeout for http added: C_System_Adv_Protocols_HTTPTimeout [-] 2009-09-15 [#WUR-123549] Setup - small localization problem fixed [*] 2009-09-15 Project Maintenance - several pdf files added to the distribution [-] 2009-09-15 Setup - Checking if a process is running acquires proper privileges so that it correctly works on Win 2008 [-] 2009-09-15 [#NBJ-789513] SMTP Service - Intrusion Prevention - "Block IP address that establishes number of connections in 1 min" - ip is added to the list at the beginning of the session and it is removed at the end of the session if bypass condition is fulfilled [*] 2009-09-14 Linux - IM in webmail works [-] 2009-09-14 [#XZG-753212] Notifier - Typo fixed [-] 2009-09-14 [#MLH-729915] Config - fields for localization increased [-] 2009-09-14 [#GNA-882585] Remote Config - distribution zip file contains help file and another pdf files again [-] 2009-09-14 [#NBJ-789513] SMTP Service - Intrusion Prevention - "Block IP address that establishes number of connections in 1 min" - Check is performed at the beginning of the session, but ip is added to the list on the end of the session, so that it can be bypassed [-] 2009-09-11 [#YSO-483676] DB Class - termination routine from DB.dll is called again [*] 2009-09-11 Config - help id fixed [+] 2009-09-11 Groupware - SyncGroupUsersContacts() extended with new Email parameter, GAL is now populated with a DL made of the group itself, api doc updated [*] 2009-09-11 License - version tag proper xml position [-] 2009-09-11 [#VTS-469679] FTP Server - Ghost FTP sessions are not created [*] 2009-09-11 [#QOT-831335] SMS Gateway - new Clickatel URL;len;hex%&data=%data;hex;isascii%%data;hex;isunicode;unicode;value=&unicode=1%&concat=%parts% [*] 2009-09-11 [#QOT-831335] SMS Gateway - support for remote HTTP gateway parameters %value% (allows any value to be added), multiple same key parameters, new parameter attributes (;unicode, ;isunicode, ;isascii, ;isbinary, ;value=), preparations for Clickatel URL difference for ascii and unicode messages [*] 2009-09-11 [#FYY-988251] SIP - Load problem fixed [-] 2009-09-10 [#SGU-664555] POP3 Service - Remote Accounts - logging message fixed [-] 2009-09-10 [#FMA-923079] Remote Config - No changes can be saved if remote config is not connected [*] 2009-09-10 SMTP - Traffic delay controlled from license, delay skipped if proper tag present in the license [*] 2009-09-10 Config - possibility to export license [-] 2009-09-09 [#SVW-505037] Config - fields for localization increased [*] 2009-09-09 License - <version> tag properly added, licenseprocessor error namespaces updated [+] 2009-09-09 Config - Localization constants for webadmin added [*] 2009-09-09 IM Service - Purple module handling of newlines and special html entities fixed [*] 2009-09-09 Setup - Reference ID is displayed in first installation step [*] 2009-09-09 Config - Connection manager - default port 80 added, is port missing it is immediately added, preset host when adding new item [*] 2009-09-08 Notifier - Autodiscover - alternative port to 32001 used [*] 2009-09-08 Autodiscover - Alternative port support added, if port 80 fails in all tests alternative port is tested [*] 2009-09-08 License - Client dialog always contains Enter and Activate tabs (even if already registered) [*] 2009-09-08 PHP - IMAP extension - support for getmetadata and setmetadata added [*] 2009-09-08 [#DFW-261754] Config - Groupware - Public folder - add new public group error handling added, errors displayed [*] 2009-09-08 [#FYY-988251] SIP - Gateway deactivation unregisters to a remote SIP server [*] 2009-09-07 Web Service - Directory alias to /doc/ directory added, Install Client page updated [*] 2009-09-07 [#KDM-144692] SMTPService - Special "MAIL FROM" instead of "<>" is used also for autoresponder [-] 2009-09-07 IM Service - Purple module - maximum size of strings is consistent with purpleserver [*] 2009-09-07 Groupware - GAL and DL support - CN attribute added so DL members have also names displayed [*] 2009-09-07 VersitClass - Attribute escaping added [*] 2009-09-07 SMTP Server - better logging of outgoing data [+] 2009-09-04 Linux - Changed memory manager to libc [+] 2009-09-04 [#TMX-913773] Config - Public Folders - label renamed to "Root IMAP Folder" [+] 2009-09-04 Groupware - GAL is populated with Distribution Lists based on group members [*] 2009-09-04 Groupware - Upgrade - Old distribution list items conversion from ItmTitle to ItmClassifyAs added [*] 2009-09-04 System - NDR - Proper round() used instead of ordinal values [*] 2009-09-04 HTTP Server - webserver.dat - possibility to specify general FCGI and FISAPI timeouts per module - supported in control [-] 2009-09-04 [#GPZ-261332] Console - typo fixed [*] 2009-09-03 HTTP Server - webserver.dat - possibility to specify general FCGI and FISAPI timeouts per module (not working in control yet) [*] 2009-09-03 Account - Authentication - Email authentication vs. Domain IP binding - IP binding ignored if Email authentication used [-] 2009-09-03 [#UUU-860415] Config - License dialog window increased [*] 2009-09-03 Groupware - vCalendar - EvnColor vs. X-OUTLOOK-APPOINTMENT-COLOR issue fixed, EvnColor stores alpha-numeric values 0..9A..Z [*] 2009-09-03 Groupware - GetFolderList() automatically fixes missing default folders [-] 2009-09-03 [#JYW-713952] Database Class - User -> Mailbox -> Apply content filters - stored in DB [-] 2009-09-03 [#UEP-187588] Config - Maintenance log - logging of start/stop of services improved [-] 2009-09-03 Groupware - Function GetDefaultFoldersList deleted - the functionality will be used directly in getfolderlist [*] 2009-09-03 [#DFW-261754] API - SaveAccount() - Public group violation reflected to function result, config displays an error when saving a duplicate public folder [*] 2009-09-03 Notifier - Close notification window hides the window [-] 2009-09-03 Groupware - New function GetDefaultFoldersList - Proper case of result strings is returned, helper functions moved into another library [*] 2009-09-02 Config - fastisapi added to examples of modules [-] 2009-09-02 SMTP Server - Mailing Lists - temporary files properly deleted [-] 2009-09-02 [#FZK-142036] Groupware - ProcessVCalendar - Invitation can be accepted even if the user was specified with non primary alias [-] 2009-09-02 [#SJX-794755] Config - System Backup - Dialog message updated [*] 2009-09-02 Groupware - New function GetDefaultFoldersList [-] 2009-09-01 [#KUF-326529] Config, API - Group/Mailing List Members file is renamed when group/mailing list is renamed [-] 2009-09-01 [#VSG-621484] Sockets Class - SSL Sockets are properly terminated [*] 2009-09-01 Config - Autodiscover renamed to SmartDiscover [*] 2009-09-01 Config - Status bar handling and messages processing updated [-] 2009-08-31 API - U_SpamFolderSupport returns false if antispam is disabled [-] 2009-08-31 PHP IMAP Extension - getaddrinfo works on win2k [*] 2009-08-31 License - Client license - support <update_expires_on> and <expires_on tags> and Plugin <builddate> added [-] 2009-08-31 License - Client activation problem fixed, additional license server errors implemented [-] 2009-08-28 License - AddXMLLicense() - reference key mismatch returns false and no license is saved [-] 2009-08-28 Setup - v10 check fixed [-] 2009-08-28 [#MJI-643049] Config - Account selection dialog - limit of displayed accounts increased to 4000 [-] 2009-08-28 [#MJI-643049] Config - Reloading of configuration is not slow when last account in big domain is selected [*] 2009-08-28 License - Activation dialog closes automatically [*] 2009-08-28 Groupware - AddFolderRight() - if email used without domain, domain is automatically appended, tested (special cases for group names and "anyone" used) [*] 2009-08-28 License - Generate Activation Key dialog - Parsing of previously generated keys added, tested [*] 2009-08-28 Groupware - *UID and *RID extended to varchar(255), calendar.xml updated, default db updated [-] 2009-08-27 Linux - [IBH-981850] aspell not working [-] 2009-08-27 [#MJI-643049] Config - Account selection dialog - Slow appearance of the dialog fixed [-] 2009-08-27 [#CJC-667989] SMTP Service - MDA queue - if MDA informational .dat file is not present, message is not processed, next attempt to process such message is made after service restart [-] 2009-08-27 [#LQI-753863] API - New account via tool (ApplyTemplate) vs. account defaults problem fixed, tested [-] 2009-08-27 POP3 Server, API - New property C_System_POP3_Locking - Disables multiple simultaneous logins of one user [-] 2009-08-26 SMTP Server - MDA Queue - Anti-Spam logging fixed [-] 2009-08-26 SMTP Server - MDA Queue processing is started after initial cleaning of the queue [-] 2009-08-26 SMTP Server - MDA Queue, MDA for internal messages - Message size is correctly handled in mail forwarding [-] 2009-08-26 HTTP server - External ISAPI - communication with worker application redesigned - socket is not passed to worker application - internal tunneling used - works also with SSl connections [*] 2009-08-25 Autodiscover - Download URL support added, GUI updated, API updated (C_Install_URL), autodiscover engine updated (X-ICEWARP-INSTALL) [-] 2009-08-25 SMTP Service - Queue logs - internally changed to use string constant - first update [*] 2009-08-25 Notification Server - Slave notification sent to master instead of slave server [-] 2009-08-25 IMAP server - FETCH ENVELOPE - extra spaces in header trimmed [-] 2009-08-25 IMAP server - UID validation - fixed [*] 2009-08-24 Config - License - Activation Keys - controls disabled if no client license [-] 2009-08-24 [#NEM-661511] Config - System - Services - Control, GroupWare and Instant Messaging services names are localisable (cL_InstantMessaging, cL_Calendaring, cl_Control) [-] 2009-08-24 [#MYU-501011] Config - UTF-8 problems on several places fixed [-] 2009-08-24 [#ZOV-314308] Config - Remote Config - UID of the user is not used for editing the users settings [*] 2009-08-24 License - Activation keys are stored in mailbox/activationkeys.dat, this way the administrator can set one key and the key will be always returned by API or webmail, tested [*] 2009-08-24 Control - License checks not performed in slave mode [i] 2009-08-21 Drafts [*] 2009-08-21 License - Activate - Error handling added, new namespace based and localization ready system, any error namespace can be detected and localized, tested [*] 2009-08-21 License - ValidateReference() fixed (CRC properly checked), Client license reference key check added - ignores Seg3, Plugin - support for new "version" tag added, requests contain version as specified in the plugin if present [*] 2009-08-21 [#ZOV-314308] SMTP Server - better logging of incoming data [*] 2009-08-21 Versit - TRIGGER - RELATED=END support added, trigger is shifted to START relatively [-] 2009-08-21 [#KRL-796451] Config - newly created user is correctly reloaded [*] 2009-08-21 Versit - DURATION - Positive duration support added for intervals larger than days, tested [-] 2009-08-21 [#BVT-221683] SMTP Service - Client Sessions - If one thread sends multiple mails, the statistics shows them as standalone sessions, correct initial state is set [*] 2009-08-21 API - Add new license notifies all services about it [*] 2009-08-20 License - namespaces updated, license dialogs and offline mode updated, Enter License tab added [-] 2009-08-20 [#MYU-501011] Config - UTF-8 problems on several places fixed [*] 2009-08-20 Internal strings - localization - support for new license warning strings added, examples updated [-] 2009-08-20 [#UEP-187588] Config - start/stop of SOCKS is logged into maintenance log [-] 2009-08-20 [#UEP-187588] Config - starting of IM and GW services automatically enables them [*] 2009-08-20 Traffic limitation formula updated [-] 2009-08-20 [#ARO-229780] Config - Remote Watchdog - changes of settings of the global schedule are saved immediately [-] 2009-08-19 Account Class - Problems with DB connection during check of user existence are interpreted as user existence [-] 2009-08-19 FTP Service - FTP Synchronization - brief logging into control service added [-] 2009-08-19 [#MYU-501011] Config - UTF-8 problems on several places fixed [-] 2009-08-19 [#ELX-829142] Config - Sessions - sessions with timeout status are displayed with the warning icon [-] 2009-08-19 [#AMW-709499] SMTP Service - Cached From header is properly cleared [*] 2009-08-19 [#TRY-436131] Groupware - Recurrence calculation MOD N <> 0 used instead of MOD N > 0, tested [*] 2009-08-19 DB - Domains - new field D_Flags added, internal Flags mapped to this field, Domain client activation keys complete, upgrade set [*] 2009-08-19 Config - Domain - Client activation keys support added, if domain disabled user activation key also disabled, API updated [-] 2009-08-19 SMTP Service - External Filters - Update of configuration does not release external filters (caused crash if filter was in use) [*] 2009-08-19 License - Activation key generated only if proper client license present [*] 2009-08-19 Groupware - API - New function MoveEventException() added, documentation updated [-] 2009-08-19 [#AMW-709499] Quarantine misbehaviour - strange characters in sender field [-] 2009-08-18 [#MXV-733158] IM Service - Message is not deleted if TCP error occurs during sending [*] 2009-08-18 License - Plugin - activate - guid support added, license params parameter added, uri variables, xml request contains guid [*] 2009-08-18 License - Plugin - deactivate function support added [*] 2009-08-18 License - Plugin - License stored per machine, not per user [-] 2009-08-18 [#YAE-249725] IceWarp Server Administration crashes control [-] 2009-08-18 [#AZE-788544] Config - Rules - Comments in rules definition file are handled [-] 2009-08-18 Groupware - RenameFolder properly sets the parent folder on mysql (properly escaped), tested [-] 2009-08-17 [#ERX-490256] System - Service Monitor - checks not performed first 10 minutes after start of the service [-] 2009-08-17 [#DGI-602051] SMTP Server - Mailing list variables from database are not limited to 255 characters [-] 2009-08-17 [#LTP-683348] SMTP Server - Header/Footer - "Remote to Local" and "Remote to Remote" options removed from domain header/footers. [-] 2009-08-17 [#XFP-779442] HTTP Server - webserver.dat - If this file is being re-created after deletion it contains the same information as after clean install. [+] 2009-08-17 License System - New license format and verification used, New RSA keys generated, RSA and symmetric cipher with hash and dynamic password used, compatibility to verify and read old RSA license preserved, tested [-] 2009-08-14 [#XZG-753212] Notifier - Spaces for localization added [-] 2009-08-14 Setup - Anti-Spam files are updated in correct directory in LB Scenario [*] 2009-08-14 [#ASN-821744] Setup - Localization - possibility to copy files into Config, Calendar and Spam directory in LB scenario added: (setupcustomcalendar.dat, setupfirstcalendar.dat, setupcustomspam.dat, setupfirstspam.dat, setupcustomconfig.dat,setupfirstconfig.dat) [*] 2009-08-14 License - Manage License - can return either redirect to shop (/license/url) or it can return an updated license automatically (/license/data), support in Setup and GUI for returned license added [*] 2009-08-14 GUI - License dialog - groupid link with Groupname [*] 2009-08-14 Connector 4.0.0813539 included [*] 2009-08-14 API - C_License and C_LicenseXML variables updated (C_License for license management, C_License_XML for license analysis (returns decrypted license)) [*] 2009-08-14 License - license generator utf-8 problem fixed [*] 2009-08-14 Groupware - EvnColor field extended to varchar(2), calendar.xml updated and default db [-] 2009-08-14 HTTP Server - URI directory name check bypassed for virtual services [-] 2009-08-14 AD Synchronization - memory leak fixed [-] 2009-08-13 [#ZOV-314308] Groupware DB Class - Presence of backup connection does not kill query cache any more [*] 2009-08-13 IMAP server - UID validation - logging improved [-] 2009-08-13 Control Service - Directory Cache - works correctly with directories greater than 2GB [*] 2009-08-13 info.xml - Processing completely changed - new class created, central usage, tested [*] 2009-08-13 HTTP Server - webserver.dat is checked by each load for existence of settings for activesync,webdav,autodiscover, etc - even missing partial parts are fixed [-] 2009-08-13 SMTP Service - SRS is not applied on delivery to distributed or backup domain [-] 2009-08-13 [#PHI-345467] IMAP Service - ACL works correctly with folders and real names containing characters ; or = [*] 2009-08-12 [#JZA-294162] DNSBL in SA updated, rbl.list updated [*] 2009-08-12 Setup - webclientguide.pdf used [*] 2009-08-12 License - GUI license communication, mouse cursor crHourGlass [-] 2009-08-12 [#YYQ-711545] Config - File Manager - execution of files works correctly on remote server [-] 2009-08-12 [#YYQ-711545] Config - File Manager - Output Panel - Size is correctly updated when window is resized [*] 2009-08-12 Groupware - Global contacts list - IMAddress xmpp: automatically set [*] 2009-08-12 SIP - Gateway calls - Contact: header handling updated, issues with Update To: and Contact: fixed [*] 2009-08-12 [#YYQ-711545] Config - File Manager - Output Panel - Buttons and labels rearranged [*] 2009-08-12 Config - Groupware - Renaming of default GW folders - Possibility to select more domains in one dialog [*] 2009-08-11 Web Client label updated [*] 2009-08-11 Localization - TMemo and TTNTMemo support added, Setup - license strings from ConfigShared class added, additional strings missing added [-] 2009-08-11 Config - Detection of 64bit architecture does not cause non-functionality on Win2k [*] 2009-08-11 php - php.ini max upload and post extended to 256M [*] 2009-08-11 WebDAV - Groupware and folderlist in WebDAV incompatibility fixed [*] 2009-08-11 SmartAttach - Attachments with Content-ID: are skipped, new template tags "smartattach:expire" and "smartattach:noexpire" implemented, default templates and examples updated [*] 2009-08-11 Autodiscover - X-ICEWARP-LICENSE added, support for new namespace added, returns enabled activation keys for clients [-] 2009-08-11 [#NGO-158709] SMTP Service - Intrusion prevention - SMTP response code changed to 4.7.1 [-] 2009-08-11 [#PYD-355510] Config - File Manager - in LB scenario, initial folder is set to local system disk [-] 2009-08-11 [#CQS-963738] Config - Field sizes increased [*] 2009-08-11 Localization tool - improved consistency check [-] 2009-08-11 SMTP Service - SmartAttach - configuration examples updated to match default behavior [*] 2009-08-10 Groupware - vCard 4.0 - Middle name support added (as a next name in GivenName part), Versit CATEGORIES comma not escaped, tested [*] 2009-08-10 Autodiscover - X-ICEWARP-WEBCLIENT, notifer updated [-] 2009-08-10 [#NGO-158709] SMTP Server - Distributed domain - user verification - If the greetings response is not "success", no other commands are sent to the remote server [-] 2009-08-10 [#TPO-539182] IM Service - Service Monitor Gateway - monitoring of tasks shows tasks with status "not started" and "in progress" [-] 2009-08-10 [#BC-636618] Config - Vista visual bugs fixed [-] 2009-08-10 Config - Groupware - F1 help IDs updated [-] 2009-08-10 Config - Logging - Services - "select all" option correctly sets also anti-spam logging [-] 2009-08-07 [#PYD-355510] Config - Exporting languages not using /exportlanguage also ignores local settings (used hosts, commands history, etc.) [*] 2009-08-07 HTTP Server - webserver.dat is checked by each load for existence of settings for activesync,webdav,autodiscover, etc. [-] 2009-08-07 Config - File Manager - execution from command line fixed [*] 2009-08-07 [#JZA-294162] Config - DNSBL listbox - content is obtained dynamically from spamassassin rules [*] 2009-08-07 License - Desktop Client proper label [*] 2009-08-07 Autodiscover & Notifier - X-ICEWARP-WC used [*] 2009-08-07 WebMail renamed to WebClient [*] 2009-08-07 License system - New license system complete [*] 2009-08-07 Localization tool - improved consistency check [*] 2009-08-07 License system - License notification (re-validation), email notifications implemented, contain license other additional information [*] 2009-08-07 License system - License notification (re-validation), services stopped if stop counter reached its maximum, error log generated [*] 2009-08-07 License system - License notification (re-validation) control applied, license forced to demo if re-validation blocked or unavailable [*] 2009-08-07 Groupware - GetFolderList - Fdr_Default=1 returned only for primary account, shared and public folders will always return 0, calendar.xml updated [*] 2009-08-07 SmartAttach - Account - system variables support added - %%from_email%% and others can be used [*] 2009-08-07 Connector 4.0.0806536 included [*] 2009-08-06 [#YYQ-711545] Config - File Manager - tool works with remote connection [*] 2009-08-06 IMAP Service - UID violation - paranoid error logging - removed [*] 2009-08-06 [#YYQ-711545] Config - File Manager - output of command line commands is visible, tool can be called regardless of the current directory [*] 2009-08-06 Config - New certificate hash [*] 2009-08-06 [NMW-725870] SocketClass - TLS/SSL connection Close - SSL_shutdown called before socket shutdown and closesocket, fixes issue with TLS/SSL clients (FileZilla client) [*] 2009-08-06 [#XSO-161503] - GUI displays proper current and previous month values [*] 2009-08-06 GUI - Services - New grouping introduced as in license system [*] 2009-08-06 Connector 4.0.0805535 included [-] 2009-08-06 template.dll - Problems with reading characters from template file at the end of one buffer and beginning of second buffer [*] 2009-08-05 License - DeskTeam Client renamed to Collaboration Client [-] 2009-08-05 [#WNE-174958] Config - User settings are reloaded immediately after saving, so that automatic changes done during save are reflected [-] 2009-08-05 [#WNE-174958] Account Class - if user mailbox is renamed, also user archive is renamed [-] 2009-08-05 [#LOI-946378] Account Class - SyncML-md5 authentication works with domain clusters [-] 2009-08-05 [#WKH-245487] Setup - quickstart.pdf added back to the installer, version in readme.txt fixed [*] 2009-08-05 API - C_SettingsVersion - new variable introduced, contains the server version that created the last settings updated [*] 2009-08-05 License - plugin - New "activate" function added (activate client license) [*] 2009-08-05 HTTP Server - MaxMemoryHTTPRequestSize constant introduced, defaults to 64kB, requests above are processed in files and passed to server side processors (PHP - ISAPI, FCGI etc.), tested, PHP handling large HTTP POSTs or PUTs [-] 2009-08-05 [#PYD-355510] Config - webdestinationurl is not localized twice [*] 2009-08-05 API - U_Client_Connector, U_Client_DeskTeam new variables added, GUI updated, ActivationKey controlled by these new variables (if disabled activationkey will be blank), DB support updated - U_ForceFromAddress compound used [-] 2009-08-05 [#PYD-355510] Config - Several labels updated GreyListing -> Greylisting [-] 2009-08-05 [#PYD-355510] Config - Several labels updated days -> day(s) [*] 2009-08-04 [#WVB-309035] DBMigration class - Forbidden Source and Destination to be equal [-] 2009-08-04 [#CQS-963738] Config - Field sizes increased [-] 2009-08-04 [#PYD-355510] Config - Anti-Spam - typo in label fixed [-] 2009-08-04 [#PYD-355510] Config - /Exportlanguage option ignores local settings (used hosts, commands history, etc.) [-] 2009-08-04 [#PYD-355510] Config - Mail Service - SMTP Service - General - "Maximum SMTP client recipients" - Exceptions - dialog caption does not contain : [*] 2009-08-04 [#WVB-309035] Config - Tools - System Backup - Database - It is not allowed to enter a database already used for account storage, Groupware or Antispam [-] 2009-08-04 IMAP Server - cached message headers contains end CRLF - FETCH command returns correct headers - fixes problems with thunderbird [*] 2009-08-04 License - Plugin - Uses active foreground window handle as main application handle [*] 2009-08-04 License - Activation Keys - Send Key To User By Email button implemented and tested [*] 2009-08-04 API - U_ActivationKey_OutConn, U_ActivationKey_DeskTeam - new variables added [*] 2009-08-04 License - Plugin - Activate License button enabled only if proper activation key, Activation Keys dialog developed, GUI - Activation Keys button and dialog added [-] 2009-08-03 Config - Logs - Filtering of logs works correctly even for extremely long lines [*] 2009-08-03 IMAP Service - UID violation - paranoid error logging - must be removed/updated later [*] 2009-08-03 License - Client licenses system finished, activation keys, API, plugin [*] 2009-08-03 License - License requests use HTTP POST [*] 2009-08-03 IceWarpPlugin - Client license system implemented - type=license, id=dialog/info, param=productid, tested in Outlook connector [-] 2009-08-03 Localization tool - correct comparison of versions implemented [*] 2009-08-03 API - Method "ManageConfig" - Support for licensesystem - createactivationkey(uri), parseactivationkey(key) [*] 2009-08-03 License - client activation keys support added [-] 2009-08-03 IMAP - Groupware integration - BODYSTRUCTURE - Number of lines is returned only for text body parts [-] 2009-08-02 [#TMQ-154240] Config - Logs - "Start" edit field is disabled unless all previous fields are filled - fixed [-] 2009-08-02 [#TMQ-154240] Config - Logs - also pressing enter inside 'service' field launches 'load' function [-] 2009-08-02 [#RJO-850581] API - DoLog function - LogAnalyzer - Log rotation works OK, works OK in LB scenario [-] 2009-07-31 [#BXU-874109] SMTP Service - If a message has multiple non local recipients, the outgoing session is not split to multiple sessions if not needed - Upper/lower case in domain name does not make problems [-] 2009-07-31 [#PVT-311969] SMTP Service - Spam subject is not added twice if MDA for internal delivery is enabled [-] 2009-07-31 [#ZUS-397968] Config - File Manager - Buttons fit on the dialog window [-] 2009-07-31 SMTP Service - Dedupe option - deallocation mechanism improved [-] 2009-07-31 Config - Groupware - Renaming of default GW folders - dialog improved [*] 2009-07-31 Config - Groupware - Renaming of default GW folders is posible [*] 2009-07-31 Groupware - SubstituteUser() - Creates database account if missing [*] 2009-07-31 Setup - New license engine and system applied, trial request, update, activate [*] 2009-07-30 License - Management, processor, requests implemented, AddLicense - Must be XML license file (API updated), additional handling added, offline management support [*] 2009-07-30 SMTP Service - Dedupe option work also with mailinglists [-] 2009-07-29 [#JOR-685209] Config - "external settings modification" - message improved [-] 2009-07-29 [#UNU-262725] Config - Log Analyzer - Statistics - Default values for From and To fields removed [-] 2009-07-29 API - E_LICENSE - constant is not used twice with different values [-] 2009-07-29 tool.exe - If setting of system property fails, user is properly informed [*] 2009-07-29 License - New license engine changes, GUI - License dialog updated, new API and interface [*] 2009-07-29 [#BED-112616] ILA - ILA importer and ILA viewer are forced to quit if their parent process is terminated [*] 2009-07-29 GUI - RCP - Remote license downloaded as file and processed locally, 2 old RCP commands removed [*] 2009-07-29 [#DZG-697888] SMTP Service - Matching of HTML and text parts works correctly [*] 2009-07-29 Digital signatures - used as a timestamp [*] 2009-07-29 License - New license generator [-] 2009-07-29 Setup - Connector and Notifier installers are properly placed into the install directory [-] 2009-07-28 [#YWO-774382] - Config - User settings - Autoresponder - time interval can be properly entered [*] 2009-07-27 SIP - Gateways - Updated processing of requests and responses from the Contact: header perspective, local packets bypassed [*] 2009-07-27 [#TMV-426700] Domain / account limits - New day processing updated [*] 2009-07-27 [#IQT-427154] SMS Server - Local SMS server to remote HTTP server internal maxmsgs support added so only the limited part of the original message is passed to the HTTP gateway (direct HTTP access needs to solve this manually) [*] 2009-07-24 [#XYE-896053] FTP - Path (Permissions and Alias), relative path forced [*] 2009-07-23 New version of Connector [+] 2009-07-22 Linux - Added Zend optimizer extension for PHP [*] 2009-07-22 SIP - RTCP NAT Traversal - Stream timeout not applied to RTCP (otherwise all call streams would be terminated) [*] 2009-07-22 PHP - php.ini - zendoptimizer loaded by default [*] 2009-07-22 Groupware - calendar.xml - EvnLocation field extended [-] 2009-07-21 [#RMK-332572] Config - Information about trial version is not shown if trial already expired [-] 2009-07-21 [#RMK-332572] Config - The demo expiration warning is not hidden behind the splash screen [*] 2009-07-21 [#TCL-519821] IM Service - Purple module - If new contact is added without specifying group, protocol name (e.g. icq or yahoo) is used as a group name [*] 2009-07-21 Upgrade - ConvertToXML() - Structure checked if already converted [-] 2009-07-21 IM Service - Purple module - both module and purpleserv logging is performed in standard way [-] 2009-07-21 [#DUX-887468] - SIP gateway proxy - Via and Record-Route problem with SRV/NAPTR fixed, tested [*] 2009-07-20 API - C_Webdav_URL is not read only any more [*] 2009-07-20 [#PPB-702469] IM Service - error occured during save of IM history is logged [-] 2009-07-20 [#VJQ-914345] Config - Status - Sessions - If active sessions are displayed, option status=All is enforced [-] 2009-07-20 Config - System - Tools - System Backup - Database - Changes of destination database can be saved each time [*] 2009-07-20 Config - System - Tools - Database Migration - value of "Repair UTF-8 character set" is remembered for next possible use [-] 2009-07-20 [#LPK-592076] POP3 Service - Response to the LIST and UIDL command contains correct number of messages [*] 2009-07-20 API - Method "ManageConfig" - Support for DKIM - "Retrieve selector data" [*] 2009-07-20 API - Method "ManageConfig" - Support for management of CA certificates [*] 2009-07-20 SmartAttach - examples updated, all html header/footer must always have .html extension [-] 2009-07-20 [#UBL-662738] Config - Status - Spam queues - Quarantine,Whitelist,Blacklist -Total number of items is displayed [-] 2009-07-20 [#UBL-662738] Config - Status - Spam queues - Greylisting - Counter of items is accurate, total number of items is displayed [-] 2009-07-18 [#DUX-887468] - SIP gateway proxy possible problem fixed [i] 2009-07-17 Drafts [-] 2009-07-17 IMAP Service - Archive IMAP folder visible only if Autoarchive enabled [-] 2009-07-17 [#RTC-143818] SMTP Service - Login credentials entered in "Routing" dialog are not propagated into the message header [-] 2009-07-17 [#QQI-958482] SMTP Service - %%bcc_recipient%% system variable behavior fixed [+] 2009-07-17 GUI - ActiveSync Policies - backend integrated, communicates with the activesync engine [*] 2009-07-17 [#VBS-655377] Groupware - vCard - Support for X-WAB-GENDER property added, Outlook property type, tested [*] 2009-07-16 API - New Method "ManageConfig" - Support for management of Server certificates [-] 2009-07-16 API - C_System_Log_Services_Socks works [*] 2009-07-16 Control Service - ISAPI modules are not unloaded - wrong module can freeze server [*] 2009-07-16 Service Class - if service needs to be killed by force, its "autorestart" feature is disabled before the kill and enabled afterwards [*] 2009-07-16 [#GIM-244031] SMS Server - New content filter engine completed and tested [*] 2009-07-15 API - Socks variables relocated and renamed [*] 2009-07-15 Service Class - if service is told to be terminated also PID is checked (Service Manager does not return proper information each time) [*] 2009-07-15 [#GIM-244031] GUI - SMS Server - Rules - Content Filter XML format applied, additional functions enabled (Execute, SQL etc.) [*] 2009-07-15 SMS Server - Uses Content Filter XML format [*] 2009-07-15 Upgrade - SMS Rules - Converted to Content Filter XML format [*] 2009-07-15 [#DHM-250970] Config - Dialog is displayed if record can not be added into black/ white list [*] 2009-07-15 GUI - ActiveSync - Policies - Inherit button added [-] 2009-07-14 [#BXH-570970] Groupware - WebDAV URL - Attachment name double URL encoding removed (bug fix), SmartAttach updated - GetAttachmentPath works with the returned AddAttachment name, tested [*] 2009-07-14 [#JZA-294162] Config - removed from list of dnsbl servers [*] 2009-07-14 PHP - Default upload limits increased [*] 2009-07-14 IM service - Purple gateway - File transfer gateway->jabber almost finished, requires internal socks server [*] 2009-07-14 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - iTIP/iMIP processing - EMBEDATT parameter used to use binary attachments instead of WebDAV URL in iTIP vCalendar objects [*] 2009-07-14 API - New variables added (AntiSpam and Console controls) [-] 2009-07-14 [#QQI-958482] SMTP Service - %%bcc_recipient%% system variable behavior fixed [*] 2009-07-14 Groupware - GetvCalendar, GetvCard - support for new param "EMBEDATT", instead of returning WebDAV URL content of attachments as base64 will be returned if parameter specified, tested [*] 2009-07-14 SMS Server - Underliverable warning - Proper values in the NDR message [*] 2009-07-13 API - ActiveSync Access Mode and Group added [+] 2009-07-13 SMS Server - Bounce back and NDR support added, uses the mail server undeliverable warning and SMS server message expiration, tested, applies only if SMS sender is known (email address) [*] 2009-07-13 SMTP Service - Better processing logging [-] 2009-07-13 XMPP - Message coming to JID with multiple resources will be sent to all resources if no specific resource set [-] 2009-07-10 IMAP Service - LIST command lists Mail Archive only if enabled [*] 2009-07-10 System - Services - $SetPEFlags $20 used, support up to 4GB of user space applied [*] 2009-07-10 System - All pointer operations updated to use cardinal and ready for 4GB user space [-] 2009-07-10 IMAP Service - LIST command with given mask works correctly with Mail Archive [-] 2009-07-10 GUI - IMAP Service - Thread cache correctly mapped to IMAP Thread cache in the API [*] 2009-07-10 [#NZD-508181] SMTP Service - Antispam - reason code Y changed to J so that it is clear it does not mean 'YES' [*] 2009-07-10 [#ITL-777346] SIP - Send failure logged [-] 2009-07-10 [#GJM-303202] Config - Content Filters and Rules can not be edited if not enabled [+] 2009-07-09 Linux - Added install script for aspell dictionaries [-] 2009-07-09 System - PipeClient class - ERROR_PIPE_BUSY additional handling added, WaitNamedPipe called in a local wait until timeout, fixes a windows API problem, tested [-] 2009-07-09 [#ITL-777346] SIP - Packet logged only if packet really sent via TCP or UDP [-] 2009-07-09 [#DYQ-238626] Setup - "Disk Space not available" error fixed [-] 2009-07-09 [#YEG-618220] Config - NDR "Report name" properly encoded into UTF8 [-] 2009-07-09 [#GJM-303202] SMTP Service - Rules - "Edit Message Header" action can be applied repeatedly [+] 2009-07-09 Setup - Modular download updated, new structure <DATA><URL VERSION='9.4'>url1;url2...</URL><URL VERSION='10'>url3</URL></DATA>, multiple server versions can download modules from different URLs [*] 2009-07-07 GUI - Account management - VoIP label in services updated [*] 2009-07-07 Services - /startall /stopall support added, systray services 2 additional menu items added (Start All, Stop All), tested [+] 2009-07-03 Rules - Support for time criteria added, examples updated, content filter vs. rules conversion implemented, GUI updated, tested [-] 2009-07-03 [#YEG-618220] SMTP Service - NDR "Report name" properly encoded [-] 2009-07-03 [#KES-954477] Config - Mailing List, Group - "Add Member" dialog - "OK" and "Cancel" buttons better aligned [-] 2009-07-03 [#KRG-928588] Config - Certificates - CA Certificates - Path to the certificate being added can be typed explicitly [-] 2009-07-03 Db Class - db.ini is parsed correctly [*] 2009-07-02 [#KES-954477] Authentication class - If login policy is enabled, increments of failed login count is logged into maintenance log [*] 2009-07-02 SIP - NAT Traversal - Port 0 handling added, RTCP does not increment, NAT Traversal still performed but returned port to SDP is 0 (although the real port is allocated) [+] 2009-07-02 GUI - ActiveSync Managements - Policies - Security and Device policies dialog created [*] 2009-07-02 PHP - DoLog() - UTF8 support, tested [*] 2009-07-02 SMTP - Traffic limit for low account licenses applied, the queue gets delayed until the levels balance again, usage of the server (with low number of accounts in the license) as mail gateway precaution, if traffic limit active SMTP reason is logged [*] 2009-07-02 API - SIPReferCall - 3rd optional parameter support added [+] 2009-07-02 GUI - Services - Dialog updated, tabs and groupboxes hidden if not used, SOCKS logging support added, API updated [*] 2009-07-01 IM service - Purple gateway - File transfer jabber->gateway almost finished, more robust, all streamhosts tried, file parts copied on the fly [*] 2009-07-01 Groupware - New API function GetEventRecurrenceEndDate added, api docs updated [*] 2009-07-01 SMS Server - Incoming SMS - Email has To: set with the value of the final recipient (not applied if Rules are used to deliver message) [+] 2009-07-01 Config - Services - Firewall - Management list with Add/Delete buttons added, tested [-] 2009-07-01 [#YWO-774382] Common Class - Date in form YYYY/M/D is also correctly recognized [+] 2009-07-01 SOCKS Server - new API variables added (Max connections, Bandwidth, Firewall), GUI updated - listed as service, LDAP and SOCKS tab combined into Other tab, Service updated, tested [-] 2009-06-30 [#IMY-177985] Remote Config unable to create user in mysql [-] 2009-06-30 [#UOU-369220] Config, Setup - DB selection - Non 32bit Data sources are not listed, label of ODBC driver changed to "ODBC (32-bit)" [-] 2009-06-30 [#BXH-570970] Groupware - WebDAV URL - Attachment name double URL encoded, fixes problem with localized attachment names, tested [-] 2009-06-30 Groupware - Typo - NEED-SACTION fixed to NEEDS-ACTION [*] 2009-06-29 [#XQO-552720] FTP Synchronization - Default value for source directory is / [*] 2009-06-29 [#GMH-864488] Setup - Sender of setup mail changed to <> [-] 2009-06-29 [#TMQ-154240] Config - Logs - pressing enter inside editable field launches 'load' function instead of "refresh" [-] 2009-06-29 [#TMQ-154240] Config - Logs - "Start" edit field is disabled unless all previous fields are filled [*] 2009-06-29 API - new variable C_System_Log_DNS allows to log all dns queries and time spent [-] 2009-06-29 IMAP - Groupware integration - APPEND - if versit contains existing UID, Edit operation instead add+delete is performed [-] 2009-06-29 IMAP - Groupware integration - UIDs of versits obtained from connector are preserved [+] 2009-06-29 Groupware - AddvCard/AddvCalendar - new parameter ;MATCHUID support added, documentation updated [+] 2009-06-29 [#TIZ-816287] Groupware - Support for disabling shared resources if resources have groupware Disabled (previously subscribed shared accounts that were disabled later), tested [-] 2009-06-29 HTTP Server - Webmail Error Code for non default skin updated, proper 404 now returned for default skin and missing files [-] 2009-06-29 HTTP Server - Directory Alias vs. URL varibles problem fixed, tested [+] 2009-06-29 [#FYR-680247] SMTP Service - Content filters are properly reloaded even if more changes are made during one second [-] 2009-06-29 [#WSH-585139] Config - User settings - Mailbox - "Copy incoming mail", "Copy Outgoing mail" - if global CF are disabled no CF is applied before the copy operation [*] 2009-06-29 SIP Service renamed to VoIP - GUI updated [*] 2009-06-26 Groupware - iCalendar - support for X-OUTLOOK-BUSY-STATUS, X-OUTLOOK-APPOINTMENT-COLOR properties added, smart integration of TRANSP and BUSY STATUS (validity checked and TRANSP used if in violation), tested [*] 2009-06-25 Groupware - iCalendar - RRULE BYSETPOS support added, tested with Connector [*] 2009-06-25 SOCKS Server - Garbage collector support added, tested [*] 2009-06-25 Setup - Disk space check added [*] 2009-06-25 SMTP Service - If somebody is whitelisted/blacklisted, it is logged [-] 2009-06-25 SMTP Service - Target IMAP folder in email address extension - only works for genuine mails [-] 2009-06-25 Config - Editing of Anti-virus setting does not modify logging options of anti-virus [+] 2009-06-24 Linux - Added verbose output when starting or stopping services with [*] 2009-06-24 Linux - libtidy for PHP is linked to php [-] 2009-06-24 Linux - [XFX-972892] spellchecker does't work in webmail [+] 2009-06-24 Linux - Added aspell libraries, added default aspell EN dictionary [*] 2009-06-24 SMTP Service - Target IMAP folder in email address extension supported again, e.g. mail to will be delivered to folder MyFolder, if it exists [*] 2009-06-24 SMTP Service - If SpamSkipBypassLocalUntrusted option (spam.dat, enabled by default) takes action, whitelist is skipped even if message should be quarantined [+] 2009-06-24 SMS Server - Incoming SMS to email - user's rules applied, different handling, tested [*] 2009-06-24 SmartAttach - New templates applied, examples updated [*] 2009-06-24 Groupware - EAS - Email and IM max 3 items returned in XML [-] 2009-06-24 LDAP Class - libldap.dll and liblber.dll are searched relative to Icewarp Server's installation directory [-] 2009-06-24 SMTP Service - Summary Logs - If no accepted recipient exists, last argument of RCPT TO is logged [-] 2009-06-24 SMTP Service - DNSBL return 421 error response [*] 2009-06-24 IM Service - Socket timeout increased to value 30x higher than standard timeout [*] 2009-06-24 AD Synchronization - SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED error logged [-] 2009-06-24 Purple Gateway - libpurple core and yahoo lib from pidgin 2.5.7 used [-] 2009-06-24 Purple Gateway - alias(not the whole email) is used for logging into Yahoo server [*] 2009-06-24 [#KIW-237116] FTP Sync - UNC path support added and tested [*] 2009-06-24 [#OSC-767216] FTP Sync - Sessions visible in GUI [*] 2009-06-24 [#XOD-251563] FTP Sync - MLSD command error logged to FTP sync logs [*] 2009-06-24 [#BFJ-237646] Config - Group account - Originator option added [*] 2009-06-24 [#UHP-864118] Services - TimerProc - Initial boolean parameter added, SIP gateway startup delayed after service really started, tested [i] 2009-06-23 Drafts [-] 2009-06-23 [#HXH-265545] SMTP Service - Rules after "RCPT TO:" - Bypass takes only current recipient into account [*] 2009-06-23 Services - /systray - Removed windows from Alt+Tab task switcher on windows, tested [*] 2009-06-23 SMS Server - PDU - support for Alphanumber type of number as in GSM 03.40 and GSM 03.38, tested [*] 2009-06-23 PHP extensions - php_imap.dll and template.dll built using new compiler [-] 2009-06-23 [#TNR-923282] Config - SMTP Service - Security - Advanced - "HELO/EHLO Filter" button moved to new line and label added so that it is clear that it has nothing to do with the "Require HELO/EHLO" checkbox [-] 2009-06-23 [#GGN-203563] SMTP Service - DNSBL, MX and rDNS - Statics counters are not increased if all recipients are bypassed [-] 2009-06-23 [#GGN-203563] SMTP Service - DNSBL, MX and rDNS, RejectLocalUnauthorised,Greetings tests - Bypass takes only current recipient into account [*] 2009-06-23 Groupware - VJOURNAL - Support for X-OUTLOOK-TYPE and X-OUTLOOK-COMPANIES added, linked to EvnLocation and supported by webmail, ignore X properties function created, tested [*] 2009-06-22 Groupware - Recurrent events vs. absolute alarm trigger issue fixed, tested [*] 2009-06-22 SIP - Init and Timer updated [*] 2009-06-22 Setup - VMS License is detected and license upgrade is forced [*] 2009-06-22 Config - SIP - Save - If External host IP blank it is automatically detected and set [*] 2009-06-22 SmartAttach - %expiredate% support added, textual representation of date [+] 2009-06-22 IMAP Service - Mail archive integration - inbox is not listed if not present, root folder is not created if not present [*] 2009-06-22 SMTP Service - Anti-Virus - new VAVCOM interface used [*] 2009-06-22 Groupware - Versit - TRIGGER - Absolute time - VALUE=DATE-TIME support added [+] 2009-06-22 SMS Server - Mail Archive support added for outgoing messages, tested [*] 2009-06-22 Setup - DNS Tool shortcut updated [-] 2009-06-22 [#WDO-789210] API - If domain or account is deleted, the associated data are deleted in the same way as if this operation was performed from Config [-] 2009-06-22 [#WDO-789210] Config - If domain is deleted, the associate folder on disk is deleted only if it is true subfolder of IceWarp mail directory [-] 2009-06-22 [#WDO-789210] Config - If account is deleted, the associate folder on disk is deleted only if it is true subfolder of IceWarp mail directory\DomainName [+] 2009-06-22 IMAP Service - Initial support for mail archive integration into IMAP [*] 2009-06-22 IMAP Service - More detailed debug logs - Multi-line responses logged [*] 2009-06-22 Config - Logs - Filtering of multi-line logs supported [*] 2009-06-22 Logging Class - Continuation lines of multi-line logs are padded with a space [*] 2009-06-21 SmartAttach - Support for %size% file variable added, default template updated with attachment size [*] 2009-06-21 Mail Archive - IMAP flags support added (\Seen used as default) [*] 2009-06-19 Groupware - Versit Class - Support for 2 new VCALENDAR STATUSes - DEFERRED, WAITING, vTodo - Deferred and Waiting handled in the same way as ZideOne, Deferred = CANCELED, Waiting = No STATUS at all [-] 2009-06-19 [#ZIF-853941] SMTP Service - "Dedupe" option works correctly with domain aliases [-] 2009-06-19 SMTP Service - Typo in error message fixed [*] 2009-06-19 Config - Statistics - SMTP - Greylisting - Percentage displayed again [-] 2009-06-19 [#IZP-671728] Config - Statistics - SMTP - Statistics are evaluated "once per session" - multiple recipients do not cause multiple counting [*] 2009-06-19 [#BQY-489134] Config - Statistics - SMTP - Messages: "DNSBL" renamed to "DNS" and counts all filters defined in Mail Service/Security/DNS/General [*] 2009-06-19 SIP - Non anonymous access - user verification based on SIPLocation service - both email and IP:port verified, tested [-] 2009-06-18 [#PZM-149897] FTP logs older than n days can be deleted automatically [*] 2009-06-18 [#FPQ-894717] IM gateways - example of gtalk configuration added [+] 2009-06-18 Message Archive - Greatly enhanced and extended, all messages .imap, always stored under domain/alias, Inbox and Sent folders, ArchivePathAppendix new API variable added (lets you specify the time formatting of end path), Config - Mail Archive dialogs updated, 4 new archive modes added, API variables ArchiveIMAPName, UseArchiveIMAP, tested [-] 2009-06-18 [#GCO-988309] IM Modules - "Get Jabber ID" command send from client receives correct UIN - @ replaced with % [-] 2009-06-18 [#MQN-309958] SMTP Service - Matching content filter is not included into error message even if the correct matching rule has no name [-] 2009-06-18 [#EFD-566545] MIME Class - Invalid email characters stripped from generated headers [-] 2009-06-18 [#EFD-566545] SMTP Service - Mailing Lists - To: Header is correctly encoded into quoted printable encoding [-] 2009-06-18 Config - System - Tools - Database migration - Source DSN is set to active database by default - fixed [*] 2009-06-18 IM - User accounts are forced, no other account types are allowed [*] 2009-06-18 SMTP, POP3 services - DBServiceConnection functionality improved, not only database connection is checked periodically, but also accessibility of Config Path, Mail Path and Temp Path is checked - no incoming connections are accepted until the paths are accessible [-] 2009-06-17 IM - Message History - Search - Case insensitive [-] 2009-06-17 SMTP Service - If SpamSkipBypassLocalUntrusted option (spam.dat, enabled by default) takes action, it is logged into antispam log [-] 2009-06-17 IMAP service, MIME Class - Parsing of recipients fields correctly recognizes quoted-pair \" [*] 2009-06-17 Config - Icons - Remote Watch and Tasks items updated [-] 2009-06-17 IMAP Service - Sharing - Services are properly told to refresh the settings after change of public folders configuration [-] 2009-06-16 IM - Message History - CRLF problem fixed [-] 2009-06-16 Config - SIP - Gateways - reload really reloads the gateways [-] 2009-06-16 IMAP - Groupware integration - conversion of IMAP folder to Groupware folder fixed [*] 2009-06-16 [#VHZ-944111] tool.exe - help improved [*] 2009-06-16 Groupware - ActiveSync format - TimeZone handling simplified and fixed problem, tested [*] 2009-06-16 Localization engine - language attribute, support for multiple languages added, eg. language="de_AT,cs_CZ", tested [*] 2009-06-16 [#VPQ-524942] Groupware - Contact - ClassifyAs field extended to 255 chars (calendar.xml and groupware.db updated) [*] 2009-06-16 [#VPX-489743] SIP - Gateways Save() method - String fields trimmed [-] 2009-06-16 [#KZW-799985] Config - SMS - Settings - Gateway problem fixed [*] 2009-06-16 Groupware - Reminders - Leading ActionType in reports removed, tested [-] 2009-06-16 Config - Public Folders - Dialog for selecting root IMAP folder works OK, Controls do not disappear [-] 2009-06-16 [#FHE-802458] All Services - Account cache - Cache is properly handled if multiple saves of an account occur during one time stamp [*] 2009-06-15 XMLClass - Parsing updated and tested [*] 2009-06-15 [#PMJ-162940] SMTP Service - Messages from Spam/Quarantine reports are automatically whitelisted (new bypass reason code U) [*] 2009-06-15 Config - Several missing icons added and updated, Rules icons changed [*] 2009-06-15 XMLClass - Parsing updated, XML RFC compliant, supports attributes with spaces and others, tested [*] 2009-06-15 API - DoLog function not called via ActiveX assumes the body of the log is in UTF8 [*] 2009-06-15 IMAP Service - METADATA - /vendor/kolab/folder-type/value.shared returns "mail.inbox" for inbox and "junkemail" for spam folder by default [*] 2009-06-13 Groupware - Item owner exception handling updated, item ID and status cached, all sub tables supported, tested [-] 2009-06-12 IM Archive - Continuation line problem fixed with bare LF [-] 2009-06-12 [#TIZ-816287] IMAP Service - Public folders are visible only if user has access mode for Groupware [-] 2009-06-12 [#TIZ-816287] IMAP Service - Shared folders are visible only if users (both sharing and having access) have access mode for Groupware [-] 2009-06-12 [#TIZ-816287] Config - Management - User Settings - "Access Control List" can be edited only if the user has Acess Mode for Groupware [-] 2009-06-11 [#RVR-882954] Control Service - Remote Watchdog - logging improved [*] 2009-06-11 [#VHZ-944111] tool.exe - help improved [-] 2009-06-11 [#WDO-789210] Config - If account or domain is deleted, the associate folder on disk is deleted only if it was not set manually to some folder outside IceWarp mail directory [-] 2009-06-11 [#WDO-789210] API - Account alias is properly checked when saving account, if empty, E_INVALID error is returned [*] 2009-06-11 Config - Few labels updated (Import and Mail archive) [-] 2009-06-10 [#WD-323826] Config - Filters, Rules - 'move to folder' and 'copy to folder' - groupware folders no more visible [*] 2009-06-10 [#SKT-343876] API - when U_DomainAdmin is set to true,U_admin is automatically set to false and vice versa [*] 2009-06-10 Config - System - Tools - Database migration - Source DSN is set to active database by default [-] 2009-06-10 Mysql class - problem with fetching data fixed [*] 2009-06-10 [#UKG-886978] Config - Web Service - Web Site - Scripting - Pre-defined scripting applications can be selected from dropdown list [+] 2009-06-10 API - Old IceWarpCOM part of the API COM, accessible via IceWarpServer or IceWarpCOM (Type library alias), only one IDL, tested [-] 2009-06-09 IM Service - Message Archive - returned time format complies with standards [-] 2009-06-09 [#SRY-995618] Setup - Groupware files are installed into the correct directory even in load balanced scenario [*] 2009-06-09 API - old IceWarpCOM removed, not installed anymore, part of the general API [*] 2009-06-09 API - IceWarpCOM - IceWarpLicense - support for old license type removed [*] 2009-06-09 [#FXA-663042] API - Classes from IceWarpCom.dll are accessible through apiobjectcall interface, so that it can be used on linux [+] 2009-06-09 IM Service - Retrieval of message archive - better support of standard, start time is mandatory [+] 2009-06-08 SMTP Service - POP before SMTP locking does not share the lock with another parts of the service [*] 2009-06-08 API - SMTP - Statistics - SA, CTBulk, CTSpam constants added [*] 2009-06-08 Config - Certificates - Columns order updated [-] 2009-06-08 API - GetLogRecords - thread filtering works, function behavior documented [*] 2009-06-07 Config - Certificates - Expiration column added to server certificates and CAs [*] 2009-06-07 OpenSSL - Certificate information - notBefore, notAfter items support added, ssl libraries extended and tested [-] 2009-06-07 [#EFD-566545] SMTP Service - Mailing Lists - From: Header is correctly encoded into quoted printable encoding [+] 2009-06-07 SmartAttach - GWParams support added (AddEventInfo additional parameters), API updated, Params support URI variables 'gwparams', 'headerfile', 'footerfile' [*] 2009-06-06 [#BLC-564877] Config - Content Filters - "Attachment name" condition can be applied "per item" [+] 2009-06-06 [#WSH-585139] API - new variables U_MailOutUseCF, U_MailInUseCF added [+] 2009-06-06 [#WSH-585139] Original email recipients are saved during "Copy incoming/outgoing mail" and can be used in %%bcc_recipients%% server variable [+] 2009-06-06 [#WSH-585139] Config - User settings - Mailbox - "Copy incoming mail", "Copy Outgoing mail" - Possibility to apply CF before the copy operation [*] 2009-06-06 XMPP Server - XEP-0016 Privacy Lists - automatic self bypass implemented [+] 2009-06-06 Connector - New build script and make setup script added [-] 2009-06-06 XMPP Server - Unnecessary delays in data receiving fixed [+] 2009-06-06 XMPP Server - XEP-0016 Privacy Lists revision, Presence-Out and Presence-In properly processed, additional changes and tests [+] 2009-06-05 Config - IM - Message history renamed from user's message archive, defaults to On [*] 2009-06-05 SIP Server - SDP Proxy - special case of client using 5061 UDP port fixed, tested [*] 2009-06-05 XMPP Server - XEP-0100 support updated, gateway returns <registered/> and set username and password, tested [-] 2009-06-04 IMAP - Groupware integration - default imap flag of groupware item changed to /Seen [-] 2009-06-04 [#ABZ-119868] Sip - Logging on load balanced server uses the ServerID correctly [*] 2009-06-04 [#ABZ-119868] Config - Logs - Filter - If "To:" field is empty, '23:59' is used [-] 2009-06-04 [#RQM-719542] Localization tool - support for new name convention of packages [-] 2009-06-03 Setup - fastisapi.exe is copied during installation [*] 2009-06-03 [#UFK-650915] Config - Anti-Spam - If sender without domain is set to Anti-spam reports, it is automatically corrected using the primary domain [*] 2009-06-03 tool.exe - help improved, more examples added into tutorial [*] 2009-06-02 [#BLC-564877] Config - Content Filters - "Recipient,CC,TO" conditions can be applied "per item" [-] 2009-06-02 [#RVS-686777,#XOQ-668941] Synchronization Class - Thread Pool - If one thread enters the pool multiple times concurrently, it is counted as one enter - avoids possible deadlocks [-] 2009-06-01 [#FRK-758288] All Services - service termination code moved to the "onstop" handler which is called by the service manager - hence the information about service status given by the service manager is more accurate [-] 2009-06-01 [#FRK-758288] Config - Services - Restart of LDAP does not force restart of control service [-] 2009-06-01 Config - SMS Gateways - Incoming Messages - Changes in "Keep the records for (Min)" field makes the "Apply" button active [-] 2009-06-01 [#TWC-250623] SMTP Service - Client Session - switch to SMTP after 5xx error to ESMPT SIZE command is performed only if enhanced status code is not (5.3.4 or 5.2.3) [+] 2009-05-31 SMTP Service - System variables - new variable %%BCC_Recipient%% added [+] 2009-05-30 System Backup - Database backup support added, tested, performed before the file backup so the resulting file (if database stored in file) can be backed up [+] 2009-05-30 Config - Backup - Database section added, (accounts, antispam, groupware), API variables added [*] 2009-05-30 Setup - CopyDirectory() error handling added, user retry possible [*] 2009-05-29 Config - User - Default ACL - Removed, no longer relevant (worked only for Groupware friends), use ACL dialog instead, drag & drop updated [*] 2009-05-29 Control Service - Quarantine reports - Start of processing is logged [-] 2009-05-29 API - Quarantine - ChallengeResponseSet - returns result value in all cases [*] 2009-05-29 API - new property C_System_Log_API added - logs all API calls not performed using ActiveX [*] 2009-05-29 [#QXR-226212] Setup - requestedExecutionLevel="requireAdministrator" manifest added [*] 2009-05-28 [#WEG-817892] Config - "Place spam messages under spam folder" checkbox replaced with "Default spam folder mode" combo box [*] 2009-05-28 [#KCO-391292] SMTP Service - internal forward to sms:%%extensionnosep%%?param=x works correctly even if %%extensionnosep%% also contains some params [-] 2009-05-28 [#UTH-475055] SMTP Service - Special "MAIL FROM" instead of "<>" used when forwarding is not added into whitelist db [*] 2009-05-28 SmartAttach - Templates added to Examples [-] 2009-05-27 [#VLO-583160] SMTP Service - Groups - when a domain is selected as a member of group, all user account inside the domain receives the messages [-] 2009-05-27 [#IJO-832552] Config - Public Folders - "..." (Select Folder) button - behavior improved when "Inbox" is selected [+] 2009-05-27 All Services - Account cache is automatically invalidated after change of settings [-] 2009-05-27 IMAP Service - X-MOVE command - support for notifications [*] 2009-05-26 IMAP Service - X-MOVE command implemented - no need to do COPY + DELETE [i] 2009-05-26 Drafts [-] 2009-05-25 [#AXA-598233] SMTP Service - Within filters and rules, when copying/forwarding email to local account (not via smtp) subject is changed if needed. [-] 2009-05-25 [#HFC-487407] Config - License dialog - Number of accounts using AS Live is the same as number of users using Anti-Spam [-] 2009-05-25 [#HFC-487407] Config - License dialog - If "Accounts from list" contains domain specifier, also non user accounts of that domain are counted [*] 2009-05-25 HTTP server - External ISAPI - Better rules for choosing worker process implemented [*] 2009-05-23 Webmail updated [*] 2009-05-23 ActiveSync updated [*] 2009-05-22 SIP - TCP additional bindings - Response finds the proper binding and uses it to send the packet, tested [*] 2009-05-22 [#XSO-161503] SMS Server - If user blank and sender set, sender is used as username, tested [*] 2009-05-22 [#XSO-161503] SMS Server - Calculation of sent messages fixed, if user supplied statistics are updated and user authenticated, system sms accounts statistics updated fixed, tested [*] 2009-05-22 Config - SMS Settings - Previous month sent and Last sent statistics added [*] 2009-05-22 [#EFP-879505] SmartAttach - Feature bypassed if WebDAV disabled, tested [*] 2009-05-22 System - XML settings loaded in LoadConfig() (applies to Webmail, WebDAV, SyncML and ActiveSync), active boolean used in API - U_*Support variables, License check uses the new function to check active flag and disable web services [*] 2009-05-21 Groupware - SQLGroupUser SQL updated, ignores records with blank rights, calendar.xml updated, tested [*] 2009-05-21 Message Archive - Sent messages are saved under "Sent" folder [*] 2009-05-21 Groupware - Right flag inherited removed (ACL not parsed for owner's folders, incomplete solution), in order to find out if folder access rights are inherited use the frt_folder field and check if the value is the same as the folder you requested ACL from, frt_folder in GetFolderRightList() designates the folder where ACL is defined, tested [-] 2009-05-21 System - Possible buffer overflow fixed, tested [*] 2009-05-21 [#LXK-540957] Remote Config - License expiration warnings not displayed any more [-] 2009-05-20 [#AIH-483155] Config - Management - User settings - more space for localizations [-] 2009-05-20 [#HFC-487407] License Class - Non user accounts are correctly counted into the number of accounts using particular modules [*] 2009-05-20 Setup - VMS Migration split into 2 parts - real migration is done directly before start of copying data [*] 2009-05-20 [#KYN-360836] Config - ACL dialog - Problem with displaying rights fixed, tested [*] 2009-05-20 HTTP server - External ISAPI - timeouts implemented [*] 2009-05-19 HTTP server - ISAPI modules can be called using external helper application - this approach combines good properties of FastCGI and ISAPI [*] 2009-05-19 [#VEX-730353] API - tool.exe - help for --filter option improved [*] 2009-05-19 Anti-Spam - Learning Rules - also .eml files are processed [*] 2009-05-19 [#JQH-492697] POP3, IMAP Services - default value for outgoing connections increased to 5 [-] 2009-05-19 [#IJO-832552] Config - Public Folders - "..." (Select Folder) button is working [-] 2009-05-19 [#ARO-229780] Config - Remote Watchdog - changes of settings of the global schedule are saved immediately [-] 2009-05-19 [#OPJ-705437] Config - Double click in date selection dialog does not close the dialog [*] 2009-05-19 Upgrade - Wave cache mode forced after upgrade [*] 2009-05-18 IMAP Service - Sharing - Subscribing of shared account subscribes GW even if GW Mode is not enabled [*] 2009-05-18 [#QTJ-937948] Config, SMTP Service - Group - Message - "Add Header" changed to "Edit header" [+] 2009-05-18 SmartAttach - Default template can be overriden via smartattach.dat where first lines contains "headerfile;htmlheaderfile" and second line "footerfile;htmlfooterfile", applies to API and webmail, the files need to contain the smartattach template syntax, tested [*] 2009-05-18 [#PPK-932039] Login policy - Count of incorrect login attempts is cleared after the specified blocking period expires [*] 2009-05-18 [#AYH-249049] - Versit - X-Attributes - attributes checked if already present, X-ORACLE-FILENAME issue, tested [*] 2009-05-18 Groupware - GetOwnerList - 2nd parameter Where added [*] 2009-05-18 Setup - VMS migration - Install path corectly converted to contain backslash as the last character [-] 2009-05-18 Anti-virus - No attempts for online update are performed if built-in anti-virus is disabled [*] 2009-05-15 Webmail updated [*] 2009-05-15 Antivirus - ActiveUpdate - Support for LB environments added, new API variable which gets changed every update trigger, auto load feature and auto update is issued [*] 2009-05-15 ODBC Class - Default cursor type is set back to SQL_CURSOR_KEYSET_DRIVEN - for Unicode ODBC, cursor type is never changed [-] 2009-05-15 FASTCGI Class - management of processes fixed [-] 2009-05-15 ODBC Class - possible buffer overflow fixed [*] 2009-05-15 ODBC Class - Default cursor type set to SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY - workarounds problems with incorrect RowStatus returned in call to FetchScroll when unicode ODBC is used and SQL_CURSOR_KEYSET_DRIVEN is set [-] 2009-05-14 idp.exe - optimized for better speed - bug fixed [*] 2009-05-14 Setup - VMS migration - moving of registry key improved [*] 2009-05-14 [#MCY-261663] Config - ACL multiselect support added [*] 2009-05-14 [#KZG-789425] XMPP - Authorization send to problem fixed, tested [*] 2009-05-14 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - Invitation from organizer to attendees - Email address of alarm is reset so attendees do not send alarms to the organizer, tested [*] 2009-05-14 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - Accept iMIP - Attendee status automatically updated [*] 2009-05-14 Groupware - vCalendar, ActiveSync and XML format parameters support added, documentation updated, tested [*] 2009-05-14 Groupware - SEND_ITIP - Full email address support for Organizer and Attendee tested and updated, iTIP messages contains proper CN= and iMIP From and To [*] 2009-05-13 Groupware - SEND_ITIP - Full email address supported [*] 2009-05-13 Groupware - Organizer email can contain name - vCalendar ORGANIZER support added, tested [*] 2009-05-13 Linux - Setup calendar.dat updated [+] 2009-05-13 CalDAV - support for FREEBUSY and iTIP added (Apple iCal compatibility) [-] 2009-05-12 [#IFM-346163] Config - Username can contain upper case characters again [*] 2009-05-12 [#QTJ-937948] Config, SMTP Service - Mailing List - Message - "Add Header" changed to "Edit header" [*] 2009-05-12 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - SEND_ITIP updated [+] 2009-05-11 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - 2 new actions merged to SEND_ITIP which automatically detects the usage, tested [-] 2009-05-11 Config - ACL dialog - "inherited" property is displayed also for GW folders [-] 2009-05-11 IMAP - Groupware integration - ACL for dual parent folder is not set if primary parent folder uses inherited rights [+] 2009-05-11 Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - Support for 2 new actions SEND_IMIP, GET_FREEBUSY implemented, tested, will be used in Apple iCal CalDAV server for scheduling capabilities [-] 2009-05-11 IMAP - Groupware integration - GetFolderList() - Returns shared/public folder as standalone folder [-] 2009-05-11 IMAP Service - ACL notification - changes in root account folder are not notified from IMAP [*] 2009-05-11 [#QYB-292740] SMTP - MTA - MX preferences processed properly even if retry with relay server is not enabled, other MX servers will be retried when server responds with a negative response, tested [-] 2009-05-11 Groupware - GetAttachmentPath() - issue fixed, works again [+] 2009-05-10 DNS Tool - Test complete, contains live statistics, quality, timeout and other details, 1000 independent DNS queries [*] 2009-05-07 Webmail updated [+] 2009-05-07 IMAP Service - Special read-only access right added, indicating that folder rights are inherited [-] 2009-05-07 [#KYN-360836] - Groupware ACL signed vs. unsigned issue fixed [*] 2009-05-07 IM - imservices.dat examples updated [*] 2009-05-07 Webmail export script updated [+] 2009-05-07 Groupware - Attachments management - LOCK and UNLOCK parameters added for GetAttachmentPath(), documentation updated, WebDAV and webmail updated to use the new mechansim, tested [*] 2009-05-07 [#KDM-144692] SMTP Service - Special "MAIL FROM" instead of "<>" is used when forwarding. Replies to such email are rejected [+] 2009-05-07 [#PPK-932039] SMTP Service, Config - Intrusion prevention - "Block IP address that exceeded number of failed login attempts" option added [*] 2009-05-07 DNS Tool - Updated with a long list of Test servers, added Stop button, tested [+] 2009-05-06 Groupware - ACL - New right added - Inherited - Bit9 - GWR_ParentInherited, designates if the folder ACL is inherited or not, tested [*] 2009-05-06 Config - Old license for outlook connector removed from the dialog [+] 2009-05-06 Groupware - API - VersitConvert - Support for SIF and EAS formats added, tested [*] 2009-05-06 SIP Server - Debug logs for RTP NAT added - Add, Delete [+] 2009-05-06 SIP Server - Support for groups for incoming call accounts added, fixed handling of multiple account incoming calls, new X-IceWarp-Call-Status: cancel-multi-call header added, tested [-] 2009-05-06 [#KZV-547731] All services - Login policy - "Do not block but delay authentication process" works [-] 2009-05-06 IMAP Server - Mailbox quota check is not performed for non user accounts [-] 2009-05-06 DB Class - Disconnection detection for old MSSQL added [-] 2009-05-06 [#ZOV-314308] DB Class - Presence of backup connection does not kill query cache any more [*] 2009-05-06 iconv - Additional charset aliases added [*] 2009-05-06 WebDAV updated [*] 2009-05-05 XMPP Server - roster ignores jid resources (resources filtered out), roster.dat processing updated [*] 2009-05-05 Webmail updated [*] 2009-05-05 DB Migration - FixUTF8 - Checks if extended ASCII and then fixes the string [*] 2009-05-05 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Buddies not on user's contact list needs his manual action to allow them to add him to their contact list [*] 2009-05-05 IM Service - Purple Gateway - "Buddy Typing" functionality implemented (both directions) [-] 2009-05-05 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Workaround for incorrect UIN returned from gateway [-] 2009-05-05 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Correct sender for gateway error messages [*] 2009-05-04 IM Service - Purple Gateway - "User Info" functionality finished [*] 2009-05-04 Groupware - Attachments - Directory cache properly used, tested [*] 2009-05-04 Content Filter - Append text to file - utf-8 / unicode support added [*] 2009-05-04 MIMEAttachments class - Extract attachments - supports global charset variable, if attachment name is extended ascii and does not contain a charset specification, global charset is used, tested [*] 2009-05-04 iconv - Charset alias gbk to gb2312 implemented, gb2312 in iconv sometimes fails and gbk solves this, tested [+] 2009-05-04 Config - DB Migration - Groupware and System - support for C_System_Tools_DBMigration_FixUTF8, new checkbox added to DB migration [+] 2009-05-04 API - C_System_Tools_DBMigration_FixUTF8 - new variable to fix utf8 strings when migrating db added [*] 2009-05-03 SMS Server - Double Date: header removed, tested [*] 2009-05-01 XMPP Server - Psi whiteboard functionality tested [*] 2009-05-01 HTTPClient Class - HTTPClientInfo structure Free function added, used in required places (SMS, Remote Watchdog, WebDAV classes), tested [*] 2009-04-30 XMPP Server - RFC2920 error handling updated, no longer Jabber errors, XMPP compliant errors returned, tested [*] 2009-04-30 Config - ACL dialog - User icons used [*] 2009-04-30 Webmail updated [*] 2009-04-30 Webdav updated [*] 2009-04-30 Webadmin updated [*] 2009-04-30 Config - New account icons [*] 2009-04-29 Autodiscover - DAV - URL does not contain the trailing email address, it is simply http://server/webdav/, tested [*] 2009-04-29 XMPP - Revisions of RFC3920 and RFC3921 [*] 2009-04-29 XMPP - Modules register without any resource and with subscription "both" [*] 2009-04-29 HTTP Server - Chunking disabled for HEAD method, FastCGI HEAD response properly formatted [*] 2009-04-29 Data Class - List of items in archive returned as TStringList, idp.exe optimized for better speed [*] 2009-04-29 XMPP - Roster item remove generates presence unsubscribe and unsubscribed properly as in RFC3921, tested [*] 2009-04-29 XMPP - XMPP request sent to all online resources if "to" does not contain a resource [*] 2009-04-29 [#PAQ-222256] Config - Rules - Where IP / Sender matches converted to Where IP address matches, the console converts obsolete records to new extended format, obsolete records cannot be created anymore, internal support still remains, tested [+] 2009-04-29 System - Mailbox/Domain quota - GetDirectoryStats() calculates all files including groupware attachments, cache always enabled, tested [-] 2009-04-29 [#WBW-730716] SMTP Service - Delivery Notification - Content-Type correctly set to UTF8, subject properly encoded [*] 2009-04-29 [#XPU-187773] SMTP Service - Anti-spam - New bypass keyword 'Y' added - indicates that quarantine was bypassed due to quarantine access mode. ( 'M' means bypass due to AS access mode) [-] 2009-04-29 [#ROO-475364] Config - Users - Groups - Red icon indicating admin privileges is shown only for accounts of type "user" [-] 2009-04-28 Linux - [UOM-462774] PHP mail() uses sendmail from IceWarp Server [*] 2009-04-28 System - AssignFileSafe() implemented which fixes the native overflow for long file names, core libraries updated [*] 2009-04-28 WCS Module - Possible dead lock solved (request with type="result" - response does not wait for result), tested [*] 2009-04-28 Config - Users - Groups - Default ACL fixed after Public folder changes [+] 2009-04-28 Groupware - GetShareAccountList() - Bit4 parameter support added, Ignore public folders for accounts share, tested [-] 2009-04-28 [#BRX-129740] API - Templates work properly when remote API is performed [*] 2009-04-28 [#KZG-789425] XMPP - Authorization updated, auto subscribe feature removed, strictly from/to mechansim, tested with Psi and Coccinella, webmail needs to be updated to work properly [-] 2009-04-28 [#WCQ-115116] SMTP Service - For domain alias, owner of quarantine record is the member of domain the domain alias is pointing to [*] 2009-04-28 XMPP - imservices.dat example file updated [-] 2009-04-28 [#GFW-421542] DB Class - DROP INDEX removed, not needed [-] 2009-04-27 [#DYI-682006] SMTP Service - Auto whitelist works properly when SRS is enabled [-] 2009-04-27 [#HFC-487407] Config - Access mode dialog - "List Acounts" button also displays non user accounts using Anti-spam, quarantine or Anti-virus [-] 2009-04-27 [#HFC-487407] Config - License dialog - Number of accounts using AS Live is the same as number of users using Anti-Spam [-] 2009-04-27 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Number of packet parameters fixed [-] 2009-04-27 IMAP - Public folders - Configuration properly reloaded after delete of pubic folder [-] 2009-04-27 IM Service - Purple Gateway - "DND" status correctly transformed [*] 2009-04-27 IMAP - ACL - Notifications about changes in ACl implemented [*] 2009-04-27 Config - Public Folders - Create public folder - groupware initialization problem fixed [*] 2009-04-27 Config - Content sensitive help updated for Task Schedule and Server Watchdog [*] 2009-04-27 URL Watchdog - support for datetime and %%filename%% variables added, if HTTP redirect is applied you can findout the final filename via %%filename%% variable in the Download File variable, tested [*] 2009-04-24 IM Service - Purple Gateway - workaround for problem of non responding yahoo servers [*] 2009-04-24 IMAP Server - "Root folder can not be selected" option is not taken into account in GETACL command [-] 2009-04-24 Config - Group Account - Public folder - Members are correctly projected into ACl file [*] 2009-04-24 Setup - IM - Old IM modules deleted and IM service restarted after upgrade functions applied [+] 2009-04-24 Config - Public folders - Public folder dialog does not contain Members and ACL button, it contains Access Control List tab, implemented and tested [*] 2009-04-23 Setup - Language note removed [+] 2009-04-23 DNS Tool - New design and performance test feature [*] 2009-04-23 Config, IMAP Service - Management of public folders reorganized [*] 2009-04-23 Setup - info.xml - Support for <SETUPSENDER/>, see info.xml for more information [-] 2009-04-22 SMTP Service - Email notification - Proper handling of Spam and inbox folder [+] 2009-04-22 Config - ActiveSync - General and domain device management complete, tested [+] 2009-04-22 ActiveSync Device management in Config, API implemented and tested, support for device delete, remote wipe and reset remote wipe [*] 2009-04-22 Config - Toolbar items in registry, key renamed so upgrade and new version do not collide, tested [+] 2009-04-21 Linux - Added php_tidy for PHP [-] 2009-04-21 [#XST-821098] SMTP Service - tarpit.dat is checked for modifications before replacing it - useful in LB scenario. [+] 2009-04-21 Groupware - VersitClass - ATTACH - Support for X-ORACLE-FILENAME attribute added, both URL and File attachments support setting and reading the filename attribute, tested [+] 2009-04-21 Config - XMPP - Type - supports all purple protocols, specify type and parameters will be automatically set (configure gadu-gadu, qq or icq, msn, yahoo, aol and other major IM networks with a single click) [*] 2009-04-21 XMPP - Obsolete modules removed from builds and svn [-] 2009-04-21 [#QYS-350072] Groupware - Load balancing - local calendar.xml need not to be present any more [*] 2009-04-21 SMTP Service - DNSBL test returns temporary SMTP error [*] 2009-04-21 SMTP Service - DNSBL, MX and rDNS tests are evaluated after RCPT TO: command, so that the recipient condition in bypass file can be used [*] 2009-04-21 Upgrade - XMPP Services converted to Purple (aol.dll, msn.dll, icq.dll, yahoo.dll no longer used), tested [*] 2009-04-21 XMPP - LoadServices / SaveServices implemented in XMPPRoom library, tested [*] 2009-04-21 VersitClass - PadUTF8String() used for line folding, fixes a problem with split utf-8 string, tested [+] 2009-04-20 Linux - Added purple module for IM and libpurple, added purpleserv [-] 2009-04-20 CommTouch - ReportFP and ReportFN fixed, tested with CommTouch [*] 2009-04-20 IM Service - Purple Gateway - if client removes the gateway, all contacts from this gateway are removed from its roster [-] 2009-04-20 Groupware - Ticket system - support for new mailbox attachments added, GroupOwner set to 'anyone', tested [*] 2009-04-20 Notifier - Window SW_Show used when Options displayed [*] 2009-04-20 Config - Instant messaging - Services - Dialog for defining services is more intelligent [+] 2009-04-20 XMPP Server - Message Archive XEP implemented, XEP-0136 and XEP-0059, tested, allows retrieving and searching thru message archive, requires mailbox message archive storage, tested [-] 2009-04-20 Control service - FastCGI - child php processes are killed automatically again, when control service is killed [+] 2009-04-20 Groupware - GetFolderList() - Returns shared/public folder as standalone folder, tested, root of shared/public folder not selectable (OpenFolder disabled) [-] 2009-04-20 System - DIGEST-MD5 rspauth= response problem fixed, tested in Outlook [+] 2009-04-20 Groupware - Items created by a user will be always visible to that user no matter if ShareType is Private, Folder Read is not allowed and similar limitations, It is possible to OpenFolder with no FolderRead right and read items that belong to the user (the user must be the owner of the folder), tested [*] 2009-04-19 DNS Query Tool - updated, Class and Type labels used instead of values, dialog extended, To Clipboard button implemented, tested [-] 2009-04-19 Config - Group account - change of group members does not influence already modified ACL of subfolders of corresponding public folder [-] 2009-04-19 Config - Groupware/Public Folders/General - if public folder is deleted - also corresponding IMAP public folder is deleted [*] 2009-04-18 Activesync updated [*] 2009-04-18 Groupware - VirtualFolders - Wide condition fixed, lists only proper records, tested [*] 2009-04-18 HTTPClientClass - DIGEST-MD5 support fixed and tested [*] 2009-04-18 SIP Server - Authentication - md5 algorithm forces instead of md5-sess, fixes webmail login [i] 2009-04-17 Drafts [*] 2009-04-17 Groupware - Virtual Folders - Folder ACL is linked with first folder in the virtual folder, shares the same concept when creating a new object in virtual folder, tested [*] 2009-04-17 Webmail updated [*] 2009-04-17 Config - New icons used [*] 2009-04-17 Config - Groupware/Public Folders/General - if new public folder is created manually, also corresponding IMAP public folder is created [*] 2009-04-17 Config - ACL dialog under Groupware/Public Folders/General lists IMAP folders and correctly supports setting of ACL [*] 2009-04-17 HTTPServer - ISAPI ALL_HTTP parsing faster, tested, allows injection of special server variables [*] 2009-04-17 Groupware - SendGroupWareACLNotification() function published for use in IMAP [-] 2009-04-17 Groupware - Shared/Public item listing - Private attribute handling fixed, private objects are ownly displayed to the owner, tested [-] 2009-04-17 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Proper initialization of listening thread [*] 2009-04-17 Groupware - ACL notification - uses Bcc and undisclosed recipients, notification ignored for mail folders, tested [*] 2009-04-17 Groupware - If primary group a public folder it is internally converted to private group (no public folder is displayed for such account), tested [*] 2009-04-17 ActiveSync updated [*] 2009-04-16 WebDAV updated [-] 2009-04-16 Config - ACL dialog under Groupware/Public Folders/General does not list IMAP folders [-] 2009-04-16 Config - Deleting a group account - all associated data are deleted if the user wants it [-] 2009-04-16 IMAP Service - Sharing works also for spam folders [-] 2009-04-16 Config - Description in Groupware/Public Folders/General/Share mode is not truncated [-] 2009-04-16 IMAP Service - Public IMAP folder is not displayed for its owner [-] 2009-04-16 Config - displaying of folder structure in the "Access Control List .." dialog respects folder hierarchy [*] 2009-04-16 Groupware - SQL ProcessParameters() - ID properly escaped, tested creating folders with "&" [*] 2009-04-15 System - DIGEST-MD5 authentication updated and simplified, METHOD and ALGORITHM settable via ServerChallenge and 'method=' and 'algorithm=' attributes, tested SIP, XMPP, IMAP [-] 2009-04-15 [#DKL-987181] API - Proper error code returned if invalid characters in username or alias appear [-] 2009-04-15 [#DKL-987181] Config, API - Password can not contain invalid characters [-] 2009-04-15 [#AEQ-796358] SMTP Service - If a message has multiple non local recipients, the outgoing session is not split to multiple sessions if not needed [-] 2009-04-15 System - DIGEST-MD5 authentication - If API usage incorrect it could lead to successful authentication, problem fixed and tested [-] 2009-04-15 SMS gateway - Possible access Violation problem fixed [-] 2009-04-15 [#MLH-810113] FTP Service - Upload size limit per day is working [*] 2009-04-15 Groupware - vCard - if Kind <> Individual 4.0 version returned by default else 4.0, tested [+] 2009-04-14 IM Service - Purple Gateway - debug improved, timeout for purpleserver initialization increased [+] 2009-04-14 IM Service - Purple Gateway - stress testing project created [+] 2009-04-14 PHP - php_tidy extension added [*] 2009-04-14 Project Maintenance - support for automated signing of distributions - initial work [+] 2009-04-14 Groupware - Versit - X- attribute support for multi-properties added, tested [*] 2009-04-14 Groupware - Multi folder view fixed after FormatWhereItem() was updated incorrectly, tested [*] 2009-04-12 WebDAV updated [*] 2009-04-10 Webmail updated [*] 2009-04-10 Config - Hearchic options moved to right [+] 2009-04-10 SMS - SenderReplyExpiration, SenderReplyConflict, SenderReplyConflictText new behavior implemented, keeps all pairs and their expiration, if conflict occurs (an sms is to be sent to multiple pairs a bounce back sms is sent with the predefined text), tested [+] 2009-04-10 API - SMS - SenderReplyExpiration, SenderReplyConflict, SenderReplyConflictText new API variables added, Config updated [+] 2009-04-10 Service - DB connection timer checking complete, if verifications fails socket servers are paused and if succeeds servers are unpaused again, tested [+] 2009-04-10 SocketClass - ServerSocket - Paused property support added, allows pausing of the socket server so no more incoming connections are processed, tested [+] 2009-04-09 Service - DB connection - timer connection verification support, each minute the DB connection is checked (for account DB mode) and service is disabled/enabled accordingly, applies to SMTP, POP3 and IMAP [+] 2009-04-09 Groupware - Internet Calendar (GetPublicvCalendar) considers ACL and uses default Calendar folder, if no items to be returned blank vCalendar object is returned, tested [*] 2009-04-09 Groupware - If no license FreeBusy and Internet Calendar is disable, Group share mode considered (if disabled no accesss to FreeBusy and Internet Calendar is granted), tested [-] 2009-04-09 [#ANT-935056] Config - Access Mode dialog - List of accounts with enabled SIP,SyncML,ActiveSync,FTP,SMS,Webdav is returned correctly [*] 2009-04-09 API - Documentation updated [+] 2009-04-09 Groupware - Anonymous mode option removed, Config - Anonymous checkbox removed, not needed anymore [-] 2009-04-09 IMAP - Groupware integration - Distribution lists are included into the list of folder items [+] 2009-04-08 Groupware - OpenGroup() handling of primary group owned by a different owner added, handling of primary public group implemented, tested [-] 2009-04-08 Tools - Server Performance Test Tool - authentication after STARTTLS is not skipped [*] 2009-04-08 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Gateway is disconnected when last session of the same user terminates [*] 2009-04-08 IM Service - Purple Gateway - State of gateway (Online/Offline/Away...) is correctly set [*] 2009-04-08 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Module description in "Service Discovery" fixed [*] 2009-04-08 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Sending presence to gateway forces updating of presence of all online contacts [*] 2009-04-08 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Works correctly when more sessions using one jabber account exists [*] 2009-04-08 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Connection errors are propagated to the user [+] 2009-04-08 Groupware - Versit support for general X- attributes added, stored as 'xattr' AtrType in attributes tables, tested with X- properties and X- attributes or X-attributes to any versit property [+] 2009-04-08 VersitClass - Support for X- attributes, new property list Attributes which contains all X- attributes, X property list already present, Get and Set supported, tested [+] 2009-04-08 Groupware - Attachments storage in mailbox/~gw/attachments/, a new option in calendar.dat (CalendarAttachmentsMailboxPath=True) added - if False old behavior of attachments is used, mailbox attachments make sure the proper and correct account quota is calculated (mailbox + groupware attachments), original storage calendar/attachments/ automatically converted when accessed the mailbox attachments storage for the first time, tested [*] 2009-04-07 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Initial work on support of authorization requests [+] 2009-04-07 Config - SIP - Gateway - New Outgoing option - "Use rules although URI is local and existing account", tested [+] 2009-04-07 SIP - Gateway - Bypass local - new internal variable added, allows you to bypass gateway rules if URI is local existing account [*] 2009-04-07 Groupware - GetShareAccountList() - Support for Flags field in returned list added, Flags contain the bit value explained in the documentation, tested [*] 2009-04-07 Tools - Server Performance Test Tool - direct SSL for SMTP connections supported [*] 2009-04-06 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Buddy names containing @ are correctly converted [*] 2009-04-06 Groupware - FormatWhereItem() always uses additional braces [*] 2009-04-06 SMS Class - Read timeout set to 12 seconds [*] 2009-04-06 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Buddies are not removed from contact list after logoff from gateway [-] 2009-04-06 IM Service - All operations with roster are locked, error is propagated [*] 2009-04-06 Config - Members list - "anyone" -> Everyone support added (live label translation), member dropdown added, tested [*] 2009-04-06 Autodiscover - tested on iPhone and WinMo [-] 2009-04-06 DB Class - Proper connection termination [*] 2009-04-06 Setup - DB Upgrade - proper message ID used, creates additional GW fields [+] 2009-04-04 Autodiscover - Final working and compatible version [*] 2009-04-03 Notifier - updated to work with the new autodiscover [*] 2009-04-03 Autodiscover - New autodiscover, MSDN compliant, compatible with eMclient and Outlook [-] 2009-04-03 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Module termination fixed [*] 2009-04-03 DBClass - SanitizeDBSQL() - support for UNION and INTO operators added, these keywords are completely forbidden and must not be used and are considered as SQL injection attempts, tested [*] 2009-04-03 Config - Mailbox size renamed to Account size, in the new concept account size includes all user's data (mail, groupware attachments, quarantine etc.) [+] 2009-04-03 icewarpphp - new function icewarp_sanitize_db_sql(sql, [magicquotes=false]) added and tested, should be used for SELECT fields, WHERE statement and ORDER BY statement [*] 2009-04-03 PHP - xdebug extension added [+] 2009-04-03 IM Service - Purple Gateway - 14 types of gateways supported, set in module params, e.g.: protocol=prpl-icq (AIM:prpl-aim, Bonjour:prpl-bonjour, Gadu-Gadu:prpl-gg, GroupWise:prpl-novell, ICQ:prpl-icq, IRC:prpl-irc, MSN:prpl-msn, MySpaceIM:prpl-myspace, QQ:prpl-qq, SILC:prpl-silc, SIMPLE:prpl-simple, Sametime:prpl-meanwhile, XMPP:prpl-jabber, Yahoo:prpl-yahoo) [*] 2009-04-03 Config - Backup - Groupware attachments removed - attachments will be part of the user's directory mailbox/~gw (for mailbox quota reasons) [*] 2009-04-03 Installer - IM Service - Purple Gateway - is installed automatically [-] 2009-04-03 System - Accounts - Save group account - If previously Public folder was on and now is off public folder is disabled in groupware and removed in IMAP, tested [-] 2009-04-03 Config - Public folders to Accounts members tab activation - blank Members control problem fixed, tested [+] 2009-04-03 DBClass - PDOConnectionToDBConnection() new function implemented, converts PDO connection to internal DB connection string, the core can work with PHP db easily, tested [*] 2009-04-02 WebDAV updated [*] 2009-04-02 SyncML updated [*] 2009-04-02 Config - Public Folders - Shared mode - label displayed as in Public folder dialog, title updated, tested [*] 2009-04-02 Config - Add IMAP public folder - Folder detauls to ".", tested [-] 2009-04-02 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Change of group and alias of a buddy is propagated to the gateway [-] 2009-04-02 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Logoff from gateway does not lead to crash and works OK [-] 2009-04-02 IM Service - Purple Gateway - List of test accounts added [+] 2009-04-01 Groupware - Edit a groupware item without Modification rights is possible if the user is the owner of the item, new feature implemented, tested [*] 2009-04-01 ActiveSync updated [*] 2009-04-01 Webmail updated [*] 2009-04-01 IM Service - Gateways - Gateways interface changed - "Module Params" are given only in the initialization routine [+] 2009-04-01 New OpenSSL-0.9.8k engine used, tested [-] 2009-04-01 IM Service - Purple Gateway - Proper termination implemented [*] 2009-04-01 [#MYF-670781] Config - Rules - "select/deselect all" is fast even for big number of rules [-] 2009-04-01 [#LOS-199760] API - tool.exe - Import - Appropriate error message is displayed if import file does not exist - typo fixed [-] 2009-04-01 [#VVP-780578] All services - Maintenance logging - creation of remote accounts is logged correctly [-] 2009-04-01 [#VVP-780578] All services - Maintenance logging - start/stop of services is logged also if the operation was started by clicking on "Active" checkbox [-] 2009-04-01 IM Service - Opened files are properly closed in all situations [-] 2009-04-01 Groupware - RenameFolder properly sets the parent folder [-] 2009-04-01 IMAP Service - SELECTed folder is unSELECTed before renaming or deleting it [-] 2009-04-01 IMAP Service - If SELECTed folder is deleted from another session, no unnecessary errors are written into the error log [-] 2009-04-01 IMAP - Groupware integration - GW folders are not listed twice in any case [-] 2009-04-01 IMAP - Groupware integration - RENAME command redesigned, type of folder is preserved during rename [-] 2009-04-01 IMAP Service - NAMESPACE command contains correct information about public folders [+] 2009-04-01 Groupware - GAL - Each member of GAL owns its own contact record (ITMOWN_ID is set to the id of the contact), if contact missing in Groupware it will get created, tested [+] 2009-04-01 Groupware - Event and Contact tables new field OWN_ID added (designates the real owner of the object, in sharing environment the real owner is the person who created the object), fields automatically set for newly created objects, calendar.xml updated, default db updated, upgrade updated, tested [*] 2009-03-31 Config - HELPIDs mapped to new manual (menu.xml and dialog controls) [*] 2009-03-31 SMS - Sender Reply - expiration extended to 30 min., received SMS resets expiration [+] 2009-03-31 System - Backup - Backup groupware attachments support added, tested [+] 2009-03-31 Config - Backup - Backup groupware attachments - new option added, API updated [*] 2009-03-31 Config - Mail Service - Security - Closed/Open relay - control removed from GUI, available only via the API [*] 2009-03-31 Groups - GetDomainMembers() - Disabled users are not returned as part of the list [-] 2009-03-30 [#CNP-843299] Installer - Services stopped before server upgrade are not started during the upgrade process - warning about service not being started is not displayed any more [*] 2009-03-30 Groupware - GetLastError() - Format of the returned string updated, textual representation of failure added, see the API documentation [*] 2009-03-30 API,Config - Account statistics - Directory cache properly used, speed optimization [*] 2009-03-30 Connector - Current account properly used for user properties [*] 2009-03-30 [#OIN-253987] Notifier - connection and login error messages displayed, localization supported, tested [*] 2009-03-30 [#OIN-253987] Notifier - registry Autorun - full path problem fixed, Refresh label updated [*] 2009-03-30 Groupware - GetShareAccountList() updated - only OwnerName returned if extended info requested (information classification) [*] 2009-03-30 Groupware - calendar.xml - Several fields extended to varchar(255) [*] 2009-03-30 SIP Service - Gateway - plus to 00 replace updated and tested in real environment, Rewrite To: support added [-] 2009-03-27 Groupware - crash during first login of a new user fixed [-] 2009-03-27 IMAP - Groupware integration - ACL is not used for storing the folder type by default [+] 2009-03-27 IM Service - PurpleGateway - Initial work on live support of server side contact lists [-] 2009-03-27 IMAP - Groupware integration - SETMETADATA /public/vendor/kolab/folder-type/value.shared not indicating groupware folder type are processed correctly [-] 2009-03-27 [#WBZ-998540] IMAP - Groupware integration - Files folders working again. [-] 2009-03-26 [#CNP-843299] Installer - Services stopped before server upgrade are not started during the upgrade process [-] 2009-03-26 [#SPY-500474] Config - Password protected backup file can be restored using remote console [-] 2009-03-26 [#SPY-500474] Data Class - If extraction of a file fails, the target file is not overwritten [-] 2009-03-26 [#JMN-688538] SMTP Service - Autoresponder - If "From" or "To" field in autoresponder contains one character "$", it is not wrongly interpreted [-] 2009-03-26 [#TXP-960680] All Services - Traffic monitor - "Alert if service connections/data transferred increased by" option works correctly after server restart [+] 2009-03-26 [#LOS-199760] API - tool.exe - Import - Appropriate error message is displayed if import file does not exist [-] 2009-03-26 [#MYF-670781] Config - Filters - "select/deselect all" is fast even for big number of filters [+] 2009-03-26 [#TFJ-390498] API - new user friendly properties D_expireson_date,U_accountvalidtill_date [+] 2009-03-25 SIP Service - Gateway - new xml option (IGNOREPLUSREWRITE) added, each gateway automatically rewrites +number to 00number (can be disabled via the new option), many gateways do not support +number (international notation) [+] 2009-03-25 IM Service - PurpleGateway - Initial file send implemented [-] 2009-03-25 [#JDK-251985] LDAP export - User is not duplicated in LDAP after changing name or primary alias [-] 2009-03-25 [#XBG-159638] API - AccountObject - if 'U_backup' property is set to newly created object, default account values are not set [-] 2009-03-25 [#XBG-159638] Config - Group Templates - Account Type is correctly applied [-] 2009-03-25 [#EWZ-475617] Config - Password Policy - Works well even if "minimal password length" is lower than "minimal number of numeric characters" [-] 2009-03-25 [#HWL-947208] SMTP Service - Anti-spam - removed from default Spamassassin's setting [-] 2009-03-25 [#QDH-635263] Config - Internet Connection - DNS servers - The auto-complete button is disabled in remote console connection [-] 2009-03-25 [#XAF-875162] Instant Messaging - MSN Gateway - format of presence message fixed [*] 2009-03-24 All services - Maintenance logging - XML-RPC - Originator of the actions is logged [*] 2009-03-24 All services - Maintenance logging - Manipulation with remote accounts is logged [*] 2009-03-24 All services - Maintenance logging - Stopping and starting of services is logged [*] 2009-03-24 All services - Maintenance logging - If administration console requires authentication, the authenticated user is logged [*] 2009-03-24 All services - Maintenance logging - Settings modifications done from migration,account expiration, storage conversion and jabber registration can be distinguished [+] 2009-03-24 IM Service - PurpleGateway - Dummy file transfer implemented [-] 2009-03-23 Project Maintenance - Build and export scripts updated [-] 2009-03-23 Project Maintenance - Notifier make script updated [+] 2009-03-23 IM Service - PurpleGateway - Basic functionality of user info, user icon works [-] 2009-03-20 IM Service - PurpleGateway - name of buddies are correctly converted to UTF8, groups supported [+] 2009-03-19 IM Service - PurpleServer is started automatically [+] 2009-03-19 Groupware - GetShareAccountList - Can return additional information about the owner [-] 2009-03-18 Iconv Class - libiconv.dll is searched in Icewarp Server's installation directory [-] 2009-03-18 HTTP Service - fix of error in pure CGI call [*] 2009-03-18 IM Service - Modules interface prepared for libpurple module, inititial functionality of purplemodule implemented [-] 2009-03-17 [#WGG-961567] SMTP Service - SRS - original email is correctly propagated into the SRS [-] 2009-03-12 Linux - [ZTI-488256] Request after starting merak causes Segmentation fault [*] 2009-03-12 Upgrade - Linux - FastCGI conversion added (old format to new) [-] 2009-03-12 [#ZFJ-784222] Config - Size of Date selection dialog is determined automatically [-] 2009-03-12 [#NBJ-789513] SMTP Service - Intrusion Prevention - Bypass of "Block IP address that exceeds RSET session count" works correctly [-] 2009-03-12 [#ZTI-488256] Request after starting merak causes Segmentation fault [*] 2009-03-11 Webmail updated [*] 2009-03-11 [#ZUO-198655] Server Migration - SSL mode can be specified [-] 2009-03-11 IMAP Service - Remote Accounts - "disable TLS/SSL" option is handled correctly [*] 2009-03-11 Setup - Quick launch link always created (even for upgrades) [*] 2009-03-11 [#HJJ-376467] Config - Instant messaging - "modules" button opens directory "modules" by default [*] 2009-03-11 Project Maintenance - build scripts updated, uninstall.exe is correctly signed [-] 2009-03-10 [#JVI-208433] SMTP service - DKIM compatible with RFC 4871, backward compatible, tests performed, set as default [*] 2009-03-10 binpack - Tool created to compress binaries, build scripts updated, several binaries use the packer, tested [-] 2009-03-10 [#MMH-885934] IM, SIP, Groupware services - Checking of existence of a domain ignores subdomains [+] 2009-03-10 XMPP - "params=" IM services support added, examples updated, config updated, should contain URL encoded values (eg. protocol=icq&...) tested [i] 2009-03-10 Drafts [-] 2009-03-10 [PAQ-222256] SMTP Service - Rules - incorrectly formated rule does not cause access violation [*] 2009-03-10 ActiveSync - GAL support [+] 2009-03-10 Config - Groupware - Files Directory Mapping... button support added, lets you map a groupware Files folder to a real system directory, tested [*] 2009-03-10 License engine - Referencekey validation updated, strict VM handling [*] 2009-03-09 Linux - Added API C example [+] 2009-03-09 Groupware - GetvCard - new format GAL support added, returns Exchange GAL XML, tested, documentation updated [-] 2009-03-09 IMAP Service - Extra CRLF is not appended to the result of FETCH command [*] 2009-03-09 API - New C header file and example of shared library API usage (if required on linux or other COM missing platforms) [*] 2009-03-09 Setup - Resource file updated, web service icons updated with default browser, tested [*] 2009-03-06 Webmail updated [*] 2009-03-06 Webadmin updated [*] 2009-03-06 Config - New anti aliased icon added [+] 2009-03-06 Groupware - GAL group accounts - automatically synchronized to the GAL folder of the group, if no GAL is found the default contacts folder is set as GAL and used instead, tested [+] 2009-03-06 Config - Groups - Populate GAL with all members - option renamed [+] 2009-03-06 Connector 4.0 - Localization support added, save lang.xml via config.xml (<exportlanguage>file</exportlanguage>), tested [*] 2009-03-06 Config - LogAnalyzer controls updated [*] 2009-03-05 Connector 4.0 - Responder, Forwarder and Rules working, updated old connector to use the same objects, tested [*] 2009-03-04 Connector 4.0 - Development, stable form linking [+] 2009-03-04 Groupware - GAL (Global Address List) support added, New folder FdrGAL attribute added, calendar.xml updated, upgrade functions updates, default database updated, config Folders dialog - GAL implemented, tested [+] 2009-03-04 Menu XML - Public Folders - special node containing Groupware, IMAP and LDAP tabs [*] 2009-03-04 Localization engine - support for "language" attr ISO639 eg: "cs_CZ" or "fr_FR", "locale" still supported, supported in the Notifier, tested [+] 2009-03-04 Config - Access Control List - Global Address List (GAL) button support added (available only for public folders), tested [+] 2009-03-04 Config - Access Control List - IMAP and Groupware merged resources available for User, Group and Public folder, Public ACL dialog removed and integrated into Folder list dialog, tested [+] 2009-03-04 Config - Groupware - Public folder - Access Control List... dialog support added, merges IMAP and Groupware resources, tested [+] 2009-03-04 Config - ACL Dialog - Reads and writes to groupware, combines both IMAP and GW resources, tested [+] 2009-03-04 Config - Group - Public folder - ACL edit support added, both GW and IMAP, tested [+] 2009-03-03 Config - Folder list and Folder ACL list support groupware folders (merged with IMAP), tested [*] 2009-03-03 Config - Mailbox - Folder list and ACL handling updated, UTF7 vs. UTF8, simplified dialog usage, tested, preparation for IMAP and Groupware folder visual merge, tested [*] 2009-03-02 Webmail updated [*] 2009-03-02 StringClass - RTFToText() updated - support for HYPERLINK added, new StringClass method - CheckStringFirst() added, fixes ActiveSync note URL duplication, tested [*] 2009-03-02 IM - Email transport conversion - proper from email formatting used, tested [+] 2009-03-02 FastCGI - MODULE new parameter for fastcgi timeout added, syntax: "server;application;timeout", eg. "(fastcgi);php\php.exe;1800000", tested, allows you to override fastcgi timeout for specific extensions (filters), webserver.dat TITLE not compatible with Linux (requires new webserver.dat - WebDAV only others will work as usually), upgrade for ActiveSync contains 30 min. fastcgi timeout [*] 2009-03-02 AntiSpam - Auto delete old files in Spam folder - DeleteWithUpdate() applied - Directory cache properly used [*] 2009-03-02 System - TempPath - Service independent temp path uses system temp path (services: ./temp/<service>, non service: <systemtemppath), tested [-] 2009-03-01 Setup - CreateLink - Unicode support fixed and tested [*] 2009-02-27 SyncML updated [*] 2009-02-27 Webadmin updated [*] 2009-02-27 ActiveSync updated [*] 2009-02-27 Webmail updated [*] 2009-02-27 [#KZK-157937] API - Services are not forced to refresh the settings often than once in 2 seconds [*] 2009-02-27 Config - Templates - Account icon used for each account type [-] 2009-02-27 [#WNL-251657] Config, API - Checking of existence of a domain (before creating it) ignores subdomains [-] 2009-02-27 All Services - Subdomain is taken as local only if it points to a local domain [-] 2009-02-27 [#RUI-797090] IMAP service - COPY command limits implemented using 64bit integers [-] 2009-02-27 [#YYQ-103097] SMTP Service - SpamAssassin - if required spam score is 0, it is not overwritten with the default value [*] 2009-02-26 SIP - SDP and RTP NAT traversal - Default DestIP used from SDP message (not the one where message came from), RTP/SDP NAT traversal applied only if SIP message going away from the server (not when sent back to the server), tested [+] 2009-02-26 Config - New icon set integrated, ItemList classes - ImageIndex set where possible [-] 2009-02-26 [#UIQ-197209] Directory Service - LDAP / AD sync to system accounts - Accounts created manually will not be deleted from groups if missing in LDAP groups [*] 2009-02-26 HTTP Server - Multipart checked only in the Header, tested [-] 2009-02-26 [#KZK-157937] All services - R and RW access to global hash of domains is serialized using a new critical session [*] 2009-02-26 API - PushServer - Active, Port and HeartBeat intervals added, SyncML_Push variables removed (obsolete), implemented [-] 2009-02-26 [#RUI-797090] IMAP service - COPY and APPEND commands do not allow to exceed mailbox quota [+] 2009-02-26 [#IYJ-535371] Data Class - Error logging added [-] 2009-02-25 [#LPL-390230] HTTP Server - very big files are not compressed [*] 2009-02-25 [#DXP-178907] SMTP Service - If the user is authenticated, his settings are used also for header/footer [*] 2009-02-25 [#LPL-390230] HTTP Server - Support for 4GB and more files added, tested [*] 2009-02-25 [#LAD-432290] System - SNMP - Service status reflected properly, IsServiceEnabled() introduced, API updated [*] 2009-02-25 [#TTD-774727] System - SMTP log - Filtering per IP - SYSTEM records removed [*] 2009-02-25 [#FNW-174039] - Config - Group member rights updated, Select All checkbox always defaults to False, Default rights labels updated, Default rights are reflected in the ACL dialog, tested [+] 2009-02-25 XMPP - Modules - new module interface introduced, support for SID added, new parameters, ported all XMPP modules to the new system, tested [+] 2009-02-25 [#UOK-794896] Directory Service - LDAP / AD sync to system accounts - Groups created manually will not be deleted if missing on LDAP, new Personalized bit flag 0x10 (if set the group belongs to LDAP), M_LDAPSync API variable added, tested [*] 2009-02-25 Webmail updated [+] 2009-02-25 Config - Group - Message tab added - support for Subject, Headers and Reply-To, From values (mailing list like), tested [+] 2009-02-25 Config - New icons and missing icons created, unique look [*] 2009-02-25 Groupware - New db field Event: EvnSequence added (updated calendar.xml, upgrade and default database), EvnSequence linked to vCalendar SEQUENCE property (read and write), EditCounter no longer used for SEQUENCE in vCalendar, iMIP/iTIP solutions should increase SEQUENCE after every organizer/owner item update as in RFC [*] 2009-02-24 [#JVI-208433] SMTP service - DKIM compatible with RFC 4871, backward compatible, verifier and signer tested with gmail and yahoo, needs more test before used as default [-] 2009-02-24 [#CPI-587460] SMTP service - List Server - WHICH command - correct response if type of mailing list does not allow to use WHICH command [-] 2009-02-24 [#CPI-587460] SMTP service - List Server - WHICH command - primary domain is used if domain is missing [*] 2009-02-24 VersitClass - Several properties not automatically cleared for reason (METHOD and VERSION), enables setting of VERSION and METHOD easily, vcard 4.0 tested, SEQUENCE property removed for all except vCalendar, groupware updated [*] 2009-02-24 Groupware - vCard 4.0 - N property properly used (only 4 elements for 4.0, older versions 5 elements), compatibility preserved (support for all vcard versions), tested [*] 2009-02-24 Groupware - vCard PHOTO encoding always "b", input encoding still support "base64" [+] 2009-02-24 Notifier - uses locale lang.xml file in lang/<lang>/lang.xml and automatically loads proper file, full localization of setup including license agreement, auto language install for notifier [+] 2009-02-24 Localization engine - Detect current locale function added, find automatic localization file based on locale, localization engine supports <?lang caption="Name" locale="value"?> now [*] 2009-02-23 Notifier - Multilanguage support [+] 2009-02-23 XMPP - API - IM_UserHistory - new variable added, XMPP user chat history stored under ~im/history/<email>/<yyyymm>.log, new chat time format used "[yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss]", multiple line - line continuation implemented (SPACE prefixed if continuation line), Config IM option added, tested [-] 2009-02-23 [#IPL-403592] Installer - Start menu shortcuts are created using Wide Strings. [*] 2009-02-23 Groupware - ActiveSync - Calendar UID always returned (links to vCalendar UID if ActiveSync UID blank) [*] 2009-02-23 Notifier - Localization engine added - /exportlanguage param, .lnk file extension (if present localization is loaded), tested [*] 2009-02-23 Notifier - mailto: support, all URL variables converted to lowercase, webmail URL decodes mailto address, tested [*] 2009-02-20 Webadmin updated [*] 2009-02-20 Webmail updated [+] 2009-02-20 [#DCB-267315] Config - System - Logging - Anti-Spam Reports support added, tested [*] 2009-02-20 [#HAS-921091] GUI - AntiSpam learning rule - Delete last rule problem fixed [*] 2009-02-20 [#RWV-223913] GUI - Retry incoming queue stats 'Retry' added, tested [-] 2009-02-20 [#UVI-633885] IMAP Service - Summary logging - amount of transferred bytes is evaluated correctly [+] 2009-02-20 [#UJM-242608] Installer - Files which can not be overwritten are moved and copying is retried [-] 2009-02-20 HTTP Service - Chunked encoding - possible double "end chunk encoding" removed, PHP sometimes calls ISAPI Write with 0 bytes, tested, fixes Google Chrome functionality (other web browsers were note affected) [-] 2009-02-10 [#HPK-228748] Antispam Live - Workaround for the ctasd deamon launch problems on linux reverted [-] 2009-02-19 Linux - [HPK-228748] control waiting for ctasd and not responding to merakd [-] 2009-02-19 SMS Service - max sized message gets sent as one, 160 chars = 1 message, 140 chars = 1 message, 70 chars = 1 message, tested [-] 2009-02-19 [#OIS-582325] Config - From day in accounts statistics can be selected every time [-] 2009-02-19 [#OZO-264622] API - U_FTP, U_SMS, U_ActiveSync, U_WebDAV works [+] 2009-02-19 Groupware - Default folder localization support added, calendar.xml contains new DEFAULT_FOLDERS section (should be localized via calendar-custom.xml), automatic localized folder integration, default folders are used in several places (when creating accounts etc.), tested [-] 2009-02-19 [#SDE-600986] DB Class - Another Oracle error is properly taken as failed connection [*] 2009-02-19 Groupware - ACL email notifications - not sent for Public folder ACL (these folders automatically appear to available users) [i] 2009-02-18 Drafts [-] 2009-02-18 [#CCJ-566456] All services - Each service recreates its temp directory during starting [-] 2009-02-18 [#CPI-587460] SMTP Service - List server - WHICH command works correctly if mailing list uses database for storing members or "all domain users" and similar mailing list setting is enabled [-] 2009-02-18 [#SHU-908507] SMTP Service - Account blocking after entering wrong password is working correctly [-] 2009-02-18 [#RGF-682277] ActiveX Class - Examples - bad reference to authors removed [-] 2009-02-17 [#UIQ-197209] AD Synchronization - group members are correctly obtained from AD server [-] 2009-02-17 Installer - Accounts database is correctly updated (Accounts DB restructured D_AVAccess replaced with D_OtherAccess Int) [*] 2009-02-17 SmartAttach - Default template updated, header added and link to SmartAttach technology, tested [*] 2009-02-17 SMS - Account - Gateway ID - if gateway does not exist, default gateway is used [+] 2009-02-17 SQLManager - Support for command line parameters added, templates, html output and much more [-] 2009-02-17 [#YPV-222142] API - typo in constant C_Mail_SMTP_Other_IncommingMessageLimits fixed [*] 2009-02-17 SIP - REFER coming from SIP gateway - Refer-To: rewritten to use the local domain, this ensures proper call address when local SIP client dials the Refer-To: address, you can easily REFER calls from remote gateways to your local SIP clients, scenario (2 IceWarp SIP servers, local with a gateway to a remote server, the remote server transfers a call via webmail and the transfer gets to the local server and proper routing is applied), tested [*] 2009-02-16 [#DFW-261754] Groupware - AddGroup() - Multiple public groups cannot have the same name, special mechanism provided, tested [-] 2009-02-16 [#EQK-203743] Config - Splash screen is closed before warning message boxes appear [*] 2009-02-16 Config - Groupware - Public Folders - same named folders banned [*] 2009-02-16 SmartAttach - Default TemplateInfo added with feature information, tested [-] 2009-02-16 [#XBN-116624] SMTP service - MailingList - BOM is properly removed from file defining SQL query [*] 2009-02-16 RTPTool - complete, supports conversion from RTPDump to WAV and MP3, overlay of 2 streams into MP3 and direct playback of RTPDump, tested [-] 2009-02-16 [#RGF-682277] ActiveX Class - Examples - bad reference to authors removed [*] 2009-02-16 [#NCB-833264] Localization - constant improved [+] 2009-02-16 SIP - SIPReferCall() - Support for mailbox/~sip/siprefer.dat file added, contains custom siprefer addresses, regex replace based, each line contains "<regex> <sip_destination>", possibility to link with any external SIP server, IceWarp SIP would be used only as call initiator but your real SIP account would be used to make the final call, tested [+] 2009-02-15 SIP - SIPReferCall() API function Address parameter added, if blank default SIP client will be used otherwise external SIP server will be used for call transfer [*] 2009-02-14 SHAREDLIB - groupware class incompatibility between projects fixed [*] 2009-02-14 Setup - HTMLPath variable ini replace fixed (contains initialized full path), tested [+] 2009-02-13 SIP - RTPDump filename format updated, RTPDumpPath API variable added, tested, RTPDumpToMP3 tool developed and tested [*] 2009-02-13 API - DoLog() and GetLogRecords() proper WideString/UTF8 handling applied, tested [*] 2009-02-13 Webmail updated [*] 2009-02-13 Lame library developed, conversion from WAVE to MP3 tested, Overlay of 2 WAVE files implemented, tested [*] 2009-02-12 RTP - RTPDump and RTP classes developed, streams and dumps parsed properly, simple G711 codec developed and RTPDump converted to WAVE/RIFF file [*] 2009-02-12 SMTP - Content Filter - ProcessMessageHeaderActions() - Multiple actions ignore the FDeleteFlag and forces to True, deletes remaining files in temp under some conditions, tested [+] 2009-02-12 Anti-Spam reports engine added [*] 2009-02-12 Config - Text search - direction Up - Start positon problem fixed [*] 2009-02-12 AntiSpam - spam.dat SpamReportsDebugLevel and SpamReportsLogLevel new variables added, used by anti-spam reports [-] 2009-02-12 [#MYN-329171] IMAP server - Text body from malformed email is returned correctly - introduced bug fixed [*] 2009-02-12 Base64 - Base64EncodeFile() updated to use WriteTextDirect(), fixes a delay in encoding files on networks, tested [*] 2009-02-12 System - WriteTextDirect() function, flush and direct write of buffer to file, fixes native 128 string cache (problem in network environments - UNC etc.) [*] 2009-02-12 ActiveSync tested with Nokia E51 (for Exchange), NotifySync, AtraSync [-] 2009-02-12 DB Class - Oracle error "ORA-03114" is properly taken as failed connection [-] 2009-02-12 API - file apiconst.pas is not necessary for calling api functions [*] 2009-02-11 Config - StatusBar - occasional blue area fixed (problem of unicode controls), tested [*] 2009-02-11 Config - AntiSpam - CR URL moved to Reports URL and considered as "Reports URL", dual URL option created under AutoDiscover URLs so all URLs are at once place, tested [*] 2009-02-11 SHAREDLIB updated [*] 2009-02-11 Webmail updated [-] 2009-02-11 [#KZK-157937] Synchronization class - Thread pools are 100% FIFO (First In First Out) [*] 2009-02-11 SIP - API - SIPRTPDump variable support added, tested [*] 2009-02-11 [#CCJ-566456] All services - Temp data - CheckDir() used if Rewrite() fails, applied in several places, tested [*] 2009-02-10 Linux - php.ini - new icewarp_sharedlib_path ini variable added - points to ./html/_shared/ directory [-] 2009-02-10 [#HPK-228748] Antispam Live - Workaround for the ctasd deamon launch problems on linux [*] 2009-02-10 Notifier - Options - Notification type support added, few controls renamed, Show Unread Messages usable even if notification disabled, tested [-] 2009-02-10 [#CCJ-566456] All services - Each service deletes only its own temporary data when restarting [*] 2009-02-10 IMAP - remote accounts - CRAM-MD5 authentication tested [*] 2009-02-10 Notifier - SSL support added, CRAM-MD5 authentication tested [*] 2009-02-10 SocketClass - SSL context released in SSLCheck() which is called only in Destroy, Open and Listen, removed from Disconnect method, tested [*] 2009-02-09 IMAP Client - CRAM-MD5 authentication support added (Traffic Test, Notifier, IMAP Remote Accounts), tested [*] 2009-02-09 Groupware - GetPublicvCalendar - FolderRead right set to true, fixes reading public items, tested [*] 2009-02-09 PHP - Projects updated to use _shared repository, tested [*] 2009-02-09 Setup - ini process - %%htmlpath%% variable added, php.ini - new icewarp_sharedlib_path ini variable added - points to ./html/_shared/ directory, _shared libraries added [*] 2009-02-09 Notifier - SSL libraries added, autodiscover always runs on SSL [*] 2009-02-09 AutoDiscover - tested with WindowsMobile [*] 2009-02-09 Notifier - Icon indicates if there are any mails, systray hint in unicode and reflects number of messages waiting, setup preconfigure updated, password scrambled, uninstaller added to Add/Remove programs [*] 2009-02-09 Config - Autodiscover - All servers are set, if hosts the same as SMTP then internally they are kept blank, blank value defaults to SMTP host, tested [*] 2009-02-09 Autodiscover - SSL on by default [*] 2009-02-06 Autodiscover - returns only those services that are available to the user, tested [*] 2009-02-06 Setup - Upgrade autodiscover typo fixed [*] 2009-02-06 Notifier - registry --mail param fixed [+] 2009-02-06 Spam reports - new system of spam reports introducced, system URIs updated from /challenge/ to /reports/ [*] 2009-02-06 ActiveSync updated [*] 2009-02-06 Setup - Start Menu - Download Clients - new menu item added, links to /install/ page on your server [*] 2009-02-06 Webmail updated [+] 2009-02-06 Notifier - Autodiscover implemented, specify only email and password and the rest will be filled automatically (server, username and URL), tested [+] 2009-02-06 AutoDiscover client class created, tested [+] 2009-02-06 XMLClass - Simple XPath implemented [-] 2009-02-06 [#HDU-768081] Config - Rules - The action 'send message' is not shown as 2 actions even if "To" is empty [+] 2009-02-06 IceWarpCom Class - IcewarpLicense Object - new method RetrieveOnlineLicense(OrderID, ReferenceKey) added [+] 2009-02-05 Autodiscover service complete, config updated, new Services - AutoDiscover tab added, dual linked controls, client autodiscover implementation document available, tested [+] 2009-02-05 SIP - NAT traversal, RTCP stream support added, new API variable SIPRTCP added, tested, RTCP off by default [-] 2009-02-05 [#QXD-322079] Config - Linux - Check of digital signature works with recent versions of wine [+] 2009-02-05 API - URL variables support added (SMS, ActiveSync, WebDAV, WebMail), config updated, tested [-] 2009-02-05 [#DDH-730330] Config - several problems with help displaying fixed (Log Analyzer, Management/Catalogs) [*] 2009-02-05 Webmail updated [-] 2009-02-05 [#AOH-484211] API - boolean support put back, tested [*] 2009-02-05 Make scripts updated [*] 2009-02-05 Notifier setup - signature and package added to "install" directory [-] 2009-02-05 [#BYV-257647] DNS Class - Local hosts file is searched even if DNS cache is disabled [*] 2009-02-05 Connector setup - signature added [*] 2009-02-05 Install clients page - webserver.dat updated to relative "install" directory, default files updated, upgrade procedures updated [*] 2009-02-05 HTTP Server - Directory alias - support for relative destination with "../" added, the remaining URI is still strict and secure but the destination path set in the settings will be expanded, tested [+] 2009-02-05 Autodiscover service added, upgrade functions updated, default webserver.dat updated, tested [-] 2009-02-05 [#ZSX-269384] SMTP Service - Quarantine - owner of quarantine report is correctly evaluated even in case of backup domain [+] 2009-02-04 Notifier - Setup script created and tested [*] 2009-02-04 ActiveSync updated [-] 2009-02-04 SMTP Service - MailProcessing - AddScore filter - action is evaluated immediately, so that later actions can override this action [*] 2009-02-04 Config - TextMemo - Find - direction Up, new algorithm used, quick as the direction down, tested [+] 2009-02-04 SMS Service - Logging enhanced, each log contains the gateway id prefix so you can see to which gateway the log belongs to, tested [*] 2009-02-04 Services - Domain Access Mode - fixed for SMS, FTP and WebDAV, tested [*] 2009-02-04 Config - Rules dialog - conditions and actions updated for SMS In and Out tabs, proper lists used [*] 2009-02-04 Migration Engine - If login in the queue fails a permanent error is logged and use will not be retried [+] 2009-02-04 Notifier - Default browser support added, Autostart option added, help updated [+] 2009-02-03 Linux - [LZX-578002] New menu item added to Wizard: Display licence information [*] 2009-02-03 Notifier - UIDList support added, retrieves only UIDs from the given list, Max const for Subject, From and Body, MIME problem fixed [*] 2009-02-03 Setup - html/install - new install page developed, upgrade html directories updated, tested [+] 2009-02-03 Setup - setupinstall.dat package added, contains client applications (connector-setup.exe and others), installed under /install directory [*] 2009-02-03 MIMEClass - GetMessageBody() - if ContentType=='' text/plain or text/html converted to text is returned by default, tested [-] 2009-02-03 [#AOH-484211] API - Non allocated memory is not accessed if wrong call to API is performed, e.g. 'tool display system u_admin' [+] 2009-02-03 Notifier - Support for IMAP IDLE added, richedit with unicode implemented, first alpha version, INTERNALDATE used instead of Date: header, TZ properly converted, Windows sound notification support added + disable option [-] 2009-02-03 [#QJW-458936] DB Class - End lines in queries results properly sanitized [-] 2009-02-03 [#IKJ-688633] DB Class - TOP clause is not used if Oracle database is present [*] 2009-02-02 SIP - RTPDump replayed via RTP Tools (rtpplay) and JMF Studio (requires multicast IP to receive streams) [*] 2009-02-02 Notifier - Email checking and dialog fading, options [*] 2009-02-01 Setup - Removed install confirmation message box [+] 2009-01-30 Webmail updated, VoIP support [+] 2009-01-30 Notify - new tool introduced, handles windows default mail client for webmail, support for --help, --runmail, --mailto, --register and --unregister parameters, tested [-] 2009-01-30 [#UAV-921861] HTTP Server - security issue [+] 2009-01-30 API + Config - SIP Call Transfer Agent settings support added, GUI and API updated, tested [-] 2009-01-30 [#MYN-329171] IMAP server - Text body from malformed email is returned correctly [*] 2009-01-30 SIP - Call Transfer agent handling updated, dialog properly closed via BYE, complete, tested [*] 2009-01-30 API - DIGEST-MD5 - qop used from WWW-Authenticate header and not user params, tested [*] 2009-01-29 SIP - Call Transfer agent handling updated, tested with CounterPath Bria and Siemens GigaSet devices, RFC3515 support [-] 2009-01-29 [#ETX-443354] API - Domain can not be renamed to already existing domain [-] 2009-01-29 IMAP service - Directory cache problem fixed [-] 2009-01-29 POP3/IMAP - Migration Engine - Directory cache properly handled, LOGIN command used in client session quotes the username [+] 2009-01-29 All Services - Authentication procedure internally removes quotes and replaces spaces with underscores [-] 2009-01-29 POP3/IMAP - Migration Engine - The same account can not being migrated more times concurrently [*] 2009-01-29 PHP - Template ext - {optional var 'value'} support for int and bool types added [-] 2009-01-29 SpamAssassin Class - proper finalization implemented [*] 2009-01-28 Groupware - VALARM - DESCRIPTION property linked to RmnTitle field, tested [*] 2009-01-28 Webmail updated [*] 2009-01-28 Activesync updated [-] 2009-01-28 [#SHU-908507] SMTP Service - Account blocking after entering wrong password is working [-] 2009-01-28 [#GAF-809621] POP3 Service - Remote Accounts - Results of Anti-spam are written into Antispam log in any case [-] 2009-01-28 [#CPI-587460] SMTP Service - List server - LEAVE, JOIN commands inform about failure if mailing list uses database for storing members [-] 2009-01-28 [#CPI-587460] SMTP Service - List server - REVIEW command works correctly if mailing list uses database for storing members [*] 2009-01-28 FTP Server - FTP Sync - support for pipelining added, connection created right after PASV, tested with FileZilla server [*] 2009-01-28 Groupware - ACL notifications - calendar.dat enable/disable option added, on by default [-] 2009-01-27 POP3/IMAP - Migration Engine - Recovery is triggered as soon as possible [*] 2009-01-27 Webmail updated [+] 2009-01-27 Groupware - Reminders - VALARM - Support for X-MOZ-LASTACK added, support for absolute and relative TRIGGER added, multiple VALARM objects already supported, tested [+] 2009-01-27 Groupware - Reminders - support for RmnLastAck and RmnTime fields added, fields returned in GetReminderList(), fields considered in reminder scheduling by groupware (RmnTime has higher priority than RmnBeforeMinutes, if reminder should occur before RmnLastAck it will be skipped) [-] 2009-01-27 [#LUA-159345] SMTP Service - Mailing List - Mailinglist Owner can confirm emails without specifying the password [-] 2009-01-27 [#PYR-333210] SMTP Service - Bypass files - emails containing parameters (e.g. are correctly processed [-] 2009-01-27 [#FUB-435904] SMTP Service - Auto-Learning - Situation when sender already appears in black/white list is not treated as an error [+] 2009-01-27 SSL Class - initialization errors are written into Servers error log [+] 2009-01-27 [#UHT-934899] - ErrorLog class implemented - allows logging from another independent classes into Icewarp servers log file using a callback function [-] 2009-01-26 Linux - [HFF-868847] created bad IMAP folder structure when migrating from Lotus Notes/Domino [+] 2009-01-26 Groupware - ACL change notification emails support added [*] 2009-01-26 [#FUE-336160] SMTP Server - Information about rejected and deleted messages is added also into SMTP log [-] 2009-01-26 SMTP Server - Directory cache is properly updated in auto learning [+] 2009-01-26 POP3/IMAP - Migration Engine - Recover mode support implemented, if error occurs automatic session recovery is applied and session resumed, UIDL file shared accross sessions (mails will not be downloaded again), tests on IMAP and POP3 [*] 2009-01-26 POP3/IMAP - Session status warning if message processing error [*] 2009-01-26 POP3/IMAP - UIDL processing updated [*] 2009-01-26 [#HVO-264007] IM Server - GroupChat - Persistent rooms are not deleted after server restart, non persistent rooms are deleted after logout of last user [*] 2009-01-26 SIP - Multiple contacts to one account - new contact put as first (highest priority resource) [-] 2009-01-23 Linux - [VLE-234315] XML RPC specification violation [i] 2009-01-23 Drafts [*] 2009-01-23 ActiveSync updated [*] 2009-01-23 Webmail updated [*] 2009-01-23 Groupware - New reminder fields - RmnLastAck and RmnTime added, calendar.xml updated, default database updated, upgrade procedure implemented [+] 2009-01-23 DNSClass - DNS Truncation support, RFC 1035 (DNS over TCP) implemented, in case of UDP DNS Truncation a TCP DNS query is performed as in RFC, tested [*] 2009-01-23 RPC - instance.method new delimiter "." used instead of "->", XML RPC compliant, support for <type> parameter added, tested [*] 2009-01-23 SmartAttach - If an error occurs after attachments were removed original email file is used, this way attachments are never lost, tested, updated core attachments functions [*] 2009-01-23 License server updated [*] 2009-01-23 DNSClass - Truncation flag handled [+] 2009-01-22 Linux - ODBC support on Linux with unixODBC [-] 2009-01-22 PHP Extension - icewarp_openssl_pkcs7_read fix of work with CRL [*] 2009-01-22 Linux - ODBC support added, tested with Postgress and Oracle, Oracle requires latest unixodbc sources (RHEL default is obsolete) + Oracle odbc driver + Oracle 11 [-] 2009-01-22 SIP - REGISTER - Expires update - CallID must match, tested [-] 2009-01-22 [#HIZ-806756] Database Class, Regex Class - Proper termination routines implemented [-] 2009-01-21 SMTP Service - Anti-spam - If "Score required to quarantine message" is set, but quarantine is disabled, logs do not contain info about bypassing quarantine [-] 2009-01-21 [#QHJ-545489] SMTP Service - Anti-spam - Message score is truncated to interval <0,10> after all actions increasing score are done [*] 2009-01-21 [#SEE-927019] XML Class - HTMLEntities - support for unicode numeric entities #&nnn; added, tested [*] 2009-01-20 SIP - RTP Dump implemented according to, compatible with WireShark, tested with RTP Tools [-] 2009-01-20 [#BXK-225231] SMTP Service - User statistics - file with years statistics is not deleted by accident [+] 2009-01-20 IM server - AOL gateway - Example of configuration upgraded [+] 2009-01-20 API - New system property C_System_Adv_Ext_SSLCipherList - allows disable weak SSL ciphers - syntax according to ( [*] 2009-01-20 SSL Class - Research - How to disable weak ciphers [+] 2009-01-20 PHP Extension - New function icewarp_openssl_pkcs7_read added - supports parsing of pkcs#7 certificate files [*] 2009-01-19 Groupware - ACL - Case sensitive ACL preserved, email address always converted to lowercase (Name component preserved), tested, Config MemberItem dialog uses the same mechanism [*] 2009-01-19 SIP - RTP monitoring/recording implemented, first tests [*] 2009-01-19 Activesync updated [-] 2009-01-16 [#FYB-821323] HTTP server - Temporary stored POST data are not shown in Console/incoming queue [*] 2009-01-16 SIP - ACK bypassing GW rules removed, tested GW and ordinary calls [*] 2009-01-16 SMS - Email to SMS - Subject CRLF Body used, CRLF instead of Space used, tested [*] 2009-01-16 IMAP - COPY - Notification engine - proper folder name reported, tested [-] 2009-01-16 SMTP Service - Anti-spam Live - FP reporting changed according to example from Commtouch (but still does not work as it should) [*] 2009-01-16 [#IKF-925734] IM Service - MSN gateway - Protocol version changed to 9 [-] 2009-01-16 [#XSG-725509] Config - Logging - Anti-spam logging is not turned off after change of anti-spam settings [+] 2009-01-16 [#SWN-170260] SMTP Service - Anti-Spam - Quarantine - Record with empty owner or empty sender will not be added into database. [+] 2009-01-16 SMS Gateway - Sender reply support - Support for 00 number prefix (international number), support for local number format added, uses only last 9 digits, number sanitization implemented, tested [*] 2009-01-16 Groupware - FreeBusy displays even private events if Busy status [*] 2009-01-16 Groupware - BUSY share status renamed to CONFIDENTIAL and type from B changed to C, calendar.xml updated [*] 2009-01-16 Webmail updated [*] 2009-01-16 WebDAV updated [*] 2009-01-16 [#SWN-170260] Config - Font changed from 'MS Sans Serif' to 'Microsoft Sans Serif' [*] 2009-01-16 WCS Module - Support for request with missing Content-Type added, fixes IE WM IM, tested [*] 2009-01-15 IMAP Service - ~ works together with SharedAccountPrefix [*] 2009-01-15 IMAP Service - Subfolders of shared account can be listed and selected without former subscription e.g. LIST ~ john@doe/*, SELECT ~john@doe/folder [*] 2009-01-15 IMAP Service - SETACl and GETACl can work with full name e.g. "John Doe <john@doe>" [+] 2009-01-15 API - CryptData() - DIGEST-MD5 new algorithm support added, automatically creates a digest response string, can be used for SIP authentication and others, tested [*] 2009-01-15 IMAP - Notification engine - Folder matches the exact value as used in the SELECT command, fixes SyncPush activities on IMAP folders [*] 2009-01-15 [#BDY-892954] SIP - Request Preprocessing, better strict router detection performed, RFC 16.4, the value in URI does not need to match the previous Record-Route 100% (";lr" can be missing), special compatibility with Zyxel VoIP phones, tested [*] 2009-01-14 [#YPV-222142] SMTP Service - It is possible to check also user size limits of incoming messages using C_Mail_SMTP_Other_IncommingMessageLimits [-] 2009-01-14 [#TVE-383197] SMTP Service - DKIM does not destroy all recipients but first [*] 2009-01-14 Webmail updated [*] 2009-01-14 ActiveSync updated [-] 2009-01-14 [#YPV-222142] Config, Installer - More space for localizations, typo fixed [+] 2009-01-14 XMPP - Shared roster - Presence notifications support for groups implemented, tested [-] 2009-01-13 [#FUE-336160] - SMTP Service - Rejection result returned in SMTP session works correctly again [-] 2009-01-13 SMTP Service - Headers/Footers are not appended twice if mda is used for internal message delivery [-] 2009-01-13 [#RFW-636074] SMTP Service - "Dedupe email messages" works correctly even if mda is used for internal message delivery [-] 2009-01-13 [#LTP-683348] SMTP Service - Headers and footers are processed on recipients base, problems with local relay solved [i] 2009-01-13 SIP - RTP NAT - Audio and Video (voice + web cam) RTP NAT simultaneously for one call tested, tested with CounterPath Bria [-] 2009-01-13 [#PYR-333210] SMTP Service - Whitelist works correctly when using a parameter within the recipients email address (e.g. sms:number@domain) [-] 2009-01-13 [#WIL-265950] SMTP Service - Email body is not encoded twice into utf-8 when forwarded via 'xmpp:' [-] 2009-01-12 [#HDU-768081] Config - Rules - The action 'send message' is not shown as 2 actions [-] 2009-01-12 [#WQP-208735] Config - Rules - Negations of several rules conditions were not displayed correctly [-] 2009-01-12 [#WQP-208735] Config - Rules - 'Contains string' condition is not displayed any more [-] 2009-01-12 [#WQP-208735] Config - Rules - within the condition 'contains list of strings(..)', when adding some account with '...' button, it appends the select value to the field instead of replacing it [*] 2009-01-12 SMTP - Attachment Extraction - NonBoundary flag properly set, SmartAttach - NonBoundary attachments will not be stripped (uuencoded or primary body attachments), tested [+] 2009-01-12 XMPP - Shared roster - Support for groups added, an ordinary group or domain group [] can be used, names are automatically retrieved from account list, subscription attributes are always set to BOTH, tested [-] 2009-01-12 [#YIB-951978] SMTP Service - Content Filters - "Message body matches" filter works correctly with mails containing non utf-8 charsets [*] 2009-01-12 XMPP - Roster handling updated, URLEncode/Decode used, new SharedRoster handling and parameter [-] 2009-01-12 [#JOA-402132] SMTP Service - Group mail delivery works correctly with domain aliases [+] 2009-01-12 Groupware - OpenFolder() - Possibility to open a shared account that has not been subscribed yet, support for ~email and also SharedAccountPrefix for OpenFolder() and AddFolder(), tested [*] 2009-01-12 [#NCB-833264] Remote Server Watchdog - Logging improved, error in examples\strings.dat fixed [*] 2009-01-12 SIP - ENUM - support for 00123 for ENUM added, 00 gets replaced internaly to + so even ENUM regex matches the number, some clients replace + with 00 and this fixes the problem, tested [+] 2009-01-12 Groupware - vCard - FBURL (FreeBusyURL) support added, if FBURL in DB blank and email is local FBURL set for proper freebusy inquiry, tested [+] 2009-01-12 Groupware - GetShareAccountList - API - new attribute (expanded groups) support added, tested [+] 2009-01-11 New OpenSSL-0.9.8j engine used, tested [+] 2009-01-09 API - new read only variables D_ASSupport and D_QuarantineSupport added [+] 2009-01-09 API - new function GetLogRecords() added, PHP API updated [*] 2009-01-08 SIP - ENUM/E.164 handling updated, NAPTR parsing case insensitive, real regex replace applied, support for added ( used first then, tested [*] 2009-01-08 IM Server - logging improved [*] 2009-01-08 SMTP Server - correct handling of situations when whitelist Xor blacklist are enabled [*] 2009-01-08 [#OMB-122753] IMAP Server - If imapindex.dat can not be successfully opened and processed, error is produced into error log and operation is retried once again after some short time [*] 2009-01-08 [#WNN-274854] IMAP Server - If subfolder of nonexistent folder is created, the parent folder is correctly included in the subdirs cache [*] 2009-01-07 ActiveSync updated [*] 2009-01-07 Webmail updated [*] 2009-01-07 [#QVA-726613] SMTP - Move to Inbox for POP3 account disabled, tested [*] 2009-01-07 [#HJV-586946] Config - Send message dialog - Patterns popup disabled for Rules message actions and any account Send message dialog (Responders etc.), tested [-] 2009-01-07 [#ABZ-119868] Logging - LoadBalanced environment vs. non internal DoLog() logs handling added, in several logs (IM Presence, IM Archive, LogAnalyzer) LB LocalServiceID is ignored, fixes viewing of logs for these service via GUI, tested [-] 2009-01-07 [#PHF-549886] HTTP server - Rewrite - Non regex rewrites are working again [*] 2009-01-06 System - MyStrToDate() handles "/" and "-" and no delimiter using the format yyyymmdd [*] 2009-01-06 [#WQS-693848] Config - HelpContext set to UserPanel [*] 2009-01-06 Groupware - ACL - FrtEmail can contain name and email such as "Name <email>", full ACL names supported [-] 2009-01-06 [#UHH-388959] SMTP - Mailing List - temporary files are correctly deleted [*] 2009-01-06 Config - splash updated [-] 2009-01-06 [#OKV-465606] Config - Cut / Paste all data properly moved to new domain, tested [-] 2009-01-06 [#CQU-962314] SMTP Server - Continuation line for SMTP AUTH PLAIN 334 space problem fixed [*] 2009-01-06 [#NUN-489932] HTTP Server - Directory redirect is absolute instead of relative, fixes several possible issues, tested [*] 2009-01-06 SIP - Main Location email based on primary email address, Location service contains also Phone aliases which will be displayed in the SIP sessions value, tested [-] 2009-01-06 IMAP - Groupware integration - Special type of events (Occurrence events) is not included into the list of events - fixed. [*] 2009-01-06 ActiveSync updated [*] 2009-01-05 Config - SIP - Gateway conditions - order sensitive, up down buttons added [i] 2009-01-05 SIP - Gateway selection by "#1" as appendix in the phone number would go as: "^(.*)(%231)(@.*)$" (for #1 and rewrite would be $1$3), for default gateway without "#" it would be: "^(?!.*%23)(.*)$", tested, "#" is URL encoded in SIP so it has to be specified as "%23" [+] 2008-12-31 SIP - TCP and TLS tests performed, calls and instant messaging over SIP TCP and TLS (SIPS), CounterPath Bria SIP client used for tests [+] 2008-12-29 SIP - TCP keep-alive supported, Location service Contact: * removal support added, multiple contact binding support added, Contact list retrieval based on CallID (multiple binding), preparations and finalization for proper TCP and UDP packet handling, tests [*] 2008-12-28 Groupware - ActiveSync recurrences - Required elements with zero recalculated to contain proper value based on DTStart, tested [*] 2008-12-27 Groupware - ActiveSync recurrences - Zero value elements not present in the output xml [i] 2008-12-23 Drafts [+] 2008-12-23 SIP - Rules - New function RESPONSE implemented (allows to send your own response to a SIP request), tested SIP MESSAGE SMS gateway eg. ...<NUMBER>^([0-9]).*</NUMBER><METHOD>MESSAGE</METHOD><SMS>1</SMS><RESPONSE>200 OK</RESPONSE>..., the SMS rule action integrates smoothly with the SMS service and its authentication just like SMTP or XMPP SMS gateway, that means users already authenticated and rights to the SMS service do not need to authenticate to SMS service again [+] 2008-12-22 SIP - Rules - New rules functions implemented, METHOD (create a regex restriction to SIP method), STOP (stop processing the SIP packet) and SMS (send sms with parameters eg. "1" or "maxmsgs=1") [-] 2008-12-22 IMAP service - FETCH commands does not set the \Seen flag if the user has not enough privileges [+] 2008-12-22 XMPP - SMS Gateway support added, shares the library with email gateway (email.dll /, supports smsparams module parameters which will be added to each sent SMS to the SMS service, if destination JID does not contain '%' for domain delimiter the destination is not an email address but sms, tested, eg. JID: (results in email delivery), JID: (results in SMS delivery), you can use the email gateway service definition ( or create a new [-] 2008-12-21 IMAP service - Automatically created folders updates subdirs cache [-] 2008-12-21 SMTP service - Anti-spam - SpamSkipBypassLocalUntrusted depends again on MIME From header [*] 2008-12-21 XMPP - Services - support for module params added, examples updated [*] 2008-12-21 XMPP - Monitor gateway - Groupware - Support for folders added (private, shared and public), tested [*] 2008-12-21 SIP - Session expiration = Expires request + 4 min [-] 2008-12-20 SMTP service - Anti-spam access mode is correctly evaluated if anti-spam is allowed for all users [-] 2008-12-19 Linux - [QZX-375276] Tool works for remote operations [*] 2008-12-19 Webmail updated [*] 2008-12-19 VersitClass - vcalendar 1.0 if timezone defined, time converted to UTC and TZ property or VTIMEZONE will be missing, tested [+] 2008-12-19 IMAP Server - Parent folders of root of user share and public share can be subscribed/unsubscribed even if they do not exist [+] 2008-12-19 IMAP Server - C_GW_SharedAccountPrefix linked to root of user shared folders [*] 2008-12-19 Groupware - OpenFolder - Virtual folder mode detected automatically, Folder separator CRLF [*] 2008-12-19 VersitClass - VTIMEZONE disabled for vcalendar 1.0 [*] 2008-12-19 SpamAssassin - Rules reloaded automatically if any of them changes (antispam update rules reload problem fixed), tested [+] 2008-12-18 Config - Groupware - Shared Account Prefix option added, lets you specify additional prefix for shared accounts in groupware, these can contain path delimiters and national characters, tested, groupware - prefix always used [+] 2008-12-18 Groupware - Virtual folder - Item actions support added, based on ItemID folder and group is detected and proper foldersessionid found, virtual folders complete, CloseFolder (virtualfolder support), tested different scenarios in webmail [-] 2008-12-17 Linux - [XSN-985828] Control hangs when ctasd touch via webadmin [-] 2008-12-17 Linux - [STG-713423] Asynchronous handling of Commtouch process [+] 2008-12-17 API - C_GW_SharedAccountPrefix - new variable added, linked to groupware [+] 2008-12-17 Groupware - Virtual folder - List functions support implemented, Interval functions implemented, updated calendar.xml, tests performed, rights to virtual folder are bit AND values of all folder rights [-] 2008-12-17 [#IEE-229680] Setup - Demo Accounts checkbox is in unchecked state by default [-] 2008-12-17 [#YKI-512332] tool - If account cannot be imported, error is properly displayed [-] 2008-12-17 Data class - listing content of correct old style idp archive does not produce error message [*] 2008-12-17 POP3 Server - login is disabled if mail storage is unaccessible [-] 2008-12-17 [#LMI-385545] SMTP Service - Forwarding to non local domains uses empty "MAIL FROM" even if "MDA for internal messages" is turned on [-] 2008-12-17 [#ENF-479325] Setup - regex.dll is correctly released and makes no troubles during installation [+] 2008-12-16 IMAP - Support for nested root shared/public folder names, shared/public folder can contain folder path delimiters such as: 'Shared Accounts\emails' etc. [*] 2008-12-16 Groupware - Virtual folder OpenFolder() API function implemented [-] 2008-12-16 [#CMX-886018] SMS - Gateways vs. disabled services, load problem fixed, tested [*] 2008-12-16 Groupware - Funambol tests performed, SIF, vcard and vcalendar (Tasks, Notes, Contacts, Calendar), reminderoptions updated, funambol does not support occurrences [*] 2008-12-16 Groupware - SIF format - Special XML format used for SIF (Funambol project flaw - ' and " is not decoded by Funambol client), ' and " never sent, tested [*] 2008-12-15 Linux - [ZEB-808449] Default PHP startup log file name is ./logs/phpstartup.log [-] 2008-12-15 Linux - [ZEB-808449] Default PHP error log file name is ./logs/phperror.log [*] 2008-12-15 Linux - [CKU-614326] Wizard does not checks if merak is running, because it uses tool [*] 2008-12-15 SMTP Server - Mail processing flow redesigned - Mail with multiple recipients has the same behavior as if it would be sent to each recipient separately [+] 2008-12-15 Groupware - Support for nested root shared and public folder names, public/shared folder can contain folder path delimiters such as: 'Shared Accounts\emails' etc., tested [*] 2008-12-15 Groupware - GroupTitle public/shared handling updated [*] 2008-12-15 System - SaveAccount - Group - members properly saved to Groupware, tested [+] 2008-12-15 [#MQE-153175] System - Logging - syslog - support for multiple syslog servers separated with semi-colon added [-] 2008-12-12 Linux - [TKF-398730] Merak does not listen on port lower than 1024 when started under root but running under unprivileged user [*] 2008-12-12 Webmail updated [+] 2008-12-12 API - C_SMSService_ExpireMins new variable added, lets you define the sms expiration (messages that cannot be delivered) [*] 2008-12-12 System - LoadFileToString() - core handled in exception block [*] 2008-12-12 Groupware - GetReminderList() API function - linked to ProcessGroupReminders() and added Interval and Where parameters, tested recurrent Tasks and Journals, support for groupsessid and foldersessid [-] 2008-12-12 Control Service - Obtaining info about webmail session does not lock the session file [*] 2008-12-12 Groupware - ProcessGroupReminders() - Implementation changed, uses IntervalEvents() function, supports Interval and Where parameters [*] 2008-12-12 SyncML updated [+] 2008-12-11 Groupware - API - GetAccountShareList() new function implemented, api.txt updated [*] 2008-12-11 Config - Bypass dialog - IP / Pattern label updated, examples file updated, patterns can be used anywhere where IPs can be specified, including bypass files, tested [-] 2008-12-11 SmartAttach - Attachment really removed, ActionType = atRemove set, tested [*] 2008-12-11 New avast OEM engine tested [*] 2008-12-11 Groupware - ProcessGroupReminders() - Additional parameters added, tested [*] 2008-12-11 Groupware - GetAllIntervalEvents() - limitation to EvnClass='E' removed, works on Journal and Tasks folders too, tested [*] 2008-12-11 Groupware - ProcessOccurrenceID() - EventDetailList SQL used instead of EventList, ensures link to reminders, GetAllIntervalEvents() support for new parameter RemoveDuplicates added, a recurrence exception occurrence with multiple reminders gets returned only once, tested [-] 2008-12-09 Linux - [JVQ-471945] IMAP server doesnt send info about messages [-] 2008-12-09 Linux - [ESO-518941] Create tables does not work in web admin [-] 2008-12-09 Linux - Storage switch does not work in web admin [-] 2008-12-09 Linux - Fixed ODBC connection cannot be specified in webadmin [-] 2008-12-09 Linux - Fixed error when using ODBC connection string with backup connection delimiter [*] 2008-12-09 SpamAssassin - default does not contain clear_trusted_networks [*] 2008-12-09 Groupware - ActiveSync - Recurrence Type 2 and 3 swapped, rtMonthPosition = 2, rtMonthDaily = 3, tested [*] 2008-12-09 [#INA-866911] SpamAssassin - DNS IP condition - mask condition still supported instead of strict regex, tested [-] 2008-12-08 IMAP - List command - If a certain directory should not be included into the list result, but its subdirectories should be included, also the parent directory is included but with \noselect flag [-] 2008-12-08 [#EJK-727374] IMAP - Groupware integration - Special type of events (Occurrence events) is not included into the list of events. [*] 2008-12-08 Groupware - AddvCalendar - occurrences missing some values, values taken from the master object, tested [*] 2008-12-08 Setup - Startmenu shortcuts handling updated, comment can be specified and set via localization now, tested [*] 2008-12-05 WebDAV updated [*] 2008-12-05 Groupware - DeleteFolder() - If removing a shared account - all opened groups linked to this shared accounts are removed, tested [*] 2008-12-05 Webmail updated [*] 2008-12-05 PHP - new xcache trunk r554 used, stability, tests [*] 2008-12-04 Webadmin updated [*] 2008-12-04 Config - DatePicker - To MinDate limited with From value, applies to account statistics, account responder and traffic charts, tested [*] 2008-12-04 [#ACN-610183] - SMS service - Unicode splitting fixed (message converted to widestring for proper splitting) SAR long messages working, maxmsgs=1 handling updated (no SAR header created in such case), tested [*] 2008-12-03 Setup - Upgrade - webserver.dat - WM default skin redirect if accessed non-existing skin added, tested, default linux and windows webserver.dat updated (support for WM download and skin redirect) [*] 2008-12-03 SMS Service - SMS queue expiration implemented, default 5 days [+] 2008-12-03 Groupware - calendar.xml parser - support for nested XML with DB type attribute added, tested, calendar.xml updated to use nested XML instead of multiple XML SQL records for different db systems, tested [*] 2008-12-03 Config - TestDBConnection - updated (separate primary and backup connections properly formatted) [*] 2008-12-03 DB - Default DBType set based on DBDriver properly, special case with unsuccessful dynamic connection handling fixed [+] 2008-12-03 Groupware - new API functions - GetContactDetailExList, GetContactDetailExCount, returns Location and Phone records, tested with different database systems [*] 2008-12-03 Groupware - API Links - Function names converted to lowercase for better performance [*] 2008-12-02 [#NJM-714807] - Config - TestDBConnection proper handling implemented, tests both Primary and Backup separately but displays only one result [+] 2008-12-02 Groupware - New API function - GetReminderList implemented, returns the list of upcoming reminders, tested [*] 2008-12-02 Groupware - Reminder object list contains FdrID and OWN_ID [*] 2008-12-02 Setup - Updated setup menu [-] 2008-12-02 [#MFL-442796] SMTP - NDR and other reports - double Content-Type header removed, tested [*] 2008-12-01 Webmail updated [+] 2008-12-01 Config - Accounts - Drag and Drop with Shift held down for account move to a new domain implemented, move account implemented, tested [+] 2008-12-01 Config - New support for Cut and Paste (real move performed with account data preserved), tested [*] 2008-12-01 System - MoveAccountData() function implemented and tested, new RPC commands DeleteEmail and MoveAccountData added [*] 2008-12-01 Control - RPC - File handling updated, tested [*] 2008-12-01 Config - Antivirus and Antispam - Other - Logging section removed, use the one in Logging - Services tab [*] 2008-12-01 System - Primary account alias change results in groupware RenameOwner() call so the data is still accessible, tested [+] 2008-12-01 Groupware - API - New function RenameOwner() added [+] 2008-12-01 Config - Account - Drag and Drop - Drop accounts onto user account (adds to user's friends list), tested [*] 2008-12-01 Config - Account - Members action - Auto save implemented [*] 2008-11-29 Webmail updated [i] 2008-11-28 Drafts [+] 2008-11-28 WebDAV updated - CardDAV support [-] 2008-11-12 [#FJK-246666] IMAP - Groupware integration - If IMAP folder converted to GW folder is SELECTed, the information structure of SELECTed mailbox is properly updated [*] 2008-11-28 Config - Accounts - Tab handling updated, each pagecontrol activepageindex remembered when changing views, tested [+] 2008-11-27 Config - Accounts Management - Drag and Drop support implemented, support for account/domains to be dragged to members of Users, Mailing Lists and List servers added, tested [-] 2008-11-27 [#RST-695821] Config - Imported values are not overwritten during importing of accounts and domains [+] 2008-11-26 System - Maintenance logs - System settings update logged, services start and stop, tested [*] 2008-11-26 Services - Executable icon removed [*] 2008-11-26 Webmail updated [-] 2008-11-26 [#GMZ-478450] System - Domain clusters - Better error logging, cluster can contain domains without users [-] 2008-11-26 [#OKR-631422] SMTP Server - Recipients of quarantined messages are correctly saved when Anti-Spam is set to "domain mode" [-] 2008-11-26 [#OKR-631422] SMTP Server - Rules - Quarantine action works also when set for a a single domain or account [+] 2008-11-26 [#WXN-654871] HTTP Server - Support for port in virtual host name added, checks the local port if virtual host name port present, tested [+] 2008-11-26 Config - Several options updated due to mainstream use and confusion (IM - OS report, primary domain force, Mail Service - Advanced - Protocol (Deny EXPN on by default), Mail Service - Delivery - MDA Queue, System - Advanced - Logging - Protocols, WebDAV+SyncML+ActiveSync+WebMail logging, Global Settings - Maintenance Logs) [-] 2008-11-25 [#XWE-752670] System - Password Policy - when user violates the password policy, he is able to change another properties [-] 2008-11-25 SyncObj Class - If waiting disabled, waiting never performed [*] 2008-11-25 Anti-Spam - Asian Bayesian - Finalization [*] 2008-11-24 System - Service stopping - The order of performed tasks matches /systray mode, tested all services [*] 2008-11-24 Groupware - Support for Audio reminder added (Versit updated) [*] 2008-11-24 WebDAV updated [*] 2008-11-24 WCS Module - 410 Gone response added if XMPP session no longer available (instead of 404 Not Found) [*] 2008-11-24 [#ACN-610183] SMS Service - Long message (SAR) support for unicode messages fixed, tested [*] 2008-11-24 Groupware - ActiveSync - Tasks - Reminder - UTC format updated, tested [*] 2008-11-23 [#LAD-432290] SNMPServer - SNMPWalk fixed, OIDs generated properly as <PROD>.2.<SvcID>.<SVC>, tested all cases, snmpget -v 2c -c public, snmpwalk -v 2c -c public [*] 2008-11-23 [#LAD-432290] SNMPServer - timeticks problem fixed, ASNEncInt() used instead of ASNEncUInt() for ASN1_TIMETICKS, tested [*] 2008-11-23 SNMPServer - If no data received in SNMP request no response sent, changed the behavior of the SNMPServer class, tested [*] 2008-11-22 New icon [*] 2008-11-22 Config - Connection manager - Connect dialog always saves the settings if connection successful, tested [-] 2008-11-21 [#GOP-944128] FTP Server - LIST filemask proper support implemented, tested [*] 2008-11-21 Groupware - CreatePrimaryGroup() - creates also default folders [*] 2008-11-21 Config - Public folders - Delete public folder - Deletes all public folder data [*] 2008-11-21 IMAP - Client connection - SELECT mailbox - mailbox used matches the exact returned name in LIST response (some servers have problems with literals used as quoted names later - Domino IMAP), tested, migration tested with Domino IMAP [*] 2008-11-21 Groupware - calendar.xml updated - database compatibility [*] 2008-11-21 SyncML updated [*] 2008-11-21 DBInterface - Firebird - Support for transactions added [*] 2008-11-21 SmartAttach - List of banned contenttypes added, S/MIME attachments are banned by default (application/x-pkcs7-signature;application/x-pkcs7-mime), tested [*] 2008-11-21 AttachmentsClass - Content-Type support added, RemoveAttachments supports an AttachmentsClass instance [*] 2008-11-21 Groupware - All databases tested (MSSQL, MSAccess, MySQL, Firebird, SQLite), incorrect SQL statament localized [*] 2008-11-20 WebDAV updated [*] 2008-11-20 Webmail updated [*] 2008-11-20 Webadmin updated [*] 2008-11-20 IMAP - Client Connection - GetStringParam() - support for {size} parameters added, tested with Domino IMAP server [*] 2008-11-20 LDAP - Trim() added in several places, LDIFTovCard() - sets all LDIF properties, tested with with NDS [*] 2008-11-20 System - ServerSlave global variable in LB environment, set to false if LB not set [*] 2008-11-20 XMPP - Subscription with remote server user (initial presence from properly formatted), tested [*] 2008-11-20 [#ULQ-908387] XMPP - SendXMLToServer() function updated, support for multiple XML streams added, tested [*] 2008-11-20 XMPP - Presence handling simplified, PROBE presence (all resource presence broadcasted), tested [*] 2008-11-19 [#WHW-472162] HTTP Server - Rewrite - Continuation rules preserve the previous result, tested [*] 2008-11-19 [#CZU-205243] Security of localized versions - Possibility to disable English language in Console and Installer added, Informational text about Country not found in the list added [+] 2008-11-19 Anti-Spam - Asian Bayesian - initial functionality [-] 2008-11-19 Anti-Spam - Bayesian - small numerical instability fixed [*] 2008-11-19 Groupware - Versit - Reminders - support for negative relative reminders (compatibility with ActiveSync reminders which actually happen after the end of the task) [*] 2008-11-19 Groupware - ActiveSync - Complete tag - sets InProcess if 0 [*] 2008-11-19 PHP API classes updated - new class name IceWarp*, compatibility preserved Merak*, tested [*] 2008-11-19 Webmail updated [*] 2008-11-18 [#CZU-205243] Security of localized versions - Initial functionality [*] 2008-11-18 TLS/SSL revision - server supports only sslv3 and tlsv1, client runs in sslv3, sslv2 never used [*] 2008-11-15 WebDAV attachment and file download support fixed and tested [*] 2008-11-14 Webmail updated [*] 2008-11-14 Groupware - GetWebDAVURL - Folder name properly formatted, tested [*] 2008-11-14 LB - SIP and XMPP LB behavior only if LB environment [*] 2008-11-13 WebDAV updated [*] 2008-11-13 DB - Error log contains all lines of the error description, tested [*] 2008-11-13 System - DoLog() function - Flush parameter removed, part of Flags, updated all API classes and PHP files, updated projects, tested [*] 2008-11-13 Upgrade - webservert.dat webmail download ticket rewrite rule added if missing [*] 2008-11-13 Upgrade - previous 9.4 rules updated to 10.0, will result in error logs but it is not fatal, tested [+] 2008-11-13 [#VGF-227942] SMSClass - New queue mechanism implemented, each item requeue gets queued as a new item, several new methods added, tested [+] 2008-11-13 XMPP - Support for load balanced environments, tested, requires proper settings of Master, Master Host and Slave Hosts [*] 2008-11-13 Instant Messaging - AOL gateway - Gateway now connects to, port 9898 [-] 2008-11-13 HTTP Server - PHP - $SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] is filled correctly even if directory was requested and default document was found [+] 2008-11-13 SIP - Support for load balanced environments, tested, requires proper settings of Master, Master Host and Slave Hosts [+] 2008-11-13 Config - Load Balancing - Master Host and Slave Hosts new options added, in true LB environment servers need to know each other, path.dat updated [*] 2008-11-12 WebDAV - Item attachments in Public folder tested with Thunderbird Lightning [-] 2008-11-12 [#ZTZ-853309] Groupware - AddGroup - Superuser with blank OwnerID does not overwrite GRPOWN_ID, fixes a problem with disappearing public groups created manually or logging in to public accounts, tested [+] 2008-11-12 Group - Apply Templates - tested and nested groups support added [-] 2008-11-12 SMTP Server - Client Session - If error appears during sending data, the sending stops immediately [-] 2008-11-12 [#FJK-246666] IMAP - Groupware integration - If IMAP folder converted to GW folder is SELECTed, the information structure of SELECTed mailbox is properly updated [+] 2008-11-11 Templates - ApplyAccountAPITemplate() method implemented, Group templates complete, tested [+] 2008-11-11 Directory Service - Sync - 2 new XML options added - LDAPUSERFROMDN, USERNAMEFROMCN, implemented, tested [+] 2008-11-11 Config - Group - Template - Control vs. API variable active mapping, filter implemented, tested [+] 2008-11-11 Config - Group - Template - Remove option from template feature implemented, tested [*] 2008-11-11 Config - SetTabVisible - PageControl problem fixed by repainting all images, tested [*] 2008-11-11 Groupware - GetWebDAVURL - Folder name properly formatted [-] 2008-11-10 [#HIG-587417] SMTP Service - Accept action in filters and rules is reflected into AS log every time [-] 2008-11-10 [#WXM-107852] AD Synchronization - Additional checks of existence of accounts are performed before new account is created, Every exception during the check is interpreted as existence of the account [+] 2008-11-10 Config - Group - Template button added, template dialog support added, highlight implemented, tested [+] 2008-11-10 Config - Multiselect - Control highlight support added [*] 2008-11-10 [#XRY-964209] FTP Server - Support for '..' in filename added, too strict security removed, tested [*] 2008-11-10 Groupware - DB tests with MS SQL, SQLite, MySQL, MS Access [*] 2008-11-10 Groupware - Transactions - DB transactions processed first then other transactions (Reminder, LDAP, Notification), tested [*] 2008-11-10 [#ONB-286761] IMAP Server - Cache for FETCH command improved, enormous speed increase of downloading complex messages in Mozilla Thunderbird [+] 2008-11-10 DBInterface - ODBC - support for transactions added [*] 2008-11-10 Groupware - CheckGroupLink() - Old connector compatibility updated, tested [*] 2008-11-10 WCS - JSON support updated, attributes utf-8 support added [*] 2008-11-09 VersitParser - Trimming of long line removed, tested [+] 2008-11-09 WCS - XMLToSimpleJSON() method implemented, WCS support for JSON added, init session <body> format=json new attribute support added, integrated, tested [-] 2008-11-07 Linux - [IUX-881209] Fixed problem with pointer conversion when calling XML RPC [*] 2008-11-07 Webmail updated [-] 2008-11-07 [#DDH-730330] Config - PageControl - tab auto focus applied to all AntiSpam tabs, tested [+] 2008-11-07 JSON library available [-] 2008-11-07 IMAP - Properties of folder of non-user account are correctly obtained [+] 2008-11-07 SMTP - Rules - MoveToFolder support for non-user accounts added, useful in Groups and direct delivery to a specific folder (instead of INBOX), tested [*] 2008-11-07 SyncML updated [-] 2008-11-06 Linux - [GBW-337502] Fixed reading domains from database [*] 2008-11-06 Linux - Merak is now IceWarp Server [*] 2008-11-06 [#GUA-745246] SMTP Service - If no text/plain part is found in message forwarded to XMPP, text/html part is sent [-] 2008-11-06 IMAP Server - Domain Clusters - ACL saved with master domain, checked with master domain [-] 2008-11-06 IMAP Server - case sensitivity of INBOX in ACL fixed [-] 2008-11-06 API - Open method of AccountObject works within a domain cluster [+] 2008-11-06 [#VVP-780578] API - IceWarp.APIObject has new property C_System_Logging_Maintenance_Identity - will be used in maintenance logs as "WHO" - This property is global for the whole calling thread, it is initialized to empty string each time when any instance of IcewarpServer.APIObject is initialized [-] 2008-11-06 [#SLB-413432] SMTP Service - If "use MDA queue for internal message delivery" is turned on, forwarding to SMS and IM works [*] 2008-11-06 [#TWC-250623] SMTP Service - Client Session - switch to SMTP after 5xx error to ESMPT SIZE command is performed only if enhanced status code is not 5.3.4 [-] 2008-11-05 [#ZQV-870305] SMS Gateway - Authentication - If SMTP session is authenticated, the authenticated user is used when the access mode is checked [+] 2008-11-05 System - LDAP/AD authentication - plain text authentication for LDAP/AD users updates the local password so SASL authentication works all the time, tested [*] 2008-11-05 System - New group account with Public folder - default Folder values equals to "." [+] 2008-11-05 Config - Account - User tab redesigned, logical order and places, tested [-] 2008-11-05 [#JKK-822714] - Web Service - REQUEST_URI bug fixed [*] 2008-11-04 Config - Domain Clusters - bottom buttons properly formatted, Domain select - proper icon displayed, tested [*] 2008-11-04 [#DXP-178907] - SMTP Service - If the user is authenticated, his settings are used instead of settings of the user in MAIL FROM. This applies e.g. to limits, statistics, header/footer, autoarchive [*] 2008-11-04 Groupware vs. mysql vs. national characters tested, make sure that C_System_MySQLDefaultCharset=utf8 [*] 2008-11-04 SpamAssassin revised to 3.2.5 [*] 2008-11-04 Config - Templates - tab images support fixed, tested [*] 2008-11-04 Config - GUIObjectAPI class added, maps visual objects with API variables [+] 2008-11-04 API - Support for U_FTP, U_SMS, U_ActiveSync, U_WebDAV, D_FTP, D_SMS, D_ActiveSync, D_WebDAV and *Support variables added [*] 2008-11-04 Groupware - Public folders vs. additional OtherSelect in GetFolderList problem fixed, calendar.xml updated, tested [*] 2008-11-04 VersitClass - VTODO vs. VEVENT - specific properties to each object are not processed in other objects (PERCENT-COMPLETE, DUE, COMPLETED) [i] 2008-11-04 Groupware - In order to export objects from any folder and import them somewhere else use webfolders and copy/paste feature, tested, allows exporting all contacts, calendars etc. [*] 2008-11-04 Web Service - Regex Rewrite - support for long strings added, tested [-] 2008-11-04 [#FOZ-678865] Config - Anti-Spam - Learning Rules - Unicode characters properly displayed in names of IMAP folders [+] 2008-11-04 Directory Service - Objects field - support for LDAP filter added, syntax: <objectclass>[":"<filter>], if <filter> is blank standard "(objectClass=<objectclass>)" will be used, tested [+] 2008-11-04 Config - Logs - SIP Calls support added [-] 2008-11-04 SMS Service - SMSClass - multiple messages received at once (GSM messages) problem fixed, PDU properly parsed and messages constructed, tested [-] 2008-11-04 Instant Messaging - Messages to JIDs containing location (e.g. are delivered immediately [*] 2008-11-03 ActiveSync updated [*] 2008-11-03 WebDAV updated [*] 2008-11-03 SOCKS - SOCKSCall API support added, functions SendFile and ReceiveFile support added, designed specifically for webmail server and file transfer, SendFile: ('SendFile', 'Hash', 'FileName'), ReceiveFile: ('ReceiveFile', 'Hash', 'FileName', 'FileSize'), php api updated [*] 2008-11-03 [#NEB-546936] SMTP Service - If relay server is used (directly or after failure of "DNS lookup" delivery) and delivery fails, the next relay server is used [-] 2008-11-03 [#KXO-580989] Config - Rules - Textual representation of a rule is not limited by 255 characters [*] 2008-11-02 XMPP - Webmail bytestreams service research [*] 2008-10-31 API self explanatory parameters added [+] 2008-10-31 Config - EditForm dialog - AutoRefresh support added, autorefresh with scroll, FTP Sync uses AutoRefresh if log file exists, tested [*] 2008-10-31 Config - All process "Now" buttons reflect the result state (if failure occurs an error dialog will be displayed) (ETRN Now, FTP Sync, Backup Now, Task Now, Connect Now), tested [*] 2008-10-31 Domain Clusters - API - EmailAddress proterty of AccountObject is formed from Master domain if user is from a domain cluster [*] 2008-10-31 Domain Clusters - Only users using master domain as a part of the email address are authenticated [*] 2008-10-31 Domain Clusters - Domain rules from true user domain are used [-] 2008-10-31 Domain Clusters - Editing of domain cluster fixed [*] 2008-10-31 Domain Clusters - Domain type of a domain in a cluster can not be changed using config [*] 2008-10-31 Domain Clusters - IP binding - IP address from true user domain is used for outgoing messages [*] 2008-10-31 Config - Message Queue - keyboard DEL handling updated, calls the proper delete method [*] 2008-10-31 [#XQP-332033] SMSClass - +CMS ERROR: 304 properly handled, sms deleted and removed from the queue [*] 2008-10-31 SMSClass - GSM modem auto recovery updated, if sms cannot be sent 3 times then modem will be reinitialized [*] 2008-10-31 XMPP - #info #disco real from forced, tested [*] 2008-10-31 AS Live - Medium suspected virus messages are scored as Highly suspected virus messages [+] 2008-10-31 Config - FTP Synchronization - new controls added [*] 2008-10-31 AS Live - FP/FN Reporting - file parameter correctly formated [*] 2008-10-31 FTP - FTP Synchronization - directory/ftp clone with ignorelist (regex) tested [+] 2008-10-31 FTP - FTP Synchronization - Clone support added, Log support added, IgnoreList regex for both source and destination support added [*] 2008-10-31 SNMP Server - Service OID changed, SvcID as the next param and SVC as the last, conforms to SNMP RFCs,<PROD>.2.<SvcID>.<SVC> [*] 2008-10-31 SNMP Server - sysServices - reflects the real number of supported services, tested [*] 2008-10-31 SNMP Server - timeticks - proper RFC format used, instead of seconds, 100th of seconds used, tested [*] 2008-10-30 [#YVA-105855] Mailing list - MailQueue logging improved [*] 2008-10-30 XMPP - #disco #info to users sent directly to active user, tested [*] 2008-10-29 [#FUB-435904] Config - Anti-Spam - Learning Rules - Additional options from settings file are not deleted after editing this file using Config [*] 2008-10-29 [#EDM-245640] Config - Content Filters - Default filter "Fix missing Message-ID header" updated to conform with RFC 822 [*] 2008-10-29 [#KDY-454294] DNSBL - removed from dropdown menu [-] 2008-10-29 [#CKL-924313] SMTP Service - Client session - Another authentication methods are tried if the first method fails [*] 2008-10-30 SMTP Service - Outgoing queue is not processed immediately after restart, MailQueue logging improved [i] 2008-10-29 Drafts [*] 2008-10-29 SMS - Clickatel URL for binary messages -;len;hex%&data=%data;hex%&concat=%parts% [-] 2008-10-29 [#BNK-279588] - IM Service - Client Session - SSL status is correctly handled. This fixes bug with client session terminating unexpectedly with "could not connect" [*] 2008-10-29 XMPP - S2S - socket write failure results in closing the socket so reconnect can be performed [*] 2008-10-29 Services - Startup - Long taking operations put to startup thread (SMTP, Control), tested [+] 2008-10-29 Notepad - support for caldav, carddav and webdav added, status bar information updated [*] 2008-10-29 IMAP - Subdirs directory cache tested [*] 2008-10-28 Config - FileManager - F2/rename support added, remembers last pane and selected item, tested [*] 2008-10-28 Notepad - support for caldav and carddav URL added, can edit both NOTE and DESCRIPTION properties for both vcalendar and vcard groupware objects, logon dialog support added [*] 2008-10-27 VersitParser - TrimRight() removed, special CR LF handling applied, tested [+] 2008-10-27 Notepad - IceWarp tool supports WebDAV and can edit objects directly in Groupware. downloadable on icewarp web site [+] 2008-10-27 HTTPClass - updated, support for DIGEST MD5 authentication added, HTTPInfo struct Cookies auto set added [+] 2008-10-27 WebDAVClient - New library developed [-] 2008-10-27 [#UHQ-495381] Anti-Spam Live - FP and FN reports - Format of request fixed [*] 2008-10-27 PipeClass - $IFDEF OVERLAPPEDPIPES added, off by default [*] 2008-10-27 Groupware - Daily events - EvnList properly set if event does not start on the same day, tested [+] 2008-10-27 SMS Gateway - HTTP Gateway - Clickatel support tested, use "%udh;hex;len%" [-] 2008-10-27 Domain clusters - Local services forced to reload settings after editing domain clusters [-] 2008-10-27 Domain clusters - Settings work with remote config [+] 2008-10-27 SMS Gateway - HTTP Gateway, new %parts% parameter support added, lets you specify the number of messages in total, variable parameters supported: %number%, %data%, %udh%, %binary%, %pid%, %dcs%, %sender%, %parts% [+] 2008-10-27 SMS Gateway - HTTP Gateway, UDH - new attribute param added ";len" adds length character to any variable, usually used for UDH, eg. %udh;len;hex%, by default UDH is base64 without length prefix [*] 2008-10-27 SMS Class - UDH SAR parsing updated [*] 2008-10-27 Webmail updated [*] 2008-10-27 PHP - template and mailparse recompiled, updated cpp doc files [-] 2008-10-25 Domain clusters - Usernames within a domain cluster need not to be unique [*] 2008-10-25 Domain clusters - DKIM of master domain is used for all domains within a cluster [*] 2008-10-25 Domain clusters - Change/creation of alias of user from a domain within a domain cluster is validated through all domains in the cluster [-] 2008-10-24 Config - Logs - Filter for specification exact time fixed [+] 2008-10-24 Pipe Class - Default timeout increased, High level pipe operations can specify own timeout [+] 2008-10-23 SMS Gateway - URL parametr %msgparts added, tested [-] 2008-10-23 SMS Gateway - Missing UDH Length byte problem fixed, tested [-] 2008-10-23 SMS Gateway - Remove SAR from UDH problem fixed, tested [+] 2008-10-23 Pipe Class - Timeouts on read and write operations implemented [+] 2008-10-22 All services - "Domain clusters" introduced [-] 2008-10-21 SMS server - Access mode is correctly processed [*] 2008-10-20 PHP - New versions of php_mailparse and template extensions added [*] 2008-10-16 API - New variable C_AS_General_AntispamMode added, it corresponds with "Anti-Spam - General - Other - Anti-Spam mode" [*] 2008-10-16 [#LIN-216945] Config - Anti-Spam - Black & White List - Blacklist - "Delete messages" is enabled by default, score edit box moved to "Keywords" section [-] 2008-10-15 [#RUX-337025] Config - Status - Spam queues - Greylisting - Number of displayed items is correctly displayed [-] 2008-10-14 [#BAE-624270] Config - Status - Logs - All log rotated log files from a day are deleted by click on "delete" [-] 2008-10-14 [#XXI-628438] Config - Rules dialog - space is inserted between NOT and condition [-] 2008-10-14 [#JXW-704710] Control Service - php environment variable REQUEST_URI is filled with the URI before rewrite [*] 2008-10-14 [#LEN-971112] SMTP Service - External Filters - Order of parameters in szData variable in MerakFilterProc2 function changed [*] 2008-10-14 Config - Logs - Types of logs sorted, Log Analyzer added [*] 2008-10-14 Control service - Directory cache is not re-created after restart of the service - the specified interval is preserved [*] 2008-10-13 Data Class - Zip archiver - slash is used as separator in generated zip files [*] 2008-10-13 SMTP Server - Support for multilingual localization of bounce-back messages added. [*] 2008-10-10 PipeClass - Server terminated only if connection terminated, function names updated [*] 2008-10-10 Config - Account management - Domain - Ctrl+5 templates sheet properly displayed, tested [+] 2008-10-09 Config - Account management - Services tab added to domain and accounts, moved from Options, tested [*] 2008-10-09 XMPP - SendBuffer() uses chunked send 65536, tested [*] 2008-10-09 SocketsClass - SendBuffer() - support for chunked send added, new param added, if 0 original method used, if set chunked transfer is used, tested [*] 2008-10-09 SyncPush Server - Incoming notifications handled as one thread only, simplified, tested [*] 2008-10-09 Webmail updated [*] 2008-10-09 ActiveSync - Push - working properly with iPhone and WM, test cases [*] 2008-10-09 Web server - FCGI default timeout 150000ms [*] 2008-10-09 SMTP - AntiSpam OTHER AS log access violation problem fixed, tested [*] 2008-10-09 SMTP - Mailbox delivery - Primary email used for notifications [+] 2008-10-09 [#OVG-689143] API - Additional functions for "on the fly" update of directory cache exported ( MoveDirWithUpdate, CopyDirRecWithUpdate, DeleteDirRecWithUpdate, CacheFileWithUpdate, CacheDirWithUpdate) [+] 2008-10-09 Web server - FCGI_TIMEOUT variable added in webserver.dat, tested [-] 2008-10-09 Config - Localization - Sizes of several controls increased [-] 2008-10-09 SMTP server - Directory cache - "on the fly" updates - better exception handling [-] 2008-10-09 IMAP server - FETCH - HEADER, HEADER.FIELDS, HEADER.FIELDS.NOT, TEXT commands works correctly with embedded parts of type "message/rfc822" [*] 2008-10-09 IMAP server - List of subdirs of a directory is cached, this speeds up IMAP list command [+] 2008-10-08 PHP Extension - New functions icewarp_getlock and icewarp_releaselock implemented. [-] 2008-10-08 Groupware - EAS - AllDayEvent Start/End date handling updated, finally working [-] 2008-10-08 SMTP Service - Anti-Spam - Logging - "Other" section is not written into SA mail header, instead it is written into AS log. [*] 2008-10-08 Groupware - New indices for LctEmail1, LctEmail2, LctEmail3 created, calendar.xml updated, upgrade procedures updated, tested [*] 2008-10-08 SMSClass - AT+CMGF part of device initialization (applies to READ and SEND), tested [+] 2008-10-08 ActiveSync - Push - first beta, "Microsoft Direct Push" = ActiveSync Push, tested with iPhone 3G and WM6.1 [-] 2008-10-08 SMTP Service - Anti-Spam - Logging - Score displaying fixed in both Server logs and message headers [-] 2008-10-08 [#KQM-499227] - SMTP Service - Executable account of type "Executable" works properly with path containing spaces [-] 2008-10-08 [#RVJ-208232] Policy - Password Expiration - Warnings are send also when database is used for account storage, warning are send also before the password is changed for the first time. [-] 2008-10-07 ZLib Class - Memory leak removed [*] 2008-10-07 Groupware - Notification transactions fixed [*] 2008-10-07 Activesync updated [*] 2008-10-07 Webmail updated [*] 2008-10-07 IM - Empty IQ roster set removed, tested [-] 2008-10-07 Config - Localization - Sizes of several controls increased [*] 2008-10-06 Config - Access mode dialog - "Accounts from list" mode - Users selected in additional dialog are added to the end of the list [*] 2008-10-06 Config - SMS Incoming/Outgoing rules - its own condition / action settings (Rules dialog item type - ContentFilter, Rule, SMSIn, SMSOut), tested [*] 2008-10-06 Groupware - vCalendar 1.0 (old format) RRULE - infinite recurrences #0 added, tested [*] 2008-10-06 Control - SyncPushFree() issued when service stopped [*] 2008-10-06 Config - Groupware - Push - Active enabled if EAS or SyncML active [*] 2008-10-06 IM - Client sessions support added, tested [*] 2008-10-03 FTP - Groups - FLocal variable properly set [+] 2008-10-03 Config - Account tabs - Icons added (All accounts) [*] 2008-10-02 Config - Account tabs - Icons added (Domain) [*] 2008-10-02 Webmail updated [*] 2008-10-02 Groupware - calendar.xml + upgrade - 2 missing indices created (GRPOWN_ID and OWN_Email) [+] 2008-10-02 [#ZHQ-823087] DNSClass - CheckDNSBL() - direct ServerMatch regex support added, ContentFilter - support for DNSBL ServerMatch implemented, Config - ContentFilter - DNSBL - support for Regex field added, tested [*] 2008-10-01 Services - SyncML Push renamed to Sync Push [*] 2008-10-01 SMS Service - Remote HTTP gateway (base64 and hex urlencoded) [*] 2008-10-01 SmartAttach - Ticket in URL (base64 urlencoded) [*] 2008-10-01 API - SyncMLPush renamed to SyncPush, updated sources, API and php classes [+] 2008-10-01 WCS - HTTP Binding service - Multiple wait connections handling added, thread safety, last connection receives the result, tested [*] 2008-10-01 Config - ImageList converted to Small/LargeImageList, all objects updated to reflect new image indices, custom toolbar updated, upgrade defaults to new menu, tested [*] 2008-10-01 Antivirus - GUI Size displayed as units, Update boxes hidden if Avast disabled, AV engines converted too boolean types, tested [-] 2008-10-01 [#TMJ-723154] SMTP Service - Access Mode - "Accounts from list" works correctly for recipients specified without domain (primary domain is used) [-] 2008-10-01 [#XAD-795163] SMTP Service - Rules - Group rules are applied also to groups with multiple aliases [-] 2008-10-01 [#KQM-499227] SMTP Service - Executable account of type "URL" returns the result correctly even if the requested file has zero length [-] 2008-10-01 [#RIR-340153] Control Service - Only relevant listening sockets are restarted after change of configuration [-] 2008-09-30 Setup - /ExportLanguage parameter works again [*] 2008-09-30 Config - FTP Service - General section under PageControl [+] 2008-09-30 SMS Service - Remote HTTP Gateway - Long messages (SAR) sent as one long message instead of multiple short messages with updated UDH, compatible with remote IceWarp server [*] 2008-09-30 Upgrade - AccessMode for FTP and SMS set to List, ensures that after upgrade system accounts do not get full access to FTP and SMS services, tested [+] 2008-09-30 FTP - System account integration via Access Mode implemented, tested [+] 2008-09-30 Config - SMS Settings - Gateway option added [+] 2008-09-30 Config - FTP Settings and access mode implemented, global, domain, account level FTP settings dialog, FTP settings save/load partical account support, tested [*] 2008-09-29 Groupware - EAS - EmailAddress quoting support added, if RFC specials found email is quoted, fixes a problem with characters such as ":" in email addresses, tested [-] 2008-09-29 [#FDM-373163] Config - Response to "Send EICAR Test Message" button is correctly displayed in Unicode [-] 2008-09-29 [#LMI-385545] SMTP Service - System variables determining the recipient are correctly processed when "MDA queue for internal message delivery " is enabled [-] 2008-09-29 [#CYI-454727] Config - Statistics - Greylisting - value in percents removed [-] 2008-09-29 [#OYD-661397] SMTP Service - Challenge response message is sent to sender filled in MAIL FROM [-] 2008-09-29 [#WBK-358298] IMAP Service - Groupware Integration - SETMETADATA with empty mailbox works properly [-] 2008-09-29 [#CJK-383093] Groupware - CreateTables vs. transactions result properly returned, tested [*] 2008-09-29 XMPP - Server-To-Server keep alive implemented [*] 2008-09-29 XMPP - urn:xmpp:ping implemented (XMPP-0199), tested [*] 2008-09-29 [#UZT-821641] GUI - Fixed problem CoInitializeEx vs. EmbdeddedWB, tested [*] 2008-09-29 GUI - Support for latest EmbeddedWB applied, tested [*] 2008-09-29 Libs - Latest EmbeddedWB used [*] 2008-09-29 Config - FileManager - Move/Rename implemented, support for files, folders and RCP added, tested [*] 2008-09-28 Config - Statistics - Logs - Services order updated [i] 2008-09-27 Drafts [*] 2008-09-26 Setup - connector.dat from html/update removed [*] 2008-09-26 Webmail - IM - first beta [*] 2008-09-26 ActiveSync - first beta [*] 2008-09-26 Antivirus - DKAV over VAVCOM complete, DBInfo implemented, DBReload removed, Config - AVDone not called (AV not unloaded) [*] 2008-09-26 System - Lock files to prevent concurrent access from multiple computers implemented as a class [-] 2008-09-26 [#YBN-744850] Config - Web Service - Scripting - Paths to scripts can contain ) [-] 2008-09-25 Config - Remote Connection - Handling of remote paths fixed [*] 2008-09-25 IMAP Service - Load Balancing - IMAP internal files are locked to prevent concurrent access from multiple computers [*] 2008-09-25 Groupware - EAS - Until handling updated [+] 2008-09-25 SMTP - sms: protocol automatically used authenticated parameter if SMTP session authenticated, tested authenticated mode, tested authentication to system account [+] 2008-09-25 Config - SMS Service - SMS Settings button added for SMS Service, Domain and User, enabled state based upon Access Mode, edits global, domain or user level, tested [+] 2008-09-25 SMS Server - support for "authenticated" URL variable added, lets you indicate that sender email address is authenticated and must be processed as a local account, complete list of url parameters: /sms/?number=&data=&binary=&udh=&pid=&dcs=&user=&pass=&maxmsgs=&sender=&authenticated=&reply=&id= [+] 2008-09-25 SMS Service - Authentication and access mode integrated, if SMS authentication not found system authentication is applied, if successful sms.dat is read from a location based on access mode (global, domain, user), tested [+] 2008-09-25 Antivirus - Support for VAVCOM instead of DKAV library implemented (Kaspersky), tested [*] 2008-09-24 API - AuthenticateUserHash() migration flag - original username is also preserved [*] 2008-09-24 System - LBEnvironment global variable added, indicates if LB is active (ServerID non blank) [+] 2008-09-24 Config - Load Balancing - Reorganized and updated [*] 2008-09-24 WebDAV - ValidateUser() implemented, considers AccessMode, tested [*] 2008-09-24 Config - Domain multiselect - Edit problem fixed, tested [*] 2008-09-24 System - Account alias change - Mailbox path updated even for non user accounts (mailing lists and others), tested [+] 2008-09-24 Groupware - Busy/Free vs. Event Status vs. Event Transp handling completely updated, new calendar.xml status values, Versit support for TRANSP, EAS support for MeetingStatus and BusyStatus [*] 2008-09-24 [#SVJ-481466] Config - Status/Message queues - whitelist and similar actions are related to the selected account [+] 2008-09-24 [#BBF-442901] API - Functions for "on the fly" update of directory cache exported ( MoveFileWithUpdate, CopyFileWithUpdate, DeleteFileWithUpdate) [+] 2008-09-23 Config - Access mode for FTP, SMS and WebDAV implemented, tested [+] 2008-09-23 [#ZQJ-836425] Config - "Select / deselect all" checkboxes added into service logging, content filters and rules [*] 2008-09-23 API - ValidateAccount() - support for SMS, FTP and WebDAV added [*] 2008-09-23 Control - License checks - SMS, FTP and WebDAV added, users checks added, tested [+] 2008-09-23 API - New settings for FTP, SMS and WebDAV ProcessingMode and ProcessingGroup [*] 2008-09-23 Groupware - EAS vs. Versit - ActiveSync Calendar UID support added, stores as X-ACTIVESYNC-UID, tested [*] 2008-09-23 Config - Groupware public folders - Updated to reflect the same order and terminology as IMAP public folders [*] 2008-09-23 Config - XML - Basic interface and menu.xml auto expand updated [-] 2008-09-23 [#XAF-875162] IM Server - AOL Gateway - Outgoing messages are correctly converted into UTF8 [+] 2008-09-23 Config - Accounts - User - Services - Push Settings support added, former SyncML Push accounts settings do not exist, everything needs to be set at the user level now, tested [+] 2008-09-23 Config - Groupware tree - Completely reorganized and updated [-] 2008-09-23 [#STX-937719] MIME Class - DecodeMIMELine does not add extra CRLF inside the decoded text [-] 2008-09-23 [#ZQQ-236391] SMTP service - Global message properties ("Is spam", "Is whitelisted") are updated also before processing Filters and Rules [+] 2008-09-22 [#THQ-836930] API - Interface for calling internal logging function DoLog added [+] 2008-09-22 Config - Services - Protocol column support added [+] 2008-09-22 Project maintenance - Password for digital signing can be entered only once per build [+] 2008-09-22 Config - FileManager - Drive select support added, support for 2 remote drives implemented, remote connection protocol updated, tested all [*] 2008-09-22 [#IXK-208074] Setup - Aspell information is correctly written into registry [*] 2008-09-22 Config - FileManager - Swap panels support added Ctrl+U [*] 2008-09-22 Config - FileManager - general Left/Right pane design used, it does not matter what is remote or local (both can be remote for instance), tested [*] 2008-09-22 Config - Accounts - Alias - support for "@" added, everything after "@" stripped, tested [+] 2008-09-21 New OpenSSL-0.9.8i engine used, tested [+] 2008-09-21 Config - ConnectionManager - Quick ID support added, set numbers from 0..9 and then use Ctrl+Shift+0..9 to connect to a remote server, also you can use /forceconnect=0..9 command line parameter, tested [+] 2008-09-21 Config - ConnectionManager - Port option removed (still supported for backward compatibility), use server:port specification instead for new connections, redesigned, tested [+] 2008-09-21 Config - FileManager - final changes and tests [+] 2008-09-20 Config - FileManager - Support execute application when dbclick or enter, pane title selectable edit control, File list shell icons support added, tested [+] 2008-09-19 Config - FileManager - Support for Create folder, Rename file added, more tests and little updates [*] 2008-09-19 [#BGK-108965] DNSWL support - SpamAssassin - DNS IP condition - regex applied instead of string mask, tested, DNSWL still requires RBL to be switched on [*] 2008-09-19 WCS - Disconnect from IM handling added, WCS session automatically released, tested [*] 2008-09-19 [#YJT-139451] SMTP Service - Temporary error is returned when finalization of message fails due to disk I/O error [*] 2008-09-19 EAS - Tested with SSL on WM6 [*] 2008-09-19 Config - All message box dialogs use MB_YESNOCANCEL (so escape can be used to cancel the action) [+] 2008-09-19 Config - File Manager - run support added, icons, tested [+] 2008-09-18 Config - File Manager complete, tests [+] 2008-09-18 Config - File Manager implementation, remote connection supported, protocol commands added, tests [+] 2008-09-18 [#FJZ-731817] Mailing list authentication works correctly with BATV SRV encoded sender addresses [-] 2008-09-18 Log Analyzer - Timing of background importing fixed [*] 2008-09-18 ActiveSync updated [*] 2008-09-18 Webmail updated [*] 2008-09-18 System - Account storage DB optimizations complete [-] 2008-09-18 [#SQW-553299] SMTP Service - Mailing list - "Add to subject" functionality does not add line breakes into the message header [-] 2008-09-18 System - Domain cache problem fixed, domains are cached properly now, tested [*] 2008-09-18 Config - Domain list - If DB mode and description display mode used, only domain names are listed [+] 2008-09-18 Config - Remote connection - Accounts loading processed in one command, 100x faster (previously each account was read in 1 command), new command cmNextUsersFile, tested, backward compatibility preserved, db updated [*] 2008-09-18 System Accounts - Several attributes and structures updated, new low level functions created [*] 2008-09-18 HTTP Server - When closing the service TerminateISAPIModules() is called, calls TerminateExtension() for all ISAPI modules [*] 2008-09-18 WCS - TerminateExtension() ISAPI function published, closes all connections so all parent calls to the ISAPI are returned immediately [-] 2008-09-18 SMTP service - Settings of catch-all account is taken into account in evaluating antispam access mode [-] 2008-09-17 SMTP service - Client session - Authentication is performed only once per session [*] 2008-09-17 System - CreateCertificate() - x509_set_version() not used, caused problems to several SSL clients, iPhone SSL access working, tested [*] 2008-09-16 Sockets Class - Optional debug prints added [*] 2008-09-16 System - CreateCertificate() - emailAddress added, fixes several problems, tested [*] 2008-09-16 ActiveSync updated [-] 2008-09-16 Data class - Little validity check for ancient idp archives added [*] 2008-09-16 Antivirus - API - avuDefault option removed, avuDisabled and avuEnabled only values possible, Avast AV defaults to Enabled [*] 2008-09-16 Antivirus - ExtractAttachments() - Attachment.Size properly set, fixes problems with Eicar test and MIME message scan type only, tested [*] 2008-09-16 Setup - Correct filename is written into uninstall registry [+] 2008-09-16 Setup - VMS migration implemented, auto detect, auto migration, tested [*] 2008-09-16 Config - VMS branding removed, support for visnetic popup.dll added, dialog preserved, tested [*] 2008-09-16 Config - Basic interface xml updated [*] 2008-09-16 Setup - Old uninstall registry removed, "IceWarp Server" registry used, tested [i] 2008-09-15 Drafts [*] 2008-09-15 WebDAV updated [*] 2008-09-15 Config - New Quarantine function usage updated [+] 2008-09-15 API - QuarantineSet - General API function philophy changed, high level function which automatically performs required tasks based on the State parameter (WhiteLists, BlackLists, Authorizes, Delivers or Deletes), new state A_Deliver = '5' was added, tested [+] 2008-09-15 Config - Toolbar - Shortcut labels added [*] 2008-09-14 Control - Spam Reports - uses GetScriptsHost() to run spam reports, tested [*] 2008-09-14 Control - GetScriptsHost() - if Scripts local virtual host blank then, localhost or first bound IP address is used, works for most of scenarios, if not working you need to specify the Scripts local virtual host that works, tested [+] 2008-09-13 Control - Spam reports and directory content listing uses Web service Scripts local virtual host to run required scripts, tested [+] 2008-09-13 Config - AntiSpam - Action Engine URL removed, Quarantine - Engine URL moved to Challenge Response and renamed to URL only, this URL is used only for Challenge Response URL put in the body of emails sent out as challenge response, spam reports are run over Scripts local virtual host [+] 2008-09-13 Config - Web service - Default virtual host option removed, created new global option called Scripts local virtual host, only one global virtual host for use of scripts run locally (directory content listing, spam reports etc.) [*] 2008-09-12 Groupware - EAS - Tasks - ISO datetime format added, UTCDateStart, UTCDueDate support added, logics behing local and utc times implemented [*] 2008-09-12 Groupware - EAS - TimeZone added always for events [*] 2008-09-12 Groupware - Versit - SetTime - TimeZone and UTC time shifted twice [*] 2008-09-12 Groupware - Create/Drop tables in transaction [*] 2008-09-12 Groupware - mysql() DeleteOccurrencesEventID query fixed (mysql cannot perform updates with the same table in subqueries), tested with sqlite, msaccess and mysql [*] 2008-09-12 Groupware - EAS - TimeZone handling, possible move() max size handling updated [*] 2008-09-11 SSL - CreateCertificate - Self signed cert version 1 (previously version 3 was set and some browsers did not understand it) [*] 2008-09-11 Groupware - EAS - Time format set in Exchange, always UTC time no matter if all day event or timezone event, tested [*] 2008-09-11 Groupware - Transactions tested [*] 2008-09-11 Groupware - EventRecurrence handling updated (required for the new transactions), tested [+] 2008-09-11 Groupware - API - Lock and Unlock new function added, doc updated, tested [+] 2008-09-11 Groupware - TransactionStore Class created, all processing converted to transactions (DB, Notification, LDAP, Reminder), transactions implemented in proper areas, tests [*] 2008-09-11 Config - Log Analyzer SaveData()/LoadData() fixed [+] 2008-09-10 Groupware - EAS tests completed, Contacts, Tasks, Events [*] 2008-09-10 Groupware - EAS - Exceptions support addeds [*] 2008-09-10 Setup - plain install - EAS http path properly used [*] 2008-09-10 Groupware - EAS - Recurrences support added [*] 2008-09-10 SIP - PUBLISH method support added [*] 2008-09-10 Groupware - EAS - Attendees support added [*] 2008-09-10 Groupware - EAS - TimeZone support added, conversion to and from VTIMEZONE implemented, tested [*] 2008-09-09 Groupware - EAS - Events and Tasks implementation [*] 2008-09-09 Groupware - iTIP/iMIP - Attendee REPLY handling updated, EventID looked up using UID, fixes a problem of duplicates, tested [+] 2008-09-09 SMS Server - Remote HTTP SMS Gateway - support for format added (";hex", "b64"), each parameter can have its format using syntax: "%number;b64%", "%data;hex%", "%udh;hex" or simply "%number%", "%data", applicable to all HTTP params, tested [*] 2008-09-09 SMTP - Mail queue handling - if acquire fails next message is tried automatically, previously the file was deleted and caused problems in LB environment, tested [+] 2008-09-09 Groupware - VTODO - DTSTART and DTEND support time too, tested [*] 2008-09-09 Groupware - VFREEBUSY - TimeFormat handling support added, DTSTART and DTEND as in Interval parameter, tested [*] 2008-09-08 Groupware - Versit parser - proper handling of malformed CRLF applied, LFCR or bare LF or CR supported, tested [*] 2008-09-08 Groupware - Occurrence - TimeFormat properly processed, master TimeZone object properly set, tested [*] 2008-09-08 Groupware - EAS - Body - Malformed CRLF fix added [+] 2008-09-08 Groupware - GetAllIntervalEvents() - Time interval, TZ and floating time supported, tested [+] 2008-09-08 Groupware - GetAllIntervalEvents() - function updated to support FilterListItems() with IsEventInterval(), functions use TZ and EvnTimeFormat to consider floating time objects, tests [+] 2008-09-08 Groupware - Interval param - ParseInterval() new general method created, handles local date/time, UTC date/time and TZ, tested [*] 2008-09-08 Groupware - EAS - NickName support added [*] 2008-09-08 Groupware - SQLUpdateTable in calendar.xml added, these SQL statements are applied after each import or db migration, they make sure that fields are using proper format which might be lost after data transfer (usually NULL vs '' values), tested [*] 2008-09-07 Groupware - DeleteEvent - Deletes all occurrences, calendar.xml - DELETEOCCURRENCES support added, tested [*] 2008-09-07 WebDAV updated [*] 2008-09-06 SIP - Expires ongoing calls - Hash removal - possible loop problem fixed, tested [*] 2008-09-05 Groupware - EventID and ItemID - ProcessItemID() updated, should not contain any ID attributes, due to compatiblity ';' still supported, Connector updated, tested [*] 2008-09-05 Modules - WCS - Session expiration updated [*] 2008-09-05 System - DateTimeToUnixTime() UnixTimeToDateTime() - 0 value support added [*] 2008-09-05 Webmail updated [+] 2008-09-05 Groupware - iTIP/iMIP - UID handling rewritten to support EvnUID, no more data sensitive EVN_ID, tests performed [+] 2008-09-05 Groupware - Versit - SETUID param uses EvnUID and ItmUID to set the client's UID, versit objects handle UID and X-SERVER-UID properties, all tests performed, if versit added via CalDAV UID will not match the ID of the groupware object, in such case you need to find the real ID if only UID known [+] 2008-09-05 Groupware - Contact end Event - EvnUID and ItmUID new fields added with indices, calendar.xml updated, groupware.db updated, upgrade procedures added [*] 2008-09-05 Setup - Upgrade - Old "Merak" service updated to "IceWarp" services, services stopped removed, new will be installed, upgrade tests performed: services, start menu etc. [*] 2008-09-05 Config - DirectoryService - Synchronize now fixed [*] 2008-09-05 Config - New splash reflecting IceWarp Server added [*] 2008-09-04 Setup - regex library released before copying [*] 2008-09-04 System - All registry changed to IceWarp Server, automatically converted, product renamed to IceWarp Server, updated text files and other references [+] 2008-09-04 API - SmartAttach() PHP class added [+] 2008-09-04 API - SmartAttach() function support added, tested, PHP classes updated [*] 2008-09-04 System - Signature verification, internal HashKey updated, Verisign key used to sign all binaries, tested [+] 2008-09-04 MimeClass - RTF2Text() updated and tested with real RTF texts and unicode, tested with EAS CompressedRTF [*] 2008-09-04 Groupware - EAS - DecompressRTF() implemented, RTF2Text() moved to MimeClass and tested [+] 2008-09-04 Groupware - EAS - Body and Picture merge functionality implemented, if updating an item and Body or Picture tags are missing, the original item values are preserved, tested [*] 2008-09-04 Groupware - EAS - Body sent to devices properly [+] 2008-09-04 XMLClass - EncodeXMLString - Control characters encoding to entities added, encodes CR LF and others to etc., required in XML specs, tested with EAS and Funambol [+] 2008-09-03 IMAP Server - GW integration - Proper encoding and charset specification used, tested [*] 2008-09-03 MIMEClass - Base64EncodeBlock() new function added, EncodeQuoted() support for block param added [*] 2008-09-03 ActiveSync updated [*] 2008-09-03 AntiSpam - Challenge API Add - Invalid characters removal enforced [+] 2008-09-03 IMAP Server - Finalized Groupware integration, X-ICEWARP-SERVER capability added (starts the groupware integration mode or /gwmode param for all IMAP sessions), tested with new IceWarp Connector [*] 2008-09-02 SyncML updated [*] 2008-09-02 Groupware - EAS - Categories support updated, tested [*] 2008-09-02 Groupware - EAS - Date formats updated, tested [+] 2008-09-02 Groupware - Support for Distribution Lists via vCard added, vcard v4.0 KIND and MEMBER properties support added, tested [*] 2008-09-02 Groupware - EAS - Date format used as in ISO8601 (Exchange uses a different time format for calendar items and other types of items) [+] 2008-09-02 Groupware - AddvCard/AddvCalendar - XML input data auto detect feature added [*] 2008-09-02 Setup - plain install webservert.dat support for activesync added [*] 2008-09-01 ActiveSync updated [*] 2008-09-01 Config - Group member rights - signed int used [*] 2008-09-01 Webdav updated [+] 2008-09-01 AntiSpam - Hits and SpamAssassin score, 2 separate values, logged indepently in antispam logs, tested [*] 2008-09-01 System - Live disk cache updated, tested [*] 2008-08-29 Webmail updated [*] 2008-08-29 System - DirectoryCacheLiveUpdate - new API variable added [-] 2008-08-29 Control service - FastCGI - Number of child php processes never exceeds the thread pool, RESTART500 option implemented [*] 2008-08-29 All services - System semaphores used in Thread pool - no unnecessary waiting is performed [+] 2008-08-29 Groupware - Versit - TimeFormat tests, Floating, UTC and TZ, tested with Lightning all possible scenarios including EXDATE and RECURRENCE-ID for each Floating, UTC and TZ time formats, completed [-] 2008-08-29 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Dummy wrapper folders can be renamed in IMAP, Inbox and subdirs works correctly with GW [+] 2008-08-29 Groupware - Versit - Support for TimeFormat added, Floating, UTC and TZ, tested [*] 2008-08-29 Groupware - EvnTimeFormat types added to calendar.xml [+] 2008-08-29 Groupware - Fields OwnTimeZone and EvnTimeZone removed and ignored, new field EvnTimeFormat added, upgrade updated, groupware.db, calendar.xml, tested [*] 2008-08-28 API - AuthenticateUserHash() - Domain property properly set if migration account [+] 2008-08-28 SIP - Record-Route - Response Record-Route rewriting support added, tested [*] 2008-08-28 Control service - Directory cache - wave mode - micro sleep added after processing each directory, so that the ADQ (average disk queue length) is not so big [*] 2008-08-28 SMTP,POP3,IMAP - directory sizes are updated "on the fly" [*] 2008-08-28 Groupware and DB - Error logging - complete error string logged, no truncation, tested [*] 2008-08-28 Groupware - Daily events - Multiple day event subsequent days ignored, only the first day considered, tested [*] 2008-08-27 Groupware - AddAttachment returns AttID if successful (previously True/False was returned), API updated, tested [*] 2008-08-27 Spam reports updated [-] 2008-08-27 [#GYH-321034] - IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Cache of folder last change is cleared after adding or deleting item in the folder [-] 2008-08-26 [#IOJ-510361] - Bayesian Auto-Learning - first message after start of SMTP service was not properly indexed [-] 2008-08-26 [#XAF-875162] - IM AOL gateway - incoming messages are accepted [-] 2008-08-26 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Propagation of rights in mixed folder hierarchy fixed [*] 2008-08-24 Config - Status - Logs - ActiveSync support added [*] 2008-08-24 Groupware - GetFolderList() - FormatOtherSelect() used, tested [*] 2008-08-22 Testing [*] 2008-08-22 Webmail updated [*] 2008-08-21 Groupware - Handling of GrpLink groups with no Title added, Title retrieved from OWN_Email and updated (support for previous systems), tested [-] 2008-08-21 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Close operation on mailbox expunges also deleted items, but some clients do not call Expunge nor Close - GW items are deleted immediately after setting the /Deleted flag [-] 2008-08-21 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - GW subfolders of IMAP folders can be created again, Deleted folders are not recreated as a dummy wrapper folders [*] 2008-08-21 Groupware - Group order in calendar.xml sorted by GrpTitle, GrpLink, fixes a problem with old subscribed accounts that have blank GrpTitle, tested [+] 2008-08-21 Groupware - new Versit Parameter SETUID support added, used by CalDAV, tested [*] 2008-08-21 IMAP Server - Public sharing - Root of public share can be made non selectable - background implemented [*] 2008-08-21 Upgrade - New modules SMS and ActiveSync - expiration period reset to the setup date [-] 2008-08-21 Mail Archive - Backup deleted emails to file - Timing fixed so that no messages are deleted before the backup is performed [*] 2008-08-21 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Subscription of IMAP shared account is performed even if only GW items of this user are shared. (IMAP folders can be shared later) [-] 2008-08-21 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - RENAME and CREATE commands works with correct paths and rights also for user sharing and public sharing [-] 2008-08-21 IMAP Server - IDLE command - Change is signaled even if number of items did not changed (e.g. one item deleted, one item added) [-] 2008-08-20 IMAP Server - Existence of mailbox is not checked for unsubscribe [-] 2008-08-20 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Repeated subscribe of shared accoount does not throw error [*] 2008-08-20 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Full support for STORE, EXPUNGE, IDLE commands [*] 2008-08-20 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Delete command - if argument mailbox does not exist, dummy wrapper folder is deleted if exist [*] 2008-08-20 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - scenario of storing UIDs completely changed, for each GW folder, dummy wrapper folder is created (invisible for IMAP), containing flags.dat and imapindex.dat with exactly the same behavior as normal IMAP folders. [-] 2008-08-20 Config - Log filtering fixed, EOF is not good to indicate end of file partially buffered into array [*] 2008-08-20 Webdav updated [*] 2008-08-20 System - SMS and ActiveSync are licensed modules, expiration, accounts and other checking features applied, tested [+] 2008-08-20 Config - ActiveSync support added, Options services, Access mode, settings, license etc. [*] 2008-08-20 LicenseClass - SMS and ActiveSync license support added [*] 2008-08-20 DB - U_AVScan and D_AVScan fields changed to INTEGER, most of the database systems do not support SQL ALTER COLUMN so a manual tweak is required, if not applied (Account and Domain access options be limited) [*] 2008-08-20 HTTP Server - Support for MKTICKET HTTP method added, used in WebDAV to create tickets [*] 2008-08-20 Groupware - Anonymous access to GetAttachmentPath() added [*] 2008-08-19 SQLite3 3.6.1 version used [*] 2008-08-19 Config - Content Filter - Extract attachments - IDP renamed to ZIP [*] 2008-08-19 Groupware - Fields EvnIID and ItmIID removed, could not be used in shared environment with no write rights [*] 2008-08-19 Antispam reports updated [*] 2008-08-19 Webmail updated [*] 2008-08-19 Webadmin updated [+] 2008-08-19 SmartAttach - Anonymous mode implemented using Groupware Tickets, complete, tested, dialog updated [+] 2008-08-19 Groupware - Tickets complete and tests performed [+] 2008-08-19 Groupware - Item list checks the FolderRead right, if not sufficient no information is returned (List, DetailList, Count and DetailCount), tested [*] 2008-08-19 Control Service - Child ldap,ctasd and fastcgi processes are killed automatically after kill of control.exe on windows XP and higher [+] 2008-08-19 Groupware - CreateTicket() and OpenTicket() new API functions, ticket system implementation [-] 2008-08-19 IMAP Server - STATUS command works correctly with given mailbox and not with selected mailbox [*] 2008-08-18 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Subtype of GW folder linked with GW SetDefaultFolder() function [+] 2008-08-18 Config - IMAP - Public folders - Domain options removed - use ACL instead, new checkbox allowing to restrict access to the root folder added [+] 2008-08-18 IMAP - Public settings - Root visible option added, SetSharedLineParams() method added and implemented [*] 2008-08-18 SMTP - Extract Attachments - unicode tested with SmartAttach and ExtractAttachments [-] 2008-08-18 IMAP Server - Sharing - Strange folders ending with / do not appear in the list any more [+] 2008-08-18 SMTP - Extract Attachments - unicode support added (SmartAttach and ExtractAttachments feature), Antivirus remains still AnsiString due to antivirus tools that might not be able to work with unicode, tested [+] 2008-08-18 Config - New history hints used (including the shortcut), shortcuts created for remote connection, disconnect and run [+] 2008-08-18 Groupware - SetDefaultFolder() new API function implemented, uses Fdr_Default field, new default folders automatically have the new field set to 1, tested [*] 2008-08-18 IMAP Server - Access control lists are case sensitive, inbox is exception - all cases are supported [+] 2008-08-18 Groupware - Event expiration implemented, daily thread used, tested [+] 2008-08-18 Upgrade - ActiveSync support brought in webserver.dat, upgrade function updated [+] 2008-08-18 Groupware - Folders - Fdr_Default new field added, Event - EvnExpire + index added, upgrade performed, calendar.xml updated, db updated [*] 2008-08-18 IMAP Server - GETMETADATA - If no metadata exists for a folder, no line with results is returned [*] 2008-08-18 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Subtype of GW folder can be specified, Setting the folder type to the same value it already has does not cause error. [i] 2008-08-17 Drafts [*] 2008-08-17 Config - Logs - Time needed to display filtered logs depends only on number of lines in the selected time interval. It does not depend on total number of lines in the log any more. [*] 2008-08-17 Groupware - GetAttachmentPath() always returns absolute path (fixes a problem with non server applications), tested [*] 2008-08-17 WebDAV updated [*] 2008-08-16 HTTP Server - Special filter path always converted to lowercase, tested [+] 2008-08-15 SmartAttach - header/footer with template support implemented, <smartattach:template></smartattach:template>, supported variables %url%, %file%, %index%, html and plain text files support, default internal templates applied, if using custom templates always define both html and text plain footer or header (due to formatting isses), tested [*] 2008-08-15 Webmail updated [*] 2008-08-15 EAS updated, supports settings.xml, ./activesync/ db and others [+] 2008-08-15 SmartAttach - 80% implemented (attachments extracted, stripped and added to groupware), tested [+] 2008-08-15 Groupware - GetAttachmentPath() function, new Params variable added, URL param for WebDAV URL implemented, tested [+] 2008-08-15 Groupware - new API SubstituteUser() added, docs updated, linux "su" like function, only available to superuser, tested [-] 2008-08-15 SMTP - Outgoing mail - Original MessageID variable properly reset, caused problems on linux [+] 2008-08-15 Config - Content Filter - SmartAttach - new action implemented, new dialog, ContentFilter settings, tested [*] 2008-08-15 Groupware - EAS CompanyMainTelephoneNumber tag usage updated [+] 2008-08-15 SyncML Push - Support for SMS gateway id, dialogs, engine, SendSMSConfig [+] 2008-08-15 SMS Server - From: rewrite option added, GUI updated, lets you specify the From: header so a reply to received SMS messages can be mapped to your sms redirect gateway account, format "sms:%s@domain", tested [+] 2008-08-14 EAS - Exchange ActiveSync first alpha (requires web server settings to be updated), URI /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync [*] 2008-08-14 Webmail updated [*] 2008-08-14 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Handling of mixed GW and IMAP folders in a hierarchy updated, rights are correctly propagated [-] 2008-08-14 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - SETACL correctly converts imap rights to GW rights [-] 2008-08-14 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Subscribe/Unsubscribe also support subscribing/unsubscribing user shared accounts [-] 2008-08-14 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Delete and Rename of folder works correctly even if IMAP and GW folder of the same name exists [-] 2008-08-14 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - If both GW and IMAP folder with the same name exists, GW is taken into account [*] 2008-08-14 Config - ACL - Edit and Cancel buttons added, tested [*] 2008-08-14 System - Attachment removal and processing, classes updated, attachment removal truly removes the boundary or uuencoded part, tested, preserved compatibility [*] 2008-08-14 Groupware - GetFolderRightList - if no folder rights to be returned than "anyone" norights will be returned, same behavior as in IMAP ACL, tested [-] 2008-08-14 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - more GW folders can be created as a subfolder of IMAP folder [*] 2008-08-13 Setup - Digital signature verification support added [*] 2008-08-13 IMAP Server - Groupware integration memory leak tests performed [-] 2008-08-13 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - GW session is correctly closed using LogoutUser call [-] 2008-08-13 [#ELL-472381] SMTP Server - rule responsible for rejection or delete of en email is logged [-] 2008-08-13 IMAP Server - SETACL and DELETEACL correctly support groups and domains as parameter [+] 2008-08-13 PHP - IMAP extension - support for TLS/SSL added, tested [*] 2008-08-12 Webmail updated [*] 2008-08-12 Groupware - Contacts EAS - Tag names as in WBXML and not as in XML MS specs [*] 2008-08-12 IMAP Server - GetMETADATA and SETMETADATA supports also syntax defined by ANNOTATEMORE draft rev. 14 [*] 2008-08-12 WCS - WebClientService - XMPP HTTP Binding as in XEP-0124 implemented, charset support added and other changes, <body> "newsid" attribute support added (lets you specify your sid), tested [*] 2008-08-12 SIP - RTP Proxy tests performed, all scenarios working now (double RTP NATs and others), 100% [-] 2008-08-12 DNSClass - Cache vs. TransactionID problem fixed, tested [*] 2008-08-12 XMLClass - Support for tag namespaces implemented, tested with Groupware EAS format [*] 2008-08-12 Control - Delete old logs - Webmail, SyncML, CalDAV logs properly deleted (external application logs) [+] 2008-08-11 Webmail updated - Completely new sharing concept, Folder access rights, Shared accounts, Public folders [+] 2008-08-11 SMS Server - Outgoing rules implemented - Message To: header contains the destination number + "@" and the ID of the destination gateway id, if gateway is not specified the 2nd part with "@" is missing, use Edit Message Header function to rewrite and specify the gateway ID, regex replace recommended, any content filter like actions are supported, you can forward sms to email addresses based on rules criteria and any other scenario, you can even use the Forward To action to send the email back to the SMS gateway if required (unlikely to be required), tested, to check if @ is present use "^(?!.*@)(.*)$" [*] 2008-08-11 Groupware - GetFolderRightsList() - owner not returned in the ACL list anymore, same philosophy as in IMAP ACL, tested [*] 2008-08-11 IMAP Server - Inbox is treated as existing even if does not exist physically [*] 2008-08-11 IMAP Server - Getacl does not return rights for owner any more [-] 2008-08-11 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - GWLink Object is destroyed after client disconnect [-] 2008-08-11 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - IMAP UIDNEXT works correctly [*] 2008-08-11 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Support for file folders completed [*] 2008-08-11 Groupware - EAS - Contacts and Contacts2 namespaces support added [+] 2008-08-11 Rules / Content filter - Edit Message Headers - support for regex and regex rewrite added, even for Delete action (must match the header value), tested [+] 2008-08-11 Config - Rules dialog - Edit Message Headers - dialog updated, support for regex and value added, tested [+] 2008-08-09 SMS Server - Reply message implemented, tested, old sender / number history deleted at midnight [+] 2008-08-09 SMS Server - Deliver Content #email# implemented, tested [+] 2008-08-09 SMS Server - support for "sender" URL variable added, lets you define the sender email address of the sms so it can be matched when delivering a reply to sms, complete list of url parameters: /sms/?number=&data=&binary=&udh=&pid=&dcs=&user=&pass=&maxmsgs=&sender=&reply=&id=, sender saved in the queue, logs updated, remote gateway sender support added, sms: protocol sender set where possible [+] 2008-08-09 Config - SMS - Ougoing messages tab added, Incoming messages - 2 new options added: Delivery according to contents (every incoming is analysed for the #email# string and sent to that email address), Reply to Message (decides whether the message received is a reply to a message sent earlier. For this purpose, the gateway keeps a list of sent messages. If, within a certain time limit, a reply comes from the inquired mobile telephone), API updated [*] 2008-08-09 Groupware - Attributes parameter - SQL Injection sanitization added [*] 2008-08-08 Groupware - GroupList and GroupPublicList SQL order by updated, the primary group must be always listed first, tested, calendar.xml updated [*] 2008-08-08 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Folders are locked with full path containing owner email [*] 2008-08-08 SMTP Server - Copying message to IMAP mailbox requires the same right as appending through IMAP protocol [*] 2008-08-08 Groupware - SubscribeUser() already subscribed check uses SubscribeAs parameter, tested [*] 2008-08-08 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Folder access rights are cached [-] 2008-08-08 IMAP Server - Sharing - MYRIGHTS works correctly even for accessing own folders through shared path [*] 2008-08-08 IMAP Server - Quotaroot access redesigned [+] 2008-08-08 Groupware - SIF EAS - Reminders support added [+] 2008-08-08 Groupware - ContactLocation - support for LctIM, LctIM1 and LctIM2 added, upgrade updated, calendar.xml, groupware.db, tested, Versit support for IM implemented [+] 2008-08-08 VersitClass - vCard - RFC4770 support added, IMPP (instant messaging) support added, SIF and EAS IMAddress support added [*] 2008-08-08 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Quick precise bodystructure fetch including correct sizes for files folders implemented [*] 2008-08-08 DNSClass - DNS ID - randomly generated and verified in the response, tested [*] 2008-08-08 System - Randomize() called only in SystemClass, all sources updated [*] 2008-08-08 Groupware - New Funambol 7.0 tested (Files, Contacts, Notes, Calendar), discovered few inconsistencies that will be fixed [-] 2008-08-07 Config - MLA - Save of configuration using remote connection fixed [*] 2008-08-07 Groupware - EAS - <ApplicationData> root tag used [+] 2008-08-07 Groupware - Versit Parameters - ;UPDATE support added, API documentation updated, comment: when editing EAS item it will not be replaced but only the properties will be updated (non specified properties of the item remain) [*] 2008-08-07 Groupware - AddFolderRight - Shared/Public folder, SQL parameter fixed, tested [*] 2008-08-07 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Mechanism correcting outer damage of GW UIDs implemented [*] 2008-08-07 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Groupware files folders visible as regular mails [+] 2008-08-07 VersitConvert - EAS Item merge support added, tested [+] 2008-08-07 VersitConvert - EAS Contact complete support including Picture and others added [+] 2008-08-07 Groupware - Versit format functions completely changed, multiple formats supported and listed in the API documentation, new format EAS added, functions updated [*] 2008-08-07 PHP - IMAP extension - support for imap_myrights() and imap_deleteacl() added, tested [*] 2008-08-07 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - non precise FETCH of body structure used again, new version of Bynari Connector works OK with incorrect sizes [*] 2008-08-07 IMAP Server - SETACL - changing rights of the owner does not throw an error, but the rights stay unchanged [*] 2008-08-07 PHP - IMAP extension - support for imap_myrigths() and imap_deleteacl() added, tested [*] 2008-08-07 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Mechanism generating unique ascending uids finished [-] 2008-08-06 Config - removed the services query thread functionality, caused extreme problems reproducable via connecting to a remote server and disconnecting from the remote server, application became slow and when closed strange exceptions occured, tested [*] 2008-08-06 SMS Service - Accounts - Inactive stored as Inactive in settings, tested [*] 2008-08-06 HTTP Server - SSL CERT CGI variables, SSL variables handling updated, proper usage of oneline() function, tested [*] 2008-08-06 Groupware - DeleteFolder() - Unsubscribe shared folder works again [*] 2008-08-06 Groupware - EvnIID and ItmIID varchar(32), calendar.xml, groupware.db and upgrade functions updated [*] 2008-08-05 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Mechanism generating unique ascending uids completely redesigned [-] 2008-08-05 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - flags.dat and imapindex.dat are not saved for GW folders any more [*] 2008-08-05 Groupware - GetGroupAccessRights() signed result returned, bit31 used instead of bit30, tested [+] 2008-08-05 Groupware - GetFolderInfo() - new param Reload added, if True then live data is read from db otherwise session data is returned, tested [+] 2008-08-05 Config - SIP - Gateways - Dial Rules - new rules management added - regex and regex rewrite, tested, eg. Condition: ^(0)(.*) Rewrite: $2 (checks if number starts with 0 and rewrites to the remainder), Condition: ^([0-9])(.*) Rewrite: $1$2 (checks if numbers starts with any digit and keeps the number - rewrite could be blank to keep the original number) [+] 2008-08-05 SIP - Rewrite and number match - Gateway dial rules - all regex and regex replace driven, previous compatibility not preserved, requires all rules to be rewritten, tested [*] 2008-08-05 Groupware - Event and ContactItem tables - new fields EvnIID and ItmIID added, upgrade function implemented, groupware.db + calendar.xml updated, tested [*] 2008-08-05 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - auto recovery mechanism solving GW session failure implemented [*] 2008-08-05 Groupware - GetEventLastModified/GetContactLastModified - returns the list result containing Max_ and Count_ fields, count of items added, consider the result as the unique output of items in the folder changed, tested [-] 2008-08-04 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Groupware "Files" folder not visible in IMAP [-] 2008-08-04 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Proper UTF7 support implemented [-] 2008-08-04 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - SETALC, GETACL can be called on "" folder [*] 2008-08-04 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - unprecise FETCH of bodystructure does not need the whole groupware entry [*] 2008-08-04 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - FETCH of header fields does not need the whole groupware entry [+] 2008-08-04 SIP - SIP Calls - list can be retrieved via the GUI or API, tested [+] 2008-08-04 Config - Statistics - Sessions - SIP Calls support added, SIP service updated to support SIP Calls request, Kill supported, tested [+] 2008-08-04 DB - SanitizeDBSQL() - support for [] brackets added, used in SQLite and Access for field specification, tested [*] 2008-08-03 Groupware - Blank folder name checks added [+] 2008-08-03 HTTP Server - Error Responses - support for URL and File regex search and rewrite, File changes the error Content-Type properly, tested, to redirect a non existing path to a real do: 404;/webmail/client/skins/myskin/(.*) URL /webmail/client/skins/default/$1 [*] 2008-08-03 Groupware - File folder link - internal sync using unixtime stamp to check if file changed, tested [*] 2008-08-03 FTP Server - Filenames and directories with multiple spaces in a row handling supported, tested [+] 2008-08-02 Groupware - All OtherSelect and Where parameters sanitized with SanitizeDBSQL(), all string fields properly escaped, SQL injection save, tested [*] 2008-08-02 Groupware - GetFolderList() API - Where parameter removed [*] 2008-08-02 DB - SanitizeDBSQL() - support for double quotes added [+] 2008-08-02 IMAP - IMAP ACL RFC 4314 - Obsolete rights of 2086 supported exactly as in RFC, tested, Groupware rights converted to IMAP including Post and KeepSeen flags, tested ACL with Connector [+] 2008-08-02 Groupware - Default folders can be deleted and renamed properly [*] 2008-08-02 Config - CalDAV renamed to WebDAV as it supports WebFolders, CalDAV, GroupDAV, CardDAV and others [*] 2008-08-01 Webmail updated [*] 2008-08-01 Groupware - CreateUser() - Default folders automatically created [*] 2008-08-01 DB - QuarantineList() and GLList() functions - Flags SQL Injection sanitation added [*] 2008-08-01 Groupware - AddFolder - string formatting removed as ProcessParams() is used now and it does that automatically, tested [*] 2008-08-01 Groupware - Create subfolder of shared account "~" problem fixed, tested [*] 2008-08-01 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - FETCH of envelope does not need the whole groupware entry [*] 2008-08-01 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - results of Groupware folders cached whenever possible. [+] 2008-08-01 DB - SanitizeDBSQL() - new function implemented and tested [*] 2008-08-01 Groupware - Files folder path link tested with 2700 files in system32 directory, performance very good [+] 2008-07-31 Remote Watchdog - Support for DNS Watcher added, use URL feature with syntax: "dns://server:type" eg: "dns://" or "dns://", supported query types "a, aaaa, mx, txt, ptr, cname, srv, naptr", tested, sorts the result so the hash is always the same (DNS servers change the order of returned items) [-] 2008-07-31 Mail Archive - archiving works correctly even for users with full mailbox path specified [+] 2008-07-31 Config - Group member rights complete (Member list and member item dialog - Groups, Friends, Lists, Public folders) [+] 2008-07-31 Config - Member rights for mailing lists and groups updated, checkbox ACL implemented, tested [*] 2008-07-31 CommTouch - 3.00.25 version [*] 2008-07-31 IMAP - Shared rights mapping between Groupware updated to support bit values [+] 2008-07-31 Groupware - Rights/ACL converted to bit values, internal engine updated to support both bit values and former constant values, tested [+] 2008-07-31 Config - Migration - New option "Migrate passwords only" added, background implemented [*] 2008-07-31 Config - SMS labels updated [+] 2008-07-31 API - Corrupted settings are detected before loading and saving [*] 2008-07-29 IMAP Server - GW Folders can be renamed and converted into IMAP folders [*] 2008-07-29 IMAP Server - SETACL works also for root of shared folders [*] 2008-07-29 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - DELETE, RENAME, CREATE [*] 2008-07-29 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - Mail folders can be subfolders of groupware folders and vice versa [*] 2008-07-29 Groupware - Unnecessary indices removed (B-Tree theory) (GroupIndex, FolderGroupIndex, ContactGroupIDIndex, ContactGroupIndex, ContactLocationIndex, EventIndex, EventGroupIndex, ContactItemIndex) [+] 2008-07-29 Groupware - Rights transformation preparation from constants to bit values, documentation updated [+] 2008-07-28 Config - SMS Authentication - new account management implemented, users, groups, max send and other options, tested [*] 2008-07-28 IMAP Server - Groupware integration - support for ACL added [+] 2008-07-28 SMS Server - Account management implemented, group support added, expiration, max messages per month, Save/Load, backend complete [+] 2008-07-28 Groupware - API GetFolderInfo() new function added, lists folder session parameters + FdrShared type which explains the folder share type, tested [*] 2008-07-28 SIP - RTP Proxy (NAT Traversal) - updated, proxy can change the sourceport once more during the stream, typically a remote RTP Proxy sends first a packet to SDP IP and Port and then sends it to the proper IP and Port the party pair uses, tested [*] 2008-07-28 WebDAV updated [+] 2008-07-28 Groupware - AddEventInfo() / AddContactInfo() - support for _Now unix timestamp parameter added, Files folder path link support updated, properly sorts items by modified field, tested [*] 2008-07-28 Groupware - GetAllIntervalEvents() - support for RMN_ID and occurrences (exceptions) added, testd [+] 2008-07-28 Groupware - iTIP - RECURRENCE-ID CANCEL, REQUEST and ADD methods support added when changing only a single occurrence (not the whole object), tested [*] 2008-07-28 Groupware - GetAllIntervalEvents() - fixed returned items for recurrence End and one minor problem, tested [-] 2008-07-28 IMAP Server - Auto subscribe of newly created folder fixed [*] 2008-07-27 HTTP Server - ACL command support added [*] 2008-07-27 Groupware - File items set the EvnRID with the filename (Files folder path link, Versit files, Webmail files - WebFolders reason) [+] 2008-07-26 Services - cert.dat - support for verification and custom CAFile and CAPath, tested [+] 2008-07-26 Services - SSL certificates specific to Service, IP and Port, based on the settings they are matched to required items, allows you to have different verification settings for all IPs and a port and other scenarios, tested [*] 2008-07-26 HTTP Server - special path - support for "/" root virtual host added, tested [*] 2008-07-26 WebDAV updated (tested ACL with DAVExplorer) [*] 2008-07-25 Groupware - API - functions renamed to GetEventLastModified GetContactLastModified [*] 2008-07-25 IMAP - First part of groupware integration into IMAP completed, disabled by default [*] 2008-07-25 PSPell - data CRLF converted to LF, caused problems with php FastCGI pspell processed, fixed and working, tested [*] 2008-07-25 MIMEClass - GetURIValueString() - supports substring name variables, tested [+] 2008-07-25 SMS Gateway - complete list of url parameters: /sms/?number=&data=&binary=&udh=&pid=&dcs=&user=&pass=&maxmsgs=&reply=&id= [+] 2008-07-25 SMS Service - selective gateway ID support added, still can be used all gateways to send bulk sms but also a specific sms can be set for only one gateway, tested, use "id=" parameter for the new functionality [+] 2008-07-25 SMS Service - new URL parameter "id" added, specifies the gateway ID [+] 2008-07-25 Config - SMS Service - Gateway has a new unique ID field, customizable by admin, tested [+] 2008-07-25 Groupware - API - GetEventLastModifiedTime GetContactLastModifiedTime new functions implemented, calendar.xml updated, tested [+] 2008-07-25 HTTP Server - CGI support for CERT_ and CERT_SERVER_ variables (including SUBJECT, ISSUER and FLAGS) implemented and tested, if used with require and verify peer certificate authentication can be based only on the client certificate using CERT_SUBJECT, tested [*] 2008-07-25 SIP - Gateway expiration -60 seconds expiration extended [+] 2008-07-24 SIP - RTP NAT Traversal - the proxy no longer waits for both streams to pair the RTP session, when received the first packet it is sent to requested SDP IP and Port, fixes a problem with 2 servers running RTP NAT Traversal, tested, RTP logging updated [*] 2008-07-24 Config - SIP - gateway expiration label updated [*] 2008-07-24 SIP - Location service expiration - +60 seconds expiration extended, if client expires in 60 technically it will expire after 120, tested, fixes some timing issues [+] 2008-07-24 Groupware - Versit attachment - Add item - local item URL detected, original attachment kept and preserved, tested [+] 2008-07-24 Config - Groupware - CalDAV - new WebDAV URL property added, tested [+] 2008-07-24 Groupware - Versit attachment - embedded attachments are replaced with a URL (attachments are always returned as URLs and linked back via "/webdav/attachments/%s/%s/%s/%s" (/webdav/attachments/email/folderid/itemid/attachmentid), tested, requires new webdav functionality, uses WebDAVURL property [*] 2008-07-24 Groupware - Item Notification - Folder present instead of GroupID, tested [+] 2008-07-24 Groupware - Versit attachments implemented and tested [+] 2008-07-24 Groupware - Add/Get/vCard/vCalendar - support for ATTACH versit property added, returns PHOTO and ATTACH as requested, sets properties properly, "F" attachments will be temporarily disabled [*] 2008-07-23 Groupware - API documentation updated, new Obsolete section added so readers are aware what functions should not be used anymore [*] 2008-07-23 VersitClass - vCard - support for attachments added [*] 2008-07-23 Groupware - API documentation - ACL information updated [+] 2008-07-23 Groupware - GetFolderRightList() - support for Frt_Folder field added, reflects the real folder name rights are inherited from, tested [+] 2008-07-23 Groupware - GetAllIntervalEvents() - Date Time SQL simplified and reflects the time end at 0:00 (midnight), tested [*] 2008-07-23 Groupware - API documentation - Versit Params updated to be more clear [*] 2008-07-22 CT - CT report - if RefID blank not report is performed [*] 2008-07-22 Groupware - Daily events and daily reminders loaded and processed in a thread, thread created when needed and does not block the main application, tested [*] 2008-07-22 [#13680] Config - Windows NT import vs. template - problem with mailbox fixed, tested [*] 2008-07-22 WebDAV updated (supports Apple iCal, Mulberry, eM Client, Sunbird/Lightning) [*] 2008-07-22 Groupware - Tested ACL with groups, anyone and users and ACL levels [+] 2008-07-22 [#13540] Groupware - Folder rights properly handle ACL level based on user, groups and anyone, user has the highest priority, group lower and anyone lowest, you can define anyone+group+user ACL for the same subject and the user ACL will take over, tested, applied to FolderList, GetGroupRight, ProcessFolderRights [*] 2008-07-22 [#13660] SMTP - Protocol policy formatting updated, tested [*] 2008-07-22 [#13663] Domain - CheckDomain() - function updated to reject domains containing ".." and "." only, tested [+] 2008-07-22 HTTP Server - Rewrite - support for [R=<httpcode>] added, tested [*] 2008-07-22 HTTP Server - Rewrite - regex replace updated, fixes some minor problem [*] 2008-07-21 [#13297] Groupware - FreeBusy - support for occurrence added, tested [*] 2008-07-21 [#13567] Config - Message Queue - Whitelist - message moved from Spam folder to INBOX, tested [*] 2008-07-21 [#13636] SMTP - Mailing List - Set priority action support added [*] 2008-07-21 AppVerifier tests performed [+] 2008-07-21 Groupware - GetGroupvFreeBusy added [*] 2008-07-21 PHP - bug# 45568, custom compiled php.dll applied [*] 2008-07-20 [#13336] HTTP Server - real server version applied, tested [*] 2008-07-20 WinTrust - Digital signature verification updated, works on Windows 2000, tested [+] 2008-07-19 PHP - XCache added and used, eAccelerator removed, php.ini updated (windows only at the time), tests [*] 2008-07-18 PHP - Due to stability issues of eAccelerator (tested 0.9.2 and 0.9.3) XCache was given a chance, AppVerifier used, 9% increase of speed and stable [*] 2008-07-18 Config - Node history icons updated [*] 2008-07-18 PHP - FastCGI tested with PDO mysql, requires the libmysql client library to be accessible (PATH variable recommended), tested as service and under the current user [*] 2008-07-18 FastCGI - Relative application path under windows service support added, tested [*] 2008-07-18 WebDAV updated [*] 2008-07-18 ICQ - roster management updated, fixes some online status visibility problems, tested [+] 2008-07-18 Config - Node history finished, added new buttons, added menu item icons, parent title for level >1, max history items, tested [+] 2008-07-17 Config - Left tree history implemented, 2 new buttons Back / Forward added, tested, Alt+Left / Alt+Right keys [*] 2008-07-17 Groupware - Files folder sync updated [+] 2008-07-17 Config - Rules - Pattern / file select support added, tested [+] 2008-07-17 Config - Trusted IPs - Pattern select support added, tested [+] 2008-07-17 Config - Bypass dialog - Pattern select support added, tested [+] 2008-07-17 Config - New pattern select dialog implemented, linked to Services IP address, Service item IP address, Service IP access (Firewall), tested [+] 2008-07-17 Services - IP binding - support of system patterns added, implemented [+] 2008-07-17 Bypass system - Support of system patterns added for IPs, tested [i] 2008-07-16 Drafts [*] 2008-07-16 Groupware - GetAllIntervalEvents() - support for previous days recurrent multiple day events added, all interval views contain the correct list of events, tested with multiple day event recurring everyday [+] 2008-07-16 Groupware - Files folder - FdrParam contains URLEncoded attributes, supported list: "path" - contains a path to a real file system folder, all field Param must contain URLEncoded attributes, tested [*] 2008-07-15 WebDAV updated [*] 2008-07-15 SyncML updated [*] 2008-07-15 MIMEClass - AddMIMEHeader and ChangeMIMEHeader - processing updated, GetFileHeader() returns the trailing CRLFCRLF so the size of the header can be properly calculated, fixes a problem with adding headers to S/MIME messages, tested, more tests performed and updates [*] 2008-07-15 HTTP Server - FCGI - CheckRunning variable defaults to True [*] 2008-07-15 Groupware - VersitClass - Support for vCalendar 1.0 DALARM and AALARM properties added (obsolete in v 2.0 - VALARM object used instead) [*] 2008-07-15 Groupware - Versit - Proper Photo encoding handling implemented, tested with Nokia, Funambol and others [*] 2008-07-15 SyncML - Versit and SIF Photo as attachments support tested [*] 2008-07-14 Webmail updated [*] 2008-07-14 WebDAV - beta - not functional [*] 2008-07-14 Groupware - DB upgrade - EventUser - UsrFriend set to '0' is blank, fixes problems with auto migrate SQL, tested [+] 2008-07-14 Groupware - Contact Photo changed, no longer as ItemAttribute but new Attachment P type, implemented, updated vCard, tested, documentation updated [+] 2008-07-14 Groupware - GetvCalendars / GetPublicvCalendar - new Parameter ;EXPAND support added, returns expanded recurrences for a given interval including the original UID and RECURRENCE-ID, tested, documentation updated [+] 2008-07-14 VersitClass - Filter attribute support added, allows to limit the returned properties, "+" prefix for the complete list of allowed properties, without the prefix the listed properties will not be returned, tested [*] 2008-07-14 HTTP Server - CGI variables PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME properly set for /webdav/ (HTTP special paths), PATH_INFO causes PHP to crash so it is not returned by the server [*] 2008-07-12 SyncML - Versit and SIF Photo support tested, both directions from device and from groupware [*] 2008-07-12 Groupware - DB Upgrade - Support for MS Access added, tested [+] 2008-07-12 Groupware - AddFolder - Parameters parameter added, tested, AddFolder supports folder parameters update and access to all folder properties [+] 2008-07-12 Groupware - GetFolderList - Support for Where parameter added, tested [+] 2008-07-12 Groupware - AddvCalendar / AddvCard - new ;PARAMS= parameter support added, this is the value that will be appended to the AddEventInfo / AddContactInfo Parameters param, tested [+] 2008-07-12 Groupware - Event EvnRID and ContactItem ItmRID field added (can be used as secondary primary key set externally), Folders FdrDisplay, FdrDesc, FdrTZ folders added, upgrade function updated, groupware.db updated, calendar.xml updated, tested [+] 2008-07-12 Groupware - Files folder UTF-8 and Unicode support added, supports any filesystem unicode charset [+] 2008-07-11 Groupware - Files folder can be a real file system folder, real directories can be accessed thru Groupware, SyncML, CalDAV and others [+] 2008-07-11 Groupware - Item attachments - file handling updated, proper deleting applied, tested, tested with Windows folder, automatic link tested [+] 2008-07-11 Groupware - Files folder - FdrParam can contain a path to a real file system folder, in such case the Files folder will be linked to a real directory and work transparently over files [+] 2008-07-11 Groupware - GetvCalendars new API function added, supports interval vCalendar expanded query, tested [*] 2008-07-11 HTTP - FastCGI/CGI - Status: result handling updated, caused problems on linux [+] 2008-07-11 Groupware - stores and reads all versit X- properites to ItemAttributes, tested vcard+vcalendar+vnote both get and set [*] 2008-07-11 VersitClass - Support for XVersitParser added - X- properties [*] 2008-07-10 Groupware - GetFolderRightList - owner's item also returned although it is not in the database, tested [*] 2008-07-10 Groupware - AddFolderRight and DeleteFolderRight ignored if owner of the folder, tested [*] 2008-07-10 Groupware - Multiple folder email rights preserves duplicates, tested [*] 2008-07-10 Groupware - Multiple user subscription preserves duplicates, tested [+] 2008-07-10 Groupware - GetFolderList - OtherSelect parameter added, tested [+] 2008-07-09 Config - Dialogs for setting access rights improved [+] 2008-07-09 IMAP service - Public shared folders can use root folder of given account [+] 2008-07-09 SMTP - SPF SRS - Solves problems with NDR spammers cause by forging the email sender [+] 2008-07-09 SMTP - SPF SRS - NDR Verification new option implemented, if SRS and NDR verification is on and a bounce back is received without valid hash or SRS message will be rejected, API updated, GUI updated, tested [*] 2008-07-09 SPF SRS - Updated as in OpenSPF specification, 100% compliant, tested all scenarios, SRS1 contains only the SRS0 domain (no more hash as it cannot be checked anyway) [*] 2008-07-09 Groupware - Attributes updated, Attachment of type Link syntax updated [*] 2008-07-09 Groupware - Folders - FdrParam new field added, future use, upgrade implemented, tested [*] 2008-07-09 MIMEClass - URLEncode and URLDecode completely rewritten, work x-times faster for large strings, tested [*] 2008-07-09 Groupware - calendar.xml DROPINDEX removed, not needed anymore [+] 2008-07-09 Groupware - Support for Photo via Attributes, SIF or Versit implemented, tested [+] 2008-07-09 VersitClass - SIF conversion support for Photo added [+] 2008-07-09 Groupware - SetItemAttribute, GetItemAttributes, DeleteItemAttribute API functions implemented, tested all scenarios [+] 2008-07-08 Groupware - ContactCertificate and EventNote converted to new ItemAttr and ItemAttrData tables, migration functions implemented and tested, compatibility preserved, tested, item attributes allow any number of dynamic attributes to be used, tested, calendar.xml updated, tested exports, tested DeleteAccount and DeleteGroup [+] 2008-07-08 IMAP service - Personal shared folders are listed only if their owner is manually "subscribed" through CREATE command [+] 2008-07-08 Groupware - Folder rights management - When Adding or Deleting inherited folder rights all rights are physically set to the current folder, this way after the client will have the same rights when finished, tested [+] 2008-07-08 Groupware - Folders - New Fdr_Created timestamp field added, tables updated (upgrade required), calendar.xml updated, implemented, tested [+] 2008-07-08 SMTP service - Mailing List - Original message ID is displayed in the client sessions logs [+] 2008-07-07 Groupware - GetAttachmentPath() new function added, API doc updated [+] 2008-07-07 Groupware - AddFolder() - subscribe a shared calendar new method added, create a folder using syntax: ~email, account is automatically subscribed and used, tested [*] 2008-07-07 Groupware - SubscribeUser() - 3rd parameter SubscribeAs added, if blank the emailAdress is used, tested [*] 2008-07-07 Groupware - SubscribeUser() - GetGroupAccess() automatically called when subscribe successful so folder list returns the new user's folders, tested [*] 2008-07-07 Groupware - DeleteFolder() - If deleting shared account - CloseGroup() is automatically called so the account is not returned in the folder list anymore, tested [*] 2008-07-07 Config - Sorting of domain list is done before inserting the domains into the treeview. (3 times speed increase for systems with many domains) [-] 2008-07-06 IMAP Service - GETQUOTAROOT and GETQUOTA works correctly, even for shared folders [-] 2008-07-06 IMAP Service - Root folder of public shared folder is selectable again [-] 2008-06-30 Installer - Log Analyzer added into localization strings [-] 2008-06-30 MIMEClass - Quoted encoding and decoding - bug with space character fixed [-] 2008-06-25 API - IsRunning method works correctly even for the SIP service [-] 2008-06-25 POP3 Service - File descriptors are correctly closed even if an exception occures during sending of a file [-] 2008-07-04 Config - If one of the services stops responding, it is not fatal for config any more [-] 2008-07-04 Remote config - List of subfolders works in the same way as using local config [+] 2008-07-04 config - Management of personal IMAP access contol added into User/Mailbox tab [+] 2008-07-04 IMAP Service - support for sharing of personal user folders added - LIST, GETACL, SETACL commands facelifted [+] 2008-06-24 Project maintenance - All binaries contains proper version resource [+] 2008-06-24 Project maintenance - All binaries are digitally signed [*] 2008-06-23 Wintrust class - new class suitable for checking digital signatures added [*] 2008-06-23 Wintrust class - new class suitable for checking digital signatures added [*] 2008-06-20 Groupware - DeleteFolder() - If root of shared account is supplied the shared account is automatically unsubscribed (no special rights required), tested [+] 2008-06-20 Groupware - SubscribeUser() - new API function added, easily subscribes any shared account, tested [*] 2008-06-20 Groupware - OpenFolder() - license considered and if not sufficient shared/public folders are not visible, tested [+] 2008-06-20 Groupware - New sharing concept complete, full featured sharing features (inheritance, anyone, automatic public folders, folder right hiearchy), ideally use only one public folder called "Public folders" and set folder rights as needed, tested [*] 2008-06-20 Groupware - Public folder auto subscription implemented, public folders should not be subscribed manuall anymore, they are listed automatically if sufficient rights, subscribed public folders will be ignored, tested [*] 2008-06-20 Groupware - Folder management (Add/Delete/Rename, AddRight/DeleteRight/RightList) uses real folder rights (AddFolder gets parent folder rights), only Full/Owner can manage folders, tested [*] 2008-06-20 Groupware - GetGroupAccessRights - new Raw parameter support added [+] 2008-06-19 System - DoLog() - AnsiString support added (strings are not stripped, the whole string can be logged now), IM logging (contains multiple lines) [*] 2008-06-19 Groupware - GetFolderRightList - real folder rights returned, inheritance considered, tested [*] 2008-06-19 Groupware - GetFolderList - support for folder rights, only folders with rights listed, tested [*] 2008-06-19 Groupware - OpenFolder - support for hiearchic rights added, anyone and any email object (user, group or domain), tested [*] 2008-06-19 Groupware - FolderRights integration - support for 'anyone' added (only for none rights), previous functionality preserved using FolderRights [*] 2008-06-19 Groupware - API - User functions wrapped with FolderRights (Delete, Get, Add) calls, compatibility preserved [*] 2008-06-19 Groupware - Migration - All EventUser records converted to FolderRights and EventUser table dropped, requires new database structure, use tool upgrade 9.3.0 [+] 2008-06-19 Project maintenance - Automatic rebuild of version resources [-] 2008-06-19 Project maintenance - branch for 9.3 made 9.3.0 (2008-06-19) [-] 2008-06-19 [#13212] - Config - Domain Settings - AD synchronization. Click to "Synchronize now" triggers the "test connection" before starting the synchronization [*] 2008-06-18 MIMEClass - Quoted encoding and decoding - new MIME parameter added, supports _ and space encoding/decoding if MIME header, body remains, tested [*] 2008-06-18 Groupware - DeleteFolderRight - if last right in the list and not root folder or "anyone" then new "anyone" none is created, tested [*] 2008-06-18 [#13228] - Config - Rules - Global rules dialog does not disappear after reloading the configuration [*] 2008-06-18 Groupware - RenameFolder - FolderRights renamed properly, tested [*] 2008-06-18 Groupware - DeleteFolder - FolderRights deleted properly, tested [*] 2008-06-18 Groupware - Export - FolderRights exported, Delete - Folders and FolderRights content deleted, tested [*] 2008-06-18 [#13212] - Config - Domain Settings - AD synchronization. Click to "Synchronize now" triggers the "test connection" before starting the synchronization [+] 2008-06-18 Service - Startup mode support (Automatic, Manual) added, API updated, Config service properties updated, implemented, tested [-] 2008-06-18 Rules - Delete of actions from the summary panel works properly [-] 2008-06-18 Rules - Global rules dialog does not disappear after saving the configuration [*] 2008-06-17 [#13218] Rules - Multiple Flags support added, Flags ORed to the previous Flags value, tested [*] 2008-06-17 PHP - imap extension updated [*] 2008-06-17 [#13217] Config - Remote accounts - Rules for new accounts problem fixed, tested [-] 2008-06-17 SIP service does not cause exception when IM is running and SIP service is disabled [-] 2008-06-17 Config - Sessions - failure of one service does not influence displaying of sessions from another service [+] 2008-06-17 Config - Status - Account Statistics, Traffic Charts, Volume - Save As Image... new button support added, image includes all displayed information (labels and charts), tested [*] 2008-06-17 Groupware - FreeBusy and Internet Calendar - only event objects processed, all others skipped [+] 2008-06-17 Groupware - Internet Calendars support added, URL http://server/calendar/?john@doe, returns .ics file content which can be used in Outlook 2007 or other clients supporting this, tested [-] 2008-06-17 Config - service binding - Only numbers can be entered into the "port" field [-] 2008-06-17 Data class - "version need to extract" is set to 45 only for big files [*] 2008-06-17 Projects- RC5 [+] 2008-06-16 Config - Sessions - WebMail support added, displays all webmail sessions, Kill implemented, tested [*] 2008-06-16 Config - It is not possible to store user with alias containing uppercase letters any more [*] 2008-06-16 SMTP - Content Filter - MDA queue is never used in "Forward to" action [-] 2008-06-16 API - DigestConfirmed type changed to Byte from Boolean, Assignments of values greater then 1 did not work on linux [+] 2008-06-16 Config - Status - Traffic charts updated, added Save To File (exports chart to jpeg) support, tested [+] 2008-06-16 Config - Status - Volume charts and information updated, added Save To File (exports chart to jpeg) support, tested [*] 2008-06-16 API - SaveDomain - TouchSettings parameter added, SaveConfig() domains saved first then the settings, tested [*] 2008-06-16 Setup - setup.lng is supported also from .exe installer [+] 2008-06-16 idp tool - support for deleting files from archive added [+] 2008-06-15 Config - Statistics - Sessions - All item added, displays all services sessions, tested [i] 2008-06-14 Drafts [+] 2008-06-13 Data Class - support for deleting files from zip archive added, idpview updated [+] 2008-06-13 SIP - SIP gateways - 407 Proxy Requires Authentication, realm updated to the original realm of the sender (not the one of the gateway), fixes Windows Mobile Internal Calling and Nokia VoIP over SIP gateways, tested [*] 2008-06-13 XMPP - Tested server-to-server communication with [*] 2008-06-13 System - Log function - support for flags added [*] 2008-06-13 [#13030] Remote Server Watchdog - information about checks is written into log file [*] 2008-06-13 XMPP - presence content saved as whole xml, items not parsed and constructed when needed, fixes some presence specific issues (Coccinella whiteboard working now), tested [*] 2008-06-13 XMPP - SASL - DIGEST-MD5 complete, tested with Psi and Coccinella [+] 2008-06-13 XMPP - Support for mutual subscription as in [XMPP] RFC implemented, tested wit Psi and Coccinella [+] 2008-06-13 Config - ETRN - Domain, User, Pass separate fields support added, implemented, tested [-] 2008-06-12 Linux - Added support for CommTouch [+] 2008-06-12 XMPP - Support for SASL, BIND and SESSION XMPP namespaces according to [XMPP-CORE] and [XMPP], tested with Coccinella (SASL and TLS connection) [+] 2008-06-12 Project maintenance - automatical import of docummentation files [+] 2008-06-12 New Avast OEM installer added [*] 2008-06-12 Config - Account Cache and Domain Cache is not used - Changes through API are visible immediately after reload of config [*] 2008-06-12 SMTP - Client session - MsgID log added for subsequent messages for the same connection, tested [+] 2008-06-12 New OpenSSL-0.9.8h engine used, tested [-] 2008-06-12 API - COM php examples fixed [*] 2008-06-12 [#13134,13111] SSL certificate can be assigned to GW service, SSL port can not be entered [-] 2008-06-12 API - license check in Init function fixed [*] 2008-06-11 SMTP - ATRN authentication updated, client session updated to remember HELO/EHLO response, tested [+] 2008-06-11 API - RA_RulesContentXML new variable implemented, tested [+] 2008-06-11 Config - Remote Accounts - Support for Rules added, POP and IMAP remote account rules implemented, tested [-] 2008-06-11 SMTP - ATRN server to client logging updated [*] 2008-06-11 Projects- RC4 [+] 2008-06-11 SyncML Push - Sony Ericsson config support, GUI is prepared for Push [+] 2008-06-11 SyncML Push - Synthesis Push support [+] 2008-06-11 SyncML Push - support OTA config SMS [*] 2008-06-11 Anti-Spam - AS live error is written into log [*] 2008-06-11 Setup - Anti-Fake algoritmus improved [-] 2008-06-11 Data unit - param types in callback function changed to work also on linux [+] 2008-06-11 Setup - Custom server certificate created (based on the country, hostname and admin email address), only for the first setup in the wizard, tested [*] 2008-06-11 [#13110] Config - Certificates - CAFile management updated, label is not used, Subject is used always, tested [-] 2008-06-11 SMTP - ATRN server to client logging fixed [*] 2008-06-11 API - documentation updated [*] 2008-06-11 API - SyncMLPush - return type is WideString, updated [-] 2008-06-10 PHP extension - support for function GetDomainIndex added [+] 2008-06-10 API - Each object contains new method GetProperties(Mask), gets all properties for any object matching the mask, CLI tool updated to support both GetProperty and GetProperties (based on a param containing '*'), tested [*] 2008-06-10 System - CryptData() usage updated, when called for var reference new buffer allocated and used, fixes concurrent usage of the structure that was previously encrypted and decrypted in memory, tested [-] 2008-06-10 [#13057] Remote Config - Configuration of control service is reloaded after change of primary domain [-] 2008-06-10 SMTP - ATRN problem fixed, server session properly created, client logs status OK, tested, Config Connect Now problem fixed [-] 2008-06-10 SQLite - path to server instalation dir is used as a base dir for all relative paths [-] 2008-06-10 [#12999] License Check- webmail is disabled and expiration message is sent when expired [*] 2008-06-10 [#13027] Config - Service dialog - Number of outgoing connection edit box is enabled only for SMTP,POP3,IMAP and FTP [*] 2008-06-09 API - RemoteAccount - LeaveMessageFile automatically set to some value, tested [*] 2008-06-09 SMTP - HandleAccountForward() - FinalDelivery param added, used in HandleCopyMail(), preserves MDA internal delivery Copy outgoing mail loop, tested [-] 2008-06-09 [#11514,13101] Filters - DLL with external filters are loaded again [+] 2008-06-09 API - support for new schedule type added - S_ScheduleWhen and S_DaysInMonth properties added [*] 2008-06-09 Strings - strings.dat support for stProductDisabledE added [+] 2008-06-09 [#13028] Rules - Send message - HTML and system command variables support added, new function ProcessSetFile() implemented, tested [+] 2008-06-09 [#12999] Setup - Upgrade - uses the real version from the API (not from registry), tested [+] 2008-06-09 [#13011] Setup - request for update of Antis-Spam database is sent afer finishing the installation [+] 2008-06-09 [#12829] DB - ProcessOracleSQL() implemented, checks for = '' or <> '' and replaces all SQL statements with IS NULL or IS NOT NULL, fixes problems with Oracle syntax, tested [*] 2008-06-08 SIP - Gateway registration timestamp - processed only when called from timer, when called from SIP Gateway load timestamp preserved, tested [+] 2008-06-07 SIP - Support for SUBSCRIBE for the local server (request not passed to user agent), tested [+] 2008-06-07 SIP - Preprocessing updated - support for strict routers as in RFC3621 added (compatibility with RFC2543), fixes a problem with Routing, tested with native WM 6.0 SIP support (Microsoft is using strict router routing although the protocol is SIP 2.0, WM also requires only G711 codec, any other device using a different codec calling WM will fail), tested also loose routing [*] 2008-06-06 [#12975] Groupware - Tasks - Reminders - missing StartDate fixed, tested [*] 2008-06-06 Groupware - API - GetGroupList - if primary group is missing and owner requests the list, group gets automatically created, tested, fixes a problem with Public folders and adding a folder already deleted [+] 2008-06-06 [#12948] API - quarantine list does not contain incomplete utf8 chars at the end. [+] 2008-06-06 Control Service - License Check, expiration warning email about groupware is sent at proper time. [+] 2008-06-06 Projects - Server Test Tool - possibility to specify pause between requests added [+] 2008-06-06 [#13009] Remote Config - Information box after tcp error tells that the error could be caused by making configuration change which requires restart [-] 2008-06-06 [#12971] Remote Config - Antispam - Learning rules- settings are correctly saved even with remote connection [*] 2008-06-06 Webmail rev. 4559 [*] 2008-06-06 Syncml rev. 150 [*] 2008-06-06 Webadmin rev. 1087 [+] 2008-06-06 AntiSpam Live - Score for non-spam messages applied to Live threshold score which is calculated as SpamScore - LiveNonSpamScore - 0.01, this way messages that would get tagged as spam will get tagged as non-spam if proper scores applied, tested [*] 2008-06-05 PHP - template extension updated [-] 2008-06-05 [#12880] SMTP - quarantine - if one recipient quarantines the message and the second does not, message is placed to proper place [-] 2008-06-05 [#12880] SMTP - quarantine - correct spamreason is added to the log even if blacklist was activated from quarantine [+] 2008-06-05 WebServer - webserver.dat - FCGI_ options support added, ISAPI_ options renamed, tested [+] 2008-06-05 Project Maintenance - original setup.exe is included also into .exe installer [+] 2008-06-04 PHP - 5.2.6 fast-cgi support added [+] 2008-06-04 WebServer - FastCGI - complete, custom environment settings supported, tested in highload, use with web server thread pooling to preserve max threads [+] 2008-06-04 WebServer - FastCGI - Robust and high performance multiprocess fastcgi support implemented, webserver.dat 2 fcgi modes (MODULE: url ";" application, ";" application (spawns multiple fcgi modules)) [+] 2008-06-04 WebServer - FastCGI debugging - application file description support development and research [+] 2008-06-04 webmail,mail,challenge,admin,syncml RC3 [-] 2008-06-04 Data Class - Support for zip64 format added [+] 2008-06-03 Setup - Path - Edit control instead of label used [*] 2008-06-03 Webmail rev. 4542 [+] 2008-06-03 Control - AntiSpam Live - ctasd run under control service when required, stops and starts as required, tested [*] 2008-06-03 Setup - ctasd service removed [*] 2008-06-03 PHP - imap + template extensions updated [*] 2008-06-02 Webmail rev. 4531 [*] 2008-06-02 Syncml rev. 149 [*] 2008-06-02 Project Maintenance - build scripts updated [*] 2008-06-02 Examples - imservices.dat - aol. changed to aim. so that service icon is correctly displayed in psi [*] 2008-05-30 Webmail rev. 4523 [*] 2008-05-30 Webadmin rev. 1081 [+] 2008-05-30 Antispam Live - Score non-spam messages - new feature added, Config updated, implemented, if message classified as unknown or non-spam then score is decreased [*] 2008-05-30 PHP - Template - extension updated, few fixes [+] 2008-05-30 ISAPI - Data 500 check feature implemented, web service settings updated, requires manual edit [*] 2008-05-30 DB - Accounts - U_AuthModeValue extended to 127 chars [*] 2008-05-30 Config - Statusbar - first panel extended to display a long version properly [+] 2008-05-30 SyncML Push - new GUI with sending config SMS possibility [+] 2008-05-30 SyncML Push - new client plug-in (simple add new client) [+] 2008-05-30 SyncML Push - sending config SMS possibility via API function [+] 2008-05-30 SyncML Push - support OMA config SMS [+] 2008-05-30 SyncML Push - Nokia SyncML 1.1 SAN support [*] 2008-05-29 Config - Acces mode - Mode - items renamed to better reflect the functionality [*] 2008-05-29 [#12912] Config - Quarantine - Local Users mode moved to Antispam/Other/Other and items renamed to better reflect the functionality [+] 2008-05-29 Remote Connection - Protocol - cmControlPipe command support added [*] 2008-05-29 Anti-Virus - Mirror can be used also on linux version [*] 2008-05-29 Project Maintenance - version string update, build scripts improved [*] 2008-05-29 Groupware - possibility to forbidden groupware records creation was removed [*] 2008-05-29 Data Class - zip files containing some trash between packed records are now handled properly [*] 2008-05-28 Webmail rev. 4509 [*] 2008-05-28 Old webmail rev. 191 [*] 2008-05-28 System - ThreadSession - Thread pool updated, proper usage and order applied, tested, fixes few thread order execution problems [*] 2008-05-28 DB - Thread pool - defaults to 20, 0 - disabled and remains if set [-] 2008-05-28 [#12889] - Config - Delete of multiple domains does not show multiple wrong popups any more [*] 2008-05-28 [#12396] - Remote Account - Domain POP - All headers specified in "Parse These Headers" are processed, processing is not stopped after first found header [*] 2008-05-28 Antispam - Groupware addressbook whitelist - if sender blank groupware not checked (caused some problems with spammers using blank email and groupware containing contacts without emails), tested [-] 2008-05-27 Linux - Added files README.txt,, [*] 2008-05-27 [#12880] Config - "Whitelist mode" renamed to "Anti-Spam mode" and moved to general/other/other, "auto whitelist trusted email addresses to database" renamed to: "auto whitelist trusted email recipients to database" [-] 2008-05-27 [#12880] Whitelist is checked at the beginning, regardless on blacklist settings and only if really enabled. (Both whitelist and blacklist are checked again when message should be quarantined, even if are disabled) [-] 2008-05-27 [#12882] Installer - Demo accounts can not be selected in an upgrade installation, trash files from old webmail directory deleted [*] 2008-05-27 Idp Viewer - Support for UTF8 paths added, important controls support unicode [-] 2008-05-27 System Class - GetSysPath correctly returns UTF8 paths [*] 2008-05-27 Data Class - Default paths to archives are not UTF8 now, idp utility still uses UTF8 paths [*] 2008-05-26 [#12871] Anti-Spam - Auto Whitelist - main user alias is used in the owner field [+] 2008-05-26 System - Domain Rename - Support for Antispam Quarantine/Challenge db owner and domain update, tested [*] 2008-05-26 [#12847] SSL Tunnel - Kill session support added, tested [*] 2008-05-26 [#7209] SIP - Redial feature updated tested [-] 2008-05-26 String Class - ResetBOM - {$-}, {$+} directives used for call of the Reset function [-] 2008-05-26 [#12753] Tool - Import - importing of domain works even if comma is not present at the end of line, help corrected [-] 2008-05-26 [#12744] SMTP - cycles in bypass files detected and properly handled [-] 2008-05-26 [#12682] Bayesian Learning - performs correctly even if invalid html entities are presented [*] 2008-05-23 SIP - Redial feature updated, takes the last good known number (skips the special like Redial, Reset prefices etc.) [+] 2008-05-23 Mailing list - System variables - Final recipient/member variables used for each sent out message, allows to use %%recipient%% and similar variables containing the member information, tested [*] 2008-05-23 [#12050] Socket Class, tries to connect to ipv4 address if connection to ipv6 address failed [-] 2008-05-23 API - RemoteAccount object works also with tokenhande [*] 2008-05-23 SMS Server - HTTP gateway - Tested UTF-8 and GSM0338 characters transfer to a remote HTTP gateway, HTTP gateway must be running always in utf-8 and all characters are properly passed and processed, tested with 2 servers [*] 2008-05-23 Webmail rev. 4482 [*] 2008-05-23 Setup - snmp-mib.txt installed to doc directory [*] 2008-05-23 SMTP Log - "message quarantined" displayed instead of "message deleted by quarantine" [*] 2008-05-23 [#12850] Anti-spam Log - Quarantine action is properly displayed in the log file [*] 2008-05-22 [#12828] Tool - After conversion of accounts storage to filesystem or database, services are forced to reload configuration [*] 2008-05-21 API - C_License_XMLFileFull readonly constant added, returns xml with status of all licenses (even the nonactive ones) [*] 2008-05-21 Project Maintenance - makeinstaller is called automatically from makeinst [+] 2008-05-21 License Class - Demo license for AntispamLive and LogAnalyzer renewed after upgrade from versions before 9.3 [*] 2008-05-21 Webmail rev. 4474 [+] 2008-05-20 License Class - Support for enabling demo period after upgrade for new server modules added [*] 2008-05-20 System - SysPath() - UTF8 support added [*] 2008-05-20 Config - Account and domain management - SaveProc updated, button status checked, fixes a problem with domain deleting [-] 2008-05-20 [#12403,12817] Anti-Spam settings - Folder Reports - "Sender address" is stored in UTF8 now. [*] 2008-05-20 Config - Message queue - Spam folder handling fixed, tested [+] 2008-05-20 System - Domain Rename - Support for Groupware RenameDomain API function added, tested, all data preserved [*] 2008-05-20 Project Maintenance - makeinstaller script improved to change resulting filename [*] 2008-05-20 LogAnalyzer - mla.exe and mlaimp.exe moved into loganalyzer directory, Installer does not create redundant special directory for all loganalyzer parts [*] 2008-05-20 MIME Class - ValidateEmail does not strip all characters violating RFC by default. Only calls from challengeresponse are using the stripping variant [-] 2008-05-20 [#12508] Config - Remote Connection - list of IMAP folders of non existing user on remote computer is displayed correctly [*] 2008-05-19 Config - Services - IM - if diabled no service statistics are displayed [*] 2008-05-19 Config - ETRN - New unified ETRN management provided, old API ETRN structure converted to file etrn.dat, auto conversion mechanism provided, tested [*] 2008-05-19 [#12644] Quarantine - message for non existing or disabled account goes to quarantene of catch-all account [*] 2008-05-19 [#11011] MIME Class - ValidateEmail strips all characters violating RFC [*] 2008-05-19 [#11936] Quarantine - message delivered from quarantine do not get through MDA queue [+] 2008-05-19 Config - Antispam - Learning Rules - Settings File button added, implemented [*] 2008-05-19 Config - Antispam - Learning Rules updated (CTFP + CTFN), internal only [*] 2008-05-18 Setup - Log Analyzer binaries added to install package and to setup.exe as a new module [*] 2008-05-18 Config - Log Analyzer - "Import now" functionality added, MLA binaries are expected to be in "server\loganalyzer" [-] 2008-05-18 Setup - Old webmail is installed even from .exe installer [*] 2008-05-18 [#12800] Config - CTRL+S keyboard shortcut saves also user and domain settings [*] 2008-05-18 Group - Shared mailbox delivery - IMAP flag used properly, tested [*] 2008-05-17 Setup - webmail PDA support added [*] 2008-05-16 Webmail rev. 4463 [+] 2008-05-16 API - C_Mail_ETRN_Active new variable added [*] 2008-05-16 HTTP Server - Proxy - Support for user name in W3C logs added, tested [*] 2008-05-15 WebDAV 9.3RC2, SyncML 9.3RC2, Webmail Client 9.3 RC2 [+] 2008-05-15 Project Maintenance - scripts for importing related projects updated [+] 2008-05-15 Config - Database selection dialogs for Groupware and Antispam works well with sqlite and LB paths [*] 2008-05-15 Webmail rev. 4448 [+] 2008-05-15 [#11941] Forward - Rules and mailbox limits applied, all forward to and unknown account domain forward to options process the CheckForwardLimits() function, tested, recipient attributes reset (Folder, Headers, Flags) [-] 2008-05-15 Groupware, SMTP - Sqlite database given by relative path works with not LB paths again [+] 2008-05-15 Antispam - Learning Rules - Live FP+FN implemented, examples updated [+] 2008-05-15 Config - Antispam - Learning Rules - Live FP+FN support added, tested [*] 2008-05-15 API - Inhternal -Function SaveConfigWithoutUpdate added [*] 2008-05-14 Config - content of xml file with webmail settings not recognized by config is preserved [*] 2008-05-14 AntiVirus - "Custom Mirror URL" field added, functionality not implemented [*] 2008-05-14 Languages rev. 426, Challenge 9.3 RC1, [*] 2008-05-14 Webadmin 9.3 RC1, Webmail 9.3 RC1, SyncML rev. 138 [*] 2008-05-14 Webadmin rev. 1072, Webmail rev. 4446, SyncML rev. 138 [-] 2008-05-14 [#12745] Groupware, SMTP - Sqlite databse given by relative path works also with load ballanced paths [-] 2008-05-14 [#12158] TServerWinSocket class - after timeout of waiting for UDP data, socket problem fixed again [*] 2008-05-14 [#12688] - Blacklist - Spam reason and Spam action is displayed log [*] 2008-05-14 HTTP Server - URL security /../ updated, checked in the local path for PathDelim .. PathDelim (platform independent), URLEncoded attacks safe, tested, files containing ".." will be accessible [*] 2008-05-14 [#12474] - Remote Account - If mailbox path is entered to "Forward to" field instead of email address, folder structure of the remote server is preserved and mesaage is placed to corresponding folder without any other processing (i.e. spam filter is not applied, filters are not applied) [+] 2008-05-14 CommTouch - ReportFP and ReportFN support added, updated X-CTCH header, uses MIMEClass, tested [+] 2008-05-14 API - C_SettingsTime + C_EvalExpirationTime 2 new variables support added, unix timestamp, tested [-] 2008-05-13 Linux - [#11604] Fixed Web/control service statistics [*] 2008-05-13 API - C_License contains the content of the license file, C_License_XMLFile contains the decoded license in xml, updated [*] 2008-05-13 SIP - SIPReferCall() - Number properly formatted, tested [*] 2008-05-13 Webadmin rev. 1069, Webmail rev. 4435 [*] 2008-05-13 Config - Show LDAP logs - log path fixed and tested [+] 2008-05-13 SyncML - URL variable added, API updated, GUI updated [*] 2008-05-13 Log Analyzer license added [-] 2008-05-13 [#12624] Login Policy - If multiple users with the same username exist in different domains, unsuccessfull logins of these users are not taken into account in Login Policy [+] 2008-05-13 PHP 5.2.6 [*] 2008-05-13 Config - updated menus and MLA integration [*] 2008-05-13 readme.txt updated [-] 2008-05-13 [#12600] Quarantine - Delete expired messages as spam - Subject of the message is changed according to spam action settings [-] 2008-05-13 [#12543] Maintenance - After deleting a domain, all relevant records are deleted from whitelist. [+] 2008-05-12 Linux - Added support for PDO MySQL in PHP [+] 2008-05-12 Linux - Added support for UTF8 in PDO SQLite in PHP [*] 2008-05-12 DirectoryCache - Wave mode - auto cleanup mode added [-] 2008-05-12 [#12644] SMTP - incoming mails for disabled user are not delivered to mailbox of this user even if forwarding of unknown accounts is enabled [+] 2008-05-12 DirectoryCache engine updated - Wave mode added, instead of caching the directory and file sizes on fly a separate thread is used and scheduled, this saves the CPU and HDD utilization and handles large volumes of domains and accounts, domain disk quota can be finally used again, set a new DirectoryCacheDisabled mode to dctWave for the new engine to be used, tested, used in default settings [+] 2008-05-12 SMTP - AvailMailboxSize() DirectoryCache used, IMAP - GETQUOTA DirectoryCache used [-] 2008-05-12 [#12362] System backup/restore - also load balancing settings are backed up/restored [+] 2008-05-12 Log Analyzer - svn structure changed, LaunchMLA is called each hour. [+] 2008-05-10 [#6880] System backup, Mail archive backup - info is sent to system administrator after unsuccessfull backup [+] 2008-05-10 Data Class - possibility to specify a callback which is called for each file being added [-] 2008-05-10 Rules - Message contains attachment - condition properly processed, tested [+] 2008-05-09 [#10916] Config - Spam folder reports - Engine Url can be entered also in Spam folder reports sheet, ability to run debug mode in web browser from GUI added. [+] 2008-05-08 [#282] Config - Schedule dialog - Possibility to schedule monthly events added. [*] 2008-05-08 Config - SMTP Service - "Maximum SMTP client recipients", generic "InputFieldForm" used instead of specific form [+] 2008-05-08 [#10667] Config - Password Policy - Password Expiration - Possibility to notify user several days before password expiration added [*] 2008-05-07 [#297] Config - SMTP Service - "Maximum SMTP client recipients", can be overridden for specific target domains [*] 2008-05-07 [#282] Config - Remote Account - informative message is displayed after click on "Connect now" button. [*] 2008-05-07 [#11743] Config - Message Queue - width of "Mailbox" field increased [*] 2008-05-07 Log Analyzer - minor changes in GUI configuration [+] 2008-05-06 Linux - Added support for more than 9 parameters in logging function in Wizard [+] 2008-05-05 Linux - Added support for space in strings New User "Full name" and Domain "Description" in Wizard [-] 2008-05-05 Linux - Fixed bugs with using SQLite [+] 2008-04-30 Linux - Merak Mail Server 9.2.1 released [-] 2008-04-30 Linux - Rewritten storage management in Wizard [-] 2008-04-30 Linux - Few other bash scripting errors corrected in Wizard script [*] 2008-04-29 DB - Boolean values passed into SQL queries are standartized to $00 and $01 [*] 2008-04-28 API - Read/Write properties C_AS_Challenge_ConnectionString and C_GW_ConnectionString added [+] 2008-05-05 IMAP - Migration engine - remote subscribed folders will be subscribed locally (LSUB and SUBSCRIBE used), tested [+] 2008-04-30 Config - Remote Watchdog - Active checkbox support added, Remote watchdog active feature implemented [*] 2008-04-30 SSL Tunnel - Idle timeout set to 30 minutes, tested [*] 2008-04-28 API - Read/Write properties C_AS_Challenge_ConnectionString and C_GW_ConnectionString added [-] 2008-04-28 [#12508] Config - Remote Connection - list of IMAP folders of user on remote computer is displayed correctly [*] 2008-04-30 Server Migration - Logging improved, manual POP3 migration of messages only converts the result correctly to imap structures if necessary [-] 2008-04-30 [#12213] Server Migration - "Finish migration" works even after manual "migrate messages" action [-] 2008-04-28 [#12508] Config - Remote Connection - list of IMAP folders of user on remote computer is displayed correctly [*] 2008-04-28 Config - "DNS Server Test" button does not require restart of config after change of DNS timeout. [+] 2008-04-28 [#11482] Remote Account - "Active" checkbox added allowing to temporary disable remote account, RA_Enabled variable added to API [+] 2008-04-26 [#11354] Mail Archive - "Delete now" button added, logging slightly improved [*] 2008-04-25 Webmail rev. 4326 [*] 2008-04-25 Challenge rev. 107 [*] 2008-04-25 Mail rev. 190 [*] 2008-04-25 WebAdmin rev. 106 [*] 2008-04-25 Languages rev. 402 [+] 2008-04-25 [#11699] API - C_System_SQLLogPath and C_System_SQLLogType allows to log every SQL query run from server [+] 2008-04-23 Linux - Wizard allows to specify "localhost" as database host name for MySQL [-] 2008-04-23 Setup - setupfirst.dat does not overwrite the target files [-] 2008-04-23 [#12440] Antivirus - AV libraries are loaded only if Antivirus is turned on [*] 2008-04-23 DB Class - workaround for MyODBC 5.1 driver - if SQL_DESC_COUNT does not work, SQLNumResultCols function is used, ODBC Cursor is not used for mysql ODBC connections. [-] 2008-04-22 Config - Content Filters, Rules - String condition containing negation is prefixed with "NOT" in the "Description" field [-] 2008-04-22 Config - Rules - Double negation is saved as no negation [*] 2008-04-22 [#12298] Config - Rules - Style of negation displaying changed: Instead of negation the whole line, only "contain" is changed to "not contain" [-] 2008-04-22 [#12182] Anti-Spam settings - Folder Reports - "From address" is stored in UTF8 now. [*] 2008-04-21 Linux - Merak Mail Server 9.2.0 released [*] 2008-04-21 Linux - New and cleaner daemon control scripts [*] 2008-04-21 Linux - Rewritten merakd to use new controlling commands [+] 2008-04-21 Linux - Changed controlling of merak services [+] 2008-04-21 Linux - Rewritten script [+] 2008-04-21 Linux - New script to support system services in /etc/init.d for RHEL4/5 [-] 2008-04-21 [#12152] Logging - Client sessions in each service writes ip address of unsuccessful connection attempt into log. [-] 2008-04-21 SMTP - Anti-Spam Live- Report header is correctly added to the email, temporary mails are deleted [*] 2008-04-21 MIME class - ParseToHeader improved using source of EncodeRecipientHeader. EncodeRecipientHeader now calls ParseToHeader. [*] 2008-04-21 [#11898] DB class - DBChallengeGetList, DBGLGetList - "flag" parameter can contain list of conditions in URL-like syntax. The conditions are correctly escaped according to the active database. [-] 2008-04-20 FTP - RNFR - Directory rename problem fixed [+] 2008-04-20 Config - Log Analyzer interface support added [+] 2008-04-20 [#8633] Mail Archive - "Do not archive spam" option added. [*] 2008-04-19 Config - SSL Tunnel - HelpIDs updated [*] 2008-04-19 IMAP - Client connection - authentication - password is quoted in the LOGIN command [*] 2008-04-19 Server Documentation - F1 Help, complete test, misbehavior fixed [*] 2008-04-19 [#11682,#11198] SMTP - "Copy outgoing" and "Copy Incomming" actions defined per user gave extension .tmp to the copied mails. Now the extension is .tmp if the user has POP3 account and .imap otherwise. [*] 2008-04-18 Server DOcumentation - F1 Help, all help indices renumbered [-] 2008-04-18 API - U_AVSuppor fixed [-] 2008-04-18 [#12022] SMTP - Whitelisting via learning rules. If processing folder of particular user, that user is set as the owner of whitelist item. When processing general folders, To: field is parsed and whitelist item is added for each recipient in local domain. [-] 2008-04-16 [#11698] SMTP - Email bounceback content updated, recipients listed only if there are some [-] 2008-04-16 [#12008] List Server - Command in subject is properly parsed even if is composed of multiple "encoded words" due to use of non ASCII characters [-] 2008-04-16 [#11514] Filters - DLL with external filters are loaded only if specific filter is enabled [-] 2008-04-16 [#11936] Quarantine - dedupe option and Headers and Footers works also for messages delivered from quarantine [-] 2008-04-16 Config - Logs - LDAP - logs generated by LDAP engine are displayed here again instead of short logs from server [-] 2008-04-16 Build script -{$WARN SYMBOL PLATFORM OFF} removed from source and applied globally [-] 2008-04-16 API - U_AVSupport, U_IMSupport, U_GWSupport, U_SyncMLSupport works OK in all situations now [*] 2008-04-15 OpenSSL - pkcs7 and pkcs12 research [+] 2008-04-15 IMAP - ID support added RFC 2971, tested [*] 2008-04-15 IceWarpCOM - TIMMessage initializer calls InitPath to reflect non default paths [*] 2008-04-15 Config - LDAP - Check of availability of information is performed before synchronization start, Correct info about synchronization result is displayed, own log file is produced and displayed [*] 2008-04-14 HTTP Server - Avoided the Nagle algorithm problems, MSS threshold use, sped up sending of multiple small files over HTTP, tested [*] 2008-04-14 Build Script - no compiler warnings are produced [*] 2008-04-14 IM - Yahoo Gateway - gateway identifies itself as messenger version 12 [*] 2008-04-14 [#11424] IM - All gateways automatically reconnects after unwanted disconnection [*] 2008-04-14 IM - All gateways properly sends contacts to offline when closing [*] 2008-04-14 IM - All gateways performs login operation on background, so that the primary login to jabber is not delayed [+] 2008-04-13 [#9965] System - Domain rename - Updates all user properties containing the original domain name to new one, renames mailpath, updates remote accounts too, tested [+] 2008-04-12 Config - User Options - "User can send mail to local domains only" option can be correctly set through GUI [+] 2008-04-11 Config - Status/Sessions - SSL Tunnel added, tested [+] 2008-04-11 Control - SSL Tunnel - Sessions support added [+] 2008-04-11 Config - SSL Tunnel - tunnel rules sorting support added [+] 2008-04-11 Config - Service - IP Address dialog - support to "Verify peer certificate" and "CA file" attributes, finally you can specify a binding for a specific service with required peer verification, tested [+] 2008-04-11 System - Service - support to "Verify peer certificate" and "CA file" attributes, updated servicebind.dat examples and structure, relative paths for CA File and certificate supported, tested all [*] 2008-04-10 Project Maintenance - MakeActive.bat allowing to simply switch which checkouted branch will be used for compilation [*] 2008-04-10 Project Maintenance - Build all script improved to display only relevant informations [i] 2008-04-09 Drafts [*] 2008-04-09 ICQ Class - Some unused function commented to prevent compiler warnings [*] 2008-04-09 IM Gateways - ICQ contacts goes offline when gateway disconnects or is disabled, need to be improved slightly, [*] 2008-04-09 SMTP - Client Session - behavior tested, logging updated [*] 2008-04-09 Commtouch - "Keep_license_key_code" code word implemented so original key remains always in the ctasd.conf file, required for asian users who use a special key adjusted for asian spam, add this comment to ctasd.conf and supply the proper commtouch license [*] 2008-04-09 Config - ACL dialog - cAnyone lang variable exported, WideString safe, tested [*] 2008-04-09 SMTP - Client Session - Session with some temporary rejected recipients and no permanently rejected recipients delivers the message to the accepted recipients. Only delivery to temporary rejected recipients is retried. [+] 2008-04-09 Config - SSL Tunnel - column sizes saved, tested [+] 2008-04-08 Config - Certificates - CA - CA File button added, support for CA File merge and delete added, tested [+] 2008-04-08 SSL - GetCertificatesInfo() - new array function implemented, loads all certificates from single file, tested and ported to Config [*] 2008-04-08 System - SSL - CAFile and CAPath supported simultaneously, peer verification and secured destinations, tested, config/ca.pem can be used for file of CAs for OpenSSL and so can be config/_certs/ [*] 2008-04-08 SMTP - Dedupe updated to work with all account types [i] 2008-04-08 OpenSSL - export all certificates from windows (select all, export to file - p7b), use openssl to create CA file "openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -in ca.p7b -print_certs -out ca.pem", a complete list of all CAs on windows that openssl understands [*] 2008-04-08 MS CryptoAPI library - deleted, use openssl instead [*] 2008-04-08 AccountStatistics - Quota % problem fixed, tested [*] 2008-04-08 MS CryptoAPI library - research to convert windows certificates to x509 [*] 2008-04-08 CalDAV rev. 101 [+] 2008-04-08 CommTouch - X-CTCH header added with RefID, Spam and VOD flags, tested [*] 2008-04-07 CommTouch - server and licenses updated [*] 2008-04-07 IMAP - Mail archive features removed, only SMTP messages are archived, tested [*] 2008-04-07 Web Server - webserver.dat index.php - default document support added [*] 2008-04-07 Setup.exe - only exe part of the all containing package is copied into the installation directory [*] 2008-04-07 Scripts updated to use IDP instead of ZIP32, tested [*] 2008-04-07 [#11605] Linux - merakd - services using wizard ends in broken pipe, fixed [+] 2008-04-07 DataClass and IDP - UTF-8 ZIP support added, windows unicode to utf-8 supported, tested [*] 2008-04-07 DataClass and IDP - recursive parameter added, AddData() supports file masks, tested [*] 2008-04-07 Distributed xml files are human readable again [*] 2008-04-07 builldall script improved [-] 2008-04-07 [#11946] Content Filters - description of the filter is displayed correctly [*] 2008-04-07 Data class- Result of AddData function is "no Error" even if some files could not be added [-] 2008-04-07 Setup.exe - Wizards, ASpell and custom data overwrites previously installed versions when upgrading [*] 2008-04-06 IDP - support for other optios - exclude files, include hidden and system files, compression type [*] 2008-04-06 SMTP - GetRealFile(), GetUTF8File() - functions removed, use native UTF8 file functions instead, tested [*] 2008-04-06 Catalogs - used instead of package.idp, .idp and .zip extensions supported when extracting content of message [+] 2008-04-06 Config - Backup - MCB renamed to ZIP, updated [*] 2008-04-06 Setup - backup file renamed to (not used mostly) [+] 2008-04-06 Config - SMTP Route - Sender authentication defaults to ON [*] 2008-04-06 System - MoveFile() - support for file overwrite added, fixes CopyDirectoryRec() to overwrite destination files, tested [*] 2008-04-06 Setup - with config directory tested, tested upgrade, tested uninstall [*] 2008-04-05 Setup - CopyDirectory() - implements error logging and logs erros to setup.log, tested [+] 2008-04-05 System - CopyDirectoryRec() - sLog parameter added returns all errors during copy/move [*] 2008-04-05 Setup - makeinst and Setup - settings files located in config directory [*] 2008-04-05 Setup - Copies uninstall.exe to destination, deletes old setup.exe, links shortcuts to uninstall.exe, detects if uninstall without params is executed and defaults to uninstall [*] 2008-04-04 Setup - Shortcut links and icons updated [*] 2008-04-04 Webmail rev. 4240 [*] 2008-04-04 Webadmin rev. 1044 [*] 2008-04-04 Setup - Upgrade ideally takes only a few seconds (if antivirus is not installed again), tested the executable archive version and antivirus upgrade [*] 2008-04-04 Setup - Enabled antivirus installed only if version requires it or antivirus directory is missing, tested [*] 2008-04-04 Setup - Moves extracted files to destination instead of copying, should speed up the whole installation process [*] 2008-04-04 SMTP - Too many recipients - 452 4.5.3 Too many recipients, new response used instead of 552, tested [*] 2008-04-04 FTP Synchronization - Support for INT64 (large files) and UTF-8 added, tested [*] 2008-04-04 FTP Server - MODE - 504 mode unknown mode - new error implemented, tested [*] 2008-04-04 FTP synchronization: If the remote server supports zlib, zlib compression is used for file transport [*] 2008-04-04 XML Localization Tool - unused tags and attributes are deleted during merge operation, import from zip distributions improved. [*] 2008-04-04 Setup.exe - also partners info.xml file from root of installpackage is taken account in all-containing exe installer [+] 2008-04-04 Config - SSL Tunnel - CA File option support added, lets you define other trusted CA path or file if different from global Certificate CA already in the system, Tunnel updated to support this, tested [+] 2008-04-04 Setup - setup.exe contains zip archive inside, can be renamed to and files easily managed (delete, add, replace), work with windows native ZIP support, WinZip and Total Commander, IDP supports adding zip files to non zip files (.exe), tested [-] 2008-04-03 Authentication - LDAP - If username DN specified it is used exactly as specified, domain of the user no longer prefixed if missing [*] 2008-04-03 AntiSpam - Delete action defaults to ON [*] 2008-04-03 AntiSpam - Use spam folder defaults to ON [*] 2008-04-03 AntiSpam Live - defaults to ON [+] 2008-04-03 Config - SSL Tunnel - brand new dialog, Active, Description and Request peer certificate options added, implemented, browse for certificate added, tested [*] 2008-04-03 TCP/IP Tunnel - Complete support of SSL/TLS peer verification added, deleted actions 3: and 4:, 2 remains and stands for require peer certificate/verify peer, tested [*] 2008-04-03 OpenSSL - test lab - peer certificate verification with CA list successful, LoadCAList() implemented based on path with CA certs [*] 2008-04-03 ISAPI - PHP recovery - virtual host logged as well [*] 2008-04-03 IMAP - SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE/LSUB, subscribed.dat is recreated even for SUB command without previous LSUB [+] 2008-04-03 Installer creation- makeinst.bat automatically creates also the all-containing setup.exe, svn_lang_export is not called automatically anymore [+] 2008-04-03 Setup - All installation files can be packed directly to the end of setup.exe, hence only setup.exe can be distributed. [*] 2008-04-03 XML Localization Tool - support for .lng files added, svn import/export supports new 'connector' and 'connectorsetup' directories, english 'connectorsetup' lang file can be imported from merak installation zip file (9.2.0 and above) [*] 2008-04-03 Linux - install scripts updated [*] 2008-04-03 OpenSSL - research - CA + signing user and server certificates, created scripts, tested, preparation for verification of client certificates [+] 2008-04-03 ISAPI - PHP 500 error (recovery) restart reason logged including the URL, status and bytes, tested [-] 2008-04-02 Linux - [#11901] ./spam/rules/ duplicity removed, it will not be overwritten on upgrade [-] 2008-04-02 Linux - [#11896] merakd command processing fixed [-] 2008-04-02 Linux - [#11890] Option --quiet added to merakd [+] 2008-04-02 IMAP - SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE/LSUB - completely rewritten, subscriptions kept in subscribed.dat file, compatibility preserved, if file missing original engine takes place, LSUB reference and matching updated, user sharedimap.dat no longer used and obsolete, DELETE automatically removes subscription, tested with telnet and Thunderbird (including public folders) [*] 2008-04-02 Webmail rev. 4230 [+] 2008-04-02 License system - AntiSpam Live license completely changed, standalone license, linked functions updated, engine updated, Config updated and license dialog resized, tested, requires a new Live license to work properly [-] 2008-04-02 [#11896] merakd command processing fixed [-] 2008-04-02 [#11890] Option --quiet added to merakd [-] 2008-04-01 Linux - [#11653] POP3 service crash [-] 2008-04-01 [#11653] POP3 service crash [-] 2008-03-19 Linux - [#11435] Workaround: Services exit on accept thread error [-] 2008-03-19 [#11435] Workaround: Services exit on accept thread error [-] 2008-03-10 Linux - [#11434] Correct signal catching in merakd [-] 2008-03-08 Linux - Thread stack overflow fixed [-] 2008-03-04 Linux - Error EINTR check in system calls [-] 2008-03-04 Linux - PID check in merakd [-] 2008-02-29 Linux - [#11046] Resources report [-] 2008-02-08 Linux - [#9830] Segmentation fault when stopping services [-] 2008-02-07 Linux - [#10400] Incorrect CPU load reported in system monitor [-] 2008-02-04 Linux - [#10212] SSH is locked after mail server was started from GNU Midnight Commander command line under root [-] 2008-01-23 Linux - [#9779] PHP FastCGI leaves zombie process [+] 2008-04-02: SMTP - Routing - Flag "Sender must be authenticated" implemented [+] 2008-04-02: Config - SMTP Routing - Flags completely updated, new flag "Sender must be authenticated" added, examples updated [*] 2008-04-02: Linux - another merakd change [-] 2008-04-01: [#11653] Linux - closed handles problem solved, daemon forking updated not to interfere with the source, tested [+] 2008-04-01: SMTP - POP3 - Move/Copy to folder support added, uses the same function for IMAP folder message placement, integrated, tested possible affected areas [*] 2008-04-01: Data Class - support for ancient idp version removed, support for zip files beginning in the middle of a file added 9.2.0 (2008-04-01) [*] 2008-04-01: Anti-Spam Live - is processed only if also SpamAssassin is enabled [*] 2008-03-31: XML Class - xml formating updated, root tags do not contain space before the tags [*] 2008-03-31: Webmail rev. 4225 [*] 2008-03-31: XML Localization Tool - <?lang tag is not added to the generated files [-] 2008-03-31: Config - /ExportLanguage command line switch correctly exports english master [*] 2008-03-31: Groupware - calendar.xml - primary keys linked to versit UID enlarged to 128 characters [-] 2008-03-31: String Class - MatchStrings- possible overflow fixed [*] 2008-03-31: SMTP - Update IMAP IDLE - file touch of flagsext.dat updated SetFileTime() used, if fails the file is created (fixes a problem on some filesystems - Samba etc.), tested [*] 2008-03-31: Setup - FolderDialog used, tested [*] 2008-03-31: GUI - Final widestring updates [*] 2008-03-31: Config - Connection manager - Description and Server columns swapped, description utf-8 support added [*] 2008-03-29: xmlcopy tool - updated - new param "-add-version", used only for GUI (Config and Setup), <?lang tag in xml causes problems for Mozilla and PHP, updated, tested [*] 2008-03-28: DataClass - Error when creating files continues writing remaining files, proper handling, tested [*] 2008-03-28: Config - Antispam - Live enabled if not expired and (demo or live license present) [*] 2008-03-28: AntiSpam - Anti-spam live enabled if not expired and (demo or live license present) [*] 2008-03-28: HTTP Server - ISAPI 500 reload feature implemented, webserver.dat updated, 2 500 responses result in the service restart, PHP crash auto recovery mode implemented, tested [*] 2008-03-28: HTTP Server - Server side scription HTTP Status properly reported and logged (ISAPI, CGI, FastCGI), tested [*] 2008-03-28: CommTouch keys supplied [*] 2008-03-28: Groupware - DeleteOwner - Contact tables updated, correct order used [*] 2008-03-27: Localization Class - new commandline tool for merging incomplete localizations with english master created. [*] 2008-03-27: MIME Class - Speed improvement of GetFileHeader function [*] 2008-03-27: Webmail rev. 4222 [*] 2008-03-26: MIME Class - Binary safe readln added into GetFileHeader function [i] 2008-03-26: Drafts [*] 2008-03-26: SMS Service - Send sms - ReadData timeout extended to 16 secs [*] 2008-03-26: Groupware - API - DeleteContact() DeleteEvent() proper linking of _Notif parameter added [*] 2008-03-26: Setup - on systems with shared regex.dll library is unloaded so it can be properly overwritten during setup, tested [*] 2008-03-26: Webmail rev. 4207 [*] 2008-03-26: FTP Server - LIST response with large file size fixed, FillStr() not stripped, tested [+] 2008-03-25: Server Traffic Test Tool - several commandline parameters added [+] 2008-03-25: HTTP Server - Special cache control in morse code implemented, tested, allows the usage of URL that changes but still points to a static URL - global to all virtual hosts, tested [*] 2008-03-25: API - AuthenticateUserHash - last parameter changed to "Flags", possibility to use migration if normal login fails, tested [*] 2008-03-25: Webadmin rev. 1041 [*] 2008-03-25: Webmail rev. 4200 [*] 2008-03-25: Webmail - export scripts updated - index.html processed by php and result kept in index.html, tested [*] 2008-03-25: [#11542] - FindIP() support for patterns added, patterns can be used in several places now including trusted ips [*] 2008-03-25: FTP Server - MKD response 257, RNFR - checks for source, RNTO - without RNFR returns 503, PASS - without USER returns 503, limit error responses updated, GetLastError() response values removed as sometimes it is cleared by system automatically, LIST and RETR check if path/file exists and returns error if not, all file/directory actions check if file exists and returns "550 "..." does not exists" error if not, HELP command - last line contains space after 214 - fixes a command line ftp client problem [*] 2008-03-24: FTP Server - Directory listing in distinct mode, StringHash used [*] 2008-03-24: FTP Server - Group permissions applied to directory listing and directory browsing, tested [*] 2008-03-23: Linux - install and service scripts updated [*] 2008-03-22: FTP - Session value contains FTP service name and protocol, GUI lists values in utf-8 properly [-] 2008-03-21: SMTP - size limits - domain limits do not override user limits any more. [*] 2008-03-21: Groupware - VFREEBUSY - FREEBUSY - all day event exported as a period - 0:00 to 23:59, tested [*] 2008-03-21: Groupware - VFREEBUSY - DTSTART and DTEND variables added in the export, tested [*] 2008-03-21: Groupware - VCALENDAR - DateTime variables - ;VALUE=DATE attribute added if dates, tested [*] 2008-03-21: Groupware - Detects if owner has no group records and creates a primary group, tested [*] 2008-03-21: Documentation updated [*] 2008-03-21: Webmail rev. 4186 [*] 2008-03-21: Linux - recompiled native libraries with new stack size fix [*] 2008-03-20: Config - Accounts treeview - multiselect unselecting nodes behavior changed - a check for SHIFT and CTRL applied and all items unselected properly, tested [*] 2008-03-20: Linux - fpc - defaultstacksize vs. pthread_attribute_setstacksize major problem fixed [*] 2008-03-20: Config - User - Authentication mode value limited to 115 characters [*] 2008-03-20: Config - FTP settings - utf-8 based, tested [*] 2008-03-20: FTP Server - Multiple UTF-8 tests performed, tested [*] 2008-03-20: FTP Server - PWD response - trailing / removed, tested, MDTM support for spaces in filename added [+] 2008-03-20: FTP Server - Complete support of UTF-8 added, all files and directory management defaults to UTF-8: draft-ietf-ftpext-utf-8-option-00.txt, tested all functions and listings [+] 2008-03-20: FTP Server - uses SendFile() and int64 variables, complete int64 support [*] 2008-03-20: System - FileClass - UTF8 functions(), optional parameter if UTF8 really supported [*] 2008-03-20: SocketClass - SendFile() - support for UTF8 files added, optional parameter [*] 2008-03-20: SocketClass - SendFile() - support for int64 and large files added [-] 2008-03-20: [#10928] GW - Possible deadlock in loadconfig fixed [*] 2008-03-19: System - Packed structures updated - correct variable types for compatibility with int64 CPUs [*] 2008-03-19: System - Pointer handling updated for compatibility works with int64 CPUs [*] 2008-03-19: Linux - [#11047] [#11434] [#11435] [+] 2008-03-19: System - FileClass - UTF8 and Int64 functions complete and tested [*] 2008-03-18: System - FileClass - ResetFileUTF8, RewriteFileUTF8 - file and text functions implemented, needs testing [*] 2008-03-18: System - FileClass - FindFirstUTF8, FindNextUTF8, FindCloseUTF8 - functions implemented, tested [*] 2008-03-18: System - FileClass - FileSize64(F), FilePos64(F), FileSeek64(F) - new functions added and implemented [*] 2008-03-18: [#11367] Config - Content Filters - condition "Bcc Message Header contains" removed from GUI. It is displayed only in filters already using it. [-] 2008-03-18: [#11365] GW - anonymous user can see shared calendars again [*] 2008-03-17: Webadmin rev. 4175 [*] 2008-03-17: Webadmin rev. 1036 [*] 2008-03-17: MD5 - rewritten - > 4GB data supported, tested [*] 2008-03-17: System - Large files management - MD5 tests, read, eof etc., eof cannot work with >2GB files, avoid eof, updated few functions [*] 2008-03-16: FTP - Int64 file size support added, tested [*] 2008-03-16: System - File functions - support for int64 file size added, FindSize() function created, implemented, instead of SearchRec.Size use FindSize(SearchRec) [*] 2008-03-16: MD5 - Completely rewritten - 2x faster and handles large data, tested [*] 2008-03-14: Webmail rev. 4172 [*] 2008-03-14: MimeClass - Updated to use DecodeHTMLEntities() properly [*] 2008-03-14: XMLClass - DecodeHTMLEntities() - support for iso88591 entities - eacute and others in utf-8, function completely rewritten, tested [-] 2008-03-14: MIME class - utf8towidechar is more robust when truncated UTF8 argument is given. Displaying of truncated UTF8 strings strips the last character if incomplete. [*] 2008-03-13: Languages rev. 306 [*] 2008-03-13: Admin rev. 1034 [*] 2008-03-13: Webmail rev. 4162 [-] 2008-03-13: [#10936] Mail Archive - Backup- Deleted mails are backed up even if the archive path depends on current date. [-] 2008-03-13: Data Class - Adding files to zip file with zero number of files works correctly. [*] 2008-03-13: MSN Gateway - retries if no response from passport or login server is obtained. Perform redirect, if login server responds with '302 Found' reply. [*] 2008-03-13: API - Security enhancement: If users mailbox path is empty because of a DB error, U_FullMailBoxPath returns '-1' [*] 2008-03-13: API - new readonly variables added: U_AVSupport, U_IMSupport, U_GWSupport,U_SyncMLSupport [-] 2008-03-13: Config - User Options- Service Access Boxes - state of locked checboxed is displayed correctly even if "Acconts from list" access mode is used. Value of locked checkboxes are not taken into account when saving the user options. [*] 2008-03-12: Manual rev. 292. [-] 2008-03-12: [#8967] sendmail tool - mistake in help text corrected. [*] 2008-03-12: Config - SyncML Push - Device folder list - Version can not be edited by user, password not required, logging improved [-] 2008-03-12: TServerWinSocket class - after timeout of waiting for UDP data, new waiting is performed. [-] 2008-03-12: Logging class - array for storing information about logging cache enlarged so that it in no case uses unallocated resources. [-] 2008-03-11: Config - SyncML Push - Device folder list - Format and Transport can not be edited by user, setting are saved into correct file [-] 2008-03-10: [#11211] SMTP Service - Dedupe option now works. Target mailbox path is taken as an identifier of the recipient. [*] 2008-03-07: Relative include paths in IM gateways updated, make files for building everything added [*] 2008-03-07: HTTPClientClass - Support for multiple Set-Cookie: headers added, tested [*] 2008-03-07: Languages rev. 304 [*] 2008-03-07: Admin rev. 1027 [*] 2008-03-07: Webmail rev. 4151 [*] 2008-03-07: Challenge rev. 105 [+] 2008-03-07: Config - SyncML Push - Device folder list - Checkbox for Folders added, dialogs complete [*] 2008-03-07: Config - FileOpen - initialdir handling updated, GetFilePath() IgnoreBlank parameter added [*] 2008-03-07: Config - AntiSpam - Live - labels updated [*] 2008-03-06: LDAPClass - ldap_msg2diff() memory leak fixed - ldap_first_attribute() and ldap_next_attribute() - ldap_memfree() called for the returned pointer when finished, tested [*] 2008-03-06: AntiSpam - Commtouch - Live spam reason - new value "N" not spam added, designates that Anti-Spam Live processed the email and message is not spam [-] 2008-03-06: [#11182] Config - Messages queue - Spam folder - delete mail fixed [-] 2008-03-06: [#10990] AntiSpam - Blacklist keywords are now treated case insensitive [-] 2008-03-06: IM modules- CheckPlatformPath() is called on the module path directly after loading from imservices.dat [-] 2008-03-06: XMLCass - if start of value of xml attribute is defined using " then end of the value is not defined using ' and vice versa [-] 2008-03-06: TranslationClass: before doing translation of a control, the real control type must match to control type in XML [-] 2008-03-06: [#11101] Config - Languages in the menu are updated after localization so that correct information is included there [*] 2008-03-06: Webadmin updated [i] 2008-03-05: Drafts [+] 2008-03-05: Config - SyncML push dialogs complete [*] 2008-03-05: SyncML Push updated [*] 2008-03-05: SyncML updated [*] 2008-03-05: Config - Rules helpcontextid set to 2030302 in all areas [-] 2008-03-05: SQL Manager - font changed to microsoft sans serif, which better supports unicode characters, non ascii fieldnames are properly translated when "UTF-8" option is used. After manual change of DSN, unicode ODBC driver can be used. (last number in the string set to 5) [+] 2008-03-05: Config - SyncML Push - dialog updated, real drop downs with labels used, tested, synctypes, transport, version etc. [*] 2008-03-05: ODBCEXPress, DBInterface - new internal ODBCDriver type created. (UnicodeODBC), uses unicode in ODBC queries [*] 2008-03-05: SOCKS - mstask.exe (Task Schedule Service) already runs on port 1080, either disable that service or simply change the port of SOCKS server [*] 2008-03-05: Control - SOCKS and TCP/IP tunnel tested [*] 2008-03-05: Config - IM - Service dialog - namespace drop down added, examples imservices.dat updated [*] 2008-03-05: Config - Socks - Get external IP button added [*] 2008-03-04: Webmail rev. 4146 [*] 2008-03-04: Linux - SocketsClass updated - handles special signals [*] 2008-03-04: Linux - merakd updated [*] 2008-03-04: IM modules projects changed so that each module can be compiled without the previously needed change to source code [+] 2008-03-04: Config - System - SOCKS tab added and new options, implemented [+] 2008-03-04: Jabber Server - XEP-0065 Bytestreams implemented and tested with new Socks server, requires a proxy service (new IM service category: proxy, type: bytestreams, namespace: and a SocksServerIP to be set properly, firewall open for port 1080 or other [*] 2008-03-04: API - Time variable rounded instead of truncated [*] 2008-03-04: Config - IM Service - type and category updated [*] 2008-03-04: Socks Server - tuning to work with Jabber bytestreams and proxy [*] 2008-03-04: System - SocksServerIP new API variable added, if blank LocalAddress used [+] 2008-03-04: Jabber Server - support for added [*] 2008-03-04: Jabber Server - disco#info - MUC returned only if no namespaces specified, fixes proxy and bytestreams service, disco#info proper information returned [*] 2008-03-04: Socks Server - implemented, API updated, runs under Control service [*] 2008-03-04: System - WI-SID authentication support disabled by default [*] 2008-03-03: System - SMS Require authentication defaults to True [*] 2008-03-03: Control - Socks protocol implementation for XMPP (Jabber) File transfer [*] 2008-03-03: Control - TunnelClass - support for ByteStream parameter added, OtherSocket param added [*] 2008-03-03: System - User - AD/LDAP authentication - ldap_doinit() used which uses LDAP v3 as all other LDAP functions (this only function used v2 which preserved LDAP v3 authentication), tested [*] 2008-03-03: OpenLDAP - support for bind v2 added [*] 2008-03-03: Setup - CommTouch ctasd.conf installed if not exists already, tested [*] 2008-03-01: icewarp php - icewarp_files() functions updated to work with utf-8 instead of variants [-] 2008-02-29: Yahoo Gateway: information in service discovery now properly tels the type of gateway [*] 2008-02-29: SMS Server - Incoming messages with no body simply trashed [*] 2008-02-29: Webmail old rev. 186 [*] 2008-02-29: Webadmin rev. 1022 [*] 2008-02-29: Webmail rev. 4129 [*] 2008-02-29: MIMEClass - GetHeaderItemItem() - if returned value contained quotes (") the quotes will be removed, malformed MIME messages handling, tested [*] 2008-02-29: Linux - GetFreeMemory fixed, tested [*] 2008-02-29: Installation scripts updated, spam.db in svn [-] 2008-02-29: MSN Gateway- If "contact is online" message is obtained, and contact was not in onlinelist, also handler of "contact Came Online" is called. This solves the problem of newly added contacts being displayed as offline., MSN Gateway- ForwardList and AllowList redundant, removed,(moreover it caused not removing contacts from server list), removing a contact first obtains the contacts CID, which is proper parameter to REM command. Now the removed contact is also removed from server. [*] 2008-02-29: FTP - Session statistics value - contains the current user's ftp directory and also file being uploaded or downloaded, tested [*] 2008-02-29: HTTP - Session statistics value - for HTTP connections contains the complete URL (http://... https://), for remote connection contains the user's email address, tested [*] 2008-02-29: Linux - merakd - proper daemon fork() and descriptor closing, detects stopped or killed childs and automatically restarts, fixes a problem with restart working only sometimes, tested [*] 2008-02-28: Config - Splash image - 1px Height removed [*] 2008-02-28: API - Schedule - S_BetweenFrom and S_BetweenTo - number of seconds from midnight used, tested [*] 2008-02-28: Webmail basic - Calendar enable/disable works the same as Webmail pro [-] 2008-02-28: System - delete files older vs. datetime variables corrected [+] 2008-02-28: IMAP Public folders, ACL settings : "Public folder" Dialog can not be closed if nothing reasonable was filled,"Acces Control List" dialog: no need to click "add" before "OK" if some new data were entered. Select / Deselect all checkboxes functionality added. [-] 2008-02-28: [#8866] IMAP Public folders, ACL settings : ACL settings is not losed when editing it before saving the dialog first, Default acces rigts are set to deny everything for everyone consistenly in all cases, if the "folder name" or "IMAP account" is changed, the result is saved to correct file, even if ACL is not modified after this change, Temporary files are cleaned in all cases. [*] 2008-02-28: SyncML Push - Engine updated - reload settings supported, advanced settings, optimization, disabled device management fixed, add notification fixed, GUI updated [*] 2008-02-27: System - DeleteFilesOlder - support for linux extensions added, tested, AllFilesExt const created, fixes problem with delete files older in mail archives and other recursive directories [*] 2008-02-27: Rules - Title returned back in parameters - SMTP logs - Deleted by Rules: contain the real rule title now, tested, only global rules return the title [*] 2008-02-27: System - delete files older vs. datetime variables updated - Backup and archive - use Today - Days - 1 date of the past to properly process and delete old days [*] 2008-02-27: [#10936] - Mail archive - Backup deleted label updated [-] 2008-02-27: [#9190] PHP - API Control Pipe 5th..7th parameter support added, fixes MigrateMessages and other API function calls for XML RPC [*] 2008-02-27: [#10854] Config - User - auto responder dialog - HideFileButtons() method used to hide file browse and radio buttons, responders always default to mailbox/responder.dat file, filename is supported due to compatibility reasons but new settings always result in responder.dat file [-] 2008-02-27: [#8981] Antispam - Global mode - WL - problem with logs action fixed [-] 2008-02-27: IM - AOL GW - buddy support fix, tested [*] 2008-02-26: icewarpphp - API - GetVariantParam() - type overriding WideString to String removed, tested chinese characters [*] 2008-02-26: FTP Server - zlib compressioon - ported to new ZlibStream class, tested with FTP clients supporting zlib MODE Z, download and upload, fixes a problem of encoding/decoding data in memory, streams used properly [*] 2008-02-26: IM - zlib compression - ported to new ZlibStream class, tested with Psi [+] 2008-02-26: IMAP - Auto mailbox UID recovery implemented, checks if MailboxUID greater or equal to last index item, checks if index items always have the correct ascending UID value, if not new reindexing is performed preserving the mailbox flags and changing mailbox UID validity, tested [-] 2008-02-26: [#6966] - Config - Application class in unicode, windows tool bar displays unicode characters properly, tested [*] 2008-02-26: IM - MSN gateway - support for NOT command added (notification), incorrectly handled command caused session disconnection, tested [*] 2008-02-25: ldap - fax number match support in core.schema added [*] 2008-02-25: Linux - merakd - Control stop service - also kills php instances so control can be restarted [-] 2008-02-25: [#10929] Config - LDAP logs - ldap/run/slapd.log file displayed [*] 2008-02-25: IMAP - RFC2087 - GETQUOTA and GETQUOTAROOT updated, follows strictly RFC and supports root quotas, tested, no quota returned if not defined on the user or domain level [*] 2008-02-25: [#10920] Config - DB Dialog - browse db file (SQlite + Firebird) - Overwrite prompt removed, tested [*] 2008-02-25: Tools - svn lang script updated, tested [*] 2008-02-25: HTTP Server - Directory alias - URLDecode() support added so URL encoded paths get expanded properly, fixes a problem with a space in URL and others, tested [*] 2008-02-25: IM Yahoo - support for rosters updated, works right away without relogin, tested [*] 2008-02-22: POP3 - Client connection - HandleData() for RETR completely rewritten, handles more scenarios and cases, works under all circumstances, tested [*] 2008-02-22: IMAP - Client connection - HandleData() for FETCH BODY.PEEK completely rewritten, uses ReceiveResponse() and considers * responses from server sent any time, tested [+] 2008-02-22: Control service - If Anti-Spam Live enabled ctasd daemon is checked if running and if not it is started, this event fires also when license has been entered [+] 2008-02-22: License engine - AddNewLicense() handles Anti-Spam Live configuration file and inserts the correct license, license contains order id and company name, tested, proper license need to be supplied from CT [*] 2008-02-22: SMTP - Account statistics - Statistics archivation problem with path fixed, new year archives work again [*] 2008-02-22: SVN - environment created for linux, windows and linux svn live 100% together, updated few scripts [*] 2008-02-21: API - doc updated [*] 2008-02-21: [#9190] XML-RPC - php ereg problem with "_" in function name fixed [*] 2008-02-21: php - php.ini gc_maxlifetime defaults to 14400 (4 hours) [*] 2008-02-21: VersitClass - Auto detect of VERSION and versit encoding type added, tested, fixes problem with SyncML that does not specify properly version, tested [*] 2008-02-21: DataClass - Support for PKZIP added, from now IDP packager supports both IDP and ZIP formats, new version of IDP created, general zip tools can be used to extract DAT, MCB and IDP files, tested [+] 2008-02-21: [#10207] Config - IMAP Public folder list - Restrict To and Mailbox columns added, tested [*] 2008-02-21: [#10558] Config - Status - Traffic Charts - SIP service removed [*] 2008-02-21: [#10557] IM - SIP statistics vs. Active checkbox and not saved settings, problem fixed [*] 2008-02-20: SyncML rev. 134 [*] 2008-02-20: Webadmin rev. 1006 [*] 2008-02-20: Antispam rev. 102 [*] 2008-02-20: [#9688] Server Migration - Migration mode followed for remote account query too, tested (previously query would be done per the incoming protocol but migration would be processed properly) [*] 2008-02-20: IM - MSN gateway - MSG chat messages - content type handled properly - supported text/plain, text/x-msmsgscontrol, text/x-msmsgsinvite, fixes improper text displayed, tested [*] 2008-02-20: SMS Server - UDH 7bit 00 padding properly implemented, tested and compared to PDUSpy [*] 2008-02-20: [#10806] IMAP - Remote IMAP connection - problem with uninitialized PData pointer solved, tested [+] 2008-02-20: SMS Server - Sender reply address support added, new HTTP variable "reply" added, tested [*] 2008-02-19: IM - MSN Gateway - Malformed binary messages from MSN network properly formatted so everything works 100%, tested [*] 2008-02-19: SNMP - MIB OID updated to, previous was incorrect [*] 2008-02-19: SyncML rev. 133 - fixes Sony-Ericsson bug [+] 2008-02-19: FTP - EPRT and EPSV support added, support for IPv6 implemented, tested with SmartFTP both EPRT and EPSV, RFC2428 [+] 2008-02-19: SMTP - Account and domain expiration strings localization in strings.dat support added [+] 2008-02-19: FTP - XMD5 integrity check command support added, tested with SmartFTP, GetStringParam() new function developed - considers quotes, tested [*] 2008-02-19: IM MSN - debug version created [*] 2008-02-19: Setup, Config - export language - version attribute added [*] 2008-02-18: Webmail rev. 4074 - fixes mailview attachments [*] 2008-02-18: FTP - FXP (File Exchange Protocol - Server to server transfer) supported and tested, PROT C P (clear, private) supported, MODE S Z (stream, zlib) supported, tested explicit and implicit SSL (data connection + control connection secure) [*] 2008-02-18: Services - DOF files and resources updated to reflect v9.2 and year 2008 [*] 2008-02-17: icewarpphp - icewarp_execute() function created, replaces exec(), sometimes exec() blocks indefinitely on windows so this new function fixes it [*] 2008-02-17: SMS Class - GSM 0338 character set escaping implemented, tested live, 7bit GSM 0338 character set complete [+] 2008-02-16: SMS Server - GSM 0338 character set support added, 7bit is not actually ASCII character set and there are differences, conversion from GSM 0388 to unicode and vice versa developed, tested, "body" URI variable added (if "data" not found "body used instead), support for GSM 0338 escaping needs to be added, sending works 100%, receiving requires escaping support [*] 2008-02-16: API - CryptData - DES ECB padding - zero pad len set to 08 [*] 2008-02-16: IM - MSN gateway - debugging - discovered dead lock, fixed, tested [*] 2008-02-16: SMTP - Mailing list - Duplicate members of the final message file are removed automatically, combining multiple mailing lists into one should be used as groups - [] so the final message file contains all members and duplicates can be removed, tested [*] 2008-02-16: SMS Server - renamed from SMS gateway [*] 2008-02-15: Drafts [*] 2008-02-15: IM - MSN gateway - debugging [+] 2008-02-15: SyncML rev. 132 - DES encryption support [*] 2008-02-15: Setup - Mail server + Connector - new template image used [*] 2008-02-15: Setup - new setup tested after svn changes [*] 2008-02-15: SVN structure ready for merge with linux [*] 2008-02-15: SVN Projects restructured, install scripts updated, tested [*] 2008-02-14: Webadmin rev. 1006 [*] 2008-02-14: Webmail rev. 4073 [*] 2008-02-14: SyncML rev. 130 [*] 2008-02-14: API - CryptData - SYNCML-DES algoritm - ECB PKCS5 padding support added, tested [*] 2008-02-14: Linux - updated so upgrade and new install can be performed while already having previous installations, tested [*] 2008-02-14: XMLClass - indenting implemented, some other useful features, tested [*] 2008-02-14: Config - License dialog - simplified, Free type implemented (Subproduct Free of the main product), Lite, Std and Pro appendices removed, support for Anti-Spam Live subproduct added, Anti-Spam Live as separate license removed, tested, sales engine updated [*] 2008-02-14: API - CryptData - SYNCML-DES algoritm - ECB cipher mode encode padding added, tested [*] 2008-02-13: License engine - added license support for Outlook Connector, CalDAV, Anti-Spam Live, sales engine updated [*] 2008-02-13: Antispam - CommTouch renamed to Anti-Spam Live [+] 2008-02-13: API - New function CryptData() added, docs updated, php classes updated, currently supports SYNCML-DES algoritm only [i] 2008-02-13: Control - Directory service sync - only one sychronization can run at a time, interval can be set via C_Accounts_Global_ActiveDirectorySyncInterval (minutes) [*] 2008-02-13: [#10556] Config - SIP - gateways - Load - error displayed if file does not contain gateway xml data [*] 2008-02-13: [#10559] IM - Services access (firewall) implemented [*] 2008-02-13: [#9688] Migration tool - migration protocol handling updated, based on the setting proper protocol used, Both uses the incoming protocol [*] 2008-02-13: [#10507] Config - Import Windows NT users - problem with old defaults fixed, tested [+] 2008-02-13: Config - IMAP public folder rights - Replace button removed, new rights added, tested [*] 2008-02-13: [#10419] IMAP - Delete shared folder allowed for any hiearchy, folder deleted if sufficient rights and will reappear in the folder list again, tested [*] 2008-02-12: Groupware - Recurrence - Until datetime variable used, tested [*] 2008-02-12: [#10561] Groupware - SIF Versit conversion - support for SIF Exceptions added, tested [*] 2008-02-12: Antispam scripts rev. 98 [*] 2008-02-12: Webadmin rev. 1004 [*] 2008-02-12: Webmail rev. 4064 [*] 2008-02-12: Webmail old rev. 182 [*] 2008-02-12: Antispam - Whitelist/Blacklist - Domain level implemented, tested [*] 2008-02-11: SMS Gateway - Ctrl+Z sent when initializing device (to recover from receive mode) [*] 2008-02-11: Funambol - DES implementation - simulated with Cipher classes 1DES, md5 hash of the key, .Init(keydata), tested [*] 2008-02-11: IM - Reconnect with same Resource vs. presence logging (the old session logout not logged) [+] 2008-02-11: [#10557, #10558] SIP - Statistics updated - real registered locations displayed, total and peak updated, tested [+] 2008-02-11: Config - Content filters - full unicode support implemented (pseudo removed), Send message dialog updated to work in unicode, tests, tested Rules and Content Filters [*] 2008-02-11: Antispam - CommTouch engine applied only if score lower than Spam classification level, tested [*] 2008-02-11: Control - PM_Antivirus message support added [*] 2008-02-09: API - New user account - Spam report mode set to Default, tested [+] 2008-02-09: Jabber - Privacy lists - Default vs. Active behavior changed, default only defines the active list after login, active list defines the currently active list and can be changed during session, tested [*] 2008-02-09: API - PostServiceMessage - WM_* all messages start with 0x400 value plus their ID, WM_UPDATECONFIG is 0x500, tested [*] 2008-02-09: Linux - Control - Avast update - proper proxy.dat file loaded ./avast/setup/proxy.dat [*] 2008-02-08: Jabber - Privacy lists - deleting a list automatically resets the Default and Active selected list if equal, tested [*] 2008-02-08: DNSClass - AAAALookup IPv6Address error handled properly, tested [*] 2008-02-08: [#9830] Linux - rwDaemon class updated to properly free objects [*] 2008-02-08: PHP 5.2.5 put back again, this time mailparse is fixed thus stable [+] 2008-02-08: Groupware - Login and Authenticate functions updated, Remote parameter passed, if remote connection (Connector) and groupware access not allowed authentication fails, tested [*] 2008-02-08: ICQClass - RTF2Text - UTF-8 and unicode support added, tested, ICQ changes complete, tested, ICQ module for IM compiled and tested live, server side contacts for ICQ supported [+] 2008-02-08: Groupware - Connector update URL - automatically generated and prefilled [+] 2008-02-08: Config - Statistics - Anti-Spam statistics section added, updated [*] 2008-02-07: ICQClass - completely redesigned, roster management updated, contacts add/remove, ICQ protocol v9 support added, advanced message 01 RTF support added, RTF to unicode text conversion implemented, tests [*] 2008-02-07: Linux - CPU usage functions updated [*] 2008-02-06: Webmail rev. 4051 [*] 2008-02-06: Webadmin rev. 1002 [*] 2008-02-06: ICQClass - debugging - old client contact lists are not supported any more, requires SSI usage, activate server side contact SNAC(13,07) applied (presence works again) [*] 2008-02-06: [#7722] Groupware - DeleteGroup() - executes SQLDeleteSubscribedGroup, which ensures deletion of subscribed groups, Config - Delete public folder - calls DeleteGroup() instead of disabling the sharing of publicgroup, tested [*] 2008-02-06: IDPClass - Hidden files ignored and not included in archives [*] 2008-02-06: [#10278] Groupware - versit - VJOURNAL - LOCATION removed, VJOURNAL treated as VEVENT (instead of VTODO), fixes some display issues, tested [*] 2008-02-06: SVN - mail_server repository imported [*] 2008-02-05: Linux - postconf script updated, upgrade properly issued [*] 2008-02-05: Linux - GetZoneTime() - function fixed, result in minutes and not in seconds, tested, fixes Versit time conversion and others [*] 2008-02-04: Setup - content.xml installed for the first time, not part of demo.dat anymore [*] 2008-02-04: Linux - mailparse compiled [*] 2008-02-04: Linux - merakd and services - all descriptors closed after fork() - ssh never locks again, tested [+] 2008-02-04: SocketsClass - SocketServerClass - MaxConnections - new method implemented, if connections exceed the limit Accept() is no longer called and Event waits, for each client disconnect if in exceeded status connections are checked and if dropped event is set so accept thread wakes again, tested [*] 2008-02-04: Config - Groupware - Public folders - Editing a public folder - Account control disabled, account cannot be changed [*] 2008-02-04: PHP - mailparse - discovered fatal bug that caused memory corruption, fix applied [*] 2008-02-04: SMTP - Bounce back - Mailer daemon domain defaults to original sender's domain, if not local then primary domain is used, tested [*] 2008-02-04: SMTP - Relay vs. ForwardToHost messages mechanism updated, Host and Addr previously set from the calling calling thread, now it is set in the MTA thread itself, multiple messages in 1 MTA thread problem could arise, tested [*] 2008-02-04: CalDAV rev. 97 [*] 2008-02-04: PHP - tnef extension used in php.ini [*] 2008-02-02: Config - Remote account - Forward to - account select dialog added [*] 2008-02-01: Webmail rev. 4029 [*] 2008-02-01: Webmail std rev. 179 [*] 2008-02-01: Webadmin rev. 988 [*] 2008-02-01: Antispam - Bayes indexing allowed only for master server (indexing disabled for slave mode) [+] 2008-02-01: Config - SMS Gateway - HTTP Request - URL support added, example URL put in suggested device list, PIN and SMS Center disabled for HTTP request, tested [+] 2008-02-01: SMS Gateway - HTTP request gateway URL parameters - %number%, %data%, %udh%, %binary%, %pid%, %dcs%, eg: http://server/sms/?number=%number%&data=%data%&udh=%udh%&binary=%binary%&pid=%pid%&dcs=%dcs%&user=&pass=, this URL allows the usage of remote server which has no GSM modem setup to use the local GSM server using the /sms/ URL, tested, if sms is binary data is automatically base64 encoded (required) [+] 2008-02-01: SMS Gateway - HTTP request gateway support added, 2 meraks can work together (one as HTTP request gateway and the other as GSM Modem Gateway), implemented, Device must contain the URL to the remote HTTP server [+] 2008-02-01: SMS Gateway - complete list of url parameters: /sms/?number=&data=&binary=&udh=&pid=&dcs=&user=&pass=&maxmsgs= [+] 2008-02-01: SMS Gateway - sms: URL parameters "fulldata=1" removed, new option "maxmsgs=n" created, allows you to specify maximum number of messages the SAR (large) messages will be split to, by default HTTP request works unlimited and and sms: protocol (email to sms) messages defaults to 1 message, if you want to forward the complete message you should put a large number in the option, implemented and updated, tested, max message body set to 2048 bytes [*] 2008-02-01: dnsquery tool - converted to unicode [*] 2008-02-01: API - Some date variables converted to unixtime (MigrationStatistics, Service Time) [*] 2008-02-01: API - Variable type detection updated, strictly by "// type" [*] 2008-02-01: PHP - mailparse updated, new version converts multiple headers to Array(), handling in webmail updated [*] 2008-01-31: Linux - XML RPC tested [*] 2008-01-31: CalDAV rev. 95 - support for Apple iCal, new URL structure, url contains the user, Lightning/Sunbird must contain the folder, Apple detects all folders automatically, tested with SoGo Addressbook synchronization [*] 2008-01-31: SyncML rev. 127 - fixed encoding issues, filters, some optimizations [*] 2008-01-31: Header/Footer - EncodeLine() - base64 encoding, made sure that encoded string is always dividable by 3, if not spaces are appended, this ensures that base64 stream will not break, tested [*] 2008-01-31: Config - OpenDialog/SaveDialog - InitialDir and FileName properly set [*] 2008-01-31: [#9938] fixed with new XML RPC feature, tested basic functionality [+] 2008-01-31: XML RPC - fully working on linux and windows now, uses control service API engine [*] 2008-01-31: PHP - new icewarp_controlapifunctioncall() implemented, XML RPC runs over this function [*] 2008-01-31: API - Build-in API in control service created, APICall() new pipe function implemented [*] 2008-01-31: API - Build ActiveX vs. Library build system updated, only ActiveX COM API has a new global conditional variable set, tested [*] 2008-01-30: Webmail rev. 4020 [*] 2008-01-30: Groupware - Recurrences - If RcrWeekRepetition > 0 and RcrDayOfWeekNumber = 0 then internally RcrDayOfWeekNumber is set with the StartDate day of week value, fixes RRULE:WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1 without any BYDAY specification, tested [*] 2008-01-30: Groupware - Versit - RRULE - If INTERVAL=0 then INTERVAL=1, probably just RRULE:WEEKLY (means every WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1) [*] 2008-01-30: PHP - discovered fatal php_mailparse memory corruption problem, severe debugging, might not be related to php 5.2.5 after all, needs more tests, previous mailparse 2.1.1 put back [*] 2008-01-30: PHP - Old 5.2.2 put back, problems with xml and malformed responses, eaccelerator enabled again [*] 2008-01-30: [#10247] Config - FTP Users/Groups dialog - proper check of unique ids, blank group / user banned, tested [*] 2008-01-30: Setup - webmail export scripts updated, uses wget to update all files, tested [*] 2008-01-30: PHP - Windows php.ini eAccelerator disabled, no speed up and caused access violations, tested [*] 2008-01-29: API - C_System_MySQLDefaultCharset new variable, new installations default to "utf8", old blank, set to utf8 to use real utf8 in mysql otherwise double utf8 will be used as mysql5 uses latin1 as default for client connections, data will need to be converted from utf8 to ascii using icewarp's notepad, mysql_default_character_set implemented, tested [*] 2008-01-29: DB - mysql - discovered that v5 by default runs in latin1 encodes all data to utf8 so finally data end up double encoded to utf8, due to compatibility reasons we cannot fix this using mysql_set_character_set() which would fix the charset but all data already encoded would not be properly displayed, old v4.1 ran in utf8 [*] 2008-01-29: Linux - libgd - dynamic loading of gdImageJPEG, gdImageStringTTF updated, checked if functions exist, if not then captcha will be skipped [*] 2008-01-29: Config - Content filter - Delete action support added button [x], tested [+] 2008-01-29: Config - Content filter - Sender / Recipient - Member of new option implemented, Rules updated too, compatible [+] 2008-01-29: Rules - support for Sender/Recipient condition added, examples updated, conversion rules<->xml implemented, tested [+] 2008-01-29: Content Filter - Sender/Recipient condition - support for member of group option added, if group specified item is checked if member of group or group list, tested [*] 2008-01-29: Linux - mysql wizard - adds mysql driver specification ;2, tested [*] 2008-01-29: Webadmin rev. 965 [*] 2008-01-28: Webmail rev. 4005 [*] 2008-01-28: SMTP - Initial session - Access not allowed - 554 response used as in RFC 2821, tested [*] 2008-01-28: [#9809] API - COM - QuarantineList, GLList, GetMessageContent - full WideString support added, conversion in PHP to utf-8 automatic, fixes Quarantine encoding in webmail, tested [*] 2008-01-28: PHP - setup php/temp/cache/cache.dat added - required for sessions and cache functionality [*] 2008-01-28: Config - Antispam - CommTouch - suspected-spam slider removed [+] 2008-01-28: Config - SMTP - Antispam statistics implemented, tested [+] 2008-01-28: Antispam counter - SA, CT implemented [*] 2008-01-28: System - StatisticsStuct - enlarged with SMTP antispam counters - AS, CT Bulk, CT Spam, reserved1..3, tested compatibility with old console (requires update but will work except the stats will not be displayed properly) [*] 2008-01-28: SMS Gateway - Gateway new settings - FROMFORMAT added, allows to format From: header eg: (%0:s <sms:%0:s>) [+] 2008-01-28: Antispam - Challenge API - GetFolderPath(Folder, Owner) - new API function added [*] 2008-01-28: PHP - mailparse extension updated [*] 2008-01-28: Linux - php - tnef and mailparse updated [*] 2008-01-28: PHP - tnef extension updated [*] 2008-01-27: Setup - CommTouch (spam update) installation fixed, tested [+] 2008-01-27: Config - Status - Message queue - SMS support added (PDU parsed to retrieve Subject and To), items simplified [+] 2008-01-26: SMS Gateway - Active option added, if disabled then gateway is not working, Config updated [+] 2008-01-26: SMS Gateway - sms: URL parameters, "fulldata=1", used only when required to convert the whole message body to multiple sms messages, syntax: "sms:number?fulldata=1" [+] 2008-01-26: SMS Gateway - sms: URL hint, create an "sms" account with NULL storage and ForwardTo set to "sms:%%extensionnosep%%", emails sent to "sms:number" will be actually sent as sms messages to number. "number" is an extension of the sms account. A simple way to manage contacts with sms numbers as emails and send sms from email clients [*] 2008-01-26: Groupware - Versit parser - Attribute values original case sensitivity preserved [*] 2008-01-26: [#9820] System - Backup - Groupware attachments not included in the backup, use special paths if required, tested [*] 2008-01-26: IDPClass - SkipList supports directories [*] 2008-01-26: CalDAV rev. 92 [*] 2008-01-26: Webadmin rev. 961 [*] 2008-01-26: Webmail rev. 3998 [*] 2008-01-25: Antispam - CommTouch engine applied as the last in order (after SpamAssassin) [*] 2008-01-25: Config - Antispam - CommTouch - removed non-spam slider [*] 2008-01-25: SMS Gateway - sms: URL support tested, transformation from email to sms, max message size applied (message truncated to 1 sms only (unicode or 7bit)) [*] 2008-01-25: API - AuthWISIDDisable - new option added allowing to disable WI-SID authentication, api updated [*] 2008-01-25: Config - Edit file - Ctrl+G goto support added [*] 2008-01-25: Config - Edit file - Ctrl+R reload support added (reload), works remotely too, F3 find next added [+] 2008-01-25: Connector - Logon mode implemented - Windows Identity logon support added, tested with Groupware, can be tested locally on the server, services require the privilege to query NetUserGetInfo functions [+] 2008-01-25: System - Windows Identity logon support added - SID SHA1 hashed with challenge, high security, services require the privilege to query NetUserGetInfo functions (policy for the system or the admin account services run under) [*] 2008-01-25: System - Authentication - CheckAuthWISID() implemented, netapi used, sid retrieved, uses AuthValue for server and user, if blank alias is used as the server, tested [*] 2008-01-25: System - GetStringAuthMethod() - support for WI-SID (Windows Identity SID authentication) added, applies to the API and Groupware (other protocols are not affected) [*] 2008-01-25: NetUserAPI class updated, NetUserGetInfo() added, level 23 support added [*] 2008-01-25: Groupware - Versit - Attendee suppport for CN (Name) added, tested [*] 2008-01-25: Groupware - iMIP - Versit- Attendee attributes ROLE and PART-STAT tested and updated [*] 2008-01-24: [#9935] SMTP - Mailing list - REVIEW - members returned contain the complete name and email, applies to merak system users (domain, admin, users), tested [+] 2008-01-24: Groupware - ProcessvCalendar EvnOrganizer auto set removed, GetGroupOwnerEmail() new API function added, docs updated [*] 2008-01-24: Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - CREATE/PUBLISH/CANCEL - if EvnOrganizer blank it is automatically set (for shared/public groups the owner email is queried from db), ensures sending invitations from shared/public folders [*] 2008-01-24: SMTP - TSMTPStruct - updated - RemoteAddress set to 64 bytes from 128 bytes [*] 2008-01-23: SMSClass - Handling of +CME ERROR: and +CMS ERROR: responses added, tested [*] 2008-01-23: SMSClass - Handling of +CME ERROR: and +CMS ERROR: responses added, tested [*] 2008-01-23: Linux - ExecuteFile() - waitpid() used, fixes phpd zombie process, tested [*] 2008-01-23: [#10072] Mail Archive - Delete older - DateTime variables support added [*] 2008-01-23: StringClass - StrIPos() - ToIndex checked if match occured before but exceeds the limit, in such case position will not be returned, tested all changes, live [*] 2008-01-23: SMSClass - Modem communication logs updated, the complete message size added to logs "[nnn]" [*] 2008-01-23: SMSClass - A different method to read modem response implemented, should fix some modem driver issues not following the timeout settings (Nokia E51), tested [*] 2008-01-23: SyncML - RRULE vcal 1.0 updated [*] 2008-01-23: Groupware - IsDateRecurrence() - Multiple day events problem fixed, works properly now [*] 2008-01-23: Groupware - Reminders - ReminderTime adjust added to final event date, tested [+] 2008-01-23: SMS Gateway - html script added to send sms over HTTP, /sms/?number=&data=&binary=&udh=&pid=&dcs=&user=&pass= [*] 2008-01-22: Webadmin rev. 3978 [+] 2008-01-22: SyncML - Support for Nokia versit RRULE complete, recurrences should work properly [+] 2008-01-22: Groupware - Versit - vCalendar 1.0 RRULE support added, old compatibility RRULE format implemented so devices like Nokia work, tested [*] 2008-01-22: Setup - SetServiceState() updated, CommTouch unsuccessful start error ignored and not display, error message updated [*] 2008-01-22: SyncML - Funambol - discovered bug with xml ' " not unescaping, will be reported [*] 2008-01-22: SMS Gateway - Recovery mode updated, fires up only if no data is read, ERROR response does not trigger it [*] 2008-01-21: Groupware - SIF <-> Versit - RecurrenceType 5,6 problem fixed and tested [*] 2008-01-21: Setup - if connector.dat found it will be copied to html/update/ directory (for auto updates), tested live [*] 2008-01-21: Setup script - connector.dat created [+] 2008-01-21: Connector - Auto update changed, uses server's version and URL from the groupware protocol, tested [+] 2008-01-21: Groupware - Settings - update xml structure added (URL and version), GetUserSettings - support blank SessID (in such case returns global server settings - update tag) [+] 2008-01-21: Config - Groupware - Connector - new tab added, support for auto update - Enabled and URL options [+] 2008-01-21: IPv6 - IPv6 subnet support implemented, large integers used, tested, IPv6 support complete [+] 2008-01-21: SIP - Statistics - SIP Calls statistics implemented [+] 2008-01-21: Config - SIP - Statistics - SIP Calls statistics added [*] 2008-01-20: Netscape Plugin research - environment for NP completed [*] 2008-01-19: PHP 5.2.5 [*] 2008-01-19: Config - Move to folder - Spam folder support added, Message queue - Folder list updated [*] 2008-01-19: Rules - Move to folder - Support for Spam folder and INBOX to inbox conversion (linux case sensitivity) added, tested [*] 2008-01-18: PHP - session_start() problem discovered - multiple php sessions using the same session_id are blocked until only one is running (critical section probably), requires a solution [*] 2008-01-18: Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - UID and EventID handling - Hash Add/Remove processing completely updated, hash appendix used only in attendee's actions, UID to organizer always the original UID, tested [*] 2008-01-18: Config - CommTouch - Bulk score support added, implemented, tested [*] 2008-01-18: CommTouch - handling of status updated (incorrect integration document - Confirmed-Spam vs. Confirmed) [*] 2008-01-18: Setup - CommTouch files copied properly [+] 2008-01-18: Antispam - CommTouch - SpamReason added with values (Y - is spam or virus, H - bulk or high prob. virus, M - suspected spam or medium prob. virus), tested [*] 2008-01-18: Linux - RHEL4 compilation (compatibility reasons), officially supported RHEL5 [*] 2008-01-18: Config - SMTP Routing - Flags - drop down added, tested, columns updated with right label [*] 2008-01-18: Config - SMS Gateway - Authentication tab added and list of users supported, tested [*] 2008-01-17: Drafts [*] 2008-01-17: Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - REPLY=ACCEPTED - Sets EvnFlags=2 (AttendeeInvitation), tested [*] 2008-01-17: Groupware - ConvertVersit - METHOD tag support added [+] 2008-01-17: HTTP Server - ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED and EACCESS (windows and linux) support added - instead of 404, 403 will be returned, tested [+] 2008-01-17: Config - CommTouch RPD - Sliders for non-spam, suspected spam and spam/bulk messages added, non-spam negative slider, tested, settings complete [*] 2008-01-17: Linux - php - recompiled (new imap extension and other changes) [*] 2008-01-16: Linux - php - tnef extension compiled and included [*] 2008-01-16: Setup - IceWarpCOM - icewarpcom.txt installed to api/ directory [+] 2008-01-16: Config - SMS Gateway - complete [+] 2008-01-16: SMS Gateway - Completely redesigned, support for multiple gateways, one queue shared between gateways, notification, device checking, tested, queue processing updated - if queue item could not be acquired next item will be tried [+] 2008-01-16: Config - SMS Gateway - New multiple gateways support added, new dialogs - smsgateway.dat file, tested [*] 2008-01-16: SMSGateway - Multiple gateway support development [*] 2008-01-16: Linux - TimeZone library developed and integrated, fixes special cases - TimeZoneInformation (DST description), TZ on specified date, tested [*] 2008-01-15: Setup - CommTouch testing - service installed and uninstalled properly, service does not get started because it is missing a license [*] 2008-01-15: Webadmin rev. 3944 [*] 2008-01-15: [#9821] Config - license dialog - country control fixed [*] 2008-01-15: Webadmin rev. 953 [+] 2008-01-15: AntiSpam - CommTouch integrated and implemented, 3 score levels - High (Spam, Bulk), Medium (Suspected), Low (Unknown, None), tested [*] 2008-01-15: Setup - setupcommtouch.dat removed, CommTouch part of setupas.dat, CommTouch installation updated, service registers, starts and stops, uninstall applied, tested [*] 2008-01-15: SocketClass - IsIP() - Support for IPv6 addresses added, tested, IsHostName() - checks if host and not IPv6 (IPv6 has the same marks as hostname), fixes MatchIP function (still masks need to be supported for IPv6 to work properly) [*] 2008-01-15: Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - AddEvent - Proper EventID parameter used for specified new id, ";ID=newid", tested [*] 2008-01-15: Groupware - Logging - Function param logging, first line logged only, tested [*] 2008-01-15: Config - Antispam - CommTouch node added, icon created [*] 2008-01-15: Setup - contains setupcommtouch.dat package, requires setup changes to install the service [*] 2008-01-15: SyncML - Nokia vs. VALARM problem solved, Noka phones synchronize without any problems now, tested [*] 2008-01-15: CommTouchClass - implemented and tested [*] 2008-01-15: HTTPClass - updated - Supports result to string instead of filename [*] 2008-01-15: Config - Migration - Select account dialog support added [*] 2008-01-14: FPC - WinCE research, simple application, simple visual form application developed [*] 2008-01-13: VeritClass - vCalendar - Support for DURATION added (all vcalendar objects - EVENT, TODO and others), tested [*] 2008-01-13: VeritClass - Folding lines - support for no value on the first line added (only attributes folded), tested [*] 2008-01-12: DB - ODBC tests with ODBC cursor library - mysql odbc, msaccess odbc, mssql odbc [*] 2008-01-12: SystemClass - FindCmdLineSwitchValue - OneParam handling updated, one param cannot contain values (the next param is the value) [*] 2008-01-11: Webadmin rev. 952 [*] 2008-01-11: Setup - Strings localization converted to WideString [*] 2008-01-11: [#6966] Localization - TExtListViewManagement WideString support added (fixes column localization), tested [+] 2008-01-11: [#6966] Config - Strings localization converted to WideString - fixes many string issues (Account management, Status, Delete account dialog etc.), MessageBoxW used [*] 2008-01-11: DB - Oracle - stored procedures debugging, Oracle ODBC requires ODBC Cursor library! otherwise the functions fail, DBClass updated, DBInitDetails called properly, ensures that ODBC cursor will be used, tested with Oracle [*] 2008-01-11: DB - Bookmark size not retrieved unless BindBookmarks true [*] 2008-01-11: [#9687] SMTP - List Server - Join/Leave - optional email - if domain missing primary domain added, tested [*] 2008-01-11: Setup - php.user.ini support added, if exists merak/php/php.user.ini merak will append the content of the file to the newly created php.ini, this way user can define ini settings that will always remain after upgrade [*] 2008-01-11: Setup - php.ini - Blank lines preserved [*] 2008-01-10: SyncML - Nokia debugging [*] 2008-01-10: ExceptLog Class updated - exception logging format updated, compile with debug info and stack frames, windows only [*] 2008-01-10: PHP 5.2.5 - speed comparison vs. 5.2.2, almost equal, PHP 5.2.5 distribution created but not included yet [*] 2008-01-10: UserGroup class - updated so in some special cases an error could occur [*] 2008-01-10: SyncML rev. 125 [*] 2008-01-10: Groupware - AddvCalendar, GetvCalendar, Parameters - new FILTER support added, VALARM supported for Nokia devices - reminders completely skipped, SyncML updated [+] 2008-01-10: SMS Gateway - Modem auto recovery support added, if more than 2 Check calls fail the modem is reinitialized and reopened, fixes a problem with unplugged modem and plugged back in, tested, SIM PIN - 2 secs sleep applied, device close - 1 sec sleep [*] 2008-01-09: Webmail rev. 3924 [*] 2008-01-09: SIP - RTP NAT traffic test results, 20 ongoing calls very low CPU usage, streams still perfect [+] 2008-01-09: Config - SyncML Push Settings - Complete, tested [+] 2008-01-09: Config - SyncML Push Settings - Implementation, Account list displayed and loaded, 4 level dialogs implemented, tested [*] 2008-01-09: PHP - IMAP ext updated, fix for POP3 - static string functions compatibility [*] 2008-01-09: SyncML Push - SMSHTTP - BypassAuth true used [+] 2008-01-09: API - Updated - SMSHTTP function, 2nd parameter added BypassAuth - if Auth required for SMS Gateway and Bypass is true the request will still be processed, tested [+] 2008-01-09: SMS Gateway - SMS Center support added, tested [+] 2008-01-09: Config - SMS Gateway - SMS Center control support added, API updated [*] 2008-01-09: SMS Gateway - ReadTimeout set to 8 secs, SendSMS - ReadData handling updated - the same as ReadSMS, reads complete message, fixes some timing issues, tested [*] 2008-01-08: Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - REPLY= by attendee, UID contains proper value with hash ownerid [*] 2008-01-08: Groupware - Reminders and daily events skipped if Slave mode active [*] 2008-01-08: SMS Gateway - PIN properly supplied to SMS class, tested [*] 2008-01-08: Groupware - AddGroupUser - APILinks updated, 3rd param properly passed, fixes an update proble, tested [+] 2008-01-08: Connector - Auto update feature complete [+] 2008-01-08: [#9581] Config - SMTP - Routing - Routing dialog - Flags control added, Flags column added, implemented [*] 2008-01-08: SQLite - new version 3.5.3 used [i] 2008-01-07: Analysis of locking sessions - Domain disk quota vs. too many files and directories in domains, could lock an SMTP session (RCPT TO) for 40 mins. on heavy load servers [*] 2008-01-07: SIP - RTP NAT Traversal - rtptest.dat support added, used to simulate traffic and create RTP pairs, file structure * (CallID ";" Contact CRLF), tested with traffic test [*] 2008-01-07: SMS Gateway - If SMS send fails, wait for new event is initiated (loop preserved), tested [*] 2008-01-07: Groupware - mysql 5000 contacts vs. delete 30 contacts test, without transactions 3 secs, tested [*] 2008-01-07: [#9381] Config - Datagrid - Clear handling updated, much faster, UpdateButtons() not called if Updating or more than 1 selected item, tested [*] 2008-01-07: Groupware - VALARM - handling updated, if trigger 0 not trigger added, attendee not added if blank, T not added if no time, tested, VersitClass - VGetDate - exception if Date 0 for vdtDuration added [*] 2008-01-06: Linux - Libc - support for termio and other includes added, SMSClass tested with linux serial communication, updated [*] 2008-01-04: [#8635] Login policy problem fixed [+] 2008-01-04: UpgradeProcedure - DBRelease called only once, DB - DB released for each Update call internally [*] 2008-01-04: [#9215] Tool - ResetBOM() used when opening import files [+] 2008-01-04: StringClass - ResetBOM() - new function created, checks if BOM present at the beginning of text files, if yes it is skipped, tested [*] 2008-01-04: Tool - Sources updated, use native shared libraries [*] 2008-01-04: SocketsClass - Problem with thread reactivation, caused problems with high load of new incoming connections, tested [*] 2008-01-04: Setup - PHP - php_mysqli.dll included by default [*] 2008-01-03: [#9044] DB - ConnectionString change - proper database release and new instance created instance of changing the db type, previous problem of DBInterface class and overriding types, affects Groupware DB changes too, tested [*] 2008-01-03: [#9418] DB - ConvertStorage - problem with exception violation fixed, double db.dll opening from db.dll fixed, DB function used internally instead of general functions, tested [+] 2008-01-03: Traffic test - SMTP AUTH supported, use URL authentication: user:pass@server [*] 2008-01-02: Config - New splash 2008 used [*] 2008-01-02: Connector - Research for Auto update and WindowsIdentity [*] 2008-01-02: Config - Directory Service - Test, objects default value internally updated, fixes first initial test, tested [*] 2008-01-02: Connector - Compatible with SyncML Push now [+] 2008-01-02: Groupware - New ItemID parameters specification - supports additional URL parameters <ItemID>;ID=<ItemID>&CLASS=<Class>, documentation updated, WebDAV updated, tested [*] 2008-01-02: License, notes, copyrights - year information updated [*] 2007-12-30: Setup - Copy file error - proper system error displayed [+] 2007-12-29: HTTP Server - Expires: header added to all static files, fixes Internet Explorer issue where each file is always queried on the server no matter what cache is used, FFox works fine, with this new update IE will never ask for the files again until cache expires or clears, tested [+] 2007-12-28: [#7880] Directory Service - Support for ordinary LDAP with inetOrgPerson scheme added, new OBJECTS xml setting support added, specifies objectClass (scheme), GUI - Objects option support added, tested with openldap, supported objects: User, Group, inetOrgPerson [+] 2007-12-27: Service watchdog - Integrated method created, support for Control service from SMTP added, API updated, GUI updated, tested, watchdog service statistics check added, service restart applied [*] 2007-12-27: AntiSpam class - Bayes thread safety [*] 2007-12-26: Webmail rev. 3876 [*] 2007-12-22: Groupware - GetvCard - Support to skip redundant phones, addresses and emails to be returned in a vcard added, tested, db might sometimes contain multiple copies of the same number, email or address, this situation is detected and only unique values are returned [*] 2007-12-21: Webmail rev. 3875 [*] 2007-12-21: SMTP - BDAT support fixed, 64kB block problem fixed, tested, server traffic test supports BDAT command now [*] 2007-12-21: LinuxSerialPort class updated and tested on linux [*] 2007-12-20: Webmail rev. 3874 [*] 2007-12-20: Webadmin rev. 949 [*] 2007-12-20: SyncML rev. 123 [*] 2007-12-20: Config - Status bar - Version display format updated [+] 2007-12-20: Config - Account Statistics - Quota column added, tested [+] 2007-12-20: Account Statistics - Mailbox quota - percentage support added, automatically considers domain and user quota [*] 2007-12-20: SMS Gateway - tested with modems: Siemens ES75, Huawei E220 [*] 2007-12-20: SyncML Push - testing [*] 2007-12-20: Drafts [*] 2007-12-19: System - CompareVersion() updated - allows spaces in versions and does not consider them as values [*] 2007-12-19: New versioning rules - 9.2.0 (2007-12-19) - nightly build, 9.2.0 (RC1) - release candidates, 9.2.0 - official release [*] 2007-12-19: Groupware - VFREEBUSY - Organizer - double mailto: removed, tested [*] 2007-12-19: Groupware - ImportData - If owner does not exist, it gets created automatically, tested [*] 2007-12-19: [#8971] MSN Gateway - Disconnection - Proper variable handling added, possibility to reconnect back, tested [*] 2007-12-19: Groupware - API - ImportData - Checks if any table exists in the supplied data and returns a result value based on that [*] 2007-12-19: SyncML Push - Engine finalization, logging, first pre-alpha build [*] 2007-12-19: Config - SyncML Push logging support added (Status and Logs) [*] 2007-12-19: API - SyncMLPushLogging option added [*] 2007-12-19: Groupware - DeleteContact, DeleteEvent - 4th parameter added _Notif, used in SyncML Push notification, docs updated [+] 2007-12-19: Server traffic test - UDP stream support added, tested [*] 2007-12-18: Webadmin rev. 947 [*] 2007-12-18: Webmail rev. 3857, install scripts updated, proper handling of merged files added [*] 2007-12-18: [#8950] System - GetLogsContent - Time filter ignored for special log files, problem fixed, tested [*] 2007-12-18: Ticket system and project rules [*] 2007-12-18: Linux debugging - Proper debug version, gdb usage [*] 2007-12-17: SMSGateway - Message concatenation - proper data length calculcated, considered current UDH and future UDH for concatenation, Binary, Unicode and 8bit messages, tested [*] 2007-12-17: SMSClass - Concatenated messages - OctetsTo7bit conversion function fixed (last character was missing), tested [+] 2007-12-17: Rules - edit message header implemented, tested, Folder and Edit header actions allowed on the global rules level too, tested, RFT, variables supported, support for not altering the master message file added, tested [+] 2007-12-17: Rules - Support for edit message header action added, examples and structure updated, content filter transformation implemented and tested, Config - support for edit message header, tested, you can finally edit a message header of messages thru rules [+] 2007-12-15: Remote server watchdog - URL - Save to file - If directory not exists created, if Save to file set and check is done for the first time an event is also triggered, special use for RSS local caching, tested, eg. Save remote RSS to html/rss/myrss.rss, relative path support added [+] 2007-12-15: LDAP - All LDAP servers run in utf-8 (including AD) but wldap32.exe converted all strings to Ansi (local charset), using libldap.dll preserves utf-8, no charset required for directory synchronization, removed charset specification, tested [*] 2007-12-14: LDAP - LDIF - inetOrgPerson some advanced attributes removed, 100% RFC compliant now [*] 2007-12-14: SystemClass - LoadSmartLibrary() new function introduced, changes directory to loaded library, tested and applied in LDAP loading [*] 2007-12-14: LDAP debugging - discovered then wldap32.dll uses windows "W" WideString functions, openldap libldap.dll loaded instead, fixed ber processing liblber.dll/ loaded and used, tested [*] 2007-12-14: New avast oem engine 4.7.861 [*] 2007-12-14: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-12-14: Webmail updated [+] 2007-12-14: API - new variable C_Date added, contains the server release date [*] 2007-12-14: [#5266] Migration Core - Migrate Messages/Finish - Migration local account failure logged and migration skipped [*] 2007-12-14: Migration Core - Migrate Accounts - Migration login failure logged and account creation skipped [*] 2007-12-13: [#8520] PHP API - Proper usage of UTF8 and WideString conversion, OleVariant no longer used to contain AnsiString (always must contain WideString), tested, fixes MBCS issues in web applications accessing the API thru PHP [*] 2007-12-13: [#8636] System - StringReplace() vs. StringReplaceEx() speed and performance comparison, StringReplaceEx 30% faster, StrReplace() uses StringReplaceEx(), all StringReplace() usage replaced with StringReplaceEx(), fixes many issues including MSN animated smilies [+] 2007-12-13: Config - DB Dialog - Save file dialog support added for SQLite and Firebird database drivers, tested [*] 2007-12-12: System - general MBCS problem - stringreplace() vs ansipos(), stringreplaceex() should be used instead, tested, speed tests need to be performed and stringreplace should be replaced with stringreplaceex [*] 2007-12-12: Webmail updated [+] 2007-12-12: Config - DB Dialog - Smart editing implemented, proper controls disabled and items prefilled, ODBC DSN list etc., tested [*] 2007-12-12: PHP - TNEF and IMAP extensions - new compilations made, new tnef extension, included in php [*] 2007-12-12: Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - EventID and hash processing updated, more straightforward and simple, tested [+] 2007-12-12: SyncML Push - Debugging, push message sent from SyncML Push engine, tested [*] 2007-12-12: SMTP - Service access SMTP - MAIL FROM:<> check removed [+] 2007-12-12: SMS Gateway testing - Sent large (SAR) message and unicode message, tested, successful, received large message, tested [+] 2007-12-11: [#5266] Migration - Migrate Accounts - completely changed, migrate.dat accessed directly, domain name preserved, remote server not checked, tested [*] 2007-12-11: Linux - FPC compiler - debugging a stack threading issue [*] 2007-12-11: Antispam - ProcessRecipientAttributes called before actual spam finalization action - this way [Spam] subject is not altered if not needed, tested [*] 2007-12-10: Accounts - LDAP sync - dn created with cn= and mail=, tested [+] 2007-12-10: Groupware - SyncLDAPContact - dn created as a unique key combined of cn= and mail=, eg: cn=John, this allows to have multiple John Does with different emails, tested [*] 2007-12-10: Groupware - AddEventInfo, AddContactInfo - new parameter _Notif added for special notification parameters, used in SyncML Push engine, tested [+] 2007-12-10: SyncMLPush libraries integrated, implementation [+] 2007-12-10: API - SyncMLPush new function implemented, api.php updated, docs updated [*] 2007-12-10: SMTP - Local delivery check updated, checks the real remote address if, tested [*] 2007-12-09: Webmail updated [*] 2007-12-07: Webmail - iMIP meeting and concept [*] 2007-12-07: RPC updated, works as in the RPC specification using variable types and without them, tested [*] 2007-12-07: Connector - Breaks some keyboard usability, debugging, found TnT unicode controls as the cause, problem caused by CreateGetMessageHookForNT, IME message hook disabled and fixes the problem [*] 2007-12-07: DB - DBAddAccount, DBAddDomain - Primary key creation - critical section used to ensure unique keys, tested [*] 2007-12-07: IMAP - Remote account - Possibility to receive an error response to message body fetch added, tested [*] 2007-12-06: IMAP - Migration - BODY.PEEK[] for body retrieval used so flags are not altered, tested [*] 2007-12-06: Patch version 9.1.1 development [*] 2007-12-06: PHP - IMAP extension - new features added and recompiled [*] 2007-12-06: Webmail updated [*] 2007-12-06: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-12-06: mailparse - Line continuation solved, Linux first build used, working [*] 2007-12-06: SSL - Secure Destinations - CA signed cert with unknown local CA certificate and fingerprint given results in successful secure destination (new behavior), tested [+] 2007-12-05: SMS Gateway - SAR support for incoming messages added, tested, SMS gateway complete [+] 2007-12-05: SMS Gateway - SAR support added for message delivery, long messages automatically supported via SMSHTTP function, if data= variable longer then allowed (unicode 70, 7bit 160, 8bit 140) then message is automatically split into smaller parts and sent with SAR (message concatenation - long messages), tested [*] 2007-12-05: Groupware - Exceptions - Consider the real event start (day index is subtracted), multiple exceptions of the same day are removed, MaxExceptionDayLength constant created and used, fixes problems with multiple day recurrent events and exceptions created to them, tested [*] 2007-12-05: Setup, Config - Does not initiate SSL libraries - does not require them, loads libraries when required, fixes some issues with already installed libraries on system but are incompatible (relates Setup only) [+] 2007-12-05: SMS Gateway - First successful SyncML 1.2 SAN via SMS sent to Funambol [+] 2007-12-05: SMS Gateway - HTTP parameters updated, binary=1 automatically requires data value to be base64 encoded, udh must be always base64 encoded [*] 2007-12-05: SMS Gateway - SMS Class - UDH handling updated [*] 2007-12-05: Groupware - Active status has 3 states (Active, Disabled, SharingDisabled), Sharing disabled is used only internaly, updated all functions to work with this, SharingDisabled status used for sharing flag retrieval tested, Control - groupware licensing checking - GWSharing disabled if license violated - results in working groupware but sharing disabled [*] 2007-12-05: Config - Status - All management lists preserve the currently selected index and if refresh previous index used, tested [*] 2007-12-05: Config - Quick Connect - Content of controls is saved even if Cancel or connection not established, tested [*] 2007-12-05: Config - Content Filters - Up/Down visible focus remains, used Selected property instead of ItemIndex, tested [+] 2007-12-05: Config - Logs - LDAP and PHP error logs support added, proper item index mapping used, tested [*] 2007-12-04: Mailing List - DB - Members only - DB connetion parsing fixed [*] 2007-12-04: RPC - Support for variable types added [+] 2007-12-04: SMS Gateway - Support for UDH added, 7bit, 8bit, unicode, tested, long messages research [+] 2007-12-03: SMS Gateway - Support for SIM PIN added, Config and API updated [+] 2007-12-03: SMS Gateway - Support for Unicode charset added, tested [+] 2007-12-03: SMS Gateway - Tested with modem "Siemens AG WM USB Modem", incoming delivery tested and updated, loggin updated, PIN usage required [*] 2007-12-03: IM - Monitor gateway - All day event (stopdate) problem fixed, tested [*] 2007-12-03: Linux - Avast initialization thread safety problem discovered and reported [*] 2007-12-03: License - Free license - Full upgrade expired license and the real expiration date < ServerReleaseDate then corresponding module disabled, those who are used to install an eval and restore the expired upgrade settings will have the modules disabled, Config license dialog updated to reflect these checks, tested [*] 2007-12-03: License - Free license - exceeded lincese users disable the corresponding module (only in the free license) [*] 2007-12-02: Release notes script - Proper webmail file used, SyncML added [*] 2007-12-01: Config - Mailing list - DB Settings - Driver preserved, tested, ODBC renamed to DB, SMTP updated, API updated [*] 2007-11-30: Drafts [*] 2007-11-30: Webmail updated [+] 2007-11-30: Groupware - Folder rights implemented, any shared or public folder can contain a list of users and their rights, each folder can have different rights, a new right None has been introduced, folders are processed hiearchically and inherit rights from superior folders, if no right is found the default sharing right is used, tested [*] 2007-11-30: Groupware - SyncGroupUsersContacts optimalization done, proper hash usage, sync called one less time, tested, RFT [*] 2007-11-30: Groupware - Folder rights management - tested, list, delete, add working, tested shared folder management too, table upgrade in the API added, default DB updated too [*] 2007-11-30: Groupware - Folder rights development - new calendar.xml structures, table FolderRights and indices, API - GetFolderRightList, AddFolderRight, DeleteFolderRight [+] 2007-11-30: SMS Gateway - Implementation complete, for further requirements use the API and your own authentication or billing system [+] 2007-11-30: SMS Gateway - User authentication implemented, 2 new HTTP variables user= and pass= added, the complete list 'data, binary, udh, pid, dcs, number, user, pass' [+] 2007-11-30: Config - SMS Gateway - Security section added, implemented [+] 2007-11-30: SMS Gateway - New URI sms: specificator added, automatically detected in message forwarder email addresses, can be used with notification accounts, content filters, rules etc., URI supports HTTP parameters eg: sms:01222545?user=user& (the HTTP parameters are required when SMS gateway is set to require authentication), tested [*] 2007-11-30: Config - Content Filter - Message dialog - Message Type hidden, use xmpp: prefix to send instant messages [*] 2007-11-30: Config - Notification accounts - Removed IMNotify option (obsolete), use xmpp: prefix instead [*] 2007-11-30: PHP - icewarpphp recompiled - caused some problems [*] 2007-11-29: IMAP - FETCH - Long parameter list per item problem fixed, tested with iMail [*] 2007-11-29: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-11-29: PHP - mailparse - Linux - Proper long header lines unfolding used, tested, projects diff updated [+] 2007-11-29: Config - Status - MDA queue support added [*] 2007-11-28: Webmail updated [*] 2007-11-28: IM - IM To Email gateway uses EncodeRecipientHeader(), tested [*] 2007-11-28: IMAP - Client connection - Problem with flags and response fixed, caused timeout, tested, fixes IMAP migration issues, migration tested on Linux [*] 2007-11-28: Groupware - Versit save - Proper notification call with ID used, fixes among other things group members to LDAP synchronization, tested [*] 2007-11-28: MIMEClass - RFC2822 - Long header folding supported exactly as in RFC, the first continuation byte is ignored and space is always added, tested, IMAP server internal functions updated too [*] 2007-11-28: System - GetLogsContent - Filter ignored for special log files [ltIMArchive, ltSIP, ltSpamReport, ltSyncML, ltIMPresence, ltCalDAV], reason - non-standard log structure, tested [*] 2007-11-28: Antispam / Groupware - Connection string - FormatPlatformPath used to fix default incorrect path delimiters [*] 2007-11-28: Config - Delete confirmation dialog enlarged [*] 2007-11-27: CalDAV updated [*] 2007-11-27: Linux - Serial communication library created, SMSClass - implemented LinuxSerialPort library, tested [+] 2007-11-27: Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - tests, requests: REQUEST, PUBLISH, CANCEL, REPLY, replies: CANCEL, REPLY, tested and updated, function ready to be used, docs updated [*] 2007-11-26: CalDAV updated [+] 2007-11-26: Groupware - ProcessvCalendar - API function implementated, complete iTIP and iMIP support, RFC 2445, RFC 2446, requires tests, attendee UID - only first 16 bytes used [*] 2007-11-26: Groupware - vCalendar - Atttendees - Attribute support added (ROLE, PARTSTAT, RSVP) [*] 2007-11-26: SMS Gateway - Timer support added [*] 2007-11-26: Webmail updated [+] 2007-11-26: Groupware - vCalendar - TZ property removed (old 1.0 version implementation), 2.0 uses VTIMEZONE structure [*] 2007-11-26: Groupware - AddvCalendar - VERIFY - Start/End DateTime checked too, fixes new Lightning problem [+] 2007-11-26: PHP - IMAP extension - updated with 2 new function imap_savebody_lowmemory, imap_append_file, compiled both linux and windows, notes.txt updated, recompiled Linux php [*] 2007-11-26: Antispam - Quaratine - Whitelist mode - System - If record already in the database, the real owner is used to store messages (if multiple messages for different recipient messages will be stored in the folder of the first recipient message), tested [*] 2007-11-26: SMS Gateway - Debugging and testing, queue refreshed on startup, minor changes [*] 2007-11-26: Linux - merakd and service scripts updated [*] 2007-11-25: Linux - PHP compiled on RHEL 5, tested new PHP with WebMail Pro [*] 2007-11-24: Antispam - Challenge email - %%from%%, %%to%% variables used [*] 2007-11-24: PHP - new eAccelerator used [*] 2007-11-24: SyncML updated [*] 2007-11-24: Antispam reports updated [*] 2007-11-24: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-11-24: Config - Security - put back [*] 2007-11-24: PHP - php.ini updates - output_buffering=4096, linux - php_expose=off [+] 2007-11-23: Config - SMS Gateway - Incoming Messages - New tab implemented, tested [+] 2007-11-22: SMSGateway - Support for incoming SMS delivery rules added, smsrules.dat - uses SMTP rules - requires the forward to action, gateway complete, perform tests [+] 2007-11-22: Config - SMS Gateway - new node added, options implemented, tested, Status - Logs - SMS added, Sessions - updated service indices [+] 2007-11-22: API - new function SMSHTTP added, api.php updated, you can send an sms via PHP (API->SendSMS) now so HTTP gateway can be created easily [i] 2007-11-22: SMSGateway - Create an executable account to send SMS messages via local HTTP URL execution, email vs. SMS gateway integration [*] 2007-11-22: Control - Control API new daemon function created, cmSMSHTTP support added, PipeControlData function created, tested [*] 2007-11-22: Control - Delete older logs - SIP and SMS support added [*] 2007-11-22: SMSGateway - Development - API settings, Queue support, sms sent properly, HTTP handling function, Logging support added [*] 2007-11-21: SMSGateway - Development [*] 2007-11-20: CalDAV - session_id creation updated, used only the URI path instead of the full path, creates as little session ids as possible, tested with Lightning [+] 2007-11-20: Groupware - New Event table column EvnFlags added, API upgrade procedures updated, calendar.xml updated, groupware.db (default) updated [+] 2007-11-20: Groupware - New API function - ConvertVersit added, implemented XML <-> Versit conversion, tested [*] 2007-11-20: Webmail - Plan for iMIP / iTIP meeting planning complete [*] 2007-11-19: Webmail - Plan for iMIP / iTIP meeting planning [*] 2007-11-19: icewarpphp extension - 5 new direct functions added - icewarp_get_file_list, icewarp_get_folder_list, icewarp_delete_files, icewarp_base64_encode_file, icewarp_get_message_content, functions still accessible via the API, tested [*] 2007-11-18: Antispam - GetScoreAction - if score action <> Quarantine then action cleared, proper way of handling it [+] 2007-11-18: Groupware - vCalendar - VTIMEZONE complete [*] 2007-11-18: Groupware - vCalendar - VTIMEZONE disabled for object description retrieval (GetvCalendar API function), datetime converted to UTC - some clients do not understand VTIMEZONE structures, VTIMEZONE supported for setting datetime, tested, new method AddTimeItem added and applied, new method CreateLocalTimeZone added, tested [*] 2007-11-18: Groupware - vCalendar always contains VTIMEZONE object (ToDo, Event), TZID supported for DTStart, DTEnd, Due, Completed, Recurrence-ID, ExDate, tested with Lightning (standard, exceptions, occurrences), for old vCalendar version (v1.0) VTIMEZONE is not used [*] 2007-11-18: Groupware - VGetTimeZoneDifference - Implemented new function used in timezone datetime conversion, tested [*] 2007-11-17: Antispam - GetScoreAction applied to bypass function, fixes a problem with antispam off and quarantine on (per access mode basis), tested [+] 2007-11-17: Groupware - Versit classes - vCalendar - support for VTIMEZONE, DAYLIGHT and STANDARD attributes, retrieval and set, daylight recurrence, first tests [*] 2007-11-17: Versit classes - vCalendar - Recurrence - YEARLY MONTHLY - ByMonth not used, day with indices are used instead 1SU (first sunday) -1MO (last monday), set and get methods updated [*] 2007-11-15: Webmail - Plan for virtual folders [*] 2007-11-15: Groupware - VCalendar research - VTIMEZONE handling tested with Lightning, requires VTIMEZONE handling to properly support recurrent events crossing daylight saving [+] 2007-11-13: Groupware - Reminders support fully event exceptions, tested [+] 2007-11-12: Groupware - Reminders consider event exceptions, currently only if an event does not occur reminder is skipped, tested [*] 2007-11-12: Groupware - ExceptionList handling published and exported, tested [*] 2007-11-11: Groupware - Daily reports - Recurrence exceptions checked, tested [*] 2007-11-11: IM Monitor - gateway - checked if event recurrence exceptions are considered, tested [*] 2007-11-11: HTTP Server - CGI - multipart data support added, tested [*] 2007-11-11: HTTP Server - FastCGI and CGI - CONTENT_LENGTH proper value specified, tested, FastCGI with multipart data working [+] 2007-11-10: HTTP Server - Multipart data POST - FastCGI file stream pointer used instead of the full data loaded, tested, problem with submitting the stream [+] 2007-11-10: HTTP Server - Multipart data POST - ISAPI file stream pointer used instead of the full data loaded, ISAPI ReadClient function support added, tested [*] 2007-11-08: SMS Gateway - GSMSMSClass development - Read all sms, parse, send sms, required functions implemented and tested, GSMClass complete [*] 2007-11-08: Static Filters - AddItem() - Max size considered [+] 2007-11-07: Config - SIP - Force Contact: expires= option added [+] 2007-11-07: SIP - Force Contact: expires= header support added, implemented, API variable added, tested [+] 2007-11-07: Config - Intrusion Prevention - Column size saved, host column larger [+] 2007-11-07: API - New API function Base64FileEncode added, tested, optimalized for large files (tested with 150MB file) [+] 2007-11-07: Config - Groupware - Delete user data - new action added, allows to edit only groupware data but the other user settings remain (resets groupware for that user), tested [*] 2007-11-07: Groupware - iMIP + iTIP research [*] 2007-11-07: SyncML updated [*] 2007-11-07: CalDAV updated [*] 2007-11-07: Webmail updated [*] 2007-11-07: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-11-07: DB - DBGetDomains - critical section used [*] 2007-11-07: Linux - RH 5 - environment [*] 2007-11-07: Linux - SSL libraries - .6 appendix support added, libraries loaded properly again [*] 2007-11-06: GSMSMSClass - PDU parsing support added, decodenumber, decodeoctetsto7bit implemented, tested [*] 2007-11-06: Linux - poll() - Removed check for specific POLL event, caused problems in some cases (IMAP - IDLE and unexpected disconnection), tested [*] 2007-11-06: Linux - IPv6 addresses tested [*] 2007-11-06: IMAP Server - ACL fully supported, ACL automatically inherited from parent (if not set for the current mailbox), tested [*] 2007-11-06: IMAP Server - ACL testing with Bynari Insight Connector, properly working, few adjustments, can be used to control Groupware like environment if required, SETACL updated [*] 2007-11-06: SMSGateway - Scheme and technical aspects, research [*] 2007-11-06: Setup - control.exe.local file removed [*] 2007-11-05: Linux - RPC - RPC does not work as PHP uses fastcgi processes and instance of API created in one cgi process cannot be used in another cgi process [*] 2007-11-05: SMSClass - development, Serial communication implemented, timeouts tested, PDU messages construction, first SMS via PDU sent, tested [*] 2007-11-04: Linux - merakd - Service watchdog implemented [*] 2007-11-04: Linux - merakd - Support for timer and signals added, new start/stop script used: "scripts/service start smtp" [*] 2007-11-04: Linux - rwDaemon class - support for OnSignal event, new signal SIGCHLD added [*] 2007-11-04: RPC - isdebug new constant added [*] 2007-11-03: Webmail updated [*] 2007-11-03: SQLite db - int sqlite3_enable_shared_cache(int) used for connection sharing and PRAGMA read_uncommitted=1 executed, SQLITE_BUSY errors were returned for DELETE, UPDATE and INSERT in some cases, tested, still in some cases it fails though [*] 2007-11-02: Groupware - Authenticate - SYNCML-MD5 - Options variable - binary safe, tested [*] 2007-11-02: Webmail updated [*] 2007-11-02: Config - Domain and account name/desc handling done in WideString, fixes some problems with Ansi conversion, tested [*] 2007-11-02: DB - ipAddress field truncation applied, MaxString() function created, used [*] 2007-11-02: Antispam - UpdateRecipientAttributes() global antispam whitelist applied, tested, fixes a problem with whitelist and refuse spam action [*] 2007-11-02: Groupware - Daylight vs. standard time zone changes problem solved and tested, tested with Lightning and SyncML [+] 2007-11-02: Groupware - Versit/SIF classes - GetZoneDateTime(OnDate) used, fixes problems with daylight and standard time zones, tested [*] 2007-11-02: TimeClass - GetZoneDateTime(OnDate) - new function developed, returns the time zone on date [*] 2007-11-02: SA - urirhsbl support updated, check_uribl_sub() new function added, updated few rules, tested RBL and URIBL, updated CheckIPCondition(), IsIP() [*] 2007-11-01: DB - SndEmail field truncation applied, MaxString() function created, used [+] 2007-11-01: API - U_SIPSupport - new variable support added, tested [*] 2007-11-01: Linux - merakd daemon redesigned, new commands, help and functionality, starts all child services by default, tested [*] 2007-11-01: System - Email login authentication - if domain not specified login fails (if there are more than 1 domain on the system), tested [*] 2007-11-01: SyncML updated [*] 2007-11-01: Webadmin updated, fixed problems with including root include files instead of the inc/ include files, caused problems when upgrading some old webadmin [*] 2007-10-31: Drafts [*] 2007-10-31: Avast - Version variable processing updated [*] 2007-10-31: Linux - Avast - final SHM version used, stable, tested [*] 2007-10-31: Config - Rules - Rule summary - updated labels and values (Size, Score and others) [*] 2007-10-31: HTTP Server - URL regex rewrite - Variable condition [V] - if replace applied original URI is used as the What condition, tested [*] 2007-10-31: HTTP Server - URL regex rewrite - Chain rules [C] - if chain used with [L] (last) the next chain is considered as a start of new chain and if previously the rules were not matched this the next chain will be considered as a new rule, tested [*] 2007-10-31: Config - Web server - Rewrite - Always use [L] as the last rules flag when not sure, GUI updated to to put in default value when creating a new rewrite rule, regex on by default [*] 2007-10-31: Linux - Avast - first SHM stable version - does not work with kernel 2.4.0 yet [*] 2007-10-31: Config - Statistics - SMTP messages statistics updated, Total removed, it did not have any value and could contain percentage >100% [*] 2007-10-31: HTTP Server - Max connections and web site disabled - first options processed in the web server, tested [*] 2007-10-30: Groupware - OpenGroup API - If group already open as folder groupsessid is not reused and new groupsessid is created, tested, caused problems with new webmail closing public folders when using settings dialog [*] 2007-10-30: Config - Groupware - Public folder members - Last member delete - problem fixed [*] 2007-10-29: Webmail updated [*] 2007-10-29: Linux - API - Found a workaround for the variant memory corrupt and applied [*] 2007-10-29: Linux - FPC - Variant memory corruption vs. calling convetion bug reproduced, created reproduction code, submitted as new FPC bug # 10042 [*] 2007-10-29: Linux - FPC debugging - memory corruption - tested new FPC 2.2.0 - the problem persists [*] 2007-10-29: IM - Modules - MSN - UTF-8 support added, tested, tested MSN registration service with 2 accounts, successful [*] 2007-10-26: FPC - Linux - Variant str - double free corruption discovered, not able to reproduce it to report to FPC bugs yet, requires investigation [*] 2007-10-26: Webmail updated [*] 2007-10-26: Linux - tweaking with default stack size to 1MB [*] 2007-10-26: SIP - Gateways settings change - Registration processed immediately, tested [*] 2007-10-26: Config - SIP - Get external host IP fixed, updated [+] 2007-10-26: AccountClass - ValidateForwardTo() - new method added, used in the GUI and API when saving a user account, checks if account forwards to any of its aliases or email addresses, tested [*] 2007-10-26: Groupware - API - GetContactLocations - 3rd parameter Where added, updated documentation, implemented, tested, updated DeleteContactPhones function mapping [+] 2007-10-26: LicenseClass - ProductLicenseDisable() new method added, used in Control service daily license validation and GUI license dialog [*] 2007-10-26: SpamAssassin - Testing new rules set [*] 2007-10-25: Linux - Temporarily used Avast MMAP version which is stable [*] 2007-10-25: Groupware - Where params - Always surrounded in braces, tested [*] 2007-10-25: Setup - Demo accounts install tested, updated components indices [*] 2007-10-25: API - Domain - MakePrimary problem with hashes fixed, tested with setup and admin wizard creation [*] 2007-10-25: Setup - Wizard error logging added [*] 2007-10-25: Groupware - New solution to DL contactlocation issue developed, 1. location has to have the "O" type and other "L", update calendar.xml, related projects will be updated (webmail basic and connector updated), tested [*] 2007-10-25: Config - DB Dialog - DB Driver - Default item removed, driver always requires the proper driver to be selected [*] 2007-10-25: Linux - Avast SHM and MMAP version testing and debugging [*] 2007-10-25: Config - User - Friends tab - support for [group] inserting added, previously group braces were removed, tested [*] 2007-10-25: Groupware - Super user has sharing always enabled, fixes a problem with IM service monitor and shared accounts, config public folders management, tested [*] 2007-10-25: Groupware - calendar.xml statements updated - EXISTS used instead of Count() > 0, tested [*] 2007-10-24: Control - License verification engine - Expired license renewal different from mail server license disables corresponding modules (eg. if mail server expired 10 days ago and groupware 20 days gw will be disabled), difference = module was not upgraded, (does not relate to antivirus and antispam) [*] 2007-10-24: Groupware - GetDetailCount and GetDetailList GROUP BY used for each ITM_ID, tested, reverted back, MS SQL and MS Access cannot work with GROUP BY and HAVING good enough as mysql and sqlite [*] 2007-10-24: Groupware - vCalendar and vCard functions - support for message notification added, tested with Lightning [*] 2007-10-24: Linux - Testing new Avast antivirus engine (discovered a stability issue 1 day ago) [*] 2007-10-24: Linux - wizards and scripts updated [+] 2007-10-24: Config - Certificate Form - Public key label updated, Country max chars 2, restructured the edit controls, tested [*] 2007-10-23: System - Group rights to IMAP rights conversion updated, IMAPRead = 'lrs', IMAPReadWrite = 'lrsipk', IMAPReadWriteModify = 'lrswipk', IMAPReadWriteModifyDelete = 'lrswipkxte', IMAPOwner = 'lrswipkcdxta' [*] 2007-10-23: Linux - SQLite problem with threading, you need a multithreaded sqlite library, compile your own SQLite with --enable-threadsafe --enable-cross-thread-connection --enable-threads-override-lockscd, tested, setup - lib/ installed [*] 2007-10-23: Linux - Default SQLite db installed and configured, tested [*] 2007-10-23: SyncML updated [*] 2007-10-23: Config - Group description - UTF8 support added [*] 2007-10-23: IPv6Class - IP to string - Function updated, uses the socket library function, short format always used (depends on the operating system), for IP management (trusted IPs etc.) use the same IP as in the system logs, tested [*] 2007-10-23: PHP 5.2.2 - SSL libraries bugs, cannot properly encode and decode S/MIME emails, problem addressed, libraries updated and tested [+] 2007-10-22: Groupware - Daily events - Holidays added to the email, special parsing required, tested [*] 2007-10-22: Linux - merakd - accept() error handling - non BSD behavior, tested [*] 2007-10-22: Linux - Control vs. Antivirus update vs. traffic on the SMTP tested, working fine [*] 2007-10-22: Linux - db - DBConvertStorage problem fixed, function properly mapped, tested [*] 2007-10-22: Webmail - Discovered few issues, reported, SyncML discovered few issues, reported [*] 2007-10-22: API - AddUser - Proper error return values returned, tested [*] 2007-10-21: DB - SQLite - connection string - if directory not exists it get automatically created [*] 2007-10-20: Drafts [*] 2007-10-20: Groupware - Folder name starting with \ handling support added, tested, it is possible to rename folders like \\\Contacts to proper name and fix it [+] 2007-10-20: License engine - If creation or expiration equals 0, default values are set (creation = config date), lets you create a demo license with predefined values but relative expiration to the installation date, tested [*] 2007-10-20: Config - Demo license expiration - license dialog displays a red warning icon of expired services that are still enabled, tested [*] 2007-10-20: Control service - Demo license expiration, after another 7 days corresponding service is disabled and a final message is sent to the administrator, relates to webmail, ftp, im, gw, syncml, sip [+] 2007-10-20: New OpenSSL-0.9.8g engine used, tested [+] 2007-10-20: Config - Webmail - Active checkbox added, implemented [*] 2007-10-20: System - CreateMailboxPath - Alias trimming added, tested [*] 2007-10-19: Control service - License - Exceeded accounts - email sent to central server [*] 2007-10-19: Control service - License checks - SIP, FTP, SyncML, WebMail added [*] 2007-10-19: Groupware - Authentication available locally even for users without Groupware enabled, in such case the account uses groupware without sharing capabilities (webmail for instance), you have a way to specify which users will use sharing and which will have simple calendaring and contact features, tested [+] 2007-10-19: Setup - New addon added - Demo accounts [*] 2007-10-19: Setup - demo accounts - all and domainadmin accounts removed [*] 2007-10-19: API - Free license - Domain - Domain type cannot be set via SetProperty, free license limitation [*] 2007-10-19: API - License - Accounts and domains check fixed, tested [*] 2007-10-19: Webmail - utf8_bad_replace() solution, mailparse tuning, calls handling [*] 2007-10-19: SMTP - WriteHeader() - From and To headers use EncodeRecipientHeader function, tested, fixes auto responder and others [*] 2007-10-19: MIMEClass - EncodeRecipientHeader() new method added, parses recipient list (From, To etc.) and encodes nationals chars in display-names, leaves email address as is, tested [+] 2007-10-18: SIP - Call logs - FromName and ToName logged as the last 2 fields, tested, properly parsed SIP display-name, escaping supported, tested [*] 2007-10-18: Webadmin, Antispam reports, SyncML, CalDAV, Webmail basic updated [*] 2007-10-18: DNSClass - <character-string> type handling updated for strings larger than 192 octets, fixes some TXT queries, tested [*] 2007-10-18: DKIM - t= flags - "y" testing - properly used, tested [+] 2007-10-17: Config - Remote connection version check - If remote server has a newer version that the local interface a warning message is popped up, tested [+] 2007-10-17: System - Mailing lists - Relay local messages option implemented, tested [+] 2007-10-17: Config - Mailing lists - new option - Relay local messages, API updated - U_DeliverExternally added [+] 2007-10-17: Linux - Avast update - ./avast/setup/proxy.dat - Contains the proxy server if required, eg: server:port [+] 2007-10-17: System - Groups/Mailing lists - Rights - Rights inherited from the top most level to all embedded objects groups and domains, top most rights is strongest, tested, groupware rights, mailing lists rights, RFT [*] 2007-10-17: Config - Mailing list - Member rights, labels updated [+] 2007-10-17: tool - Storage conversion support added - "tool set storage 1" - converts fs to db, "tool set storage 0" converts db to fs, tested [*] 2007-10-17: API - ApplyTemplate - If template found and applied, account defaults are no longer applied, tested [+] 2007-10-16: Setup - setupfirst.dat - Content of the package always installed but files at destination are never replaced once they exist, if files do not exist they get extracted from the archive [*] 2007-10-16: System - Authentication C_Accounts_Policies_Login_DisableDomainIPLogin=1 user/pwd duplication test added, tested [+] 2007-10-16: Config - Antivirus - External - Up/Down buttons added [+] 2007-10-16: Config - Deny telnet access - option hidden from interface - Linux telnet sends data after the enter has been pressed so this feature is useless [*] 2007-10-16: System - System backup - Delete older - relative path support added [+] 2007-10-16: System - System backup - General backup ON by default, tested, support for relative paths added [*] 2007-10-16: System - Multithreaded DB - On by default [*] 2007-10-16: Config - Advanced - DB Access multithreaded - Renamed label (no more ODBC terminology) [*] 2007-10-15: Groupware - Notification messages updated, tested [*] 2007-10-15: Remote Accounts - Size value properly set to the SMTP envelope structure [*] 2007-10-15: Groupware - LDIF - supported both 'o' and 'company' tags, tested [*] 2007-10-15: Groupware - DB - SQLite - fields -1 problem solved, solves problem with emport/export of gw in SQLite, tested [*] 2007-10-14: Webadmin, Webmail Basic, Antispam Reports, SyncML updated [*] 2007-10-14: Manual and PDF updated [*] 2007-10-13: SMTP - Service access SMTP - applied even if user not authenticated, MAIL FROM check added, tested [*] 2007-10-13: Antispam logging - DELETE action renamed to REFUSE, updated [*] 2007-10-12: System variables - %%recipient_domain%% - if domain blank primary domain is used, tested [*] 2007-10-12: IM - Email gateway - From: encoding - Name encoded separately [+] 2007-10-10: API - C_SpamPath, C_CalendarPath - Always contain some path regardles the load balancing settings, contains the correct path, tested [+] 2007-10-10: Config - Mailing list members - Add - multiple select support added, tested [*] 2007-10-10: Config - Sessions - Double click - FTP, GW and IM proper logs displayed, problem with indices fixed [+] 2007-10-07: Control - SyncML Push server - basic server implemented, tested [+] 2007-10-07: Config - SyncML Push - groupbox added, implemented setting handling, API updated, if push enabled message notification enabled automatically [*] 2007-10-06: Groupware - DB migration - Destination database schemes loaded before the migration begins, ensures the proper fields based on DB type to be used, tested [+] 2007-10-05: Config - Create Certificate dialog - Certificate Signature Request support added, dialog updated, output private and public edit controls added, implemented, tested [*] 2007-10-05: SSLClass - Create signature request implementation, tested, CreateCertificate() double param support added (private+public certs) [*] 2007-10-05: Linux - paths always absolute, fixed a problem with relative paths, tested [*] 2007-10-05: Linux - uninstall script fixed, tested [*] 2007-10-04: Auto responder - SetHeader() - Content-Transfer-Encoding - original header handling added, tested, fixes a problem with 2 Content-Transfer-Encoding headers if added [+] 2007-10-04: Groupware - Item and Folder notification messages support added, tested [*] 2007-10-04: Config - Use domain limits - Domain - Disable login to this domain, these 2 options are linked, it used to be controlled by Use user limits, internally changed to be controlled by Use domain limits [*] 2007-10-04: SQLite interface - proper instance closing applied (double free checked), tested [*] 2007-10-04: Groupware - Email address (Login user) might contain ' character, proper SQL escaping applied, tested [*] 2007-10-04: Groups - GetGroupMembers() - blank group name does not break the functionality [*] 2007-10-04: List Server - UserAlready() - Blank line support handling added [*] 2007-10-03: List Server - Owner confirmed list server - problem with Sender check solved, extension from the ID removed, tested [*] 2007-10-03: System - Free license - Same behavior as the Pro license, ServerProSet (license types) added, tested [+] 2007-10-02: SMTP - Distributed Domain Verification - Logging support added, tested [+] 2007-10-01: Groupware - SetUserSettings() API - support for <bwlist/> - black/white list management added, tested, implemented connector whitelist blacklist sender function, tested [+] 2007-10-01: System - System Reports + Traffic Warning - Server name + Server ID (if present) inserted to each message, strings updated, examples updated, load balanced reports supported, RFT [*] 2007-10-01: Config - Content Filter - List - Up/Down buttons fixed [*] 2007-09-29: System - quoted-printable encoding - ? character encoded, tested [*] 2007-09-29: sendmail - Missing Date: field added, CRLF.CRLF removed (obsolete) from the message body, tested [*] 2007-09-27: Linux - merakd - If merakd not running - Service stop/start cannot be performed, make sure merakd is running [*] 2007-09-27: Linux - SQLite - proper usage of library name,,, tested [*] 2007-09-27: Linux - Connection to blank address resulted in connection to localhost, fixed [+] 2007-09-27: System - Slave mode implemented - If slave mode ON several features are skipped (master server peforms the action as the only server), Features skipped: remote server watchdog, backup, AD sync, antispam reports, mail archive backup, ask for more if required [+] 2007-09-27: Config - Load Balancing - This server runs in slave mode - new option added [*] 2007-09-27: path.dat - Line 14 - ServerSlave new variable added [*] 2007-09-27: Examples updated [*] 2007-09-27: Antispam - Bypassed message - GetScoreAction() not called to calculate spam action (caused odd results when score levels too low), spam action set to zero if bypass active, tested with spam score 0 and quarantine score 0 [*] 2007-09-22: Content Filter - Contains list from file - Pattern file name - platform conversion UTF-8 -> Unicode/UTF-8 (Windows/Linux), fixes a problem with localized pattern filename, tested [*] 2007-09-22: Config - Content Filter - DB dialog - Create/Drop tables buttons removed, tested [*] 2007-09-21: Setup - Free version complete [*] 2007-09-21: Setup - All info.xml parsed for Country list, when Country selected according info.xml is located, if found the info.xml is used and copied, tested [*] 2007-09-21: Config - info.xml - MENUOVERRIDE new functionality support added [*] 2007-09-21: API - path.dat variables support added - C_WebPath, C_PathServiceID, C_SpamPath, C_CalendarPath [*] 2007-09-21: System - SaveSettings() - Updates db library to reload settings automatically, tested [*] 2007-09-21: PHP API - LastErr property implemented for Account, RemoteAccount, Domain objects [*] 2007-09-19: Setup - Languages SVN script to commit to projects SVN created and tested [*] 2007-09-19: Setup - Installation script - webmail pro releasenotes used [+] 2007-09-19: Config - IMAP Public folder - IMAP folder - Folder select dialog support added, slash / pathdelim replace supported, tested subdirectories, supported for UTF-7 added, tested with national characters and nested folders [+] 2007-09-19: Config - Webmail - Full text search option support added [*] 2007-09-19: IMAP - Remote account - Remove \Seen flag only if previously not set [*] 2007-09-19: Groupware - API documentation updated [*] 2007-09-19: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-09-19: Manual updated [*] 2007-09-19: Instant Messaging - All gateway modules - Reconnect support added, if gateway session not logged on and was previously and has been like that for more than 1 minute a new login is performed [*] 2007-09-18: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-09-18: OpenSSL - Certificate request research 9.1.0 [2007-09-17] [!] 2007-09-17: Release date [*] 2007-09-17: Setup - Config xml langs included [*] 2007-09-17: Webmail updated [*] 2007-09-17: Webmail basic updated [*] 2007-09-17: IM - Monitor gateway - Control service support added [*] 2007-09-17: SQLManager - Edit cell enabled - copy & paste can be used [*] 2007-09-17: Groupware - Oracle NULLS FIRST clausule used in calendar.xml [*] 2007-09-17: Setup - License.txt and readme.txt localized versions support added, tested, license UTF-8 supported [*] 2007-09-17: Setup - Installation script - langs from SVN updated, holidays, setup, config, wizards [*] 2007-09-15: Setup - Installation script updated to support languages, tested all scenarios, master setup support [*] 2007-09-15: Setup - setuplang.dat support added, extracts languages from the file [+] 2007-09-15: Setup - Setup languages added, a language dialog appears if any langs found, tested [+] 2007-09-15: Config - GUI languages added, wizards languages added (new langs FR, IT, DE, KR), please contact us to add more, tested [*] 2007-09-15: Config - DEFAULTLANGUAGE - internal variable properly set when run for the first time [*] 2007-09-14: Linux - IPv6 support checked, fixed problem with linux trying to bind to ipv4 too, used setsockopt(fsocket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, @L, SizeOf(L)) to fix this problem, tested [*] 2007-09-14: Linux - FileCopy - Preserves filetime, fixes IMAP COPY/MOVE INTERNALDATE [*] 2007-09-14: Setup - INTERFACEMODE fixed, tested [*] 2007-09-14: Groupware - Attachment handling - AddAttachment - If extended ASCII filename urlencoded, fixes problems with saving localized attachments on MBCS systems [*] 2007-09-14: HTTP Access - IP not support implemented, tested (recommended to use with Deny action when only a set of IPs is allowed to access the resource/URI) [*] 2007-09-14: Config - Web access dialog - IP Not checkbox added [*] 2007-09-14: Config - EXPIREINFORMATION support fixed [*] 2007-09-13: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-09-13: Webmail updated [*] 2007-09-13: Groupware - Group members Contact synchronization - only local domain contacts are synced, contacts from external domains will be always kept and not deleted, contacts from local domain not found in the group will be deleted [*] 2007-09-13: Setup - Module select - Subnodes selection fixed, tested [*] 2007-09-13: Setup - footer - tags.dat properly formatted, tested [*] 2007-09-13: Config - Logs display - 0x00 support added, displayed as space [*] 2007-09-13: Config - FormatURL - 3 new variables added, %%purchasedate%%, %%purchaseid%%, %%customercountry%%, tested, DisplayURL supports FormatURL, tested [*] 2007-09-13: Config - Free version always selects the first tree node [*] 2007-09-13: Config - License dialog - License agreement display fixed [*] 2007-09-13: Config - menu.xml - TYPE="URL" support added, relative URL linking with info.xml WEBURL supported, tested browser object vs. wizards [*] 2007-09-12: Webmail updated [*] 2007-09-12: PHP - version 5.2.4 tests (template, imap, mailparse, ssl, eaccelerator, icewarpphp, pspell), speed comparison of 5.2.2 and 5.2.4, 5.2.2 20-25% faster, both stable [*] 2007-09-12: Groupware - API Get<Object>Count() - Linux count support fixed, tested, properly returns item counts [*] 2007-09-12: Linux - Webmail - Spellchecker support fixed and tested [*] 2007-09-12: Linux - PHP compiled with pspell support, make sure pspell libraries are installed and required dictionaries too [*] 2007-09-12: PHP - new mailparse for windows PHP with 2 issues fixed (RFC2231, header attribute padding), tested [*] 2007-09-11: API - GetMessageContent(filename, type, maxsize, maxlines) new method added, tested, updated all PHP API classes [*] 2007-09-11: API - GetFileList(folder, rec) new method added, tested, updated all PHP API classes [*] 2007-09-11: Accounts - Save Account - Password expiration automatically reset if password changed [*] 2007-09-11: SQLite - Relative database path support added, tested [+] 2007-09-11: Setup - Does not install MDB (Access) ODBC databases (antispam + groupware), SQLite databases installed instead, tested [*] 2007-09-11: Antispam - Default database SQLite [*] 2007-09-11: Groupware - Default database SQLite [*] 2007-09-11: Directory Sync - Group/User sync - Account processed if only the same type, tested [*] 2007-09-11: Groupware - New calendar.xml indices for primary and foreign keys created, tested with Firebird - acceptable, tested with SQLite - good performance [*] 2007-09-11: Groupware - Firebird tests, even slower than sqlite with many gw items, problems with sharing the same db file [*] 2007-09-11: Config - DB dialog - Firebird driver support added [*] 2007-09-11: Firebird - Native client library finished, tests, ported to SQLManager, mem leaks tested, requires firebird .dll to work properly [*] 2007-09-10: Directory Sync - mail: attribute checked if domain matches our domain name or at least the 2nd domain value in the Domain field, tested [*] 2007-09-10: Firebird - Native client library development [*] 2007-09-09: Groupware - native LIMIT offset,count support added for mysql and sqlite, other dbs need to loop thru records, tested [*] 2007-09-09: DB - Spam database - native LIMIT offset,count support added for mysql and sqlite, other dbs need to loop thru records, tested [*] 2007-09-08: SIP - Contact header rewriting - Server: All requests and all responses, Gateway: All requests and responses for incoming calls only, tested [*] 2007-09-08: MS Access - ODBC - More unicode tests - nvarchar not support, varchar unicode does not work with MS Access, chinese windows perform conversion of ascii so utf-8 ascii cannot be properly entered and retrieved [*] 2007-09-08: ODBC DSN - Attributes support added - dsn?attrib=value&attrib=value;user;pass [*] 2007-09-08: Localization - ImportStrings - XML WideString preserved, tested [*] 2007-09-08: Service - Strings Translation - String localization - UTF-8 preserved, WideString conversion skipped, caused some problems on asian windows, tested [+] 2007-09-07: Instant Messaging - Server-To-Server - SRV DNS handling added, "_xmpp-server._tcp.domain" checked if no trusted host found and before connecting to the domain name, tested, fixes communication with google talk ( for example [+] 2007-09-07: SIP - NAPTR and SRV handling - If NAPTR not present, SRV is still checked as "_sip._proto.domain", eg. "", some admins define only SRV and ignore NAPTR [+] 2007-09-07: Config - HTTP Server - Access - User type checkboxes are disabled based on the username (if it contains a non-group name), tested [*] 2007-09-07: HTTP Server - Access - User types check problem fixed, support for [] group, when used an account in [] the account will be queried for its system password automatically, passwords set in access for [] are ignored and always system ones are used [*] 2007-09-07: SyncML, CalDAV updated, logs path support added [*] 2007-09-07: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-09-07: Groupware - New account - Files folder created by default [*] 2007-09-07: API - ConvertStorage - problem with fresh new settings until db.dll reloads config again fixed, tested, setup accounts converted to DB properly [*] 2007-09-07: Authentication - DisableDomainIPLogin - fixed and tested [*] 2007-09-07: Variables - %%FormatDateTime%% leading space removed, tested [*] 2007-09-07: Webmail basic - new default settings applied [+] 2007-09-07: Config - Status Logs - CalDAV logs support added, Logging - CalDAV service support added, tested [*] 2007-09-06: Antispam scripts updated [*] 2007-09-06: WebAdmin updated [*] 2007-09-06: WebMail working on MS SQL 2005+, tested, updated [*] 2007-09-06: Groupware - Multiple day repeating pattern - Proper handling of following days added, fixes problem with ghost events, tested [*] 2007-09-06: System - Conversion Rules to XML - Comments supported [*] 2007-09-06: Groupware - SQLite with 5000 contacts tested, dead slow, JOIN problem, simple SELECT working fine [*] 2007-09-06: Config - DB Connection - Spaces allowed [*] 2007-09-06: mailparse - RFC2231 - Final changes - changing headers, resetting null pointers [*] 2007-09-06: sqlite - a little sql92 syntax bug submitted: Improper parsing of nested JOIN - Ticket #2627 [+] 2007-09-06: Groupware - sqlite full support [*] 2007-09-06: DBInterface - sqlite - sqlite3_busy_timeout used to handle SQLITE_BUSY locked database, tests performed [*] 2007-09-06: DBInterface - sqlite - PRAGMA synchronous = OFF used, speeds up db usage [*] 2007-09-06: Groupware - calendar.xml updated - SQL sqlite branch created, sqlite for Groupware supported, tests [*] 2007-09-06: DBInterface - sqlite - If not records returned fields from the SQL are still parsed, tested [*] 2007-09-06: HTTP Server - Access - Defaults to Allow, if no conditions met allow is applied, tested [*] 2007-09-05: Webmail updated [*] 2007-09-05: Setup - Free upgrade from old license support removed, tested [*] 2007-09-05: php - mailparse - RFC2231 final changes updated, sent to PHP PECL CVS to be updated, tested on linux [*] 2007-09-05: SyncML updated [*] 2007-09-05: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-09-05: GW - calendar.xml - Oracle varchar(4000) implemented [+] 2007-09-05: Config - WebService - Access tab - New look and dialog implemented, tested, support for URI, User, IP and others all in one condition [+] 2007-09-05: HTTP Server - New Access system implemented, URI, IPs and Users authentication converted to Access, implemented core function [*] 2007-09-05: IMAP - Client session - RFC822.PEEK not used (some IMAP servers do not support it), RFC822 and STORE -FLAGS.SILENT (\Seen) used instead [*] 2007-09-05: SA rules - BLANKBODY_ATT_SPAM score 1.00 [*] 2007-09-05: DB - New sqlite 3.4.2 used [*] 2007-09-04: GroupWare - Holidays - Short descriptions updated, holiday value UTF-8 last char limit handling added [*] 2007-09-04: GroupWare - OMA DS File - Verification - If <contenttype/> set MD5 hash is compared instead of the filename (special SyncML backup handling), tested [*] 2007-09-04: DKIM - Timestamp in UTC [*] 2007-09-04: DBInterface - ChechFailed connection for ODBC - State + Message passed to the function, proper handling of ODBC for mysql, direct mysql worked fine, tested [*] 2007-09-04: Setup - info email - CRLF properly set, selected lang copied to destination setup.lng [+] 2007-09-04: Setup - Initial language selection support added, reads langs from lang/ folder (same philosophy as the GUI), tested [*] 2007-09-04: info.xml - 2 new tags added - COUNTRY, LANGUAGE [*] 2007-09-04: Setup - Country list drop down added, tested [*] 2007-09-04: Setup - File copy - GUI refresh used [*] 2007-09-04: Config - Resolve address - New column Host added to - Sessions, Account List, Intrusion Preventsion, contains the resolved address if enabled, column handling updated (sort), session double click updated, tested [*] 2007-09-04: Groupware - Add/Get vCalendar - OMA DS File - <contenttype/> tag supported, mapped to EvnURL db field [*] 2007-09-03: Catalogs - Email response - UTF-8 support added, catalog utf-8 filename and items management supported, tested [*] 2007-09-03: Antivirus - Email antivirus removal - UTF-8 support added [*] 2007-09-03: Config - Catalog Accounts - UTF-8 support added, tested [*] 2007-09-03: WebAdmin updated [*] 2007-09-03: WebMail updated [*] 2007-09-03: SyncML updated [*] 2007-09-03: Config - Resolve Address - if rDNS blank IP used, tested [*] 2007-09-03: Instant Messaging - Session disconnect - If presence available - unavailable presence is logged to presence history, tested [*] 2007-09-03: Config - Resolve Address - Only hostname displayed (IP is not displayed) if resolve address on, log view updated, tested [+] 2007-09-03: Config - SIP packet statistics added, tested [+] 2007-09-03: SIP - Service statistics support added - RTP packet, SIP packets, volume etc. [*] 2007-09-03: Config - License dialog - Information EditControl used so copy & paste can be used, tested [*] 2007-09-03: Setup - info email - From and To not UTF-8 encoded (caused problems with some mail clients) [*] 2007-09-02: SIP - Dial from application via server feature - real Location host and port used (the one client is connecting from), webmail/outlook - Dial via SIP, tested with multiple devices Grandstream and ExpressTalk and other sw clients, compatible [*] 2007-09-02: ODBC - SQLParsing off [*] 2007-09-02: IMAP - Client connection FETCH nnn (UID INTERNALDATE FLAGS) - surrounding brackets added, some IMAP servers had problems [*] 2007-09-01: SIP - Gateway handling of Contact header - Responses sent to the gateway and requests sent to the gateway - Contact header contains the real SIP's gateway contact and is replaced, fixes problems with BYE or ACK commands not getting thru to clients for incoming calls over gateways (if SIP client not on the local network), tested [+] 2007-09-01: SIP - RTP Pair logging added [+] 2007-09-01: Instant Messaging - Presence History implemented - logs/im-presence/, tested, supports available, invisible, unavailable and all other status with the textual representation, auto delete implemented [+] 2007-09-01: Config - Instant Messaging - Archive / History - Presence History new section added, API updated with 2 new variables, Status Logs - Instant Messaging Presence support added [*] 2007-08-31: Instant Messaging - Server-To-Server communication - initial subscription - presence sent when subscribed, tested [*] 2007-08-31: WebDAV does not support holidays yet [*] 2007-08-31: Webmail updated [*] 2007-08-31: Setup - If advanced (db) mode selected - demo accounts are converted from file system to database - API->ConvertStorage(True) used [*] 2007-08-31: Webmail Basic - New holidays support removed so old can remain, tested [+] 2007-08-31: Groupware - GetAllIntervalEvents - Support for holidays added, new EvnClass=H introduced, holidays automatically returned as events (read only - you cannot query them with GetEventInfo), tested [*] 2007-08-31: Webadmin, Webmail basic, Antispam reports updated [*] 2007-08-31: SpamAssassin - urirhssub - Mask or IP maskstring match updated, tested [*] 2007-08-30: API - New variable C_Accounts_Policies_Login_DisableDomainIPLogin added, disables Domain IP login (Domain bound to IP), new installations defaults to True, upgrade - option still preserved, implemented in the authenticateuser function [*] 2007-08-30: Config - Patterns content - UTF8 support added [*] 2007-08-30: Config - Migration Logs tab - UTF8 support added [+] 2007-08-30: Config - Mail Archive - Add Domain, Add Account buttons added, updated, different icons displayed, tested [+] 2007-08-30: Mail - Mail Archive - Support for selected domains and accounts added, you can specify additional accounts to perform archivation of, tested [*] 2007-08-30: Groupware - API - DeleteHolidays - New ID parameter added, documentation updated, tested [*] 2007-08-30: Groupware - Holidays updated, removed blank holidays, checked UTF-8 [+] 2007-08-29: tool - check/validate - "passpolicy" support added, tested, help updated [+] 2007-08-29: API - AccountObject - New method ValidateData(Type) added, allows several types of validation, tested [+] 2007-08-29: Config - Rules - Disabled checkbox added (just like in content filters), implemented, tested [+] 2007-08-29: Rules - Disabled flag support added, filter.dat examples updated, content filter conversion implemented [*] 2007-08-29: Config - Rules - Multiselect support added, multipleselect delete supported, tested [*] 2007-08-29: Config - Content Filters - Multiselect support added, multipleselect delete supported, tested [*] 2007-08-29: IMAP - GETQUOTA "" - quota size was not recursive for overhead reasons, recursive check put back only if GETQUOTA "" and the account has a mailbox size limit, tested [*] 2007-08-29: SMTP - Auto whitelist - Uses real RFC822 From: [*] 2007-08-29: tool - new display/get alias "list" added, help updated [*] 2007-08-29: PHP - PDO MSSQL not working, PDO ODBC tested, PDO ODBC does not support lastInsertId() method, for webmail use "varchar" instead of "text" fields for MS SQL to work properly [+] 2007-08-28: Config - Options - Resolve addresses in current view - new option added, tested [+] 2007-08-28: Config - rDNS lookup of status IP addresses added, new thread that checks rDNS implememented, Account Statistics, Sessions, Intrustion Prevention, tested [*] 2007-08-28: Config - Status - Greylisting - Owner considers GL owner mode - Domain/Account, account select dialog proper object displayed, tested [*] 2007-08-28: Config - Spam settings - ResetData() called properly, FLoaded not reset, tested [*] 2007-08-28: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-08-28: Webmail admin guide updated [*] 2007-08-28: IMAP - Copies functionality removed once again, put back mail archive, (previously removed incorrect feature), tested [*] 2007-08-28: Services - Service Monitor - 2 new string messages - Data and Connection average messages instead of 1 added, tested [*] 2007-08-28: Config - Domain Info - Account # - Count / Total support added, tested [*] 2007-08-28: System - Change/Add Header - Long string support added, tested [+] 2007-08-26: HTTP Server - Virtual host name supports string masks '*', eg: * etc., tested [*] 2007-08-26: Config - Account Statistics - LastIP added, tested [*] 2007-08-25: Config - Webmail - MS SQL PDO connection string removed, ODBC PDO connection string added [*] 2007-08-25: PHP - discovered that pdo_mssql is not working, used pdo_odbc instead which is working with MS SQL, tested, php_pdo_odbc.dll installed [*] 2007-08-25: Antispam report scripts updated [*] 2007-08-25: Config - Webmail - MS SQL PDO connection string added [*] 2007-08-25: Webmail - Database tested with mysql, additional PDO drivers to be supported MS SQL, ODBC [*] 2007-08-25: PHP - php_pdo_mssql.dll + ntwdblib.dll installed, needs to be enabled in the php.ini [*] 2007-08-24: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-08-24: SyncML updated [*] 2007-08-24: Webmail updated [*] 2007-08-24: Linux - thread stack size set to 256kB [*] 2007-08-24: Linux - wine CHM not working, CHM not installed [*] 2007-08-24: PDF guides updated [*] 2007-08-24: SpamAssassin - DKIM and SPF - results cached in mess info structure, thus query is performed only once, tested [*] 2007-08-24: SpamAssassin - DKIM verification - SIGNED result updated, considers any signature or dkim dns record as SIGNED (only if DKIM signature present), tested [*] 2007-08-24: Linux - examples installed ./examples directory [*] 2007-08-23: Config - Account Stats List - # numeric sorting support added [+] 2007-08-23: Config - webmail server settings support added, config/_webmail/server.xml parsed and displayed, PDO database connection editing, tested, Service logging - webmail support added, menu xml helpid=212 [+] 2007-08-23: Linux - new ./wine directory created with config.exe, xml and doc dir, INSTALL readme updated [*] 2007-08-23: Config - WL/BL - Add new item - check if item already exists added, tested [*] 2007-08-23: Config - SyncML - logging double option properly integrated, tested [*] 2007-08-23: Groupware - Files vCalendar support added - verification slowsync problem fixed, tested, EvnComplete set filesize, fixes Funambol SyncML briefcase synchronization [+] 2007-08-23: SyncML updated - 1.2 support added, info logging, backup storage [*] 2007-08-23: info.xml - Updated and added more description texts [*] 2007-08-23: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-08-22: PHP - mailparse - RFC2231 - full support added - conversion to RFC822 MIME used, tested, used by default on linux, not available for windows yet [+] 2007-08-22: Config - updated to run properly under wine, tested, wine 0.9.34 [*] 2007-08-22: Config - wine compatibility debugging, shdocview problem experienced [*] 2007-08-22: PHP - mailparse - Continuation lines bug fixed, compiled on linux and tested, created patch file [*] 2007-08-22: Config - wizards updated, tested [*] 2007-08-22: SMTP - Groups - Members only - fixed, support for groups added [*] 2007-08-22: IMAP - Incoming copies - option ignored in IMAP, caused problems in real world usage of IMAP [*] 2007-08-22: Webadmin updated [+] 2007-08-21: Config - SpamAssassin - statistics logging support added, tested [*] 2007-08-21: Antispam - SpamAssassin statistics format updated [*] 2007-08-21: Antispam - HTML_MIME_ONLY score 1.0 set [*] 2007-08-21: Config - Accounts - Right click menu fixed [*] 2007-08-21: Config - Lang change - Wizards updated properly, tested [*] 2007-08-21: Examples - stReportURL example updated [*] 2007-08-21: Config - Accounts Menu typo fixed [*] 2007-08-20: Setup - Use setupcustom.dat instead of setupother.dat, setupother.dat obsolete, tested [*] 2007-08-20: Doc - Quick start guide replaced with proper guide [*] 2007-08-18: Config - menu.xml - ICON attribute used instead of SMALL and LARGE, tested [*] 2007-08-18: Config - Custom toolbar - zeromem() used, caused problems with widestrings [*] 2007-08-18: PHP - mailparse extension - RFC2231 support added (only on linux currently), one more mailparse bug discovered needs to be fixed [*] 2007-08-18: Config - Services - Logging - SyncML support added, double option linking implemented, tested [*] 2007-08-17: Webmail updated [*] 2007-08-17: System - UserStatistics - SentOut messages - all messages sent out calculated (event 1 message which was then splitted to multiple recipients and messages for relaying) [*] 2007-08-17: PHP - php_pdo_mysql.dll ext added, needs to be enabled in the php.ini if required, php.ini updated [*] 2007-08-17: MIMEClass - ChangeFileHeader() - The same position of header is preserved, fixes a problem with multiple Subject headers and adding the tag, tested [*] 2007-08-17: tool - help updated [+] 2007-08-17: Config - Account Export - Domain export and import support added, tested [*] 2007-08-17: Config - Account Export - Multiple domains support fixed, tested [+] 2007-08-17: Mailing Lists - Allow subscribers - File can contain groups, domains and email addresses, Allow subscribers field can also contain a group name instead of a filename, tested [*] 2007-08-17: IMAP - popmailbox.dat file - support for subfolder under mailbox path and not under inbox folder [*] 2007-08-17: DB - DBConvertStorage - Original file domain list loaded before putting to DB, tested [*] 2007-08-17: Services - Automatic db storage change detection added, if db changed db is reinitialized and new one is used, tested [+] 2007-08-16: API - ConvertStorage new function added, api.txt updated, api php classes updated [*] 2007-08-16: DB - DBConvertStorage new method added, converts accounts FS <-> DB, GUI updated to use this function [*] 2007-08-16: SIP - SIPFilterAddress() fixed, SIP working again, tested [*] 2007-08-16: SMTP - Conducted tests with a message larger than 4GB, tested [+] 2007-08-16: Config - Groups - Members can post only option added (uses the same option as in mailing lists) [*] 2007-08-16: Config - Wizards - Central language wizards/lang/<id>/lang.xml used - contains all strings for all wizards and wizard title, automatic detection if lang from GUI missing en used, tested [*] 2007-08-16: SpamAssassin - check_text_alphanum_ratio() - repeating non-alphanum characters not calculated to ratio [*] 2007-08-15: Active Directory - Too many items LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED support added, issue of LDAP server, needs to be extended [*] 2007-08-15: Mail - Header/Footer - Remaining files in temp folder deleted, tested [*] 2007-08-15: API - DeleteFiles, GetFolderList - platform independent Folder parameter added, tested with new webmail - cache auto delete [*] 2007-08-15: System - DeleteFilesOlder - Support for Files mask and Recursive flag together, tested [*] 2007-08-15: Config - Rules - CopyTo/MoveTo Folder dialog - Selection of subfolders and proper formatting handling added, folder edit field can be entered manually, UTF-7 handling, tested [+] 2007-08-15: SpamAssassin - new check_text_alphanum_ratio() function added, calculates a ratio of alphanum and non alphanum characters (ignores extended ASCII and control characters), new rule added, if exceeds 30% score, tested with multiple languages, genuine mails and even mails with special schemes [*] 2007-08-15: Webadmin updated [+] 2007-08-15: SMTP - Greeting delay - The server waits up to the specified time and if any data is sent from the remote party in this time the connection is terminated (violation of RFC822, spammers often use this technique), tested [*] 2007-08-15: Config - Antispam - Misc - SMTP callback verification label renamed [*] 2007-08-15: Config - SMTP - Security - Greeting delay label renamed [*] 2007-08-14: Antispam scripts updated [*] 2007-08-14: Webadmin updated [+] 2007-08-14: Server Migration - IMAP - remote account - parses remote server message flags and applies them locally, tested [+] 2007-08-14: Server Migration - IMAP - remote account - RFC822.PEEK used so \Seen flag is not set, tested [+] 2007-08-14: Server Migration - IMAP - remote account - remote INTERNALDATE applied to local message file name, tested [*] 2007-08-14: Config - Service binding - servicebind.dat deleted if blank, tested [*] 2007-08-14: SpamAssassin - Rule statistics - score information added, meta hits statistics added [*] 2007-08-14: Linux - IM - TSocketEvent debugging, SocketPair() fixed, initialized getsockbyname addrlen variable, tested, SIP tested [+] 2007-08-14: Config - Access Control List dialog - anyone can be localized, changed to Everyone, tested [*] 2007-08-14: SIPRTPProxy class - TSocketEvent used instead of TSimpleEvent, fixes FPC bug [*] 2007-08-14: SocketClass - TSocketEvent new class created, implemented in IM server, tested [*] 2007-08-13: Linux & BSD analysis [*] 2007-08-13: Setup - demo.dat updated [*] 2007-08-13: Config - Extended some field width [*] 2007-08-13: SpamAssassin - FDF spam updated [+] 2007-08-12: API - Domain - DeleteAccountID() new method added, api.txt updated [*] 2007-08-11: Webmail updated [*] 2007-08-11: SMTP - Bounce back - Subject can contain localized string, UTF-8 support added, tested [*] 2007-08-10: PHP - icewarpphp extension - PHP library loading support added, auto load removed, tested [*] 2007-08-10: Config - PHP loaded only when accessing wizards [*] 2007-08-10: Setup - fixed problem with disabling webmail to install, tested [*] 2007-08-10: IMAP - IMAPFileNameFlags API options - If on and FETCH changing flags - filename is internally updated and message body is retrieved properly, tested [*] 2007-08-10: Config - Update online - checks if license present and update is issues instead of purchase link, tested [*] 2007-08-10: info.xml - ONLINEUPDATE new link added [*] 2007-08-10: HTTPClass - Chunked - Header remainder - multiple chunks supported, read data from socket without the following chunk issue solved, tested [*] 2007-08-10: Setup - Desktop and Quicklaunch icon - New label used "IceWarp Server Administration" different than the one in the Start menu, localization updated [*] 2007-08-10: System - Account POP -> IMAP conversion - File time preserved - INTERNALDATE preserved, tested [*] 2007-08-10: PDF and CHM updated [*] 2007-08-10: Linux - Discovered that FPC - 2.1.4 - TSimpleEvent is not working!, causes serious problems with IM server-to-server and SIP RTP, bug reported ticket #9414 [*] 2007-08-10: Webmail updated [*] 2007-08-09: Linux - SIPRTPProxy - poll() implemented instead of select(), special handling used [*] 2007-08-09: Linux - file descriptor limit raised with setrlimit to 65535, tested [*] 2007-08-09: sendmail tool - On Linux MERAKDIR environment variable used (required for php usage so proper paths are read), tested [*] 2007-08-09: Linux - PHP compiled with --with-zip, updated buildphp, updates notes.txt, webmail - SaveAll to zip working now [*] 2007-08-09: FPC - 2.1.4 - RTL compilation - "make rtl", compiled with thread stack of 128kB, merak tests (SMTP, POP3, IMAP, HTTP, webmail), seems to be working properly, tested memory leaks and consumption, BSD version? [+] 2007-08-09: SpamAssassin - Statistics logging enhanced, general server information added, spam information and all counts, tested [*] 2007-08-09: Groupware - SIF conversion - AllDayEvent tag support added, AllDayEvent - EndDate - 1 applied (SIF uses end date as the final date, Versit uses the following date), tested [*] 2007-08-09: SyncML - discovered Funambol all day event bug, reported [*] 2007-08-09: DB - Quarantine and Greylisting list - all "select count()" changed to "select count() as count_" - fixes MS SQL issue over ODBC, tested [*] 2007-08-09: Groupware - calendar.xml - all "select count()" changed to "select count() as count_" - fixes MS SQL issue over ODBC, tested [*] 2007-08-08: Groupware - Discovered MS SQL bug - cannot process the following statement - Select Count(ITM_ID) From (ContactItem LEFT OUTER JOIN ContactLocation ON ContactLocation.LCTITM_ID = ContactItem.ITM_ID) [+] 2007-08-08: FTP - Each permission can link the directory alias to a full path directory, possibility of global directory aliases and user/group permission directory aliases, tested [+] 2007-08-08: Config - FTP - Permissions - Full optional path new variable implemented, tested [+] 2007-08-08: FTP - Permissions - Full optional path new variable added, CheckFTPAlias() updated to work with global aliases and permission full paths, list directory entries permission paths updated, tested [*] 2007-08-08: Config - SpamAssassin file preserved when saved for the 2nd time, tested [*] 2007-08-08: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-08-08: SyncML updated [*] 2007-08-08: Service Label - Updated with CompanyStr constant, tested [+] 2007-08-07: Config - IMAP Public folders and groups - UTF-8 to UTF-7 conversion and support added, tested [+] 2007-08-07: Config - Groupware public folders and groups - UTF-8 support added, tested [*] 2007-08-07: Linux - changes tested, SMTP, SSL, Jabber, poll() properly implemented [*] 2007-08-07: SocketClass - SocketMultipleWait() new function created, array of socket descriptors, add support for poll(), changed IM, Proxy and others to use this function, tested [*] 2007-08-07: Linux - poll() imported and updated SocketsClass, to support poll() instead of select(), select() is limited and can only handle 1024 handles, SSLClass updated [*] 2007-08-07: Web Server - Old webserver.cfg converted only if .cfg exists and new webserver.dat does not exist, tested [*] 2007-08-07: Webmail updated [*] 2007-08-07: OldWebmailAPI - Account templates support added [+] 2007-08-07: SpamAssassin - DCC engine support added (not officially available), only for internal testing [*] 2007-08-07: DCC - Compilation - Requires BCC55 make.exe 5.2 (not any other), environment path settings, tested [*] 2007-08-07: Setup - Email sent - Localization tested and updated [*] 2007-08-06: Wizards - Libraries fixed to support $wizard_lang variable [*] 2007-08-06: Webmail updated [*] 2007-08-06: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-08-06: SIP - SIPFilterAddress() updated, ignores multiple <>, fixes issue with some Cisco SIP devices, tested [*] 2007-08-06: FreeBSD - Working properly on 6.2+, no file descriptor leaks and no memory leaks, requires FPC 2.1.x, tested [*] 2007-08-06: SMTP - strings.dat - UTF-8 proper support, characters not decoded, UTF-8 kept, tested [*] 2007-08-06: Control - Web Server - Load old webserver.cfg - if .php extension script mapping missing, it is added automatically from the last mapping in the list [*] 2007-08-05: Setup - SendMail() headers UTF8 support, tested [*] 2007-08-05: Config - Wizards - Buttons UTF8/WideString conversion added 9.0.0 [2007-08-04] [*] 2007-08-04: SpamAssassin rules - BLANKBODY_ATT_SPAM score 3.0 [*] 2007-08-04: Web Server - CGI/FastCGI - Connection: KeepAlive support added, fixes SyncML and Funambol issue on Linux, tested [+] 2007-08-04: Setup - webmail upgrade information added, URL display added, view guide, tested [*] 2007-08-04: Setup - webmailguide.pdf installed, link to start menu added [*] 2007-08-03: Web - default webserver.dat points to /webmail/ instead of /mail/, only affects new installations [+] 2007-08-03: Groupware - Support for getvcard and getvcalendar to get specific versit version vcard 2.1 and 3.0 supported, vcalendar 1.0 and 2.0 supported, vnote 1.0 and 1.1, tested [*] 2007-08-03: Debug tools created - Exception information logging support added, demand debug version if required [*] 2007-08-03: Linux tests - webadmin, webmail, caldav, syncml [*] 2007-08-03: SyncML updated [*] 2007-08-03: System - SaveAccount() - if mailbox path blank default path is used, tested [*] 2007-08-03: Setup - demo domain installed, with demo accounts, fixed paths and mailing lists, tested [*] 2007-08-02: SpamAssassin - check_message_text_size - text/html size is trimmed before checking the size, tested [*] 2007-08-02: Config - Wizards - _xml/<lang>/ language support added, IE widestring controls access support added, wizards can use utf-8 properly, tested [+] 2007-08-02: Config - Localization engine complete [*] 2007-08-02: Config - Language change - AccountList updated (due to label changes), Node Caption preserved, tested [*] 2007-08-02: Setup - quickstart tested [*] 2007-08-02: Config - License warnings - All use the correct handle to MessageBox(), tested [*] 2007-08-02: Account Management - DeleteAccount() - Checks IMAP Public folders and if linked with this account the public folder is deleted, tested [*] 2007-08-02: Config - Wizards - wizard_lang passed as current language selected [*] 2007-08-02: SyncML updated [*] 2007-08-02: GUI - Wizards - COM not used, PHP API used instead, tested [*] 2007-08-02: API COM - Working with WideStings, API over PHP working in UTF-8, beware of the right usage, API in linux and tool all UTF-8 based, tool on windows widestring, tested [*] 2007-08-02: Active Directory - Account defaults applied [*] 2007-08-02: Server Migration - Account templates and defaults applied [*] 2007-08-02: Config - Quick Start menu item updated [*] 2007-08-02: Setup - Removed old tutorial and replaced with new quick start guide, start menu links updated [*] 2007-08-01: Webmail Pro updated [*] 2007-08-01: System - ContentFilter -> Rules conversion - ForwardTo URL encode problem fixed, tested [*] 2007-08-01: LDAP Synchronization - verified UTF8 support, tested [*] 2007-08-01: Config - Windows NT Import - UTF8 support added [*] 2007-08-01: Config - menu.xml - IceWarp Merak Mail Server root node used [*] 2007-08-01: SpamAssassin - New PDF and blank body with attachment rule added [*] 2007-08-01: MySQL client library - mysql_server_end() called when unloading library, fixes new bug of mysql which was fixed in 5.0.48, tested [*] 2007-08-01: Setup - New webMail renamed to WebMail Pro [+] 2007-08-01: tool - "add" command alias added to "create", you can use "tool add domain", tested [*] 2007-07-31: Version 9 [*] 2007-07-31: New splash used [*] 2007-07-31: Webmail updated [*] 2007-07-31: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-07-31: Setup - replaced with [*] 2007-07-31: Antispam - Spam reports default on [*] 2007-07-31: Setup - Setup information email - utf-8 charset specification added, xml utf8 properly used [*] 2007-07-31: API - FTPSyncNow - first parameter removed, obsolete [*] 2007-07-31: Instant Messaging - jabber:x:delay - stamp reported in UTC, tested [*] 2007-07-31: IMAP - Flags and Locking completely updated, new parameters for Lock() and Open() added to automatically lock and load flags, fixes any race conditions of duplicate UIDs, tested all cases [*] 2007-07-31: IMAP - SUNSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE - Proper lock and unlock used [*] 2007-07-31: IMAP - CLOSE - Proper mailbox lock and unlock used [*] 2007-07-31: SpamAssassin - Reports - TESTSSCORES used by default instead of TESTS [*] 2007-07-30: MimeClass - GetAllBodyURLs() - proper handling of 'www.' prefixed URLs added, fixes SURBL dns queries, tested [*] 2007-07-30: Groupware - GetGroupListMembers() - AnsiString support added, caused problems with group members synchronization, tested [*] 2007-07-30: SpamAssassin - PDF rules updated with new functions [+] 2007-07-30: Config - Webadmin specific strings for data.xml export added, tested [+] 2007-07-30: SpamAssassin - 2 new function check_message_text_size(from, to) and check_message_html_size(from, to) added and implemented [*] 2007-07-30: Config - Message dialog patterns - support for localization added [*] 2007-07-30: System - ExecuteURL() - System variables %% URLEncoded properly, tested, SafeMode passed [*] 2007-07-30: Config - Task & Schedule + Executable accounts - URL - Parameters control enabled [*] 2007-07-29: Instant Messaging - Stop - Client sessions - Proper ending of all threads, exceptions fixed, tested [*] 2007-07-28: Instant Messaging - Public server ( and others) - server-to-server communication and roster subscription tested [*] 2007-07-28: Instant Messaging - Probe - Subscribed new roster item - Presence sent only if resource exists, tested [*] 2007-07-28: Instant Messaging - Probe - If roster item not online status still returned, tested [*] 2007-07-28: Instant Messaging - Server-To-Server - Presence - From - Resource removed [*] 2007-07-28: Instant Messaging - XEP-0185 - Dialback Key Generation and Validation supported, previous XEP used SHA1 new uses SHA256 and HMAC, tested results [*] 2007-07-28: Localization engine - Support for strings - AnsiString and WideString simultaneously, strings can be ansi and wide, slow and continual transition possible, tested [+] 2007-07-28: Config - License dialog - Product/License names can be localized, localization support added [+] 2007-07-28: Config - Import/Export accounts from/to file - support for remote accounts added, remote accounts import - check if already remote account exists, tested [*] 2007-07-27: SMTP - Debug removed - caused no spam detection, fixed [*] 2007-07-27: GUI - Wizards - wizards.tpl updated so utf-8 charset is always used, tested [*] 2007-07-27: Antispam - New bypass value - LocalDomains - Q used, only affects the bypass reason logs [*] 2007-07-27: Groupware - more vcard tests (charset and utf-8), tested with Funambol [*] 2007-07-27: Groupware - VersitObjects - Support for Outlook's vcard buggy implementation 100% - vcard 2.1 generally supported and compatible, tested [*] 2007-07-27: Setup - New mail server logo used [*] 2007-07-26: Groupware - VersitObjects - Multiple value keys - ';' vCard (Org, Addr, N) - Charset and encoding support added, tested [*] 2007-07-26: Groupware - VersitObjects - CHARSET attribute support added, conversion to UTF-8 forced, tested [*] 2007-07-26: IMAP - SEARCH charset specification supported and converted accordingly with iconv, tested [*] 2007-07-26: IMAP - SEARCH and SORT and THREAD - Headers decoded to utf-8 [*] 2007-07-26: Old webmail updated [*] 2007-07-26: Config wizards updated - fixes template issues [*] 2007-07-25: Webmail updated [*] 2007-07-25: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-07-25: IMAP - ENVELOPE - If extended ASCII and no charset specified, US-ASCII is used instead of the UTF-8 charset in the ENVELOPE response [+] 2007-07-25: Groupware - Add new account - All groups with [domain] links will update the Groupware Contacts synchronized folders accordingly, tested [*] 2007-07-25: Groupware - Group members synchronization with Contacts folder, email address is always a plain address without the name, tested [*] 2007-07-24: SyncML updated - one way sync only supported [*] 2007-07-24: DCC - Compiled with BCC55, tested [*] 2007-07-24: Config - Session Monitor - Item status - Active sessions can have a status too, duration still displayed, tested [*] 2007-07-24: SMTP - Session - Status = Success - When message received (before actually processing with filters) the success state is used, in the GUI session monitor such sessions will appear with the green icon (message was received but not processed), tested, RSET turns the session back to Active state, tested [*] 2007-07-24: API - apiconst.pas - Login comments updated [*] 2007-07-23: API - DNS retry count - fixed to int in apiconst.pas [*] 2007-07-23: Linux - php compilation - discovered that php was not compiled with the php_imap.c changes, new webmail could not run with imap, tested and fixed [*] 2007-07-23: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-07-23: SMTP - Mail queue logging - Filename logged, tested [+] 2007-07-23: API - RemoteObject - Support for listed variables that cannot be cached, such variables will be always read remotely, u_respondercontent, u_rulescontentxml and others (global, domain, accounts), tested [+] 2007-07-23: SMTP - Deliver via relay server if direct fails - DNS negative response from server - relay server will be still used, tested [*] 2007-07-23: Groupware - GetAllIntervalEvents - Events with 2 reminders - duplicates remove added, tested [*] 2007-07-23: SpamAssassin - Rules - update - removed all RBL checks - they were not controlled by the interface RBL tab [*] 2007-07-23: Config - Rules - Conditions - And/Or dialog onclick detection updated to reflect windows Unicode bug, fixed and tested [*] 2007-07-23: XMLClass - Attributes not truncated, widestring used, fixes localization problems of attributes larger than 255 characters, tested [*] 2007-07-21: IMAP - SORT, STORE, SEARCH - problem with long list of message ids fixed, not truncated anymore, tested [i] 2007-07-20: Internet Explorer tests - attachment download - maximum length of filename = 96 bytes, strips the start of the file [*] 2007-07-20: Groupware - New user login - Default sharing mode to Friends (used to be Anonymous) [*] 2007-07-20: Backup - User data vs. mails - if user data not checked and mails is checked whole mail directory is backed up, tested [*] 2007-07-20: Antispam - Bypass non-user accounts feature removed, use access mode instead, by default all local accounts use antispam (quarantine affected too) [+] 2007-07-20: Antispam - Spamassassin rules statistics - spamassassinrulesstats in spam.dat file, new feature added, enables the rules statistics which will be saved each midnight to this filename, filename can contain "yyyymmddhhnnss" time variables, tested [+] 2007-07-20: SpamAssassin - Rules statistics implemented in the engine, each rule has a number of hits, SaveRulesStatistics() created and implemented [*] 2007-07-20: SpamAssassin - Toothpick updated and tested [*] 2007-07-20: SpamAssassin - New PDF rules added and tested [+] 2007-07-19: SpamAssassin - New eval function check_boundary_name(nameregex) added, tested with '(.gif$)|(.png$)' [*] 2007-07-19: Filter engine - Internal terminology updated [+] 2007-07-19: SpamAssassin - New eval function check_message_size(minsize, maxsize) added, size given in kilobytes, tested [*] 2007-07-19: SpamAssassin - general toothpick support added, "m." [*] 2007-07-19: Antispam - SpamAssassin rules updated [*] 2007-07-18: Lightning - Submitted new bug regarding password manager problems with multiple caldav users on the same server, Bug #388578 [*] 2007-07-18: Groupware - Login with email address - If not primary full email address id is replaced and used instead, tested [+] 2007-07-18: CalDAV - New version updated, supports shared calendars, subfolders, recurrences and exceptions etc. [*] 2007-07-18: Linux - FPC 2.1.4 porting and changes, Libc updated, few new syntax changes and type overriding applied, compiled, still using 2.0.4 (many fixes would need to be done in 2.1.4) [+] 2007-07-18: Config - Import from Windows NT - Columns sorting support added, tested [+] 2007-07-18: API - 3 new user variable - U_PasswordExpired (bool), U_MailboxQuota (returns quota set), U_MailboxSize (returns current mailbox size - call unless you know your mailboxquota is non-zero), tested [*] 2007-07-18: IMAP - GETACL - Function can be called even if non-adminstrator account on shared folders, in such case only the local user rights will be returned, tested [*] 2007-07-18: New webmail updated [*] 2007-07-17: IM Server - IM Modules - UNSUBSCRIBE - ModuleObject instance properly handled, tested [*] 2007-07-17: Linux - IM Server - IM Modules - Thread management updated, shared thread manager via ModuleSetTM function, tested, no longer IM Modules crash [*] 2007-07-17: New redemption 4.4 used and tested [*] 2007-07-17: Config - ODBC Mailing List - Account not saved if ODBC connection blank, tested [*] 2007-07-17: Service monitor - Traffic report updated with avergate minute interval, examples updated, tested [*] 2007-07-17: Report scripts udpated [*] 2007-07-17: Antispam - SpamAssassin - mail-abuse items removed, some other rules updated [*] 2007-07-15: Linux - IM Modules - FPC shared library thread problem discovered a workaround using shared ThreadManager, segfault and crash does not occur then, tested [*] 2007-07-15: Linux - iconv loaded from libc, supports 'libiconv_open' and 'iconv_open' prefix, darwin and non-darwin iconv library, tested [*] 2007-07-15: Setup - Webmail export script - Fixed problems with SVN not exporting a few required files, tested [*] 2007-07-15: Setup - Changes tested [+] 2007-07-15: Setup - New webmail included in the setup, cInstallOldWebMail created, new menu items WebMail Web 2.0 and WebMail Simple, tested [*] 2007-07-15: Redemption - Latest version tested, bugs fixed [*] 2007-07-14: Groupware - ProcessOccurrenceID() method - Supports otherselect field, tested, SQLEventList used instead of SQLEventInfo [*] 2007-07-14: Groupware - CalDAV - Occurrence discovered a small bug, reported (GetEventIntervalList returns all interval object even if you specify EvnClass filter, EvnClassOccurrence objects are returned automatically and must not be retrieved again via getvcalendar (they are already part of the master vcalendar object)) [+] 2007-07-14: Groupware - Versit - vCalendar - Exception and Occurrence vs. Recurrence-ID full support added, implemented and integrated, addvcalendar and getvcalender object with exceptions and occurrence exceptions tested, working with Lightning [*] 2007-07-13: SMTP - Message bounce back - UTF8 charset specified in the first boundary, tested [*] 2007-07-13: Setup - ./html/index.html file removed, not needed any more, upgrades still contain this file and new installations default to /webmail/ because of the rewrite rule in webserver.dat file, tested [*] 2007-07-13: Web Server - webserver.dat default - Default rewrite rule to new /webmail/ added, tested - installed for the first time, change if required [*] 2007-07-13: Quarantine - MIME header parsing, StrictDecode attribute used, fixes problems with Quarantine db containing non utf8 characters when received messages violating RFC822, tested [*] 2007-07-13: MIMEClass - StrictDecode attribute added, if a MIME attribute is extended ascii and no charset is specified in such case the item will be encoded to UTF8 [*] 2007-07-13: SMTP - VRFY - Returns the real primary account (domain alias and account alias), tested [*] 2007-07-13: Mozilla Lightning - Reported new bug 388007 - URL not preserved with PROPFIND [*] 2007-07-13: Groupware - SIF/Versit RecurrentItem to GW, RcrEndDate and RcrCount not set if 0 (Null), New webmail requires it [*] 2007-07-13: Groupware - SIF vs. vCal conversion - Recurrence - Tested (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) [+] 2007-07-13: Groupware - SIF vs. vCal conversion - Recurrence support added (Rrule already supported but Funambol does not support that) [*] 2007-07-12: HTTP Server - URL Rewrite - Original HTTP Request rewritten, required for external server modules such as PHP to work properly with the rewrites, tested against PHP [+] 2007-07-12: Groupware - API - UserSettings - Responder 'between' new tag added and supported [+] 2007-07-12: Config - Remote account - new account - default schedule - every 30 minutes added, tested [*] 2007-07-12: Linux - INSTALL text file updated with required libraries [*] 2007-07-12: Tool - display variable separator 'var: value' [*] 2007-07-12: Setup - Setup creation script - All php files shrunk in the setup package, tested [*] 2007-07-12: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-07-12: Setup - Create new folder - Message problem fixed [*] 2007-07-12: Redemption - Tests of fixed version [+] 2007-07-12: Groupware - API - GetServerTimeZone() new function added, implemented, updated documentation [*] 2007-07-12: Groupware - Lightning TZ vs. Webmail TZ handling compared and tested, Lightning requires the timezone to be set in the settings, Webmail requires the local browser machine timezone to be set (just like Outlook), tested [*] 2007-07-11: New webmail - distribution script updated, live css, js not created any more [+] 2007-07-11: Config - Account Search - Support for remote accounts added, implemented, tested, new Type Remote Account added, searches the Remote name and server, tested [*] 2007-07-11: Config - Account Search - Domain select button added [*] 2007-07-11: MAPI - Redemption object debugging, reported a bug [i] 2007-07-10: API - U_RespondWith variable obsolete, use U_RespondContent instead, tested [*] 2007-07-10: License.txt - Text width updated to fit the setup license agreement [*] 2007-07-10: Config - LocalServerID updated when altered, tested, when changing the serverid restart all services [*] 2007-07-10: Manual updated [*] 2007-07-09: Setup - Packages existance check updated, checks always the path the binary is running from, caused some problems when run from other directory, tested [*] 2007-07-05: Setup - updated shortcut labels, tested [*] 2007-07-05: Readme - All release notes and readme product title updated [*] 2007-07-05: Config - Merak Mail Server renamed to IceWarp Merak Mail Server [*] 2007-07-05: Setup - Merak Mail Server renamed to IceWarp Merak Mail Server [*] 2007-07-05: Setup - cOldName variable added - original name of the Start menu [*] 2007-07-05: Config - FilterValueString() function updated, GUI supports aliases with spaces, proper handling, tested [*] 2007-07-05: Webadmin updated [+] 2007-07-05: API - New MigrateDatabase function added, classes.txt updated, php classes updated [*] 2007-07-05: Setup - Modules localization possible, tested [+] 2007-07-04: Config - Language files - Language interface.xml file support added, tested [+] 2007-07-04: Config - FTP Host - IP and Path checked, IP can be only used once in all FTP hosts, tested [+] 2007-07-04: tool - methods "new/set/get" can be used now, updated command processing, tested [+] 2007-07-04: API - Group account - new variables G_GroupwareShared G_GroupwareMember G_GroupwareMailDelivery [+] 2007-07-04: API - New C_TimeZone variable added, number of seconds from UTC [*] 2007-07-04: Localization engine - TPanel and TTntPanel support added, controls exported if there is some hint and no value too, tested [*] 2007-07-04: SMTP - HELP response updated [+] 2007-07-03: User variables - New system of user variables created, currently supported in copies options, %%mailboxpath%%, %%alias%%, %%mailbox%%, tested, examples file updated [*] 2007-07-03: Config - Edit user's responder - If old style responder - conversion to new responder in the mailbox path responder.dat file applied, tested [*] 2007-07-03: Instant Messaging - Services/Gateway policy (access=), properly formatted response and handling added, tested, fixes problems with registering a gateway without the access [+] 2007-07-03: FTP - Upload limit - Upload checked during file upload, if exceeded data transfer is aborted, tested, directory size supports "*" which defaults to the root "/", tested [+] 2007-07-03: Database migration - Complete error logging added [*] 2007-07-03: POP3 service form caption updated, fixes service communication [+] 2007-07-03: API - D_SyncML added [+] 2007-07-03: Config - Accounts - Group - Password protection - Single checkbox and value used, tested [*] 2007-07-03: Mailing Lists - Server moderated list - If list owner blank, the message is sent back to the sender with the id confirmation, tested [*] 2007-07-02: Account maintenance - DeleteUserData - Old webmail directories not deleted any more, tested [+] 2007-07-02: Config - Status - Logs - Webmail and SyncML logs added, last logs type displayed properly, implemented, tested [*] 2007-07-02: Config - Rules - Unicode richedit character position fixed, tested, windows stores line delimiters as one character in unicode [*] 2007-07-02: Mailing Lists - SetSender - Does not convert the header to utf8, keeps the original header encoding, tested [*] 2007-07-02: SMTP - Recipient - Max message size no longer checked for messages coming to mailbox, only sent message sizes are checked, simplification and consitency [*] 2007-07-02: Config - Accounts - User - Max sent message size label updated [+] 2007-07-02: Tools - Tasks & Events - Emails support system variables [*] 2007-07-02: DB - Direct SQLite and MySQL forces proper sql syntax used, tested [+] 2007-07-02: Setup - Converted to unicode, tested [*] 2007-07-01: SMTP - Digest Mailing List - UTF8 charset support added [*] 2007-07-01: Antispam quaratine scripts updated [*] 2007-07-01: Old webmail updated [*] 2007-07-01: SyncML updated [*] 2007-07-01: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-06-22: SMTP - "Could not connect and send the mail to %s" used in bounce backs and logs, tested [*] 2007-06-22: Services - Logging - "Could not connect" replaced with "Could not connect to '%s'", tested [+] 2007-06-22: Setup - Uninstall - Registry keys removed [+] 2007-06-22: Config - Schedule lists - Every "Minutes" / "Hours" used in the list, updated, tested [+] 2007-06-22: Config - Size and Time control - Mod used for upper limits, GB MB kB units, tested [*] 2007-06-22: Groupware - AddVCard - New VERIFY verification check added, checks not only ItmClassifyAs but also ItmSurName and ItmGivenName, tested [*] 2007-06-22: Groupware - AddVCard - H LctType always added - required for new webmail to work properly, tested [*] 2007-06-22: Web service - Rewrite - [V=variablename] - Tests performed, tested [*] 2007-06-21: New webmail groupware final updates [*] 2007-06-21: Antispam - SpamAssassin version updated to 3.2.1 [+] 2007-06-21: Web service - Rewrite - [V=variablename] - Variable flag support added and implemented, instead of the URI regex the value of the server variable will be matched, use with [C] flags and usually without the URI rewrite thus with "-" value, supported variables are the general HTTP_* variables: HTTP_HOST, HTTP_REFERER, HTTP_USER_AGENT, THE_REQUEST, REMOTE_IP, eg: "^(www\.myhost\.com)?$ - [V=HTTP_HOST,C]" - virtual host is checked for "" [+] 2007-06-21: Web service - Rewrite - [C] - Chain flag support added and implemented, if regex rule with [C] flag and the rule is not matched all following [C] rules will be skipped, tested [*] 2007-06-21: DB Storage - Login with email - If domain missing in the username primary domain used, worked only in non db mode before, tested [*] 2007-06-21: Service - duplicate handle - proper stopping applied, tested [*] 2007-06-21: SyncML updated [*] 2007-06-21: Wizards updated [+] 2007-06-20: tool - Domain/Account import - displays created object names, tested [+] 2007-06-20: tool - Account import - Automatically creates domains if not exist, tested [*] 2007-06-20: Config - Accounts import and export to file - uses only email,u_backup parameters, other characters could contain "," and that is a separator, tested [*] 2007-06-20: Groupware - DeleteOwner - Problem with deleting Group data fixed, typo in calendar.xml, fixed, tested [+] 2007-06-20: Web service - Rewrite and Directory aliases complete, GUI complete [+] 2007-06-20: Web service - Rewrite - regex - regexreplace supported, eg: ^/test/(.*)/(.*)$ -> /scripts/$1?value=$2, tested, mod_rewrite [flags] not supported yet, "-" supported -> no replace, tested, flags support added: [R,F,L], tested each flag, default flags [L] - if rewrite is matched no other will be processed unless you specify flags [] - so the behavior is the same for non regex rewrites (redirects) [+] 2007-06-20: Web service - Rewrite - Non regex - Non port 80 support, support for protocol and non protocol redirects, support for string match with *,* ->*,* ->*, and others, relative support /test/* -> /mail/*, tested [+] 2007-06-20: Web service - Aliases - Support for absolute path - /data/ -> /www/mydata/, tested, support for relative path /mail/ -> webmail/, tested, subdirectories supported, complete, no match strings function supported, strictly directory based [+] 2007-06-20: Web service - Rewrite and Aliases implementation, Rewrite - uses regex mod_rewrite and non regex previous redirect functionality, Aliases - pure directory alias - supports absolulte and relative paths, tests [+] 2007-06-20: Config - Web service - Aliases - Regex removed, no sense, tested [+] 2007-06-20: Config - Web service - Redirect renamed to Rewrite, updated functionality, former redirect without regex does redirect, rewrite with regex does rewrite and support mod_rewrite options - thus redirect can be achieved, Aliases - are only directory aliases and nothing else [*] 2007-06-20: SMTP - MDA Internal - Forward To - problem with deleting the master email fixed, caused blank mails, tested [*] 2007-06-20: SMTP - Forward To - if sender blank forward will be applied (put back original functionality), tested [*] 2007-06-19: System - Account mailbox path of non user accounts with non domain specified handling added, tested, fixes problems with creating userstat.dat in the root [*] 2007-06-19: PHP - php_zip extension enabled and installed by default, tested [+] 2007-06-19: Config - Web Service Dialog - Redirect and Alias - RegEx column support added, xml settings updated, tested [*] 2007-06-19: Config - Web Service Dialog - Redirect and Alias - Up/Down buttons, sort removed, order matters, tested [*] 2007-06-19: SIP - Route: header with a complete SIP address containing host and alias support added, some SIP proxies insert Record-Route/Route headers with the complete SIP address instead of just the server's host or IP [*] 2007-06-19: DBInterface - MySQL "Lost connection to mysql server" - error handling updated to new response from the mysql server, tested [*] 2007-06-18: SMTP - DeleteOlderMailThan, applied to Spam folder too, only if spam folder enabled, updated ProcessMailOlderThan function, new parameters [*] 2007-06-18: System - GetAdapterInfo() - IPs are skipped (IPv6 adapters), tested [*] 2007-06-18: SMTP - Received header truncation fixed, tested [+] 2007-06-18: Localization engine updated - FontSize new forms root attribute added, useful for asian unicode characters which need to be enlarged for better readability, tested [*] 2007-06-17: Webadmin updated [+] 2007-06-16: SIP - SIMPLE supported [*] 2007-06-16: SIP - SIMPLE support tested with X-Lite, working, presence and instant messages tested [*] 2007-06-16: Config - Web Service - Order of tabs updated, Application Mapping renamed to Scripting [*] 2007-06-16: SyncML updated [*] 2007-06-15: Antispam - CheckSkipBypassLocalUntrusted() function created and used with Groupware address book bypass, mime from sender checked if local and session not trusted (AUTH/LocalIP) then bypass is not processed (If SkipBypassLocalUntrusted=True), tested [*] 2007-06-15: Antispam - Whitelist - Groupware - BypassReason set if System mode, tested, user mode sets only session recipient attributes [+] 2007-06-15: Config - Active Directory - Test Connection - No results message added, if DN is incorrect LDAP returns no results, in such case this new error is displayed, tested [*] 2007-06-15: SpamAssassin - Some custom rules removed [*] 2007-06-15: RegEx - PCRE flags updated, new GRETA regex.dll used instead of the old one [+] 2007-06-15: RegEx - regexreplace - Created new function - replace with value or replace with string with backreferences $n, tested both uses, tested with GRETA and PCRE, preparation for mod_rewrite [*] 2007-06-14: RegEx - Backreference supported, GRETA interface for backreference added, PCRE updated, both regex engines working, tested, same results [*] 2007-06-14: API - U_RulesContentXML uses IMAP-UTF7 <-> UTF8 conversion automatically, xml automatically contains UTF8 folder names (move and copy to folder), tested [*] 2007-06-14: Rules - Folder IMAP-UTF7 conversion to UTF8 support added, new parameter added [*] 2007-06-14: Linux - New installation scripts tested, plain installation and upgrade installation [*] 2007-06-14: Linux - Avast setup used, AVG removed, upgrade scripts updated, tested [*] 2007-06-14: SIP - SUBSCRIBE tested with Microsoft Messenger, no response to SUBSCRIBE from the client, not working, tested other clients (not even support of SUBSCRIBE) [*] 2007-06-14: API - apiconst.pas updated [*] 2007-06-14: SIP - Tested with Microsoft Messenger 5.1, SIMPLE - not supported SUBSCRIBE, needs research [*] 2007-06-13: SIP - SIMPLE - OPTIONS - Support for MESSAGE and SUBSCRIBE commands added, tested message sending with SIP Communicator [*] 2007-06-13: Linux - Avast updates tested [*] 2007-06-13: Linux - Avast antivirus engine tested [*] 2007-06-13: PHP - updated so registry keys are no longer read, fixes collision with other php installed on the system, tested [*] 2007-06-13: PHP - php_mysql included in the php setup package, tested, requires php.ini to be edited to enable the extension (cannot load by default as libmysql.dll might not be present and an error would be displayed) [*] 2007-06-13: Groupware - calendar.dat parsing - if variable blank it is still assigned - "CalendarFrom=", tested [*] 2007-06-13: tool tutorial - * escaped with "*", tested [*] 2007-06-12: HTTP - Proxy - Require authentication defaults to True, tested [*] 2007-06-12: Antispam - SpamAssassin - BGSOUND and MARQUEE rules removed [*] 2007-06-11: RegEx GRETA tested with VS2003, VS2005, VC6 - the best performance created with VS2003 (speed increase of 15%) [*] 2007-06-11: Executable resources - version, copyright and other information updated [*] 2007-06-11: Linux - php.ini - eAccelerator disabled - caused crash of the new webmail server classes, tested [*] 2007-06-11: IMAP - Service start - delete temp/*.imap files (Control does the same), in case somebody restarts only the IMAP service there would be residual .imap cache files, tested [*] 2007-06-10: API - User - U_RespondBetweenTo/From properly initialized if value blank, tested, caused problem on linux, worked fine on Windows [*] 2007-06-09: Config - Unicode tested (interface localization parts) [*] 2007-06-09: Config - Unicode testing, chapter/node title unicode fixed, tested [*] 2007-06-09: Config - Unicode testing, fixed left tree node, displays unicode characters properly now, tested [*] 2007-06-08: Remote Accounts - X-Envelope-To and other custom headers - All headers in the message processed, meaning multiple X-Envelope-To in the message will be processed, not only the first occurance, tested [*] 2007-06-08: HTTP - Dir content listing fixed - Transfer-Encoding header removed from the response, tested [*] 2007-06-08: SMTP - Distributed domains - Recipient verification - if only one host present recipient address is not updated to the relay address format, tested, fixes problems with Quarantine and recipient verification on remote domains [*] 2007-06-08: tool - Delete all accounts - support put back, group account actions - Email properly parsed and set, tested [*] 2007-06-08: API - Quarantine documentation updated [*] 2007-06-08: API - Unicode visual control linking removed, fixes tool crash when released (only in the last unicode release) [i] 2007-06-08: SyncML - SSL tested with Funambol, requires a valid server certificate (if not trusted cert either disable cert checks or install the root certificate via spaddcert.exe or other tools) [*] 2007-06-08: Manual updated [*] 2007-06-07: Config - Status Logs - UTF8 support added, tested [i] 2007-06-07: Regex - Tested GRETA regex and PCRE - results: PCRE 5x faster for short text, PCRE 2x slower of long text, still using the GRETA regex (on windows, linux uses PCRE always) [*] 2007-06-07: Antivirus - Update processing changed, several delays added when unloaded flag has been received, services statistics no longer set back, tested [*] 2007-06-07: SyncML updated [*] 2007-06-07: Linux - LDAP - found out that merak/lib/ might be incompatible with local libraries so it was removed, caused problems with LDAP that did not work, it completely relies on the local now, tested LDAP authentication and active directory, working [*] 2007-06-07: Antivirus - New avast engine used when installed, [+] 2007-06-06: API - php class account.php updated in all projects, tested [+] 2007-06-06: API - AccountObject - AutheticateUserHash - 5th parameter EmailLogin bool added, implemented, forces login with email address, tested [*] 2007-06-06: Config - Status - WL/BL - Add new item - Owner - multiple selection handling fixed [*] 2007-06-06: Config - Templates - Problem with saving fixed, tested [*] 2007-06-06: Config - Full unicode support [*] 2007-06-06: Config - Final unicode conversion - Discovered stability issues with RichEditWithLinks class, debugging, fixed RichEditWithLinks problem [*] 2007-06-06: Config - Spam queues - WL/BL - owner check - entered "*" supported, tested [*] 2007-06-06: System - GetLogRecords() - Adapted to log rotation - if rotation set and no log found, single file is checked instead, tested [*] 2007-06-05: Config - Find feature - Direction Up - fixes problem with nothing found and setting position to start of file, tested [*] 2007-06-05: Antispam - Quarantine - Message header From: used for the sender instead of the SMTP envelope From:, if blank the envelope is used, tested [*] 2007-06-04: SMTP - SMTP AUTH vs. Sender check - Primary account checked instead of the given email address, tested [*] 2007-06-04: SMTP - Routing over redirect.dat with NOTIFY or ORCPT, recipient encapsulating problem fixed, tested [*] 2007-06-03: Config - Remote Connection - Start/Stop service - Button updated properly tested [*] 2007-06-03: Config - Backup - Password control updates the Apply button [+] 2007-06-03: Tools - DB Migration - Transactions used - 20000 records migrated in 5 seconds, tested [*] 2007-06-03: DBInterface - General BEGIN, ROLLBACK, COMMIT handlers created for transactions [*] 2007-06-03: System - GetSystemVersion - updated to support Vista and Longhorn, tested [*] 2007-06-02: Setup - Uninstall - The folder displayed in the shell explorer when uninstalled [*] 2007-06-02: Setup - ASpell - properly installed, registry updated, aspell-15.dll copied to php dir, environment variable changes removed, tested [*] 2007-06-02: Setup - setupfirst.dat - IDP package that gets installed only when installed for the first time [*] 2007-06-02: Setup - other.dat renamed to setupother.dat - IDP package that gets always installed [*] 2007-06-01: Manual updated [*] 2007-06-01: Quarantine - Access mode - List - Multiple recipient problem fixed, current recipient passed to the Access Mode check function, tested [*] 2007-06-01: Setup - updated to install setupaspell.dat, implemented, checks if aspell already installed (does not install if present), if not selected during setup php.ini pspell is commented out, tested, component list expand all used [*] 2007-06-01: ASpell - new setupaspell.dat created [*] 2007-06-01: Instant Messgaing Server - Logging problem if used compressed streams fixed, tested [*] 2007-06-01: Logs - Summary logging processed if debug on - internal checks updated, tested [*] 2007-06-01: Logs - Delete logs - Rotation log deletion problem fixed [*] 2007-06-01: tool - Remote API - new error message displayed if could not establish remote API session, tested [*] 2007-06-01: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-06-01: ASpell - Developed a method to install aspell automatically without the need to copy the libraries to system32, windows message to reload system settings, tested [*] 2007-05-31: Setup - php.ini update tested [*] 2007-05-31: Config - User - Groups - Lists - Edit dialog contains the mailing list properties, tested [!] 2007-05-31: PHP - php.ini located in the php dir (wmi.ini no longer used) [*] 2007-05-31: Groups - Direct mailbox delivery for group aliases problem fixed, GetAccountFullPath() for secondary aliases updated with primary alias, tested [*] 2007-05-31: PHP - no longer used wmi.ini in windows directory, ini renamed to php.ini and placed under merak/php dir, setup updated (copies php.ini in the same directory, old wmi.ini deleted), tested [*] 2007-05-31: PHP - Max memory limit set to 128MB [*] 2007-05-31: PHP - Max execution time set to 30 mins [+] 2007-05-31: Setup - Installation PDF guide + Help button added, tested [*] 2007-05-31: Setup - Top image transparent [*] 2007-05-30: Config - Unicode conversion ready for the last phase [*] 2007-05-30: Config - StatusBar update - Messages used, caused problems in unicode environment, works fine now [*] 2007-05-30: SyncML updated [*] 2007-05-30: SMTP - Client reconnect - RemoteAddress in the logs updated, tested [*] 2007-05-30: DNSQuery tool - ListClass converted to ExtListViewManagementClass, tested [*] 2007-05-30: Config - First round of unicode conversion applied, phase 2 complete, tests, Destroy class - stability problems (solved by a hack in the unicode classes) [*] 2007-05-30: Webmail - PSpell tests [*] 2007-05-30: PHP - php_pspell extension loaded by default, requires ASpell to be installed and libraries accessible from Merak (set the environment PATH to the ASpell directory or simply copy the libraries to system32) [+] 2007-05-30: HTTP Server - File send problem - Volume statistics and log statistics still updated and reported properly, tested [*] 2007-05-30: Config - Templates - Default domain *, fixes initial template list, tested [*] 2007-05-29: Groupware - Default MDB database recreated [*] 2007-05-29: Config - Ready for batch conversion to unicode, phase 1 complete [*] 2007-05-29: Config - All list views converted to unicode TExtListViewManagement class, tested [*] 2007-05-29: Unicode conversion - TExtListViewManagement - Complete unicode support, tested [*] 2007-05-29: Unicode conversion - MainMenuBands converted to MainMenu, XP hack applied, tested, unicode conversion ready, AccountsMenuPopup implemented, tested [*] 2007-05-29: Unicode conversion - TExtListViewManagement - Ancestor class simplification [*] 2007-05-29: Antispam reports updated [*] 2007-05-29: Config - Toolbar - Antispam link fixed - Object renamed in the past, tested [*] 2007-05-29: Unicode conversion - LbSpeedButton - Completely rewritten to inherit from the native SpeedButton, created UnicodeSpeedButton, tested [*] 2007-05-28: Unicode conversion - RichEditWithLinks to UnicodeRichEditWithLinks, new class implemented, tested [*] 2007-05-28: Unicode conversion - LbSpeedButton to UnicodeSpeedButton implemented, tested [*] 2007-05-28: Linux - php 5.2.2 compilation - bcmath extension compilation directive added, required by new WebMail 2.0, new webmail got working [*] 2007-05-28: Linux - php 5.2.2 compilation - mailparse, template, eaccelerator, icewarphp, and others, tests, ported to php 5.2.2 [+] 2007-05-28: CalDAV/GroupDAV server - Support for gzip added, tested with Mozilla Lightning [*] 2007-05-28: Mozilla Lightning - New Bug 382219 submitted, PROPFIND issued after PUT - should update the local href of the item [*] 2007-05-28: Backup - Backup mail/user dir settings - .msg extension also skipped (new webmail stores .msg cache files), tested [+] 2007-05-27: Config - Mail Archive moved to Mail Service node, tested [+] 2007-05-27: CalDAV/GroupDAV - PUT - Inserts the new UID as specified from the WebDAV PUT request, fixes duplication issues if editing freshly added item without refresh, tested [+] 2007-05-27: Groupware - API - AddItemInfo/AddVersitItem - support for specified IDs of newly created objects, eg: AddEventInfo(fid, params, ';newitemid'), use ";" as the ID delimiter, in such case the newly created item will have the <newitemid> as the primary key, tested, required for CalDAV/GroupDAV protocol [*] 2007-05-27: Groupware - ProcessSQLParams updated, supports ForceNew parameter, detects if PrimaryKey needs to be created and inserted, tested [*] 2007-05-27: Localization engine - split to 2 classes - VisualLocalization and StringLocalization, VisualLocalization not included in services and API (caused problems with new unicode controls), tested [*] 2007-05-27: Groupware - Object primary keys enlarged to varchar(64) from varchar(12), future CalDAV usability, updated calendar.xml, upgrade procedures updated, updated setup gw database, tested [+] 2007-05-27: Spam queues - Add new item - Owner is checked if it really exists (domain and account), tested [+] 2007-05-27: Mail Archive - Archive mode Outgoing implemented, updated, tested [+] 2007-05-27: Config - System - Tools - Mail Archive - Archive mode added - Incoming, Outgoing, Both, tested [*] 2007-05-26: Thunderbird GroupDAV Plugin (Address Book synchronization) testing with IceWarp CalDAV/GroupDAV server, reported 3 major bugs [*] 2007-05-26: Manual updated [+] 2007-05-25: Config - Group member list - User user administrator's icon for Owner rights, tested [*] 2007-05-25: Config - Groupware - Public folders - Properly loaded, if access error zero list updated, tested [*] 2007-05-25: Service monitor - Traffic increase, new report message used: Service Monitor has detected that traffic on the %s service exceeded the average traffic %s by %sx, strings.dat example file updated [*] 2007-05-25: Wizards updated [+] 2007-05-25: Localization engine - Full unicode support, tested [*] 2007-05-25: Localization engine - Support for unicode controls added, basic controls including forms, tested export and import [*] 2007-05-25: XMLClass - Support for full unicode attribute parsing added, tested [*] 2007-05-25: Localization engine - Tags and attributes simplication, WideString/Unicode support added, previous compatibility preserved, ITEMSTEXT renamed to CAPTION [*] 2007-05-25: Localization engine - Font attribute support, allows form font specification, required for unicode fonts to work properly, recommended fon: Microsoft Sans Serif, tested [*] 2007-05-25: Config - Ready for unicode conversion [*] 2007-05-25: Config - tlistview controls converted to ExtListViewManagement class, tested, preparation for unicode conversion [*] 2007-05-25: Config - tdfsenhlistview controls converted to ExtListViewManagement class, tested, preparation for unicode conversion [*] 2007-05-25: Config - All fonts updated so they use parent font (except Courier New), preparation for unicode conversion [+] 2007-05-24: Groupware - CalDAV updated - Logging supports date filenames, PROPFIND fixed, compatible with Mozilla Lightning 0.5, tested [+] 2007-05-24: SMTP - SMTP response - %s Access to %s not allowed updated, reports the sender and recipient, tested [+] 2007-05-24: Unicode research - Basic visual objects conversion tool created, tested [*] 2007-05-23: Config - Import Windows NT Users dialog - EnhListView class used, preparation for unicode conversion [*] 2007-05-23: Config - Accounts - Catalogs - Catalog edit - EnhListView class used, preparation for unicode conversion [*] 2007-05-23: Config - Filters - Edit message header - EnhListView class used, preparation for unicode conversion [*] 2007-05-23: PHP - removed php_sqlite (not needed anymore, syncml uses PDO now), tested [+] 2007-05-23: SyncML updated - PDO support, date logs and others [*] 2007-05-22: Logging - Antivirus and Antispam - Recipient count logged (next word after the primary recipient), tested [*] 2007-05-22: Logging - Summary logs logged if Debug is ON (even though Summary is not ON), tested [*] 2007-05-22: SMTP - Logging - FormatRecipientAddress updated - logs only 1 recipient again [*] 2007-05-22: tool - Remote connection API problem - APIDone called, tested [*] 2007-05-22: API - Remote API - API->Done() local DB properly released [*] 2007-05-22: HTTP Server - Chunking applied only if Content-Length not returned by the script, tested, fixes RPC and other things [+] 2007-05-22: Groupware - SIF - S4J old sync4j type supported [*] 2007-05-21: SMTP - FormatRecipientValue (logging) - if recipient blank <> is used, tested [*] 2007-05-21: IMAP - ENVELOPE - Recipient fields - addresses part of quoted/base64 encoding, proper ending applied, updated string, tested [*] 2007-05-21: Config - Message Queue - Total Int64 used, tested [+] 2007-05-21: Config - Services - New column Total added, implemented, tested [*] 2007-05-21: Config - Status - DynPanel control removed, replaced with Panel and Groupbox, preparation for MBCS controls [*] 2007-05-21: CalDAV testing with latest Mozilla Lightning 0.5 [*] 2007-05-21: Connector updated [*] 2007-05-21: PHP - Shrink script updated to support php 5.2.2, tested [*] 2007-05-21: SMTP - EnableLocalDelivery option (only available via the API), checks if DNS query used and the resulting host points to or localhost, tested [*] 2007-05-20: PHP - Temporarily added sqlite extension to fix SyncML issues, tested, will be removed when SyncML PDO support is ready [*] 2007-05-20: Web service - ISAPI chunked encoding enabled by default - NOCHUNKEDENCODING webserver.dat variable presented, tested [+] 2007-05-19: SyncML updated - Supports MoreData from the server, case insensitive folders/resources, Funambol Mail synchronization and much more [+] 2007-05-18: SMTP - Return-Path header added if enabled, API new variable ReturnPath added, Config - SMTP - Delivery - Add Return-Path header new option added, tested [*] 2007-05-18: PHP - Web application tests, sqlite extension no longer available, SyncML needs to be updated with PDO support [*] 2007-05-18: Config - Status - Greylisting - Expired and pending display updated, only the specified items displayed, tested [*] 2007-05-17: Groupware - File application/vnd.omads-file+xml slowsync support added, tested [+] 2007-05-17: PHP - Switched to version 5.2.2, IceWarPHP extension updated, Config updated [*] 2007-05-17: IM - ICQ module - Send message charset codes support added (Unicode 02 added), tested all [*] 2007-05-17: IM - ICQ module - Received message charset codes support added (Unicode 02 added) [*] 2007-05-17: IM - ICQ module - ReceiveTimeout set to 45 seconds [*] 2007-05-17: Antispam - Quarantine - Trusted IPs bypassed if really enabled - previously trusted ips were always bypassed, tested [*] 2007-05-16: BEEPClass - Response properly parsed, binary safe, tested [*] 2007-05-16: Groupware - Email reminders and reports - Events separated with double lines, all day events - proper enddate, tested [*] 2007-05-15: Config - DB Migration - Log window BringToFront() called when finished, fixes problem with missing logs information, tested [+] 2007-05-15: DB Migration - Completely changed the logics behind, source tables do not have to contain exact fields as the destination tables, fixes corrupt fields and values, tested [+] 2007-05-15: Config - Status - Logs - New logs Spam Reports support added, implemented, tested [*] 2007-05-15: Antispam - Version information - custom db properly reported, tested [*] 2007-05-15: Old WebmailAPI + Groupware API settings - Responder - Old responder file deleted and cleared, new responder file used, tested [+] 2007-05-15: Config - Greylisting - Owner mode option added, tested [+] 2007-05-15: Antispam - Greylisting - Owner mode option created - Address/Domain [*] 2007-05-14: PHP - 5.2.2 eAccelerator - disables php exceptions (exceptions not working), bug reported Ticket #255 (defect), problem caused by optimizer, disable eaccelerator.optimizer = "0" to fix it temporarily [*] 2007-05-14: PHP 5.2.2 - php_zip.dll added [*] 2007-05-14: IM - Services and Roster UTF8 based, Config updated, tested [*] 2007-05-14: SMTP - Mailbox size exceeded the limit - recipient address displayed in the response, helps identifying the recipient in the mail client, tested [*] 2007-05-14: Antispam - spam.dat - new variable SpamChallengeOldCompatibility=False added, disables old Quarantine triggers for Bayes and other (not used anymore but could cause problems when upgrading), if still required set this variable to True, tested [*] 2007-05-14: tool - help content updated [*] 2007-05-14: Manual updated [*] 2007-05-14: Groupware - API - Distinct attribute support removed, no use of it, SQL does not allow DISTINCT only for one field, tested [*] 2007-05-14: PHP - php_pspell.dll extension included [*] 2007-05-14: PHP - 5.2.2 VS2005 - template compilation - requires config.w32.h comments for #define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T 1 #define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1 [*] 2007-05-14: Config - Groupware public folders - New - Default share mode - Friends, tested [*] 2007-05-14: Rules - filter.dat examples updated [*] 2007-05-12: Antispam - Report scripts updated [+] 2007-05-12: Config - Active Directory - DN option put to interface, tested [*] 2007-05-11: PHP - Template compiled under VS2005 is stable and thread safe, tested [*] 2007-05-11: PHP FCGI on windows - Does not support PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN, for each FCGI script running simultaneously a new instance of PHP would have to be created, limited number of instances, back to ISAPI version [+] 2007-05-11: Notification Messages - Multiple hosts supported, separate with ";", NotificationPort no longer supported, specify the port in the host instead, tested [*] 2007-05-11: Notification Messages - - IMAP STORE - separate list of messages created and when db updated list is sent, requires more server overhead, tested [*] 2007-05-11: Notification Messages - Real service name displayed - IMAP instead of POP3 [*] 2007-05-11: Groups - ODBC supported, tested, GetGroupMembers - suppport for records containing full email address "Name <email>" added, tested [+] 2007-05-11: Groupware - calendar.xml - Support for DB attribute which lets you specify SQL statement for any db type, tested, calendar.xml updated - textvariable and detailcountdistinct, mapped to different dbs, tested [*] 2007-05-11: Groupware - DetailCount - Distinct - 'As DerivedTable' added (requirement for mysql), tested [*] 2007-05-11: Config - Security - Trusted IPs renamed to Trusted IPs and hosts [*] 2007-05-10: Web Server - FastCGI - TITLE tag support for application parameters added, "|" used as delimiter of application and parameters, tested [*] 2007-05-10: IMAP - COPY - support for notification messages added [*] 2007-05-10: Groupware - Attributes - distinct support added, API docs updated, DISTINCT for DetailCount functions added (2 new XML SQL statements), tested [+] 2007-05-10: Groupware - API - Get<Object>Count - 3rd parameter Attributes added, implemented, tested, API docs updated [*] 2007-05-10: Groupware - Folder rename "case" "CASE" checked, tested [+] 2007-05-10: IMAP - Support for RENAME "case" "CASE" added, rename to the same folder with different case sensitivity, tested [*] 2007-05-10: PHP - phpd.bat created - for fastcgi usage [*] 2007-05-10: PHP - Performance tests - 5.0.5, 5.2.2, ISAPI, FCGI (Stability: FCGI 5.2.2, Speed: ISAPI 5.2.2, ISAPI vs. FCGI (5.0.5 vs 5.2.2): FCGI 5.2.2, Berformance vs. Stability: FCGI 5.2.2 [*] 2007-05-09: Test Isolated PHP svchelper vs. fastcgi (fastcgi 2x faster and stable), discontinued svchelper, source updated, tested [*] 2007-05-09: PHP 5.2.2 70% faster than PHP 5.0.5 [i] 2007-05-09: Groupware - GetGroupList and GetGlobalGroupList only available if licensed groupware - sharing cannot be used without licensed GW, tested [+] 2007-05-09: Groupware - API - 2 new function GetEventDetailCount, GetContactDetailCount added [+] 2007-05-09: HTTP - svchelper application created - Isolated ISAPI engine, out of process COM, socket sharing winsock2 implemented, first working version, tested [+] 2007-05-09: Config - Web Service - Other (new tab) - Thread pooling option added (previously already available), tested, Web host - Application mapping - New field added [+] 2007-05-09: Config - Filters - General - Thread pooling option added (previously already available via the API) [*] 2007-05-09: Config - Antispam, Antivirus, ODBC - Max threads renamed to thread pooling [*] 2007-05-07: PHP - Template extension - thread safety tested, failed [*] 2007-05-07: PHP - IMAP extension - thread safety tested, successful [*] 2007-05-07: MailInternal - WriteHeader method - Adds Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit field, tested with new WM and list server reports [i] 2007-05-07: IM - Message archive - UTF8 [*] 2007-05-07: HTTP Server with PHP 5.2.2 ISAPI multithreaded tests. PHP crashes, fastcgi vs. isapi - fcgi slower 14% but stable, new WM tested over fastcgi - working [*] 2007-05-07: PHP 5.2.2 - Extension2 compilation (php_imap, template, eaccelerator), ported, tests [i] 2007-05-06: Windows - TCP/IP tweaks - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPIP\Parameters (TcpTimedWaitDelay 30-240) (MaxUserPort 1024-65535), HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AFD\Parameters (EnableDynamicBacklog, MinimumDynamicBacklog, MaximumDynamicBacklog, DynamicBacklogGrowthDelta), requires reboot [*] 2007-05-06: PHP 5.2.2 - FastCGI on windows testing, working fine but requires proper setting of TCP/IP [*] 2007-05-06: Antispam - Report scripts updated [+] 2007-05-05: VersitClass - Versit parser updated, supports completely embedded versit objects, tested with latest lightning 0.5, tested [*] 2007-05-04: SMTP - EHLO response - SIZE nnn <SPACE> - space removed, tested [*] 2007-05-04: Antispam - Medium template updated [*] 2007-05-04: CalDAV scripts updated [*] 2007-05-04: PHP 5.2.2 - FastCGI on windows testing [+] 2007-05-02: Setup - Advanced mode complete, tested [*] 2007-05-02: Setup - Account and domain wizard, converted to API, tested [+] 2007-05-02: API - MakePrimaryDomain() - New function added and implemented, tested, API RPC php classed updated [+] 2007-05-02: Setup - DB Dialog - Test connection without db.dll implemented, tested, API loaded to create DB connections and switch to account modes [+] 2007-05-02: Setup - Installation mode (Basic + Advanced) implementation, integrated config DB Dialog, tests [*] 2007-05-02: Config - DB Dialog - Does not close if OK pressed and DSN blank [*] 2007-05-02: System - IsHostName() - function updated - first and last chars checked, local hostnames like (localhost01) supported, tested [+] 2007-05-02: API - PostServiceMessage - New function added (ServiceID SMTP = 0, POP = 1 etc.) (WM_UPDATECONFIG = 0x100) [+] 2007-05-02: Services - Antivirus message added - DKAV_ReloadDatabase support added (POP and IMAP services) (PM_Antivirus = 0x103) [+] 2007-05-02: Groupware - User settings - Forwarder - Leave a copy - support added, tested, uses u_null (if no forwardto set then u_null is set to false - precaution) [+] 2007-05-02: Logging - Recipient logging - All recipients logged (not only the first one) max 64 chars, tested (AV, AS, SMTP) [*] 2007-05-02: Antispam - Quarantine - Trusted IP bypass support added [*] 2007-05-02: Antispam - Reports script updated [i] 2007-04-29: SpamAssassin - running in UTF8, all rules must be in utf8 if extended ascii, tested body and header filters [*] 2007-04-29: DKAV engine libraries updated [*] 2007-04-26: php - imap ext - support for address "Name" <> added, updates notes.txt and php_imap.dll ext, tested [i] 2007-04-26: Linux - Storage path - use absolute path - fixes problems with GUI accessing relative paths and combining relative and relative paths, tested [*] 2007-04-26: Groupware - SIF format - UTF8 support added, conversion vcard <-> sif utf8 preserved, tested with funambol and accents, SyncML supports UTF8 [i] 2007-04-26: Antispam - BL and WL - Domain can be also specified to be blacklisted or whitelisted, specify pure domain name, tested [*] 2007-04-24: New webmail - Distribution script created - svn checkout, svn export, shrink php and others, tested [+] 2007-04-23: New webmail added [i] 2007-04-23: Groupware - Attachments - Use hardlink or junction to map files or directories of object's attachments, tested, (fsutil, junction) [*] 2007-04-23: MDA Queue - New tests performed - 10 tests, 1000x 25kB messages, AntiSpam [SA, Reports], CF - Header changes and filters, SMTP Logging, 20 MDA threads, tests successful [*] 2007-04-23: Config - Remote connection dialog - Connect vs. incorrect password - If correct password supplied data is saved and used next time, tested [*] 2007-04-23: Config - Templates - Object template list - global list problem fixed if domain Templates tab active, tested [*] 2007-04-21: SMTP - Relay server mode - Does not check if domain is a hostname or IP address and sends messages to relay server right away, SMTP relay protocol is still supported if in relay server mode, tested [+] 2007-04-21: SSL - SSLServerMethod and SSLClientMethod support added, you can force SSL versions with these variables, tested, see apiconst.pas for values, implemented, API updated [*] 2007-04-21: Header/Footer - Local vs. Remote - Completely rewritten and simplified, tested [*] 2007-04-20: API - ValidateUser - Removed IP that AuthenticateUser was called with (local ip instead of remote) [*] 2007-04-20: Header/Footer - Local vs. Remote - Uses Sender to identify if local or remote, tested [+] 2007-04-20: Config - Antispam - Reports - Logging new option added, spam.dat SpamReportLogs new variable added, examples updated, tested [*] 2007-04-20: Account expiration email - Considers alternate email [*] 2007-04-20: SyncML - Access mode - List accounts support added, tested [*] 2007-04-20: Old webmail API - IP Login restriction removed (used server's IP not the remote address) [*] 2007-04-20: API - toolhelp.pas included in the installation [*] 2007-04-20: Wizards - IM import removed [*] 2007-04-20: List server - REVIEW - Returns all members even if in VACATION mode, tested [*] 2007-04-20: Active Directory - Templates support added, if account created template engine applied [+] 2007-04-20: Config - SyncML - Basic authentication label updated [+] 2007-04-19: Login policy - New block mode introduced, if set account will be blocked for the set amount of time and login will not be possible even if correct password, tested, new API variabled added, Config updated, tested [*] 2007-04-19: Login policy - Policy file not updated if already blocked [*] 2007-04-19: SMTP - Local delivery option - checks not only 'localhost' but also '', tested [*] 2007-04-18: db - GetQuarantineList, GetGreylistingList functions, Flags "|count" parameter support added to return the count of items instead of the actual list [*] 2007-04-18: SMTP - Listserv - BL, WL vs. rules update, tested long line rules, rules converted to long line flags rules [*] 2007-04-18: Rules - Converted from static string length to dynamic string length, unlimited length supported only for flags, condition value can be still only 255, tests performed, Config updated, tested [*] 2007-04-18: SyncML - Funambol v6 - Mail - Sync to device problem 500, rest working [*] 2007-04-18: Groupware - F - File objects - SyncML - EvnLocation set with the filename too, tested [*] 2007-04-17: Antispam reports updated [*] 2007-04-17: SyncML updated [*] 2007-04-17: Webmail updated [*] 2007-04-17: SyncML - Funambol v6 - Briefcase fully working with groupware, tested [*] 2007-04-17: Groupware - SyncML - Files support added and updated to work properly with new webmail, updated Files attachment content retrieval, tested [*] 2007-04-17: SpamAssassin - SpamMaxTextBytes variable name renamed, default value 1536, regex caused big slowdowns for long text queries. settable via spam.dat, should fix spamassassin speed, tested [*] 2007-04-17: System - MIMEHeader management - file extension preserved, caused problems with MDA queue processing and .tm$ rename to .tm$.tmp, tested [*] 2007-04-17: MDA Performance tests - MDA Thread 20, I. 10000x 1kB N/A 54s 65s no missing mails in mailbox, II. 100x 25kB much slower due to spamassassin, analyzing spamassassin [*] 2007-04-17: Config - Rules - Items saved without line length limitation, tested [*] 2007-04-17: Config - Rules - Content message dialog - Filename fields hidden [*] 2007-04-17: AVG - Get db info - Dynamic date and version parsing used [*] 2007-04-16: API - DeleteAccount() special case proper result value returned [*] 2007-04-16: List server - Join - Checked mailing list for proper utf8 member, tested [*] 2007-04-16: Config - Mailing lists - Set From and Set Reply-To headers, UTF8 support added, configuration was not stored in utf8, tested [*] 2007-04-16: tool - options parameters support all cases, eg: -r=value, -r value, -remote=value, -remote value, etc.), tested [*] 2007-04-16: IMAP - Server migration - IMAP - Support for large mailbox lists and server responses, removed the max response length check, tested [*] 2007-04-16: Config - IM Service dialog - Type and Category properties updated, tested [*] 2007-04-16: IM - Services - examples updated [*] 2007-04-16: Config - Rules - Send message vs. Forward to - proper handling used, tested [*] 2007-04-16: Active directory synchronization - LDIF attributes userPrincipalName, sAMAccountName for authentication used, fixes all problems with AD user login, tested [*] 2007-04-16: SMTP - Session status - TIMEOUT status supported, tested, a timeout status will be logged in summary logs (server waits for client to send something), tested [*] 2007-04-12: PHP - wmi.ini updated (mysql comment removed) [*] 2007-04-12: SyncML - Tested with latest Funambol 6 beta, all working perfectly, 100% recommended SyncML client, updated [*] 2007-04-12: FPC - Linux - Zlib - support for inflateInit2_ and deflateInit2_ added, fixed GZStream encoding (gzip), tested web service gzip compression [*] 2007-04-12: FPC - Discovered FileDateTime difference between windows and linux [*] 2007-04-12: List server - WL/BL response message updated, localization in strings.dat possible, examples updated, tested [*] 2007-04-12: List server - suppress messages - HELP still supported, tested [+] 2007-04-12: Config - SyncML - Authentication type new option added, Any, Base64, MD5, specifies the authentication the client is allowed to use, tested [+] 2007-04-12: Config - SyncML - SIF/Versit data format option removed (handled in the syncml engine itself) [*] 2007-04-12: Config - Bypass dialog - Single items of length 02 support added, bypass list - columns swapped, tested [*] 2007-04-12: SMTP - Delivery retry intervals - settings loaded when changed, previously settings loaded only when service started, tested, tested usage of retry intervals [*] 2007-04-11: System - Notification messages engine tested on Windows and Linux (debugged via SNMP UDP server), tested [*] 2007-04-11: Groupware - Import data - If data contains no data no error displayed, tested [*] 2007-04-11: Config - Groupware - Export data - default extension .xml added [+] 2007-04-11: Config - User - Groups - Support for mailing lists added, you can define lists the user is member if directly from the user, tested, updated functions to support this [*] 2007-04-11: System - GetGroupFileName - Support for mailing lists added [+] 2007-04-11: IMAP - Spam folder - Support for UTF8 -> UTF7 added, spam folder name be localized with national charsets, tested [*] 2007-04-11: Antispam - Spam folder name UTF8 support added [+] 2007-04-11: IMAPTools - IMAPUTF7Encode() function implemented, tested and compared with other mail clients [*] 2007-04-11: Antispam - Keywords engine - tested and fixed body filters, utf8 supported [*] 2007-04-11: Config - Mailing list - ODBC source - Test query - blank SQL DB error properly reported, tested [*] 2007-04-10: Content Filter & Rules - Different charset filters tested, all converted to utf8, tested [*] 2007-04-10: Config - Content Filter - Send message and Respond with message - UTF8 properly used, tested, fixed [*] 2007-04-10: Config - Web - UTF8 support for Description and Custom headers [*] 2007-04-10: Config - FTP - UTF8 support for Description and Welcome message [*] 2007-04-10: POP3/IMAP - Logging - Session IP address remembered, all logs use this IP (even if disconnected), tested [*] 2007-04-10: SMTP - Logging - Session IP address remembered, all logs use this IP (even if disconnected), tested [*] 2007-04-10: Antispam - Spam folder delete messages older - Defaults to 7 [*] 2007-04-10: AccountClass - Account default values set for API and Config, mutual set function, user Rules defaults to ON, tested [*] 2007-04-10: Webmail updated [*] 2007-04-05: Groupware - GetOwnerID() - New TryPrimary parameter added, if ownerid not found primary account id is checked next, fixes problems when using shared calendars with non-primary email addresses, tested [*] 2007-04-05: Config - Service LDAP - Access and Other tabs hidden, tested [*] 2007-04-05: LDAP logging support added - logs can be found in ldap/run/slapd.log, support for debug and summary logs, tested [*] 2007-04-05: SyncML updated [*] 2007-04-05: Antispam - Scripts updated [*] 2007-04-04: Control - Remote connection - Login logs - Email address displayed, tested [*] 2007-04-04: Linux - FPC - Discovered new severe FPC thread bug, shared library with threads crashes main application, tested latest fpc 2.3.1 and still the problem is there ticket #8623 [*] 2007-04-04: Config - Templates - Remote connection - Same named domain templates reloaded, remote connection properly processed, tested [*] 2007-04-04: Antispam - UpdateRecipientAttributes() called when finished - Updates global state (reject, trash) according to the recipient attributes (if all the same), tested, fChallenged flag set from QuarantineProcess() function [*] 2007-04-04: API - U_QuarantineSupport - Considers antispam quarantine enabled flag [+] 2007-04-03: AD Synchronization - AD authentication string updated, always uses the format of "host;cn@addomain", tested, fixes problems when AD domain is different than the mail domain of the AD users, AD mail domain should be the same as in the mail server domain settings, if different use the AD mail domain name setting as the 2nd parameter eg: "addomain;admaildomain", tested [*] 2007-04-03: Linux - MakePrimary vs. DB problem solved, MakePrimary - original primary domain parameter added, tested [*] 2007-04-03: Remote Accounts - DomainPOP - recipient headers parsing - delimiter in quotes considered, tested [*] 2007-04-02: HTTPClientClass - Timeout set to 30 seconds [+] 2007-04-02: Directory Services - synchronization - support for new syncad.dat CHARSET tag added, if set conversion will be applied of the charset to utf-8, without this tag the synchronization assumes the data is in utf-8, tested [*] 2007-04-02: Linux - ServiceBinding - ThreadOnDemand defaults to True before actual Server->Open() call, tested, fixes problems with SIP running under non-root users [*] 2007-04-02: SocketsClass - shutdown() not called for UDP packets [*] 2007-04-02: DBInterface - Timeout handling added - EDatabaseError support added, fixes problems with Linux - server has gone away, tested [*] 2007-04-02: Psi plugin system - Draft - Recommendation sent to the Psi developers [*] 2007-04-02: Filters - IP address - List of items from file, FindIP() function used instead [*] 2007-04-01: SMTP - Expires if inactive vs. notify before expiration support implemented, tested [+] 2007-04-01: Config - Accounts - Expiration - Expires if inactive - Notify before expiration enabled if inactivity <> 0, tested [+] 2007-04-01: tool - Backup export/import support added, help updated, tested [*] 2007-03-31: System - ExtractAliasDomain - New parameter - BlankDomain added, Bypass system - Domain blank if sender <>, fixes problems with bypassing local sender if <>, tested [*] 2007-03-31: Config - FTP and Web service item - If active not checked, controls disabled [*] 2007-03-31: API - U_Quarantine added, U_CR kept for compatibility reasons [*] 2007-03-30: Config - TMemo - Ctrl+A - Select all support added, most of the memos updated [*] 2007-03-30: Linux - Zlibex - gzip support added, tested [*] 2007-03-30: Antispam report scripts updated [*] 2007-03-30: SyncML updated [+] 2007-03-29: Notification Messages format and all cases tested, UDP support added, complete, tested [+] 2007-03-29: API - Notification messages - variables added, tested [+] 2007-03-29: Notification Messages engine created - SMTP, POP3 and IMAP changes can send notification messages to UDP server using a simple protocol and syntax, message format: "<service>;<account>;<action>;<parameters>", tested [-] 2007-03-29: POP3 - IMAP and POP3 - Delete messages - migration flag default value FALSE added, fixes problems with not deleting files in the mailbox over POP3/IMAP, tested [i] 2007-03-29: Executable - Task schedule, Executables and other execute actions - execute path can contain a 2nd parameter "path|user;domain;pass" which will NT logon the specified user and execute the application under that user [i] 2007-03-29: AD Synchronization - syncad.dat file - DN tag - if you require all nodes to be searched (other than cn=Users) then create the DN value in the settings file eg: "dc=domain,dc=com", this will search the whole directory for users and groups [+] 2007-03-29: API - IMAPTimeout new variable added, lets you specify the IMAP timeout which defaults to 30 minutes, tested [+] 2007-03-28: Antispam - Blacklist - Delete messages - implemented, global level blacklist and user recipient blacklist, tested [+] 2007-03-28: Config - Antispam - Blacklist - New checkbox option - Delete messages - implemented, tested [*] 2007-03-28: Config - SIP - Remote address retrieval button disabled for remote connections, tested [*] 2007-03-28: SIP - Disabled anonymous access - bypass support fixed, tested [*] 2007-03-28: SIP - Unauthorized access - propert respone 401 Unauthorized returned, tested [*] 2007-03-28: Antispam - Blacklist ignores antispam bypass features (except trusted IPs and bypass file), allows usage of black/white list without antispam and quarantine access mode [*] 2007-03-28: Antispam - Black/White list works regardless quarantine/antispam access mode, tested [*] 2007-03-28: Antispam - Auto white list - Access mode merged Antispam OR Quarantine, tested [+] 2007-03-28: HTTP Server - Content-Encoding - .js default compression on for all browsers (if available), pure javascript seems to be stable enough in IE6, IE7+ and Mozilla FFox no problem [+] 2007-03-28: HTTP Server - Content-Encoding - gzip - gzip threshold new webserver.dat variable added, defaults to 200, tested [+] 2007-03-28: Config - Web service - MIME tab - New column Compress added, updated edit dialog, compress checkbox support, tested [*] 2007-03-28: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-03-27: HTTP Server - Latest IE6 patched still suffers from hang when used with AJAX and gzipped content [*] 2007-03-27: HTTP - New MIME type for .tpl added [*] 2007-03-27: Antispam - Report sender defaults to "Spam Report" [*] 2007-03-27: Antispam - Reports script updated, supports for spam folder message charsets and small fixes [*] 2007-03-27: HTTP - New webmail IE7 gzip support tests, properly working, only IE6 has problems, IE7 speed is greatly exceeding all expectations [*] 2007-03-27: FTP - Directory permissions based on file permissions (Delete, Rename) properly passed to the permission function, FormatFTPPath() new function, tested [*] 2007-03-27: Config - CalDAV and SyncML xml loading problem fixed, tested [+] 2007-03-26: Config - FTP and Web - Host - Active checkbox support added, settings load/save updated, tested [*] 2007-03-26: HTTP Server - Discoveted IE6 bug with gzip content and asynchronous AJAX, IE7 does not suffer from this problem [*] 2007-03-26: Antispam reports updated [*] 2007-03-26: Webadmin updated [*] 2007-03-26: WebmailAPI - SaveAccount properties support fixed, tested [*] 2007-03-25: SMTP - Recipient rules blocking - new SMTP response "Access not allowed by rules" [*] 2007-03-25: Config - Antispam - Quarantine - Move to spam - option properly saved, tested [*] 2007-03-23: Config - Filters - OK - Dialog not closed if name blank, tested [*] 2007-03-23: Config - Template - OK - Dialog not closed if name blank, tested [*] 2007-03-23: DB Migration - Insert statement result validated [+] 2007-03-23: SMTP - Accounts (User, Executable and Notfication) - Forward to and Remote address, Remote address keeps the original sender, Forward to - replaces the sender with <> and does not forward if sender already blank, tested [*] 2007-03-23: API - U_LocalDomain - proper handling of boolean used [+] 2007-03-22: HTTP Server - Content-Encoding - "gzip" method support, development, tested with IE and Mozilla FFox, complete [+] 2007-03-22: HTTP Server - Content-Encoding - "deflate" method support, development, webserver.dat - MIME section extended - COMPRESS tag added - specifies if extension should be compressed, tests, Mozilla FFox working, IE displays blank screen [*] 2007-03-22: gzip - gzip implementation - zlib porting, tested [+] 2007-03-22: HTTP Server - Transfer-Encoding - ISAPI native support added, tested, webserver.dat XML setting added, RFC 2616, complete, CHUNKEDENCODING tag, must be enabled manually for the option to be active, tested, both IE and Mozilla FFox working [*] 2007-03-22: HTTP - ISAPI engine - Transfer-Encoding: chunked support development, research, tests [*] 2007-03-22: Antispam scripts updated [+] 2007-03-21: Config - Services nodes - SyncML added [+] 2007-03-21: License system - New license for SyncML support added, config license listing updated, tested, account login - catSyncML support added, VerifyUser() updated, tested [+] 2007-03-21: Config - SyncML - Access mode support added, Accounts and Domains options updated, tested [+] 2007-03-21: SyncML - Access mode and access group variables/options added, API updated [+] 2007-03-21: Accounts - User - SyncML Access new variable support added, db.dll updated, API updated, U_SyncML added [+] 2007-03-21: Config - Templates usage updated - Items merged and proper management, tested [+] 2007-03-21: TemplateEngine - Domain and global templates merged, Save/Load updated, proper usage, tested [*] 2007-03-21: Setup - Reads logs path if upgrading, uses this path to update wmi.ini (%%logpath%%) and when updating setup logs, tested [*] 2007-03-20: Tool - ApplyTemplate properly used, FindParam new function to find U_Type which needs to be set prior to calling ApplyTemplate method, tested [*] 2007-03-20: TemplateEngine - GetTemplateName - TemplateType parameter proper usage, ApplyAccountTemplate uses U_Type, tested, API updated [*] 2007-03-20: System - IsInPattern function - Support for long strings added, tested [*] 2007-03-20: Antispam report scripts updated [+] 2007-03-20: SMTP - Mailing list - Max members - Email sent to the owner if members exceeded the limit (every message sent to the list triggers this action), strings.dat updated, tested [+] 2007-03-20: Config - Message Queue - Whitelist (If in spamfolder message moved to Inbox), Blacklist (Message deleted), message still being added to the WL/BL database, tested [+] 2007-03-20: Config - Templates - Tabs not possible to edit - Hidden, SetTabVisible - new method added, tested [*] 2007-03-20: Config - Templates - Few user controls disabled if in template mode, tested [*] 2007-03-20: SpamAssassin - Remote IP address passed from the parent service, if not found parsed from the message file (Received header), tested [+] 2007-03-19: Config - Antispam - Label updated - Learning rules [+] 2007-03-19: API - Account - ValidateUser - Domain and IP supported, AccountType parameter added, php updated [*] 2007-03-19: Webmail - Old WM API - IP restriction supported [*] 2007-03-19: Config - Remote server watchdog - Description - UTF8 support [*] 2007-03-19: Config - Domain - FolderPath, if not trailing path delimiter delimiter is appended, tested [*] 2007-03-19: Groupware - calendar.xml - EvnTitle enlarged to 128 chars [+] 2007-03-19: Config - Status - Message queue - Whitelist button and popup menu item added, implemented, tested [+] 2007-03-19: AccountStatistics - Support for 'Created' field added, config - Created field added to Account list and label statistics, tested, group by domain - domain creation date displayed, tested [+] 2007-03-19: AccountStatistics - Group by domain - Last statistics support for domains added, general domain statistics collected, tested [*] 2007-03-19: LoggingClass - GetLogRecord - Session - Get logs - function updated, full filter SYSTEM matched only if client session, tested [+] 2007-03-17: DNS - CheckPTR GetPTR (rDNS), functions consider local networks and ip addresses are automatically bypassed (,,,, tested [+] 2007-03-16: Rules and Content Filter - Set message flags - Complete [+] 2007-03-16: Rules - Support for message flags added - conversion content filters, tested [+] 2007-03-16: Config - Content Filter - New action - Set message flags implemented, tested [+] 2007-03-16: IMAP - delivery message flags tested, complete [+] 2007-03-16: SMTP IMAP delivery message flags support from SMTP recipient attributes added (Flagged, Seen, Junk, NonJunk, Label1..Label6) [+] 2007-03-16: Content Filter - Message flags support added, load/save updated [*] 2007-03-16: API - Documentation - RestoreConfig - Password param added, php classes updated, tested [*] 2007-03-15: SIP - RTP NAT - UDP packet size enlarged to 2048 octets [*] 2007-03-15: Remote accounts - Domain POP - Parse these headers - if file contains header items without ':' it is added automatically and fixes a parse problem, tested [*] 2007-03-15: New OpenSSL-0.9.8e engine used, tested [+] 2007-03-15: Disk space monitor - Updated - supports full paths and disk names, linux - support for paths added, tested [*] 2007-03-15: Linux - GetDiskFree - tested properly, returns free space for path [+] 2007-03-15: IMAP - ACL updated to RFC4314 (obsoletes 2086) (Delete mailbox right added, some right renamed), 'xtk' new rights, 'cd' obsoleted', Config Access control list dialog updated [+] 2007-03-15: Antispam - WL and BL active even if quarantine disabled (Access mode - User), tested [*] 2007-03-15: Control - LDAP service start - Custom service binding and global IPs support added, tested, LDAP can run on any IP independently from other services [*] 2007-03-15: Config - Services - SIP - Start/stop - enable/disable SIP service, tested [*] 2007-03-14: SMTP - Mailbox full - 554 response changed to 552 which is less strict and should allow other recipients to be tried [*] 2007-03-14: icewarpphp - Function parameters - Str, Long and Bool parameters supported [*] 2007-03-14: Config - Antispam and antivirus day fields length updated [+] 2007-03-14: Config - Accounts - Spam report mode - New drop down - Disabled, Default, New items, All items, API and db updated [+] 2007-03-14: API - GL and Quarantine - Offset record support added, doc updated, tested, php scripts updated [+] 2007-03-14: Config - Service item - LDAP local IP binding support added [*] 2007-03-14: db - Error logs - db logging disabled from within db.dll engine [*] 2007-03-12: Webmail updated [+] 2007-03-12: SMTP - Domain volume and number limits implemented, tested [+] 2007-03-12: Config - Domain - Number and Volume limits support added, new global account options - Use domain limits added [+] 2007-03-12: Mailing list - Max members complete [*] 2007-03-12: SMTP - List server - subscribe to list with max members - exceed check added, new server response added, strings.dat examples updated, tested [*] 2007-03-12: SMTP - Mailing list - send list - Max members implemented - if number of members exceeds the limit only the number max members will be sent [*] 2007-03-12: Config - Mailing list - Max members new option added, tested [+] 2007-03-12: New mailing list variable - MaxMembers added, API updated, db updated, tested [+] 2007-03-12: SMTP - Groups - Deliver mail to shared folder new feature implemented, tested, support for group rules - Move to folder added, tested [+] 2007-03-12: Config - Groups - Deliver mail to shared folder new option added, API updated [*] 2007-03-12: PHP - Accelerator extensions tested - APC, XCache, eAccelerator still the fastest [*] 2007-03-12: License agreement - formatted to fit better in the dialog [*] 2007-03-12: IMAP - FLAGS - New label flags tested, flag matching updated, tested [+] 2007-03-12: Antispam - Reports scripts updated - support for spam folders added [+] 2007-03-11: IMAP - FLAGS - Support $MDNSent $MDNRequired $Redirected $Label1..6 added, tested [*] 2007-03-11: IMAP - FLAGS - Support for Junk and NonJunk flags added [+] 2007-03-11: IMAP - $MDNSent flag removed, PERMANENTFLAGS \* added (dynamic flags support), custom flags not supported yet [+] 2007-03-09: Config - Account Statistics - new Category drop down added - Accounts / Domains, if domains selected group by domains will be used, domain statistics displayed, tested [*] 2007-03-09: Account Statistics - Group by domain - new feature implemented, tested [*] 2007-03-09: Antispam - Reports - Both quarantine and spam folder reports supported, even only spam folder reports, tested, new variable SpamLang added, examples updated [+] 2007-03-09: Config - Antispam - Reports - Spam folder reports new option added, labels updated, tested [+] 2007-03-09: Config - Antispam - Quarantine reports moved to new tab under Actions tab - Reports [+] 2007-03-09: Config - Accounts - Quarantine reports renamed to Spam reports [*] 2007-03-09: LDAP classes - by default all LDAP is running under LDAP v3, tested with AD - compatible, tested with new OpenLDAP [*] 2007-03-09: Control - LDAP start procedure updated - properly runs new slapd.exe tested [+] 2007-03-09: New OpenLDAP 2.2.29 version installed (db is incompatible with the old one so you would need to delete the whole previous LDAP dir and reinstall again), new LDAP is stable and works with all the LDAP integration features, tested [*] 2007-03-09: Setup - LDAP installed only if not exists in the directory, when installed create.bat is run to create the LDAP db [*] 2007-03-09: Accounts - User expiration on but no date filled caused account to be disabled, fixed and tested [+] 2007-03-09: Config - Services - FTP - Start/Stop functions implemented - automatically disables/enables FTP service if required, tested [*] 2007-03-09: Config - Status - Account Statistics - Drop down labels updated [*] 2007-03-09: Config - Antispam - BW renamed to Black && White List [*] 2007-03-09: Config - Members dialog - Email UTF8 support added, member list utf8 support added, tested [+] 2007-03-08: API - Filter - support for boolean variables properly done, tested, u_admin and others [+] 2007-03-08: API - 2 new general functions added - GetFolderList(), DeleteFiles(), documentation updated, RPC implemented, webadmin updated [*] 2007-03-08: Config - Typos fixed [*] 2007-03-07: db - Support for 2 new fields D_VolumeLimit, D_NumberLimit added, db restructured, upgraded procedures updated, tested, API updated 2 new variables added, tested [+] 2007-03-07: Config - Antispam - New node structure - 9 nodes instead of 3, current images linked, tested [*] 2007-03-07: Groupware - Settings API - ForwardTo - check if forwarding set to itself, in such case the original ForwardTo is preserved [*] 2007-03-07: Config - Group account - Public shared - controls disabled if Public shared not enabled [+] 2007-03-07: Config - Bypass item dialog - Controls swapped, enabled/disable state implemented, tested [*] 2007-03-07: Config - Antispam - Indexing queues - renamed to Learn rules, Process as labels updated [*] 2007-03-07: API - Service selection problem fixed, Statistics and Sessions class, tested [+] 2007-03-06: Service authentication - AuthenticateUser - support for superuser and superuser login syntax added, tested, ABNF: "|" usermail, default superuserpassword generated if blank, tested [*] 2007-03-06: API - New options SuperUser and SuperUserPassword added [*] 2007-03-06: Config - Services - LDAP start/stop - LDAP enabled/disabled properly, tested, start stop status updated properly, tested all [+] 2007-03-06: Config - Services - Stop All button added [+] 2007-03-06: Config - Content Filter - New action DB SQL statement added, tested, possibility to keep your own database of senders, make queries and insert statements, tested [+] 2007-03-06: Content Filter - New action - DB SQL statement added, implemented, db.dll updated, tested [*] 2007-03-06: System - Patterns - Timestamp class attribute added, if pattern file updated cache is reloaded, removed pattern cache reset on settings save/load, tested [*] 2007-03-06: Config - Accounts - Authentication type - AD renamed to LDAP / Active Directory [+] 2007-03-05: Config - Content Filter - new dialog condition - DB query - Localization engine updated, tested, inputdialog - support for DB connection [+] 2007-03-05: Content Filter - DB query condition support added, a db query condition can be used for any mail item, system variables support added, tested, beware of using "Select Count(ID)" as this will always return a value and thus return TRUE [*] 2007-03-05: Services - Restart - Start double method used, tested, fixes problem with service Restart, tested [*] 2007-03-05: Config - Some more controls updated [*] 2007-03-05: Config - Some controls updated to support longer string translations, tested [*] 2007-03-02: SMTP - Mail From and Rcpt To space validation removed again, as expected some mail clients simply ignore it (backup systems, scanners and others) [*] 2007-03-02: MIMEClass - RemoveHeader - Support for header item at the beginning of the buffer added, tested [*] 2007-03-02: DKIM - Double signing disabled, before signing a previous DKIM header is checked and its selector, if present the header will be removed and new DKIM will be calculated, tested [*] 2007-03-02: Setup - previous wmi.ini renamed to wmi.ini.old, new wmi.ini always written [*] 2007-03-02: Setup - FOOTERVALUE - UTF8 preserved, tested [*] 2007-03-02: SMTP - Header/Footer - relative path support updated - both parameters converted properly, teted [*] 2007-03-01: SMTP - Header/Footer - relative path support added [*] 2007-03-01: Config - info.xml - loadinterface support removed, tested [+] 2007-03-01: Config - Logs - Delete - button added, deletes logs on the server, tested [+] 2007-03-01: Config - Domain - Info tab - Domain type and Expires support added, tested [*] 2007-03-01: Config - Domain - Info tab - Accounts # - Real number of accounts (not only the displayed ones but total number of accounts in the domain), tested [*] 2007-03-01: Config - Status - Auto refresh updated, Logs - Service selection refresh logs if Auto refresh on, tested [*] 2007-03-01: Antispam - Quarantine access mode, Antispam access mode - Unknown local domain considers the Outgoing option, tested [+] 2007-02-28: MDA Queue - Internal delivery - Max recurrence count implemented, mails cannot loop indefinitely now (forward to the same account from a mailing or similar), tested [*] 2007-02-28: MDA Queue - Deliver via message queue - support for DeleteFile parameter added (Move or Copy file used), generated name for incoming queue used (in case there is a message sent from incoming queue to incoming queue again), tested [*] 2007-02-28: Config - Templates - Domain: IP Field disabled, Account: Comment field support added, Remote Account: problem fixed, [*] 2007-02-28: List server - WL/BL - REMOVE flag in the sender's field recognition support added, do not use addresses without "@" for account "remove" (if present), in such case use full email address (, Eg. "BL spammer@domain, REMOVE" [*] 2007-02-28: List server - VACATION/NOVACATION/NORMAL/DIGEST, new state reflected in the response sent by the list server account, WHICH sender parameter support added - always used no matter if @ is missing [*] 2007-02-27: Groups - IsGroupListMember - case insenstitive, tested [*] 2007-02-27: Antispam - AS and QSpamMode handling updated, tested [*] 2007-02-27: API - U_ASSupport new read only variable exported, U_SpamFolderSupport - read only variable reflecting the SpamFolder flag of the user [*] 2007-02-27: Antispam - New variable - SpamFReports added [*] 2007-02-27: SIP - Local interface host - OnChange - enables configchange event, tested [*] 2007-02-27: Config - Apply language translation - All IP list objects updated properly, tested [*] 2007-02-26: Webmail updated [+] 2007-02-26: Groupware - API - UserSettings functions - Support Forwared, Responder, Password and Rules properties, tested via php scripts [*] 2007-02-26: Localization engine - TCheckListBox - Checked and ItemEnabled states preserved, tested [*] 2007-02-26: Config - Languages - English language ID never added to the menu list (it is already there - duplicates removed), tested [+] 2007-02-26: Groupware - API - 2 new function GetUserSettings SetUserSettings added, documentation updated [*] 2007-02-26: IMAP - BODYSTRUCTURE - email with sole final boundary - part description returned with proper values - tested [+] 2007-02-23: Config - Bypass dialog - Trusted IP new source item added, updated examples and bypass engine, tested [*] 2007-02-23: Config - Run application - BringToFront used so the console is activated again, tested [*] 2007-02-23: Setup - Components list control larger [*] 2007-02-23: Config - Select account/domain dialog - UTF8ToWideString used [+] 2007-02-23: php - imap ext - imap_fetchoverview - internaldate returned as for imap_fetch_fast, tested, used in syncml mail synchronization [+] 2007-02-23: IMAP - "Push email" support, IMAP IDLE, tested [*] 2007-02-22: Webmail updated [+] 2007-02-22: BEEPClass - Support for proxy added, tested, connect proxy server ready, Connector updated to support proxy (over proxy tunnel CONNECT) [*] 2007-02-22: Config - Account statistics - List tab - Size sorting considers real sizes and not string labels, tested, conversion function created [*] 2007-02-22: Setup - quick setup updated [*] 2007-02-22: Remote Accounts - Email addresses without domain will be appended the remote accounts' domain, tested [*] 2007-02-22: Remote Accounts - Dedupe working properly now, tested [*] 2007-02-21: PHP - sessions saved under php/temp and accelerator cache under php/temp/cache, setup tested, php does not save anything in windows/temp anymore [*] 2007-02-21: SMTP - Static Route - Forward to account - Temp message deletion problem fixed, tested [*] 2007-02-21: Config - Mailing List Members - Member Dialog - Parameters UTF8 encoding support added [*] 2007-02-21: Accounts - postmaster alias - links with real administrator's email address, getlocalaccount() returns data for the final admin account, (only if local and one address in the postmaster email field), tested [*] 2007-02-21: POP3 - Remote accounts - Backup domain - Remote delivery - proper relaying format used, appended missing "@", tested [*] 2007-02-20: SMTP - Critical fix for [*] 2007-02-19: SMTP - MTA - DNS MX query resulting in empty host caused a CPU usage problem, fixed, tested [*] 2007-02-20: SMTP - Mail From and Rcpt To validation added, checks for spaces inside of <> addresses, tested [*] 2007-02-20: PHP - IMAP ext - imap_fetch_fast updated - Returns also internaldate in long, tested [*] 2007-02-20: KAV50 - Research [+] 2007-02-20: Setup - Graphical enhancements, icewarp setup system complete, tested [*] 2007-02-20: Setup - Check for new version hidden, temporarily disabled (with new online module download the version check is there anyway) [*] 2007-02-20: Config - Check for new version - separate thread used, tested [*] 2007-02-20: Setup - Welcome screen icon 32x32 always, tested [*] 2007-02-19: HTTPClass - HEAD method optimalized - does not wait for the complete message, tested [*] 2007-02-19: PHP API - ApplyTemplate() function support added [*] 2007-02-19: Updated webadmin, webmail, quarantine scripts [*] 2007-02-19: Config - EditFileForm - StayOnTop attribute removed [*] 2007-02-19: SMTP - MTA - DNS MX query resulting in empty host caused a CPU usage problem, fixed [+] 2007-02-19: Config - /forceconnect=host support added, automatically forces connection to host (remote connection must be created before using connection manager), tested [*] 2007-02-19: PHP - wmi.ini - DisplayErrors Off, LogErrors On, to logs/phperror.log, tested [+] 2007-02-17: Setup - Components List - New partial checked icon introduced, handling added, toggle state only if clicked more than 20px, tested [+] 2007-02-16: HTTPClass - Transfer-Encoding: chunked support added, tested, faster loading of pages without given size [*] 2007-02-16: SMTP - HandleRelay - Updated filename returned back to parent and filename still can be used, fixes autoarchive with domains keys on backup domain [+] 2007-02-16: Setup - Online Modular Download feature complete, tested with info.xml [*] 2007-02-16: Setup - info.xml updated MODULEDOWNLOAD url to servers.xml with the content below, overrides the default value [*] 2007-02-16: Setup - Modules - Support for multiple URLs added <DATA><URL>url1;url2...</URL><VERSION/></DATA> (the same format applies for antispam updates) [*] 2007-02-16: Antispam - Update - Support for multiple URLs added [+] 2007-02-16: Setup - Components download implementation, required modules are downloaded if missing, progress bar, integration [*] 2007-02-16: HTTPClass - Safety mechanism created, if server responds with content-length and an error occurs, nothign is returned back, tested [+] 2007-02-16: Config - Localization - english language - Contains language id, tested [+] 2007-02-16: Setup - Pure console mode added, installs only config and xml directories (setupconfig.dat), tested, no services actions [+] 2007-02-16: Setup - LDAP installed if checked, modules added - setupldap, setupavast, setupantispam and others, implementation and tests, tested [*] 2007-02-16: Setup - New component management interface implementation [*] 2007-02-16: Setup - Design and upgrade/update behavior updated, tested [*] 2007-02-16: Config - Run console - Close button renamed, Capture output default ON [*] 2007-02-16: Config - Traffic charts - From/To date buttons force refresh on date change or Enter pressed [*] 2007-02-16: Groupware - LDAP synchronization - support for SSL added [*] 2007-02-16: SMTP - protocol Tarpitting response renamed to Intrusion prevention active active for, tested [*] 2007-02-16: SMTP - Mail archive sent - IMAP account .imap extension applied, tested [*] 2007-02-15: Config - Task Schedule & TCP/IP Tunnel - Editing item - forces settings service reload (previously only the file was updated and services were not notified) [*] 2007-02-15: Config - Domain & account list - Description UTF8ToWideString used, tested [+] 2007-02-15: LDAPClass - LDAP host parsing - support for protocol specification added, ldaps://, if ldaps:// found SSL LDAP is forced, tested with OpenLDAP over SSL [*] 2007-02-15: Groupware - calendar.xml - Export EventException problem fixed [+] 2007-02-15: Config - Groupware - Export/Import updated so multiple users and domains can be selected, implemented new GW API, tested [+] 2007-02-15: Groupware - API - 2 new functions - ImportData, ExportData - Takes a list of accounts and exports all their data (uses ExportGroup API function), the exported XML contains the IDs of users so it can be easily imported, the xml structure used by ExportData is different than ExportGroup so do not combine import and export from these two, tested, documentation updated, tested import and export [+] 2007-02-14: Config - Directory Service - Test Connection - returns the LDIF of the remote directory server, displays all objects the mail server could read, tested [+] 2007-02-14: Groupware - VFREEBUSY - Considers EvnStatus (Show as busy, tentative, out of office, free), tested, API - GetVFreeBusy updated. affects http://server/freebusy/ functionality, tested with Outlook and WM [+] 2007-02-14: Rules/Content Filter - Forward message - Preserves the antispam and bypass settings, the newly forwarded message will contain the spam attributes of the original received message, that way locally forwarded spam messages will be placed under spam folder [*] 2007-02-14: Greylisting - Antispam bypass applied to greylisting too [+] 2007-02-14: System - Bypass engine - support for "l" sender is local rule implemented, tested [+] 2007-02-14: Config - Bypass dialog - Support for "Sender is local" bypass rule added, tested [+] 2007-02-14: Remote account reports - Marked if report already sent, if sent no other are sent [*] 2007-02-14: Manual updated [*] 2007-02-14: Config - Logs - Clear - Clears the date, and interval controls too, tested [*] 2007-02-13: Antispam - SA - - Rule that caused regex to loop indefinitely removed, distributed in updates [+] 2007-02-13: Config - Remote connection - Proxy username and password implemented, tested [+] 2007-02-13: Config - Connect dialog - Proxy - username and password controls added [*] 2007-02-13: Accounts - Save user - Every save resets the responder cache so new and old senders will receive the response again, tested [*] 2007-02-13: Remote Accounts - Notify administrator option being checked before sending a report, tested [+] 2007-02-12: Groupware - Recurrence RcrCount implemented in GetAllIntervalEvents, if no RcrEndDate given, RcrCount used to calculate RcrEndDate, tested [*] 2007-02-12: Config - DNSBL hosts - removed, caused slow downs, 2 new added [*] 2007-02-12: vCalendar - Recurrece - Count attribute (occurences) support added, Groupware API - vCalendar RcrCount support added, tested with Mozilla Lightning [*] 2007-02-12: Groupware - New EventRecurrence field RcrCount int added, upgrade functions updated, default db updated, calendar.xml updated [+] 2007-02-12: System - Password policy - Number of alpha characters new option implemented, API updated, Config updated, tested [+] 2007-02-12: Config - Antispam - Action - Refusal - new section added - refusal actions put here, updated, tested [+] 2007-02-12: Config - Traffic Charts - Interval drop down added, new from and to edit controls added, interval display implemented, tested [+] 2007-02-12: info.xml - COPYRIGHTTEXT new tag added, displays additional text in the about dialog, tested [+] 2007-02-12: Config - Spam queues - Greylisting - Expired status added (Pending records which will not be authorized), tested, new icon used [*] 2007-02-12: API - New user property - u_fullmailboxpath added, tested [*] 2007-02-12: MIMEClass - Get header attribute - "= " problem with " fixed, tested [*] 2007-02-11: System - PipeServer class - SecurityDescriptor and SecurityAttributes put back, anonymous pipe usage allowed, tested [*] 2007-02-11: Antispam - Logging - SpamAssassin and Bayes reason added if score added is higher than before, tested [+] 2007-02-09: Config - Templates - Controls which are not possible to set are disabled or not shown at all, tested, changed the order of accounts in template item form, Account Attribute properly set, tested [*] 2007-02-09: List server - VACATION/NOVACATION - email response updated, tested [*] 2007-02-09: Config - DK, Tarpitting and others, temporary file created under local temporary directory (not remote temp path), problem fixed, tested [*] 2007-02-09: API RPC - Disabled gzip (php5 incompatible gzip functions), API get parameters support for 7 parameters added, RCP working again [+] 2007-02-09: Config - Directory service - Test - Failure reasons added, tested [*] 2007-02-09: SyncML updated [+] 2007-02-09: POP3/IMAP - Remote accounts - Notify administrator of session problems implemented, tested, 2 new strings added to strings.dat example file, updated [+] 2007-02-09: Config - Remote accounts - Notify administrator of session problems, new option added, API updated [*] 2007-02-09: Groupware - versit - CLASS - PRIVATE/CONFIDENTIAL result in SharePrivate item, updated, tested [*] 2007-02-09: IMAP - Shared Folder - Restrict to - Multiple domains support put back, tested [*] 2007-02-09: Config - Status - Logs - Clear button - Clears the IP, Thread and Start fields too [+] 2007-02-09: Groupware - API - DeleteEvent, DeleteContact - New parameter KeepTables added, if set extension tables will not be deleted, API documentation updated [+] 2007-02-09: PHP - IMAP extension - new properties in imap_fetch_overview added ("cc", "priority"), updated c-client library, imap_fetch_overview returns a list of all "to" and "cc" addresses (not just the first one), compiled and updated notes.txt file, tested, php_imap.dll updated [*] 2007-02-08: PHP - IMAP extension - analysis to put some new features [*] 2007-02-08: Config - Services logging - used label class for proper localization, tested [+] 2007-02-07: API - Domain templates support added, first the domain templates are checked and if not exist global are used, tested with tool [+] 2007-02-07: Config - Templates - Domain templates management support added, tested, Templates Default column added, Domain templates applied of domain contains templates else global templates used, tested, templates application implemented, tested [+] 2007-02-07: Antispam - GetDomainTLD function completely updated, FilterDomainTLD function added, handles misspelled URLs created by spammers, should handle all those URLs and spam be caught with SURBL, tested [+] 2007-02-07: Config - Antispam - Quarantine - new option Deliver removed messages to mailbox as spam, instead of deleting the expired records the messages will be sent to the mailbox as spam (spam folder if enabled), that way users will have only one place as the last resort for messages to be deleted (spam folder), tested [*] 2007-02-07: Antispam - Quarantine - Authorize folder - new parameter - move to spam added (deletes the record from the Q database and sends the email as if they were spam (placed under spam folder), tested [*] 2007-02-07: Control - Delete old backups, delete old archive backups, problem fixed (incorrect parameter removed), tested [+] 2007-02-07: SMTP - Mail archive - If archiving sent messages - all messages archived (not only outgoing messages), sent messages from imap account get renamed to .imap ext [*] 2007-02-07: XMPP - Monitor gateway - Groupware queried every 30 minutes instead of 1 minute, should you require a refresh just send a message to the roster item you want to be refreshed, services monitor still uses 1 minute interval, tested [*] 2007-02-06: Groupware - Discovered that MS Access ODBC driver does not recycle memory and consumes too much memory when done too much queries and insert statements, not a memory leak of the server but ODBC access driver, use other database system, mysql recommended and does not suffer from this problem [+] 2007-02-06: Localization engine - TListBox and TCheckListBox support added, tested [+] 2007-02-06: Antispam - Enable whitelist - option implemented, option required for the WL engine to query the database for WL items, tested [+] 2007-02-06: Config - Antispam - Enable whitelist - new option added, dialog restructed, antispam settings updated [+] 2007-02-06: Antispam - Greylisting bypassed if white listed by rules, user and domain rules also supported, tested [*] 2007-02-06: Groupware - vCard - Support for ANNIVERSARY tag added [*] 2007-02-06: PHP - PDO with PDO_sqlite 5.0.5 latest version from [+] 2007-02-06: Groupware - API - AddEventInfo - New parameter RCRID added, allows you to supply EVNRCR_ID (only when adding a new event), should be only used when creating an exception event occurrence, implemented, tested, Connector updated [+] 2007-02-06: Groupware - New event object class created "O" occurrence event, Exceptions - supports occurrence item object (users of GW API must preserve the EvnClass "0"), GetAllIntervalEvents returns the occurrence item instead of the original recurrent object, tested [+] 2007-02-06: DKIM - Finished and tested [*] 2007-02-06: DKIM - Comparing canonicalization with libdkim results, relaxed method matching, simple method matching (tests on simple email), trailing CRLF before canonicalization removal support added, tested, complex emails tested, length honored, tested, verification tested, signing and verification tested, supports nofws canonicalization, default "relaxed" [*] 2007-02-06: DKIM - Header multiple occurences support added, tested [*] 2007-02-05: Groupware - EventException DB table - new field added ExpEvnID varchar(12), upgrade functions updated, calendar.xml updated, default db updated, ready for exception occurance events [*] 2007-02-05: XMPP - Service monitor gateway - Busy items - [Busy] title and blank location displayed [*] 2007-02-05: List server - VACATION/NOVACATION DIGEST - proper list server item rights updating applied, 2 new functions tested [*] 2007-02-05: System - Sessions - Warning sessions status changed to INCOMPLETE-SESSION (former WARNING) [*] 2007-02-05: Config - DNSBL - 1 relay host removed [*] 2007-02-05: SpamAssassin - Engine updated to support DKIM, rules updated, interface updated, tested [+] 2007-02-05: DKIM - Complete, requires tests and comparisons, config updated [*] 2007-02-05: DKIM - Development - switched to stable draft-allman-dkim-base-01.txt draft, updated header and body canonicalization, length l= parameter support, tested [+] 2007-02-05: API - ApplyTemplates - engine updated so if blank template supplied, the default will be used, tool updated, tested [+] 2007-02-05: Account Templates - Default attribute introduced, if checked the template will be automatically applied, tested in Config [*] 2007-02-04: SHA256 - Class created and tested, verified [*] 2007-02-03: DKIM - Development - Updating DomainKeys to DKIM, new canonicalization added "relaxed", updated old, changed the header and DKIM draft studied, canonizalization tests [*] 2007-02-03: IMAP - Default ACL rights set to none, all users have to be defined to have some rights to shared folders, tested [*] 2007-02-03: Control - LDAP ssl tunnel updated, could cause some CPU usage, tested [*] 2007-02-02: Antispam - Quarantine report scripts updated [*] 2007-02-02: Groupware - vCard - EMAIL attribute displayed only once, tested, redunancy check added [*] 2007-02-02: System - URLDecode - Checks if decoding real hex, if not %nn remains, tested, fixes antispam URL with % to be replaced [*] 2007-02-01: API - C_System_Services_Control_IPList type updated to string, tested [+] 2007-02-01: Groupware - CalDAV - recurrence exceptions support added, tested, tested with Mozilla Lightning [+] 2007-02-01: VersitClass - vCalendar - Support for EXDATE (recurrence exceptions) added [+] 2007-02-01: Config - Run command - new feature introduced in File menu, works over remote connection too, administrator can run any command on the remote or local server and capture the result/output of the command, use with care (do not use with modal and GUI windows only console applications), tested [+] 2007-02-01: Config - DB migration - A switch confirmation dialog added, automatically switches to the new destination DSN if allowed, tested [+] 2007-02-01: API - New variable reveal console passwords added, api updated, console implemented, tested [*] 2007-02-01: Groupware - Error logging contains threadid, tested [+] 2007-01-31: Antispam - GetDomainName - filters all non alphanumeric and hyphen characters, according to the RFC domains can contain only a..z, 0..9, . - characters, deals with URLs containing * and others characters breaking SURBL, tested [+] 2007-01-31: Config - Antispam - Quarantine reports - Run Now button added, implemented, tested [+] 2007-01-31: Antispam - new SpamQReportsMode variable added, GUI updated [+] 2007-01-31: Config - Intrustion list reasons displayed, tested [+] 2007-01-31: SMTP - Intrusion prevention reasons introduced, TR_CF = 'C' TR_IP = 'I' TR_MSGSIZE = 'M' TR_RSET = 'R' TR_DNSBL = 'D' TR_ACCOUNT = 'A' TR_RECIPIENT = 'P' TR_RELAY = 'Y' TR_SPAM = 'S' TR_MANUAL = 'U' [*] 2007-01-31: Groupware - API - FormatWhereList - Considers private flags in low level API, previous it had to be solved in the application layer, tested, ItemList and Interval and DetailList will not returned private items if not full or owner rights, tested [*] 2007-01-31: Antispam - Spam action calculated even if bypass active - fixes problem if user has antispam off but quarantine on, tested [*] 2007-01-30: Groupware - AddvCalendar - Reminders and Attendees problem fixed, tested [+] 2007-01-30: Groupware - API - GetAllIntervaLEvents - Support for Recurrence exception added, automatically queries the exceptions and if found events are not returned, tested [*] 2007-01-30: db.dll - Quarantine and Greylisting - Flags parameter long string, tested [+] 2007-01-30: Groupware - New API functions - AddEventException, GetEventException, DeleteEventException, documentation updated, tested functionality [+] 2007-01-30: Groupware - New EventException table created, upgrade procedures updated, default db updated, export/import updated, delete group updated, delete recurrence updated [+] 2007-01-30: tool - Import updates accounts already existing (import can be used to update existing accounts - not only creating new ones), accounts and domains [*] 2007-01-29: Config - Licenses - FTP users management updated [*] 2007-01-29: Groupware - Versit - CLASS - proper private public and confidential handling used, tested [+] 2007-01-29: API - U_QuarantineSupport - returns real quarantine flag for the user (considers access mode and user/domain settings) [*] 2007-01-29: HTTP - Dir/content listing support - HTTPS support added, tested [*] 2007-01-29: License texts updated [*] 2007-01-29: HTTP - Proxy server - Client session classes properly freed, tested [+] 2007-01-27: Config - Accounts - User - Auto responder - Message file edit control removed - use Message button instead, the old option still supported and could be used from the API [*] 2007-01-27: Config - Global Settings - Login Policy - Convert % and / to @... label updated [*] 2007-01-27: Setup - webmail license removed, common with mail server license now [*] 2007-01-27: Webadmin updated, Webmail updated, Quarantine scripts updated [*] 2007-01-27: Groupware - Holidays - AR added [*] 2007-01-19: Antispam - Quarantine - Backup and distributed domains - Owner of the record is the full email address of the recipient, tested [*] 2007-01-19: SMTP - MDA queue size - If -1 MDA processing will be disabled but items still put in the queue (test performance reasons) [*] 2007-01-19: Groupware - SyncML Updated [*] 2007-01-18: SMTP - Header/Footer editing - UTF8 encoding support added, all header/footer files must be in UTF8 format, according to the passing message character set the UTF8 will be converted to the proper charset automatically, tested [+] 2007-01-18: UTF8 - Basic functionality tests: Quarantine, CF change header, Mailing List change header, Message queues and others [*] 2007-01-18: DecodeMIMELine - Quoted printable - sets updated properly, tested, decodes any quoted printable now [*] 2007-01-18: Config - Mailing lists - Add to subject, add headers - utf8 encoding supported [*] 2007-01-18: Mail - Mailing lists, antispam, smtp functions - all mime converted to utf8, all add/change header functions use utf8 encoding, tested [*] 2007-01-18: Config - Message queues - utf8 conversion, queue is returned in utf8 [*] 2007-01-18: Antispam - Quarantine - db Subject utf8 conversion, Subject change - utf8 support added [*] 2007-01-18: Bayesian - utf8 decoding added, all words stored in utf8 [*] 2007-01-18: System - Get body string - decoding to utf8 added [*] 2007-01-18: System variables - Decoding to utf8 added [*] 2007-01-18: Content filter - change header - utf8 header used if extended ascii [*] 2007-01-18: Rules & Content filters transform/conversion tested, UTF8 preserved, GUI tested, filters with national characters tested [*] 2007-01-18: Content Filters - Load/save data with/without charset conversion implementation, finished, SMTP loads filters without charset (so in utf8) and all message checks are processed in utf8 (messages are decoded to utf8 charset), tested [*] 2007-01-18: Config - Rules - decodes utf8 to widestring when loading and encosed widestring to utf8 when saving, tested, Title and Forward utf8 processing used (special handling used), rules complete utf8 support [*] 2007-01-18: Rules - Load/save data with/without charset conversion implementation, complete [+] 2007-01-18: SpamAssassin - New regex multithreaded option added, previously regex was precompiled and only one pattern handle was used - single threaded usage was required, thread mode can be used via spam settings, each thread will compile and free the pattern, test purposes, tested, spam.dat - SpamAssassinThreadRegEx [*] 2007-01-18: Thread tests - RegEx [*] 2007-01-18: Antispam - Bypass keywords reset if length <= 1 [*] 2007-01-17: MIMEClass - ProcessMessageHeader - line reading updated, simplified, tested [*] 2007-01-17: IM - XML parsing checked, modules updated, tested [*] 2007-01-17: Groupware - XML parsing checked, tested [*] 2007-01-17: XMLClass - Rewritten encoding and decoding of XML and character set, integrated with all projects, tested, all functions ready to escape XML but leave charset and others [*] 2007-01-17: Antispam - Quarantine scripts updated [+] 2007-01-17: Config - Account Templates complete [*] 2007-01-17: Config - ManagementListClass - Initial sort problem fixed, tested [*] 2007-01-17: Config - Restore - Reference key mismatch, date reset to today properly, tested, no more negative numbers of expiration [*] 2007-01-17: Config - Accounts - Template list - Panel and label used, panel visible only if templates for this account type available, tested [*] 2007-01-17: TemplatesClass - 0 records - template file gets deleted, tested [*] 2007-01-17: Config - Antivirus - Active checkbox not disabled if integrated antivirus not available - admin can still disable it, tested [+] 2007-01-16: Config - Accounts/Domains - Templates dropdown added, integration, implemented, each object type displays sorted available templates, by selecting the template settings are applied, tested [+] 2007-01-16: Config - Templates management finished, remote connection support [+] 2007-01-16: Config - Status - Tarpitted sessions - Tarpitted on column added, tested [+] 2007-01-16: tool - template support added, new parameter, updated, tested [+] 2007-01-16: API - Account, Domain, RemoteAccount - new method ApplyTemplate(Name) support added, loads and applies tempalte, use before setting your own variables, tested [*] 2007-01-16: TemplatesClass - Template xml load and save implemented, tested [*] 2007-01-16: Groupware - ODBC - No memory leaks, db library - no memory leaks [*] 2007-01-16: ODBC - henv class, multithread tests performed [*] 2007-01-16: ODBC - Threadenv leak discovered, created ODBC environment handle shared between threads, henv class thread safe [*] 2007-01-16: Quarantine - Unknown local recipient (backup domain for instance) - Owner is plain domain ("@" removed from the owner), tested [+] 2007-01-15: Config - Templates development - New templates tab created, template item dailog - inherits the account/domain dialog, integration, options saved and loaded, tested [*] 2007-01-15: IM - Modules - Presence - UTF8 encoding removed, XML encoding still used, the same for messages received via transports [*] 2007-01-15: tool - short parameter support fixed, tested [*] 2007-01-15: System - Account defaults - Preparation - removed previous default.ini support, updated GUI, removed accountdefault.xml, API updated [*] 2007-01-15: System - Schedule - Once At - duplicate check updated - minute comparison considered, tested [*] 2007-01-15: PHP - extension libraries - support for php5.2.0 added, tested [*] 2007-01-15: IM MSN module - AddContact proper status handling (if already online presence state is sent), tested [*] 2007-01-15: Linux - phpd - PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN set to 8 [*] 2007-01-13: API - GetUserSetting/SetUserSetting - Added Data parameter (specifies the domain name), support for non-user accounts and their rules and rulesxml added, tested with tool u_rulescontentxml [*] 2007-01-12: SMTP - Mailing List - Server moderated no password - A confirmation message is sent to the owner, a simple reply finishes the list delivery, tested [*] 2007-01-12: Config - Account Select Dialog - Domain list - Proper descriptions added, tested [+] 2007-01-12: Config - Delivery - Retry intervals dialog added, tested, loading updated, if same as default interval.dat not created, remote connection support added [*] 2007-01-12: Groupware - API - GetGroupList - su mode - Email updated, tested [*] 2007-01-12: Setup - email and service gateways added [*] 2007-01-11: IM - MSN Gateway tests, SSL updated, threads handling updated [+] 2007-01-11: IM - AOL Gateway Psi identification fixed, disco#items support added, tested, FRAME_KEEPALIVE (ping) support added [+] 2007-01-11: IM - Service Monitor module - Shared calendars support added, tested [+] 2007-01-11: Groupware - API - GetGroupList - EmailAddress parameter (su user support added, EmailAddress ":" LoginUser), tested [*] 2007-01-11: IM - Service Monitor module updated [*] 2007-01-11: IM - Stop process updated [*] 2007-01-11: Config Apply button position updated on small desktops [*] 2007-01-11: System - Pattern issues - Last pattern member trimmed, tested [*] 2007-01-11: System - Filtering - Contains list from pattern - StringSubstring flag set, working properly, tested [*] 2007-01-11: Webmail updated [+] 2007-01-10: IM - Service Monitor Gateway complete, max items displayed 32, Today: Tomorrow: Upcoming: status section created, tested, [R] recurrence appendix added [*] 2007-01-10: Groupware - Sort event list updated - Considers EvnTitle and sorts it, tested [*] 2007-01-10: IM - Service Monitor Gateway - User monitor resources ( - events, tasks, notes), displays statuses of items, tested [*] 2007-01-10: IM - Service Monitor Gateway - Administrator monitor resources ( - smtp, pop3, imap, control, im, ftp, sip, gw), tested [*] 2007-01-10: IM - Service Monitor Gateway development [*] 2007-01-10: IM/SMTP - IM message delivery via pipes, new pipe command IMSendMessage, tested [*] 2007-01-10: MIME - DecodeMIMELine - Quoted - End of quoted text up to ?=, tested [*] 2007-01-10: Linux - php.ini - open_basedir restriction removed [*] 2007-01-10: Traffic Charts system updated - status xml files can contain multiple time records, they are merged, updated, tested [*] 2007-01-10: Control - ReloadServices - does not preserve service statistics, use traffic charts instead [*] 2007-01-10: Config - Notification and Static route - filters - remote connection support added, tested [*] 2007-01-10: Config - Localization - Combo itemindex preserved when translating, tested [*] 2007-01-09: SMTP - Exit - Flushes tarpitting data to db [+] 2007-01-09: IM and SMTP integration complete, Email transport complete, use email transport with xmpp: so message coming to smtp get sent to the XMPP server - xmpp:email?online (receive im emails only if user online), use rules for xmpp forwarding (if message not spam etc.) [+] 2007-01-09: Config - IM - Emails to instant messages transport node - new option added, API updated, tested [+] 2007-01-09: SMTP - Forward to - XMPP URL "xmpp:" support added, xmpp:email?online - sends IM message only if email online, tested, instatn message transport node implemented (sender domain is rewritten), tested [+] 2007-01-09: SMTP - Rules and ContentFilter - Forward to/Send message can contain URL "xmpp:" and in such case an instant message will be sent instead of an email [+] 2007-01-09: System - SendIMMessage from email - conversion to UTF8, tested, support added [+] 2007-01-09: IM - Email transport module - Roster always online, Registration updated, Service binding considered for SMTP delivery, Email transport complete, Subject set from the first line of Body if not set at all, <nick/> support added for full display name [*] 2007-01-09: IM - Modules API updated, Email transport charset issues fixed, registration updated, Modules API - Data API added, tested [*] 2007-01-09: System - DecodeMIMEHeader - Support for utf8 and widestring conversion from any charset added, disabled by default [+] 2007-01-09: Config - Language usage completely rewritten - English language exported automatically if version changed, all langs listed, no default and no load language present, tested, info.xml defaultlang updated (only relative path to xml/lang/) [*] 2007-01-09: Setup - iconv being installed [+] 2007-01-08: MDA queue - Use MDA queue for internal delivery implemented, tested, all internal message (bounce backs, server generated messages, account forwards and others will be placed under incoming queue and processed as incoming emails applying all filters, rules, antispam, antivirus and others) [+] 2007-01-08: Config - SMTP - Delivery - MDA Queue section created, new option - Use MDA queue for internal delivery added, API updated [+] 2007-01-08: Config - Groupware - Backup/Restore account feature added, tested [*] 2007-01-08: MDA - GetQueueFile - method updated, if acquire fails next file is tried, tested [*] 2007-01-08: Antispam - Quarantine scripts updated [*] 2007-01-07: SMTP - SSL verification - If SSL delivery disabled, no logging is applied, tested [*] 2007-01-06: Groupware - versit objects - Line folding updated, Line padding used instead, tested [*] 2007-01-06: Groupware - vNote add - Special way of slowsync (VERIFY) procedure for notes added, calendar.xml updated, first block of text is checked, tested [+] 2007-01-06: Antispam - Indexing queues - Index now button added, forces immediate indexing of folders [+] 2007-01-06: Groupware - API - Import/Export groupware data, update, added Folders and Friends structures, Import updated so imported data is verified for duplicates, tested with Outlook connector and backup/restore functionality, import - GRP_ID properly replaced with current user's group, ReplaceIndex used, tested [+] 2007-01-05: XMPP - Shared roster feature added, place roster.dat under config/domain/, all accounts from that domain will use that roster and all members will be automatically virtually added to their roster, users still can use their private rosters together, tested, for more information about the roster.dat format see mailbox/~im/roster.dat [*] 2007-01-05: SNMP - support for SNMPv2 added, tested with snmpwalk, both v1 and v2c working [*] 2007-01-05: SNMP - tested, Windows snmputil.exe not working as it is using prefix and cannot be set at all, linux snmpwalk -v 1 -c public <host> 1.3.23736., working properly but snmp v1 must be used [+] 2007-01-05: Groupware - Reminder and Notification format updated, Location added, Time and Date merged, end time/date added, tested [*] 2007-01-05: XMPP - MUC - User going offline - Leaves all participated rooms, tested [*] 2007-01-05: SMTP - ETRN - Client delivery - Invalid server response does not stop the session, session is reset and sending continues, tested [*] 2007-01-04: XMPP - For-loop optimization [*] 2007-01-04: XMPP - Presence - subscription - Looping subscription preserved (some clients kept sending subsriptions in loop), tested [*] 2007-01-04: XMPP - Presence - subscription - from - resource removed [+] 2007-01-04: Config - Config reload - Selected account and domain preserved and will be highlighted during reload, tested [*] 2007-01-04: XMPP - Parse client XML request - embedded main stanzas support added, tested [*] 2007-01-04: Linux - default user - none [*] 2007-01-04: License agreement updated [*] 2007-01-04: Config - Remote connection - Certificates support fixed, tested [*] 2007-01-04: API - Delete() methods, high level thread safety, tested [*] 2007-01-04: Config - Delete domain - vs. hash mark updated, DomainListCount updated, tested [*] 2007-01-04: Config - Rules - MoveToFolder - Proper folder name displayed, processing updated, tested [*] 2007-01-04: SMTP - Mailing list - Subject change - previous encoding tested, List server - Subject change and password - previous encoding preserved, tested [*] 2007-01-04: Config - EditFileClass - UpdateConfig attribute added, updates Apply button if set, applied to several files including strings.dat, tested [*] 2007-01-04: Config - IM - Archive days - Updates settings [+] 2007-01-04: WCS module updated - HTTP Binding module [+] 2007-01-03: IM - XEP-0124 - HTTP Binding implementation, first alpha, URL http://server/wcs/, WCS module supports only HTTP binding, tested with JWChat and WebJabber clients, complete support [*] 2007-01-03: Groupware - SyncML updated [+] 2007-01-03: Config - Account statisics popup support added for all account types and domains, tested [+] 2007-01-03: Groupware - CalDAV - ALARMS support added, tested with Mozilla Lightning [*] 2007-01-03: Groupware - vCalendar - support for VALARM added, tested [*] 2007-01-02: IM - XEP-0124 - HTTP Binding analysis [*] 2007-01-02: default.ini - QuarantineReports support added, Config - account defaults updated, tested [+] 2007-01-02: IM - XEP-0138 finished, zlib stream compression and decompression, tested for memory leaks, tested [*] 2007-01-02: API - New error codes - E_INVALID (user or domain format error), E_CONFLICT (user or domain already exists), E_PASSWORD (password policy error), tested [*] 2007-01-02: System - HTTPClientClass - URL authentication - username can contain @, support added, tested, API RPC with login as email working [*] 2006-12-31: System - Log rotation - Reset properly applied, tested [*] 2006-12-30: IM - Service (Room/Transport) privacy processing updated, service privacy applied to all xml stanzas, testing, tested [*] 2006-12-30: IM - form data and privacy file can contain relative path [*] 2006-12-30: Config - IM - Service - Item - Privacy browse button added, tested [*] 2006-12-29: Webadmin - Wizards - security patch [*] 2006-12-29: IM - Module access - Format updated - privacy list format used, examples file updated [*] 2006-12-29: IM - Stream compress implementation XEP-0138 [*] 2006-12-29: IM - Server file transfer mode removed - obsolete, use proxy and other clients, did not work in some cases, Config updated [*] 2006-12-29: IM - If disabled not listening on TCP/IP, tested [*] 2006-12-29: Groupware - If disabled not listening on TCP/IP, db not used at all [*] 2006-12-29: SpamAssassin - html_tag_exists() problem fixed, tested [*] 2006-12-29: SMTP - Undeliverable notice - Server response contains the complete response including all lines (not just the last one), tested [*] 2006-12-29: IM - XEP-0016 finished [*] 2006-12-29: IM - jabber:iq:privacy - stanza type being checked (message, iq, presence-in, presence-out), privacy list push support added, tested, ProcessJIDFile multiple sources problem fixed, tested [+] 2006-12-28: IM - jabber:iq:privacy - implementated security functions (groups, jid, subscription), testing [+] 2006-12-28: IM - jabber:iq:privacy - implementation, active, default, list loaded in session, management supported, tested [+] 2006-12-28: Account statistics - Mailing list statistics properly implemented, calculates number of sent and and sent out messages, all accounts calculate received messages, tested [*] 2006-12-28: Config - User statistics renamed to Account statistics [*] 2006-12-28: System - User statistics function work with other types of accounts, get user statistics reads all accounts [*] 2006-12-28: IM - Server 2 server communication verified, tested [*] 2006-12-27: Config - Status - User statistics list - Double click - Shows user's mailbox queue, proper volume units used, tested [*] 2006-12-27: Antispam - Challenge response html - UTF8 support added [+] 2006-12-27: List server - Subscribe/Unsubscribe vs. confirmation - Completely rewritten, support for unsubscribe confirmation added, tested [*] 2006-12-27: List server - List server source - Join for local domain if list file blank problem fixed [*] 2006-12-27: Content Filter - Action - Accept - Sets whitelist flag (Rules already set the flag) [+] 2006-12-27: Antispam - Whitelist - Sender field (SndEmail) can contain pure domain, db updated, tested [*] 2006-12-27: Antispam - Whitelist db queried even though user's access mode for quarantine is not enabled [*] 2006-12-27: Config - Volume units, spacing updated [+] 2006-12-27: Config - Status - Status bars added to several sections for more information, tested, Members class - Status bar added, tested [+] 2006-12-27: Groupware - vCalendar - Support for URL added, tested with Lightning [+] 2006-12-27: Groupware - Events - new field EvnURL varchar(127), upgrade functions updated, calendar.xml updated, tested, master installed db updated [+] 2006-12-27: Rules - Trusted IP condition added, Any attachment condition added, examples updated, tested CF integration, tested [*] 2006-12-27: Migration engine - Migrate messages - If username@domain not found, authentication method is used to locate the account, tested [*] 2006-12-27: DBInterface class - Direct mysql - Tested for memory leaks and performance, updated, tested macro on linux (stdcall conversion to cdecl), tested with groupware [*] 2006-12-26: DBInterface class - Direct mysql connection on windows implementation, implemented, tests, requires libmysql.dll 8.9.1 [2006-12-23] [*] 2006-12-23: Config - Migration - Logs memo updated - used the same as in the statistics logs [*] 2006-12-22: Manual updated [*] 2006-12-22: tool - Tips updated [*] 2006-12-21: Linux - mysql libraries - proper loading of and, tested [*] 2006-12-21: Active directory sync - Account name and authentication mode value compared, if different account updated too, tested, Active directory does not run in UTF8 (problem and localization not working properly then) [*] 2006-12-21: System - Mailing lists - Remove dead addresses vs. backup and distributed domains - Attributes passed to the client session and processed properly, tested [+] 2006-12-21: Config - Status - Logs - Button labels updated, Enter pressed forces Load instead of Refresh, tested [*] 2006-12-21: Antispam - IM roster bypass feature implemented, tested [+] 2006-12-21: Config - Antispam - IM roster bypass feature added [*] 2006-12-21: Server Migration - Migrate message - redundancy checks added, finish migration or migrate messages IMAP full folder structure support tested and fixed, migrate messages does not call the finish procedures, tested [+] 2006-12-21: Config - Server Migration - new Logs tab added with a Refresh button, implemented, tested, Clear button added (deletes migration logs) [*] 2006-12-20: Groupware - SyncML updated - Supports Nokia business phone and others now [*] 2006-12-20: Config - Antispam - Process unknown accounts label updated - non-user accounts have their own services access now, tested [+] 2006-12-20: Config - Accounts - Non user accounts - Services Access for antispam and quarantine added and implemented, tested [*] 2006-12-20: API - Non user accounts - AS and QA support added, tested [*] 2006-12-20: Antispam - Non user accounts - antispam and quarantine access options used, tested, greylisting - applied to non-user accounts per their services access, tested [*] 2006-12-20: db - Mailing list - remove dead address was linked with U_AV (changed to U_NoMailList bit 1), Catalog - SendTo was linked with U_AV (changed to U_NoMailList), Notification - SkipAttach was linked with U_AV (changed to U_NoMailList bit 1), tested [+] 2006-12-20: Groupware - calendar-custom.xml support added, calendar.xml updated (comments added), use calendar-custom.xml for calendar.xml customization, never edit calendar.xml, tested properly [*] 2006-12-19: Instant Messaging server - Priority handling updated, completely XMPP compliant now, priority considered, exact JID handling used, tested [*] 2006-12-19: Instant Messaging server - Presence - Current account presence for other resources support added, tested [*] 2006-12-19: Webadmin, webmail updated [*] 2006-12-19: Antispam - Quarantine for non user accounts - proper storage path <domain> / <alias> used and created, tested [*] 2006-12-19: Instant Messaging (Jabber) - Authentication - If user to be authenticated is not standard authentication mode (Active Directory, NT Domain) <digest> response is not sent and thus the client should authenticate plain text, tested with Exodus and Psi/Jabbin [*] 2006-12-18: Webadmin updated [*] 2006-12-18: Config - Statistics - Message queue - User folder list - Properly decoded folder names displayed, original folder list used to process folder action, tested [*] 2006-12-18: Config - Delete account/domain object confirmation dialog updated, real id displayed, tested [+] 2006-12-18: Config - AD - Sync now - support added, enabled/disabled state updated, tested [*] 2006-12-18: Active Directory - Load and Save updated, syncad.dat cleared if item blank, tested [*] 2006-12-18: Active Directory - syncad.dat - DN tag added, possibility to add DN where to find all objects, LDAP_SEARCH - SUBTREE used, so root can be used [*] 2006-12-18: Active Directory - All domain users and groups used (not only Users container), object name kept in its string case [*] 2006-12-18: Active Directory - If cannot login to LDAP synchronization not processed [*] 2006-12-18: Active Directory - Active checkbox considered - if off not synced [*] 2006-12-18: SMTP - Moderated mailing list - Message sent to the owner properly, tested [+] 2006-12-18: Config - User statistics - Max items feature added, implemented, tested [*] 2006-12-18: SMTP - Header/Footer - keeps the whole line length, lines not stripped [*] 2006-12-17: Config - Antivirus - version and enabled state updated, tested [*] 2006-12-16: Control - Remote connection - Domain count integrity check added, domain cound cannot be set from the client, all API depends on domain management functions, tested [*] 2006-12-16: Config - Remote connection - Main settings loading - integrity checks added, if error session is terminated [+] 2006-12-16: Server traffic tool - Completely stable and instant statistics displayed, tested [+] 2006-12-16: Server traffic tool - logical logging added (all protocol errors are logged), logs pane added [*] 2006-12-16: db - DBLoadConfig(path) function created and used, implemented, used when API loaded externally (from IIS for example), tested [*] 2006-12-15: Linux - pop3 and imap server performance and memory leaks tests [*] 2006-12-15: sqlite - performance and memory leak tests, ready to be used [*] 2006-12-15: Antispam - db usage - Greylisting & Quarantine - if db error subsequent db calls not used and feature is bypassed, tested, access and ms sql tests [+] 2006-12-15: db - odbc and thread, threaded environment updated, cache used for all types of items, cache source feature introduced, tested [*] 2006-12-14: db - odbc and thread issues debugging, reproduced problems, cache handling updated, antispam, db migration and logs handling changed, tests [+] 2006-12-14: tool - Remote accounts import support added, tested [+] 2006-12-14: tool - Remote accounts export support added, tested [*] 2006-12-13: db - sqlite syntax - LIMIT used instead of TOP (mysql like), tested, sqlite can be used for antispam database and accounts database, groupware is too complex and does not work [+] 2006-12-13: Setup - sqlite3.dll officially installed [*] 2006-12-13: db - CR and GL list - ListClass used, tested [*] 2006-12-13: Groupware - VNOTE - body properly set, tested [*] 2006-12-13: System - List - GetText() replaced with Text(), GetText might suffer from memory leaks, tested groupware and others [*] 2006-12-13: Groupware - Created 3000 items (Contacts, Tasks and Notes) and synchronized to Outlook (less then 8 mins) - full first sync, following syncs 2 secs, tested performance, all ms access based, other db systems faster, tested simultaneously with mail receiving and others, opposite direction (first sync from Outlook to GW 3000 items 5 mins, second 2 secs) [*] 2006-12-13: Setup - setup logging added (setup.log), logs all errors and the whole setup process, tested, silent errors removed [*] 2006-12-13: Antispam settings - Load - Blank values set too, tested [+] 2006-12-13: Upgrade from old version - verified that "forward" is renamed to "~outgoing" properly, forward folder is not used any more [+] 2006-12-13: Services - Filter statistics support added for POP3 and IMAP too (under POP3 service), config updated, tested, general filterstatistics class that is being updated [*] 2006-12-12: Linux - IPHelper emulator created, local IPs read properly, tested [*] 2006-12-12: DB - Connection - Linux - server has gone away, handling updated, tested quarantine and other handling [*] 2006-12-12: Groupware - vcard - ADR - properly handled Region, tested [*] 2006-12-12: API - Delete domain - domain verification added [*] 2006-12-12: Antispam - Quarantine scripts updated [*] 2006-12-12: MDA queue - default set to 5 [*] 2006-12-12: System - SaveConfig and LoadConfig thread safety added, remote connection - DeleteDomain saves domainlist, tested [*] 2006-12-11: Linux - SetLocalDateTime() properly sets local time, fixes atomic clock sync problem, tested [*] 2006-12-11: Linux - officially used php 5.1.6 [*] 2006-12-11: IMAP - BODYSTRUCTURE handling for corrupt MIME messages added, tested [*] 2006-12-11: Manual updated [*] 2006-12-11: Remote config - antivirus info properly displayed, tested [*] 2006-12-08: Webadmin, Webmail updated [*] 2006-12-08: Antispam - Quarantine script execution - %% variable supported (not used though) [*] 2006-12-08: IMAP - GETQUOTA - response problem fixed [*] 2006-12-08: API - GetOption..() result of the full string returned to the ResultSize parameter, updated functions, tested [*] 2006-12-08: Config - User stat date chart - defaults to today [*] 2006-12-07: Mailing lists - CheckMembers() - Sender expanded to its primary email account (primary alias) before testing the members, tested [*] 2006-12-07: Config - Content filter - Edit string dialog - Select account and browse for file button always present [*] 2006-12-07: Antispam - Indexing allowed if charset missing (previous indexing was skipped) [*] 2006-12-07: tool - display account - primary email address displayed (instead of the full alias), alias@* query updated so event "alias;" would be returned, tested [*] 2006-12-06: Groupware - IsAddressBook API - license check removed [*] 2006-12-06: Groupware - vCard - Support for Managers name, Spouse name, Assistant name, Nick name, Office location added [*] 2006-12-06: Groupware - vCard - WORK and SECR phones properly mapped [*] 2006-12-06: POP/IMAP - Remote accounts - Antispam logging - properly logged, IP address passed from Received: header, tested [*] 2006-12-06: System - Authentication - DIGEST-MD5 - realm sent from the server contains the primary domain (not the server host anymore), if login with email mode and server does not send full email address in username the realm supplied by the client is used (fixes violation of Outlook2007), tested [*] 2006-12-05: SMTP - Mailing list - remove dead addresses - processed in the undeliverable message function, tested [*] 2006-12-05: Config - Statistics - Logs - New IP, thread and starttime filter added, tested, condition for any IP or thread can be used [*] 2006-12-05: Config - GetLogRecord - To 0 = whole log, tested [*] 2006-12-05: Linux - wizard scripts updated [*] 2006-12-05: Config - Text file edit - UTF8 save/load support added, tested [*] 2006-12-05: Config - Logs section - Read only mode set [*] 2006-12-05: Wizards updated [*] 2006-12-04: PHP - 5.1.6 - template compilation, extension API parameters parsing made completely transparent, tested, working with all extensions [*] 2006-12-04: Webmail updated [*] 2006-12-04: Antispam - Quarantine - Statistics properly set, tested [*] 2006-12-04: Antispam - Quarantine - blank:ip challenge email not sent [*] 2006-12-04: SMTP - Mailing list - moderated lists - blank password problem fixed, tested, rewritten, if message sent to moderated list with msg-id identifiction and incorrect password message is sent back to the sender (not the owner), the first message is sent to the owner [*] 2006-12-04: POP3 - SIZE returned problem fixed (messages do not have the CRLF.CRLF inside of them anymore so size had to be altered), tested [*] 2006-12-04: Groupware - Sort daily events - email list problem fixed, tested [*] 2006-12-04: Config - Accounts - User - Quarantine reports enable/disable removed [*] 2006-12-03: API - Delete remote account - if 0 records, remote.cfg file is deleted, tested [*] 2006-12-02: Web scripts - PATH_TRANSLATED replaced with SCRIPT_FILENAME (Webmail, SyncML, CalDAV, tools) [*] 2006-12-02: Linux - php 5.1.6 - webadmin and webmail working, PATH_TRANSLATED no longer supported, use SCRIPT_FILENAME instead, mailparse compiled [*] 2006-12-02: FastCGI class - PaddingLength support added, tested on linux and php 5.1.6, working [*] 2006-12-01: Linux - php 5.1.6 compiled with icewarpext and other required modules, tests [*] 2006-12-01: SMTP - Rules - All messages or SMTP session conditions - vs Delete - statistics updated [*] 2006-12-01: Webadmin updated [*] 2006-12-01: Antispam - Quarantine - Path for unknown local accounts created - mail/domain/~spam/, tested [*] 2006-12-01: Config - Message queue and logs - Enter forces refresh, tested [*] 2006-12-01: Config - Backup now - Message dialog added, tested [*] 2006-11-30: PHP - imap extension updated for php 5.1.6 (imap_fetch_fast), recompiled and built [*] 2006-11-30: API - FindNext vs Save method of the same object, FNewAccount attribute reset if FindNext called, successfully Saves all accounts, tested [*] 2006-11-29: php api classes - support for php 5.1.6 API added, tested [*] 2006-11-29: Antispam - Quarantine script updated [*] 2006-11-29: Config - Management class - Up/Down handling updated, if buttons have action defined the action remains, tested [*] 2006-11-29: Config - Volume statistics - upper label removed [*] 2006-11-28: Linux - php recompiled under Debian Sarge so library dependencies are low (openssl 0.9.7), tested [*] 2006-11-28: POP3 - Possible access violation fixed if file could not be open for POP3 RETR [*] 2006-11-28: MDA - SMTP startup .dat files in outgoing queue that do not have .tmp files are deleted [*] 2006-11-27: Webadmin updated [*] 2006-11-27: IMAP - APPEND - sets \Recent flag, tested [*] 2006-11-27: MailClientClass - Multiple recipients problem fixed, tested [*] 2006-11-27: Config - Bounce back mode - Local and Disabled bounce back mode swapped, tested [*] 2006-11-27: Content Filter - Append to file - directory created if not exists, tested UNCs [*] 2006-11-27: Config - Remote connection - License info custom data support added, tested, new remote variable added [*] 2006-11-27: Webmail updated [*] 2006-11-27: Upgrade - IMAP rules forced upgrade - 8.9.0-1 [*] 2006-11-27: SMTP - BDAT client and server updated and tested [+] 2006-11-27: Proxy - Tunnel - CONNECT - Authentication support added, requires authentication if enabled, filter handling updated, tested [*] 2006-11-27: IMAP Rules conversion script updated and fixed [+] 2006-11-26: Config - DB - DB Driver support added, tested, ODBC renamed to DB [*] 2006-11-26: Groupware - Tested with SQLite, nested JOINs problem, other functionality fine, requires updated calendar.xml statements, MySQL direct does not work on Windows currently, ODBC does not work on Linux currently [*] 2006-11-26: DB Interface - Connection string extended with 6th parameter - specifies the DB engine (supported modes ODBC, MySQL, SQLite), 0 stands for default, SQLite requires sqlite3.dll or libraries present [*] 2006-11-26: Config - Start service - double apply method used [*] 2006-11-26: Groupware - calendar.xml - All SQL statements - RIGHT OUTER JOIN converted to LEFT OUTER JOIN, tested all functionality [+] 2006-11-26: Groupware - vCalendar - support for attendees added, integrates with Groupware attendees, tested with Lightning Mozilla Calendar [*] 2006-11-26: Groupware - Emails generatation - UTF8 encoding used [*] 2006-11-26: Groupware - calendar.xml loading - UTF8 preserved [*] 2006-11-25: Antispam - rules - new stock spam rules added - available via daily updates [*] 2006-11-24: Linux - mysql5 officially tested, supports and, 5.0 library structure compared and implemented [*] 2006-11-24: Linux - AVG update - script updated [*] 2006-11-24: Antispam - Quarantine scripts - updated [*] 2006-11-24: API - SIP - Call forwarding prefixes types fixed [*] 2006-11-24: IMAP - COPY - destination message has the \Recent flag set [*] 2006-11-24: Config - ManagementListClass - Up/Down handling updated, handler active if Up/Down methods not set, ensures proper Up Down functionality, tested [+] 2006-11-23: Groupware - API - 2 new function GetEventCount, GetContactCount added and implemented, docs updated, tested [*] 2006-11-23: Antispam - SpamChallengeGroupSkip variable removed, SpamBypassGroupware used instead, only one groupware bypass variable used, tested [*] 2006-11-23: Antispam - SpamChallengeURL - trailing slash being checked, if not present it is added, tested [*] 2006-11-23: IM - MUC - Room topic - Properly returned and sent to participants, tested [*] 2006-11-23: Antispam - Quarantine sender value stored properly [*] 2006-11-23: Config - Antispam - Help ids properly mapped [*] 2006-11-22: Config - Mailing list members - if no members list file is deleted [*] 2006-11-22: SMTP - Mailing lists/Groups - New flags introduced - IsGroup, StipGroupFlags, if message sent to group, member flags are stripped (group flags have a different meaning than mailing list flags), tested, group owner can now receive emails [*] 2006-11-22: SMTP - User limits (mailbox size, message size, domain quota) handling changed, all in SMTP session, direct response to RCPT TO command, tested [*] 2006-11-22: Linux - Antispam database tested [*] 2006-11-22: Antispam - Quarantine reports script updated [*] 2006-11-22: Antivirus - ExtractAttachments method updated, new parameter NoContent added, tested, updated for MIME mode [*] 2006-11-22: Antivirus - MIME file checking - file not duplicated - original file checked, Delete attribute used, tested [*] 2006-11-22: Setup - info.xml SETUPEMAIL tag support added, implemented [*] 2006-11-22: Manual updated [*] 2006-11-21: Config - Rules - Move/CopyTo IMAP folder dialog, proper Inbox and hiearchic inbox levels handling, tested [+] 2006-11-21: Antispam - Quarantine reports - Schedule implemented, tested [+] 2006-11-21: Config - Antispam - Quarantine reports - Schedule added, API new variable C_AS_Challenge_ReportsSchedule added [*] 2006-11-21: Config - Delete domain - Domain settings refresh applied, tested [*] 2006-11-21: Bypass system - Recipient bypass handling updated, tested [+] 2006-11-21: API - System - New variable C_Mail_Filter_RulesContentXML added, tested [+] 2006-11-21: API - Domains - New variable D_IPAddress, D_RulesContentXML added, tested [*] 2006-11-21: Groupware - vCalendar - RRULE UNTIL - datetime format used until midnight 23:59:59, tested [*] 2006-11-20: SIP - Redirect/Replace number - If destination contains @ remainder @ is removed, tested [*] 2006-11-20: HTTPServer - Header CRLF ending handling updated [*] 2006-11-20: HTTPServer - Directory alias - subdirectories, use always * convention [*] 2006-11-20: Webadmin, webmail updated [+] 2006-11-20: SMTP - Mail queue logging put back, API updated C_System_Log_MailQueue, logs/queue, tested [*] 2006-11-20: Config - SIP - Proxy/Registrar option removed, use API if need to use Proxy mode only [*] 2006-11-20: Control - HTTP - Error response - Content-Length added if missing, connection kept open if to be open, tested [*] 2006-11-20: Control - HTTP - W3C log proper size of data displayed, multi session handling, last session amount used, tested [*] 2006-11-20: Antispam - Razor2 - Retry interval and failover support added, if connection to discovery servers not available inactivity timeout is applied, if connection to catalog servers not available catalog servers reset, tested [*] 2006-11-20: Antispam - Razor2 requires outgoing TCP/IP port 2703 to be open [+] 2006-11-20: Config - Load balance IPs filled when dialog opened, FrameAccounts IPs filled when domains shown, Logs - Date prefilled when Logs loaded, tested [*] 2006-11-19: SMTP - AUTH=LOGIN ehlo response removed (not RFC compliant, used only for some old mail clients) [*] 2006-11-19: Control - HTTPServer large POST request handling updated, tested [*] 2006-11-19: Config - Antispam - GL - Delete pending sessions renamed to Expire pending sessions [*] 2006-11-19: Groupware - HU holidays updated [*] 2006-11-19: Manual updated [*] 2006-11-18: php5 - write socket speed problem discovered on some systems when using "localhost" or, local IP does not have this problem [+] 2006-11-18: Mail queue processing logging - antispam modules logged, tested [*] 2006-11-18: iconv library created and tested [*] 2006-11-18: Config - ManagementList - Loaded - Spam statistics, columns properly saved, tested, fixes spam queues management [*] 2006-11-18: Config - ManagementList - VK_DELETE handling updated [*] 2006-11-18: Groupware - BR holidays updated [*] 2006-11-17: Antispam - templates - RBL servers updated [+] 2006-11-17: Mail queue processing logging added if option below enabled, logs all filters and their results, logs/process/*.log, tested [+] 2006-11-17: API - New variable c_mail_smtp_delivery_processlogging variable added, Config updated - Log incoming message delivery processing option added, tested [*] 2006-11-17: Antispam - ArchiveIndexedMessages off by default [*] 2006-11-17: php4 - iconv extension added, linux php4 recompiled with iconv support, tested [*] 2006-11-17: HTTP server - Corrupt requests handling added trimleft(), CRLF <method> for example (IE incorrectly formats POST request with content-length (always appends trailing CRLF not part of content-length data)), tested, fixes some issues [*] 2006-11-17: Setup - upgrade - resets DNS timeout and retry options to defaults [+] 2006-11-17: Mail auto archive - Groups and mailing lists archive messages in mail/domain/list/, tested [+] 2006-11-17: Mail auto archive - Backup and distributed domain archives outgoing messages in mail/domain/_outgoing/, tested [*] 2006-11-17: LicenseSystem - Unknown license ID properly handled, tested [*] 2006-11-17: Groupware - SyncML updated, WBXML updated, clients using syncml 1.2 supported, tests [*] 2006-11-16: Webadmin, webmail updated [*] 2006-11-16: FTP - STOR, RETR, APPE vs. invalid server response, PASV data channel properly terminated (ABOR), tested [+] 2006-11-16: FTP - Folder limit is always recurrent and starts at the lowest folder with set folder limit, tested [+] 2006-11-16: Setup - License agreement - Double confirmation of license added, radio and Yes button, tested [+] 2006-11-16: Config - License dialog updated - few new license items added, license agreement added, purchase online button added, tested [*] 2006-11-16: Control - RemoteConnection - Client sending server settings, size mismatch handling added, tested, possible problems could have been caused [*] 2006-11-16: Config - DomainList mode, AccountListMode - if outer values, default values used, tested [*] 2006-11-16: SMTP - DNS message bounce back - contains proper DNS server id, tested [*] 2006-11-16: SMTP - DNS domain not found - label updated [*] 2006-11-15: DB - GetCacheQuery updated if connection fails, fixed Linux DeleteAccount problem tested [*] 2006-11-15: Groupware - vCalendar - RRULE (recurrence, escaping of attributes removed), fixed RRULE syntax, recurrences working in Lightning and others, tested [+] 2006-11-15: Config - System - Advanced - Multithread ODBC option with threads added, tested, API updated, max threads = -1 no limit, tested [+] 2006-11-15: DB - Multithread ODBC with maximum threads limit feature implemented and tested, MS Access has severe problems with threads exceeding 20, if you are 100% sure your db system handles more increase this number, default value 20, tested [*] 2006-11-15: Manual updated [+] 2006-11-15: SMTP - RFC1870 - SIZE properly implemented, tested [+] 2006-11-15: API - Antispam and Bayes statisics variables added [*] 2006-11-15: Config - Antispam - Quarantine - Reports - Sender support added, antispam.dat updated, report scripts updated [*] 2006-11-15: GW - TH holidays updated [*] 2006-11-15: Webmail langs updated [*] 2006-11-15: Instant Messaging - Room / MUC - User rejoin special handling added, user leaves in the room if logged out but easily can rejoin later when logged in, tested [*] 2006-11-15: ValidateRecipient - Trailing "." handling support added, "" resolve to "", tested [+] 2006-11-15: Config - Status - Queues - Select account dialogs added, tested [+] 2006-11-15: Config - Message queue - Blacklist support added, tested [*] 2006-11-14: PipeClass - PipeServer - First handle kept open so there is no timing issue, tested, SA attributes removed [*] 2006-11-14: API - AuthenticateUser - Resets accountindex and newaccount, Save and Delete - if AccountIndex reset, real account id is read, tested [*] 2006-11-14: SMTP - Rules and CF - Reject statistics updated properly, tested [*] 2006-11-14: PipeClass - PipeConnect - wait timeout set to 3 seconds if busy, PipeClass simplified and updated [*] 2006-11-14: Setup - webserver.dat - New web server settings contain /webdav/ virtual module specification, linux updated, tested [*] 2006-11-14: Antispam - Canonicalization of message parts - problems with MBCS emails, ansipos() vs. stringreplace(), fixed and tested, new stringreplaceex() function created [*] 2006-11-13: DB - Upgrade of D_ExpiresOn and U_AccountValidTill properly processed, tested with MySQL, MS SQL and MS Acccess, the Julian date conversion must not have the int() type override, other DB systems (apart from Access) fail on the update statement, int() type override used only for MS access, tested [+] 2006-11-13: Tarpitting - RSET protection, considers also NOOP command as RSET attack [+] 2006-11-13: tool - More online help chapters added, tested, blank parameters online help added, (tool create - shows help for create...) [*] 2006-11-13: PipeObjs - Unix sockets, read() and write() used instead of recv() and send(), tested, fixed FreeBSD unix sockets usage [*] 2006-11-13: FreeBSD - libc errno properly mapped '__error' on linux it is '__errno_location', tested [*] 2006-11-12: Webmail IT lang updated [*] 2006-11-11: Config - Status - Greylisting - Count label added [*] 2006-11-11: Remote Accounts - Domain POP, recipient parsing updated, names matching, tested [*] 2006-11-10: Groupware - CZ holidays updated, converted to UTF8, tested [*] 2006-11-10: Antispam - Quarantine report scripts updated [+] 2006-11-10: Config - Antispam - Score levels kept (not rounded), tested [+] 2006-11-10: Config - Logging - Logs button shortcut added [+] 2006-11-10: Groupware - All latin holidays converted to UTF8 [*] 2006-11-10: DB - Quarantine - SndSubject field stripped, MS SQL has problems with strings exceeding field limit, caused problems with unability to insert records, tested [*] 2006-11-10: DB - Greylisting and Quarantine db error logging support added [*] 2006-11-10: MS SQL UTF8 testing - for proper functionality use MS SQL 2005, previous versions incorrectly format national characters [*] 2006-11-10: Antispam - GL - Sender mode - if sender blank - IP is used [*] 2006-11-09: Webmail updated [+] 2006-11-09: Antispam - If bayes autolearn on, bayes db compacting automatically applied (daily basis), new spam.dat variable SpamBayesCompactDays (default 30) [*] 2006-11-09: Antispam - Bayes db compacting updated, only age and tokens checked [*] 2006-11-09: FreeBSD - discovered incompatible behavior of select() (different than linux and windows) [*] 2006-11-09: Manual updated [*] 2006-11-09: API - GLSet and GLAdd functionality swapped, tested [+] 2006-11-09: API - RPC - gzip compressed, updated API, updated RPC scripts, tested [+] 2006-11-09: Config - Connection manager - Buttons updated, double click defaults to Connect, columns updated, tested [*] 2006-11-09: Unix systems - SO_RCVTIMEO, SO_SNDTIMEO properly processed socket options, on unix systems the variable passed is TimeVal, on windows it is dword, updated SocketClass [+] 2006-11-09: MDA logging support added, SMTP summary log updated with proper delivery result, session variables not reset before logging, tested, tested for memory leaks [*] 2006-11-09: MIMEClass - ExtractAlias, ExtractDomain result type updated [+] 2006-11-09: SMTP - BounceBackMode implemented [+] 2006-11-09: API - NoBounceBack renamed to BounceBackMode, structures updated, config Delivery updated [*] 2006-11-09: Config - Status - Spam queues - Column size of Subject field properly handled, tested [+] 2006-11-08: Rules - Support for score greater/lower added, tested [*] 2006-11-08: Config - Rules - Support for greater/lower spam score condition added [*] 2006-11-08: Quarantine - If quarantine database fails message is placed in user's mailbox, quarantine methods (Reject, Delete used as Spam), tested [+] 2006-11-08: Config - Antispam - Quarantine - Reports section added, new Email sender field added, spam.dat examples updated, quarantine reports script updated [*] 2006-11-08: Authentication - Convert %&/ to @ updated, conversion applied only if @ not present, 2 level processing, tested [*] 2006-11-08: Antivirus - Apply antivirus to outgoing messages properly processed, applied only if checked, handling updated, tested [*] 2006-11-08: ShellIconsClass updated [*] 2006-11-08: Setup - Stopping services - Control service stopped first [+] 2006-11-08: IDPClass - List files - StringsClass used, much faster and less CPU intensive [+] 2006-11-08: Groupware - AT, CH, DE holidays added [*] 2006-11-08: Antispam - Quarantine reports properly tested and scripts updated [*] 2006-11-08: New php 4.4.4 with eAccelerator 0.9.5 used [*] 2006-11-08: Antispam - Indexing queues - Logs - Words and Messages counters reset for each queue, previously the counters were shared [*] 2006-11-08: Config - Set IP binding - If variable is unknown and between <> all ip addreses is used, tested [*] 2006-11-08: Header/Footer - multipart/alternative recurrent handling support added, tested, 1.1 text, 1.2.1 html for example, attachments ignored [*] 2006-11-08: Header/Footer - Plain message - last line duplicate problem fixed [*] 2006-11-07: Delete old logs - Centralized management used, removed from all services and put all in control service, tested [*] 2006-11-07: Content filter - Where message body contains - Condition processing updated, tested, support both htBody and htBodyA [*] 2006-11-07: Config - Antispam - Outgoing messages - Labels updated, Razor2 enabled state updated, Action/Spam tab - Reorganized, User - Reports disabled if Antispam reports disabled [*] 2006-11-07: Groupware - US holidays updated [*] 2006-11-07: Bypass system - Support for prefix "f:" fixed and tested [*] 2006-11-06: API - GLDelete fixed [*] 2006-11-06: BSD - Sockets header files updated [+] 2006-11-06: Groupware - ItmFolder for Contacts and Distribution Lists updated so both are returned in Default folder, tested [*] 2006-11-06: FPC - 2 new bugs reported 0007770, 0007769 [*] 2006-11-06: Antispam - Auto whitelist active only for local domain senders [*] 2006-11-06: IM - AOL, MSN gateways tested [*] 2006-11-06: Account validity - Delete account when inactivity option set vs. DB storage, added in consideration, tested account deletion [*] 2006-11-06: System backups - Delete older - Real extension of the backup file used (as set by the user), only those file extensions deleted [*] 2006-11-06: Mail archive backups - Delete archives - Real extension of the backup file used (as set by the user), only those file extensions deleted [*] 2006-11-06: List server - WL and BL, case sensitive [*] 2006-11-06: Antispam - Proper name for blacklist indexing folder used, indexing and index folder types logging problem fixed [*] 2006-11-06: Mail queue - Server message bouncebacks - If bouncebacks disabled no report message sent [*] 2006-11-05: MDA queue - Acquire incoming mail - failure state supported, tested [+] 2006-11-05: POP3/IMAP - Remote accounts - MDA queue support added, tested [+] 2006-11-05: POP3/IMAP - Remote accounts - Testing, failure response tested, IMAP+POP3 tested [+] 2006-11-05: POP3/IMAP - Remote accounts - Mail queue function used (the same function used in SMTP), contains all filters, antispam, antivirus, uses MDA if enabled [*] 2006-11-04: BSD - FPC rtl libraries recompiled to fix FPC bugs, stress tested SMTP on BSD, no memory leaks [*] 2006-11-04: SMTP - New day procedures moved to new thread (Account options, Domain options, Antispam options), previous behavior could cause service lock for some time after midnight, tested [*] 2006-11-04: IDPClass - SkipOlder supports highest least bit which makes it SkipNews, used in mail archive backups, tested [+] 2006-11-04: Mail archive backups - Archive integrated with delete older emails than, emails will be backed up, backup append used, new thread implemented, tested [+] 2006-11-04: Config - Mail archive - Schedule removed, dialog updated [*] 2006-11-04: UpgradeClass - Release DB message sent for each upgrade function, setup, tested [+] 2006-11-03: Antispam - Blacklist score implemented - score added [+] 2006-11-03: Config - Antispam - Blacklist score added and implemented [*] 2006-11-03: Config - Missing help ids mapped [+] 2006-11-03: API - new variable added U_QuarantineSupport - Reports whether antispam is enabled and whether user has quarantine enabled [*] 2006-11-02: Groupware - vcard and vcalendar formats tested with sets of devices [+] 2006-11-02: VersitClass - Parsing quoted-printable encoded continuation lines violating RFC workaround added, works with old devices, tested [*] 2006-11-02: Config - Antispam - Help ids mapped [+] 2006-11-02: SpeamReason - Body, Charset, Bypass codes used, tested [+] 2006-11-02: Antispam - Logging - Body, Charset, Bypass codes used instead of hex code, codes can be found in the documentation, example "Body=NR,Bypass=WT" [+] 2006-11-02: Antivirus - Notification customization - Email dialog support added, tested [+] 2006-11-02: FTP - User and groups rights inheritance support added, user can be a member of a group with defined path rights, user can have its own defined path rights which override the rights of the group, tested [*] 2006-11-02: Antivirus - Virus warning email - UTF8 MIME speficiation added [*] 2006-11-02: Antispam - Spam challenge email - UTF8 MIME speficiation added [*] 2006-11-02: Config - Antispam - Indexing queues - Deindex support put back, tested [*] 2006-11-02: Quarantine reports - report template CSS added [*] 2006-11-02: FreeBSD porting - Cross compiling from FPC 2.0.2 fixes bugs in BSD version 2.0.4 [+] 2006-11-02: Config - Bypass dialog - Comment column added, Bypass item dialog - comment field added, implemented parsing, tested [*] 2006-11-02: Antispam - RBL default servers specified [*] 2006-11-01: FreeBSD porting - discovered new FPC 2.0.4 bug (rtl - thread file error reporting) [+] 2006-11-01: Webmail - All languages converted to UTF8 [+] 2006-11-01: System - Auto responder - Responder applied to non-spam messages only, implemented [*] 2006-11-01: Upgrade - IMAP rules conversion automatically applied if limited number of accounts and domains (version 8.5.1) [+] 2006-11-01: API - GL management support added, new functions, webadmin and rpc php classes updated, icewarpphp updated [+] 2006-11-01: Webadmin - Convert imap rules to filters - new script added, iterates thru all accounts and converts imap rules, tested [*] 2006-11-01: SMTP - Mailbox quota and warning - Recipient properly used, warning message sent to right user [*] 2006-11-01: Config - Header/Footer dialog - If files blank tags file deleted, tested [*] 2006-11-01: Webmail updated [*] 2006-11-01: Webadmin updated [*] 2006-11-01: POP3 - RETR and TOP updated check if CRLF.CRLF present in the file, tested [*] 2006-11-01: Linux - SMTP - Client session problem with const string buffer in FPC fixed, working again, tested [+] 2006-10-31: Content Filter - Move to folder and Copy to folder actions support added, Config filters updated, tested [*] 2006-10-31: Content Filter - Save and load - MoveToFolder and CopyToFolder XML tags support added [*] 2006-10-31: SMTP - Statistics counters - BW, Content Filter and Static Filters - counters updated for any action (not only reject) [*] 2006-10-31: Antispam - Indexing queues - Accounts can be users or groups (group mailbox path function used) [*] 2006-10-31: Config - Antispam - Queues - Add redundant record enabled [+] 2006-10-31: tool - New option -v added [*] 2006-10-31: API - Domain->GetAccount(Index) - Real index function used (fixes problem with db systems where index is different from u_id), use FindInit and FindNext and FindClose instead [*] 2006-10-31: Config - Antivirus - typo fixed [+] 2006-10-31: tool - New variable values specification support added (u_name=value u_mailbox=value etc.), old system still supported, tested [+] 2006-10-31: tool - New help feature added, simplified options added (-t, -r, -f, -p, -q), tested [*] 2006-10-30: Webadmin updated [*] 2006-10-30: API - SetString - Long string support added in all API classes, tested, fixes U_RulesContentXML problem [*] 2006-10-30: System - Backup / IDP functions - ForceDirectory used if directory not exists, tested [+] 2006-10-30: Config - Antispam Bayes - Queues button removed, look for Indexing Queues tab [+] 2006-10-30: Config - Tools - DB migration - Start button enabled only if source and destination are set, DB form - backup connection area invisible, tested [+] 2006-10-30: Config - System - Socket read / write timeout option label updated [*] 2006-10-30: System - Sockets - Global socket read / write timeout applied to SocketsClasses, global variable [*] 2006-10-30: SMTP - Testing MTA with large number of outgoing emails, analysis [+] 2006-10-30: DB - Upgrade functions active, U_AccountValidTill and D_ExpiresOn converted from datetime to int julian, tested (8.5.2 version condition) [*] 2006-10-30: DB - Upgrade db conversion from gregorian to julian, SQL92 formula created and tested [+] 2006-10-30: SMTP - MTA - Max number of outgoing recipients usage updated, if set to 1, only 1 will be used (previosly 2 were always used), tested [+] 2006-10-30: SMTP - MTA - RCPT TO warning (4xx responses) treated differently, all recipients will be tried and message postponed, tested [*] 2006-10-30: System - File function - updated to File* functions, tested [+] 2006-10-28: System - size.dat - Directory mail size - Cache applied only for Domain disk quota, else live data check is applied, tested [+] 2006-10-28: idp - Password detection added, tool asks for password, tested [+] 2006-10-28: Tunnel - SSL tunnel with fingeprint verification deployed and tested [+] 2006-10-28: Tunnel - Tunnel SSL verification and client request certificates support added, examples updated, tested [*] 2006-10-28: SMTP - Intrusion preventsion - Max message size - units internally changed to kB from MB, updated [*] 2006-10-28: Config - Intrusion preventsion - Max message size - units internally changed to kB from MB, upgrade functions updated [*] 2006-10-27: Config - Backup now - Forces Save if something changed [+] 2006-10-27: Spamassassin - eval:check_rbl_envfrom support added, tested, uses mail from:<> domain [+] 2006-10-27: Config - Antispam - RBL tab added, list of available rbl hosts with Active checkbox flag, implemented, tested [*] 2006-10-27: Spam rules - new rbl.list file created with all RBL hosts in sa rules [*] 2006-10-27: Spam rules - rules removed, removed [+] 2006-10-27: Config - menu.xml - item type URL support added, ID can contain URL, absolute file path, or local:// URL which is replaced with local control web server, tested [*] 2006-10-27: System - Messages CRLF.CRLF handling properly tested [*] 2006-10-27: SMTP - MTA - message delivery (relay) if missing CRLF.CRLF in the file, this state is detected and CRLF.CRLF is sent, tested [*] 2006-10-27: Config - Status - Quarantine - Count label added, Max items moved to line below [*] 2006-10-27: System - .CRLF tests conducted [*] 2006-10-27: System - Convert IMAP to POP and POP to IMAP ignores trailing CRLF.CRLF, working properly with the new system [*] 2006-10-27: System - All message generation - trailing .CRLF removed [*] 2006-10-27: Razor2 - scores updated [*] 2006-10-27: POP3 - Messages received via remote POP - do not have the trailing CRLF.CRLF [*] 2006-10-27: SMTP - Messages received via SMTP - do not have the trailing CRLF.CRLF [*] 2006-10-27: SMTP - Delivery reports tested [+] 2006-10-27: GW - SK holidays for 2007 added [+] 2006-10-27: Config - SMTP - Delivery - Undeliverable options - Time units drop down added and implemented, tested [*] 2006-10-27: System - SMTP undeliverable options - all units converted to minutes, upgrade tasks applied, Config updated, delivery functions updated [+] 2006-10-26: SIP - Calls logging - Incoming gateway call - Final callee logged as To, tested, user logs - not picked up calls over gateway logged properly, tested all [+] 2006-10-26: SIP - Calls logging updated, real To logged (before gateway ID), gateway ID last [+] 2006-10-26: SIP - 2 Merak servers connected as gateways tests conducted [*] 2006-10-26: SIP - Registrar server - Real REGISTER IP and Port of the incoming packet used as target for communication, tested [*] 2006-10-26: SMTP - Default outgoing max connections 256 [+] 2006-10-26: ICQ module - Login handling and server response handling updated, ICQ server sends one more TLV before the actual UIN, tested, max message size set to 8kb [+] 2006-10-25: Antispam - Archive refused messages to account implemented, used mail copies option, account and path supported [+] 2006-10-25: Config - Antispam - Other - Archive refused messages to folder option added and implemented, examples updated [+] 2006-10-25: Config - Antispam - Other - Advanced section added [+] 2006-10-25: Config - Antivirus - Other - Advanced section added [*] 2006-10-25: Config - Antispam - Non-user accounts renamed to Non-user and unknown accounts [*] 2006-10-25: Antispam - AS mode uses SpamBypassNonUsers for unknown and non-user accounts [+] 2006-10-25: Setup - Add icon to desktop, Add icon to quick launch new check boxes added, unistall removed, tested [*] 2006-10-25: Mozilla Lightning new Bug 357975 submitted, problem with 0 items on the server after the lightning startup [*] 2006-10-25: Bedework server got working, tests conducted, compared caldav with merak's caldav, :8080/ucaldav/user/caluser1/calendar [*] 2006-10-25: Config - Antispam - Greylisting - IP address renamed to session [+] 2006-10-24: Antispam - Quarantine reports implemented - Control service - after midnight - new thread, executes scripts [*] 2006-10-24: Config - Status bar displays local version [*] 2006-10-24: Config - Antispam - Queues - Deindex options removed [*] 2006-10-24: FreeBSD - daemon working - fork() working properly [*] 2006-10-24: Linux - Services - Service startup function called after fork() when in daemon mode, tested [*] 2006-10-24: Services - Handling of services and startup function updated [*] 2006-10-24: SMTP - Default outgoing max connections 16 [*] 2006-10-24: Config - Spam queues - Blacklist and Whitelist - Subject column hidden [+] 2006-10-24: Antispam - Blacklist keywords implemented, tested [+] 2006-10-24: Config - Antispam - Blacklist - New tab added, added keywords, tested, implemented [+] 2006-10-24: Config - Antispam - Whitelist - Whitelist senders in groupware address books, new option added [+] 2006-10-24: Config - New bypass dialog added, implemented, tested [+] 2006-10-24: Bypass file - "f:" new item support added, implemented, examples updated [+] 2006-10-24: Config - Antispam - Quarantine reports - new option added, examples updated, CR URL moved to Quarantine options and renamed to Engine URL, tested [+] 2006-10-24: Config - Antispam - Indexing Queues - Management list control added, new dialog, implementation, tested [*] 2006-10-24: Linux - CMem usage completely removed [*] 2006-10-24: Webmail updated [*] 2006-10-24: Webadmin updated [*] 2006-10-24: System - Maintenance logging vs. rotation and loginfo structure, problem fixed, tested [*] 2006-10-23: Linux - Application debugging, found problem with CMem memory manager causing application crashes [*] 2006-10-23: Config - Filters - B&W renamed to Rules [*] 2006-10-23: Groupware - CalDAV - New Lightning 0.3 tested [+] 2006-10-23: Antispam - Indexing Queues - account with folder support added as in examples file, tested [+] 2006-10-23: Config - Antispam - Indexing Queues implemented, examples updated [+] 2006-10-23: Config - Antispam - Reset settings present in all screens, tested [+] 2006-10-23: Statistics - Spam quarantine, Spam refused counters added, protocol updated, structures updated, API, interface, statistics engine updated, tested [+] 2006-10-23: Antispam - Quarantine reports support added [*] 2006-10-23: Config - Antispam - templates - Full path used when loading templates [*] 2006-10-22: Razor2 - Clients connect to remote TCP 2703 port [+] 2006-10-22: Config - Antispam - Score number editors put back, bayes stop list display updated [+] 2006-10-22: Config - Antivirus Scan mode support added, tested antivirus [*] 2006-10-22: Rules - %%extensionnosep%% supported in folder actions [+] 2006-10-21: Antivirus - AllParts API variable - possible values (0 - only attachments, 1 - attachments + mime message, 2 - only mime message), support added and implemented [*] 2006-10-21: Avast - Headers updated, WinEXEC packers support added [*] 2006-10-20: Logging - syslog protocol - syslog priority set to 190 (local7.debug) [+] 2006-10-20: Logging - syslog protocol fixed and tested with sysklogd, ported for proper log format [*] 2006-10-20: Maintenance logs - Delete account properly logged in ODBC mode [+] 2006-10-20: ICQ module debugging - Logging no longer worked, updated client versions in login request, login works again, tested [+] 2006-10-20: Config - New ODBC storage connection - Problem with uninitialized connection string in db.dll fixed, tested [*] 2006-10-20: New OpenSSL-0.9.8d engine used, tested [*] 2006-10-20: API - User variable U_IASCustom renamed to U_QuarantineReports [+] 2006-10-20: Config - Status - Spam queues - Blacklist button action added, support for Delete/Authorized/Blacklist anywhere added, button states updated, tested [+] 2006-10-20: Antispam - Global whitelist checked if blacklist enabled, counts as bypass and antispam engine is not applied then [*] 2006-10-20: Config - Antispam structure changes [*] 2006-10-20: Antispam - Indexing logging - Resource name added [*] 2006-10-20: Setup - spam/template installed [*] 2006-10-20: New Avast OEM package used [*] 2006-10-20: Config - MessageBoxA - Embedded forms - Handle set to 0, fixes Modal problems [+] 2006-10-19: Spamassassin - Razor2 complete [+] 2006-10-19: Antispam - Spamassassin - Razor2 implemented and integrated, tested, Razor2 rules added, debugged and checked SA reports [+] 2006-10-19: Config - Antispam - Razor2 support added, integrated [*] 2006-10-19: Razor2 class - Thread safe [+] 2006-10-19: API - U_RulesContentXML new variable added - Integrates with ConvertBWToCF and ConvertCFToBW, tested [*] 2006-10-19: BW and CF - ConvertBWToCF, ConvertCFToBW functions created [+] 2006-10-19: API - QuarantineAdd, QuarantineSet new methods added, icewarpphp updated, docs updated, api.php updated [+] 2006-10-19: Antispam - Indexing - Logging support added, every folder being indexed gets logged [+] 2006-10-19: Config - Antispam - Multi node system used, Settings, Filters, Queues, implemented, updated menu.xml, tested [*] 2006-10-19: Config - LDAP Manual synchronization - old compatibility updated [*] 2006-10-19: Linux - Special debug version with symbols created, -gl [*] 2006-10-19: Linux - Capabilities off by default - scripts updated [*] 2006-10-19: Linux - DB library usage redefined, fixes problems on 64bit systems [*] 2006-10-19: Linux - new DB library changes tested [+] 2006-10-19: Antispam - Templates for Low, Medium, High settings added, tested [*] 2006-10-19: Antispam - SA - RBL on by default [*] 2006-10-19: System variables - SpamReason - Bypass value properly reported, tested [*] 2006-10-19: SMTP - RejectSMTPAuthSender - blank mail from bypassed [*] 2006-10-18: Config - Connection manager - Popup menu support added [+] 2006-10-18: Razor2 class completed - Testing [+] 2006-10-18: Config - Status - WL and BL - Select Owner - Select account dialog support added, if owner blank - converted to *, tested [+] 2006-10-18: Config - User - Spam admin mailboxes - New dialog and management added, tested [+] 2006-10-18: Config - User - Options - Spam section created - Quarantine reports option added, linked with ASCustom user API variable, tested [+] 2006-10-18: Config - Status - User statistics - List tab added - Lists all users and their statistics, tested [*] 2006-10-18: Config - Status - User statistics - Select account dialog support added, View log button removed, Display button removed [*] 2006-10-18: SpamAssassin - RBL properly tested, each item in the rules [*] 2006-10-18: SpamAssassin - RBL conditions eval function - match ip via regex support added [*] 2006-10-18: SpamAssassin - disabled and RBL rules (servers timeout), new rules file created, override them in if need to [*] 2006-10-18: Setup - Uninstall - SMTP properly uninstalled, IM properly deleted [*] 2006-10-18: Antispam - Auto whitelist - On by default [*] 2006-10-18: System - DB initialization done automatically when needed, DB no longer preinitialized, tested [+] 2006-10-18: Antispam - Spam queues - support for auto blacklist added, spamqueue.dat example file updated, implemented [+] 2006-10-18: Antispam - SURBL - Uses all lists including (jp - jwSpamSpay, ph - Phishing data source), tested [+] 2006-10-18: Antispam - Blacklist support implemented, tested, follows the whitelist mode, recipient attributes [*] 2006-10-18: System - GetDomainTLD - Support for 2 part root domains ( ... and others) [*] 2006-10-18: System - GetDomainTLD - Support for complete URL (user[:pass]@host[:port][/uri]), tested [*] 2006-10-17: Razor2 - Ephemeral and Whiplash, Base64, html, text, quoted and other tests performed, match with Perl results finally, dozens of messages compared [*] 2006-10-17: System - MIME::GetBodyString - MIMEPartInfo parameter support added, implemented [*] 2006-10-17: System - Quotedprintable decode function updated [*] 2006-10-17: System - DecodeLine(7bit, quoted) automatically returns CRLF, unlimited long string support, tested [*] 2006-10-17: System - Few function - DecodeLine(base64) replaced with DecodeBase64 function [*] 2006-10-17: Razor2 - Ephemeral tests - Fixed PickSection signature method [*] 2006-10-17: API - GLList new function added [*] 2006-10-17: Razor2 - Class implementation - Razor2_GetMessageParts implementation [*] 2006-10-17: Config - New listserver account - WL and BL disabled by default [+] 2006-10-17: Config - Antispam - Blacklist added, spam.dat examples updated, tested [+] 2006-10-17: Config - Status - Spam queues - Blacklist tab added, implemented, Add BL and Add WL added, tested [+] 2006-10-17: Config - Antispam - Quarantine level removed, moved to Whitelist and renamed, updated [*] 2006-10-17: SMTP - Client sessions - MTA - Connection response timeout - Terminated flag reset always, tested [+] 2006-10-17: Config - Mail - Delivery - Generate bounce backs option added [*] 2006-10-17: Manual updated [+] 2006-10-17: Config - Domain admin rights - Quarantine support added, Examples updated, implemeneted [+] 2006-10-17: API - U_RulesContent, U_ResponderContent new variables added and implemented, tested, icewarpphp updated [+] 2006-10-17: API - Long string support for Accounts and Domains added, tested [+] 2006-10-16: Razor2 - Research and implementation, Whiplash signature reverse engineering, Whiplash method implemented and tested, compared to Posix Perl results, hashes match [+] 2006-10-16: Razor2 - Research and implementation, Ephemeral signature reverse engineering, Ephemeral method implemented and tested, compared to Posix Perl results, hashes match [*] 2006-10-16: Groupware - Int NULL tests [*] 2006-10-16: Database libraries - Insert number which is blank equals to NULL [*] 2006-10-15: Groupware - SyncML - Latest Funambol 3.0.31 tested [*] 2006-10-15: NumbersClass - srand48, drand48, rand48 implemented [*] 2006-10-15: Config - Move To Folder - Domain/Global - Folders reset to default [+] 2006-10-14: Perl drand48 srand48 research, implementation, new libraries created, compatible with Perl [+] 2006-10-14: System - Archive deleted logs - implemented, tested, only services logs archived, archives appended, relative logs path preserved [*] 2006-10-14: ArchiveClass (IDP) - Append command - Creates file if not exists [+] 2006-10-14: Config - Logs - Archive deleted logs to file, new option added, API updated, icewarpphp updated [+] 2006-10-14: Antipam - Whitelist completely tested, SndOwner domain, email, * [+] 2006-10-14: Antipam - Whitelist insert - SndOwner domain - SndDomain updated properly if SndOwner not email address [+] 2006-10-14: Antipam - Whitelist SndOwner can contain email, domain or '*' and whitelists specified items, new feature, tested, behaving this way only if SeparateUsers > 0 (non system quarantine level) [*] 2006-10-14: Accounts - DeleteAccountData - UNC paths and absolute paths to be deleted enabled, use with caution [*] 2006-10-13: LDAP - Account synchronization - cn uses real account's name instead of email addresses [+] 2006-10-13: Config - Select Account dialog - Enhanced group vs embedded groups handling, Select group button removed, integrated with Account button [+] 2006-10-13: Config - Antispam - Quarantine level order updated, Greylisting mode updated, tested [*] 2006-10-13: Antispam - Quarantine level - Defaults to User [*] 2006-10-13: FPC - Compilation on FreeBSD 6.1, remove -Xf compilation flag from makefile, tested [*] 2006-10-13: SMTP - ResetSession - MsgID reset added [*] 2006-10-13: AV - AVG - Version and time detection updated (offset might change) [*] 2006-10-13: System - FPC bug solving by minor source fixes [+] 2006-10-13: Config - Antispam - Greylisting and Quarantine list button added and implemented [*] 2006-10-12: FPC - unhandled exception debugging - discovered FPC exception with string free bug in FPC [*] 2006-10-12: Perl srand and rand research [*] 2006-10-12: Razor2 research [*] 2006-10-12: Config - Access mode - Group list edit control max length set [+] 2006-10-12: Antispam - Content rule - Embedded image functionality updated, any content type image/* considered, tested [+] 2006-10-12: MimeClass - GetBodyString method - Updated, supports content type message part retrieve function, match strings content type, max read lines and other options, tested [+] 2006-10-11: SMTP - Summary logs (Server + Client), log created even if session not successful, WARNING summary logs based on SessionStatus, tested [*] 2006-10-11: System - All client socket connect converted to SafeOpen method, tested [*] 2006-10-11: Groupware - GrpLink - GetGroupAccess - If primary group contains no GrpTitle the title of the subscribe group is used, tested [*] 2006-10-11: List server - Vacation command - Sets LIST_READ flag if vacation is OFF and unsets LIST_READ flag if vacation is ON [+] 2006-10-11: Antispam - RemoteSMTPConnectionTimeout - new spam.dat option added, connection timeout for remote server verification, tested [+] 2006-10-11: SocketClass - Nonblocking mode support added, tested [*] 2006-10-11: Control - Remote connection protocol - Structure sizes checking added, could cause problems with incompatible GUI clients, tested [*] 2006-10-10: DNSQuery tool updated [*] 2006-10-10: Groupware - Logging - Result text trimmed, tested [*] 2006-10-10: PHP - php_json.dll wmi.ini updated and added [*] 2006-10-10: Linux - API - user and group properly set via setgid(), setuid(), tested, tool runs under proper user and group [+] 2006-10-10: Rules - Spam score condition - Any user can create their spam level using this condition, tested [+] 2006-10-10: Config - Rules - Support Spam score condition added, tested [+] 2006-10-10: Rules (former BW) - Support for new condition - Spam score is added, examples updated, implemented [*] 2006-10-10: Groups/Mailing lists - Embedded group [], support for mailing for embedded groups, problem fixed, tested, GetGroupMembers updated for embedded groups [+] 2006-10-09: Antispam - Score messages where remote IP does not verify to a valid SMTP server, new option introduced, examples updated, config updated, implemented, tested [*] 2006-10-09: Antispam - Score, Quarantine and others tested [*] 2006-10-09: System variables - %%uniqueid%%, content filter with Message-ID tested [*] 2006-10-09: Content Filter + External Filters - Add score - Score recalculation applied, tested [+] 2006-10-09: Greylisting - Whitelist database checked for each recipient if auto add to whitelist enabled, tested [*] 2006-10-09: Antispam - SpamCustomUsers support removed, obsolete [+] 2006-10-09: Config - Antispam - Quarantine score set as the first slider, checked the quarantine philosophy, first we check if quarantine should be applied, then spam/junk folder last the refusal of message, tested, if quarantine score higher or equal than spam score the old behavior is used and quarantine is applied instead of the spam [+] 2006-10-09: System variables - %%uniqueid%% new variable added [+] 2006-10-09: Config - Spam queues - Greylisting - All status added [+] 2006-10-09: Config - Spam queues - Greylisting - Columns swapped, updated [+] 2006-10-09: Setup - Content filter defaults updated - fix for missing Message-ID header added [+] 2006-10-09: Antispam - Whitelist logging added [*] 2006-10-09: Config - SIP - Extended DNS option properly set and read [*] 2006-10-09: SIP - Refer call API - support for protocol ":" uri added, sip:number@domain sip:number, number, tested [*] 2006-10-09: Antispam - Auto whitelist - Recipients checking updated [*] 2006-10-09: System - Alias duplicity checking updated, rewritten, tested [*] 2006-10-07: Webmail updated [*] 2006-10-07: Webadmin updated [*] 2006-10-07: Config - Statistics - Delete/Remove actions - Confirmation dialog added [+] 2006-10-07: Config - Antispam/Status - Whitelist - Add button and action implemented, remote connection support, tested [+] 2006-10-06: Config - Antispam - Reset settings implemented, spam\template\low medium high containing spam.dat and, tested [+] 2006-10-06: Antispam - Refuse message mode implemented - Reject used if set, tested [+] 2006-10-06: Config - Antispam - Other - Reset to settings implemented, examples updated [+] 2006-10-06: Config - Antispam - Other - Refuse message action added and settings implemented [+] 2006-10-04: Content Filters - Add score - New action added and implemented, tested [+] 2006-10-04: External Filters - support for add score action added, example librarymodule updated [+] 2006-10-04: Antispam - Whitelist feature completed [+] 2006-10-04: Antispam - Keywords whitelist feature implemented, tested, subject and body tested [*] 2006-10-04: Groupware - API - AddGroupUser - ID non mandatory parameter added, implemented [+] 2006-10-03: Config - Antispam - Whitelist - Keywords management added, keywords support added, examples updated [+] 2006-10-03: Config - Antispam - Whitelist tab added, options added and moved, Whitelist button added [+] 2006-10-03: Config - Antispam - Max message file option added [+] 2006-10-03: Antispam - Spam queue format updated, example file updated, support for whitelist feature added, new format, updated sources, new spam/index/whitelist directory added [*] 2006-10-03: Content filter - IsLocalRemoteRecipient condition - updated to non-strict mode (Local - at least one local recipient, Remote - at least one remote recipient), if you want to use strict use 2 conditions with NOT [+] 2006-10-02: Antispam - DNS - Score messages where HELO host does not resolve to remote IP new option implemented, tested [+] 2006-10-02: Config - Antispam - DNS - Score messages where HELO host does not resolve to remote IP new option added, implemented, updated examples [+] 2006-10-02: Config - New size units management added - kB, MB, GB, drop down, applied where possible, labels updated (Logs - Rotation + Cache, Backup - Larger than, System monitor - Memory and disk, SMTP - Max message size, Intrusion Preventsion - Max message size, Content filter - Message size, Antivirus - Max msg size, FTP permissions - Directory size, Mailing List - message size, User - Max box, max message, send out, Domain - disk quota, limits) [+] 2006-10-01: Config - Management lists - Duplicate checks added - If duplicate item does not get added, tested [+] 2006-10-01: Antispam - DNS - Sender's domain does not exist implemented, tested [+] 2006-10-01: Config - Antispam - Messages updated, SPF level - changed to tracker, removed Custom level [*] 2006-10-01: Antispam - SpamHTMLMissingTextPart option removed and merged with SpamHTMLDifferentParts, updated config, examples, tested [+] 2006-09-30: Config - Antispam - Score messages where sender's domain does not exist - new option added, examples updated, settings management added [+] 2006-09-30: Antispam - Content indexing mode added - Subject, From, Body components, Config updated, examples updated [+] 2006-09-30: Antispam - SPF level support added [+] 2006-09-30: Config - Antispam - SPF level support added, Custom, Low, Medium, Hight, tested [+] 2006-09-30: Config - Antispam - Bayesian database information added, updated few functions to support BayesInfo struct, custom DB considered and added, tested, edits. and inserts SPF_SOFTFAIL directly [*] 2006-09-30: Config - Public folders - Add new folder - Problem with members fixed, tested [*] 2006-09-30: Config - Public folders - Delete folder - deletes acl.dat file records, tested [*] 2006-09-29: Antispam - spam.dat examples file updated and completely reflects the whole spam.dat usage [+] 2006-09-29: Antispam - Score HTML messages with embedded images new option implemented, tested, updated SpamBody rules indices [*] 2006-09-29: Config - Status - Spam queues - Domain filter field added [*] 2006-09-29: SMTP - Spam DB whitelist - Bypass properly logged (if separateusers = 0), tested [*] 2006-09-29: SSL Classes - Fixed PKCS function so SSL returns True when loaded again [*] 2006-09-28: IPv6 tested [+] 2006-09-28: SIP - ENUM tested, %= Replace URI flag tested [+] 2006-09-28: SIP - Replace number flags added - %= - Replace URI - Replaces URI and does not use rule as target (URI is updated only), suitable to replace 00 prefix to + etc., tested, config replace popup updated [+] 2006-09-28: SIP - ENUM (E164 number mapping) implemented, RFC3761, tested [+] 2006-09-28: Config - Antispam - Bayes - Auto learn - Slider controls added, tested [*] 2006-09-28: CalDAV - Mozilla Calendar - Mozilla team fixed DELETE bug as instructed by IceWarp [+] 2006-09-27: Config - SIP - Advanced - Use Telephone/E164 Number Mapping (ENUM) option added, Use extended DNS lookup (NAPTR and SRV) option added [+] 2006-09-27: SIP - ENUM option added, API updated [+] 2006-09-27: Config - List view management - Auto creation popup menu based on list view buttons added, all list views have a popup menu (use right mouse click), (Filters, Services, about 30 different lists, statistics views, etc.), tested [+] 2006-09-27: Config - Mail archive - Multiple items Delete support added, same items add banned, tested, multiple items add support added [*] 2006-09-27: Config - Server migration - Manual migration updated, reports changed [+] 2006-09-26: Config - Open file menu item - FileMustExist flag removed, kept in other areas, allows the admin to open and edit any file (even on the remote server) [+] 2006-09-26: IM - New namespace (xmlns) merak:iq:sip added, with the support to dial via SIP (refer call) <dial><value>+123456</value></dial> (set method), tested, it is possible to request a SIP call via jabber protocol now [*] 2006-09-26: Config - Status - Spam - Intrusion preventsion - Load data - wait for service flush added, tested, tarpit SaveFile - file deleted if no records present [*] 2006-09-26: Logs - Rotation exceeding index 99 problem fixed, log index continues to grow [+] 2006-09-25: Message encryption completed, message priority completed [+] 2006-09-25: SMTP - Testing message priority, encryption and other new features [+] 2006-09-25: Config - Content filter, New action - Set message priority added, tested, Normal priority defaults to regex "^3$|^$" (header can be blank or 3) [+] 2006-09-25: Config - Content filter, Priority header dialog added and implemented, tested [+] 2006-09-25: Config - Content filter, Edit headers dialog updated [+] 2006-09-25: Config - Content filter and BW - Priority condition added, order of conditions and actions updated [+] 2006-09-25: BW and CF - Support for message priority added, SMTP recipient attribute implemented, tested [+] 2006-09-25: Encrypt message - All X- headers added to the encrypted message along with other main headers, tested [+] 2006-09-25: Encrypt message - implemented, tested, requires the presence of public cert.pem in the user's mailbox, tested for memory leaks [+] 2006-09-25: Content filter - Encrypt message - Recipient attributes integrated [*] 2006-09-24: CalDAV - Tested the latest Mozilla Calendar project, submitted 2 new bugs to their bugzilla [*] 2006-09-24: Config - Auto responders - Redesigned [*] 2006-09-24: Config - Auto responders - Default to user's mailbox, responder file left blank, tested [*] 2006-09-24: Control - Auto responder webmail api updated [*] 2006-09-24: SMTP - Auto responder - If responder file blank then - mailbox path responder.dat file is used, tested, responders are stored in user's mailbox - responder.dat file, old compatibility preserved [*] 2006-09-24: SMTP - MTA - Initial server response awlays check - an error results in automatic step to next MX record, used to work like that only with the option "Use relay server if delivery failed", tested [+] 2006-09-23: Config - Logs - Log cache - Flush functionality added, all services have a new message FlushLogs, logging system updated to support flushing [+] 2006-09-23: Config - Logs - Maintenance view support added [+] 2006-09-23: Upgrade functions - Checks if webserver.dat contains support for .php extensions, if not it is added, tested [+] 2006-09-22: Config - BW and CF - Encrypt message - new action added, tested [*] 2006-09-22: SMTP - Recipient attributes - Flags attribute added - Encrypt bit support [*] 2006-09-22: Rules - Support for new Encrypt "E" flag added, examples updated [*] 2006-09-22: Rules - Move to folder enabled for Domain rules too (use with caution) [*] 2006-09-22: Config - Statistics - Logs - updated - new Reload button added, Clear (clears displayed item in memo), Refresh (appends new log lines to memo), Load/Reload (reloads all logs to memo), counters updated, tested [*] 2006-09-22: Maintenance logs - Domain creation - only one log line, previous 2 lines removed [+] 2006-09-21: SMIME class development - Sign, Encrypt, Decrypt methods finished and tested [*] 2006-09-21: BW - Move/Copy to folder - %%extension%% replaced internally with %%extensionnosep%%, tested, use instead of direct mailbox delivery [*] 2006-09-21: System Variable - %%extensionnosep%% new variable added, %%extension%% contains the extension separator [*] 2006-09-21: IMAP - FETCH part - Part processing updated - part added if not firstpart or not multipart, tested with multiple message types [+] 2006-09-21: Config - Backup - Backup now button and functionality added, tested [*] 2006-09-21: Config - User - Auto responder - Message To field disabled [*] 2006-09-21: Config - Flush logs button removed [*] 2006-09-20: SMIME class development [*] 2006-09-20: Domain management updated - Domain deletion hash map updated, small updates [*] 2006-09-20: API - Domain management - Thread locking added [*] 2006-09-19: Config - Message queue - Custom folder in IMAP mailbox display items problem fixed [+] 2006-09-17: Config - SIP - Redial number control added [+] 2006-09-17: SIP - Redial last caller/callee number feature implemented, parses the user mailbox call logs (2 months back), API updated [*] 2006-09-17: SIP - Call logs - Call-ID added, User mailbox call logs - All targets/group members logged - IN/OUT properly set, easily retrieved last caller and last callee, tested [*] 2006-09-17: SIP - CallsClass rewritten to HashClass, tested [+] 2006-09-17: SIP - Location service rewritten to HashClass, all aliases mapped as hash keys including primary domain and domain aliases (if logged in via domain alias account), calls can be made from domain alias accounts to primary accounts and vice versa, tested, expiration updated [+] 2006-09-16: Connector - Groupware link/id attachments support added (Outlook embedded objects) [+] 2006-09-16: Connector - Dial via Groupware to SIP feature implementation [*] 2006-09-16: Spamassassin - SORBS scores disabled [+] 2006-09-16: tool - Support for group delete added (delete account * and such), accounts, remote accounts and domains, tested [*] 2006-09-15: IMAP - FETCH parts properly working - RFC822 and recurrent parts supported, tested [*] 2006-09-15: Config - ODBC - Creating new tables - all db connections released (including local gui connections) [*] 2006-09-15: Config - Accounts - Domains - Domain keys - Canonicalization removed - default to "nofws" method [*] 2006-09-15: Config - Antispam - Score tracker - option change trigger problem fixed [*] 2006-09-15: Antispam - Body rule scores updated - less sensitive [*] 2006-09-13: Active directory sync - defaults to 5 minutes, interval variable published to the API, sync thread can be only one and checking added, API updated [*] 2006-09-12: Groupware - Attachments list API - returns AttName field properly [*] 2006-09-11: IMAP - BODYSTRUCTURE - message/rfc822 structure updated and compared [*] 2006-09-11: Groupware - If used path.dat with GroupwarePath - calendar.xml still used from the original directory, tested [*] 2006-09-11: Connector - Context menu - Popup item research, got working with O2000 and above, tested [+] 2006-09-11: Groupware - API - Attachments - AttParams new field support added [+] 2006-09-11: DNSClass - Server responses 02 - Failure, 05 - Refused treated as if the server did not respond and next DNS server is tried [+] 2006-09-09: SIP - Call forwarding feature completed, tested [+] 2006-09-09: SIP - Target away status implemented, multiple targets support added, response sent once more to the server to process multiple targets properly, tested [+] 2006-09-09: SIP - Number maintenance feature implementation - Server receives call and finishes it right away [+] 2006-09-09: Config - SIP - Call Forwarding implemented [+] 2006-09-09: SIP - Completely redesigned rules, renamed to call forwarding, changed XML structure, updated GUI, tested [*] 2006-09-09: SIP - Prefix condition function supports string masks (%) too [+] 2006-09-09: Config - SIP - External host - Get button added, reads IP from [+] 2006-09-09: Config - SIP - Local host - Drop down with local IPs added [*] 2006-09-09: Config - Icons added for SIP, server and db migration [*] 2006-09-09: Config - Accounts - Mailing list - Listfile disabled if Source other than text file, tested [+] 2006-09-09: Config - Spam queues - Subject of the message displayed [+] 2006-09-09: Antispam - Quarantine - Subject of the message inserted into database [+] 2006-09-09: Antispam - Database - SndSubject field added, upgrade functions updated, default access db updated, getlist SndSubject returned, add item Subject parameter added [*] 2006-09-08: Config - Antispam - Tracker position - config change event generated [*] 2006-09-08: System - db.dll library loaded if SpamAutoAdd enabled, updated and tested [*] 2006-09-08: Config - Status - Spam queues - Deliver button enabled state updated [+] 2006-09-08: Groupware - API - GetAttachmentList function updated, non mandatory parameter AttName added, updated documentation [+] 2006-09-08: Config - Status - Spam queues - New Whitelist tab added, displayed Authorized sessions, Quarantine displayed pending sessions only, Deliver button and support added, tested [*] 2006-09-08: Config - List duplicate checking added - Web and FTP service [*] 2006-09-08: Config - GW and SIP help IDs mapped [*] 2006-09-08: Antispam - Quarantine - Message placed in quarantine - spam action always updated [+] 2006-09-08: Config - Access mode dialog and labels updated [+] 2006-09-08: Antispam - Auto white list is not related to quarantine option any more and can be used separately, if quarantine disabled and message spam white list db will be checked, whitelist option renamed and forced to False for all installations, requires manual set to be switched on [+] 2006-09-08: Config - Antispam - Restructured, ODBC moved to General, Auto white list moved to action, added tracker controls [*] 2006-09-08: Groupware - GetGroupAccessRights - FullControl flag reset [+] 2006-09-08: Groupware - API - DialSIPNumber new function added, updated documentation, tested via PHP [+] 2006-09-08: API - SIPReferCall added and linked to PIPE called [+] 2006-09-08: IM - Pipe server and handler created, new PIPE function SIPReferCall [+] 2006-09-08: SIP - Call dialer finished, (dial and transfer call to your SIP client from a 3rd party tool (webmail, outlook, jabbin, api)) [+] 2006-09-08: SIP - Call REFER initiated from server's SIP tool implementation, user can initiate a call from (webmail, outlook) which will be referred/transfered to his SIP phone automatically, tested, (implementation: server makes a new dialog to the owner of the call, once a dialog is established a refer is passed to the new number, the old call is closed) [*] 2006-09-07: Config - SIP - Gateway - Replace number popup menu functionality updated [*] 2006-09-07: Config - Account - few labels updated [*] 2006-09-07: BW - CheckSMTPFinalBW - GetLocalAccount with TryFind used, tested [*] 2006-09-07: SMTP - RCPT TO - GetLocalAccount with TryFind used (uses limits and functions of the catchall account if account not exists), tested [*] 2006-09-07: System - GetLocalAccount method - new TryFind boolean parameter - tries to find account if Domain catchall type [*] 2006-09-07: IMAP - BODYSTRUCTURE - message/rfc822 structure updated, compliant with RFC, tested [*] 2006-09-06: IMAP - Support for obs-mbox-list obsolete mailbox "email (comment)" added RFC2822, tested [+] 2006-09-06: SIP - Call logs - Real callee added to the log output - incoming calls over gateway contained a different (gateway account id) To address, if call is established the final To logged will be the real account who accepted the call, tested [+] 2006-09-06: Config - Accounts - List server - Auto fill up list server file added [+] 2006-09-06: Config - SIP - Gateways and Rules - Replace button helper added [+] 2006-09-06: SIP - SIPReplace completely rewritten and updated, variables: %^ - prefix, %& - remainder, %* - original, tested, example: prefix: "1", replace: "%&56", number: "1234", result: "23456" [*] 2006-09-06: SIP - Rules - Escape string match updated, * string masks should use % instead as * is a usable character in phone numbers, tested [*] 2006-09-06: SIP - Gateway - Prefix check - Method updated, tested [+] 2006-09-06: SIP - Log user calls - implemented, tested [+] 2006-09-06: Config - SIP - Log user calls new option added, API updated, icewarpphp updated [+] 2006-09-06: System - Header / Footer management - Completely rewritten - does not alter MIME structure, finds proper message parts and updates them, tested mixed, alternative and none parts, does not break visibility in Outlook and solves all issues [+] 2006-09-06: System - Mail libraries - WriteHeader method - Encodes headers with UTF8 if extended ascii, inserts ContetType with charset encoding where possible, utf8, tested with auto responder and others [+] 2006-09-06: Config - Message dialog - charset encoding UTF8 applied [+] 2006-09-06: Config - Accounts - Mailing list - Join/Leave file - Message dialog support added [+] 2006-09-06: List server - Confirm, Join, Leave, Help files support for system variables added [+] 2006-09-06: Config - Accounts - Notification - Message dialog support added, previous controls removed [+] 2006-09-06: Config - Accounts - List server - Members support added, tested [*] 2006-09-05: System - Maintenance logging - Instant logging applied although cache is set, tested [*] 2006-09-05: Groupware - Socket connections not allowed if not licensed, webmail or pipe access is still possible with limited functionality (sharing capabilities are disabled) [+] 2006-09-05: Config - Content filters - Proper folder name displayed using UTF7 decode function, tested [+] 2006-09-05: Config - Rules - Move / Copy to folder IMAPUTF7 decoding applied, UTF7 folders displayed properly [*] 2006-09-05: IMAP libraries - IMAPUTF7Decode function implemented, tested [*] 2006-09-05: Setup - File copy error - RetryCancel buttons used [*] 2006-09-05: SMTP - MDA - Message size still checked in the SMTP MTA [*] 2006-09-05: Config - DNS query test - fail over system supported [*] 2006-09-05: BayesClass - MaxWords option implemented, spam.dat max words set to 100000 [*] 2006-09-05: Config - Mail service - Delivery - Header functions option hidden [*] 2006-09-05: Config - Accounts - Domain - Directory service - Backup host label updated [*] 2006-09-05: Config - DB migration - CR renamed to Quarantine [+] 2006-09-05: SIP - Call transfer tested, RTP proxy tested, usage of REFER with replace Call-ID feature [+] 2006-09-05: SIP - Conferences tested, RTP proxy tested, every call in a conference uses a different Call-ID [*] 2006-09-04: Accounts - AD sync - Local account list - non DB mode - auth mode value checked in FS too, tested [+] 2006-09-04: Config - Global settings - Account list display mode - Email, Alias, Name new option added, implemented, tested [+] 2006-09-04: Accounts - Domain Active Directory synchronization - Groups support added, tested, group members - rights remain when group members change, tested [*] 2006-09-04: SMTP - Max recipients handling updated [*] 2006-09-04: Accounts - Domain Active Directory synchronization, testing, first beta version available, synchronization from AD to mail server, deletion of mail server accounts not found on AD, if domain name set then Auth value updated with full email address of the user [+] 2006-09-04: Accounts - Domain Active Directory synchronization feature implemented [+] 2006-09-04: Config - Domain - Active Directory - Test connection implemented [+] 2006-09-04: Config - Domain - Active Directory tab implemented, save/load, enable/disable, remote connection support, tested [*] 2006-09-04: Spamassassin - revised, bayes scores updated [+] 2006-09-02: API - Quarantine management support added, icewarpphp updated, RPC supported, docs updated [+] 2006-09-02: Groupware - New debug logging format used - split to 2 records - Request and Response, response contains result, length and number of records returned, tested [+] 2006-09-01: Groupware - Session expiration timer added, tested [+] 2006-09-01: IM - Completely rewritten Session class management - HashTableClass used, optimized performance, tested [*] 2006-09-01: IM - All functions returning list - updated to ListClass or StringListClass [*] 2006-09-01: Setup - File copy error behavior updated, lets you retry or cancel the installation [+] 2006-09-01: System - Message queue API - support for UsersFolder type added, tested delete, list and others from Config [+] 2006-09-01: Config - Message queue - Mailbox folders - Dynamically loaded and listed all mailbox of the user ondropdown, tested [+] 2006-08-31: Groupware - Session management updated, converted to ExpireHashObjectClass, tested [+] 2006-08-31: Config - User - Responder - Responder message dialog created and implemented, tested [+] 2006-08-31: POP3 - New multiple mailboxes feature introduced, if mailbox contains popmailbox.dat file with a relative path of additional paths then messages in all of the paths will be returned in the pop3 session, tested with imap and pop3 and multiple paths/mailboxes [*] 2006-08-31: Config - AntiSpam - Auto index genuine message if trusted session option implemented [*] 2006-08-31: AntiSpam - Auto index genuine message if trusted session option implemented [*] 2006-08-31: Config - Filter labels - Spam score and Bayes score labels updated [+] 2006-08-31: Config - SMTP - Security - Advanced - Use global level POP before SMTP option added [*] 2006-08-31: Config - Access mode - List accounts - Quarantine support added, tested [*] 2006-08-31: Setup - Copies license.txt to doc folder [*] 2006-08-31: IMAP - Proper IMAP FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE for rfc822 parts, RFC compliant [*] 2006-08-30: SMTP - Message undeliverable warning - support for disabled value with 0 added [+] 2006-08-30: Bypass system - Support for DNSWL added, examples updated, you can specify DNSWL server to bypass features based on the sender's IP, tested [*] 2006-08-30: POP Before SMTP - Global mode tested [+] 2006-08-30: Config - SIP - Record-route usage option removed [+] 2006-08-30: POP Before SMTP - Global mode support added, supports global IP authentication storage, API variable support added [*] 2006-08-30: Config - Find account dialog - Support for * added, tested also with ODBC [*] 2006-08-30: Antispam - Index - index field renamed to X-Spam-IndexStatus [+] 2006-08-30: Antispam - Bayes - Index as genuine if outgoing message new option added, message balance updated, bypassed messages indexed too [+] 2006-08-30: Config - Antispam - Bayes - Updated, Index as genuine if outgoing message new option added [*] 2006-08-30: BayesianClass - Custom db merged with server db on fly [*] 2006-08-30: PHP - IMAP ext compilation in VC 6.0 - does not require msvcr80.dll, msvcr80.dll removed from PHP setup files, tested [*] 2006-08-29: IMAP - BODYSTRUCTURE - unlimited length of header attributes added, tested [*] 2006-08-29: SMTP - Mailbox quota check - Applied only during the RCPT TO command, tested [*] 2006-08-29: PHP - msvcr80.dll included by default (IMAP extension compiled with VS2005) [*] 2006-08-29: SMTP - Greylisting - Proper handling of unknown local accounts which are accepted as recipients [+] 2006-08-29: Web server, FTP server - W3C log format completely settable [+] 2006-08-29: Web server, FTP server - W3C logging, field management added, LOGFORMAT XML option tag added, specifies the order of fields available, automatic transformation for w3c logging, any order and number of fields can be used, tested, FTP logging - Date item support added by not in default log string [*] 2006-08-29: Config - lang.xml - <?lang tag can be located on the 2nd line of the file [+] 2006-08-29: tool - backup/restore support added, tool create backup filename, tool import backup filename [*] 2006-08-29: tool - Help display updated [+] 2006-08-29: tool - -filter support for 'like not' added - tool -filter="u_name like not '%john%'" .... [+] 2006-08-29: tool - -remote parameter can contain filename (if "," not present), -remote="filepath" [*] 2006-08-29: tool - Support for "tool search domain" and similar added [*] 2006-08-28: Config - Spam queues - Status drop down - Left only Pending, Accept and All, Domain field added [+] 2006-08-28: Antivirus - Max message size implemented [+] 2006-08-28: Config - Antivirus - Max message size - new option added, API updated, tested [*] 2006-08-28: Antispam - Auto white list - Access mode - Sender is used instead of the Recipient [+] 2006-08-28: Content Filter - Remove header support for * convetion added, SpamAssassin - Remove all X-Spam* headers used, tested [+] 2006-08-28: System - RemoveHeader - Header match substring support (* convention) support added [+] 2006-08-28: System - Trusted IPs - Support for hostnames added, DNS query applied and test is made, tested with anti-relaying options [*] 2006-08-28: SMTP - Relaying - Domain IP shielding - Domains without specified IPs result in closed relay session [*] 2006-08-28: SMTP - ETRN queue - Retry intervals disabled [*] 2006-08-28: Config - Antispam - Outgoing messages labels updated [*] 2006-08-28: Config - BW dialog - New item - Default reject action and no condition set [*] 2006-08-28: PHP - IMAP extension - imap_fetch_fast new function implemented, returns flags and size only, php notes.txt updated, officially used [*] 2006-08-28: IMAP - FETCH - RFC822.SIZE index size returned instead of actual file size [*] 2006-08-28: Antispam - Quarantine db upgrade restructure problem fixed [*] 2006-08-27: Config - Localization - Application title